THE BEE: OMAIL, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1011. WANT ADS AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued.) BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued. J BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued ) BUSINESS PERSONALS HELP WANTED FEMALE want ad rTtlvrl at any time but to Insure rrorwr cla-Aiflratlon nuil N" prcnrntr1 before 12 o'clock m. for ihf cvrnlng rvlitlon .and befor T:0 p. m. for morn I ne and Runday Mll tlon. Want ail rerfirrd after url hours will hare liieir flrt Insertion under the heading "Too I-ate. to laairj." CASH fUTFS FOU WAXT APS. REOUtAR CLASSIFICATION On Insertion 1 t rent per word and 1 rent per word for each tuhfienuent Insertion. Karh Insertion ma'le on odd daj-i 1 4 rent per word. $1.50 per line per month. Rate apply to either Th Pallr or Bnndar Itw. Alway count alx word o a line. Want ads for The Be mar be left t any of the following (Inn store one your "corner druggist ' tney re all branch office for The Bee and yonr ad will be Inverted just a promptly and on the Hunt rate aa at the maJn office In The Bee building, seremteenth and Farnatn streets! Albeh, W. C, 40th nd Frrm. Paum Drug Co.. 231 N. lth St. Peranek, . A . lrl 8. lit li tst Peneon Pharmscv, Pennon, Neb P-emls Piirk Pharmacv, 1M and Oimrng P!k-Frdlh. !W Kherman Ave. Clifton Mill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ava tiuinim, (;. it.. 47s. LMvmwonn. Cn-sy Pharmacy. 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmaev. 2223 f 16th St. frmk, Emll, i:4-4 B- 13th fit. Fhler A Co., iri Leavenworth. Fmiw Arnoldl, 213 N 2fth Bt. Freyta. J. J , 1M4 N. 24th t. Frtffr Drug Co., it N. lMh Bt. Florence Drug Co.. Florence. Neh. Green a Pharmacy. Perk Ave. & Pacific. Oreenoush A Co., Vfi 8. 10th Bt. GreenoiiKh A Co , 10th and Hickory. Goldman Pharmacy. 24th 4k Leavenworth Johaneon Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. Johnson Pharmacy, 2W0 Farnam. Hsnecom Park Phar., lvn 8. 2Mb Ave. Hlntsrlong Drug Co. 31M Ave. & Far Hol-t, John. 4 B. lth lit. Huff. A. L.. 2!24 Leavenworth. Kln, H. B., 34th and Farnarn. Kountie Place Pharmacy. iUri N. 14th. Lathrop Pharmacy, 24th and Hamilton. Maree, Fred U, 201 Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, Kid & Amei Ave. isrug to., lt2 Nurtn Z4tn hi. Saratoga Drug Bo., 24th and Ame Ave. Bchaefer' Cut Price Btore. 16th A Chi. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4Hh Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. LODGB NOTICES. I Attention. Eaalee. Monater tag social Thureday evening. V30 )thl week In the aerie rooma. 1410 Jlnrney. Refreshments and fun galore. Hrlng your friend. C. a Huntington, secretary. BIRTHS AXD DEATHS. Birth a Bam and Rose Falman, 1148 flvorth Twentieth street, boy; John and Carrie Hannerneck. Twenty-eights atreet and Elllaton arwiue, girl; Thomaa and Catherine McConlln, 1444 North Seven teenth street, boy; Bam and Edna Watt, r,2l North Thirtieth etreet. boy. Death Keut Lundgren, Immanual hospital. 67 year; ICdna Nelson. t. Jos eph hospital, 2 year; Amelln Hoyle, 1244 South Thlrty-aeoond atreet, 77 year; Mil lard Thomaa, county hospital, 2? years. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, dr- mbalmer, 1614 Chicago BU O. lfcs. u-i& MONEY TO LOAN LOW rata. In auma to iii t n j . , i , - ihui, K mint UNION LOAN CU win vu4f, 4a4, Uomlara photo, atudlo, 11 Bo. 14th Bt, B. . Water oement eon. UU N. 20. W. 6701 Mourning hata, U day. Eck, i;g Leay, Edlaon 'phone reo. Ghuita Br; i4ut far. I PAl'fcRUANGtKB uee Bnowfiake paate lOmaha I'aate Co.. 7 J B. Ijih. Butn pouuee. 'Twenty per rent lese than Omaha Diioea HOMK FUKNl'i Ultcl Cu Tventy-touita and L Bia., bouin Omaha. FVERY pereon know who r. J O Briwn 1 because he haa' made Omaha famoua with hie candy. It Mr. J H Mctiulra, fA Parker Bt., will come to The Be offlc within three haya we will give her an order tor a 0-ctii box of o'lirlen a candy free. Harpater. paper hanging, paint g. R, ilui. C. A. Lew la, Orpheum Buffet. 1V lUr. . H. Col Sign Co. D, rsa. ism Farnam laggard Van 4k Storage. Pack, move. tore and ahip H. ki. guoqa. Lt. m, n.4lt ' Linotype twmpoaltlon for trad. D. 842. illaa Bulen, ladle' tailor. Hui Boaton a tor FROST manufacture and repair ve tklcie. 14US-H1. LeaveuwonU. Plug. ia n. iiLh at. YOU'LL alway be bappyTf your wed dlug ring co m Iroru Biodugurd', Hi b. 1iUi at. At the aigu ul lue crown. DCLGLAg Prlntlt,g Co.. Tel. Doug. ML GET your diamonda at urodegaard a. Neb. Beed Co., to Jones. Both phonea AMERICAN Belf-henovating Co, H. m C E. 6ml ih. att'y at law. iiii Ue. u. 11. tagl shooting Gal.ry, luib and Dougla. BOILER, abeet lion and tank work, Omaha Structural Steel Work. Cpbolatering. piano, turn. rep. Sua Far. K. FEINGOLD, ladlee' tailor, announces his return from tlie rest tmv..!.i, line of largest and bri Inipoiteu lauiwj' eood. pur a higli clas au't, ae me; jr c i ii.; guar, iui a. ua. li. ojm. lud. A 2vu. l.uutf LETTERHEAD god bond pa- rer, l.ouo biliheaO. l.uuu ouina caiaa. pel l.tMl, eatiinate and samples mr biahttd, other prlntiug. ii.aiu t'uoiiiig Co., UJ sarnain. Office Stationery Exclusive ljlkl 1. MB KOTERA t LEAHY CO.. Tel. Liu leou. New address, iii Bouth lith sUeec MOVING picture machines; supplies Nebraska Film Co.. Lils Fainam. Wedding aanouocementa. Douglaa Ptg M. F. Morrill, tb na paint. tJ3 brandela Th BEBT bracer for men. Gray's Nerve rooa ruts, li per oox. prepaiu. tilienuan at aacconueu urug co. Neb, LOMATCH. toola 6th and Lea7enworth. GOLD AND BILVER PLATIM3 Caa fixturea, brara kds, stoe trimmings wui uuii.nt lepteieu as new, OMAHA PLATING CO. rtabllshod 1-5B1. Doug. ItM. Ujy Harney Van Gordon'a horse, dog hospital. siuN. ; AUTOMOBILES honk;hhonk HEKE B THE BEBT PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND Uth and Harney Bta Auto lamp repUred. Omaha Silver Co. FOR SALE -pmrr Btnddard-Day. ton, to eacellrnt condui in. Hartley 1V17. Ji'INTiTiE AUTO CO. ft?. AUTO BAKOA1N8 IN L'BED CAKa ' PFEIFFl'R Auto' "TUge painting JiMflliU Hepalnng. Mb Leae. WHOLL8ALB price on oil. Doug. Kf. DR1SCOLL. auto painting. N. 15th. TIRES I OMAHA Rl'HBER COM- ANY. Lverytning la bher. J H. Dritcnll, auto painting. N. lth OOOD auto truck for lot or, what have you? tk-'J Brandela Dldg. Doug. 14. LION rare do mnet work for leaet money. It. B. Held. 434 Brandela llldg BUSINESS CHANCES io get in oi out ol buuice cail on JAMjbBlAJJ, U4 Bee iliu. lei. U.,H For bale itltu.. .n e.ip ooiialtlna vuola au eioi.A. uwi uuu eiiU kua. (.aLOil. V In evil leauuwii e i Win. . j ft U wU a .A. II. A. 1,1, .M FOK BALt-Meat niutket and gruui coniuiuea iu e uit oi auuul i.o;, in unu oi trie Ucel uouiiiitit in iNtjuiAena. eeie e'.uuu li jrrel. 4u.ii a eui umi Duei neea. guou oioi .uiui iui- r.Qi nun. rlUMioi tot um. nava otnef buat uesa inieiee.e. v m euil uiuet maiaat aepaxate. u preieirvu. Aauiuee t am, caie oi the lie. LAHUfc. bunuing lot uk or rent, euit eule lot novui. ,imuuiei.iut ine ol' muj uki.vl bueiiieea,. auuivjb iui a, t:aier, Ae. 1'Ott gioueiy siure aaa uwiiuue, dM ifvek.uD . iwueb iimav m Una e. aHte. fun bAiayliefciauiiuii, (loin- goou oueinaa. owriter lime ulnur buanu.eit. AU oit a tli. atee. fcOTTLINU PLANT Cheap lor caao. la gou4 luwo in ventral vuia, Bi Lieue, mm leiinoiy. Auaiui a im, urn A FIV k.-CHAlH baioer aitup for Bate; fcood location aua goou oueincee. jbueet illuH, Li nt iiwl ailu Led, B. U. e-CtlAlH auup, uviue ivuue U e4, bee 14TH ST. BUSINESS at REAL JEBTATU EALllartUa CO. tiaidwaie, grocere. uotel, povi ruome, bai'oer enup, M.ooa, etc., for aale; aoiu goou ui iuiu in real eelaie. ii a. 14m at., mouuu . iuoi, loom i and 1 a.d hoioeiy, i rtaiueni. BUSINESS AND INVEST MENT Auto serine, iumciiuiu ahoD and run. nlng buaineae. alio building occupied and two frame noueea it uteueu. iuia la a great opportunity tor euine one. Be J. W. UAbr L'U. b8y lititnuel vlaa. B-CAUT1KUL1-A luruiba X room bouM p.u-uuru, ipitsndid loc4v4iuu WsViiitatf ax " a-.- aw w .will wv a ha . 1 1 r ar man In iavall auian!Uhel UT AKITIi'h Vatiitiir man a IaU .ex a aa niieila a rift una With ri f f lf avnaiiunnd L-reierred. b l&i, B, a a -- - awv. w ai iiiai g k everything new; good location. Aadreaa 1 a, cm e xv. FOR BALE City Pool parlor: a anan for oaah; other bualnea. W. L. BaaeetL, ioiirvuie. FOR BALK Confectionery and lunch room. Fin opening for home bakery. nam cneap. j iiuue iiarney aia. FIRBT-CLAMti boarding houa. wnnA location, for aale. For Information 'prion Y abater 214. FOR a dainty deaaert ua Daliell'a ice cream. If Mr. E. M. Jennlnga, Sin Wb aier bu, win come to i he Be offlc within three day w will glv her an order for a quart brick of thla flu lea cream. RESTAt'RANT for sal, good location. cheap. 1U3 Leavenworth. BUSINESS PERSONALS Aeoaetla Com pa a lee. GENERAL Acouatto company; Instru ments for th deaf. 4fi Orn. Nat. Bank. Accountant. MELVILLE D. THOMAS, U01 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Am me ate. BEFORE and after th show visit th 0LYMP1A for lc cream and candle. Architect. C. J. BowelU architect. 671 Brandela Bldg. Arteatan Walla. L. B. NEBEROALL. 10U-U City Nat l. Aaphalt, Gravel and Hooflnc MICA ROOFING CU.. 108 8. 10th. Attorney. Q. W. Shield, attorney. 127 B of Trad. LIB ION L. HALL. LAWYER. 4x6 Be. Bag; Maaafaolarara. EEM18 OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha. Neb. Uagaaa and Taaleabe. THE ONLY WAli. Eaiisie vhix'ked to destination Ta il ea ba and touring cars Tel. iuuglaa M. TAX1CABB. U an hour. D. 176. Bakerlee. TIP-TOP bread th best. Webster 1036. A. B. COK08, baasry. Webetar 6141. UuMaBilC bakery; quality. Ho Cuming. Barber Shop. FIRST-CLASS barber sbop. a N. 16th. Be Bldg. barber shop, tonsorial arusta Doc. 8. B. Bteaart. balr cutung. 217 o.Uta Ideal Lady Barber Shop. W. O. W. bldg, Building and Loss Association. NEBRASKA Savings A Loan Associa tion bas uever paid teea thea per ceat divideuda. Invemuienis from 11 i tuiM rivelved. loui Parnaiu St., uiuana. Ulcyclea sad Metoreyolee. IndUn alutoiocle. Wilt fur catalogue. Ulil OMAHA BUI Posticg Co.. Douglas Jul. trd Stare. i . BIRDB. dogs, gold fish, csgea Max Geisler toild lei: is roam ( Boa nod I'nckag Manalactarara. Wooden Box A Package Co.. lait N. Uta, Carpenter aad Contraeture. W. P. Deverell. cuun actor, liauig Bid. feceveusun. cajpeiuer. cuut. Both phonea A- Luiborg. caipenter. conn actor. t. ..i. Carpets, Hag aad Draper lee. J. H- tkreutt A Sob Co.. Uth A Farnam. Caterere. E. 6. Feed, wedding cake. Ltl Leav'h. thlropaaUl and MnnUarlag. Da ROT, chlropodiat. 1606 Farnam. Monllfeit thlropodiat. manicuriag. iUUUiieil iia..r Jrei.g. Lair voou! CUV Nat I Bank. Dwugia s&w. lad. V'tri. Prot 1. Lund, chropodiat, ill Karbach. Tracy Rro. Co., lilt Doug!. La Truda cign-grgo Havana. re-ie-Ce cigar, ac THE Sanitary Crown Pip, lli a, lufh Monopol Cigar Btor. Her Orand Hotel Cleaaere aa4 Clolbee Ore re. INORAMAN'B fiultoiium, til 8. 20th. I) ia87. Full dreaa aulu tor rant. Cloth tag Maaafactarara. Wear Ideal dreaa ehirta. U. E. feral Lh Ca Coal Dealer a, Pewera-Heafey Coal Co., Tel. D. M. Sutter Feed Coal Co., 2mi Far. H. fee, COAL At cut prlcea AM K1NDB. We av you boo to 11 M uei ton. ' The Home o. lUu.....B t.ui Pi ice coal Co.. Vlli .MCuoiue eu Uot;, pnonea Cpdlk "quniity yd.," 46 A Dodge. H. U. NEW coal yard. 24th and Grand Ava uenit E CObb Coal Co. W. Ul. REEDER COO KINO COAX, LET ME TELL You ABuof IT D. WO. C. A. W EBTEKF1ELD. A-1U. C 8. Johnaon, coal. UUi laard. I phonaa. 16 COAL. He good, try Ik Aak Webeter eta. narnion at vui. OH! you Paradla Coall Th money aaver. Jeff W. Bedford Co. Both Phonea COAL HILL for economical coal phone ua; both plionca. Caff, Tea, Sploea aund Sagar. Moyun Tea Co.. 408 N. 16. Both phonea Creaaeelee, Datrlee and gaapllaa. Milk, cream. Fr-tnll-lao. Alamlto. D. 4LL Fairmont' Diadem butter. Alway good. DAVID COLE CKEAMEKY COMPANY Douglaa Co. Milk Producer Aaao. D-Mll ELGLN Sanitary Dairy. Epperaon Broa, proprietor. Collection Ageaclea. RITESKLL ADJUSTMENT CO jsi.u First National Bank. Douglaa 7S6, JOtiKPH P. Ct'LLEN. collection. r,f .11 kind. 12pl City Nat 1 bank. D. i710, A-4464. CompatlaaT Soalee Compmay. 4JQNET Weight Bcale Co. 1117 Farnam. CARTER Steel Metal Work. Omaha. Dancing- Academic. ,r VI ,rv Coll'B CluaaflH anil a u. 1. 1 , - reopen at Cieighton luauiui hall, din sti ma. on Tueaoay, Oct. la xl. VV. b0. Turptn . 6 Paxton BIk. Clae Mon" Wd. and Bat. Pnv. lun daily, u. km. Vlorand W, 15 A Harney. Dancina ihi. Monday and Friday, p. m. Boto phooee. Maokl' Dancing Academy. U16 Ham. Deny claeee Mon.. Xnura, Mat. evening.' Chamber reopen Beat. 26. Dou. ujl. MISS EBTHEK KOBiilTER'8 achool or danolng. Metropolitan club, 244 Harney 8u; aaeembllea every Friday evening, t n. ra Phone Douglaa 2067. Oaataata. Bailer, the dentut. 706 City NatL D. 2S8. Taft' dental room. 1617 Doug. D. ma. MACH A MACH. Id (I. Paxton. D. ltai. DR. FICKE8, 724-6 City Nat I Bk. Bldg. DK H. A. J-OBTER, 19th and Douglaa. DR. DA I LEY. 601 Brand! Bldg. D. 72A, Dr. GsanUiar. over Merchant' ig. ator Dr. O.A. Osantner, 719-22 City Nat, D. 6837. DR. WILLIAMS. tUA-tl-i-i Brandela Bdg DR. ELBTER. 602 City Nat I Bk. Bldg. Dr. H. W. Allwlne, N. E. Cor. lttth A Doug. Drcwaisklag, LADIES Tailoring, gowna and dreasea Miasea Williams aud Oddway returned ironi abroad. Xii N. Apartment .' Terry' Drmaklng College, Aith A Far, Plain aewlng, reasonable. 3U 8. 26, upstair Dressmaking, plain sewing, euv B. 21st BL SEWING by th uay. Harney 6222, THOROUGHLY experienced drsa- oiaker wauieu; sewing by lue day. aiis H. Ludwig, li N. lath bt, Urngalate. REX Drug Store. ltb and California. Pur Drug. Criasay Phar., 4ih A Lake. Detectives. Omaha secret service detective agency. inc. bondeo. Js-k Pax Ion Bk. D. 1J1, A-isi CAPT. T. COKMAC'K. Ui Karbach Blic J AS. ALLAN, Neville Blk. Tyler llie. Everything svleutrloal. ' Central Electrlo Co.. fixtures. D. 2X. SECOND-HAND ELECT1UC FANB. uuiuo. igniung oyuaiuoa, uioiora, 1 . pairs. Leattou. U o. lta v. Doua. lUii Hextnun Elecutcei Co. IX LM. lis B. liux, Burgeas-Granden Co., liil Howard. D. 6U. a,ieciita Lfciiuug tlx. wuoiesaie and retail. U. J. CCHHAN, wiring. D. sm. Flortsta. A. Donah ua 101 Farnam. D. 100L A-1001. JEN BEN. florut. efiU Leavenworth. HabB A SWOBuDA. 141 Farnam BL. FLOWER pot, all isea Th Ne braska Beed Co.. loll Howard. Doug. X2i Btewart . florist A a4mn. H N. 16. PAULSEN. Florist. ITU Brown BL L. HENDERSON, l&ll Farnam. D. u&g. BATH B. FLORI8T8, Boyd Theater Bdg. BRANDE18 FLORIST. Brandela Bldg. BENNETT'S, cut flower. Doug. 117. Chas. Ederer, florist. 20 and Bristol. W. IT Fsraace and kiate He pairs. Fl RNACE AND aiuE REPAIRS to tit our kiore or heater New fainsce, laundry tank heatei. ga neaiere, ther nl0tal and cuiubiiiilun warm air anU hot aaler beaung uinaba Btov Kepi, Works. 1 l-11 Dougia tot. Tel Douaia MO. lnd A-aJl. A. MONROE. Agt. for th Modern Nov. elty warm air furnace; esilruatee cheer fully given. Doug. 4ub. us B. lata. TllRNFiL Cl Campbell, furnaces at fur use lepalra. D. H.4, W. 8. Heaton. Amer. furnace. M. luV Olsou Bros., furnic repair. K70 Leav'th. rtoan Mad im Omaha. CPDIKES Pride of Omaha Flour. Feed Mill aad Star. Feed, all kind, aienco Mill, fta laard. Foaadrte. U rONAI.D brass and bronse foundry. luminum. ua aad lead easting. Isih aad Jsia Bta, Far. vVeat rur. Co.. repair remodel 1324 Far Orawerte aad Meat. Chapman quality meata. 1406 Cuming AHAMO Coffee, 1-lb tin. lOo. Ak grocer Good, FAMOUS Collin add!e. Alfred Cornleii a co., uivrwiniii. me ivr caiaiogue. Wichert. harneaa, leather good. 630 8. U Uoapital. WfSE MEMORIAL. 24th and Harney. Bethany Hoapltal. 2664 Marcy. D. 2S4. BWEDIBH MISSION HOBPITAL. Two phonea. 1706 N. 24th 61. laeeraaee. H. B. BTRNE, urety bonds. Insurance ieL D. UM. lad. A-lLoi. eu2 Oty Nat. BU Fire- WHEELER A WELPTON Health Sonde INbLHANCt Accident Hurlrv ALL KINDS I 1. ,...... Plats Glaas Automobile l&ll Dodge tret- pnon Douglaa 16. ifc AI'll) tr In 4he U'nAm.. . . World. Th world greateat onuii.. tlon. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. Fire and Tornado insurance 20 F1rt Nat I Bank. uoug. 722. John Dal at Bon, inauranc, jju Rauig. 1NSUKE IN THE GLEN FALLS. Ithodea-Montgumery Co. Ina Hamg bl TALK TO VE8Y. "toe policy plaoer." Iras ann Wire Fencing. Anchor Fenc Co.. 207 N. 17th. Tel. Red SI! Jewelry, Diamond and Walchea. Jewelry and clothing bargain. 201 S. 13th. Kate Jewelry bio re. It n. ittto. OPEN up a charge account with ua. a Mandeibeig. Jeweler, iUi Farnam. Lanadrtra. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. 6&21 1BT-CLA8S laundry; guaranteed daiiv. ery. Call on ahort notice. Harney Dili! F.MKHflnv Laundrv. l.'yix V u,i. u. Both phonea muararftee l-ii.ndrv Wirh. i. Doug. 3372. Lightning; Rode, Nebraska Lightning Rod Co., 206 N. 17th. Linker. . . uiw, uuiuuvi k rvcHing co. Bar gain In lumber, plumbing, machinery and ftteam fitting. 2mt and PauI vc.k um. It r-i , v.- a. li- i.i M Machinery nnd Snppllea. i --..... u . aiii aeparatora, power washer, ulds Oas Power Co., lw Moaameat and Maaaoleaaaa. 3. r. Bloom A Co.. 17th and Cuming 8ta. Macaroni Slaanfactarer. Bklnnar' maccaronl A spaghetti; pk.. 10c Milliner. PENNELL. MllllnaryT R. t. Paxton Blk. Latest fall millnery. Raubr, 1414 8. lth. MRS a RICHARDS, latest fall etyle. Second floor Cty National bank Bldg. Maele, Art and Laagoae. HANSEN J taacher of clarionet n(1 v,ol,n aa S. 28. H 6099. STBAWN"' E - Di'no cher. sight wxiiaun reading. U 8. 27th. D 74H1 H. J. Bock, alnglng, piano. Davldga Blk. Albert Rothry Studio. 410 Karbach Bldg. MARTIN W. BUSH, pianist and or ganiat. U Baldrlge Blk. Harney ties. Francla Potter, teacher, mandolin guitar and banjo. Baiarlge Blk. D. Moving, gtoraae aad Cleaalag. OMAHA Van A Storage Co.. clean your carpau on your noora. aiectrio vacuum cieanera tot B. loth; M a. iith. Dcug. iiai. BOQUETT, express and storage, w. 67. Col Expre A Btorsg c.. ldll Cap. a ra. EXPRE88MEN B Delivery Co Moving furniture packing; fireproof aiorage. Cuy ottice, tlt B. litn. Uoug. ar4; ina. B-lii Twin City Express. 1314 Howard. Both Tel. Fur nit ur mo v.; i men. 11 per nr. w. Z74& Oyster. David Col Oyster co. Whole! only. Opticians. B. F. Wurn. fitting A rep g. Ui Brand!. EYES Meet me at Aaron. Tested and glasses ex pertly luted. Dean ores, optician. EYES EXAMINED. GLASSES FITTED Batialactton guaranteed, itulesoa Opti cal Cos. 211 B. loth be EYES teated. glasses fitted and ground; reasonabl prices. Glob Optical Co., 216 B. lteth. GET your eyes examined by a licensed optometrist; save your eyesight, aiso money, nandwall Jewelry Co., tt. 14m. Ueteopathy. A He Johnson. SCS-I Brandela The. Bldg. Katherya Nikola. 634- Brandeia Theater. relate aad Glass. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Ih$ Farnam. lnd. A-3SJ1. Douglas f.tA. W do Picture franiuig and gtaxlng. Bpeclsl Diacount thi moutn on paint, Glaaa, Varnlsliss and Wall paper. Paper Companlee. Western Paper Co., 15th and Howard. Pateate. HIRAM A. STURGES. patent lawyer. U. 8. and foreign patents, trademark and co)pnghta; Zi years. experience, 644 Brandela Theater Bldg. Tel. Uoug. iiaj D. O. Barnall. Paxton lilk. Tel. Red 7117. Wlllard Eody, U. 8. Pat attorney and solicitor. 1M0 City Nat. Bk. Tyler lue Pawnbrokers. Bargains In watches, overcoats. 601 N. 16. photon raphcrs. Rinehart photographer. 16th A Farnam. O'Neill, artlatlu photographer. 216 8. Uth. Bandberg' Btudlo. 1W7 g. loth. Tak slev MANGOLDS STUDIO. 11 DOUGLAS. Rembrandt studio, portraita 10 A Far a. THE ROBERT Da-MPBTER t o., UiJ-U FaraaJn, in tuelr new etwie, orauuo ator u a. lath Bt. Pb yele tana. DR. ELEANOR UA1UET. tUI Wool north, feed 6ii. Plating. OMAHA SILVER CO.. (14 S. Uth. PI ambers. Omaha Plumbing Co., fill Sherman Ave Plumbing Call Weasman. H. lull, A -2027. Beverneas A Ohye. Tyler 1J77. A-lSa. Plambbg and Heating lch REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson St. D. 1477. 1. F. BALr E, and heating Mil Howard Bt. Tel. D. 744. lnd. A-2741 Prlatlag. Pmrti'T typewritten ittr. m.. i. lareat i.itarn letter fiitnr . .... a Co., printing. Uoa Dodge. Both phones. H. Ledyard, printer. 21S 8. IU. D. 6C16, Lew. W. Raber, Printer L-"'Sgh?oni uli.. ULUii. t.viilAAcc UN CuiiHI AM. Printing Co.. 2J04 Cuming, u. on! .." . .. -."uii iiiiiiin. LnatU Printing Co., loth A Capitol Ave. Rale-Hall Ptg. Co. 10 & 14th. Ind. A-ioii TIMES Printing Co.. MO 8. 19th. D. IIS. Heetaaraat. VTV:CT"VT f A ITTT m.l.. --i-...- - . - J 1 1 urn UlAUag' ment; best 2oc meal. AM 8. 19th bt. Draxal cafe; popular price. 620 N. 16th. Baxter' fin quick lunch. ltOfi Farnam. tl. 8. Rent. 16c and 20c meals. lilO Lodga GET the habit; eat at Uneeda, Cap. Ave. Belmont, quantity A quality, lfiii lodg. New Eng. bakery, best lunch. 212 N. uth. Little Hungry, good meal. U7 N. 16th. BALTIMORE cafe; everything in season util eervice. uun couaing. 104 xv. luth. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING AKKINri. iib B. loth. Upstair. MODEL rest., beat service. 1 Howard. GONZALES. Spanish cafe, 101S Farnam. iTKlOlTfrl Restaurant ii7 kl utw. m , ' - ".'. iiri- class chop uay hou, American and Chinas dishes. Bam Joe, Aianagsr. piprirvrfl rif ouii,v . - ,. .w. uuii COOK- Ing; line liquor. Private dining! room. 1 Farnam. HOME cooking. Morrla Cai. lli 8. 3a Safety Rasora. SAFETY rasora sharpened. 130 Ramg Bd Seeda. PLANT Blue Grass now. The m. breaks beed Co.. lei Howard. D. 126L Shoemaker and shining Pnrlor. Nebraska Machine Bhoe Henalrin r-n Good work while you wait, bis 8. Into Bt Omaha Elec. Shoe Repairing. 2111 Cuming. Csonka Bros.. Mach. Bhoa Kuniir. .10 8. loth Bt. NEW corner, shoe reDalra. Ii-li T enworth. gportlag Good. NEW shopworn gun at low Townsend Gun Co.. loll Farnam. StamuierlaaT and Stutterl STAMMERING and stuttering cured. JULIA VAUGHN. Hajug Bldg. Kteel Task nud Culvert Coiupaulsa. NEBRASKA and Iowa Btael Tank Company, inn and Nlchoia. u. Hay. Stenographere aad Court Heportera. MYRTLE A. KELLEY, depoaitlon. etc, Ok Brandeia Theater. D. soai. Eetelle D. Klcbards, Bteno. Millard hotel. tor aad Offlc Flxtarea. T. H. Welrlch Fixture Co., storm window mill work. Web. ton'. 1jc-1i N. 24th ot' ktorm Door aad Window. Omaha Wn'dow bci n. Co. U4 N. 16 D. 'lallorlng. 6INNX tailor, cleans clothe. D. U7 WE are now located at 206 Paxton block. B. G. Rutin r lailorlog Co. HAVE Tailor Beck make your fall suit. WHEN DRESSING you often find youraelt discontented with your own uppeaiance. why 7 Perhaps your garment is not a perfect fit, 01 lack the very latest ideas In fasalon. You would uo weti consulting Nordin the expert titter and rcmodelier laules' and gents' garment, 2d fioot, laii Liouglas bl.. Cor. lblu. Pnoii D.owi. Dunham A Dunham, $16 suits. Ul S. u. NEW YORK TAILOR, cleaning and re pairing; lust-class work, kjuk Cuming. Malony. tailor. iM 8. lith. Butt W0 to 1.4 FOR TAILORS W make hlgh-cla coats; reasonable prices. 2uo Boston ator JOHN A. HYLEN. tailor, make good Clothes. 406 B. 15th. D. m Samuel A Rlcklin. tailor. Ill 8. 14 D. 4711 CHAS. C. LANDERYOU. fall tultlng on display. 21J City National bank bid. R. A. Williams, cloth altered. 24 A Lake. Taaldermtata. Aulabaugh. 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. S3ZL Tent and Awnlnga. OMAHA Tent Co. Tat. S2 Douglaa Trnak and Salt Cnae. FreUng A Bielnle. ISul Farnam St Tnrklah Batha. Ladies' gents' Turkish batha. U A Doug. Csnbrellaa. WESTERN Umbrella Co.. ISM Farnam. Wis Maantaetarara. D. S. Olftith. wig mfr.. 11 Frenser blk. SEE Monhelt wigs, toupM. 411 S. U Vi'lae and Llanor. Meyer Klein, wine and liquor. U N. 16 ED.ROTHERYrof tr. clgara Cafe In connection. Ill 8. 14th oc MAY A CO.. family liquor. 13u! Douglaa Cusick Bros- liquor a cigar. Kith Am. C. EngsUsnder. liquors, clgsr. U12 Dodge. T. J. Hart, liquor aad clgara. 602 N. 16th. WILLOW Spring beer, liquor, cigar, andwlcbea. Aiaa Jelea, Uut Douglaa. Automatic Phone Business, tl; resv, U. NIELSEN 8 Bar Cafe. 1411 Dodge. Loftman. 6-yr-old nky, !c drink. 14 Har. B O Y 8 E N 8 FALSTAFF Delicatessen BuIicC iv a. isin, buaio of iui oiug. Hansen's Family Liquors. UTi Clilcngo. The Key to the Situation Be Ada, Wine and Llqnor Contlnaed N A IIOTTSE Imported liquors, fine rt.A.UUUOr lunche. Ill Bo. nth. IT S an excellent show at th AmerUsn theater. Pee the Woodwsrd Stock com psny. If C. C Post, w N. tilth Av., will come to The Bee office within thre days we win give him an order for a pair of UCKCIS- EDUCATIONAL Tutoring, first to eighth grade. H. M44 THE FALL TERM OF Boyles College 18 NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 6TUDENTS ADMITTED ANT TIMR Complete courses In Buslnea. Bookkeee. Ing. Bteoograpny. Telegraphy. Civil Bar. Ice and tiaiaemanshlp. The catalogue i reaay ana iree tor in asiung. call. write ur puune lur u l onom, Address H. B. Boyle. president. uyiee vouege xvuiaing, umtu. xsea. f riMUTBCl II. t.AW ...Kll. .u.L... conversational Spanish and Frenon. thslirara. first aid a n4 ir clasres are now being organised in the V HI f" A. nlaht achanl ruil ilx.ii. cheerfully given on Inquiry. 17th and namey bis OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEQ8 BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening aession all th year, rborlhand. Typewriting. Bookkeei.ln Agiiculturav Civil Service. Salesmanship E. A. Zartmau, pre., lith and Farnam. PUR YEAR college. Council Bluff! tut tlon, 17 par month. . W guarantee aati- tacuon. Dlckerman School for Actlna and Voice- platform, stage, concert, drama: all last tear graauatea piacao. laiiVh Uodga U. lal ST. BERCHM AN'B Day Academv for yeuug lauiea. inn ana st, Mary Ava A. POPP. teacher wrttinr. Latin. Oar. man and comet, ini Dodge. D 2176. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN XJITUC Inlnhln. that .lAana " - - . ..... v . . wi ana u-i . limit 1 1 1 ' a 1 1 mnfi n, 7 i.l.i'21 till Hranilela RMr TOV All, tnnln ahamnnr. C. - woriu. x- m. ousuaiit mi.- iougia bL THE IDEAL PLEATING CO., drea niearina. uuiiuni coverea. iu 11111 en.-i styles, wu xwug. xjik. ioug. taw, a-ims. Willow plume mad from old or new reamers, guaraoieea. mj a. utn. li. oofie. CHICOO, Ladles' Tailor. 214 8. Uth SL Hats IT.9 v!f; o"1!?. Jp,ptr' mU1iSS" CURTAINS ft?:. ."L J Rubber good. Bell Drug Co., 1216 Fern- t irmro' n.av.ii u.t. ni....i .a ... ".i.f- . ..imicu uiu ro- blocked. RAMSER, HATTER, 220 8. 14th. Novelties, pleating, button. Doug. Blk. BEE th "Brown Daisy." 11.60: aanltarv labor saving brush; It abaorba th dust sna Donsnes in iioor as it aoes aion Courtnay A Co., 17th and Douglaa SHERMAN, ladle' tailor. Hayden Bros, DEFINANCE STARCH mad In Omaha, ".T-DT1TMO BT 1WVCTO 1XTTS vTrni LACE BED SETS CLEANED. DOUG. 2762 PRIVATE economical cooking lesson. Webster 2236. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien is because he haa mads Omaha famous with his candy. If Ellen Colwell, 2717 Bo. Uth Bt., win come to The Bee omee witnin tnree aay w win give her an order for a 60-cent bog of O Brlen candy free. HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trade. FIFTEEN girl, at one, to work i bag department. Bemla Omaha Bag Co, 11th and J one St WANTED Girls to wrap Wonitei.H . Real Butter Scotch and Woodward' Pur Bugar stick candy. John G. Woodward Co.. Council Biuiia. la. onabl. Oppenhelm. ZiS city Nat'l. Housekeeper and Domestics. NONPAREIL LAUNDRY CO, Tel Doug. 1812. Wagon call everywhere. SlilKia l- nA.NllAttX CUVEKa. WANTED Middle-aged lady for aen- eral housework, one with experience. Ad- uiess W. E. Beam, iliverton. la. THE 6ERVANT GIRL PROBLEM BOLVED Thi Bee will run your Dome tlo HelD Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to Th Be 01 11c or teiepnon lyier louu. AN exDerlenced girl for second work: small family and good wage. 4os 8. Jsih Ava WANTED A girl for general house. work; no objection to colored girl. U6 8. toth Bt WANTED Qlr? for general houawork? must b able to cook. 2v06 8. Mary' Ava GIRL for general housework: email family; good wagea 1326 8. luth Ava. GIRL for general housework. 1921 Bio psy Be Phone Webster 2615. j-L,'WMk l.itl..1 .IaIIi.. Irnn... aa.a work and good pay. 2W7 Leavenworth bt WANTED Girl for general houaeworit. lilH Georgia Ava; small family, good wages. 1 B.l 1 1 1 v wwm in rl small family; beat wag; good home. i'l.on narney eii. WANTED A girl for general house work; must have reference. Cail 4Aki Dodge. Phone Harney lis. WANTED Girl to work for room anl board. 1UU Dodg St. GIRL fur general housework at 422 No. 19 tn; small family. GOOD girl for general housework tn family of three, tout Davenport St. 'I el. barney 4471 VlllU iui i.iiiiM u- vwaw.a, .! IT.., family; best wages. Inquire S2S Capi tol Ave. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, for two In famiiv. For oarticular address Box &i Hooper, Neb. AN exoerlenced girl for general house work. Apply Mr. F. K. Redmond. iua B. luth Av. WANTED Experienced second maid and cook. tZli BU Mary Av. filRI. for aenaral housework: I In fam. lly; good wages. 304 8. ith BL WANTED Good girl for general house work. Csll at eil So. 29th Ava, phon Hsmsy UiA. W ANTED Competent girl for general housework; no washing. Mr. Walt H. 6qulr, 14 N. Mth Ava WANTED a girl for general houe. fork. 61tf 8. 2th Ava, or 14ul Douglaa COMPETENT housemaid; reference re- ulred. 0rmn preferred. Mr. W. A. ledlck. 1130 Emmet. .MIUITTrWT awl W LUHii.ii.111 ' B-"v,m. I1UUW work. Two In family. s4i Park Av. - 1 K"T" Fl k air! for ,.n... I eork; two In family; no cooking, H N. Mh St.. Wb. 4SL niu a . wan nt ir.i. or call at 1216 Farnam St. . b , Aa ....r. 1 " - I , ... GIRL for kitchen; on that can coo if joto St Mary Ave. GIRL for general housework: small family, good wage: good referencea re quired. Phoo Harney 624&. -Cont'd WANTED A good girt for general house work. a2S Harney. WANTF.D A good Rlrl for general housework; must be good cook, with references; no washing 2WM Harney BC Phone Harney 709. THE best treat for a wife and bsby I a dish of Dslsell's lc cream. It R. H. Hrrln, 219 Emmet St., will come to Th Be offlc within three day we will glv him n order for a quart brick of this fin lc cream. MAN and wife to work; board nd room; small salary. 114 N. lith. Ring lower left hand bell 2d floor. GIRL to do gener! housework; small family; with references. Mr. C. 3. Bow mn. Hsrney 5174. COMPETENT girl for general house. WOrlr taml!,. r.f 4 nil wokhln. Inn),, a. . ........ . v . v, ., j m ' . I t ' J a L 621 8 40th Bt. LArL(uL.i. t-u pn ror general nouse work. ill So. S7th St. Phone Harney 9;n. WANTED Competent girl or women for general housework for good sired town In Wyoming. I2S rr month. D a; care Bee. TIT A VTen a Ma aaH. , . - . n .ui 1 1 f inn iu iui rri eral housework; small family; good wagva. can at lis m. evtn CK. WANTETV-A girl for general house. work. 900 Forest Av. Tel. Doug. 23. ' . . l . . i-. uii nun iniiu ii y ie snectable farmer, 4 In family. Route 2, num ii, coiumDus, jsen WANTED Girl for general housework. Best wages; two In family- 104 8. 38th. KXPrBiicvrrn rtri t, ..n.,.i v Work: two In famllv Innlv lie 20th. Douglaa ' " ' Hotel and Reatanrnnt. WANTED Chambermaid and mmk girl. Apply to housekeeper. Hotel Roma Mlacellaneons. WANTED Lady to travel In Webraska. Good pay and tailor made suit in 90 days. Experience unnecessary. Candies, soaps, grocery specialties. McBrady A Co., Chicago, 111. TOUNO women coming to Omaha a strangera are Invited to visit th Young Women Christian association hviiMnm at Bt, Mary' Av. and 17th St., where iney win oe airectea to suitaoie boarding placea or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers aid at th Union Station. WANTED Three vounar luiiu i- Omaha, of agreeable peraonallty and at tractive appearance, mint be good talk er, who will see six business men a day business men who will be glsd to sc cpt a proposition presented to them. A reasonable Income may be pleasantly earned. Address Brains Coroporation. Bcranton. Pa. TV A VTIT.n ITvr..r. H 1. . ui.miima.i iu a u 1 11 business; no monty required; mutt he Ahle to rllt a n ,1 fit' rnnm M.-.A ..... 40 per cent ot ail; iar paid If satisia.'.oiy, reierenues requireu. Aaaress J1J r.. ith St., Hasungs, Neb ' WANTED Yoilllir laHv xlarlr- .i.nlu Moyer Stationery Co.. 1616 Farnam ot. ' HELP WAN f ED MALE Agents, ksiotawu auu buiiviivra. fs a ! an man rienieiia tiiatrii-t m. na ... . handle th new riaahing oidewaiK Ad vertising:, brianteat i.Mtii. nunuticniri. excellent lnuucementa, guarantees. Bun ruiy ciecinu iu., um laiueriy Bireet. rsew xork. SOLICITORS wanted. Tel. D. 1937. WANTED By an old established house a local ibpreseiitauve to hanaie ten spe cial leaaeis 01 oniri waists on a strict comm iou basis; good proposition for an anergcllc man. Address with relet eiicea, tf. rcami at cu., inc., Baltimore, MO. IF you possess ability as a aalesman. we can show you how to earn 140. ou a week. Will pay young men with neces. sary qualifications liberal compensation while learning. Appiy 4 to 6 p. ra.. room 214 Karbacn building. 8IDB LINE for traveling salesmen: good seller. M Brandela Theater, omaKa, Neb. WANTED Wanted ambitious, energetie nen of good apues-.ance and fair educa tion, to represent established busineaa: position permanent; salary and commis sion. Call Baturday, 10 to 12 or 2 to 4, it. C. McLeoo, Kootn 212, Henshaw hotel. WANTED SEVERAL LIVE WIRE SALESMEN FOR CITY AND ON ROAD. GOOD PAY. WE HAVE A SELLER. CALL AT 460 OMAHA NAT. BANK BLDG. WANTED Salesmen to handl profita ble side line. Address Bteinhorst-Morrin Pickle Co.. 113-121 West Front St.. Kan sas City, Mo. STUDY SALESMANSHIP General organization maeting of th fall class in practical salesmanship, un der the auspices of Omaha a Bales expert, will b held next Friday evening at 7:30, s02 City National Bank Building. Money maker for agents. 007 Brandela ATTENTION You, first-clas sales men! We have a new proposition which 18 DEALING FINE. Territory un worked; open to th man who is cspabl and a hustler. Good money easily made. Salary and commission. Reference requirea. Avail yourself of the opportunity to connect with a 11 v project. W can use two mora good men. Call Immediately, a territory is being rspidly distrubuted. 8u3 City National Bank Bldg., any morning. Biggest and best lOo meals. 1110 Dodge, CITY salesmej. W. A. Hlxenbaugh A Co.. 1814 St. Mary' Av.. Tel. D. 32W. WANTED Ten neathly dressed young men to solicit In city and country; muat he eood talker, but experience not es sential; pleasant work and good pay. Mr. Wise. Room 2. continental joik. WANTED Bsveral good liv men to cell Florida land: must have 'some ex perience in R. E. Inquire Room 143, Mil lard Hotel; Wlii meet you irorn to i. a. m and from 1 to 3 P. m. Friday and from S to 12 a. m. Baturday; muat have referencea. Bar. w a VTFn Several trustworthy boy: good wsge. W. U. Tel. Co.. Ill 8. Uth St. boy: More money la on day may be earned with us than during AN ENTIRE WEEK in other ways. Applicants must be bright, neatly dressed, clean bande and fare. W want the MANLIEST boy in th city. Come esrly prepared for work. Apply to Fisher-McGlll Co.. 41 N. 24th Bt., South Omaha. Neb. Cl'nl aad Office. W NOW hava a oomplat employment aeoartmeni iu Biuiutimu wun our regu lar typewriter and upply business nd re prepartd to furnish atenoxrapheia bookkeeper nd other offlc help upon hort notice 1ft uf charge; gie us a trial. THE FOX TYPEWRITER CO.. 106 Fernam Bt. BOOKKEEPER for flrst-iias whole sale bouaa. Dob t reply unless you are competent and axperioaoad. J. m. Be. Hoasekeeper and Domectlc m