BRIEF CITY NEWS Ut ttoat Print It. as, Xiao, rixtnrea, B-rross-Ora-i&sB. lbor Waata a IMToro rna U Shower started suit for divoroe against Charles O. Showers In district court Thursday. JTsw library for Geneva Plans for a new city library at Geneva, Neb., have been aubmltted to Omaha builders for blda on construction. Tn. J. T. Xlssler moved from 8.1 Brandels building to S.4 Brandals Theater building Practice limited to diseases of nose, throat and ear. Phone Douglas ISM. Wheat at Dollar Mark Wheat contin ues to sell around the tl mark on the Omaha exchange, some days the price being above that figure and some days a little beJow. . Hard Goal Kay Mot Up Hard real 1 till selling at the summer price $10.50 but some of the dealers say It will be advanced SO oents a ton en November 1. Steam coal, which has been selling at 18- a ton. Is being offered by some dealers at S3. 9a Orchard Sill Club Meets The Orchard Hill Improvement club will meet Friday evening at the residence of J. H. Lyncto, lB Decatur street Dr. Q Holovtohlner ad other speakers will address the meet tug on matters of Interest to the -club. All members are requested to attend. Powell's Offloe Inspected Thirty members of the National Grain Inspec tors' association, which met here this week, visited the offloe of Chief Inspector Powell of the Omaha Oratn exchange, to examine hie system of Inspection and records. Their expressions were very complimentary to Mr. Powell. THE BEE: OMATTA. - FRIDAY. OCTOBER . 13. 19TT. Gas Fumes Fill the Court During Trial When two spectators In Judge Sut ton's court room In the court house were almost .overcome by illuminating gas fumes Wednesday afternoon. It became apparent that a gas pipe was leaking and a force of gas repair men set about locating and repairing the leaking pipe. The spectators were deeply interested In arguments In the (20,000 damage suit of Mrs. Fannie WeUel against the Omaha General hospital for the death of her hus band, Alva P. Wetzel, and did not realize they were being affected by the fumes until they almost keeled over. All this week the fumes have made work In the court house extremely un pleasant, but as they were strongest In that section of the building which Is near est to the new county building It was thought the wind carried them from the new structure, where gas connections are being made. While the court house was almost de serted Thursday. It being Columbus day, the repair men completed their work. National Stationers Are Coming Here ' F. I. Eltlck of the Omaha Printing company, who is In Buffalo. N. Y., to attend the convention of the National Stationers' association, has wired home to the Commercial club that Omaha has been selected as the place for holding the 1911 convention. The association has BOO members. President Cole and Chair man Haverstlck of the Executive com mittee of the Commercial club wired In vitations Wednesday to the association, at Mr. El lick's suggestion. CREIGHT0N WILL NOT PLAY FOR PRESIDENT TAFT Word has Just been received rioci South Dakota School of Mines canceling the game with Creighton for October 21. The game was to have taken place before President Taft at Rapid City, 8. D., but owing to complications that have arisen on the part of the School of Mines, Creighton has been left with a hole in Us schedule for that day. The team Is Just recovering from the disappointing effort of last week agalnt Western Union. Coach Miller now has the boys work ing double drill and whatever foot ball lies dormant tn these men he Is de termined to bring out. The bucking machine has been brought out and no mercy is shown his line men. Heffer man is back and will undoubtedly be a fixture in the game against TanWtou, 6. D., at thst place Saturday. A new man has appeared on the scene Moor head of Drake. He is contending for an end position, is a fast man and showing up favorably. Chief among Miller's numerous troubles Is the lack of a strong fullback with a consistent boot. Duckle McNichols Is good at times, but Isn't sure. Hefferman may go in for this Job. Creighton will be a new outfit when -they face Yankton Saturday and they are determined to redeem themselves at Yankton's expense. RESOLUTIONS ON DEATH OF GENERAL MANDERSON The committee of one hundred, ap pointed to arrange for the coming prison congress has passed the following reso lution on the death of General Mander son: Whereas, In the midst of a recent sea voyage General Charles F. Mandereon was called forever from the discharge of the grave and responsible duties that had confronted him in this life; and. Whereas, His career has been una so marked by high character, loyalty to the best Interests of the city, state and coun try, and sympathy with movements tend ing to the amelioration and uplift of tot let y; and, Whereas, Many organizations looking toward the betterment of conditions are Indebted to our lata distinguished till en tor valuable services rendered; and, ' Wheress, Among thee organizations is the committee of one hundred, having local charge of preparations for the an nual convention of the American Prison association soon to convene in Omaha; therefore, be It Resolved, That we. In behalf of the committee of one hundred. In common with all other Nebra.kans, express our deep regret at the loss of the dis tinguished ex-senator of the lhlt4 States and esteemed fellow ciUsen; and, be It further. Resolved. Thst we extend eur heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Mandeieon In her be reavement MRS. DRAPER SMITH. MKJJ. F. H. COLE. A- W. CLARK. ELLA FLAGG YOUNG IS HERE Chicago School Superintendent Cojne for Prison Congteu. IS STUDYING OMAHA SCHOOLS the Is Firm Believer la Maaaal Train I a a- aad Won Id Eatrafl It to Eaifcraeia Other Crafts Thaa Tarpe-atry. KATZ GETS CONTRACT FOR LAYING WATER MAIN The Water board has let the contract to the Kats Construction company for laying mains on California street from Fortieth to Forty-eighth and on Forty fifth to the School for the Deaf. J. W. Cr, pel and oi uayion. o.. purchases a bottle of Chamberla'n's Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold, and before the bottle was all used the boy's cold was gone. Is that not better thaa to pay a doctor's bill For sale by ail dealers. Mrs. Ella, Flags; Young, who reigns over a kingdom of .ftft(t boys and girls as tuperlntendent of the Chicago public rchools, and Rev. Albert J. Fteelman of Seattle, superintendent for Washington of the Society for the Friendless, arrived in Omaha Thursday, the first delegate to iome for the National Prison congress, which begins Saturday evening. Mra Young, who lost year was ap pointed aa delegate to the International Prison congress, comes to the Omaha meeting representing the state of Illinois, having an appointment from Governor Deneen. She arrived early, tntending to spend two days tn visiting the Omaha schools. Heavy mall prevented ber doing so today, but aha experts to study soma features of local school work Friday, par ticularly domestic selerfoe tn the high school and manual training In some of the grade schools. , "I am a strong believer in manual training and domestic science." said Mrs. Young. "I believe tn giving the boys and girls a chance to find out what they are fitted for. It may lead boys Into techni cal schools and success, who, without manual training, would not have known that they had a faculty for work In the given line." In addition to the usual manual work carpentry is taught for three months a year In the Chicago schools, says Mrs. Young. She Is about to Introduce print ing and wants to aM a third trade for three month a year that a corps of com petent Instructors tn technical subjects may be kept busy the year round. Printers t"nln Objects. . "The printers' union has objected to the introduction of printing In the public schools on the ground that It would tend to make the supply of printers greater than the demand. 1 was astounded when I heard their objection, but since I have been thinking It over, there seems a great deal to it. When I go back home I am going to ssk the printers to work with us, as the carpenters are now doing. "Union carpenters of Chicago send their apprentices to school for the three months and pay them regular wages during the period. The boys get the theory of their trade and additional help ful knowledge that they would never get In a carpenter shop. Now, If the printers will agree to send their own apprentices to school under the same conditions they can still exercise control over the supply of printers. Mrs. Young says the school teachers can get pointers on handling children from the sessions of the prison congress. "The viewpoint of the reformer, as ex pressed at the congress," said Mrs. Young 'Is that he must acquaint himself with the character of the Individual child and work from that basis. The teacher business too often is merely to teach that five times six are thirty. Of course, there Is an excuse for the teacher. Teachers are too few In com parison with the number of pupils for them to give much study to the individ ual child. In the average school the teacher would have about five minutes a day to devote to each child. If she spent her time studying Individual char-. acter and- teaching the individual." Hunt's Wound Fatal, Murder Suspeoted. Woman Arrested A. N. Hunt, who was shot through the lungs at Twentieth snd California streets Sunday Bight, died at St. Joseph's hos pital Thursday morning at T o'clock, and Mrs. Mattie Woods, who was with him at the time of the shooting, has bean arrested on the bollef that she knows something; of the affslr. The story told Sunday night was that Hunt had been shot by a robber, who attempted to hold him up. In the neighborhood of the affray a witness declares that he heard a woman say "Shoot him again." Mra Woods win be asked to tall what she knows of such a ram ark having been made. Y. W. C. A. Secretary is Quietly Married One of the Young Women's Christian association secretaries auletlv vaa max. ried Tuesday without saying a word to her eo-workora about her fnteoMona. This was Mlae Florenoe LUJeros, office secretary, who la now Mra. Albert F. Rasp. a Miss Llljeros met Mr. Rasp at a valen tine party which the Young Woman's Christian association gave for the Young Msn'a Christian association two years ago. the latter being an aotlve Toung Men's Christian association worsen They have met often tn charity work at the City Mission and In ohurch work elnoe then. SQUABBLE OVER AUTO IS BEFORE JUDGE SEARS 'After wrangling all morning Thursday before Judge Sears over the question whether or not the attachment of Charles M. Oarst of Watson, Mo., against Henry E. Wilcox of Omaha should be dissolved, Attorneys Stanley M. Rose water and William J. Hot quit until Friday morn ing, each desiring to offer more testimony before Judge Sears should rule. The attachment Is another development In the trouble between Gsrst snd Wilcox over an automobile deal. Garst recently had Wilcox arrested on a charge of em bezzlement, alleging the Omaha man acted as his agent and sold sn automo bile for gi.mi and then failed' to turn over the proceeds to him. Wilcox was ac quitted. Garst then secured his attach ment on Wilcox's household goods. Mr. Rofewater, attorney for Wilcox, moved to dl.rolve the attachment because of an Irregularity In the attachment bond. Hots, representing Gartt. resisted. At the hearing Thursday Wilcox and his wife were required to go Into their fam ily history and detail their movements for the Isst year to show thst they never attempted to run away with Garst's money or his car. AUTOMOBILE SPEEDERS PAY FOR VIOLATIONS Eighty dollars were added to the city coffers Thursday through the efforts of the flying squadron, which arrested five mere speeders Wednesday. Those ar rested and fined were L. A. Thatcher. Ml North Twenty-first street, $20; B. Swanson, 838 South Nineteenth street, $10; C. Li. Jacob a 3fc6 Leavenworth street. $-0; J. K. Vogel, 131 South Twenty-sixth street, $20; E. P. Bennett, Atlantlo, la., $10 bond forfeited. BURBANK'S DISPLAY ARRIVES Alameda Wii&rd Products Rainbow Corn that Has Red Whisker. WILL BE SEEN AT LAND SHOW W. !. Ntefcols, Proeeas Kapert, Rep. reweadaa Bartask, Is Here aad la Arranctea His KahlMt la the Big Collseaas. Luther Burbank. the wtaard of Cali fornia, wbo haa a world reputation for his new creations In all sorts of grain and fruits, haa sent a I aire and most Interesting exhibit to the Omaha Land show in charge of W. P. Nichols, who Is now Installing It. Mr. Nichols is the processor for Mr. Burbank and for Alameda county, where Mj Burbank a farm Is located. Rslnbow corn with all the colors of the rainbow and with red whiskers Is one of the latest creations which will be show'n, a full stalk with three ears hsv Ing arrived. A Nw IMam. new plum whloh ripens In November and which, whan picked Septambar was aa large aa an ordinary pear, la one of the numerous exhibits which will at tract at taut loo. A plumcot, a cross be tween a plum and an aprloot, is another which will be exhibited In Omaha for the first time. "My time Is worth Just $100 a minute." la an expression often used by Mr. Bur bank whan axnusing himself from visitors, said Mr. Nloboia, "but he was pleased to give time to Mr. Rose water on his recent visit and to show him soma oi his latest work. Among other things Mr. Rose water saw a cactus plant from which Mr. Burbank had already sold $10,000 worth of cactus." . Wilbur Walker, commissioner for Alameda eounty will soon arrive for the Land show to explain to visitors the beauties of that section of California. MOTHER SECURES HER SON THROUGH HABEAS CORPUS Mrs. Clarence Parsons, who came to Omaha from her home in Sioux Falls to take her 6-year-old son from ths St. James' orphanage, left last night with the boy. after habeas corpus proceedings had been instituted. The orphanage offi cials had made arrangements to place the boy in a private home and papers for the adoption were prepared, when Mra Parsons telephoned that she hsd corns for the child A disagreement arose snd court proceedings followed, but Mrs. Ood frey, who was to have adopted the boy, gave him to his mother after an Investi gation. The lad was placed In the or phanage a year ago. when Mrs. Parsons hsd been divorced from her husband and had fallen 111. Babies strangled. by coughs or colds are Instantly re lieved and quickly cured with Dr. King's New Discovery. BOc and $L0O. ,For sale by Beaton Drug Co. FLOUR AND COFFEE UP AND POTATOES GO DOWN Flour on the local market has ad vanced 15 cents a sack in the last ten days, according to the statement of Manager King of Hayden Bros.' Grocery department. Coffee has gone up b cents a pound within the last five weeks. Potatos are down to 80 cents a bushel, and Mr. Kins' predicts 00 cent spuds be fore long. ' Electrical Shock May Prove Fatal Arthur Brown, employed at the South Omaha plant of the Omaha Eleotrlo Light company, was perhscs fatally In jured at I o'clock ThureiKy morning when 8.0P0 electric volts shot through his body. He was standing on a stepladder dusting the switchboard with a feather dustier when bis light arm came in contact with the potential transformer and the entire voltsge was received. Rendered unconarlous by the force of the shock Frown fell to the floor, strik ing on hh head. He was found uncon scious by NUiht Inspector J. Everman and Dr. F. O. Berk aas Immediately summoned. Together they worked over him for an hour and at last restored him to a eeml-conscious condition- An am bulance was called and he was taken to the South Omaha hospital where he lies In a dangerous condition, with his right arm badly burned and his skull probably fractured. Brown la to years old and has a family thing tn Omaha He haa been living at a hotel In South Omaha for the last three montha Mid-Term Class Has Chosen Its Officers The mid -term otass of the Omaha High school held Us first meeting Thursday afternoon and elected offlners for ths coming year. A olasa of nineteen stu dents has signified its intention of grad uating next February, and Principal Mo Hugh la wall pleased with the way the students hava ah own their spirit of or ganisation. The following officers were elected for the clasa of 1911-1911: President, Lynn Saoknttt vloe president. Bthel Padmore; secretary, Oraco Huntley; treasurer, Min nie Malchlen; aergeants-at-arms, Gladys Ellis and Carl Hansen. Mis Towne and Mr. Woolery of the faculty were elected as class teachers. Following are the members of the class of 1311-1-12: Ijmn Saokett, Victor Gal bralth, Arthur Robinson, Carl Hansen, Boise Turk, Joe Rosenberg, Morse Olan dar Paul Wlginglon. Louis Kowaleskl, Julius Rachman, Arthur Podolak, Minnie Malchlen. Grace Huntley, Ethel Pad more, Lois Corey, Gladys Ellis, Irene Cotter, Marion Marowits and El ma Pearson. Adventurous Boys Return to Parents Equipped with a book entitled "Mark Mason's Triumph," two youths started out to see the world and mske their fortunes, but their plans were knocked galley west before they got out of town. Howard Wylle of SIS South Twentieth street Is one of the youngsters, and he is accused of having robbed his mother and ths hired girl of about $&. Accompanied by Hamilton Hall of 607 fcouth Twentieth street they got as far as Florence, where they slept in an allay over night. Thurs day morning they came to Omaha and Wylle bought himself a suit of clothes, hat and shoes. The boys then proceeded to the Union station and asked for tickets to Wyoming. The man in ths ticket window was suspicious and he called a policeman. Ths lads, who sra about 12 years old, will be turned over to the Juvenile court. Your Neighbors Can Tell Yon No doubt, if you yourself don't know, of many marvelous cures of Stomach, Liver, Blood and Skin affections that have Been made by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, for it has a most successful record of over 40 yean. These CURES embrace also many bad cases of Weak Lungs, lingering Coughs, Bronchial, Throat and Lung affections, some of which, no doubt, would have run Into Consumption, had they been neglected or badly treated. We don't mean to say that the "Golden Medical Discovery" will cure Consumption when fully seated, but It will strengthen weak lungs. Improve digestion, and make pure, rich, red blood thereby overcoming and casting out dlseaseproduclng bacteria and giving robust, vigorous health. All particulars about the "Discovery," its composition and uses, in Common Sense Medical Adviser in cloth covers, 1000 pages, revised up-to-date, sent for 31 cents, in one-cent stamps, to pay cost of wrapping and mailing only. Or send post card request for free booklet to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, President, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are little in size but great in gentle acting sanitary results; cure constipation, ask your neighbors Behind Dt- Pierea'a tto&icino stands ths ZonUds' Botslsad Sur gical Institute, at Butfalo, thor oughly mqofppsd aad! with a Staff of Skilled Specialists treat ths mors difficult casus of Chromio jdissaas -wbsthsr requiring Mad icl or Surgical skill for tktlr cure. Send tor fr0 INVALIDS' Otm BOOK. If You Don't Know aaSE To dream you'v started on lite j way. With just the qiri you 6 cnooie, Means Life wH seem aHolidaq If you wear The Stetson Shoev. 1 - The Stetson Shoe Makes Life a Holiday Foot -ease being essential to mind-ease, comfort is made the first consideration in building The Stetson Shoe. Shod with the shoe of comfort The Stetson Shoe each day will be gay, your work a pleasure and your pleasures complete. The STRUT is a stylish model for the young man a fitter, too and fit means comfort. HAYDEN BROTHERS 16TH AND DODGE- STS. Stet$on cott mere by the pah bat Ut$ by the year" S S mm 1 WW Brewed and Bottled under the most modern, sanitary conditions by skilled masters, In a brewery us clean as "mother's kitchen." BLATZ COMPANY 0241s Wu hna. taau. I. faaaaf DmutUu 6J ; zlj?' 4 t "T i) - n s-riaiissarV r . --.i'ai fi""asSll aW.Iii KslAaVaL Sandrin$ham Jacket The Coronation has brought the most famous of English styles, the Norfolk Jacket into vogue again. Its effect is seen more or less modified, in most of the short coats for winter. The sweater shown above has the clean-cut lines of the original Norfolk, the favorite garment of the Tate King Edward. No style ever designed is so appropriate for "out-door" wear. The Sandringham Jacket cannot be bought ready-made but -we will send you complete directions for making one upon receipt of the coupon below. Send it today. The yarn used is Fleishcr's Knitting Worsted, one of the thirteen the yarns whose fine, aoft thread and splendid wearing qualities have made them standard. Most women who use yarns use the Fleisher Yarns; if you are one of the few who don't, you should certainly try them for' your next garment. altNag Waraaa Dvasaaa Hasaa bansaalawa Zaakr (4- aaa a-loU) fciaaaaawa Waal fLElSHER'sfj Saaarla f aa Va SaatlaaJ Zapajr spiral lara Sh.llaa4 tllshl.a Waa4 Ca.kai.ra Yara Aaaava Waal E Mail this Cauaan to S. B. B. W. FLEISHER. rkiladalpMa 120 M W Features of the world s Greatest Typewriter "A STRAIGHT LINE is the shortest distance ho tween two points." THE SMITH PREMIER WAY is the "straight line" way from key top to impression. No complications. No time-wasting motions. No double key strokes for single impressions No faulty alignment of printed characters because of shifting platens or baskets. No adjustment of the machine every time a capital letter is wanted. But straight lines, up and down, right and left a key for every character. And direct, positive action from key top to impression on the paper. THESE FEATURES insuring the most rapid, ac curate work are characteristic of all Smith Pre miers and of SMITH PR1.MIER VISIBLE, Model 10 the machine with truly visible writing. "Now I am ready to buy," said a business man last week, "you showed me nil nbnut your machine last month and have not bothered ine since. I like j our methods of doing business." The Smith Premier Typewriter Co, Branches in A sioux city, 19th and Douglas Sts. deSes. OMAHA, NEB. OLD-TIME REMEDY DARKENS HAIR, GIVES COLOR TO FADED, GRAY HAIR Dandruff and Falling Quickly Stopped. Hair From tims Immemorial, aacs and sul phur hava been used (or ths hair and s.alp. Almost everyone knows of ths value of such a combination (or darken ing ths hair, (or curing dandruff and falling hair, and for making the hair grow. In olden times the only way to get a hair tonto of this sort was to brew It In the horns fireplace- a method wbtch was troublesome and not always satlaTac tory. Nowadays almost every up-to-date drug gist can supply his patrons with a ready-to-usa product, skillfully compounded tn perfectly equipped laboratories. Tha Wyeth Chemical Company of New York put up an ideal remedy of this sort, called Wyeth s 6se and Sulphur Hatr, Remedy, and authorise druggists to sail it under guarantee that th money wtu; ba refunded If It falls to do exactly aa represented. If you have dandruff, or It your half Is turning gray or coming out. don't delay, but get a bottle of this remedy today, and sea what a few days' traat-' ment will do for you. Thla preparation la offered to tha public at fifty cents a bottle, and la! recommended and sold by all druggtsta. Special agent: Sherman MoCoonaU lrug Co., ltih and Dodge Eta., Omaha, Nebraska. The B ee for All the mm