Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Mutt Underestimates Little
Former Omaha Player Holds Gianti
to Three Hit.
Don, proves EfTeoflve la Flarhee la
hb Oaasra, WTtr to Turned
lata t wapn Tbr
Baee Hlta.
NEW YORK. Oct. tt New Tor dosed
Its season today by dropping a double
beeder to Brooklyn. In the first tame
Rsgan bald th local to three hlta. while
tn tha second game Dent was effect I va
In tha pinches. Tha second vama waa a
tire: Charley raut. tha aooantrlo Kaa
aan. pltchad tha laat limine, which waa
pure burlaaqua. FViat waa allowd to
rt on Drat baje, Dent hHUns him. Ha
waa than allowed to ateal aaeond and
third, and aoorad on an Infield out. Boora,
flrat game:
UH.t.A.1 un.oxi
Unrthn, itl M I tnrom, 1 , " I 1 1
1.J.. If..l ar.MKr'av i I I i i
miib. 10.4 t t f Murr.,. rl.l I I t J
Jnnin. .i.4 J I t tMOTkl. lb.. I 14 I
,OnulBta, rl, 4 i IHarmi, Ik . 1 tilt,.l. lb 4 I rirhW. al
Mui. al i I I iMnn, t till
TU1 U IT U 4
Batted for Aoiaa tn tha ninth.
Frooklvn A00011 1
M Tork OftO00r)
np!lt..bMS "1 error: Brooklyn, t Saert
flej hit: Coulaon. Ptoinn bane: Millar.
Lft on baaea: Naw York, I; Krooklyn. 1
rouble play: nummal to Daubprt. Flrt
baaa on balla: 0 Amaa. I; alt Raaan. l
t1""", out: By Amea. S: by R.Tn. 1
Pawied ball: Myara. Umplraa: Klem and
Bemrn. aerond (amai
RooarLTN. kbw tohk.
r-. af...a I t a nr.a " i lfc.4 11 J IDwtn Ik... 4 I 4
liy. If I a acnK('av ol 4 a
v.arK, .iw. ii vniurraf. TT. I
rtila. em..! a I 4 lBir, rf ... 1
Wi.iina. M.rklfc lb.. 1
Jv.uin.ii. rf. 4 1 I t (Mi.ll. a.i
JummL. l j i ruet. ..
rwl. s.t., I tit Hrwi.i lb.. 4
tal. I 4 4 1 rwriia. ... 4
Hm7. .. 4
total. ,ir nu in, .... i
rMta ikt
( 4
1 1
a i
rtj. ...j4 i it i i
Prooiirn ........ lioooaotaR
2sew fork I M t M t I l-l
Flrat baa on error: New Tork. 1;
Prooklyn, 1. Two-baaa hitas Wheat,
lfartley, Coulaon. Ptnln baaeal Wheat,
CotiUon. Hummel, Fauat 9). lfl on
V : New York. 7; Brooklyn, . Double
playa: Pahlen to Pubrt, Htimml to
trwln. Flret b(Ue on balla: Off Pnicke,
I; off Maxwell. 1; off Dent. 1. Struck
out: By Dnicke. I; by Dent, t Hit with
pitched ball: Bv Drucke. Dent. Fauat.
Hlta: Off Drucka, 4 In flva Innlnan; off
Maxwell, 4 In three Innings; oft Fauat. 1
In one Innliig Time: l.tK fmolraai
Brennan and Klem.
Caba Laaw to Red.
CrNCINATTI. a. Oct U-OndnnaU
flnlehed the National league ensue n here
today by defeaUng Chicago. I to 1 Tha
game waa kxteely played and uninterest
ing, tha amalleat crowd of tha eeaaon
being present MJtohall'a batUng aud
Bearher'a base running- featured. Score:
lWbar, It.. I a 40m4. H....I 4 I 4
HnkMl. la. I lit 1 4i-kr4. It 4 1 4
Bi ct....i a a enhohin, M. 4 1 1 t I
M.irkcll lit I I I'awa. Ik I I I I a
kltu. lb. .. I 1 I 14 4 tki K lb... 4 I 1 1
l.mo4. M. 4 I I 1 lalr. lb.... 4 I I 1 1
ftraDt. lb... 4 ail IHotmaa. af . 4 4 1 4 4
iaaa. a. 4 4 4 aoiabam. .. 4 I I I
. a. 4 1 I a H.rnica. 4 I 4 I 4
Huinpk'a. a. 1 1 4 4 4
M.raaaa, l. I 4 I 4 4 TeUla... M 11 M IT I
or. 111
Totals M 14 II 14 i
fhlrsao M 1 M I H-l
flnnnnatl lAllg
Lft on bases: Chlcaao. T; Clnnlnnall.
Jt Two base hits: tevereld Three base
iflte: Esmond. Hlta: Oft Humphrlea. t
In five Inntnxs: off Bovd, In four In
nlniea. Sacrifice hits: Hohlltaell, Bstea
. f.ioln bass: Bru-her, ts; Mltsrhell.
Kan. Boyd. Doubla playa: F.Kan.
J.ssmond and HoblUHl; Kan to Hol.lit
!: Zimmerman, 8hreUan to RaJar.
4-irurk out: Hy Humphries. I. Bum on
i.aii: tirr bipnlris. 1. Hit by pitcher
By Boyd. Zimmrrman. Time, l:tt. Um
plrea. l-ajion and Emilia.
LINCOLN. Neb., Oct U 6poiai Tal
aTam. A 1 trriflo rainstorm Interfered
with Stiebma plana for heavy atrlm
ma;e work Thursday night and the
varsity had to be content with a short
tffnal practlr la the a-ymnaeluro. Rain
fell tn torrenta. making outside work Im
poMlbla. Btlfihm look advanue of the oppor
tunity to work over soma new forma.
Uonav Tba rain will probably necessitate
short aorlnuuaca practice next Tlmis
day nU-ht. as the vara.ty baa had but
Utile real work during tha week and
Btiehm Is expecting a etiff game with the
Aggu. Trie Kansana will arrive In Lin
coin Friday nlaht from Manhattan.
John Weatover, one of Nebraska'
greatest playera. who piloted Nebraski
agalna the Qophera In V1 when the
Comhuskera trlumuhed bv a a tn a
waa aeslating In the coachlna Thursday
bight From now on until the Oopher
cuna Weetover will assist In the coach
tng, while It U expected that other Corn
hucker stare will lend their assistance.
Hera la a woman wno apeak from par
aoasi knowledge and long experience, via,
Mrs. P. 1L Brogan of Wilson, Pa, who
says. -I know from experience that Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy la far auparlor
to aay other. For croup there la nothing
that exoula It." For sale by all daalera
Tba Merchant Who Has tha Goods I
Ue One Who Let a tha Publle Know it
aVruvg Advertising In Th Baa.
Home Team Gets Only Five Hit Off
Fitcher Wood.
Mack Glraa Nearly All Hla Habatl
tataa Caaaoa aaxl PLaytaa; at
aaaa at Tkeaa Featavaa '
tfca Oaataat.
PHILADJXJHIA. Oct. 11. -The pMla
delphla team, champion of tha American
league, today played It final Rama here
with tha All Stars In preparation for
tha world'a aarlea with tha New York
Natlonala. Philadelphia won, I to 1 The
home' team cot only five hlta off Wood
of tha Boaton Americana, error aldlng
In tha aoorlni of two of their rune.
Manager Mack of . Philadelphia gara
nearly all of hla aubatltutea a chance
and the playing of aoroa of them featured
tha conteat. "trunk made a wonderful
throw from deep center field, catching
McBrlda, who tried to go from aerond
to third after tha catch. Ptrunk alao
beat out a bunt and atol aerond and
third baaea In tha aame Inning.
Danforth. a "southpaw; waa given a
trial for three In nine. Ha held th
loral atara to on hit and fanned Cohh.
Chaaa. Geaaler and Gardner. Both of
tha All tare' run were made off Mar
tin. Mclnnes played fimt baea for three
inning. Hla Injured right arm la atlU
aora and It la doubtful If ha ran play
agalnet Naw Tork net Saturday. The
Philadelphia team will go to New Tork
tomorrow afternoon. Bcore:
Uwrf. M...4 1 I 4MIIU. U....1 iii .
Lp. a tail IMw, H.. 4 e
'blllie. la. 4 4 14 OCk,. lb... 4 1 11
uw. n .. i a a a anib r-i. t.
Perrlck. lb. I 4 I 1 4jMitn.r. lb. 4 1
I 4 a
i i a
torpj, rr. 1 SM Br14, M
a--.. till
...! till
Oartr. . .. 1 4 I t 4Woo4.
l.ort.r. a... 1 a 1 1 a
afnrtk, a. I 4 4 1
Mania. ki I t I
Motiwi, .. i a a i
TUla....l4 I IT 14 I
Phlladeliihla 1 Oat 1 a a a
Tan hmmm ki.i ft
floafly: Barry. Btol.n have.. n.Ji
Btruca out; By Wood. J. by Bender,
by Danforth. : hv Mr.. . .
Striet. Fir- on er "a '.a
Philadelphia !. Left on baaea: All Mt'ai.'
wJLrnfr'!:2!' " bells: Off
..w.., w, iiT-i , 1. nun nirr.riAa
Martin. Mlla tt . . . r,1
I n n . r, -. . . m mrea
Inn: off M&rtin t n ii
v aauimnn. 1 in t hra
- w uw oil
plrea. Dlneen and Eean
Tha Kay to
Advertising Column.
Pitchers Giants Depend On
C r ' ' 4 .C4.-!V &iif. 'A
. ---tS'ia
n .... "
L ' .' j !(. ' f I
rhrl.l. LT.tV..- -.k. 1 V . V. .
Giant a mainstay In the box for year a.
waa tK.rii m t taciory li le. ll., in l.s. HI
flrat gained atn-ntum aa a pitcher for
tha Kikvatiiiie i I'i i Ari.i!imv nln 14
entered Hticknell unlvrlty and "made
tne tram in his turn ear. Taunton was
hU fit at prufeaclonai berth, but ha aoon
lfl lllir In ti.lll tiim ,.1iiK TK
Olanla sccuivd hlin In iiaai. ihe flret sea
son here he pit. iinl three Raines and lost
them all. Malty s flrat triumph In the
big league was on April 2t. l'.'l. when he
beat the Brooklyns. k to I. He allowed
only four hits. Twice has the big frilow
pltrhed no-1 j it guinea. Ills girntvst num
ber of vtrtolifa In une i. waa thlrtv.
seven This was In lw. He would have
Been credited with thirty-eight and have
won another pennant fur the Giants if
Merkie hadn't forgotten tn touch iwvuiil
Ills record follows: In !). lost three ami
won none; iwm. won twenty, lost seven
teen: lr won thirteen. kjt 14. 1 won
thirty, lust thirteen; lno4. won thirty-five.
tost ei-n; won thlrly-one, lost nine
lw4, won twenty.two, loet twelve: r,
won twenty-four, lost twelve: laj, won
thlrty-eawen. lost eleven : . won twenty
fle. loet alu: lloA aim ln.i
nine: lll tto rtstel. won twenty-four, lost
thirteen. Matty w a the hero of the
worlds aeries In litx when he beat the
A t i I liia thru HltlM 11 . K ! I n K w...
f iurten hits in that aetiea. Issued only
cot us, ana hit one batter
w.U 0 b aalduca eVae.
Jeffs Pugilistic
. C-'
Hag Swatted the Ball Safely 222
Time During the Year.
Roarka Family Steals 89 Baaea,'
Wnlc-h ,1s Bat TKi--e Bebtad tba
Grlislles, Wis ImI ta ba
Pinal and official batting ayeragwa for
th Western Ifsjtue aeaaon Juat elosad
give Thomaaon tha ton nf tha. n
sluggera with th wonderful percentage
01 .eo4. me husky Rourke centar fielder
came to bat. 19 time diuins- the iit
aeaaon and out of that number of time
up managed to connect aafely 222 times.
Aside from hi numerous hlta Tommla
cam In with 1M runa. Prior to hla com
Ing to Omaha Thomaaon waa not showing
hi ola, but from tha day ho entered th
rank of Pa' athlete he began to climb
tha ladder, and ha had been with tha
Rourke but three week whan he waa
leading the league and ha held that
lead tnoe.
TJp among tba topnotchara waa Jim
Kane, Omaha clever flrat baseman. Jim
waa tha moat consistent hitter tn the
legue during tha season. It waa In very
few game that ha did not coma acroea
with hi one or two hlta. Kane secured
a good paroentaga of hla hlta by beating
out bunta
Lindsay, tha Orlxxlr flrat Kiumm i'.
tha laag-ua In fielding, with a percentage
of .MO. Out of 1.878 channea TAnAmmvr -.-
but sixteen error. In this branch of tba
game Kane again , showed hla olaaa by
lan din third place. Kan took 1 til
chance during tha aeaaon and mad but
tnirty-tnra errora, finishing with a field
ing average of .tsa.
In atol en baaea tha Rottrkea draw sec
ond nlaca with lt2B nilfenal a
credit, juat three behind tha Ortullea,
wno unieneti urst in that branch of tha
it, Loala
America as Los by Tares
to Twa Reora.
FT. LOtns, Oct 11 The looal NaUonal
. . V. . Kail , .w
league baee bail team won fmm tha
tbe nty championship by a score of S to
winning nin waa prtmarlly dua to bet
ting. Ocora: REE.
Nationals 0 1 0 0 8 0
Americana 000100000-2 1
Batteries: Harmon and Bllsa; Pelty
and Stephen Umpires: Perrtn and
inn tsutnn
- . -
r nwawsa a a
of the function of vtnmach livr, kid-
ava mw,A Ka.1. la iii(alrl 4lairkAawl k4
IaiO J bbiiu W a siaaav.aai wa'jwwru wa
with Electric Blttera. Me. For aale by
Beaton Drug Co.
i aaaa mii;
. 1
" "
i . v -4.. ft-....
John MoO raw's confidence rn Rube
Uarquard won tba pennant for tha
Glanta thla season. This big left-hander
who la exoecteo. bv 1mJ enotera tn win
every game he pitches sgalnat tha Ath-
toiirs. wa norn in Cleveland, o., October
I. INM. Ha la feet 1 Inches tall and
welsha 17 nounrla Ha. at a rl A n!rh1n
fur a serul professional team In bis home
town ana lost put one game In thirteen
the fu'at laiann. Hla ruac nmfadiAn.l
enitaa;-meni was with tha Waterloo team
"i ma otai league, an ciud weni
1 1 11 .1 ., r n .1 b, i .4 ...
w here he Ditched for tha crack Ixka ParJ
tram. Charley Carr, who Uvau In that
city and who was menacing th Indkan-
lolia team of the American association
at the time, decided to slv Rube a trial.
He waa the aenaatlon of tha league, and
John T. Hruah bouaht hia ra.... tnr
111 UftX He joined the Polo Ground brt-
lade late In 1. but not until thla aea-
-" ..w MM.nar i ' j ...o . . i nua
poaaoaaed all kinds of epeed and a varied
assortment, he could not a eean to win
twuie. aicurav, nnwevwr, aiuo to mm.
. n , K. K. 11 A A .h.- .
semes Maruard worked la 1!) for th
won five and lost thirteen samea: in 191.
" ".' .UU. ' 1 .MW. V. V.1 . . 1.1. ,IIUII
ha haa been t'oe Gtant'a most oonaistent
winner, aavin variurag to aais twenty
Of -
VsJ Twits o wrr a
eox.TVje at
o . .
Rowland and Hayes Unexpectedly
vote to Drop Organization.
Presldeat Hayes Gsisgt la'
Wsm Disc as lo a Over
Iajwtol HUarfet.
CHJCAOO, Oct la After winning Ita
nght. waged for month trarous-h civil
courts and tha NaUonal Baaa Ball com.
mission to retain Ita berth In the Three-I
league, tha Waterloo. la., oluh aiinnant ant
of tha laaa-u so oulcklv todav that t
repreaentatlvaat acaroely knew what had
Assured that tha cttioa eomnrfalnar th.
northern diviaton of tha league would
stand with Waterloo, j. h. Maynard,
reprenenUng tha Iowa club, waa prepared
to agree to a dlabandmant of tha onran.
laatlon and tha formation of two aeparata
lea-ua IX atap should be taken to oust
Waterloo. J. H, Hayes of Davennort and
Clarence Rowland of Dubuaue were
named member of a committee with Al
Lelay of Peoria and R, H. Kinsella of
Springfield to auggeat a 1312 circuit
It waa supposed that Rowland and
Hayes would support Waterloo. Instead
they voted with tha two representatfvaa
or in eouinern aiviaon te drop Waterloo
and award franohlaea to Snrlna-rtaM ni
Qulncy, Danville, Davenport. Rock Island,
ijuDuque and Peoria,
Appolata Csmnlttee,
Brought to a vote tha nrnnnatttwi Ia
drop Waterloo waa unanimously passed.
PresMent T earner then appointed a com
mlttaa oonelaUngt of J. M. Boyle of Dan-
vuta, iusy or rorla, Harry Hofer of
Qulncy, Rowland of Dubuaue and ra.v.
of Davenport to meet In Peoria October
a to or ait a constitution and select a
rfty for tha eighth place. Cedar Rapid.
Bloomlngton, Decatur and East Bt Louis
hav applied for th franchise, but It waa
saia mat aither Bloomlrigton or Decatur
would be selected.
Befora tha meeting- cloaad there wag a
warm diacueslon auch aa had character
Ued former league aesaJone. It cam whan
a motion waa made by Kinsella that
Prealdant Tearnay be re-elected for three
year. When Hayea was named aa chair
man to preside while tha vote waa being
taken Tvarney proteetad, declaring he had
been placed In an em bar ran sing position.
"It waa ray privilege to appoint a man
It I did not think It waa proper for ma
to preside," eaid Tearnev. T whii v....
to ask you. Mr. Hayes, to allow m. t
proceed with th meeting."
Hayaa EMeotad Over Protest.
Hayea left tha chair, whereupon Tear
ney appointed Lalssy to take tha vote.
Rowland, who offered tha motion on
which Hayaa waa named chairman, pro
tested that he meant no alight and In a
few momenta, when Hayea' name waa
auggaated for tha vice presidency, the
latter said:
"I will not aerva. Tearnay flew off the
handle and Insulted ma when I tried to
alt tn tba chair for five minutes. I re
fuse) to act aa vice president if Tn.. t.
elected. "
Without a dissenting Vote Taarnav w aa
re-elected, and Hayes alao was eierten
over bis protest. Both will serve for
Oire ywara Repreaentatlvea of the club
war elected aa a board of director
I had every uauranm ht tni
Island. Davenport and Dubuque would
UPDOrt Waterloo In Ita fiKht tn remain
In tha league, " said J. M. Maynard, presi
dent Of the club. Things came so aud.
denly when Davenport and Dubuque gave
la that there ta nothing left for us to do.
Waterloo waa not voted out of the league,
but simply left out" '
Tha report of tha treasurer showed a
balance) of I1.S06 In the treasury at the
olosa of tha 1911 playing season. This
compared with CStf at th ant ..f
tha tfl aeaaon. It was brought out that
tha litigation between the Waterloo club
and tha league In the fight for Waterloo
o retain Its berth, cost 12.M0. and tha
ague rMt, of which SttO waa for attornav
CRETE. Neb.. Oct. 11-rSDeciaJ.V-Th
Doan Tigers play Grand Island hen
Friday afternoon and considerable can
lecture 1 being mad aa to tha atrensth
Of the two teams. While TVian wa A.
feaUng Cotnar 44 to 0, Wealeym defeated
arena island I to a Grand Island, how
aver, claims a heavy Una and a snand
back field and expecta to have things
their own way.
Tha DUDll of Coach Johnson liava kaan
working hard this week, some new for-
mstions Deing tried out others perfected,
while soma eorlmmege work has been
dona. Several men are a little bat
tared, ewtns ta last waok'a clash wnth
Cotnar. Korab having a twisted knee.
Gobi a a charley here" and Rica a fe
minor InJuiiea The comrarattve scores
of last week's gamee end former scores
of Doene-Orsnd Island games leave the
balance of favor In tbe hands of the
Doane lads. Much Interest ta being taken
tn the team by tbe rooter and' a big
erowd will be out Friday to do their
pert '
Flood at rortaae. Wis.
LACROSSE, Wla, Oct U. Reports
navw Doan reoeivea nere oi a ewrfc
fiood at Portaara Wla. 100 snile a
of here, toward Milwaukee. Four and
one tuvr roues troin stiiwaukeo railroad
Fans Fight for
Tickets for World's
Base Ball Series
new TORK. Oct ia More than a
thousand baaa ball enthusiasts stormed
the headquarters of the New Tork Na
Uonal league club today to buy tickets
tor the world'a aeries. Born had been
In Una sine 10 o'clock last night
When the doors were opened It I a. m.
tha crowd rushed the policemen on guard
off their feat. Hats -were lost and coats
were torn off and tha floor waa littered
with piece of torn clothing.
Speculators who had agents sprinkled
through the line comforted them during
the long night wait by frequent relays of
coffee and aandwlohes.
The tickets were limited to four for
each person.
delphia Americana this afternoon will
play tbe All Stars In the final tuning up
prior to the beginning of the world'a base
ball ehamptonahlp aeries with tha New
Tork Natlonala Saturday.
Baker, third baseman, will not play to
day, aa ha has a slight cold. Mclnnes,
first baseman, will be In the world's
series. Hla Injured wrist Is mending
rapidly and Is now strong- enough for
him to get Into practice. "
In today's game Pitcher Bender, Plank
and Coombs probably will pitch three
Innings eaoh.
Tomorrow will be a day of physical
rest but every man will be on band for
a council of war In the Inner sanctum
of the tower of Shlbe park.
Two hours after tha sale opened every
12 and S3 ticket for th first gam on
Saturday had been disposed of. , Tha
bleacher tickets will be sold at th ground
on Saturday.
Speculators stood at the street en
trance offering t) Ucketa for $5. The
special police threw the speculators out
of the 1 line of buyera whenever ' they
recognised them. Their effort caused a
succession of rows In which a number of
legitimate buyers were roughly handled.
About 200 messenger boys who presented
money at the office for tickets were not
allowed to purchase.
KEARNET, Neb., Oct 11 (Special)
The Buffalo county Korn Karnlval
which la the private enterprise of Mayor
John W. Patterson, held In his large
Implement warehouse hss opened a
quantity and variety of agricultural dis
play that equals the ordinary county
fair. Mr. Patterson Is an enthusiastic
farmer, and when ha learned that no
enterprise of thla kind waa contemplated
by the Commercial club or County Fair
management thla year, he decided to
have a county fair of hla own, knd thla
la the result of bis efforts.
The display of corn, vegetables, sugar
beets, celery, garden produce, fruits.
grains, and live stork la a surprise to
most people, ahowtng the recuperative
power of tha crop when the ralna auc
reeded a long period of drouth early In
the attmmer. Tha display of suirar beets
especially of Interest as this I the
first season that farmers her hsv
planted any extensive screage of them.
The American Sugar Beet company has
also a display consisting of the sugars
of the world, numbertng over 500 ax
hihtt. which I the private collection of
Manager O. C Swan of the Grand Island
factory. This shows sugar from every
and In all It stages of manufacture and
The awards wfll bs mads today and th
Korn Karnlval will close Friday and
Saturday with a stock show, to which
farmers may bring their stock for ex
hibit and sale.
H. Clyde Filler sad Mies Grstss
Waraer Married Dr. Thomas
Able to Be Oat.
BEATRICE. Neb, Oct ll-Speolal )-
Word was received here yesterday an
nouncing ths marriage of H. Clyde Fllley
of this city and Miss Crete Warner,
which occurred at 2 p. ra. at ths home
of th bride'a parents In Lincoln. Mr.
and Mra Filey departed on an extended
wedding trip, and upon their return will
make their hotu at Lincoln. Tha groom
la a graduate of the Nebraska Btate uni
versity and represented Gage county tn
the last laajlalature.
Three weddlnga occurred here yester
day, the contracting parties being Paul
M. Marvin and Miss Marian Salisbury,
C R. Taylor and Mrs. Luctle McM aster
and Walter Kors and Miss Mamie Wolf.
All are resldenta of Beatrice). .
Dr. W. U. Thomas, superintendent of
the Feeble Minded Institute, who has been
seriously 111 for a long Unit from an at'
tack of typhoid fever, was able to drive
to ths city yesterday.
Judge Pemberton yesterday appointed
L. W. Colby, Judge A. Haxlctt O. M.
Enlow, F. O. McGlrr and H. J. Dobb a
committee to prepare suitable resolutions
upon the death of the lat Judge J. E.
Arasy Warm Works Have.
BEATRICE. Neb. Oct 11 -(Special Tel.
gram.) Th stxty-aor field of winter
wheat on th Pear farm east of Wyraore
has been destroyed by tbe army worm,
necessitating the replanting of th grsln
Thl I th only damage of the kind re
his rs CoNttK
His vACeVQ I
Standing of Teams
W. La
New Tork:
Pittsburgh .
St. Louis ....
ClnclnnaU ..
Brooklyn ...
Yea tender's Remit).
Brooklyn. 8-6; New Tork, 0-2.
Chicago, ii ClnclnnaU, 4.
("From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Neb.. Oct 12. (Special.
Everybody connected with the Chester
Telephone company who Is sufficiently
Informed to make a report to th Btate
Railway commission Is sick and accord
ingly th report will not be forthcoming
for a while, according to a letter received
by the commission from Secretary E. Lv
Brown. Replying to a statement by the
commission that the attorney general
would start prosecution agalnet the
Chester concern unless tbe reports re
quired by law were filed, Mr. Brown
'The writer Is confined to his heme
under physicians' orders and the book
keeper has been in the hospital for the
last week, but expects to return, this
week. We are hopeful that another ten
days may enable us to do something
definite, but cannot promise. An Im
perfect report could have been filed long
ago, but past experience haa shown that
you would fire It right back. Now. If
your Mr. Clark Perkins thinks an attor
ney general can make a set of books
balance any quicker than anybody else,
let him try It Whan we are able to
and In an O. K. report wa will da It
and no law will change condition either."
LTNCOLN. Oot 11 IKnenial Tala.n,
John Cutwrlght of Lincoln defeated
r K-ruse of Lincoln for the presl
deney of th sophomore class at the Uni
versity of Nebraska by a vote of 140 to
10a Cutwrlght Is a member of the Alpha
Tan Omega fraternity. Kruse received
the Support Of the .nrlnuri.. .n
while Cutwrlght had the oombined fra
ternity vote.
The popularity At JeM"wtr TCTskl-waxxaa 41a
foot ball atar, waa shown when Warner
defeated J. T. Noon of dmwha e th.
presidency of tha frwahman t.. a... .
vote of 49 to 22. Richard Stout whn ..
the only candidate to announce himself
before election, was eliminated on the
first bsllot. Warner's nomln.Hon e--.
as a surprise, but he proved a vote getter
and won on the second ballot
MO steps hav been taken Srrth i-,
the selection of a Junior taw .,.-.
dent. Bob HasUnge still retaining his
laurels after havln- rt.n.t ri a
- l'.'i nuiang
Tnomaa of Omaha In a aecond election
resulting from charges of Illegal voting
Thomas threatened tO 4fwntafT aA- A
election, but haa decided to let the matter
eianu as it is and Hasting will retain
th honor.
BLOOMINGTON. Neb.. Oct. 12-Rn-.
clal.) A change of postmasters took place
iu oioomington thla week. H. M. Crane
was appointed In place of Conrad Huber,
who haa been In the office for years snd
who Is wsll known In the service. Mr.
Huber and family will leave for Cali
fornia within the next few weeks, where
they will make their home.
W. C. Dorsey. who waa severelv Intirran
some weeks ago, Is bow much better.
A man u years of age, by the name
of Miller, came to Bloomlngton from
Holbrook one day this week looking for
a woman whom - ha
marry him forty years ago. Being un
able to find her he looked at hi letter
and found that It was Bloomfleld. In the
noruiern part or tn atata He left on
tne xirst train for that town.
Army Worm Appears at W'ymere.
WTMORE. Neb., Oct 12. (Special -
The army worm la doing some rismsge
in this part of ths country. Farmers say
1 . v
mygaM mmmsmmmtammmmmmsammmmvamsBSm
THE LEADING BEER I Family Trad. eufpUcO Kjg
W THE MfDDU WEST I Chaa. Eators, PUobo Webeur I '
' 12ftt)j iMfirXitvalcm H-llUil. I
aaBaa34Bata?aBmVTsSal assmaSjBBjamJ
"Bud" Fisher
tha worm Is general everywhere) ta thl
vicinity, but la not usually found ra rarga
enough quanUUes to do any damage.
CENTRAL CTTT. Neb.. Ont UC&pa.
eialV Cha. C. MoEndree, cashier of tbe
Farmers' State bank of this oity, has
accepted the rice presidency of tha Stock
O rowers' NaUonal bank of Chereanns
Wye. Thla is one of the largest banks
tn Wyoming, with capital and surplus of ;
S27B.O0O, and deposits ef over 22)00000. T
officers of the bank will remain th sams
as they are now until after the annual
meeting In January, when J. W. Vieregg,
the present cashier, will be made vice
president, and George A. Agnew, cashier
and a director.
Clay, Robinson A Co., who are heavily
Interested In ' the Farmers' State bank,
also own a controlling Interest In the
bank at Cheyenne.
EDGAR, Neb., Oct 12. CSpeetal Tele
gram.) Mis Maud Smith,, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of this city,
and Mr. Charles Rltterbush of Nekton,
were united In marriage yesterday tn the
ChrlaUan church at Nelson by tha pastor,
at 2 p. m. The bride Is a social favorite)
here and the groom stands equally high
In social circle In Nelson. Th groom
owns a fine farm near Nelson.
Heavy Rata at Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Oct. 12. (Special Tel
egram.) Following an extremely warm
day a terrific rainstorm visited thla sec
tion tonight flooding the street) and
ttyls fie. 102
A Very Snappy
Button Model
ihis new Crossett
creation is sure to be
Decidedly out of the
Patent colt vamp
4-ruil lom tup
With a style of per-
fnrarirm 4Vio n-iraa
aafc giVVO
tone to the four en
Popular with young
And comfortable-
Makes lies
Ifwis ACros.ett.lnc Xaker. V
Berth Abvyrton.Maia.
Agents for
Crossett Shoes
iiw waaw ivMa waujr aa atuaa.
uaoa are revonaa wwbwa out.
ported la soma wewka.