THE HEK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1011. Nebraska PREPARING STATE HOSPITAL New Home for Consumptives - Will Be Established at Kearney. OLD FRANK RESIDENCE USED Forty Tkoitml Iollars Appro Striate and Separate Horn Will Be Built Law la Sllaatlr ladeflalte. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct 12. (Special.)-Investl-gatlon of the land bought by the state for the establishment of a hospital for Indigent consumptives Is under headway at Kearney, Where the new state Institu tion la to be located. The large Frank residence, which Is on the thlrteen-acre tract. Is to be used as one of the build ings for the hospital, while It Is the In tention of the . State Board of Public Lands and Buildings to supervise the erection of another building. The last session of the state legislature appropriated 140,000 for the establishment of the hospital, but neglected to provide for the appointment of officials therefor, not setting out In the bill which was en acted Into law whether the superintendent of the hospital should be a physician es pecially skilled in the treatment of tuber cular troubles. It Is the Intention of the state board, so it is said at the state house, to appoint a business man to this place and have a physician named sepa rately, so that he may spend the major portion of his time In attending his pa tients and not have the management of the institution thrust upon his shoulders. Merrick County to Have Corn Show CENTRA L CITY, Neb., Oct. 12. (Spe cial.) The executive committee of the Commercial afQ) has just perfected ar rangements for the holding of the annual Merrlok county corn show, which Is year by year becoming of more Importance here and is arousing much interest. The dates have been definitely fixed as No vember 15 and 16. The program will begin Wednesday at I o'clock, when Prof. C. W. Pugsley will deliver an address . on "Corn" and "Farm Management." In the evening Prof. L. W. Chase will give ! a good roads lecture and will illustrate his remarks with stereopticon views. Both speakers are from the state agricultural school. Thursday at 10:30 o'clock there will be a domestic science demonstration and lecture at Cuddington hall to be con ducted by one of the women Instructors in that branch from the University of Nebraska. In the afternoon of that day Prof. A. I Haecker of the University of Nebraska will lecture on "Dairying and Silos." The rules require that all corn contest ing for prises must be entered at the Academy of Music not later than 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The judging will be completed so that the exhibits' will be open for public inspection Thursday afternoon. A special feature will be the corn judging contest for boys under 16 years of age, to be conducted by Prof. Culver of Nebraska Central college, The committee Intends asking that all of the schools In the county be closed on Thurs day, so that the school children may attend. i The following committees have been ap pointed to have complete charge of ar rangements: Soliciting M. Q. Scudder, Sten Nordstedt. O. D. Burke, Will Rice, Henry Lee. Advertising James Hender- aon. O. C. Fitch, H. O. Taylor, J. W. Machamer, H. E. Glatfelter. Speakers O. H. Gray. D. H. Burke, Prof. Culver, E. H. Badger.. Miss Frances Kelley, county superin tendent, will have charge of the boys' and girls' contests. iState Spends Mucji ! to Teach Agriculture i . (From a Staff Correspondent.) 748,240 to pay the expenses of agricul tural education in this state for a single blennlum, according to a report just is sued by W. R, Mel lor of the State Board of Agriculture. The compilation follow a request from the Province of Ontario for Information along this line. The fol lowing shows where the money Is to go and how It is to be distributed: 'Salary roll for College of Agrl I culture. Including that paid for experiment purposes at Lincoln from the mill tax Is about $ 70,000 .Maintenance paid to farm depart , ments from the mill tax Is about. 20, GOO Cash expended by departments at 1 farm accumulated by farm aala Is about......... 25,000 Adams fund I6,ouo 1 The Hatch fund u OoO I extension iuna per year 17 &u0 .Agricultural botany j'ooo Kntomology s'ooo Hog cholera Investigations 15 000 j North Platte substation 30,ou) Valentine substation 16 000 ' ecou s eiuri substation 6 000 Culbertson substation 15 000 Southwestern Agricultural school . Curtis 100,000 I Conservation commission, for blen- I n'unt ,000 State veterinarian 21, fix) I Pure food commission 412XO Bureau of statistics s'toO 'expenditures at state fair l&U.OuO State . appropriations for buildings on fair grounds 15,000 i Board of Horticulture 6,000 i State Poultry association s,uuo Corn Improvers' association 2,ouo State Dairymen's assoc. at ion 2,0u0 improved Live Stock Breeders' , association ' Agricultural building at the farm.. . Farmers' Institutes Kebraska rural life commission.. 2.000 85.0UO 35,000 25,00 Total 1748,240 Nonunion Men at Grand Island . GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Oct. 12.-Hope that the local strike situation would solve jltself has been abandoned by the local I Union Pacific officials and the first In stallment of strikebreakers from the east Iwere shipped In .here last night. About thirty were in the party. No violence has marked the progress of the local strike as yet. Fifty helpers are claimed by the strikers to have gone out yester day. Reaekaka Give Heaeflt. TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Oct. lt-(Epecial.) The local Rebekah lodge of this place gave a social and supper at the Odd Fellows' ball last evening at which a Urge crowd was present. The proceeds f the entertainment, amounting to near :. are to go to the Odd Fellows' Home at York, which 1 to be dedicated next week. Nebraska State Health Board Plans Inquiry Into Train Sanitation (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. Oct. l.-(SDeclJ ) Fanltary conditions of Nebraska railroad ations and passenger trains are to be investigated by State Health Inspector tl. 11. Wilson, according to a request made by the secretaries of the State Board of Health today. The chief iur. geons of the railroads are axked to meet with the Hoard of Secretaries In No- mber In order to consider the aen- eral question of improved railway sani tation. The Board of Secretaries figures that It is not encroaching upon the jurisdic tion of the State Railway commission. since that body Is empowered to regulate rates, service and general control of common carriers as the lenlftlatum mv provide by law." While this clause mtgh give the commission authority over sani tation, the Board of Secretaries believes that it has at least concurrent Jurisdic tion. The board has also decided to call a meeting of delegates from cltv and county boards of health, to be held In Lincoln In January. Following are the resolutions as to railroad sanitation: "We, your committee on railroad nl- tatiou and resorts, would recommend that the health Inspector be Instructed to ascertain the source of the ice sunnlv of all railroads in the state, and as to wnetner the Ice Is placed In the water for drinking purposes or is Disced In a separate apartment for cooling purposes; aiso as to tne sanitary condition of the depots of the different railroads, espe cially as to the drinking water used In the depots, and report at our next meet ing in November. "We would further recommend that th chief surgeons of the different railroads or Nebraska and the chief physicians of tne relief departments and the medical directors be requested to meet with us at our next meeting for the purpose of taxing up the matter of railroad sanita tion." NEW ORDER IS SOUGHT RELATIVE TO WATER RIGHTS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct. 12. IScecial.l Jtn.n. Ing to a Lincoln man who has just re turned from a trip to western Nebraska, residents of Scott's Bluff an MnnHii counties are considerably dissatisfied over ineu- inaDiuty to arrange, for water rights for land along the government ditch. In order to relieve the exlstlnsr condi tions a plan has been adonted which contemplates securing from the secretary of the Interior an order' whnrahv h Alliance and Cheyenne land offices will oe allowed to accept applications for water right certificates without further payment, where 12 has been nald In the first lateral district and BO cents In the second lateral district. Under the present law it is required that all charges due on land under the project be paid at the time of making a water right application and that no water right certificate shall be Issued for lands either In nrlvat . own ership or under homestead entry until such payments have been made. If Nebraska ALDRICH SCORES DEMOCRATS Telli People of Superior Their Pro fessions Are False. ANSWERS SPEECHES OF BRYAN Repabllrana Have Given State Pro gressive Laws, While Demos Are Baled by Ike t'or aoratleas. SUPERIOR. Neb., Oct. 12 (Special Telegram.) Governor C. IL Aldrlch ad dressed a crowd of several thousand peo ple here this afternoon In answer to Mr. Bryan's, recently made here. Captain C. K. Adams first Introduced Judge Hurd, who spoke briefly after a short talk of "Republicanism and Good Government." The governor told why progressive re publicans . should stay within the rsnks of the party and fight out their plans for good government. He declared that the democratic party was In the hands of the breweries. He also makes the asser tion that every piece of organised and constructive legislation placed upon the statute books has been placed there by the republican party. "It Is worthy of note that Mr. Bryan did not point to anything the last two democratic legislatures had done that was worthy of mention," said the gov ernor. "Neither did he point out what the last democratic! legislature would like to have done, but was prevented from doing by a republican governor. Hauler Suits Him. "If Bill Oldham Is good enough for Mr. Bryan, Mr. Hamer Is good enough for me. Judges Letton and Hose have each made good records, are able jurists and should be re-elected. , "It Is worthy of note that Mr. Bryan In talking of a nonpartisan judiciary did not mention how the last democratic legislature passed a bill that would ab solutely have turned the Judiciary of the state over Into the hands of the corpora tipns had It not been vetoed by a re publican governor. Neither did he men tion the fourteen other democratic vicious measures vetoed. "Mr. Bryan did not tell the people how the last democratic legislature passed a measure turning the entire telephone In dustry over Into the hands of the Morgan-Bell syndicate. This measure was vetoed by a republican governor." Demos for Corporal loas. The governor paid Mr. Bryan this trib ute when he said, "that he was wasting his great abilities In attempting to re form the democratlcparty in Nebraska. That the machinery of the democratic party was today in the hands of the breweries and corporations, and that Mr. Bryan was on the outside. That Mr. Bryan, who was thrice nominated for president of the United States, was now compelled to make a fight to be allowed the humble position of going to the next national convention. "The democratic state chairman," said Governor Aldrlch, "was during all of the last legislature a dangerous and perni cious lobbyist, working against any de cent and moral measures that 'were up for consideration." The governor analysed and discussed the progressive legislation of the session of 1907, and argued that the only hope for good government was in the repub- There are unscrupulous imitations of our package and our wrapper. Naturally, the makers use inferior materials So LOOK FOR THE SPEAR. Don't accept gum unless you see it. Then you'll be sure to get the delicious origi nal, that's so fine for teeth, breath, appetite and digestion Look for the Spear Mil :-::.V It's WRIGLEV'S, the Flavor Lasts Nebraska Mean party In Nebraska. He discussed national Issues and answered Mr. Hryan's argument on the tariff, praised President Tart for his peace treaties, and asked all republicans to stand by the ticket and vote for the republican candidates. . He was repeatedly applauded and was greeted by hundreds after his talk. PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD MEETS AT NORTH PLATTE t NORTH PLATTK, Neb.. tvt. 12. -(Special Telegram.) The regular fall meeting of the synod of Nebraska Is now In ses sion In the Presbyterian church In this place. About 126 ministers and elders are here. This Is the first time In the history of the church that the synod has come so fsr west In the state for Its meeting. Soma Important changes In church policy are under consideration, notably as to home mission and Sunday school work. Sessions are being held In the new church dedicated last year by the Presbyterian congregation, the finest church In this part of the state. Among the prominent men are trs. K. H. Jenks, Nathaniel McUiffln and F. 11. MeConnell of Omahn, lxng, I,awrence and Srxton of Incoln and Young of Bea trice. lr. Gvorge Franklin Williams, pastor of the church in this city, Is the retiring moderator. John W. Pressley of Beaver City was elected for the ensuing year at last night's meeting. Dr. A. W. Clark of Kearney preached the sermon Wednes. day night and Dr. K. M. Frrgusson of Philadelphia was the speaker tonight. r. Robert 10. Speer Is to be the speaker Thursday night. W. J. Bryan Is to ad dress the synod Sunday afternoon. SUTTON PASTOR ELECTED PRESIDENT OF SYNOD FORT WAYNE. Ind., Oct. 12.-At the annual meeting of the northwest synod of the Reformed Church In the United States today the Rev. L. H. Kunst of Sutton, Neb., was elected president. Dry Gooda Stock gold by sheriff. BROKEN BOW.. Neb., Oct. 12. (Spe cial.) A foreclosure sale of some magni tude was held by the sheriff yesterday afternoon at Mason, In the eastern part of the county, when he disposed of the entire dry goods sttock belonging to Dler doorf & Duke at the Instance of the Commercial State bank of Grand Island, which held a note against the firm for $7,000. The stock Invoiced for 113,000, but was sold to E. Burrows of Mason for 17,350. Before its failure the firm was supposed to have carried one of the heav iest stocks of dry goods in the county. , Nm Notes of Deshler. DE8C11LER. Neb.. Oct 12,-Speclal Telegram.) The German Luthern Fried en's church here will hold a mlsslonfest next Sunday. In addition to the pastor, Rev. John Schwerln, the following min isters will be present: Rev. Gagefoerd of Ruskln, Rev. Koehler of Gilead and Rev. Krekeler of Deshler. The Deshler public schools have bought a piano for the assembly room. A bas ket ball court has been made on the school grounds and outfits for a boys' and girls' basket ball team ordered. . rnsstrrfrli nollin buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys Dr. King's. .New Life Pills, for constipa tion, malaria and Jaundice, For sale bv Beaton Drug Co. WC30(&LEVS 1L r POfl 11 NEW 1911 STYLES TEDKIyTOY GRANDS AND UPRIGHTS at Important REDUCTIONS ALSO A FEW NEW 1911 STYLES WEBER and HARDMANS Owing to the damage done to the west wall of our building by the excavating for the new Woodmen of the World building, we find It necessary to maXe extensive alterations throughout, and for this reason we are making this unheard of offer. This remarkable sale will continue for ONE WEKK ONLY, beginning tomorrow morning, October 9. Schmoller Mueller Manufacturers Wholesalers Lincoln Citizens Ask for Three-Cent Fares on Short Lines (From a Statt vonespondenl.) LINCOLN. Neb., Oct. 12.-(8peclal)-The Public Service league, composed of several local Improvement clubs, and the Central Labor union today made appli cation to the State Railway commission for a hearing In the matter of granting three rent fare over all local traction-company lines less than three miles In length. Reasons advanced why the demand for three cent fare Is Just, are that the short lines cost less for operation than the Havelock and Collegovlew, where six for a quarter fares now return ample divi dends. That several of the officials of the company are paid enormous salaries while engaged In other lines and devot ing but little attention to the traction company Is advanced as reason for lower dividends and the reduction askod for. Cleveland, O., where three cent fare Is operative at the present time Is cited and called to the attention of the com mission In the applcaton. The filing was made for the complainants by W. G. Rtamm and Guk E. Roberts officials of the Public Service league. Crop t'oadltlona la Pawnee. TABLK ROCK. Neb., Oct. U.-(Speclal) Favorable weather and soil conditions In this locality have resulted In a much larger acreage of winter grain than usual and the work of plowing and seeding Is well along. Many fields of winter wheat are up and the stand' and color of the grain are both excellent. A careful esti mate of the corn crop, it is thought, will be close to 75 per cent of the full crop. It Is said the potato crop Will average 40 to M per cent, which a few weeks ago was thought Impossible. The rains have K 1 .ys 3C EXTRAORDINARY n nnnn Retailers. also put the meadows and pastures in fine condition. In many places the fourth crop of alfalfa has been cut and yielded well. The average amount of rough feed has been cut and put up. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD AT BENKELMAN BKMvLKMAN, Neb., Oct. U.-tSpeclal.) The Nebraska synod of the United Presbyterian church, comprising the presbyteries of Omsha, Pawnee and Colo rado, Is In session In this city this week and will conclude Thursday evening. A number of pastors prominent in the church are on the program, among whom are Rev, R, K. Inckey, moderator, and Rev. A. C. Douglass of Omaha, Rev. Charles R. Watson of Philadelphia, Rev. R. A. Evans of Superior, Neb., and Rev. J. A. Thompson, D. D president of Tsrklo (Mo.) college. Wednesday's session was devoted to addresses by representatives of the church on home, foreign and freedmen's missions, educstlnn, church extension, re port of synodlral superintendents and conference work. Thursday's special event will be the celebration of the quarter centennial of the Ilenkleman-Parks congregations, with addresses by Rev. A. Kvnns and Rev. J, A. Thompson. Other matters on the pro gram Include the problem of the rural church, report of the oommlttee on nar rative and state of religion, address by representative of the ways and mesns committee, reform work, the saloon, Bub bath desecration, modern graft, church auxiliaries, the Kabbath school, reports by Young People's Hoclety of Christian lOndeavor secretaries, the U M. 8. and the Brotherhood. Blck hcadac:. :s cp.usra rjy a divordered tomach. Take Chamberlain's Tablets and correct that and th headaches will dtiappear. For sale by all dealers.. m Look for the $pear l.-:- '.VI TtY0R ASTs If It's WRIGLEV'S, the Flavor Lasts L Ml llnJ U I f7 wjf mm 111 .,?rtVli. W1 Piano Co. 1311-13 FARNAM STREET. Little Girl Killed When Auto Upsets KIMBALL, Neb.. Oct 1J. -(Special Tel egram.) Mary, 0-year-old daughter of William Atkins, was killed Instantly last night when an automobile turned turtle east of here. Tho family of eight was out on a pleasure trip mid the wheels struck the side of a rut in the road, throwing the car over. The girl's head was crushed. None of tho others In the car was hurt. The family has lived In the community for many years and is well known here. Tie Nst Time Yon Hare Company Mk thlt d1ff htful tffMrrt for your guctti tad rciv iAir congratulation!. Gf n Julca Ch arietta Rum 76 boi Kmi Oelatina Juiet S lemon. Sj cup cold watar. cup tirnvy emu, Hciipboillnt wtf. beaim firm. 1 cup f rapt Jutca. H Cup aucar. Baaa vviattaa la coin la bsillaf watrri add 1 Sot rutla la cnlrf witt mUutrti dltiAlva pa (ulcf aat Irmoa luteal atlr cold vatai till mliturabtvl at tntklckaa. tha Inlrl In ctaarn. Tra Into ftoii llat with Urtr rrt. aantoldad dccbfata tla waippaacrvamaad violet a. va ry K aoa Par h af a riatalaa ealota of nalatlaa. sack vavaloaa aufciBf a isjii atn. Othar riaaaetta eat ftaalpk ak-(ra lor yoMi f rocai'a suit, Ptal tarn pla tar t caat ataasp aad CarU. B. Kna Co. PlATfNL. !l 400 Knos Aw: JadMtaw.i, N. Y. UsMUJI 9W 0 iHjP 11111 -- vj---ts r3 IB 1 sssssaaaaaBsassasssaaiaswi "7-