Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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you by
clothes at less cost than
Norfolk or Double
S5 - S6 - S7.50
For Smaller Boys
Russian Suits and Over- Sailors,
coats, $3.75 to $7.50 $4.50 to $8 50
rat yoiim
Olcion liei in Wait for Corn Thief
and Find Brother Near Bin.
Brother Live 'aa Adjoining Firm
(loath of Papfllloa and III Feel-1
iny Had ot llee'a Kaowa "'
. . . o tlav jpxleted. '
William Oleson, a farmer .. Irving . sis
mile south iff fapliiron, was (hot at &
o'clock this morning by htk brother John
and la In a serious condition at tha Bouth
Omaha hospital. Threa shot war fired,
ona taking effort In tha atomach, ona in
tha groin and tha othar In tha ahouldar.
Sheriff 8paarman of Sarpy county ar
retted John Immadlataly atar tha. shoot.
Ing and locked him up In tha South
Omaha jail.
William Oleson had baan missing corn
from Ms grain bin'-for aoma tlma. but
waa unabla to aacarlaln tha Identity of
tha thief. Wednesday night ha decided
to atay up and kaap a watcht vr his
com: i : '
.Nothing happened during the 'night' and
ha Jtft hi vtgll about 4 o'clock In tha
morning. 'About an hour U tar ha haard
a hair tiaar tha oca bin... U want out
to see what waa tha trouble and found
bla brother John atandlng near tha corn
bin. He aald: "Why. John, what are
you doing here?" and John draw a re
volver without any warning and fired
three ahota. i
John Oleson haa a farm adjoining WIN
llam a. Trouble haa elstd between the
two brothers for om time. The doctors
aay that William la In a very precarious
condition and la jikely to die.
klaa from Head to Heel ' ' '
waa Pen , Pool, Threat. Ala., when
dragged -over . gravel, roadway, but
Bucklen. Am It a Calve, cured him. tba.
For aale by Beaton Drug Co.
SEE w Wllag II
. tba baking
' SEE bw: nmeh nor ami
form La qaality
. SEE tow para kow f ao4
' SEE Uw oooaonatcal and
SEE that yon gat Calomel
At you i
h'irr s. . . votlST
, mADc BY 1 n f
a w m mmwtwm:m urn
This Is a Real
Boys' Store
The boys' clothing section is a
bobby of ours for years we have
studied boys and their clothes needs.
Instead of pushing the boys de
partment into some out-of-the-way
corner, we placed it right in the
heart of the fctore. It is the largest
.. section devoted to boys' apparel in
Omaha, and being the largest it nat
urally offers a greater range of
'styles from which to choose,
j By purchasing in large quantities
we are enabled to obtain the highest
grade of clothing at very reasonable
prices we share this saving with
giving the finest grade of
they can be secured at any
Breasted Styles
- $8.50 - S10
Many Mexican
Rebels Die in Battle
- Near Tuxtla
TITXTLA. fluent res. Chlaeaa. Vfaxlriv
Oct. n. Fighting late Monday afternoon
for the poaaeaalon of tha Uttla town of
Ct.lapltla. held by lnaurrecto. whoaa
atrength waa estimated aa WO. volunteers,
numbering but 1!A killed 130 rebels and
cepiurea iw. eigmeen 01 wnom were
wounded. The loas to the government
forces la given ai less than a dosen
killed. '
The rebel force waa three-fourths Cha-
mula Indiana. Thev ware armed nrlnnt.
pally with machetes and lanoas and a
antiquated rlrearma.
Mrs. James B. Wootan, 1101 Lafayette
avenue, Omaha, has a brother, Rev. 8. V.
Wiley, ' D. D., In Tuxtla. He is
doing mlaslonary work there and In a re
cent letter he spoke of the hostilities as
very serious. Many women and children
had fled the city for refuge elsewhere,
and some of the men who remained felt
none too comfortable with well developed
war waging about them. Business was
at a standstill and prosperity was not
altogether unlimited. Tuxtla, It aeeme,
haa been one of the storm centers right
along, though tha people there felt at
the first of the revolution, whioh brols
along, the American border,, that Ik would
scarcely reach them.
LISBON. (Vie Frontier), Oct 11-Th
ye lute, taking advantage of a storm
Tuesday night, made a foray from their
mountain stronghold In the dlreatlon of
Vlnhaea. ' Republican troops Interrupted
and engaged tha enemy at cloee quarters.
The firing from both aides was Intense
for some time In the darkneas.
Then the royalists gave up tha attempt
and retired to the passea In Sierra Da
Corda. within half a mile of tha Span
Ish frontier. They left several dead and
wounded on tha field. Colonel Bardoja,
commanding the Tenth regiment stationed
t Bragania, waa relieved of bis com
mand yeaterday and ordered tried by
court-martial. He la accused of delaying
forty-eight houra after learning that a
monarchy column waa In hla district and
of being moved only - on moat urgent
ordera from Lisbon.
The republican hare captured Mo men
who had deeerted the royal ranks on
becoming separated from their com
mends. The prisoners revealed the hiding
place of royalist arm. In on cave was
found 1.000 Maussr rlflss. 6uQ revolvers
and 60,000 cartridges.
Hearr W, Pallor.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 1! -Henry W.
Fuller, general passenger traffic manager
of the Cheeapeake Ohio railway, died
at hla residence la thla city early today.
He had been 111 for many menths of a
complication of diseases. He was one of
the most widely knowa paasenger traffic
officiate In the country.
New Counterfeit Tea-Dalla Ball.
WA8H1NOTON. Oct. U-fhe public to
warned by the secret service against a
new counterfeit ten-dollar bill. This
spurloua note of the Crocker National
bank of Ban Francisco Is the series of
1903-19(, bears eheck letter "F" and the
names of Charles H. Treat and W. T
Vernon aa treaaurer of the United States
and register of the treasury, reepeorlvely.
It would deceive only Inexperienced
handlers of money.
Mn, Aaa O'Reilly.
. FORT DODGE, la., Oct. U-8peclal.)
'Mrs. Anne O'Reilly. U years old, died
Tutsday and hr husband, who Is M. ta
Wt a widower. Mrs. O'Reilly had been
In failing health for aoroe time. The old
couple bad been making their home with
Mrs. J. P. O Connor, a daughter. The
other children are Father J. CRctily of
Rock Valley, Father C. A. O'Reilly of Ed
wardavlllt. 111.; p. p. O Rellly Emmets
burg. M. H, O Pellly of Uvermore. P. A.
O'Reilly of Moose Jaw, Canada; Mrs. J.
M. Meagher of Moose Jaw, Canada; Mr.
and Mrs. O'ReLty cams to Wsbeter
county to live forty years ago.
Tkaaaaa Breaaaa.
FORT DO DOE. la.. Oct U-Speeial.)
"Thomas Breonaa. who came to Fort
Dodge ta died Tuesday of append!
title. He had been prominent la thla com
munity ana until a Jnm months ago had
been actively engaged ta-buslneee
' larkKaewh. ..
HUMBOLXiT. jseu.. Oct. ll-apoclaj.)-
Married, Monday avenlng.. at . JUverUia.
by Rev. Father Wolf. J. Able Clark and
Mia. Anna Knock of Humboldt.
State Parole Board Inuei Letters o
Large Employer! of Labor.
riaa la Better to t'onaerve I.arae
Reaerve Faad Walrb Aeenele tioa
Hae Arrnmelatrd Ruling
for Medlce.
From a Staff Correnpondent
DTE8 MOINES, la., Oct. lJ.-8peclal
Telegram. The atate parole board hus
lxu-d a letter to largn rmi'loyrra of j
bor In Iowa asking their anaifitano In
finding work for paroled convicts. This
la addraned especially to manufacturer!!
tni others using skilled labor. The board
' having difficulty finding places for
the paroled convicts and It Is necessary
before a parole Is lusued that a place
of employmnt be provided or that
friends guarantee that tha convict will
be given employment.
Teachers Incorporate.
The Iowa atate teachers' association
today became an Incorporated body by
filing articles of Incorporation, but with-
out capital stuck. The association has
thirty thousand members. The DurDoae
of the Incorporation Is so that the reserve
fund which the association has been ac
cumulating may be better cared for.
Rallna Afferta Medics.
The Slate Board of Health, through
Secretary Kumner. has made a rule that
etudente In medical colleges who fall In
their sophnmors year muat drop out of
oonege and complete tjkelr preliminary
work before they can continue the study
of medicine In any Iowa medical college.
The ruling will materially affect the
welfare of many medical students, who,
when they fall the first year, take the
same year's work over again, pass the
examination, and go on with their course.
Matual Inanranre Election.
FORT DO DUE. la.. Oct. 12.-Br,cleH
Members of tha Farmer' Mutual In
surance company, a co-operative concern
including abater and adioinlna- counties
met In annual aeaaion here and reported
their business thriving. The officers
elected for tha coming year are: L. 8.
Coffin, president; C. W. Maher. vice
president; D. 8. Coughlan. treaaurer, and
O. H. Williams, secretary. All the offi
cers are fort Dodge men. The director.
Include tha officers and Frederic Larra-
bea, J. W. Pitman of Lohrvllla, N. Wal-
sted or Bomers. H. C. Bmlth of Jewell
Junction and W. O. McConnall of VV.h.
ater City.
Cleb Women Meet la Denlson.
DENISON. la.. Oct. lt-(Bpeclal.)-Repreaentatlveg
of the federated women'a
clubs of tha Tenth district of Iowa closed
k most profitable convention this evening
at this, city., The reception given the
vlaltors Tuesday evening was very da
llghiful for the vlaltors and all present-
Mrs. Frances C, Whitley, the district
president, presided. The reports from the
clube showed cJvlc. educational, literary,
musical and altruistic work of all kinds
receiving tha acUva support of tha mem.
bershlp. The address by Mr. Homer A.
Miller of Dea Moines, state president,
showed the 400 clubs in Iowa to have ixaoo
' Library Aeeoelatloa. Officers.
MASQN.c:TT. lav Out. tt-Spcjal
Telegram.) Tha executive committee win
decide betweea Waterloo and Nevada a
toe piece or Holding the 1111 State Library
association meeting. Officers were elected
as follows: Preadent. 'Oraca Rose. Dav.
nport: first vice president, Helen M.
Lee, Dea Moines; second vice president.
Addle Barton, Mason City; secretary, L.
L. Dtekeraon, Orfnnell; registrar, Parah
Palmer. Red Oak; treasurer, Newton H.
Parvln, Cedar Rapids j honorary presi
dent, Payne, Nevada.
; i
i Red Oak Boy la Cadet Coloael.
I IOWA CITT. Ia, Oct. U-(Special.)-.
Clifford Powell of Red Oak haa been
named cadst colonel of the cadet regi
ment of tha University of Iowa by Com
mandant of Battalion Captain Morton
C. Mumma, Second cavalry, p, e. van
Noatrand of Iowa City will be oadat un
tenant colonel, while Harold Anderson of
rorest city and Olenn Cunningham of
Allerton are appoints cadst major.
Iowa Varelty Droae Ckaael.
IOWA CITT. la.. Oct. ll.-(gpeolaJ.)-
oecause only auo students on the average
at, tha University of, Iowa attended
weekly cbapal exercises. PraMan.
O. Bowman today aonounoed a dissolu
tion or tn custom. Thera will be no
chapel hereafter unless a notice thereof
la posted.
FAIRBURT. Neb.. Oct. .-apeell.)-N.
B. FTleaan. a Dromlnant ImnUm...
dealer of Falrbury, and Mlaa Maggie
Barkman of Jansen. Keh.. wen ..
at tha Methodist parsonage In thla city.
"v. w. uuoert omolaUng, About flf.
teen Immediate friends and mi.hv
the contracUng parties witnessed the
ceremony. The bride U aa aocompllaned
daughter of Mr. and Mm. Martin Bark
man, living near Janaen. The groom la
the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Frleaen.
alao of Jansen. Mr. and Mr. Frteeea
eu ior k. eases city after the ceremony,
where they axrect to spend some day.
On their return to Falrbury they will go
ie nuueeaeepmg.
OZARK. Ark.. Oct. llUnlted States
Senator Jeff Davl ef Little Rock and
Mlsa Leila Carter, daughter of Dr. and
Mr. Wallace A. Carter of this city, were
married at the Carter reeldence thla after,
noon. Member of the Immediate famtly
and a few frlenda wltneesed the cere
mony. Senator Davl arrived here last
night, accompanied by a : number of
filenda. Immediately after the ceremony
Mr, and Mr. Devta left for San Fran
claoo and other Pacific ooaat points, where
they will remain until November V when
they will return to Little Rock ta reside.
Senator Davis waa a widower and his
family eonalat of three sons gad four
FttB.trlok.M errtMa.
TANKTON. a D., Oct. lt-8pclal )
Mlaa Edith Morrison, niece of Judge
Bart let t Tripp, and Jame Fttspatrtck
of Winona, Minn., Junior member of the
legal firm of Buck FHspetrtck, will
be married here tomorrow morning. The
bride la one of the most accomplished
and popular young women In Yankton
octal circles and the wedding Is the
most prominent one here for some time.
The ceremony will be performed at the
resldenoe ef Judge Tripp, wha is aa
ex-minister to Auitrtla under Preeldent
McKtnley. Uev. Lawrence Link, paator
ef Sacred Heert church, will officiate.
The Merchant-Who Has. the Uqoda is
the One Who Leu the Publlo Know it
Throug Advertising in The Bee.
Eighteen Persons
Drowned by Tidal
Wave in Mexico
NOOALE3. ArU.. Oct. 12 -Elghteen per
sons are dad as a result of a storm
wmch swept the western coast of Sonora,
Mex., a week ago todey. Many more arc
rtoasll. with BOnO people, haa been for
five days without water, excepting scant
supplies sent Irregularly from Ouayamaa.
One mining property suffered damage es
timated at 12.000,000.
EL PASO, Tex., Oct. 12.-A special to
the Herald says that the tidal wave
which struck Ouayamas, Sonora, waahed
out a causeway three kilometers long
over an arm of tha bay. The wavee
leaped a sea wall and water ran three
feet deep In the street. 1 rains from the
south are running only aa far a Harmo
alllo. MEXICO CITT. Mexico, Oct. U. - Re
port received by the Department of the
Interior today Indicate that there was a
big property Ions, but few fatalities as a
reeult of a storm that swept the coast of
the state of Sonora last Thursday. The
telegraph wires were not restored until
laat night, when the government received
Ita flrat word of the disaster.
According to official advices the village
of Ban Joae De Quaymas waa practically
destroyed. Th railway station at
Empalme and Ortl were torn down.
The lower part of Ouaymaa, th port
city, was Inundated by th sea to a
depth of two fset. No lives were lost
The wind rose at S o'clock In tha morn
ing and attaining hurricane velocity, con
tinued for some hours. Iron roof of
many building Including th custom
hous. were blown away and smaller
structures were levelled at Ouaymas. A
few lighters In the harbor wer driven
aKhore. One man wae killed at Espallna.
Communication with Ban Jose D Ouay.
ma haa not yet been re-established.
Prices Paid for
Most Crops Higher
Than a Year Ago
WASHINGTON, Oct. It-Short crop
corn, potatoes, hay and oat and a good
crop of cotton have had their affect on
price, which are being paid to farmer
for their product.
Inquiry by the Department of Agricul
ture regarding pricee paid on October 1.
compared with that date a year ago,
hows that barley averaged per cent
higher; .potatoea. XJ per cent higher;
hay, 23 7 per cent higher; eats, 17.4 par
cent higher; oorn, 7.5 per cent higher;
buckwheat. 14 per cent lower; wheat,
8.7 per cent lower; chicken. per cent
lower; butter, .11 per cent lower; eggs,
10.7 per cent lower; flax seed, ia.4 per
cent lower and cotton, tit per cent
lower. Similarly prloea on September 1.
compared with laat year for clover teed
averaged tit per cant higher; sweet po
tato, 2S.1 per cent higher; onion. 14
per cent higher; honey, It par cent
higher: cabbage. It per cent higher;
milk, 0.1 lower; bean. 0 per cant lower;
milch cow, 11 per cent lower; horae,
4.1 per cent lower; apple. II per cent
lower; beef cattle, 4.7 per cent lower;
veal calve. ( per cent lower; wool. 11.1
per cent lower; lambs, U.4 per oant
lower; sheep, 117 per cent lower; hog.
11 per cent low4r. " ' " ' '
Walsh's Name Not on
First Parole List
! LEAVENWORTH. Kaa.. Oct il-In
th flrat list of parolee granted by th
Federal Board of Parol at It last meet
ing, th nam of John R. Walsh, tha
Chicago banker, doe not appear. Either
ten or eleven man. at leaat two of, whom
war banker hav been ordered reJed,
It la understood.
Walsh' hearing came before those ef
the men who are to be paroled It la
underatood. Aa tb cases are taken up
numerically by th board this is thought
to be an unfavorable algn tor WaJch.
It I possible of course, tor th board
till to pa on Walsh' caao, but th
fact that It haa been passed over one
without favorable recommendation make
th outlook more discouraging for tha
former banker and hi friend.
Th banker who are to be paroled are
said to be from Indiana. Flv Indiana
bankers, Mas H. Emmerich and C.
Prlntaler of Indlanapolla. Ind; , B. H.
Dletier of Fort Wayne i J. H. Phillip of
Terre Haute and F. H. Nlcolal of Au.
burn, all five-year men. mad application
for parol at tb laat meeting.
All ef the men are aald to bo modal
prisoner and their chance for release
wer thought by many to be favorabla
All of these prisoners pleaded guilty on
th lint day, November tS. l&W and war
sentenced by Judge Anderson flv day
later. They earn to th penitentiary In
a body.
It 1 Improbabl that any of th men
will be released before tomorrow or Sat.
urday. It 1 necessary tor their parole
paper to arrive her and "first friend"
to vouch for them before they can leave
th penitentiary.
How to Make Your Com
plexion Faultless.
(Ladles' Horn Magaslne.)
A noud Englishman visiting our
country said recently: "Hate oft
to th American women, because
they put Up a uccesful fight
against old age.'' This is true la
nine case out of ten, Th typical
American woman goe In to win
when she commences her battle with
Father Time. One of her chief
weapons la tb careful etudy of her
complexion. And many of our women
have found out that using the old
fashioned remedy, pure foliated bal
eam. will clear and beautify and
make faultleea their akin aa nothing
else tn the world will. Therefore they
turn a deaf ear to th druggist who
Is trying to sell them espeneiv coa
metlc put up iq fancy base. Tbee
creams and lotions and patent prep
aration only patch up tnelr com
plexions temporarily, while an ounce
and a half of pure coleated baleam
will actually renovate the complex
ion by gradually absorbing tha old,
deadened and discolored skin. peril-cl-s,
and substituting fresh, healthy
skin, which quickly form under
neath, ftallownese, pimple, liver
kputs. freckles, tan. eta, cannot
abide on the face of the woman who
usee this old-faahloned home remedy.
EUiley, Tti Dentist
New Offtcea, New
- Whit Barillary
Dental Rqulnntent
T04-10 Otiy feetloaal
Bank Bldg.
High grade dentletry
et re tunable price
Cut thle- oet to find
ta IseO.
Discoverer Reaches City with Three
Caravans This Morning.
eeaee Marking First Leading la
America Are Re-Ennoted with
Dignified Ceremony at
Grant Park.
CHICAGO, Oct. 11-Wtth elaborate
pageants on land and water, Chicago
today celebrated Columbus day In' honor
of the 419th anniversary of the discovery
of America.
Members of ths Knight of Columbus,
impersonating Columbus, King Ferdinand.
Queen Isabella and other characters of
the period, boarded three Spanish cara
vels at Jackson park and salied to Grant
park, where the party was welcomed by
Mayor Harrison and other officials, and
the scenee marking the discovery of
America were re-enacted with dignified
Bolemn high mass waa celebrated at
tha Holy Name cathedral In honor of the
event, which was followed by a parade
of Italian organization In historical cos
tumes, with floats and allegorical repro
ductlons of famous scenes In the II f of
Attorney Thinks
Stephenson Expense
Bill is Too Small
MILWAUKEE. Oct U-That money
waa distributed o liberally by Senator
Isaac Stephenson during hi campaign
for nomination at th primaries In
that sum aa great aa 11.800 war paid
out without any accounting aver given
or asked was the testimony given today
by George H. Gordon. United State at
torney for the western district ' of Wis
consin before the senatorial Investi
gating committee.
Before he held public office, but when
he wa counsel for the Chicago A North
western railroad at La Croaae, Gordon
aid ha wa paid tl.SOO out of the 1107,793
Stephenson campaign fund to be used In
the senator' interest. He In turn dis
tributed the money to others, from whom
he asked no accounting. He could not
remember how much he had paid to
Individuals, but he kept no money for
Gordon, when asked how much It
would cost to organise properly th 1,200
precinct In Wisconsin, aald about 1100
for each precinct. Thla would make tha
coat to a candidate for the entire state
1220.000, more than twice as much a
Senator Stephenson spent. In addition
there would be the coet of advertising.
Gordon aald.
D. E. Rlordan ef Ashland, Wis., testl'
fled that ha agreed to work for Stephen
son and spent IS.iOO of th Stephenson
Natural Laxative
Water '
by Physicians
. Refuse Substitutes
Bst rwrnatfy for
Come in and select a pair
of tan or b lack shoes
$3.50 to $5
Latest Styles
414 Bo. iota Bt.
... f Jl, tCrW
uits and Overcoats to Order $20
On Sale Saturday, October 14
On hundred nice suitings and overcoatings easily worth 1 25
to 128 are offered in our special salt for $20. iiade to measure aud
guaranteed perfect in fit and style.
Every coat carefully tried on in tb bastlnga and well mad
and well lined.
Hav your fall and winter clothes mad to order.
MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
304-30(3 South 16th St
7 Year Old
Tou nsvsr ta stea
This Is a sotcisl offer
due the "Hiller Brand of Tine ws" "' t J
Enual to most brand that sell for twice aa much.
"Hiller e Straight" 1 mellow and palatable and eo pur
It la recommended by many doctor for th lck room.
Fnr r With flrat order w will lv you
It Em La m email aampl botil. a glass and
a orkcrw abaolutaly free- Order today.
aTaoaa, call ox writ to
Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats
made" to-order, $25 to $35
"'V fJW WJlmWJjly
Dygart Confesses
Double Murder in
Anoka County, Minn.
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 13. -Jame Dygart
today confessed to the murder of Mrs.
Amelia Rhoades and her cousin. Frank
E. Rhoades. tn the Bolton farm In
Anoka county on Beptember 12.
Dygart. who waa arrested yesterday on
the firm of Andrew Stone In Kandl Yohl
county, said he killed Mrs. Bolton when
she spurned a proposal that she run
away with him. Having slain the woman,
h said he murdered Rhoades to cover
up Ms first crime. The woman wa found
In the cellar, her heart pierced with a
r fle bullet. .The body of Rhoades was
found covered with a few lnchea of dirt
tn th Bolton farm garden.
The police tald today that Dygart alao
was wanted at Superior. Wis., on the
charge of murdering John Hefstedt, a
farmer who employed him.
Body Covered with Large Red Marks.
Face Also Affected. Cuticura .
Ointment Eased Skin Right
"I retired one evening and after sleeping
a couple of hours was awakened by a burning
sensation all over the upper part of my body.
it was just simply terrible
and made It Impossible for
me to sleep the rest of that
nlzht, so I bad to sit up all
night changing my position
every couple of minutes.
As the hours went by It
grew worse and soon I
started to scratch myself.
When daylight arrived I
aw that my body was
covered with largo red
mark about an lnc! or two apart. My
face was also affected. I stayed borne that
day and went to see doctor. He told me
that I must have eaten something poison
ous, and I had the ktvea. He prescribed a
medicine end also gave me some ointment.
" As the days went by I steadily grew worse,
toe marks chanrlng from one part of my body
to another. The medicine and ointment were
Of no use, and I felt greatly disappointed
until ona evening by chaaee looking over tha
paper I saw the Cuticura Remedial sdTer
tised. I Immadlataly procured some Cuticura
Ointment and applied It to my body. I could
barely bailer It, but It seemed to ease my
skin right away. I kept on using the Cuticura
Ointment for a week and can say that It
aertatnly wa th finest preparation I bad
ever used. It completely cured me, and I
bar not been troubled alsoa." (Signed)
William Waterman, 130 E. 109th 6t., New
fork City, Dec. S. 110.
Although Cuticura Soap and Cntkur
OhsUaaut are sold try druggists and dealer
everywhere, a liberal sample of each, with
t2-eg booklet on th skin and hair, will
b sent, post-free, on application to Fotteg
Drug a) Obom. Corp, Dept. 23A, Seatoa.
Just as Represented
When you buy a dia
mond of Edholm you
hav tha ggtlnf actios
of knowing
it la juat
'wntr It la
r p r
sen ted t o
bo. Thera 1 no Taxa
tion from th prien
quoted, for each etona
is marked In accord
ance with its exact
weight, gfade and
value. The same price
Is made to all. The
mystery usually con
nected with a diamond
transaction' bag been
eliminated In this
store. You learn every
fact about the stones you Inspect.
Don't Merely Buy Invest
Sixteenth and Harney.
Five Steps South of Farnani
a wnisney mm '
etmply made to further Intro. I
1309 Fat-nan1 St.,
co. Omha, fleb.
v i
Society Women Enthusiastic
Over. Wrinkle' Remover.
(Women' Vogue.)
That "there Is nothing new under th
sun" Is an adage bearing out th diseov
ery that wrinkle, a double chin and en
larged pores can be removed with mar
velous rapidity by the old-fashioned rem
edy, thermodlzed Jelly. It Is bruited about
by society women who mske It a part of
their dally buslnesa to cheat Father Tlma
that thermodlsed Jelly will drive away
and keep away wrinkles, etc. They Know
that the sdvertlsed preparations and lo
tion claiming to remove wrinkles and a
double chin fa l ninety-nine time out of
a hundred. How do they know thlT
Because, according to their own stato
ments, "they have tried everything."
Therefore they hall with delight th
simple home remedy of thermodlsed Jelly,
which can be bought at the drug store.
By rubbing half a teaspoohful into the
face dallyand then bathing the face' with
cold water there I no question that th
most stubborn cases of wrinkles, double
chin end blackheads can be quickly removed.
,VAtfvs CUAflj QSSXrft Q9Um&
rarDATs sncttxs. I
Bac.iman' celebrated. . Pret-
sela (large pkga.) ISo. i
46c can long medium Green
Asparagus :...30o
t cana "Nabob" Soups, assort-
ed .U&o I
60c bottle Imported Olive Oil. '
at aoo
"Lot'ie" Pickles, assorted, per- (
oottle UUo
50c 'not tie Queen Olives . .so
$1.00 heavy, durable Clothes
Baiket, special CO-, I
1-J-bu. basket Sweet Potatoes, 'J
at eoo-
S stalk Celery loo '
Cooking Apples, per peck too
Bweet Cider, per Jug BOo, SOe
lha. Old Pop Corn too ,
Ftga, per lb loo, aso I
Mas. Winslow's aooTttfwo Bvarp has been,
nsed for over SIXTY YEAKS by MILLIONS of
ta the best remedy for DIARRHCEA, It is ab
solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for ' Mrs.
Vinslow't toothing Svrup,'' and lak aO Otbet
hind, Twcaty.fivecenlsa botU.
Marquette Hotel
18Ui and Washington Ave. '
st.. Loris, mo. ;-'
400 Rooms. $1.00 and fi.50,'wlU
bath $2.00 to 12.60. A HoteJ; for
your Mother. Wife and Slgter. . . .
T. H. CINCV. Prea.
' or in
Told at tb
Thuand of exhibit,
model farm, farm nu
Ihlne demonstration, mo
tion pictures, lecture, etc.
fie th West the land
where money grow
Under on roof.
Matinee, IiM. Xlgnt. St SO.
Omaha's Own Qtrl '
With Ber Own Company
Breaking Keoorda Everywhere . . .
Meecaniitng no Opposition.
Quality, Comedy and Actual Beauty.
Saturday Matinee srsOZAa ;
Btturns of th first World's Cham
pionship . gam at th STsw
Tork Polo ground will
read from the Stage. . . . t-
maay, Bat. Matinee and Ultra
Mat Every Day, 1:15; Kvery Night, t:l.
Dr. Ludwlg Wuliner aanisted by C V.
Bos. Jay. two Joies ec lay. Oorflon
Eldrld A Co. Id. Ksverveld -bimian
Jockey "The Dandiea." Wllaon and Wil
soq Vakko Egawa. Kmeiaacope. Oipheura
Orc'heetra. Prices: Night. 10. 24. bO 75c
Matinee 10c. best seat tic, except Sat
urday and .mnoay.
OHiXll 9TTaT timi"
Ths show that alwaye pack 'm.
Th Reeve" Diamonds. Andy Lwl and
Girl Enough for Two Show.- Typical
Peevasque Chorue.
taaleeptnie Mattaee livery Week Bey.
Sunday A Week: lh Jersey Ulllee
Cowing i Tha CAOoolat Soldier.
ft rOOS CBsTXI '
lnJHIsTiU'a rgl
vBBBaSk-, jasBBanSagV
Tomgkt. 3bb. Tws, Thnra- Bat.
VsUCiia 10 ABO See.
an ah. Te4war Stock Oo la .
The Widow's Might'
Nest Week TB TUBS 0 '