Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Tlie Omaha LJcc's Great
Tleec lined,
ankle length,
lone sleeves
Choice of white
or ecru, In sixes
4 to .
nd l. 2ft val
ues, Friday
Vests and
Jersey rlhbei.
fleece lined,
natural color
only. Pises 2
and 2S. regu
larly sold at
:&c. Fridays
special price
Booklovcrs' Contest
S. & 11. Green Trading Stamps Given
Free With All Purchases at This Store.
Announce to Their Out-of
Town Patrons the Host
Li I I lUff
WiLjlij HI lUJl
Ever Held in Omaha
It will be the most remarkable
sale of these high grade floor cover
ings ever known in this city.
It Will Be Well Worth a Special Trip
to Omaha to Take. Advantage of
These Bargains Monday.
All the 2-yard Wide Linoleum that sell reg-
ularly up to 75c a iquare yard; will go at, t ir
square yard r w
All the High Grade Linoleum 2 yards
wide; that sella regularly up to 85c a f
square yard; at, square yard wL
All the 4-yard Wide Linoleum that usually .
sells up to $1.00 a square yard; will go at, T
square yard '. w L
All the Inlaid Linoleum Fine grade, that (T1 ff
usually sells at $1.50 a square yard; will vj 11 UU
go at, square yard '
Next Monday, Oct. 16th
Free Land Information
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand
of its readers for land information, has gathered and
compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is Bent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc
IIow to get irrigation "lands, location of projects,
laws governing same, etc.
Best sections for fruit growing, general farming,
Etock raising or dairying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. State
plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha, Nebraska)
D2sl Sporl R'eivs in The Bee
Great Millinery Comparison Sale
There is no room in this advertisement to ..tell about the whys and wherefores of
this sale-our reputation for finest qualities and the prices herein quoted will be suf
ficient reason for your coming. Every hat was made to give satisfaction in every re
spect, every item is marked in plain figures and every transaction is made with the under
standing that you get your monev back if you are not satisfied. A SMALL DEPOSIT
with anything of a timilar nature you have ever known or heard of in Omaha. It is by
comparison our supremacy is best shown.
We Trim Hat Free
During this Comparison
Bale Only.
For the Comparison Sale)
ww r T" . r
nif rrce on im- rM;H'y
ported Trimmed Hats 1- -ISTikf ,
values irom iu to eiu.
We Trim Hate Free
During this Comparison
Bale Only.
For the Comparison
One-Third Off
the market prise on all
Imported Untrimmed
Worth from $10 to $15.
Velvet Stitched Hats
in every color and style, worth
up o 12 M each-for the Com
parison Pale,
, Choice 98c
200 Rolled Sailor Hats
of fine felts: plain colors and
two-toned affects: 11. 8 values
39c Each
For the Comparison Bale
One-Third Off on All
Ostrich Trimmed Hats
Value from $20 to $125.
For the Comparison Bale
One-Third Off
On all imported fine
Velvet Hats and Hats
of Hatter's SUk Plush
Worth from $7.60 to $12.00.
A $5,000.00 Purchase of Guar
anteed Willow Plumes
Goes on sale for Friday and Saturday
Only at .
Fine Felt Hats
Made of two-toned felts
the most papular hat of the
season in every good color
and style-for the Compari
son Sale. -
Choice 98c
$1.50 Black Silks at 98c
the Yard, Friday Only
Friday only, will this offr hold good and If
you are likely to need any black silks in the near
future you should buy them then. Choose from
black taffetas, black peau de sole, black messalina
and black peau de cygne. AH are full 36 Inches
wide and guaranteed to give satisfactory wear.
19c Flannelettes and Eiderdowns. 15c
.Patterns and colorings that will make pretty
house gowns, kimonos and dressing sacques-a big
selection of the choicest designs ever brought to
Omaha. Full 27 Inches wide and worth every
penny of the regular price of 19c
Domestics and Linens at
Less for Friday Only
$1.25, 6070-inch cotton filled comforts
with durable coverings of assorted designs,
Friday, 98c each.
10c ontlng flannels in stripes of many shades
all fast colors-tor Bargain Friday only,
39c, 72-lncn, good weight. unbleached table
linens, in various patterns. Friday, 25c the yard.
36c. 18x3 6-inch, -all linen, hemstitched buck
towels, made with an eye to service; Friday, 15-each.
A Friday Bargain in Women s Suits
Every suit in this lot was purchased new within the past few
weeks but the suit store has been a mighty busy place and Odd
lots have developed. The $25.00 lines have proven the most sus
ceptible to this condition because $25.00 is the" price that a great
many people wish to pay. Therefore, some of the -$25.00 suits are
reduced to $19.50 for Friday's selling.
Lot consists of mannish street suits of navy blue and
Mack worsteds the very same cloth that is vsed in
men's high class, custom tailored suits 30-inch coats
lined with Skinner's satin and plaited skirts, hand '
, tailored throughout: the regular
. $25.00 values, Friday at.
Needfuls Various
Kinds Specially Priced
for Friday's Selling In
the Hardware Store:
lEc, piece elbows for to
fcianolin stove pipe enamel. H-p1nt
sue, 1 for B6o
40c Japaned coal hods, with hood
for aSo
15c stove pipe dampers, either S
or e-lnrh site So
1 &n. l-gllon slie galvanised
Iron ah cane 8o
tl is Kalvanised Iron tarl'iv
pails Ir 73e
60c lapanned chamber pails... SAo
ie teavy Japanned duet pans, 15o
lie oest quality aheet Iron stove
pipe for So
!fco vtlon broa4 toasters for four
pieces for lftc
75r well made furnao scoops, 4ao
Keady mixed house ' and floor
paints, per gallon tor ,,,.$1.60
TV- rubber force pumps 4 So
76c nickel plated tumbler holders
for 39o
UU shelves with nickel Dlatod
fixturesbxit Inch stse ....89o
S0-lncn else 880
$1.00 Corsets at 49c
You will find this special on one of the
main floor bargain tables, Friday
$1.23 Silk Hosiery at 79c
100 pairs of women's 11.00 and 11 .lib
hoe with wide tarter top. and ll"e soli?
heel m ami - .11 -..-.I ' . soie,
white. ,.n. blT.dTinr"r.d.ny7c7.1e7;ir:jl
f"i!lJi?l5'- ho. with '(
silk heels and' toes, la oliii4t
F-1?' c"lo f blaok. white, ten.
ftM bat Ba plnirr
f orarrsJjday; H
the pair ... 7.T. JL O C
Women's fine ribbed, fast black, seamless
hosiery, worth Sic the pair. r"ridy. iavo-
V,"' nd ,b0' 'at black, seamless
?w -v o 10 iiiclunlve:
' XJT 3 iia kind' ior Friday's selling. 18'o the pair
In the Wooden ware ( , , n 1
If7 1 HS&K f
1 mmmM
- Is- '
tin heavy rattan carpet beaters
for 160
J6c decorated rhlna cereal ara
for lo
10c hard wood butter spades. To
10c vegetable sheer So
!5c .'Ingle knife slaw cutters, lOo
5c han K match scratchera. . . , le
tc fibre pin trays le
lOo covered muatard Jara So
10c paper mar he match sates . .So
2bc Japaneta fibre comb cases. lOo
In the China Store
Easlish china cups and saucers
with three sold fines f'r decora
tions, worth fully Jhc, while
they Ian. the pair 100
(0o piece of art bras such as
lsre tardiiiteroa. candle sticks,
tern pots, trays, etc, worth up
to 14 00 the piece, Friday, while
they lkt. choice j Sl OO
1 OK taucy dni'orated sugars and
creamera, the pair
Oie ht f Wc. Urge sue, plain
end footed, colored fleaa bowls.
riday loo
Plain white, handled comblnettee
ith cover so
Plain white ewers and basins, sue
heavy hotel tumblers, the doien
for . , . eoo
0c .d te and grid decorated cuai w
dors io
1 Y::.JJ 4
FR1DAV& SA Tff&rAr
Are Cut Price D&vs In The
jnigrwe rood Grocery
hentieii n i Mr.til l ,,,u - l . .
ie a
rentieii m atltol ! lull. -k
I'iennett'a best coffee, and so lamps, lb .'..'.'.'.'.". aVa
J Ids Bennett a bent 1 of fee and 7 slamps ' ai 00
nd A ft atAmna IK a - j ' ' ........ 68O
nd 10 r.., '.r in n: u"rn J "ln me1
pure pepper and stamps. J jars peanut butter.' Vo' stamps.- soo
" 1 -c cn oenneii s canttol crated plne-
N 6eeded raisins' and 10
mrs. rer pk..llUo
pkj Bennetts Capl-
s tamps
Hennett s Capi
Tea siftings
is -id. u
for .
$-lb can B. C. baking
powder and 100 stamp
Cra. krrs of all kinds snd
10 stamps, pkg loo
1 rga Swift's Pride
leaner and 10 stamps
for S5
needless ralalns. and 10
stamps, lb 1910
Full cream cheese, and
10 atamps, lb too
Oslllard s olive oil-special
offer of a pint can
for 40e
2 cans hulled beans with
chicken and 0 stamps
Snlder's pork and beans
and It stamps csn. lSo
1-lb. csn B. C baking
f owder and SO stamps
r frto
lbs ravy beans for 8&e
15 lbs.
Triday aa
tamps, per pkg
and 10
tol oats
for . . .
2-lh nU
tol pancake flour mnA in.
stamps loo
J-lb kg Bennett's Cspl-tol-
wheat and 10 stamps
for 100
14-lb. sack Plamond Crys
tal salt and 20 stamps
for too
Calumet baking powler
and b stamps, csn. lOo
Laree Jar Gillette a must
ard and Z0 at aim. a lso
tie quart ran Franco
American soups, assorted .
flavors SOo
Lemon cookies special at.
the lb. Its
Fish and Meat Bargains for Friday Only
Young Halibut 13
Veal Chops .... fQc
Veal Stew .
Veal Roa.
' fl rt ' j
Wo. B9 Trlday, Ootober 13, 1S1I.
fiit Book Decs This Picture Represent? j
iha H
Author . . . w . . m. . . .......mmm. .......... ,
6treet and Number . . . ,.....
City or Town ,
Write In title and anther of book and BATS coupon and" picture.' 8en7l
no coupon until finish of the contest la announced. nw,.,.
a book title not a scene or oharacUr. Catalovuea a tinX Z.I1
mm Uhinh .1, mi ..I. - . - . . . W uuina
I?, "T. wr ufir. vaiaiofuea containing s.00(
on which all pur.ile picture are bawl toe catalogue used 6r th.
editor are for sale at th HTuinaa rfei -ti,. u". TTi .1-. -
. " mww ,W .9 WHW,
by mail.
Ruloi of th Contest
All arsons s ellglMe ts ester this eentst exeatA employes of the Omaha Be aad
BWBbars ot families. Eauk day. for MTotr-live oaa, taara will ba subllnaad la
Tne Be a picture which will raprMant the same of a book. Beneath each stature there
'U ba a blank for the contestant to till In the tlU ot th book.
Oit out both the plctur and th bla sk aat fill la th Bam and author of th book
sad add your name and addraae neatly aad plalalg la th spat prorlded.
No restrictions will b placed on th way Is which anwra to th plobine Buy b se
cured. Each pietura nprauots only on utl of os book. If you aie not stir of a title
and wish to sand ta mar than so answer to each picture, you may do so. BUT NOT
correct saaware fill not be counted again ft eontmtanta It correct answer is aiao glTaa.
alors thaa oaa acawr ahould sot be put os the earn " ooupoa. Eatim coupoaa ahould b
used for eatrs anawera. All answers to the same . aumber should b kept together whea
seadlng la th set. Only saa Hat may be submltud by oos ooeteetant, though any list may
h flea aaawers to each puule.
Th number ot ooupona uaed-astwaea gles-uat be plainly wrltus ea the outalde ot
seek BET submitted, but d sot write such Information . os th wrapper.
Whit sot absolutely necessary. It la desirable that the picture should 'in each eaaa
be sent la with th snawara, la vrder that all aerwars be uniform. Additional picture
sad coupoaa may be obtained at the efflee ef The Bee by mall or Is parson.
Whea yo baT all eTotT-fle ptctuaae, taatan taem toeihr Is fUtT packag aad
ring or mall them tn The Omaha Bee, aadrnaeed to Bookloeers CoBteM Editor. Prtaes
will oe swarded to the coot ea tan ta sendlsg Is th largest number of correct solution. la
erant of two or mors peraoaa having th aam aumber ot correct solutions, the persoa
using the smaller aumber of extra ooupona la bla aet at anawera wlU be declared winner. la
e-rent of two peraooa having th same ssmber correct aad ualsg the same aumber ot oou
pona. ths peraos whose set ef ssswsra Is moat neatly prepared, ta the opinion ot tas fail
Judging committee, will receive the first prise.
Only one Hat ot answers may be submitted by a eoatastaat and only eae prise will be
ewsrded ta ses family at oss address
The use ot the ooupoa Is sot obligatory npoa ths eoetestaat. aad aa answer may be
submitted la say legible manner the contestant may aeleot.
Awards will be mads etrletly aoeordlng to the merit of each separate Hat
The same at mar thaa one sereos mom sot he written npoa any oss coupon.
Ths swarda will be made by tb Co meat Editor aad a committee of well-kaowa etUe
Bas who name will ss anaouBoed later.
7b ooatam la limited to the following territory: Kabrwka. Wyoming, that portion ef
Iowa wt of but not Ischidlng Dee Molses. aad that eectlos of gouth Dakota knows at
the Black Hills District.
And Exchange Them for a Ticket to the
Ak-Sar-Bcn Coliseum,
October 16th to 28th
The big show of big things with something to amuse,
educate and edify all classes and ages for 13 big days.
FIVE COl'POXS, like the one belou, con&erutively numbered,
trill entitle the holder to one ticket to the big show. The fire
coupons will not be honored unless presented within FORTY
EIGHT HOVK8 after publication of the last coupon of the series
of five presented. For example: the coupon No. 1 and four con
seen tire coupons, 2, S, 4 and 5, will be accepted at the business
office of The Bee,, if presented before 6:00 a. m. Monday. No
coupon will be accepted aftr Monday, for the last one will ap
pear Sunday morning and must be presented within forty-eight
hour. The first coupon w as printed in the Monday Kvemng Bee,
October 9th.
At the big Land Show will be thousands of exhibits, showing
a most complete display of fruit, displaying results of dry farm
ing, of intelligent methods of grain growing, alfalfa raising, lrri
gallon work and detailing the story of the development of the
west; farm machinery in operation. Including the newest power,
driven machinery; concerts by a famous band; wonder-creations
of Luther Borbank; travel-talks illustrated with motion pictures
and colored views: unique bee shows by Frank Odell; trained seal
circus; Hawalian-Maorian sinners and players; refined vaudeville;
magnificent decorations of Italian beauty and hundreds of other
things to interest and educate al.
Another advantage for The Bee readers
Cut this coupon out and bring it with four others, con
secutively numbered, to the Business Office of The
nee and get a Free Ticket to the Land Show.
Land Show Coupon
No. 4
OCTOBER 12, 1811.
On presentation of any five eon pons, num
bered, consecutively, at the business office of
They may be exchanged for a ticket good for one admission to the
Omaha Land Show
These coupons mast be presented within 4ft .
hour of date of last on of aerie of five offered.
No more than one free ticket iasued to any on person.