13 THE BEE: OMATTA. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1911. 1 UE3&rciEEn STORES I $ Omaha women who shop Thursday can-surely save money on these special sales 8 i I I teal Omaha women realize that keeping watch on the special events that Brandeis Stores hold EVERY DAY enables them to save money week after week ou the things they need. This is one of the main reasons for Omaha women's patronage which has made Brandeis Stores the largest in the West. WOMEN'S FINE Fall Neckwear Manufacturer' show room sampled and broken lota all new crea tions Fancy Lace Fichus, Dutch and Sailor Collars, Coat Bets, Fancy Lace Jabots, Side Frills, Cascades, Fancy and Tailored Stocks worth from 35c to $1; at each " 15C and 49C THURSDAY SPECIAL Manufacturers' Samples and Odd Lots of Women's Corset s All New Fall Models A Freeport Corset manufacturer sold us all his samplos and odd lots. They come In batiste and coutll wkn tow bust, Ion? hips, two and three pairs of, hose supporters. Made to retail from $L00 to JL5Q. KKrii, aL (JMain ITmjr Women's Fall Kid Gloves ft', Woman's French Kid Olove. In all the mi full shades; 3 clp with Paris point or hand miv broldored tacks Flt IM to the hand at, pair, 91.SO ant 91.78 Women's French Kid and Lambskin (Hovm In whim. Iilflfk. gray, tan and h.u. t claap efforts : filled to the hand If daslred; on main glove counter: at. pair Sl.SS n Floo r 'Special Values In Kid Glorea." black, white and colors; worth to $1; bar gain square at. per pair fio Women's $3.50 Shoes at $2.48 We made a spoclat purchase of 500 pairs In dull gun metal, patent coltskln, tan calfskin and black velvet In button or lace styles with 7-lnch, 16-button tops, light extension edge soles, extreme short forepart, high toes, grace ful arches and Cuban heels; all sizes and widths; at per pair. $2,48 BIG SALE OF CUT GLASS THURSDAY IN OUR. WEST ARCADE inin1'000 Piec8 o rich cu glass; factory s amples in all the new advance models for 1912; never shown before. We consider this the bout lot of Cut Glass ever offered in Omaha. The stock consists of Punch Bowls, Fern Dishes, Orange Bowls, large Pitchers, Vases, Sugars and Creamers, Nut Bowls, lco (;reara Trays, Ice Tubs, Celery Trays, actually worth up to 91A.B0; two big lota, ia west Arcade, Thurs day at . . . . : Comports, Electroliers, Honey Jars, Can fcTj. oelabras. Flower Pota, etc. Pieces actually wort I Special Demonstration All Week in Yam Dept. Fleislier's Yarns Never has Knitting and Crocheting been so popular. Innumerable handsome and useful articles can be made at small cost. Flaiaber's Celebrated Yarns In the com plete assortment are here. ' Free Crochet ing and Knitting Explanation and Advice on all kinds of yarn work by Miss Schaeffer. direct from the Finisher's yarn headquarters. Detailed Instructions in making Toques. Caps. Scarfs. Sweaters, Shawls. Slippers. Kiobes, Pillows, etc. Take advantage of this opportunity. Sea the window dis play of finished pieces. Women's New Trimmed Fall Hats at $5.00 Thursday you can choose from cores of new hsts right out, of our designing rooms. They are copies of stuunlng models and every one has that air of good taste that you always find Id Brandeis Hsu. at S5 " AMUSKMKNTI Cfec&3 &9E3 OaasaO SasaJ 15 v- Jft i fK roD CZSTB J lie Imported Sardines, per tin ( 11 at Do I lie Imported Sardines. SI BO 4S-lb. back "Lotus" Hour.H.SO -gl Oil or Oasollns Can with Alrleta Pump Atlachmenta. .tegular price 7 do. bpeclst at. bo 10 Oposs Mason Fruit Jars, per dosen Sis Whits or Yellow Corn M1. per sack 16a Grape Nuts, per rckaga..lOo Cakes "Magic Washer" Poup st ao J Plain Lettuce 60 I Lars Wall Hleai-hed Celery at loo 11 Bunches Kins ltadtaliaa . loo freah Hoisted real 1'isrt Ornen Tomatoes, par INUIKSI KdlSllSS.tOO V aiiuis, per 2 Be J er msrket ! to" O CEflTISTRY Bsiley.Tha Dentist K Offl.es. Nsw VI,n Sanitary rental Kqulpmant V04-10 City WatloMl Bank Blag. TIB BXTBCBAPSK. Hlah crade dantlatrv atabllaksd ' raiiabU prloa. la ltao. Cut oul t0 t,n A I3BB WANT AU 1U rent that scant houfca. fill tuoas scant rooms, or sscurs boarder on short notice, st a tery tiuaJl cokt to' you. Be convtneod. Salesyomen and Nurses FindFoot Re lief In These S4 Shoes This is a specially tanned leather without the use of acida of any kind. Does not burn or blister the feet and is very pliable. Hiph top, lace, with a very flexible sole that makes it a real comfort to wear them. In every size and width, guaranteeing a perfect fit; only S4.00 Brexel Shoe Co. 1410 Farnam St. AMVSKMBNTS. Vtzizt-Ttlt or m ol at sfes WklaJIA aVAjrs STfcaasaada sf iUkla. oet frai, farm itta. Ins Saniohairatlan. ms iaa ahrnrtt, leeturaa. aM. AsTB BXOWB We Us Wk ths ia4 SMsteir apswe -air a ruf. KRUG THEATER Katiaee, liaa . St-at, Si3a HKST SEATS ftOc Omsfc's Owi Oirl Z A L L A H With Her Owi OompSoy reatana; iMoords Bverywhere Beeoa nlalns 10 Oppoaitloa. Qaallty, Comedy and Actual Beastgr. Batarday Matinee SFBOIAI, Betarna of tbe first World's Cham pionship satu at the stew York Polo ftouade wlU read frota le fttase. 2 AMI kKMBKTS. THE OMAHA BEE TLe Croat Home Paper "okasai rvm CSBTZK- rxttjZtl The'khow urn always parka 'em. . AL REEVES BEAUTY SHOW EXTKATAOABIA AMD VAVSBTIU.B 1 he H-evea' Ulantoniia, Andy Lewis and (Hrla i-t'ouih tt Two buowa- TypluaJ h-eoi"' t.'l',,'u' LaAiea' Itlat MaMses ery Week 8. V ina. 4.UH aSTkavis TSVOSVIUB. Mat. Every ray. '.' li. Kvery Night, 115 Lr. l.udiK Wultner saamtud by '. V itna. Kay, two ol- si Kay. Uoraun l-.M r 1.1 A Cv. M Nevt-rvel.l s btmian Jockey. "The Dandles." Wilson and W il- n. Vakko Kttavna. Kmetascope. Urphcunt cxxJieatra. Mini, in. . tt 100. klailnee ISr. brat aeata He. eacept bat urday And .tunday. , WT7LHllT?TiTO wllMii V) J J We are Now Quoting "Rome Very Sperlal Prices f I J on Healing Ntoves In the Hardware Store. Some Boys' Winter Suits are Un derpriccd for Thursday Selling Tbr lively business done In our boys' nothing store this season indicates that the people fully realize the actual value of our boys' clothes above the prices quoted. And the fact that we cater to all tastes and nur-8 is convincing evidence that at this store you will find greatest varieties for your choosing. Boys' suits, with an extra pair of pants, at $3.60, $4.00 and 15.00 are a specialty. One big lot of heavy winter suits of all wool materials in medium and dark patterns, several styles: ages 9 to 16 only --positive $4.00 1 values, Thursday... f2.98 Attention Is also directed to very complete storks of boys' overcoats for Fall and Winter wear large, handsome lines in every new material, pat tern and color. Prices range from $2.50 to $8.50 for ages 2Vt to 17 years, inclusive. COMING SATURDAY One of the Most Timely and Best Men's Shoe Sales of the Season. If you have not already purchased your winter shoes, wait for this big sals. It will prove to your )fklng In tbe way of goods and pricing. Complete particulars, in Friday's papers. Pajamas and Other Men's Things for Winter Wear Fairly Priced Here are three lines of pajamas that will meet the requirements of the average man. They are made of fine quality outing flannels In var ious patterns and trimmed or plain as you may wish. $1.00, $1.26 and $1.50 the suit Men's finest quality on ting flannel night robes, made extra large and nicely trimmed six big lines at 49c, 69c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2 each. EXTRA SPECIAL - - - - ' i Another lot of those fine spring needle knit Jersey sweaters for men, innavy, gray and maroon colors; exceptional $2.00 y values. while they last, at.... $1.50 Men's wool sweater coats in plain and contrasting trimmed colors, $2, to $6 each. Boys' wool sweater coats in all good colors, $1 to $1.50 each. One lot of men's leieey ribbed ooat sweaters are specially priced to close out st 9o e.ieh. Ken's wool nadsrwsar hi all ceJors, II. Of) to 12 40 the garment Men's fall weight ribbed union suits, aptclal at II. Vsw Unss of men's soft and stiff bats at prices In keeping with the quality. I Only the most .reliable tnakea. "Time to Put 'Em On" It is said that down south there Is a newspaper editor that every year about this time reminds peope It is "Time to put 'cm on." We will have to apologize to that editor for bor rowing his phrase, but it is the truth and at this store you will find underwear for every need. Men's underwear at 60c and 1 00 the garment and up. Women's underwasr st 50c and $1.00 (he sarment and up. Children's and Infants' under wear priced a.s the six and ma terial dictates. "Women's New Kid Gloves Our stocks of women's kid gloves have never been so rem plete as now. There are long gloves in white, black and all the shades that are hard to get. Short gloves for street, shopping and trsvel wear In black, white and the favorjte colors for gen eral use. And heavier, durable glovea of soft, oliuble leathers for the woman who delights In driving her own auto this brisk October weather. Aiwiys reasonably priced. BE SUES to get the colored comic Bcction of The Sunday Be It will be Vorth your while mwm Sale of Women s Tailored Suits A remarkable lot of suits in re markably clever styles at a re markably popular price is the 6um and substance of this Thurs day sale in the women suit store. But, of course, you want to know more of the details. The assortmen t consists of about 300 women's tailored suits worth from $13.00 to $17.50 all to go Thursday at . the very special price of $9. 75 They are plain tailored garments wtth tg-lnch coats lined wtth a good grade of Belding's estin. Made of worsteds, Venetian cloth, cheviots, tricota, home spuns and wide wale materials In black, navy, grape, gray and electric blue colors. The sizes range from a misses' 16 to a woman'a 40. AMUSEattSNIS. AMERICAN THEATER Tonight, 3as. "Pnes.. Thar, Bat. MtlCAB Oo AMD 840. rVU&& EVA LANG and tba Woodward Stock Oo. 1 The Widow's Might" f Next Week -TjEaTTKBBB OF OeV- DOYD'S THEATER rhKrs- TtL, Octobs lt-13. WM. IIODQE THE MAN FROM HOME Coauugl Tks Caooolats Boldle. AMl'SKMKMk. BRANDEIS THEATER TOBTQXT cms abt rrrcs-a SCHOOL OF ACTING iv bxttcxeb. rrlday, Bat. statins and Wight KYRLE BELLEW 14 THE MOLLUSC" A X.Ii STAB CAST. The Mr hsnl ho Has ths Goods Is the One Who Lets the Public Know it Tbroug Advertising la Tbe Be. Tremendous Bargain Offerings in All Kinds of Winter Underwear Thursday Men's, Women's and Children's Garments; New Perfect Goods at About yt Regular Prices See the New . Lasts in Queen Quality Ladies' Shoes. Our Best Ualucs in Dcatcn mm T iw If You Want the Best, Buy Stetson Men's Shoes. tlccord of Extraordinary Women's Garments Badly in Our Thursday's Sale Immense cash purchases of inanufat't urers' samples offer selection from vast astioilment of clever new styles at bar gain prices seldom If ever equaled In any store. ' SCO Beautiful TaUored Suits in velours, Kngllsh suitings, serges and fancy weaves in all newest wanted colors. No two alike. Skinner's satin and mescaline lined, made to sell up to $40.00; Thursday ..$25 Tailored Suits, $10.00 values, at $5.00 made of good quality heavy suitings in navy, brown and black, all new fall styles. Serge Dresses, values to $15.00, at $5.00 also silks and other wanted fabrics included In this magnificent lot of bar gains. - $100.00 American Beaver Fur Coats, 30 inches long, Skinner satin lined, at $69.00 tang Russian Pony Fur Coats, good colors, splendidly niai. great bargains, at. . .$39.00 Blue Wolf Fur Sets, $15.00 value, at $10.00 large shawl collar and pillow muff. Long Caracul Cloth Coats, lined through out, $15.00 values; choice $8.95 Basses' Chiffon .Dancing; Dressss Worth '$20, silk linings, splendid assortment of prettv colorin- (14.90 Ladles' Percale Wrappers $1.00 values, all bizes. at 590 Children's School Dresses Serges and fancy plaids, elegant values; at prices from S1.9B, 13.95, 83.95, $8.00 Up Children's Bearskin Coats All sizes 6 to U years, 5.00 to $(.no vaJnes: choice. .. .$3.95 r.nfltea' S4.00 silk Underskirts Silk taffwtas aM messallnes 81.98 Ladles' X.oav Caps Kimonos $3.50 and Si 00 values, at $1.45 Short aianoeletts Petticoats Regular 7 5c val ues, at 35o 15c Embroid's 74c A big line of Embroideries, In edges, galloons and lnsert- Ings, also a lot of broken sets, values up to 20c yard; all in one lot Thursday, yard 'Hit Zion City Laces We are the exclusive sales agents for this famous line of perfect Wash Laces in Omaha, offering you com plete assortments. See -the specials Thursday Hp at, yafd . . WU Bast Ever Millinery Bargains at $5 An exceptional opportunity for the economical buyer to get a strictly up-to-date Hat at About Half Worth. 300 Pretty Hats to Select From Reg ular values up to $10.00,-in ostrich plume hata, large picture hats anl the stylish close fitting CCa shapes; choice p5 Hundreds of Stylish Trimmed Hats In special groups; worth double tho prices, 9Sc, $1.98, $2.95, $3.95 Felt Hoods, all col ors, quill trimmed or with gold cord and tassel at 81.50 $2.05 Untrlmnied S h a pes, an Immense line for selection, choice val ues at from 98f to $10.00 s EXTRA SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY In Our Paoious Domeatlo Boom. Irery item a Decided Bargain. We carry every kind of good Outing Plannels mads A large line of mill ends, dark and light, worth 1c. lc and l'JC, we will sell theru on this bay at, yard u So, 7Vso ana So Appleton's or Anderson's dark or light,- nice fluffy outing. flannels from pieces; at, yard TVo and 80 The celebrated Amoskeag 1811 Outing Flannel, nothing ever made yet. "JUST AS GOOD." Look for Amoskeag brand. Our prices for the fienuine same as others ask for the Inferior; only, a yard 10s . annelettea Armour's. Fleeces. Paclfio and othfr celebrated brands at, yard IHo, THo, 8Ho and lOo $6-Inch Percale, silver gray. Indigo bluea. Mack and white, the l'-'iC grade, Manchester's long lengths, at, yard 8 Ho our ttianxet ana comioriaDie saie ins is ail tnis weeic. tseet goods for the leastnoney Wash Goods Dept. Specials for Thursday Galucia De Louis, neat patterns with fancy bonders; at, a yard 15 rotten Ch allies, 36-inch Flannelettes good assortment of colore and patterns at, a yard 12'4 A good line of dress ginghams at, a yard... .19c, 13c and 12 Plain Bilk mixed goods in all colors at, a yard 25c Kimono SUkfl, good patterns and colors at, a yard 3S? - That's Well Worth Taking Notice of 25 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent Saved by Trading at Hayden's. Tokay Grapes, basket 95o New York Concord G.apcb, hatket SOo IK lbs. best Granulated Susar.. 11.00 10 lbs. White or Yellow Cornmeal 15o lbs. good Japan Klcu 830 4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice, 10c quality, for 850 10 bars Beat 'Era All or Diamond C Soap 88e 4 lb. pkg. Pyramid Washing Powder for ISo Lu L.U Prourlne- Boap, can ...... 4o Grape Nuts, pkg lOo Corn FUkea, pkg B,0 011 or Mustard Sardinia, can .... 4e Bromangelon, J el Icon or Jallo, pkkg., at put vr TOtna xurii 04irirxo ?liU HOW, There'a nothing finer foryour win ter preserves thkn pears. The cheap est and nealthlest grown fur table u&e. These ure put up in bushel basket s. nn ale Wednesdav, bu.-iiel. at . 5o OBIta TOMATOES TOU FICKX.IMO Uarge market buskU 180 jarre market basket Green Peppers, at 1 4 basket crates Italian Blue plums for tl-00 Hsydan Bros, recetTsd 8 carloads of Btr rancy Kiver Sarly Ohio potatoes These sre the finest po tatoes vrown: nothing better tor cooking and eating, vwe want every housekeeper in Omaha to try them. Tomorrow, pax peck of IS lbs.. .80o lemand 15 lbs. the law requires it W look for potatoes to go still lower. One peck to a customer; no deliveries. niZU VEOXTABX, A WD TStVTT PlUOrS TUB TAI.K OF OKAS A. Kresh Cabbage, lb lo 4 bunches fresh Radishes So 1 heads fresh Hothouse lettura So 4 bunches fresh Beets So Fresh Carrots, Paranipa or Turnips. lb ito Large Hubbard Squish, each TVto-lOa Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb. . .7liO t heada fresh f'eiery SO Large Uitgplant. 2 for . lOo Cranberrla. quart 7 So Bweet Potatoes. I lbs. for ...... lOo FOR ALL VOrR WANTS Try HAYDEN's First YOST-High Grade Furs EXPERT REMODELING J L toi uer aoth aud Farnaiu. Telephone UousUs 3t)4U. Comic Section The Sunday Bee With Happy Hooligan, Little Nemo, the Katzenjammer Kids and the wliole interesting family