The Omaha Daily Bee Our Magazine Features Wit, humor, ftacioa and oomlt picture ths bait of entertain ment. Instruction, arauitmact WEAIHER FCRICAST. Fair; Cooler VOL. XLI NO. 1X). OMAIIA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12. 1911 -TWELVE PAOKS. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. CHINESE REBELS: TAKE WU CHANG Capital of Eich and Populous Province of Hu Feb. is in Hands of Revolutionists. OMAHA MAN CHOSEN VICE PRES IDENT OF GRAIN DEALERS. VETERANS NAME DODGE AS CH1F" Yes, Ma's Home Again EEVOLT EXTENDS TO THE ARMY Nearly Entire Garrison Joins Upris lng When Men Are Beheaded. MOVEMENT WELL ORGANIZED Military Commander Assassinated and Viceroy Forced to Flee. ALL FOREIGNERS ARE SAFE Efforts Being Made to Prevent Trouble from Spreading to Hiorkew, Just Acros the Ytnftie Klaus. BILVBT1N. HANKOW, China. Oot. IX Th foreign consul at a conference decided not to comply with the Chines request that they employ foreign gunbott to prevent the revolutionaries from oroslng the rlvsr to Hankow. The revolutionaries ent a clroular note to the consuls asking that foreigner remain neutral and aaaurlng them that they would not be harmed. HANKOW, China, Oot. lL-Th revolu tionaries have won a notable victory, gaining possession of the city of Wu Chang after a battle with the loyal troopa that began yesterday and con tinued well Into last night. , Today the foreign residents had not been molested. The revolutionary com mittee Issued a proclamation exhorting Its foUowera not to harm the cttlsens of other countries. The fact that the wishes of the committee have been re spected thus far while reassuring to other nationals In Itself a sinister sign for the government at Peking; at It In dicates that the rebellious movement Is now more thoroughly organised,. Five gunboats are now In the river In readiness to protect Hankow should the necessity arise. The foreign cousuls have also telegraphed their governments asking that warships be sent to th I scene. American and Japanest cruisers are expected here today, while several gunboat are hastening hither. Prisoner Beheaded la Street. According to th officials, uprising in ( Wu Chans was planned for last Monday i night. Th plot was discovered early ', that evening and thirty-two arrests war mad. Deaiclng to terrorise the revolu. ! tlonarie. four of th prisoners were b. , headed In th street before th vteeroy't j yamen yesterday. ; The energetic action of th authorities ' did not appear to have had the desired effect. Immediately after th execution a portion of the government artillery force within the city mutlnlsed and the uprising was precipitated. The dlraffeetlon In th artillery spread to other forcea and th revolutionaries took advantage of th situation,' They started fires in many parts of the city and attacked such troops as refused to Join them. The forces that remained loyal were overcome. The viceroy sent a message to Faking urgently requesting th tmmedlat dis patch of warships from Tien Tsln. Fi nally seeing that further resistance wa useless th viceroy fled the city and found refuge on a private yacht that was lying in th river. The willtary com mander was assassinated. Capital of Populous Province, Wu-Chang Is the capital of th eentra.1 province of Hu-Peh and a town of about C00.000 Inhabitant. It I situated just across the Tang-Tee Klang river from : widespread disaffection throughout China. I Hankow and in a sense the two may b ! regarded a th same city of 1,600,000 I nouls. Hankow la th great trading center for all central China, but Wu-Chang takes precedence over It In political Importance. Aa the capital of the province and th eat of governmenut of the viceroy It ha I a great population of officials, Including ail th high provincial mandarin and ! the mandarin responsible for th gov ' ernment of the city and the prefecture. The province of Hu-Peh.a name which may be translated "north lake." is con siderably laiger than England and Wsles put together and has a popuation of 85.00O.CJO. Wu-Chang and Hankow, as great trad , centers and porta for ocean steamers bav j both felt to a considerable extent the In fluence of western civilization ideas. Royal Troops Flee to Hankow. Today the loyal troopa fled across tho river, followed by the bullets of the In surgents. A fugitive colonel of the Chi nese army Informed the correspondent of th Associated Preta at Hankow that I the entire provincial army of Hu Peh, , with the exception of three thousand men mutlned. The proclamation of the revolutionary committee threatened with decapitation any one who assaulted a foreigner. The movement alms at the overthrow of th Manchua, the reigning dynasty. IOWA COLLEGE PRESIDENT IS CALLED TO LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELE8. Cal . Oct. lf-i Special Telegram. 1Rev. Kdward Campbell, pres ident of Bellevlew college, Storm Lake. ' la., ha been unanimously called to the largest Presbyterian church In thla city. HI answer ha not yet been received. The Weather For Nebraaka Generally fair. For Iowa Generally fair. Deg. .... (1 .... 60 .... M ....61 .... bo .... & .... 82 .... M .... 70 .... 71 .... 72 .... 73 7 .... 6 .... 17 TVlour. 1 ib. ,i.r 1 t a. m. I ' to ci..,r I T a. m. I J In. m. a, m. - y , 10 a. m. lLU'ih Vila. m. ' VTTtl u m iJ 2 p. m. X ,V P- m. fg? p. in. . -. f' . 9 F. 8. COWGILL. GRAIN MEN CLOSE MEETING Frank S. Cowgill of Omaha Elected Second Vice President. 1912 CONVENTION IN THE EAST Resolutions Are Passed Deprecating the Issuance of Nil rue rone and Often Inrellable Private Crop Heporta. E. M. Wayne of Delavan, 111., was re-elected president of the Grain Dealer' National association. .. . Klr- wan of Baltimore was elected first vice president and Frank S. Cowgill of Omaha second vice president. Directors elected were. R. W. Forbell, New York City; Charles D. Jones. Nash ville, Tenn.; William Bell, Milwaukee; James L. King, Philadelphia; John K, Marfield. Minneapolis; A. F. Leonhardt. New Orleans; W. C. Goffe, Kansas City; G. J. Boney, Wilmington. N. C. The directors re-elected Secretary J. F. Courcler of Toledo and named Norfolk, Vs.. for the 1912 meeting. The convention closed with the Installation of officer. Resolutions Are Passed. Among th resolutions paused were these of great Importance to the trade: Resolved. That w deprecate the Is. suance and dissemination of the numerous and in many Instances very unreliable crop reports. Whereas. Criticism has been directed at the several markets aud centera In reference to the bids that are made for certain grades of grain -'or better," for example lor ,-o. A corn or oetter. and in a similar way for other gradea, on the theory that the seller mi therehv prlved of the proper benefits that should accrue to him on the higher gradej; tnererore. oe it Resolved. That the Grain Dealers' Na tional asuoolHtlon recommends that the various markets be requested to take such action as will brine about a change In the practice and custom, so that the pur chases of grain at Interior points be on trie net grades. Resolutions were passed commending the American Telephone and Telegraph company for Ita promptness In making improvements to meet the demands of the grain trade and expressing assurance that the present situation in regard to night rates will be handled with due con sideration to the needs of the grain men. The present convention is regarded aa one of the most successful In the history of the organization. Six hundred and fifty delegates are registered only fifty less than the association's banner attend ance at Chicago and St. - Louis. Arbitrator Found Des Moines Carmen Will Not Walk Out (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, la.. Oct. 11 (Special Telegram.) The street car situation reached another culmination late this afternoon, when the tv.o arbitrators agreed upon John A. Ouihcr of Wlnterart as the third member of the arbitration board. Mr. Guiher is a lawyer of ability and is (satisfactory to all parties. He wa found and accepted at once. At th same time Mr. Gllbertaon, who had pre tously been agreed upon, waa found In Minnesota and he agreed to act. but said he could not come at once. He waa dropped and Mr. Guiher will act as ar bitrator. This put an end to Immediate danger of a strike. Chicago Strikers Get Their Pay CHICAGO. Oct. lt-The 4.000 striking shopmen formerly employed at the Bum side shops of the Illinois Central railroad wer paid their wagca for September to day. The pay roll aggregated $00,000, and a large force of clerks was busy a great part of the day disbursing the checka. The strikers were paid from four booths wbich previously had been built In the feuce surrounding the plant. SPRING FIELD. III.. Oct. U -On th application of the Illinois Central rail road Judge Humphrey in the United Btates circuit court todav Ixaued a tem porary Injunction restraining strikers from Interfering with the road in the southern district of Illinois. A hearing on th motion for a permanent injunction will b held November Engineer Murdered by Yaquis in Arizona WABASH, Ind.. Oct. ll.-Mr Rena RMgeway received word today from government engtieers In Artsona that her husband. Oliver Rldgeway. a government engineer. h,id been massacred by Yaqui IiK'innH in a sparsely nettled part of Anzona. Bcaide the body of Rldgeaay was found three dead U a lean miners and eight Indiana. "v' Society of Army of Tennea. Elect Him President of Iw Organization. ARCHBISHOP IRELAND COMES Prelate from St. Paul Greet His Former Comrades. MAXES ADDRESS AT BANQUET Discusses "American Democracy" at Big Dinner. PEORIA NEXT MEETING PLACE tholce for Forty-iecond Reunion rail fpon Thla City In Illinois (H-orral Grant on Tributes to Father. The forty-lirst annual reunion of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee and the observance of the fiftieth anniversary' of the formation of the army Itsi-lf closed lust niKht with a brilliant bsnquet In the ball room of the Urand hotel, at which nearly 300 covers were. laid. It ended with every member of the society and the other veteran organisations expressing the sentiment that It had been In every respect one of the most notable and plea snt In the history of the ocity. At the banquet Archbishop John Ireland of St. Paul made the loading address on "Amer ican Democracy." The last of the little official business to be transacted was the selection of Peoria, 111., aa the place for holding the next reunion, and the re-election of the venerable General Grenvllle M. Dodge as president, together with the entire pres ent executive staff This, however, is in accord with the constitution, which di rect that each of these officers shall be annually re-elected as long as he II' es. The final business meeting was held at the auditorium of the Elks' club at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. The commit tees appointed the previous day to name officers and vice presidents and to aelect the place for the next meeting reported There were numerous Invitations from cities, but the preference, so strongly ex pressed In favor of Peoria, led by Gen eral John C. Black and a number of fel low members who served with Illinois regiment, swept away consideration of all other cities. The date for the meeting was left en tirely to the executive offleera. but it will be some time In October. A resolu tion wa&paxsed inviting the Illinois com mandary of the Loyal Legion to partici pate In the reunion. 'The constitution re quires not less than twelve vice presi dents and says one of them shall be a woman, who must be wife or daughter of a member. This time th committee recommended the election of twenty and naed two women and th report was unanimously adopted. Officers Hlerted! Tnr officer and vice presidents are: General Grenvllle M. Dodge, Council Bluffs, president. Colonel Cornelius N. Cadle, Cincinnati, recording eecretary. Major W. H. Chamberlain, Roxabelle, O.. corresponding secretary. Smith Hlckenlooper, Cincinnati, treas urer. Vice Presidents Captain R, M. Camp- bell. Peoria; Captain John Ireland, 8t. Paul; Captain F. H. Magdenberg, Mil waukee; Colonel Charles M. Mahon. North Dakota; Captain Alexander Haynea, California; Captain Lyman Banks, Washington; Colonel Edward Jones, Louisiana; Major Samuel R. Ad ams. South Carolina; Major George 11. Richmond. Council Bluffs; Captain George Ady, Colorado; Major A. M. Van Dyke, Florida; Captain N. T. fipoor. Ne braska; Cnptain John B. Cotton, Mis souri; Captain Woodson Marshall. In diana; Captain L. M. Chamberlain, Michi gan; Major R. W. Thrall, Ohio; Captain Cbarlea E. Putnam, Iowa; Captain J. O Bverreat, Illlnola; Major R. W. Me- Cloughry. Kansait; Mrs. Frederick D. Grant, New fork; Mrs. J. L. Bennett, Chicago. Th women vine president were chosen: Mr. Frederick Dent Grant of New York and Mrs. J. L. Bennett, wife of Captain Bennett of Chicago. Captain mlth of Jacksonville.. III., suited the ioclety to adopt a reeolu-' tlon recommending to congress a pension for the widow of General Grierson, who became his wife after the change In the pension laws of 1. It wa stated that she was living at Jacksonville in straight ened financial circumstances. Th re queet wa granted. A resolution proposed by General Res tleur, commander of the Grand Army, thanking the people of Council Bluffs and th local veteran and other organi zations for the splendid entertainment af forded, was approved. Colonel Cadle, who was to deliver an address on Boyn ton' book, "Sherman Historical Raid," stated that he could not do so because the material required bad been delayed In reaching him and that th paper would be incorporated In the regular re port of the meeting. trcnhlshos) Arrives. Archbishop Ireland arrived on one of th forenoon train and was a central figure at the Joint reunion, greeting his old comrades most heartily. General Black delivered the principal address, elo quently, necessarily. In many parU. for General Black can't talk to old soldiers or about them without becoming elo quent, because, aa head of the pension department and soldier throughout the war, he know more about them than most men, but Interesting and often thrilling where he recounted personal In cidents with which his comrades were familiar. He told of th fearful havoo made by hi own regiment, the Thirty seventh Illinois, which wss stationed be side the Fourth Iowa at th battle of Pea Ridge, when they repulsed the con federate attack by using th Fpencer re peating rifle for th first Urns. They became fearful instruments of death at close rang. tieneral Grant Talks. General Fred D. Grant expressed hi thank and keen appreciation of th fin tributes that had been paid to the mem ory of his father, who had often aald that he waa successful because he hud such splendid troopa. "I often wonder, my comrades, If jou (Continued on Fourth faga.) From the Washington Star ARMISTICE ISAGREED UPON Italy and Turkey Virtually Decide to Suspend Hostilities. POWERS ACT AS MEDIATORS Italian, Troop Will Cmttlnue to Oo to Tripoli, hut There Will Be Xo Fla-htlus; Online X earotlatlone. BERLIN, Oct. 1L It was declared from an authoritative source today that an arimstloe had been virtually agreed on by Turkey and Italy, but that It ha1 not yet been decided "officially." It was brought about chiefly through th efforts of Germany, aided by other power. Italy continues to send troops to Tripoli, pending negotiation, but in th meantime hostilities will not occurr. TRIPOLI, Oct. 10. The Turk appar ently do not Intend to abandon Tripoli to the Italians without further determined resistance. For several days horsemen hav been reconnolterlng in the vicinity of th Italian outposts. Several tlmea at night they have been dlacovered by the searchlight of the warships and then shells drive them back Into the hills. About 1 o'clock this morning about 8.000 Turkish t rooks with field guns were dis covered advancing in two columns, with the evident Intention of recapturing the town. A large body of natives marched with the troopa and presented a formida ble array. The Italian commander had an Intimation that such an attempt prob ably would be made and his men were prepared. Met With Artillery Fire. The Italian guns were well placed and the Turks were met Itii a hi avy a.rt'1 Ifry and fif e lire, to which they replied with equal energy. It was moonlight and the fleet turned the searchlights on the contending forces. When th engagement was at Its height, th battleship and urulser Joined In with their smaller batteries, directing the shells to cover the Italian front and flank. For more than an hour the firing on shore was continuous, but about ? o'clock It slackened and gradually ceased. The Turks retired, but In good order, al though It Is reported that they suffered heavy losses. Another body of Turk fried to turn the Italians' eastern flank, but without suc cess. The Italian casualties were alight. The fleet pursued the retreating Turks with a heavy shell fire until S o'clock In the morning. Looting Work of Criminals. Th looting by th Arabs, which oc curred after the bombardment, and the disorderly flight of the Turkish troops, was to a great extent the wo: of 4'.;'i criminals left In prison, who beat down the doors and escaped. The looters mads a clean sweep of the vali's palace, the public building ana the barracks. Noth ing wss left but the bare walla and a gieat litter of valuable official doeu- ffontlnued on Second Pane HERE! The Only MUTT and JEFF ue Sport Page. U-LHSS) ' 8 j ' . Tracing Small Sums Paid Out by Senator Stephenson's Men MILWAUKEE. Oct. 1l.-Juat what w done with the small sums of money paid out of Keliator lea Ac' fctnphenaon'a 1107.793 csmpalgn Mud was inquired Into today hy the senatorial committee which Is In vestigating charges of bribery In th sen ator's election. 8. L. Ferrtn. an attorney of Superior, Wis., as one of the workers, distributed over the Mete In the primary campaign of 1908. told of spending fc.OOo. He testified that he paid iV) to R. J. Shields. Shields, who also has been men tioned In the Investigation of Senator William Lorlmer. received In addition 1470 from the Stephenson fund. He has been summoned to appear at this sehnlon. Despite the teatlmony of J ,1. Blnlne, the state senator who brought the charges against Senator Stephenson, that he had no facts to substantiate them. Chairman Heyburn announced that the Investigation will proceed. About seventy-five wlt nettsea will be examined. "We want to know more about the ac tivities of Shields," atd Chairman Hey burn. Blaine, In hla teatlmony had said, under t)ie Wisconsin law the giving of any money to an elector wan lllc-gal, whether the purpose of giving the money waa law. ful or not This was one of the principles on which he had baod hla charges. Chairman Heyburn said he dissented from that view as It took away the rights of electors legally to participate In the selection of their representatives. Aviator lodgers Reaches Kansas City KANEAS CITY, Mo.. Oct. ll.-C. P. Rndgers. sea to sea aviator, landed In Swobe park here at 11:34 a. m. after fly ing lghty-four miles from Marshall, Mo., today. Reaching here he had covered l.tfc.1 miles since leaving New York and waa within a tew hours' flight from the half-way point In his cross-continent Journey. , Before settling to earth in the presence of several thousand persons at the park, nine miles from the business center, Rod gers circled above the city hall and down town streets. He also hovered above the live stock pavilion at the stock yards, where several thousand persona attend ing K atock show watched hi flight. "Hello folk. This I a bully place and I've had a fine rooming' flight except ing that little trouble with the mag neto down at Blue Springs " These were Aviator RodgerV first words as he stepped from his machine after making a perfect landing on the greensward The airman said he would leave tor Parsons, Kan., following tb Missouri, Kansas A Texas tracks at I o'clock to morrow morning. He has planned to go by way of Han Antonio. Tex., and take the southern routo Into I,o Angeles. PROMINENT WASHINGTON MAN MURDERED; FARM HAND HELD WASHINGTON. Oct. ll.-Fred Spring man, formerly president and principal owner of one cf tlie largest express tiana ler i.oinpaiiu x ip Washington, v aa found inurdeicd In barn ntar hla home in f'llnce iJeoige county, Maryland, today. Harr W. Sllbrook, a Jl-year-old farm hand, waa arretted charged with th mur der. Flood at I'urluge, Wis. l.A(Rf'KHh: Wis. (l.t 11 Ra.nnrt ' huve bun rc lived here of a serious floud at I'uiUi!!'. U . I'O miles latt of luru, toward Milwaukee. Four and on half miles from Milwaukee railroad tracks are reported washed out. TAFT TALKS IN OLYMPIA President Introduces Governor Hay to School Children. ADDRESS FROM CAPITOL STEPS State of Wsahlnsrtoa Cnngstnlated nn Its Workmen's Compensation Ant and Other Prosrreealrr Laws. OLTMPI.k, Wash., Oot. a-Th Taft special rserhed th capital of Washing ton on time. Th president was driven with Governor Hay Immediately to the capltol. Before making hi principal ad dress Mr. Taft exchanged courtesies with several hundred school children. He put several questions to the children. "Who Is this with me?" Inquired the president, turning to Governor Hay. "W don't know, air," answered a score of voices, aud th orowd laughed. "Well, he' your governor, Mr. Hay," continued Mr. Taft, with a laugh. "Yes, sir," dutifully echoed the chil dren. Tha preuident spoke from th capltol step. He choose ths tariff vetoes for hla subject, and, explaining how the bills came before him, declared that reciproc ity "Is a dead Issue at any rat a dead issue at present." . ue president congratulated Washing ton on the "prngresfclv legislation" that has besn adopted In th atat and said that ha was especially Interested In th workman's compensation act, a subject now being considered by. a special com nilHslon appointed by congress. "It Is pretty hard nowaday to tall who la a republican and who Is a democrat," aald the president. While the president was speaking the body of H. A. Fall-child, publlo utilities commissioner of th state, who died Sun day, was lying in state In th capltol and the crowd war unusually silent during the president's speech. Wickersham Speaks on Reform Tuesday Numerous Inquiries as to when Attor ney General George W. Wickersham will deliver hla address at th annual confer ence of the American Prison association, hlch opens her October 14, hav bean re ceived at ths publicity bureau of th Commercial club. General Wlckarabam will apeak Tuesday evening on "Criminal Law and Reform." h'undsy morning the delegate will as semble st 10.30 at ths Rome hotel and march to the First Methodist church, where the annual ' sermon will be preached by Rev. Charles lovelsnd at 11 o'clock. A big rally will be held In the afternoon at the Auditorium, st which Dr. Charles H Henderson of the Chl i'sko university, president of ths Inter, national I'rlunn sorlety, will speak. Bishop Tihen of Lincoln and Miss Kva Booth s'so will speak. Thla convention Is ex reefed to bs tha largest the association ever has held. At least BilO ulflolsl delegates are ex pected ss well as several hundred visit ors. WHERE POSTAL BANKS WILL BE ESTABLISHED i From a Staff Correspondent ) WASHINGTON. D. C Oct. 1L (Spe cial Telegram.) Postal savings bank will be established November T, as fol lows: Nebraska -Ixup City, Wilber, Tllden, riicmer, Bloomfteld, Petidi-r, Randolph, Nelson, h'xeter. (llltner. Iowa Cambridge, Russell, A voce. ty sart, Wilton Junction. J. B. M'NAMARA IS PLAGED0N TRIAL District Attorney Elect to Try Younger Man Accused of Dyna miting; Times Building. JOHN J. RETURNS TO PRISON Secretary of Iron Workers Accom panies Brother to Court Room. EXAMINATION OF TALESMEN Less Than Forty Left Out of One Hundred and Twenty-Five. FARMER CLOSELY QUESTIONED Attorneys Eaaae In Dlspntes ss to Whether Uaerles as to Labor Sympathies of Veniremen Should Re Allowed. 1X18 AM3KI.F.S. Oct. U James B. Mc Namara of Cincinnati waa placed on trial for murder here todsy before Judge Brod well In the superior court. t'larence S. Dnrrow, chief counsel for the defendants, announced that he wished to sever the esses and immediately District Attorney John Frederick chose James B. McNsmara for trial. Th prisoner Is '-'.l years old and unmar ried. He Is charged with causing the death of nineteen of the twenty-one men killed In the explosion and fir which wreckeil tho Lo Angeles Times plant. Not only did Mr. Fredericks elect to try James rather than his brother, John J., secretary of th International Associa tion of Bridge and Structural Iron Work era, but he decided to go to trial on th Indict men t charging the prisoner with th death of Charles J. Hsgerty, a ma chinist, whose body was found close to the spot at which ths explosion is alleged ' to have occurred. The alt of the old Time building Ue atmost within ths shadow of the unfin ished baU of records, In which the trial Is being held and th whistle of engines working on th foundation of the new Times building sounded from Urns to time through th open window of the court room. Defendant Uas Fonr Lawyers. Counsel for the defense gathered about th prisoner, beaded by Attorney Clarence S. Darrow of Chicago. Associated with him sat Joseph Soott. Lo Comp Davis and Job Harriman. all of Los Angel ej. Mrs Darrow sat near her husband. District Attorney Fredericks handle I tha prosecution, aided by th assistant t regularly employed In his own office. A delay, seemingly Interminable tJ eager spectators, occurred at th opening of court, whlla a procession of veniremen explained to Judge Bordwell why they sheuld not he kd to serve. This wa th and of a preliminary hearing In which th Judge rapidly weeded . out halt the first venire of 125 men before the trial-, formally opened. Th McNamars wer brought Into court together and remained until Jam B MeNamara was selected for trial, when John J. was returned to hi cell la th county jail. Twalv veniremen were placed In the Jury box out of the vlr which orlglnaUv numbered 115, but which today contained leas than forty. District , Attorney Frederick read the IndU'tmant to th veniremen, pointing out th prisoner and explaining th case briefly, "so that tha veniremen might know In general what It was about hould they be called upon to become trial Ju rors." Le Compte Davis, for th defence, asked the usual questions concerning qualification. Following ths completion of prelimi nary arrangement recess was taken at U o'clock until 2, when James B. Me Namara was brought Into the court room by Sheriff Harame!,, unaccompanied by bis brother. John 3. The latter today saw th last of th oourt chamber until he 1 formally , placed on trial,, which probably will not be for st least Severn' week. Veniremen Eaamlned. Court reconvened at 1:06 o'clock and the examination of talesmen was con tinued. Z. T. Nelson, a farmer, S3 years old. w as th first man questioned. "Are any of your eon in any contract lng business?" "' "No," answered Nelson. "Are any of your son In any way con nected with organised labor?" "Not that I know of . "Do you belong to any labor union or any branch of organised labor T" ."No." "I presume you are aware of th bitter warfare going on between organised labor and capital?" "Tee." "Ar your sympathies with organized labor or not?" , t Orarsuslsod LsLbos lawnlwosL Rsy Hortoo, counsel for tha prosecu tion, objected to tho question, and Mr. Davis launched Into a defense of his question to tha court, declaring that ths case was "one that Involved organised labor." "I hav no doubt," aald Mr. Davis, "that th prosecution will bring In a a motive the attitude or organised labor. Th con tention will be that organised labor caused the explosion to get even. I think It wxiuld be proper to ask If a man had any Boxes of O'Brien i Candy. Dalzell's Ice Cream Bricks. Tickets to the American Theater. AU ar given away fro t those who Had their nams lo Lb want ads. Kaad tha want ads orery day. jour nam will appear aom. Urn, mayo mora than ones. No putilea to aolva nor sub aerations to st Just read th want ada. N . Tara to tho want ad pages, ther you will Had Beany avery business house la tho -city tit teeented.