0 TUt: OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER S, 1911. TOPICS FOR AJ)AY OF REST Christian Churches of Omaha, Sooth Omaha and Blnffi Meet Tuesday. RAIL STBIXE SERMON SUBJECT Re. E. II. Crawford Beglaa rlee of MrntM oa . Pr)efcer-reet Mra a Rellsrloa Forward M?ran DIicimW. Th Trl-Clty Federation of Christian Church of Omihi, South Omaha. Irvtngton and Council Bluff will meet at the First Christian march, Omaha, Tuesday. October 14. Lunch will be arvd at U o'clock. Tha program, be ginning at 1 o'clock, will ba aa follows: Hymn. 'Onward. Christian Soldiers." Prayer. Mrs Jay Burn. Omaha. "Devotionsls." Mrs. A. Merrlman, Snutb Omaha. Musinesa, roil call and reports. Prayer. Mrs David Krats. Irvlnsrton. Polo, Miss Holcomb Address. Mrs. William Prschgar. Cot er university. Bethany, Neb. Violin wlo. Hymn, ' Blent Be the Tie" Benediction. Rev. J. M. Kersey. Officers of federation: Mrs. N. M Graham, precldant. South Omaha; vice fjrealdant, Mra. John Bate. Irving-ton; secretary, Mra. J. A. Williams. Omaha, treasurer. Mra. Charles H. Vosler, Coun cil Bluffs. Tha eaml-annual convention of the ' Omaha and Dmiirlaa county Hunday schools will be held at the Young Men's Christian association next Monday after noon and evening. Tha first silting will begin at 1:10 o'clock and the evening sit ting at I o'clock. Xr. R. W. Bhepard of St. Ixiuls will deliver addresses at both sessions. Dur ing; th afternoon there will be an ele mentary workers meeting, which Is ex pected to be one of the largest and most enthuslastlo ever held In the city. Sunday afternoon's meeting at the Toung Women's Christian association will be In the nature of a Bible study rally. It wilt mark tha beginning of the eason'a work by the several Bible study classes of the association. The feature of the meeting will be an address by Rev. John Maltha, pastor of th First Baptist church, who will discuss "The Vslue of Bible Study." The meeting will be followed by th usual social hour. Th Men and Religion Forward Move ment will be discussed by several Omaha mlnlstera Sunday, the subject being bandied from a different angle by each. Rev. John P. Clyde, pastor of Plymouth Congregational church. Twentieth ami Spencer streets, will discuss the. move ment at his morning service. Rav. E. B. Crawford of the Haoscom Park. Meth odist church will have th same subject at the morning service, Several other ministers have announced th same them for either morning or evening. Etrlke of the federated craft of th Harrlman 1 1 nee, and th Illinois Central railroad In particular, and th present epidemic of strikes among laborer In general will be discussed by Rev. O. W, Abbott, paator of Trinity Methodist church. Twenty-first and Blnney streets, Sunday morning. Th Epworth laagu of tha Diets Me morial Methodist church, will hold a rally and special song servlc Sunday evening t 7 0. President iwl of th PI trlrt Rpworth leagu wilt glv an address oa th work of tha organisation and Us several departments. A program of vocal and lastrumental numbers will' be given. The opening sermon of a series of four on "Th Preacher Poets" by Rev. E. B. Crawford, paator of th Haaacom Park Methodist church. Twenty-ninth elreet and Wool worth avenue, will be preached founday evening. Th thorn will ba, "Hawthorn, tha Interpreter of Con science. " Th sermons are to to given oa successive Sunday evening. Th other sermons will be: October 15 "Browning, th Interpreter of Life." October JJ-"LiOwll, th Preacher ' of Puritanism." October 19 "Tennyson, th Painter of Dreams." A special musical program ' will be given at th Castellar Street Prsbytrlan church Sunday morning by th chorus chair, under th direction of Mis Callsta Kerr. Among th numbers will b Adams. ' ilive Unto th .Lord.", by th choir and a eolo. "Consider and Hear Me," by Olenn Rice. Reg-alar -morning servlc at th CUfton Hill Presbyterian church Sunday morning will give way to a rally asrvlo of th Sunday school In whtcb th members of th congregation will participate. Th service will be held at 11 o'clock. There will b a program of sor.fi. Instrumental music and recitation by th children of th several department of th school and addressee by. th paator, .tha superin tendent and other. - Cherry Hill Congregational church, at Forty-second and Saratoga str, will ceiebrat it twenty-fifth anniversary Sunday October IV with, special service. Addressee by- former paator; special i muelo and other Item of interest will be givoa at th moraine and evealng ser vice. Bishop Scanned will preach at the U o'clock maa at St. Cecilia Fro-cath. dr4 Sutxdajr morning". Following will be th program at th musical , aervto - at St. Mary's Avenue Cengregatlonal church Sunday evening at T o'clock; Prelude Sestett from ' Lucia de Laanraermoor ......... ....Donlsetti rxvoiiy . -. Invocauloa - Hymn .. .' hcrtpiure leaaon . Tenor bolo "Th Good Shepherd" Vandewater Mr. Hopkins. Piayer and reepenae '. Quartet bonurn thpprl Ofintolre tn B flat Kchubett Ijuh ' Iha Uord Is My Shepherd"..,. Mlas Gora and Mrs. Welty. Quartet "Rock of Agea". ....Buck Oin Solo Prelude aud Chorus of tilarima Wag iter-DuUols Quartet Lovely Appear (Redemp tion Uounod Contralto Solo "The Lord Is My Until' Marsh Nra.W4ty. Trio "To Thee O Father"...... Verdi Mi Grym. Mr. Hopkins, Mr. Keraey. Giona . , N oigan Postlude Postlude la D... .'.Tours Bar tut. Calvary Branch. Tbirty-fourth and RewArd. Bibia school at I. a la the atteruooa. Oraad View Sunday School. Fourth and foUi, R. B l.livd, buparlaieadont M(s at 1 Iminartuel, Twenty-fourth- and Fins ry. riev. I. g Kberaote. p,. I ur Sunday school. k Hrlra a sjid loung People'. mMu tig. t.tt. bin( subject. "Viiiiap- plne In the Home: Cu and Curi; the Model Home," third In a eerie on "Th Weil'tins Kins '- Pona nnd rlev.e. tlonal meeting Wednesday at . Orare, Tenth and Arbor. Rev. R K Fellmao, l'stor Morning eernmn at II. Puhlort, "Killed with the llolv Spirit " Kvenlng sermon at Sutle t. "'The Jurls; nf Self." Kunriav school, at In. Young P"Plea meeting at 7. Calvary, Twenlv-flfth end Hamilton. Rev. K. R. furry, I'aelnr Service at VVan.and 7:. riHptlxm at evetilnif serv ice. ( horim rhnlr. ltlhle choil nt nrxm. Young people' meettn- t :. Werlnen day, s. mlil--eek devotional meetlns. Olivet. Orand Avenue and Thlrtv-elrbth. floors- Marltnucnil, I'eetor Mervk e mi 11 and B. SundHV school at 10. Hrovn Ptindav school nt S. Youns people's meeting at 7. Prayer meeting Wednesday nla-ht. Mornlna; topic "The tlreat f'om mlfslon;" eA-enins;. "Maklna; Dlciple." Hrst. Twenty-ninth avenue and Hnr ney, Rev. John Matthew. Pastor M-ir ?.r"n. fecltal; regular ervlce t Vr.m. n,n" ny pastor. Quartet. Mr. Wiley, nonrana. 12 Hlhle hnnl special music hy orchestra, rl l.v Mis Allen 7:ln. orsnn rerltnl. I M iKmiiar ervirv. t-reacning by the pastor. Chorua choir. (hrlstlnn. Kirat Ti.niv..ii. u - Kersev. Puinr.r -. m i-. . 7:30. Hlhle school st :.'A Ynuns; people s meeting st t:H0. North MM. ir T i-1 - v. . , .n , . ' w ii i.' iif-i ,-iu, minister. Meets In Plymouth ConRresrstinnal, Twen tieth and Spencer Rih si liool at 30 a. m : Christian Kndeavnr at S.4.". p. m evenin, worship at S; s.rnion theme. The Test of linn. un....b Wednesduy, g p. m. hrlstlan Krlenee. First fhllrch ' nt CKrl.l e. Mnry'a Avenue and Twpnt v-fnunh ',,-' flay school at 9 4S a. m.: Hnnday services t 11 a. m. and p. m .: Hiihtei-t of ieon sernioii, Are Sins Disease, and lteath tteal 7 t'onaroantlnnal. ' I arkvale, corner Thlrtv.flrst .ml -bunday school. 10. K. f. Wilbur, super intendent. Christian Kndeavor. t, ii l-.venltiK worship, J;3. Sermon bv Rev. J. 1. Clyde. St. Marv'a Avenue I..,,.. u...i Jenkins. ). p.. Minlter-Mornln nr. NIP. 10. .10. "(IHiiiiiMes if i ;,,.r. ,n..,.," Musical service at 7.., with address. riHliithnod mid Song." Hillside. Thirtieth and rihin w u Hamilton. Plutor Hervloes i 1 and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at noon; Junior Kndeavor at S p. m.; Senior Kn deavor at :8U p. m. Midweek meeting. Wednesday 8 p. m. Everybo.lv welcome to all services. Saratoga, Twenty-fifth and Ames, llev. O. M. Humphreya, I'BMtor SiiiKlay achool. 10. 1'reachlng. 11:15 and 7::, Subject of morning discourse, "The Found Croea." prayer meeting Thurs day evening. The ladles aid meet with Mr. Tennant. 271ft Meredith uvenue. Wednesday afternoon. First, Nineteenth and Davenport, Fred erick T. Rouse, PaMnr-Mornlug worship at 10:80; subject, "The Permanence of Chantta; eveniiiK worship at 7:46. "What Must 1 Do to bo Saved'" Mr. Rouse will begin to give, a last year, a series of flve-mlnute talka to children before the momlna aermon; Young; people's So ciety of Christian Kndeavor at 0:4.5. Plymouth, corner Twentieth and Spen cer. John P. Clyde, Minister Morning worship. 10;30, '1 heme, "Men and Re. ItKlon." Soprano solo, Alius Henrietta Prints. Contralto solo. "How Long Wilt Thou ForKt't Me. I,ord," by Lena Flke Root. Sunday school, 12. Christian Kn dwevor, ... bveidng worship In charge of North Side Christian church, 7:30. Eplevopal. 8t. Stephen's, Twenty-fourth and Ames Sunday school, 10. Morning prayer, 11. All Saints. Twenty-sixth and Dewey. T. K. Mackay, Rector Servlcea at 7:46 mil 11. Church school and kindergarten, :46 St. Paul's. Thirty-second and Cali fornia, Rev. W. H. liayley, Rector Bundsy school, 10. Choral euchariet, 11 St. John's, Twenty-sixth and Franklin, Rov. W. H. Bayley, Hector Holy com munion, T:30. Sunday school, 9:4a. Choral tuchsrlst, 11. Evening sermon, 7:45. Trinity Cathedral, F.lirliteenth and Cap itol. , Rev. J. A. Tancock. tJean Holy communion, a. Sunday school and Blhlo clam, 1:30. Morning prayer and ser mon, 11. Evening prayer and address,, St. Andrew', Forty-flret snd Charles, Rev. F. D. TS'ner, Rector Celebration of holy communion at 8. Sunday school at 10. Morning prayer at 11. Preacher, Verv Rev. Dean. Tancock. EvenHig service at 7:30. . ... Church of St. Philip the Deacon, Twenty-first and Paul, Rev. John Albert William, Rector Holy communion, 7 :. Matin. 10 B0. Chorl eucharlst and set nion. 1L Kvenlna prayer and sermon, i. Sunday school and catet;hlsm, 12:30., t.atheraa. St. Paul's, Twenty-eighth and Parker. Rev. E. T. Otto, Pastor Servlcea at 10. Sunday achool at 11:) Bible Study club on Wedneaday at i. Mission festival ou October 16. Prof. Router of Seward will preach. St. Mark's English. Twentieth and Burdotte. L.. Uruh, Psator U, "Cyrus. Called by tiod; th Great Uberator." 730, "Needed Christian Activity." Sun day school at .4i. Young People's Christian Endeavor, 46. St. Matthew English, Nineteenth and Castellar. Kev. O. W. Snyder, Pastor Services, 10:45 a. m.; 7.r) p. m.: morning subject. "Persecution of God's Measen- rrars;" evening subject. "Ruth, the Moab te:" Sunday achool at noon. Com and worship th Lord. Grace, u.-j-liuti South Twanty-alxth, M. I.. M click. I'Hstor-Sunday nchool at a. 46; J. F. Smith, auperintendent. Church servlcea at 11 and f:30. Hev. J. E.. Hum tnon will preach at both services. I.uthir laue at :. Topic. "Home Mlealon Methods " This eonart gatloii will attond the ineetlnirs of tha Nebraska synod dur ing th week. Kountse Memorial. Dr. Rultily, Pastor Services for the seventeenth Sunday after Trinity: Sunday school at 10; morn ing worship and sermon at 11; subject of sermon "Why are the Godly Afflicted?" Lrfither' league at T p. in.; Mlas Augusta Dreshers 'to. Glean ' Most Ak-Sar-Ben Ball Gowns, Etc. Most all of th claborat. and In some case almost unbllvabty axpanalv ball go na worn at th Ak-Sar-Ben Ball oa Friday last, will b brought to Dronh or Broa.' Dry Cleaning t Dyeing eetab Itsbment at II11-I21I Fsrnam St, for a thorough olaaiilcg and rejuvenation Fine, delicat and ornat gowna are put to vigorous us during- th course of an affair a enlivened aa the Ak-Sar-Ben Ball, and owner In most cases have already arranged with Drtslier Bros, to do tha cleaning, knowing that thla la th only concern hereabouts prepared to handl xquUit gowna,. etc, A draamaker of years of experience will b tn charge of the general restora tion of the Ak-Sar-Ben Rail gowna and you are earnestly advised to seek her supervision la th cleaning of your finer gown, also.. , Th peerles Dresher Cleaning Service I not denied you even If you II v out of town; In auch a case all you hav to do I to make up a bundl of th work and send It n with Instructions and Dreehars pay express one may f the work amount to IS or over. Lev work at Dreeher'a plant, i;n ill Fernam St , or at thslr down town receiving atattoa In the Pompeian Room of th Braulel Store, or' at Dreslier The Tallora, UlS Faroam St Atk for information over th phone f you dealrv-; the number ar Tyler 139 or Auto A-i:!&. Krnse. leader: evenina worshln. S: nh. bit. "f"an On be lst After Having Once Boen In the nliiKdnni?" Superior music will he provided for both service ny th Mra vested choir under the nlree tlon of J. K. Barton. The Women's Home snd Foreign Missionary of N. oraexa all) convene In this church Tues day fternoon at a. The synod of N- nraska will open Wednesday evening; at 8. Methodist. West Side-Pundav achool, 2:.) p. m.j xiiir preachlns; service, a p. m. Irffler Meninrlnl Sunday school. 11 m.; prearhlng srv1ce, 11 a. in.; Epworth leHKiio. 7;.T0 p. m. North Omaha, Rev. Thomas A. Pa snaw, Pastor Stindsy ai-hooi, 3 p. ni.; tn pastor win prcaen at 1 v p. m. Trinity, corner Twenty-first and Bln ney, . W. Abbott, Pastor Subject of morning sermon, "The Strike Epidemic." Subject for evening sermon, "Whither Ar- We Going." Service at 10.30 and 1 :.. First Swedish. Burt and North Nine, teenth. Oustave Erlrkson, Pastor 10, Snnd.iv school. II. preaching service. suhlei't, "Why I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel." 7, Epworth league service. 8, service, subject, "Neliemlah A Charac ter Study." Pi arl Memorial, Twenty-fourth and Ijirlmore, Carl G. Bader, Paator Morn ing worship, 10.4ft. Sunday achool at noon L,. M. OJerde. superintendent. Ep worth league at 30. leader, 1 E. DM her. Evening worship, 7;3. Prayer meeting. Thursday, 8. Osk Street. Taentleth and Oak. Rev. , 1. v. tii iwin, i aeiui rupie pcnwi ni a. aanii ano otner ciasaea lor an. ser riion at 7;n especially for men, but lad lea and children are welcome. It I not an exclusive service. Mid-week meeting at 7:30 Thursday. llanscom Park, Twentv-nlnth and Wool worth, Hev. E. B. Crawford. Pas torService st 10:80 and 7:45. Morning theme, "The Men, and Religion Forward Movement." Evening theme, "Haw thorne, the Interpreter of Conscience." Sunday scho.il, It. Epworth league, 8:30. First, Twentieth and Davenport. Hev. Milton H. Williams. Paator Morning service. 11, minject, "The Transfigured ro." Evening service at 7:30. sub ject. "The Claim of Man's Spiritual Na ture." Sabbath achool at :4f, T. F. Stursess. superintendent. Kpwortn league at ij:30, K. W. Schoonover. president. Dletx Memorial, Tenth and Pierce, J, Franklin Haas, Pastor Morning sermon, 10:i. Sunday school at noon, A. G. Walker superintendent Epworth league devotional meeting t 7. At 7:30, Ep worth league rally service In auditorium of church. Mr. Lewis, president of th district Epworth league chapter, will de liver the address. McCahe, Fortieth and Farnam, Rev. John Grant Shlck, Pastor-Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Superintendent D. O. Curry In charge; preaching by the pastor at 11 s. in. and 7:30 p. m.; theme, morning, 'The Old Order Changeth;" evening, "Wanted, a Model." Epworth league serv Ice st :30 p. m Jame Trebllcock, leader. Attention Is called tn the rhmn f hour In the evening service, one half hour earlier than during the summer months. Prayer meeting on Wednesday iJjjtlit at 8. The services Sunday night will be the last held In th church until after th remodeling has been done. Ar rangementa have been made to hold serv ices In the new building of the West End market. Presbyterian. Falrvlew, Forty-first and Pratt, Charles 11 Fleming, Paator Bible nchool at t and preaching, service at S. "Solo mon" will he the subject. Mid-week service on Wednesday at 8. First. Dodge and Seventeenth, Edwin Hart Jenk. D. D., Paalor-Momlng service. 10:3", subject. "Th Man and the Blr Thing." Evening service, 7:30 "A Woman World." Sunday school at noon. r.nneavor society at 8.15. isorth, Nineteenth and Ohio. M. V nignee, r. It., Pastor Morning at 10 30 theme. "Christian A 7-30; theme, "Enthusiasm;" Young peo- .ie n etorieiy or Christian Endeavor. 8;30. i-rayer meeting. Wednesday, 8 p. m. Dundee, Fiftieth and 1nderwood, Grant R Fisher. Minister Morning worship, 11 "Men and Religion Forward Movement; evening worship, 7:30. "The lxve God mmcni;" Christian Endeavor, 8:30, "New Work Our Society Might Do;" Sunday school, 8.4K a. m. Church of th Covensnt. Twenty-sev- -om unn t-raii, i narie m. Fleming, raa tor Morning service at in :4ft auhlect "A Great Hlhle Student." Bible school at noon, endeavor from 8:4.i to 7c.ir. Even In ar worship at 7:30. subject, "Solomon." i.jifi-weea service at :l. Central United. T-entv. fourth and Dodge, Hugh B. Speer. Minister At 10:30 a. m., - wen and Religion." Rnlly day r--rvn;fi soon nanresne nv nrominent my mm; ran nam school at noon; fi;30. Young People's Christian union: 7:30. evening? worship; address by pastor. f llftnn Hill, Fiu-tv-flfth and Grant. T. B. Greenlee. Pastor Sunday school at I". Rally day service of church and Sunday school It 11. Christian Kndeavor at fi 30. Public worship at 7:30, theme, "God a Children and the Diving Hope." Mid-week service at 8 Wednesday. First lTnlted. Twenty-first and Emmet. A. C. Douglass Pator At 10:30 a. m. Mr. Charles A. Alden. financial tary of the Vnlverwttv of Omaha, will "oeak on "A Business Man View of Re Melon; ' 7:30 p. tn.. sermon by the ptor; Bible school, directed hv Robert Smith eupcrlnfendent, at noon; Toung People's Christian union at 8:80 p. m. Westminster, Twenty-ninth and Mason. Rev. Thomas H. McConnell. Pastor At 10:30 a. m., service of worshln with aer. mon on "The Damp with the Unfailing Eight:" Sunday school and Bible classes st noon; Westminster chapel, Sunday school, 8:30; 7 p. m.. Westminster Young People's society- 8 n m aarvlo f praise with sermon on, "Where Art ThouT' Castellar Street. Sixteenth and ru.i.l. ar. Ralph It. Houseman. Ml n later P11K. lo worship at 10:30 and 7:30. Sermon Meinun. respectively, "HMhers or Men," md "losing Christ." Hihl Hchoni at noon. Young people' meetlnff. 8:45. Spe cial chorua choir music at each nnhli. yervlce under the leadership of Miss Callata Kerr. The purpose and aims of me men and Religion Movement" will' be explained at the morning service. Dowe Avenue. rornee Vnrttn a. Nicholas, Rev. Nathaniel McOlffln, D. D., Pastor Morning service at 10:30; sermon on "The Problems of the City Churches;" Sunday school at noon: ChriKtlun HTn. deayor at 8:30; evening service at 7:30; suoject or sermon, "Men and Religion. A special Invitation tn rathe, mil The Wednesday evening mooting will be icq oy nir. j. k. Fleming; subject, "Per onal Religion: the Familv Altar and Grace at Meals." L nitarian. First. Seventeenth and Paaa. Ttav Manfrod Dllliefora. Ph. D. Minister- Services at 10:30. Subject of sermon. Memory aa a Teat of Character." Run. day achool at 11:45. Mlavellaneona. International Bible Students' Asancla. tlon, Barlght Hall. Nineteenth and Far nam Servlcea, g. Speaker, W. E. Stearns. ruDjci, ine second Presence of the Blessed Christ." Norwegian and Danish Twantv.flfth and Decatur, R. p. Petersen, Pastor Service at 11 and 8. At the morning service the pastor will preach to the nunua. acnooi ana tn parents. Young; ii'io m oiCTiioin ai f. Omaha New Thouaht Fellnwahln m,. In room No. 8, Omaha Commercial College building. Nineteenth snd Farnam. ' Sun day service at n Address by Oscar A. Alhrechf. Wedneaday evening question and healing meeting. Puhllo Invited. Walnut Hill. Fortv-flrat and Charles. William Royers, Pastor Morning worship and sermon hy jmstor at 1:3i. Sunday achool at noon; George T. tJndley, super intendent Evening worship and sermon t 7:30; Fpworth league at 8:30; R. M. Evaqs, president. Omaha Philosophical society will meet at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon In Barlght hall. Nineteenth and Farnam, to hear the question, "MunlclpaJ Publicity," dis cussed by R. B. Wallace. This I ft pertinent question and an opportune time for It discussion. People's Church, Charle XV. Savtdge, Pastor Morning, "God Making Use of What We Have." Evening. "Can W Save a Soul?'- Sunday school at noon. Service at House of Hope, 858 North Twenty-seventh avenue, at 4. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 7. V. M. I'. A. News iotea. The County Sunday School convention will convene for two sessions on Mondav October Wh, at the Young Men Chrletinn Association building, meeting at 3:30 and 8 o'clock. On Monday evening the' first resnlar aorslonn of the winter ttlt.lo rlaasaa win be held. There in already sufficient en rollment for eight or ten classes and large variety of Interesting i tudy course are presented for the selection of men. A number of new clnaaea In the edu cational department will he Ktarted next week. Oh October 9th, Spanish and French ciases win oegin; October 10th. commer cial law and public speaking; October 11th. first aid to the Inturcd. and a ciaas in me study of Shakespeare on viiuwr J.un. Sunday, the first meeting of Dr Henry a I.lfe Problems claaa will ha hold in me memners room at the west end 01 me loboy at 5 oclock. This class has always neen a very helpful one and la large resist ration la exnected thla fall At 4 o'clock Rev. John Matthews will r pei K at the regular Hlinrlsv afternoon meeting for men. The Association quartet Will Blng. and all men ar Invited tn at. tend. This meeting Is followed by a fel- lowsnip luncneon at B:t, where trtrang er to the city are especially welcome. PLEIADES SOCIETY TO CONTINUE ITS SESSIONS The Pleiades society of the Omaha High school has decided to continue dur ing the coming school year and will hold meetings semi-monthly at the homes of Its members. Th first meeting will be held at the home of Minerva Qulnby, 4916 Dodge street, next Friday, at which time the completion of the election of officer will be held and a. short reclta- tlonal and musical program given.' The society I th seventh of the girls' organisations at. the high school to re organise for this school year and lias an active membership of twenty-five. The Pleiades rs one of the most prominent and oldest of th societies at the school being organised in 1904 and continuing ever since. The society Is under th direction of Miss Jo, von Mansfelde of tne faculty and Is formed for the pur pose or promoting Interest and enjoy ment along literary lines. In addition to the presentation of recitation! and musical programs, several affair of a social nature will be held thi year. DEFORE YOU OUY A BAS 53) LB B)IB 111 Key to the Situation Be Advertising. 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Notice its Joints, all ground, locked and bolted until the entire stove is made The 0 absolutely air tinM. thus Insuring perfect cort iroi or .ne- tire at all times. See its patent drafts, era ten. roM air fltiea for tnklnr tha, 1.1H Sular ui j a,r off lhe floor' and ,,ot alr flu?8 for heating rooms on upper rioors. See a score or more of other features demonstrated In our Immense stove department every day. We are EXCLUSIVE agent in Omaha for PENINSULAR Stovet and Ramjet -the only AUTHORIZED AOENTS and the MAKERS back us as thtir taU agtnttin every guarantee we make to tha buying public Renin- , 1 1 .P): ,;.-yS5?a THE FAMOUS PENINSULAR BASE BURNER A powerful double heater, extra large radiating Burfarn, radiates heat from base: best floor warmer on tha market; perfect self-feeder, duplex srrate; new flues giving double heating rapacity, handsome nickel trim- ...,...,, m.iiSi,, uiMiiy nciunirs leaiuren, etc a CREDIT IF YCU WISH Terms Arranged To Suit 237S u OAK HEATER A handsomely de signed heater,' full ' nickel trim med, most dur able fir box. patent draw cen ter frrate, screw draft register, air ti-ht. swlnu guaranteed m STEEL RANGE -Biz Value every particular. I'rlce only Body of heavy steel plate, rlv- td together ' like ' a steam boiler, six large holes, section al top, large square oven, du plex grate for coal or wood, patent balance oven door, tea- not - ahajvaa. hla-h mrmlni. closet and other a J l C ' features: ele- J1 ) s-antlv nlckal Mil W trimmed. Hal price HOT BLAST HEATERS An absolute smoke consuming Hot blast; burns (slack coal, soft ooal, hard coal. coke, wood or rubbish; most economical stove: many new feature; hand . nomely nickel trimmed. Special at 5-95 ... flO flfn 10 .50 DIKIKG CHAIRS In genuine leath er, made of ttolirt quarter sawod oak. a thoroughly high grade chair iYBA NX &r . sU4U m SOLID OAK EXTENSION TABLE 2 .25 Just like illustration; Gold en or Early Eng lish; round top. heavy carved, claw feet; sale pric only ....... A handsome design; large square bevel mirror, genuine solid or mahogany fln- 9 85 7 .85 1 if i 111 I an XI mf . ) 7N v a means 3 C 3 C 1 C i. Nebraska Clothing Company . SELLS SINCERITY CLOTHES . . ' "Ml,,-,''lllrl1 1 "all m SW.I III ls1slisasis-sSimBllfjMB-MM-ll SjUMiia twm m , y "aa. V The best location for a lawyer is in a building close to the Court House and the City-Hall. The lawyer's time is all he has to sell. Lvery step and every minute saved money to the busy man. It is a great thing to have only a few steps to go when the weather is very cold or very hot or very stormy. The building nearest to the Court House is THE BEE BUILDING You will find it advantageous to move be fore cold weather. While there are not a great number of -the best of them from which to choose, there are some very choice ones offered below: &ooms aOO-aaaVery ttrctive suit of room directly in front ef tha levator, facing Farnam street. Has been occupied for ysirS bi . prominent physician, and would male A fair, hi ... .. t a - - line of work. This suaca containing r.na 1 "l'".lor Mtait ctft ism V- h"i "ei win d v cated Oct. 16 th at any urn. Rant, par month dVntwiii'l; ja.nn ftoom Sao Is a choic corner office havina- a nnrih . ,.. . making thi space attractive It Vy aea ir .?Tl W8Bt P8l"'. of good light and ventllauon t wtll.r ranee th,-"0" ""i1 suitable for tenant, aud there beina a vailt 2K.ehihJ" 8paf' lx'h extra protection for valuables ' U U ln the room' 11 "ords Kant, per month ' ' $4aoo C" oVf"a"n"d r.SS"rnCh tZ& Pvate Kent, par month $28.00 9i.oo .$30.00 THE BEE BUILDING CO. Bet Burinea Otflct lTth and raraam Sta. '4