Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1911, EDITORIAL, Image 14

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1 -frrrnrTrrrrTTTTrnw
An October Bride
More Home Folks and Visitors Than
Ever Before.
f aettlnas at the llrn Ilrln to
Wake the Hern Mark More
ItHlllail Lllkt AH I
.Mara nMtfr,
South 16th. St.'
Aortal Calendar.
MONDAY Mr. Ftonn Towl. theater party
at the Hranleln for Ml iUxrl PeVeese
or Canon Cltv and Mis Juliette Brown
of Vlata. ts.lo.: lrs. r.. H. VMI
Mnsnn. car1 party; M' KHeen MH"f
frey. evening party; All" Aetirs Hurk
cv, box partv at "tlie Hrandrii" tor Mlw
Marie Stanl of yulnry, lit.; Mr. Tl'ilieri
Schenck. theater party for Mim Mildred
Smith of Wilmington, N. ('.
TI'KSPAY WKilnK of Mifs Ruth llron
rtrtH end Mr. irvtns; ritern In New York
Cltv; Mr. J. M. Metialf. dinner jmrly;
tiiitint' of Mr. RornHril t'ap'-n ami Miss
Kllaahvth Ureene In Warwlnk. K. 1.:
Mr .1. N. WestbereT. (irphrnm rantlne
laiiv; Mt. K. Seliymhn. Mrs. F. H
Hartra and Mm. William Harris, hrirtpe
lunrheun nt the Henshavv;: Mrs. J. It.
Kvn. evening bridge for Mrs. 1. Her
bert Smith and Mis Helen mlth of
Wilmington. N. '.: Mi t!nne Kohr.
boiiRli. Tuesday HrlilKP Hub.
WI'.I N KSI A Y M r. .lotin W.'th,
reeeptton for Mra. r'mlrh and Miss
Smith: dinner rlanre at Country r'nh.
THI'HSliA V Mr. K. N. Cmnv. Hmt-h-oon
for Mrs. Hmlth and Mia Httitth;
Mr. Tliutnaa Hrown. brtle and tea;
Kt-A-VIrp rhit . dame at Chambers;
Mi. K. H Kerrl. I'limuf -club.
FIllPAY Ilereptlnn and dnnre at T"ort
Crook for Colonel nod Mm. William
I. suiter; Orlsinel Bridge club.
FATrKPAY Pinner end daare at Coun
try club.
That this year's Ak-Kar-Hen ball was
more enjoyable, al d aurceaxful thHt any
of former years, was tins i'Onrfnu of
opinion of loyal vubjtrts at the Dm
Friday evening.
The attendance, wax larger tli.m that
of former year. The knights with their
women folka were out In forre. There
were mure guests both of Omaha and
out of town than ever before and every
seat In the spectators' nailery waa filled.
The extra lighting, the yellow lik
sround uiied In dec-orulliiK the Den and
tho beautiful Rowna of the women all
tended to make the effect unusually
porgeoua. The adding of four duchesses
to the uaual dozen in-lnresscs of the
iueen , cortege and the presence of for
mer queens In special boxee added to the
elaborateness of the festivity.
From the atandpolnt of comfort the
tall waa alio a' success. The dancers
enjoyed the new maple floor as they
never could the old oanva covered one,
and the women were one In raylrin that
the new dressing rooms were laore con
venient and better lighted than at any
former ball.
r -.
.,- if .'..,'- o-
; :
- 'J '
. '4. -, "
-I'hoto by lleyn.
Flrat Drkntllilr of Keanon.
kllsa. Klicabclh Lavls, ho was
' ciowtied queen of Qulvera at the Ak-Sur-Ben
ball, will probably be the first of
the eeason's detmtitntea to make her for
mal bow to society. This beautiful and
vivacious young; woman will be Intro
duced at an afternoon reception given by
her mother, Mrs. 1 H. Davla. at the
avia home November 7 or I. The recep
tion will be followed by either a supper
or a coffee for the younc men and women
of the younger act.
The other debutantes, of which there
are a round doaon, all princesses or dttcb
. esses In the queen's cortege at the coro
' nation ceremony, are discussing plans for
" debut parties. In addition to the af
fairs which will Introduce each debutante
separately, there may be one large
' dancing party rt whk-li the aeason's buds
will' be liostoases. If plans' for the ball
are (tarried out. It will be tbe most brll
Jlant .affair of the winter. . It will be
given at the Iloms hotel on a scale sim
ilar to the big military bail given last
fall at the Rome.
Among the debut parties will be that
at which Alias Katherlne Uecson, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. CI. Uceson, and
Na Kllaabeth Unite, daughter of Mr.
fc. K. Bruce, will be Introduced, though
the time aad place have not been decided
Heveral of tbe debutantes will not "come
out" until tho luilluay. when their
friends among the school and oollege set
will be borne. At that time there will be
at last two debut iSancea, the plans for
which are not now made.
If the plan for the debutantes' ball is
carried out It Is probable that most of
tbe debut parties will be afternoon reoep.
at dinner. Monday evening at her new
home. Jib Fifth avenue. New York City,
in hunor of Miss ltutli Itrandels and Mr.
Irving 0. Ptcrn. Covers will be placed
Mr: and Mrs. Melville Stern.
Bnron end Ha rune tr (laffenreld.
Jtidgo and Mrf. Hutnuel (ireeruiuum,
Mr. unci Mrs. I'litcriiteyer,
Mr. and Mr, llimo Hrandela,
Mr. and Mr. Arthur l. b-ntidul.
Mevlaioes Mexamea
Core, ftowt ui Itelle Krledman,-
of Detruit, Joe Friedman.
illlt " Ailsaea
Io)a Krandel. lluth tlmndels.
r.estrtee Stern,
Meaxra.- Messrs.
F.dtvard l.aitterhach, Irving C. Ptern,
Kmtl Brandel. Dan Friedman.
Ki vine Ui andeis.
Tlaaa for Notable iai.,,
iuB MuiU lliandels, whose wedding to
Mr. Irviug V. Ptorn will be celebrated
Tuesday evening at t-herry'a In New
York, will wear tho veil of duchess
point wora by feef mother und her grand
mother at tlwiir wedUiiifca. Tlj bride's
totber wore the lace draped on her white
atin wedding gown. Mlsa llratuioia will
wear It in the conventional way In her
hair, the veil reaching to tho train of lier
gown. The lace u aent to Farla to be
diaped; the upper part of the vHl Is
arranged to wear in tlie new way, the
yell not covering the face.
Tha wedding gown la to be most
unusual and beautiful. Uuchess Uce
combined with ermine Is said to form the
principal adornment of the gown.
Mr. Stern's sister, Llurocesa de Oaf fen
re Id, and Baron tiaffenreld of Paris will
reach New York Monday.
Mr. A. l. Rraadels, Mr. and Mra II. If.
Braadeis and Mr. Kuill Brandals all h-ft
the Utter part of the week to attend the
Mra. Arthur . Viandeis will entertain
i. If. S. Katertalaaieats.
One of the jrnmitirnt boys clubs of the
Omaha lilKh achorjl la the Kalght of
King Arthur club, a club composed of a
group of boys of Trinity cathedral. . The
club meets every Wednexday night at
Jacob's Memorial hall. Heventeenth and
Dodge streets, under the supervision of
Dean Tanoock.
The club plans to give a series of
monthly Invitation dances at Jacob's
Memorial hall Oils winter In addition to
Its regular meetings. Last spring the
lads presented a very successful mrnslrel
entertainment, which was a creditable
and financial success. Another entertain
ment of Ibis sort will probably be given
again this winter.
Following are the active members of
the club: Harry Menold, Seorge Sue hart,
Sumner Ftebblns, Cleo Claiborne, Ray
mond Keller, William JIueaton, Ed Cal
lahan, Arthur Dally, Jerry Van Renn-
lar, Vincent Outer, llaydon Myer,
Warren Fitch, Stanley Waolstencroft.
The officers of the club are: President,'
Oeorge Sue hart: secretary-treasurer, cioo
Claiborne; executive Committee, Vincent
Suehart, chairman; Raymond Keller, Ed
ward Callahan and Jerry Van Rennsaolar.
bouquet of bride's rores with shower of
lilies of the valley.
Miss Kathrync Mcluill was maid of
honor and wore yellow satin entraine.
Tlie bodlre was bolero effect, hand em
broidered In yellow ond black and beaded
with pearls. The same 1lnd of embroid
ery formed the front panel of the eklrt.
Mies Marie Callahan and Miss KUgalMth
I'hlllpa of Denver were gowned alike In
yellow sntin draped with yellow mar
quisette. They carried staffs wound with
yeiluw ml In ribbon tiod with huge bows
of yellow tulle. Tho bride's gift to her
maids were bracelets of cold filigree set
with diamonds.
Mr. Bno Kchall of St. Joseph was best
man and the usher were Messrs. Arthur
C'oud. Dr. Fred I-unqdon, Clinton Rrome,
and Kdward Callahan.
A large reception Was held from 3 to 4
o'clock at the borne of the bride. About
i0 cards were Issued. Mr. and Mrs.
SchaU Mill take an extended wedding
trip to liuffulo and New York City, from
there tbey will go to Florida and will be
at home to their friends after December 1
at im South Thirty-third street.
Mr. . Schall graduated from Crelghton
university in tbe class of '01, the largest
class ever graduated from this university.
During his senior year Mr. Schall was
awarded the first prise and gold medal
In an oratorical contest, when ten states
were represented.
The Merrymakers' club, a aoclat club
composed of about thirty meiuuera of tho
younger set at Trinity cathedral, are plan
ning a series of Invitation dances to be
given at Jacob's Memorial hntl this fall
and winter.
The following committee wHI have
charge ot the year's social aajange-
I Kan Tun nock,
Kelso Morpan.
Fred Stebblns,
Sydney Stebbina,
Alice Bentley,
Hairy Fast on.
l.o Hi and Wykoff.
Anna Hooper.
Wedding Bells
A he am If ol Octofer wedding was that
of Miss Ketle Calluhan, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Kdward Cullalwn, to William
A. Schall. The ceremony wns CulohiateJ
Saturday morning at 11 o'clock at St.
John's Collegiate church. Rev. Martin
Bronsgeeat officiating. Yellow chrysan
themums, palnia and ferns formed a
pretty decoration both at the church and
at the hbmo of the bride, where a Wed
ding breakfast followed at U:M o'clock.
Tha bride was charming In hor wreddlng
gown of wlilte satin charmeuese. Prin
oeaa We embroidered In pearls formed
the bodice and sleeve, the earl em
broidery extending tha lenatli f h.
front panel of the aktrt. The ootu t train
ws aquare and finished wkh pearl em
broklerr. A atrina of noarla' hM ih.
long tullo veU in place. Kiio carried a
Invltatlorti will bs issued this week for
the wedding ot Miss Mayonne Thompson
and Mr. .Thomas Moonlight Murphy,
which will take place October SI at the
First' Presbyterian church, Rev, Idwla
Hart Jenka officiating. A reception will
follow at the bride's home. The original
plana to have the wedding at Happy
Hollow club have been changed owing
to the early closing of the club.
The wedding of Mlsa Ida May CalUn to
Mr. Albert C. Malum was quietly cele
brated at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon
at the home of. the bride's hrother. Ar
thur K. Callln, 1412 North Fortieth street.
Rev. Leonard Oroh, pastor of St. Mark's
!LutheraJi church, officiated. Mr. and
Mra Malum will ho at home after No
vember 15, at VXu North Thirty-fourth
The weddlnir nf Miss ttiitti M arv P.nn.
tleman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
(ientleaian. to Mr. Kdward William
Cooley will take place Tuesday morning
at o'clock at the Kacivt Heart church.
For the Future
Miss Eileen MoCattrey will entertain
Informally Monday evening at her home.
Temple Israel ilftorhood will give a
bridge Hy In tho parlors of tho temple
Monday afternoon. All members are In
vited. Miss Agnes Uuikley win entertain at
a box party Monday evening at the
Brandela for tier gueat, Miss Marie Stahl,
ef guiacy, 111.
Mrs. K. if. Wilkinson .will entertain at
tbe gumo of tea) Muuduy afternoon for
Mrs. O, A. Carpenter of Iinceln and Mrs.
Thomas Samples of Haines City, Fla.
Meadamea K. SellBvohn. F. K Hatlra
and William Harris have Issued Invita
tion for a bridge luncheon to be given
Tuesday, ut the Henshaw rathskeller.
Mrs. J fin William Griffith has issued
InWtatlona for a reception Wednesday
afternoon, from S to I o'clock at her
home, 3SJ5 Cuming street, m honor of
Irving Stern and His Fiancee, Miss Brandeis
1 1 ":'Z&.. 'rr'lii
e" V..N;
if -iSiwvVvli
Irving C. Ftcin, eon of Ixwls Hu-rn. the big New York dry goods merchant at 'the wheel of a fast rtftv b
car. of Mr. Htern U hi. fiancee. MU. l.u.h llr.adeta. a daughter of Arthur D. taal" of oh r.
Where the world's best, most wanted styles
in apparel for women and misses are as
sembled; where the products of Paris Vienna
and other European style centers rub should
ers with the very best American ideas. Where
ever one is asked to visit as often as they
choose, unrestricted by any sense, of obliga
tion to buy.
I'Je Announce for Monday a SpsoiaLQis
jgjgy. of f Jew Tailored Suits in Three Qroups
Tlie dressy suit made of velvet t
Tlie demi-tailored of corduroj- or fancy Zebi lines and the strictly tailored of im
ported mixtures, mannish serges, worsteds, broadcloths, etc.
Most popular of all are the demi-tailored styles, of which, we are showing bo
many reproductions of French models. This season, in fact, .there is hardly a model
in Paris of which we have not a copy.
J 1 -4 i .1 X ' " V
'i My
Prices lange From
I f UUJk- a
i-li -'4
'v. -si
Mrs. O. llerber Smith and Miss Mildred
M. Smith of Wilmington, N. C.
Miss Gladys Talmaga will entertain the
members ot the M. I. club, a social club
composed of high school senior girls and
alumni of the school, at her home, 400t
Florence boulevard, next Friday after
noon. The club meets every alternate
Friday afternoon and Is very prominent
among the high, school girl's clubs, be
ing the first to begin a series of social
functions for the coming school year.
Those present will lie: '
Misses Misses
Prances McComb, HaseJ Ochiltree,
Clella Rrubaker,
Verria Oldfleld.
Ktelta Morrison,
Ctortruda Gnieaig,
Madeline Metx,
Dora baas.
Barbara Churchill,
Marie Hnpton,
tiladya Talmage,
Helen Iinn.
AusuBta Mengehdoht
Personal Gossip
Mica Fgber Dew has gone to Chicago
for a two weeks' -visit.
Mr. and lint. L, R. Newman of Lincoln
are visiting Mr. and Mra. K. W. Moore.
Miss Louise Bedwcll Is home from 'the
University of Nebraska ror tbe week-end.
Dr. and Mra F. 8. Owen left Friday
evening for a fishing trip to Lake Madi
son, Wis.
The Misses Marie and Emma Landrock
left Saturday for a three weeks visit in
Miss Marcella Montgomery of Chicago
Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles TL
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Carpenter of Lin
coln are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. II.
Mrs. James A. Griffith and daughter,
Miss Vivian Griffith, left Saturday tor
New York.
Miss May Noyes Norman of St. Joseph
has arrived to be the guest ot Mlsa
Frances Nash.
Miss HeTen Cudahy arrived from Chi
cago Thursday and Is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Frank Wllhelm.
Major and Mrs. W. T. Wilder will leave
about the middle of November for their
new station at St. Paul, Minn.
Mlsa Gladya Klltott of Lawrence. Kan.,
who has been visiting Mrs. F. L. Fisher,
will leave Sunday for her home.
Mr. Kdward A. Cudahy, jr., came from
Chicago for the ball. He and Ma sister.
Miss Helen, will return to Chlrago Mon
day. Mrs. Arthur C. Smith Is expected horn
Monday from a aumrher spent at Wlanno
Beach and in the White mountains.
Mrs. Allan Koch and son, Harry Koch,
who have recently moved' Into their new
home, Douglas street, have as their
The Hardened PUBLIC
of Ladies' Attire
No Madame! You cannot folBt, cheap. Inefficient work
manship upon a public that mt a lot of real tailoring! Tore's
a snap and dash to genuine sartorial excellence. Jst as there
Is a certain inimitable oiuethljg about genuine diamonds.
It you are familiar with my work, you kuow that it could
never be turned out of a dressmaker's shop; the touches that
make my garments quoted, aro real iumdiUhIi touches, put on
by men tailors; something; quite impossible where, ladles'
tailored garments are made under feminine supervision.
My tailors are wizards
of shears and needle;
they are men who bring
about REAL GLASS In Ladies'
The work proves! The lady has only (o step into a suit of
my set up, to say: "Well, this is a fit!" She has but to walk
a block before discerning ones comment favorably upon her
taste in dress.
And all this is not to be had everywhere; the fabrics I
use aro as uncommon as my work; the very findings and fin
ishings are vaoily better than the ordinary ladies' tailor
thinks necessary.
Now then; I've claimed superiority in print; will jou give
me tbe opportunity to prove it with the garments themselves?
Will you not see the precise new fabrics and modes for Kail
Ladies' Tailor
WbstrSunderland Duildinf, ) Phono
N. E. Cor. 16th and Howard Sts. ) Doug. 747S
guest. Mr. I. L. Wetmore of Wayland,
N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Frtd B. Sellgaohn and
daughter. Dorothy, of Kansas City, are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harris.
Mrs. N. P. Dodge. Jr., who has spent
the summer in Boston with her father,
Mr- Whitney, is expected home today.
Mrs. O. H. Wlrth.and her daughter,
Mrs. James . O'Keefe, have gone .tor a
visit with relatives in St. Joseph and
Kansas City.
Mrs. Stanley Hartman has returned
from New York, where she was the guest
of Jier sister. Mrs. Isldor Wttmark, nd
Mr. Witmark.
Mrs. Charles Moody, and Miss Charity
Moody of fiturgls, B. V., are Ak-Sar-Ben
visitors, the guests of Mrs. Henry Brown
at the Barnard.
Mrs. . Ryburn of lOttawa, 111., is the
.guest of her sister, Mrs. C. R. Tyler.
having come for tha wedding of Miss
Marion Tyler and Captain Marr O'Con
nor. '
Miss Frances' Nash has returned .from
New York and has as her guests Miss
Norman of St. Joseph and her cousin.
Mr. Barbeau of Canada, and Mr. Fred
Letts of St. Joseph.
Virginia Crofoot, the little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crofoot, was
operated upon for appendicitis last week
and while seriously ill at the time, is
getting alons nicely.
Mrs. Harry Lock man Street ot Chicago
and her two little daughters will reach
Omaha the carry part of the week, to be
the guests of Mrs. Street's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John A. Wakefield.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Guiou, who have
been occupying the Lemlst residence all
summer, have taken the apartment at
the Beaton to be vacated lay Mr. and
Mrs. Melkle at the end of the montb.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Whltraore and Miss
Eugenie 'Whitmore. who have been
abroad since early Joly, sailed last (Sat
urday on the Rotterdam and are due to
land today, but will not reach Omaha
before tha end of the week.
Miss Blanch Sorensan has returned
from Lincoln, where she went to attend
the concert irlven by Mane. Nordics, and
to visit for a few days with her sister.
Miss Helen Sorenson. at -t,he Kappa
Kappa Clamma sorority house.
Mr. and Mra. C. J. Krnst have gone to
New York to meet their daughter, Ger
trude, who will arrive on Hamburg liner,
Cleveland, about October 13, arter spend
ing four months in Europe studying
piano in Paris, Berlin and Dresden.
Mrs. James B. Erwln spent Saturday In
(Continued on rase Three.)
mn i U v if m
Special Sale
We Still havn n. nnmhne nf
ful gowns which were brought to
Omaha especially for the Ak-Sar-Ben
Ball We now offer tiitm at prices
greatly below their real worth.
With tho social season but fairly
started, one could hardly wish ior a
more timely offering of gowns ap
propriate lor the theatre,
parties, dunceB and after
noon affairs, and too, at
yuch decidedly modest prices.
At s 14.75 An array nf
charming gowns of roessa
line, in delicate shades of
salmon, maize and shell
pink; and sparkling, hand
beaded rajah and china eilks. Dainty
filmy netB over beautiful silk linings
of shell pink, blue and maize.
Gowns that were abundantly
worth their former prices of 119.75,
$22.50 and 115.00 your choice now
at $14 75
At Ci5.0 We liave gathered In
this assortment the very finest
gowns, and we urge that you make
an early selection, as this unusual
price concession will effect a rapid
cnange in tho ownership of every
One. Included are, inmirtt vnlloa
silk chiffons, hand-painted marquis
ettes and white chiffons with im
ported Persian border effects. In
shell pink, apricot, white, light blus,
and salmon. .,
The opening of each new box dis
closes a different conception of the
moBt famous designers' Ideas of ex
clusive creations.
Only a cursory inspection shows
f7Kn ..! tiscn -.r-. -"Ti Vl -o.v.
" . v , . " r"'""cijr reasormoie nut now you may
choose from the whole beautiful showing at $25 qq
wn arrow
ff aTV!l-w
1518-1520 FAUN AM STREET
aw (s
Bailey. Tbe Dentist
New Offices, Naw
White Sanitary
Dental Kiuiiriaut
74-10 Citjr Matloaal
Baak eMg.
High grade dentlrtrv
CstaaUsaed at reasonable prices,
ia 18S0. L,ut thl" oul to tlMl
T 7- Tae mmlr
i L "- a, w
d-.aV-- , .W-l. tlai
Josephine Le Fevre Company
c u 'hiladelpaia, .
nola by beatun Im ua Co n.u r.
Co.. and the' Copf Om
. tellu's Great Home Pacer