to THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 7. 1P11Y II. I " lit. Sale of Warm . . . w r T 'I -'L ,.''. ': Ity., at. each .,.;..'.. - ,' V.-86, . Misses' and Boys' fleece lined Cotton Vests and Pants; 50c values at, each . . ..... ... . . v . .'. ... 39c : WOMEN'S HIGH GRADE KID GLOVES Long Olowea of real French kid and lambskin;' 12 and U-butt6n , lengths: white, black and color, Cleopatra buttons; best jEaKes. ' Fitted to' the hand, at pair. . . . . .;: : . : .82.75. 83 nd $3-75 Start' Gloree Perrln'a 2-claep French kid.' heavily embroidered ' back; white, black, Un and rrey; all sizes. Fitted If desired. Main i' Glove Counter, at, pair . . . .$1.25 SALE of WOMEN'S; HOSIERY "women's' pW Thread Ellk Hoalery Wide lisle garter, top all ' ellk wide hem tops, Hale aoles, high spliced heel and toe; wqrth up to 11.78. at pair '..t. ..9S6 Women' Pure Thread Boot Bilk Hoelery-All Bilk wide . hem tope; black ahd fancy colora; worth up to $1, at pair ........... .486 .Wpmen'a Imported Llale'and Cotton Hoalery Plain and lace,. also pure allk boot holery, wide. Hale, garter top,. Hale aole; worth bOa, at pair , .....256 Women'a Cotton and ' Llslo finished Hol ery; ' gauze and heavy weights, black, tan and col .: ors; worth 25c, pair -av:.;...'.i-..'.15) Men'a Cotton f and Mercerized Lisle f Inlahed . ' Hosiery, double toe and ' heels; black, tan, and colora; " 'worth' 2 Be pair, at 12 H 6 Vide AH Silk Taffeta and Hessaline Ribbons .Plain Taxfetaa, . Dresden. Persians, fancy strtpea,. motre tatfetaa, ' tc.:' black, white and all colors, up to -ottnenea wide and wortn up 'to 8 5c 'yard, at yard ... l. ....... ... ...... a5 Women' Sheer Irish, Uneif Handkerchief s ; ; ' Hand . embroidered corners. Swlea embroidered, hemstitched aad scalloped borders; also men's and women'a narrow , hemstitched . sheer all linen, worth up to 26c each, at . . ..'. ..'...... .156 ; , WOMEN'S TINE FALL NECKWEAR ' ' ; ; ' ' ; . KeW) lace fichus, new Dutch, and sailor collars, side trills, cascades. Jabots; worth up to $1, at, each' .V. , ; . ... v .,. .486 : SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION and SALE OF v The Celebrated "GOSSARD": Corsets . Mme. 8. R. Andrus,1 expert corsetler from the makers, will be at our corset aectlon to explain to the women of Omaha and vicinity the superior advantagea of the Gosurd Corset which "lace in front." ,. The "Gosnard" is the corset with the closed elastic back. BR ANDEIS Cxsi CsBQrSJk eiW3 (aKZpXTZ CO Ca rOOB OZVTX1S Fresh bruit end y 'egetable$ ".' :. Win Aran. nir brc lut ...... Sfta (ndhlll Poiatoas. p pack aoi .1.00 . .10O . . .60 . .100 t titalka . Larce Celery Feanuta. per quart... Plata Llture. ........ Paakat Peachea Sfte r'levli Muahrooma. Fancy Apple, Mint. Llmea, Head Leiluca. cauu .' flower. Buttar. . Irr. Cheasa as4 Piekle Sapartmact, Lotua" Buitw In cartons, st,' rr pound - 330 Our toat Country Butter. In Fan- ltarv Jra. pr pound SSo 'Dm-tlc eiwlaa tl.eee. Ter lb. 8o (peara. pplcad I'.lrh he. fer jar. 1 So, SBo and SOo ' Importad Rexjueforl Clioa. - Pr bound Sva . it. t. r loo. 10 and 83 ftauarkraut. Per quart. 100 fcww QisKf (ssts z Ctow faw23i , loyden Bros, cat; Bspt; 1 Where only firtt quality meats are ol4 for.lees money. than any other market in Omaha. . Remeaberyou al-.. ways get full weight 16 ounces to the pound. Chickens .... ..12c; nindquarter Lamb. ..Oc Legs Mutton . . ..t . . . . .63 Mutton Chops,- 3-lbs. 25c Matton'Stew, -10 lbs. 25c aydc-n Qros. Annouiicement! Monday morning, we be gin A rpeoi3l rocker f ale, with prices cut veny very low..' Details will appear in the Sunday Bee. iEr, Stewart & Beaten Co 1-1S-17 South KUteenth tL SlslfoJ tHe rrx ' Com art Every Bey la -het Mnato Bept EE' Underwear Women's, Children's ; and . Boys'. Munsing .Underwear, Vests, pants, and. union suits; fall and- winter weights, at 49c, 08c, $1.50 and up to $2.98 Women' ' Fine Cotton Fleecy Lined Vrat vand, anta $llk crochet trimmed; -60c values, st 39 Children's Fleecy Lined Vest and Pants, grey and cream color, medium and heavy, weights special, garment . v 25fc Children's "M" -Knit Waists Patent taped button; 16c qual- Bargain Square Special - , Women's - 3 - clasp; kid Olore In black; whiter grey tan, mode, green,' brown, and blue; worth upo'l, at, pair .5J) Misses', boya' and children'a School . Hosiery -' Double knees, heels and toes, fast black; worth': 20c pair,- at. ; pair .... '..12 Via i, i STORES Saturday Special Celery .Raliah. par, quart .Jar. SOe. 'w Hnraa Radlar. per bottlo, lOe Dill VrkJae, p don. '. .Ifto. oo 10 in H-Oallon Mason Fruit Jr, , Joien. . . . . .-. 640 1 C-V "MaKlo Washet; 8qPr ruea All ito 'W ork .aSe lOo ' rrh '.CrlBH r PtatjeU. por .Sa pound . . . . . moo, io uriHi' oo Jar Larra vjuaaii .Ol1vt.B3o 10.- ulnfar map, per pout; 4 So 1-lb. rl..X'tYT KalaUiS.i.. Bao, Varmuut or UUp Mala 6UT. "l'r poupd '.lfto t-lt. t scA-.k . - Aberdeen . venow.. White"' Flour ai.ea "Lotas" Matronl '1-lb.' csxtora. at . :..... .too l.lS Tin I.ans Aaparafus. .Oo ltu lmsurt.4 bsrcUna. par tin t ..'..:.. CO f v:a mVMm'mutHr 1 Pork Rast 8liC Ko. 1 Steer Round Steak, . per lb. 12lcc Pot Roa&t, 8c, 7c and 6c No.' 1" Hams . V.15C Bacon . . . . . . . . K4.C Cleat Dept: After a Good .This would look like a pretty good place after ail- ' diesis toai put you at peace with yourself Can be bad st the Belrhoht Restaurant 151 Dodge (Street c. aiix. Prop. mmiMl 98c The Greatest Clothing Ualues " Irtr 1 of f ra by any wasters stor. We bsv imnUit the fTtt Use of quality clothes at popular prloes aver shows la Omaha. Ws of tar yon- only all wool -casaimerea and worsts-la ta every sew stylo and ' oolor.fsbrle. XT ITU XV, TOUXL TlD XT HB. To caa buy an All Wool Blue Bergs Bolt, otbar storas ssk S15.00 for tha am. Wa show ovary aew, mn4al and fab. Jic - Tha BscUak modal la Corona tion blaa and browns. The kind rou would ozpaot to pay aaooo for Baa them. High Grade Trousers Without Tb High Prices i Bvary man should hava an as. tr pair or two of trouaara. We are baadijuartaa for tha moat popu lar prlead Una of trouaara ta tha olty. .Xacaptianally Oood Valuae. 51.50, 51.SD, $2.50, 5J.C0, $3.50, 54.C0 55. CO, J6.C3. Underwear Special O o o p a r ' s Spring Baedle Bibbad Un darwaar, ganuina $1 vlua, A.t Saturday . . .wC 810 S15 Neckwear Special The new BOc nsr row silk ties, all colors, at ... . SECOND lee Poolilouers' Boniest 10-ACRE FRUIT RANCH VALUE $1,250 S r ire m iii aV05 '3'"'?' Jj ' In a. climate shown by the Government chart to be the same as that.of Los'Angeles, Fresno, etc., lies Tehama county, California. It is within two nundred and fifty mile of San Franoisco and there is situated the famous Lutheran colony which has had so much discussion in Omaha by reason of a local clergyman taking the initia tive in its formation. The Bee offers this 10-acre' ranch .. aa Second. Prize in its Booklovers Contest. Here is a HvelUiood f or man, wife and children for the rest of time, i Ilere is $1,250 in land, carrying free water, waiting only '' for the plow share and intelligence to cultivate it and pro duce almost any variety of fruit. Full information conoerning this land may be had . '.' at the office of ' . " ; - u TnOlVDHIDGE-DOLSTEn CO. . In the City National Bank Building, Omaha. - 1 ? ' . ,-' . -.. - w mm .. . Dooltf overs' Title Catalogue The Bee's. Booklovers' catalogue of 5,000 titles is on "sale at Bee business office for 25 cents; by mail, 30 cents. Jt ia'neeefpary to success in solving the puzzles. k Extra" Coupons are on sale at the business office of The Bee for one cent each. Winners in the first contest used many extra coupons. Urn Than $5,000 in Freb Prizes u 'msuss Fresh Diesssl SPRING CHICKENS, AT THE PU tear rot Boast, lb, THo aad He taar ataaa, id. - Staar BolUua; Baaf. lb. . Youag Vaal Chops, lb.. Tutu ! Ikoaat, lb. Teal Btaw. 10. . ' X.aab Lars, lb. I.aiKb Oliaaa, lb. . X.amb Slaw, a lba. for ... jKrS kvoaet, lb Mo. 1 Kama, lb ;. - kmaU atama, lb DELIVERY WACGKS LEAVE AT 10:30 A. fi ar.d 3 P M. Reliable Dontlstry i too 10O 850 .... BSe ... 18,0 . .100 I mv TaftV Dfit3).Rcoinsl i ... At this prioo wa bow ; a -' kaantlful Una of fancy char lots and worsteds. aU wool, too. Wa show strletly band mada elothas, the aaw diagonals la greys and browna, now pin etrlpas In arary ha da. . The. Best Hat Value Za the city la the "Ouaranue Bpaolal" at . - Von batter sold at S3. BO. All tha aaw fill atyla. la valours, scratch upe and smooth felts. Sweater Coats All colors and stria., special prica values for Saturday, at 98c to $4.98 25c PRIZE 9 BLIC MARKET Wo. 1 Calnmat Baooa. lb. Buar Uurad Baooa, lb... i8H lao COAX, , COAX. -A OOOD COAX, TOB AXX VB- KJB (MO OCT WUC MABKXT SVSCIAX. . TIX,X B40 Wa nandla all atandard coala at lowest rrtce r ARTat DO B-THOMSOir OO, . Doug-. 6641 1 Ind. A-SS4S. 1610 m- 'ftiCS KEY ST. t ' Phones- B3S Best Sporting News The Bee prints full box scores of. sll big "lesgtje games la 'no other Omaha newspaper- 31 0 $20 5 II O DOM'T WORfeY-WATCH 9t CbtMria,H Sweater Coot 35c - - - CLEAN-UP SALE OF THE Goodyear Raincoat Co. Stock Saturday we offer and " Ladle $15.00 Slip- Mn'B and Ladies' Rubberized Crarenette Coats - $4.98 $2.98 This ereatest opportunity, to Raincoats in a rainy Eeason at such unheard of low prices. as Boys' Bolts ages 2 to 16 $1.43 Boys' Shoes that we guarantee to wear Tbeco beautiful fall days bring the call, of tbe wild ; to the , youngster. NoV la when young . . America 'goes for tramps In tbe woods witn' email rifle In hand looking for big game. Tbe Boys may not getthe. game but they wear out the shoe leather very . fast no - common ; : shoe can stand It. . But we don't want to change the boy, so the shoe .must be' remedied Wo have a ahoe called- . TlTKEL Sv)HOD i We absolutely guarantee them to outwear two pairs of ordinary Boys' Shoes. ... Boys; sizes, 2 H to 6 . . . $2.50 Youths' sizes, 1 td 6 . .$2.2$ Little Gente sizes, lo to -1 8 y-, atj.,:..;. ... ..... .... J2.0O They ?ost a . trifle more, . but . tbe -difference iB' values, mtkei them the' cheapest, shoe you can' buy.' -. : :: : ; . , ,: . ,. ; i Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. Vlhj Do They Make It So Good? THE BEER YOU LIKE Gossamer' BtatrflMcWrst Jobs Mltkr. 3224 So. 2i St.. Ooms Eton. ZJ24 (TSL, Sm Oaak btat, CffUKtl Bitot, bat Ovr the Daily Papers Not tha nuaatnr of h that ara deatroyad by I Ira er anterad by burglar Thaaa daily oeaurreneee are taa bait evldenoa of your noad tor a 8afa Depoalt Bos In our Staol Vault, for the 8AFBTTT of your VALUABLES. Nicely located boxea may be r en tad for trum U and upwards par anaum. - N Omaha Safe Deposit & ' Trust Co. Street Level Entrance to "VauMa. .1811 FfjUAJB Street it "We have. just received a fresh 'shipment of this fam ous molasses taffy. 10c .and 25c Packages. .' .- .... "Schmidt's .Pharmacy 24th and Cuming St. . BE SUEE' . o get .the colored comic 1 section 01 The Sunday Bee It will be worth your while if 10 . .!rrrTTT.. Monkey Candy US GROW 910.00 Ladles' All Wool Serge Dresses $4.98 you $10 00 Men'i Ram Proof Overs :$20.(jK) .3Ien.'s and-, ' Ladies' - Silk Water proof Rain coats " $6:98 is your -buy ' ' ; S.E.Cora 12th nd Fa man. . r sar Old-Time tienedy Darkens the Hair Gives Color Lustre to Faded and Gray HairDandruff Quickly1 Removed: From time immemorial. aaja and sul phur have'oaen used for tha ; hair and scalp.. . Almost evaryoae know, of tha value tf such s eomblnatloa tor darlcea lns the hair, for' curiae dandruff aad falling hair, and for snaklac the hair trow. .. i ., i la olden .time, 'the only war to get a halr' tonlc of thla- sort' was to brew, it la th home fireplace, a method whlah wae troublesome and not always satisfactory. Nowadays almost every up-to-date drug rlat caa supply his patrons with a ready-to-uae product, aktllfully oompovaded la perfectly equipped laboratories. The Wyeth Chemical Company of New 'Tork put up an Ideal -remedy of .thla sott, called Wyeth's Sag and Sulphur Kalr Remedy, and authorise dru-lta to sell It under guarantee, that the money, will be refunded if n fails to do esacUy as repraaented. . If yon have dandruff,'' or If your hair la turning gray or oemtag ottt, don't delay, but ' gt abottle'f this' remedy today and see whae a few days' treat, meat will do for yoi '"''. - ' This prepsratloa. is offered to the pab-lle- at fifty can ta a botUe.-and, la recom mended end sold ; by all Nirug lt.- . Special rAwnuf Sherman aoCaaU Drug Co.. : lth- and todce- Stai Owl Orug Co,, if U and barney StA -i . ; Slilrts.Sc 1 10c Collars. . . 2c Can; Hotel . Laundry' 418 S. 16th , . . 4c J V Misses9 ifiOOS .. ..Hw Correcl Shoeing of - Misses' Feet i Oor - -Specialty . ' 4 few Shoe Stores do It well. ' Moat i Shoe- Store Wake .poor work of it.- - -- We've tho correct i styles In misses' shoes and we pride our selves that .we do It to perf eo-tloa.-. - ... MISSES' SHOES at S1.50, S2 to S2.50 The leathers selected for our Misses' Shoes--tb. UU over which they are made the style and many Important details In the msklng combine to make our Misses' and Children a Shoes perfect shoes. ' FRYSHOECO. , TH E S HOEB 16th and DougUs StA. Pay Cash-Save Money ' The first' of .vary month brlnirs many new .cuetomera people ho have been buyln or. time and paying whatevar ; their butcher cared to charge. Dont be a laay ahoppar. Don t depend on athar. to do what YOU should do youraelf. Buying by phone put. you entirely at tha mercy of othera Raaaon U out yourself . I buy at lowaat market prioa In ouantlty. I sell fo. cah. aaa iallv ary expense. Na bookkeepin ex panaa. and hava no loaa on bad ac count Therefir. XT "1 "V1 -X0" EETTEB mtata at LO EB prtcaa than credit dealer Evary wiak I buy lars ouantiilaa. sat ae'tar bar ialne anJinVyou tha bnlflt v CVt Sois It TAKT KOW! PAT CAH! at batter uaMtysnd sava jjioney Our Oolee Mom,tra4 Cl'iekana. Hnb ."..-' ' .e Horae Made Pork ausaf ' Home Kn4.rd Iard v ; ... ; -lVo Jos, Bath's , Gash Itoket . .ISSl. TABBAM T- - THE OMAHA BEE .. . " jr : I . . . i ... Omaha's .Great '.Home Taper O'Bi'syi Come in and select a pair of tan or black shoes 53.50 to $5 Latest Styles 314 go. 15th St. AMUSEMENTS. BEANDEIS THEATER gwsCXAX. aCATXBXS TOPAY TOBIOBT, X.A8T FUBTOBMAKCE OHAUNCEY OLCOTT XV HIS BEST PLAT "MACUSHLA" Batarday Matinee S5o and BOo v Kleht Price., SSo to SI .00 TIE TBATBLXWO BAX.EBKAB BEATS BEX.X.Xira HOW I 4 S.1.HnTrn-g SUNDAY, OCT. 8 Ka. Wad. 88o to SI. Vlghts 850 to $3 TBB . IUOTE1 With FRED NIBLO and a Perfect Company tnoludlng ; UISS JOSEPHINE COHAN Wesder-T< OP TKB Weadcr-Weit Told at the OMASA X.A1TS sm Thouaaads of azhlbtta, siodal - farm., farm ma thine damastracea. me tlon ptoturee, laeturaa, ate. AatBB AW BXBWB "J" way Unaar ana roof. sjucxsBxojr as . A LECTURE ON , CHRISTIAN SCIENCE trad ax the A nap loaa ef rt Church of Obrlst, BdentUt, of Omaha, by VIRGIL 0. STRICKLER of Bfaw .Tork. at Church Edlfloa, Bt. Mary's ATenue and fifth St.. : . ;0CT. 7TH, 8 P. M. Mr. 'Btrickler is s Member of th. Chris tlaa Bcaeaoe Board of Lectureship of the Tlrst Church of Christ, Boleatlst, ef Boston, Mais. ABMXBBXO raEB. Bo Collection. OMAHA vs. TOPEKA October T-8 Rourko Park t Samoa Stuilay, Tlrst Oame a P. M. Saturday Game Called at 3:30 P. M. Care Leave 15th and Tarnem at 3:13 ; ,- , . 1 Today, ' a5c; To- alsbt, 60a; tha sOHtMIAN aVKLSaQUXBl i rull of Oing-er, run "Cp. of Xtaah, Prarontins1 o' ' UltU Andy oardner.' EXTBA1 XXTSA: PKIBCE33 HH7 A Quaaa of tha Orient. yhoaa.t pour. 444 tad. A-1494 Advanced Vaudeville Matinee Today 2:15 KOTE Early Curtain Touight. bliarp. uawavA'S PtTIf OISTIE" r . Tt7 Bally Mat.. 15-35-600 j., RBAX. AB-BAB-tEW BHOW pat., a. "RUNAWAY GixlLS Clark's Vln...urs . . . - . .. . . Trtwn .in. arable Chorus of Runaways. Curtain after Professions on Parade uaya LaAla.' Plate Matlnaa-Eery Weak Bay. SunT A- Wit Al Keevea Beauty bhow. AMERICAN THEATER rrlcaa lOo aad S5o IVilSS EVA. LANG ad the Woodward Stock Co. la Glittering Gloria JfXXT WEXC.-The Widows Might. DOYD'S THEATER Today, 2 Sc. Tonight. l5o. JJo, soc. Tha Ak-Sar-Bn Bensrtion TBB SKIAT MABTKBPIECB DANTE'S " INFERNO " Dot. 1S-13 Wnv Boa-a la The 3taa froaa Bama." mmm 3? ir3aiiT' I jfa ilVte fS I BASE SflLL mi 1 i . i S.I i 4 ... 1 I