THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1911. Sampeck Clollies Were Designed Especially for You Ferhaps you, like many smartly dressed young men, want to keep abreast of the nowest idea in fash ionable tailoring the new English"' poft roll, fin innovation in clothe fashioning, will appeal' to you. Again, you may have more con servative ideas then, the model il lustrated here will strike your fancy. No matter what your taste, we have a Sam peck model which wag designed fo please you be It ultra or conservative, each one shows a cleverness and original ity you'll f.nd In no other clothes. The new golden browna and rough fin ished Coronation Muo-graya have found a ready welcome with Omaha'a best dressed young men. SIS (o 535 m mm fife ill A Hint of the New Overcoats Gray and brown mixtures will be the ' Arioa and Military models win be seen wherever there are well dressed" ni en good many men have selected thir ... .v.. w . . ," -v ' . " ' iiiiE now ii a $15.00 to $35. OO good time to look them over Prices are H A i Ft lira -v - own arroiic FARNAM CARMEN MAY. STRIKE AGAIN Des Moinei Situation Acute, but Harrigan May Stop Walkout. ARBITRATION SEEMINGLY FAILS MiMfrr of Company Propoaea that Dlelnteresred' Bnalneee Men Be Asked te Settle Labor DlfllealUee. TAFT LAUDS SUPREME COURT Executive AssaiU Critics of the Greatest Tribunal. KOTICE TO BIO BUSINESS FrAareatlona of Violators ( ' AitU Trait Law Will Be Conttnaed Wltaoat Regard to Effect oa Affairs ef trad. POCATELLO, idaho, Oct. -In a speech brior th Chamber of Commaros hei today, President Taft bitterly as sailed the critic, of the United States su preme court and asserted answ his vtsws as to the relation of (overnment to bQal nase. "I love Judges and I love courts," said tlia president. "They are my Ideals on earth that tpify whet ws shall meat afterward In heaven under a Just Qod. And a ben a court Is doing Its duty, when It Is trying to Interpret the law, as It ought to ba, to have It condemned and attacked and Its move questioned for mars political purposes, without any solid ground for attack, goes to my heart and I resnt It with deep Indignation." President Taft spoke with mors foaling than hs put Into his Detroit and Waterloo speeches, but along the a Unas. Hs sal hi. had reoalved many criticisms n th poln put fa yet he.. had failed, to receive an answer to his Challenge to W. , J. Bryan and ether publicists to cite a aingle case of combination In restraint of trade Which ought 'to tve Condemned and which would not ba 'condemned under the supreme court's Interpretation of the anti trust law in the Standard Oil and Tobacco trust cases. raaetloa af laprwe Co art. "What distinguishes this country from' any other one." said the president. "Is the supreme court that we have In Wash. Ington. that oft has stood between ua an derrors that might have been com mitted that would have teen greatly In jurious to this country, and to turn upon that court and to question Its moves and to attack It. seems to me to lay the axe at the root of the tree of our civilisa tion. Mr. Taft referred to the aupreme court's disposal of the Standard Oil and Tobacco cases as "two great decisions." "They were two of the greatest trusts that existed." he said, "and In the work ing out of the decree the court had to make a remedy. The fciendsrd Oil com pany presented aU the rhesea of Illegality and criminality necessary, to establish a monopoly a( a time when they did not feel the necessity for concealing their methods or , their moves. The Tobscco trust represented an organisation mads In anticipation of the operation of the law. helped out by the advice of cunning lawyers But agslnat them both the de- Try ThU for Cold Preaoriptlo Kaowa for SVaenlts Mather TUs fcarga Quaauty. Oo to your druggist and ' get "Two ouncee of Glycerine and a half an ouncs f Concentrated Pine compound. Mix these with itlt a pint of good whiskey. Shake well. ' Tske one to two teaspoon fuls sfter esch meal and at bed time. Smaller doses to 'children according to ss" Any, one cut preps re this at home. Thia la dd to be the quickest rough and cold cure known to the medical profes sion. Be sure to get only the genuine (Globe) Concentrated Pine Each half ounce bottle cohim lr a tin screw-top staled esse If the druggist Is out of stock he will quickly get It from his wholesale house. Don't fool with un certain mixtures It Is risky. Pine Is one of the oldest remedies known to civilisation, but m&ny of tbe extract contain reams and Impurtttaa that cause nausea and other tad efter effecte. For safety get only the above me n tio ned Ad v . Announcement! Monday morning we bo gin a special rocker sale, with prices cut very, very low. Details will appear in the Sunday Bee. Millar, Sl,wart & Beaton Co. -613-15-17 Bomb Sixteenth St. vs JJ cree of the aupreme court list been pro nounced." Mr. Taft said It was, unfortunate that u.. country nad got Into a condition that required a remedy like this. A remedy "r evii, ne saaed. wss bound to pro duce for a lime, not business disaster, but a difficult situation that might make business slow. But attar h. had been worked out he saw no reason wny the country should not go on to greater and greater prosperity. Notice to Daalneaa. "To one in my place," said the presl dent, "there Is no disnratinn with rr.. ence to the trial of caaas n the attention of the executive si viola tions of the) law. The prosecutions tr.ust go on. It Is not for the executive to uv he can withhold criminal prosecution or any kind of prosecutions Just to help nusiness. Business must reform Itself and these executive dutiea mn.t k formed under the oath of nrfioa that i took and under the oath that those under me took. "But Whan that (tart Of tha tmslns. community that thourht that , the anti trust Btatuta did nM u, ievtki - deratende that It la tl be enforced, then we may reach a solution that will enable the bualnees community to sattla down on proper and legitimate basis. I hope the time Is near at hand when we must get together for prosperity. We . must eliminate, so fa as, w ea. thig, desire weens aamed. bjr-hr1f and gathered together by foresight, attention end Induafrv luutatu. h.. i . . . ' , aw i wi Up a feeling that kodea no good for the result nin a man ajremnta that .a..AIk . be marked by rtie patriots of the oouhtry who understand that he la attempting to uee some disaster to the country to bene, fit himself." -I believe we are going en to a greater future. If we had allowed these com binations te go on and develop, the only remedy would have been to change by force the power thus concentrated In the hands of a few Individuate to the atate and then we should have had atats socialism. It waa the Inevitable result of tbe movement toward trusts .unless broken up. Back to Coaaaotltloa. "Now we can get back te competition. We must gst back to ComDetltion u an element In thla country. If it la lmooaai. tie. then let ua go to socialism, for thsre is no way between. I am not dlarnur. aged, as yet, in the hope that we may re turn to a legitimate and Independent com petition. I am an individualist and not a socialist" Mr. Taft then Pleaded for kindlier fel. Ing bet wee various elements of the community. He declared the business of muckraking" would ceaea If naonie would disregard the attacks upon motives until ue motives are shown to be Im proper Mr. Taft said the rellroade were entmea to proper treatment and should be saved from the attacka of rha auu. gogue or the man who would seek by me position or bis victim te eiimh over his shouldsra late popular eeteem. KANSAS CITY OFFICER TO TESTIFY INJOAMARA CASE L08 ANGELES. Cal.. Oct! 1-Word waa received here today that W. K. Griffin, chief of police of Kansaa City, would be a witness in ths trial of the Ua Namara brothers, alleged dynamiters. It waa learned that Griffin would bring here alarm clock dsvlcea which are al leged to have been ued on bombs planted w-lth the Intention of destroying railroad bridges near Kansas City. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. oA 1-Judi Joseph Msrkey of the criminal court of this county today denied the petition ot Btate s Attorney J..D. Frederlcka of Los Angeles. Cal.. that dynamite aelsad in this city at the time of the arrest of John J. McNamara be removed to v Angeles to be used as evidence la the trial of McNamara. (from a Staff Correspondent.) DS8 MOINES, la.. C"t. - pedal Tel- esram ) Unless something now entirely unforeseen happens the street csr war In Des Moines win be reeumed Saturday evening by reason of the failure of the company to relnstats discharged men pending arbitration. The men are firm In their determination to start a strike and openly avow their belief that the company waa only playing for time and never intended to enter honestly upon arbitration. The street car men. number, ng nearly 600, voted today to go on strike unless three members of the union recently dis charged are reinstated by tomorrow forS' noon at i o'clock. The city Railway company officials say they wi:i not rein state the men. Ite this evening another arbitration proposition was made by the company, which may provide a way out of the difficulty. Manager Harrigan refused the demand of the street cey employes that the dis charged utreet csr men be reinstated pending further efforts at srbltrstlon and made a counter proposition to the employes. He prefers to withdrsw hi sttorney ss sn arbitrator if the men will with draw their arbitrator and both will ap point disinterested huslnega men as arbitrators and they will select the third one. Manager Harrigan states he Is still very anxious te have the matter settled by arbitration and states that the action taken by the union yesterday was the first he knew there was dipeatlofaction with the arrangements. There Is an Intimation that the court will agsln tske a hand and declare that the men. If they strike tomorrow even ing, are violating an order of the court and will be In contempt. The employes ay that the company has already vio lated the court order and the agreement and that they do not longer feel bound. It Is regsrded almost certain that In case of a new strike the militia com panies will be used to protect the csrs whlls being operated by new men. Ten Thousand Are Killed in Battle at Cheng Tu, China PBlflNfl. Oct l-American Methodiat missionaries at Chang Tu, ths recently besieged capital of Pie Chuen province. telegraphed today that they estimate that 10,009 persons were killed during the fighting between the tnsurgsnts and gov ernment troops. Of the dead 3.000 were soldiers and the othsrs rebels, i Ten thoussnd rebels are In possession of several cltiea southwest of Chsng Tu. beldlers are marching against them today. The Methodists state -that as a result tf the uprising thousands of natives ars homeless and 'many beooming desperate committed suicide. The Methodists ap peal for funds, from America te be dis tributed under 'their supervision, la tbe work of relief. GOVERNORS ML TALK COAL Executives of Western States to Meet on Mining Matters. DATE NOT YET PICKED OUT M'llllnia Madden, Convleted of Mir dep jf Floreaee Dortt at Dee Moines, Rteea Twenty Yeera In Prison. fProm a Staff Correspondent.) D8 MOINES. Ia . Oct. (Special Tel egram.) Governor Carroll of Iowa, Oov ernor Denen of Illinois, Governor Srubbs of Kansas. Governor Hsdley of Missouri snd possibly the chief executives of other middle western Btates which hava coal fields, will hold a conference the latter part of the present month to dlscuea leg islstlon affecting the coal mining in dustry. The date Is not yet fixed. William Madden, colored, convicted a week ago by a criminal court Jury on a charge of murder In the second degree was sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years today. Investigation of Mad den's record revealed that he had been tangled in a shooting scrape in Kansas City. Msdden was convicted of the mur der of riorence Durtt, wife o fa colored restaurant keeper In Court avenue. Borden Accepts Call to Form Cabinet OTTAWA. Ont. Oct S.-The Leurlar ministry haa resigned snd Premier-elect R. L. Borden has accepted the call 'of his excellency, to form a cabinet. ' The resignation of the liberal govern ment, ' which came Into power In Wt, took place at government house at 3 o'clock thla afternoon following a cabinet sitting which lasted until 1:80 p. m. Sir Wilfrid Laurler conferred with Earl Grey, after which. the governor general sent a messenger to the resldsnce of the Incom ing premier and aekad him to undertake the taak of forming a new government. Mr. Borden accepted and requeated a few daye In which to complete selection of the new ministry. Rodgers Delayed at Hammond by Storm HAMMOND. Ind.: Oct. 1- Rodgers was delayed here to (w est flight by a severe storms that came up today. planned tu leave here at S weather permits, and fly there to stay over night Later Rod gars gave np continue his croae country owing te continued storm, tomorrow for Chic go. Aviator C. P In his coast wind and rain At noon be o'clock If tha to Chicago. bis plana to flight today Be will start Is Coal Miners layered. PAN A. III.. Oct. l-SIx coal mlnera reoelved broken lege and two others were probably fatally tnlured when the rage In a mine at Nokomts fell eighty reet witn tnem looey. ;:i if. f U ,1 f I LEW RABES .J 1 BII BLDO. ' t Xairaoc oa Coaia 1 1 XmL. A. lOXB Pin 81 U EARTHQUAKE SHOCK IS FELT AT PORT AU PRINCE j PORT AT PRINCE. Haiti. Oct. 1-A heavy earthquake occurred here at 6 M o'clock thla morning. The movement 1 was from east to west and lasted thlrtv , seconda. Tbe shock was accompanied by subter- ! reneea rumblings. No damags was done WA6HINGTOIJ. Oct. 4.-Ae earth ' shock, estimated te have occurred at a distance ot about I. M0 mil as from Wesn Ington. mas recorded this morning at the C. .iirf.tnw unliMfiltw .k..... . - . I ""W4 is.ui y. 4 a disturbance began at I B o'clock and laatsd over, forty mlautaa. MOBILE. Oct t-The seismograph at prlnghil college here recorded a very severe earthquake at 4 o'clock this morn ing, which, according to cslculatlons, was probably only.aboyi TOO miles distant Mi Us, W. - m r 1 ; ' : 13 . " V TThXr4l! Introductory Sale for the Purpose of I n t r oduclng Kentueky'g rin cat Bottled la Bond Wblsklea We Otter Old Lewis H. Rye Full Quart. 05 Old Ripy Bbr. Full Quart. 00 C, Schlank Wines A Liquors 1S07 Douglas St. Phone Doug-. 041 MOTXKXBTB OT OCBAJT STBAKB&a. Af1e. re : us tin jraa,- Trlu CSLA . .. CnUl Qt tiysTOWX. , Ocwala, CJiiCHSillU'i JU. ma. OSellle. U.'.'rkivasw Muw.v.a i.l Iua.. -.frame. ' " ' Saia.'llsued IB 1840.' DENTISTRY Bailey. The Dentist Ns Offices. Nsw White banltary rental Koiuiptnent 704-10 Oity Matioaal Bank Slag. TKS SKTSCKA., High grade dentlatry at reasonably prices. Cut' tins out to find OUTBREAK OF INFANTILE PARALYSIS AT RHODES MARSH AIXTOWN. Ia.. Oct. .-rSpe- elal.) With one dead and seven others sick, the details of a most unusual out. break ot Infantile paralysis in the south western part of the county, near Rhodes were made public bare today. The un usual phase of tha esse Is that In the opinion of the attending physlalan and the State Board of Health that the dlsesse has been spresd by flies that have faaated on the unburned caresses of dead chickens which died of the disease. That the disease Is prevalent smong 'young chickens In many parts of the state Is the statement of the officers of the state experimental station at Iowa Etste college. Ames. Four-year-old Elizabeth Wlgnall Is dead and there are seven other caeea In five other families. The attending- physician ia authority for the statement that fully 1.000 chickens In the afflicted neighbor hood have died. But the disease has not been limited alone to' them. Fifteen or twenty pigs In the same neighborhood have shown symptoms of the disease and some of them have died. In one Instance a calf was stricken and died, but as far the disease has only appeared among the young animals, the older ones seem ing to have escaped. While one or two of the sick children are considered to be In a grave condi tion It la thought that the worst of the epidemic la over. DOS Mrs, Rnaa Charged with Marder. HAMPTON, Ia., Oct. (.(Special.) Mrs. Alethla Rush, who last August shot and killed her husband, who was the agent of the Iowa Central railroad at Sheffield, waa today Indloted for murder In tbe first degree. Mrs. Rush will probably be brought from Osceola, at once, where ahe has been living since the trsgedy. It la expected the case will be brought to trial at the present term, of court. ... ' Father Bajolne His So'.' FORT PODGS,,Ia.. Oct . Special.) Recourse to an injunction has been taken by Joseph Clous ot Cooper township to restrain his . own son ' from entering or approaching Me noma : Tbe petition waa filed here today. Clouse, senior, .claims that Clouse, Jr., has been Invited to leave home 'because he stirs up strife .' and dissension (n . the home and that the younger Clouse refuses to Changs Ms bed and board. It Is said years ago, Joseph Clouse, sr., attempted to get an In junction to restrain his mother-in-law from entering bis home. .... . . , Wherever You See a Crowd of Omaha's V ell Dressed Hen Together ' You always see a goodly representation of Browning, King & Co. Clothes Sometimes lt' the suit, other times the overcoat, many times it's both. When such fellows congregate and their topic dwells on the ever interesting clothes question, you'll hear nothing but words of praise for Browning, King & Co. garments and whj-T Be cause for more than sixty years Browning, King & Co.'s cloth-, ing has been used as a standard on which all other makes are graded. Men who insist on getting the best the market affords naturally turn to this store. All our garments are made in our own New York shops, by the best tailors in the land. They must be better they are better. SDITS OVERCOATS I YOUNG MEN'S SUITS $15 :o to MO04 1 1500 to 5000 15 to $3000 IF YOU WAN! THE BEST IN FURNISHINGS, COME HERE Ever stop for a few moments before our 15th street windows and note the sort of Furnishing Goods we show. Can't you see the difference at a glance between thos and the kind you find elsewhere but that's only a hint to what you'll find in side. You'll enjoy looking at those new Shirts, Neckwear,, Gloves, Hosiery, Under wear and the best part of all, you'll find the prices within easy reach of everyone. MOTHERS OUR SECOND FLOOR HOLDS THE ANSWER TO YOUR BOYS' CLOTHES QUESIION Whether It's s Suit or Overcoat, or both, he is needing, you'll find this store better prepared than ever before to fill his needs satisfactor ily both to his idea of style snd your Ides of pricej Suits...... $5 to $25 Overcoats. .$5 to $15 R. S. Wilcox, Manager. fflfllill :Ming & C 15th Street, I at Douglaa. Death Dae to Uee of Coeatne. FORT DODGE. Ia.. Oct . Special. ) After collapsing suddenly . while in a barber's chair, William Oalos. 30 years old. waa takes to the county Jail where he died later. His death was due to the use of cocaine. This added, to the recent imprisonment of Dr. J. H. Palmer, for selling cocaine, had thoroughly aroused Fort Dodge people to the serious situation here. Fort Deagfa Mas Bare Aeroplaae. FORT DODGE, Is., Oct. t (Spec 14. ) Norlsn enow of Fort Dodge, an automo bile dealer, haa purchased s Farnum biplane, four cyllndsr, and aspects to have It at his gsrsgs this week. He and some of his employee will try flying. Bnow is a son-in-law of the late Captain fl. J. Bennett many times major ot Fort Dodge. Slashed with a Rasor, wounded with a sun, or pierced by a ruaty nail; Bucklen's Arnica Salve heala the wound. Guaranteed. 26c For sale by Beaton Drug Co. MEN ACCUSED OF SILK THEFT GO BACK TO IOWA (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct. . (Special.) Oov irflAp Aldrlch after hearing the matter In detail today extradited J. 8. Lehmann and Harry Borsky. tha former a Lincoln young man who with the latter was ac cused of stealing $300 worth of ailk from a Cedar Rapids, la., store. The men were arrested In this city after they had offered bolts of the goods for aale In this city and had sold gloves to varloua local dealers. At the hearing a plea for mercy waa made by M. Weil, a local banker, who Is related 4.0 young Lehmann. and who de clared that the governor should exercise clemency toward she palp ot men. The executive after a review of the case de- aea mat, nis duty lay Fi sending .the ooya dsc sr to lowa. where they could hava a fair and impartial trial. Another Saving Saturday MM I Every Saturday's a bis: dav at Beaton 's f v,. values in quality goods. Tomorrow it's Standard Toilet Waters, Creams, Tooth Powders and Pastes at a fraction of the regular prices. B or. Se Beaton Path t0 Real Drug Economy." ' Diamonds tad Diamonds The diamond 1 s usually referred to ss s bright spark ling gem a descrip tion which fits only ths first-grade atones. Inferior dia monds sre little bet ter then cheap 1ml tstlons. The person who knows what real diamonds are would not sccept sa inferior gem. When you buy s stone st Edbolm's you know tbe full value of it snd you get a stone of quality that will stand Inspection snd c O m B a rlaon Th, prices here sre ss low ss any tor tbe same quality and they sre the same to every customer. Don't Merely Buy Invest. ALBERT EDH0LM JEWELER, Sixteenth snd Harney. t I; . J5e Colgate's Tooth Powder , 60c Grsves' Tooth Powder (family size)! 75o Purrln's English Rose Toilet Water , '75c 4711 Violet Vegetel 60o Dsbrook's Toilet, Wster (all odors) i toe Finaud s Tlvoll Powder 26c Pond's Extract Talc Powder 60c Full pound can Talcum Powder 60c Cassimers Vanishing Cream . . . . 7sc rompelan Massage Cream ; 75c St. Clair's Perfection Cream 50c Daggett & Rsmsdell's Cold Cream ' . .' . .' .' .' ." . 60c Burnham's Cucumber and Elderf lower Cream ' 25c De Mar's Rose Glycerine Soap 25c Pscker's Tsr Soao 40c Shah of Persis Soap 25c Peroxide Soap . 75c Rubber Gloves 50c Detachable Ebony Buffer 60c Burnham's Hair and Scalp Tonic 11.00 to $1.35 2-qt. Pearl Brand Water Bottle $1.25 4-qt. Pearl Brand Fountain Syringes .. 15 29 290 45 30 45 11 34 35 40 30 34 29 16 15 25 10. 39 25 29 59 G9 Beaton Drug Co. Fifteenth and Farnam Streets Suits anil Overcoats to Order $20,00 and Up A good tailor can help anyone along. He can do it by adding Impress to any man's appearance. He can do It by prepsrlng especially for each man clothes thst will be a parof his individuality and personality. Attire conscientiously and skillfully made to measure will add a degree of distinction to any man's appearance that could never be seen red from wearing garments made tor the "mob." Try us, at from 2A to 9UK Aft MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. S04-306 South lth St. Five Steps South of Farnam M Through Tourist TO Sleepers A TRIUMPH IN THE ART OF BREWING THE LEADING BEER IN THE MIDDLE WEST El Faintly Trade Supplied by Ouva. fttssrs, rbassas WebeXatr UMMf laeVntrfaSraJBl Uafii. Southern Oalifornin Burlington Houtc-Santa Fo Route ATIasa, via uonver, Colorado Omaha fo Los Angeles DAILY FROM O0T. 5TH TO OCT. 15TH INCLUSIVE. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR SCHEDULE Leave Omaha ll:35P.M.rfiW Arrive Denver 1:00P.M. Friday " Leave Denver 3:30P.M. " Fridav " Arrive Pasadena 7:35 A.M. " Monday " Lc Angeles fi:35A.M. " " " San Diego 12:55Noon " " . $25.00 Ono Way to California ton dining cars and Harvey isl rTiti P' m' BttrU,l- . Secr through tourist sleeping ia, accommodations .head of the hr. c ' f"11 bt thla deslrsbls rone to Southern CaJIforsi. sad help make your travel art rangemeaiu. J. B. REYNOLDS, C. P. A. ISOa FAKXAM 8.TREET. OMAHA. l:i!ii(ii(!jiiiii Be aurt and get the Comic Section of The Sunday Bee. - It will be worth while. s