16 THE BEE: OMAIJA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1911. WANT ADS Want aOs rwefvwl at anr lime but to I usurp prOw-r claskifirntlon niut be prernu1 before 12 o'clock, in. tor the riming edition and boforn 7:30 ' T. M. for morning and Sunil.iY edi tion. U'nnr ml. rocolTei. after such hour will ,nxt. ihrir fleet tn'rtlti:: under t!io "Tu" Litte to gifj." CASH KATTiJ rOK W4XT A1S. , REOCIiAR CLA.SSII1CATION One InaertJoii J 4 ret.t ir word and 1 cert per wwl Joe erN subsequent tAMrllnn. Kaeh ln'tloti tndo on odd dare It; ent per word. $1.V per 1 1 1 1 per i.m,h. Rm apply fo either Tl Pallr ,r PbpiImt IW'. Always count six worrti to a line Vnnt ad f r Tin Be- cu? be left ot e-nv of the following druE tore cn 1- ,ur "ctin.er dtupRlst" tliey re all braiub cfflccs (or The) Boa nd your ad will l Inserted Just ; promptly and 00 the some rates as at 1 tha main offke in Thn Be bnllding, ' 6eTer.tej.i and Farnara street: A'haeh. W. C. 4Hh ana Furimm. TUiim Drug Co.. ?T V. l'th Ft Prtnk, 8. A.. 1401 8 Uth St. Fen, on Pharmkcv. Pennon, Neb. Prn! Park i"iannnrv. nivl Ciming Riake-Rntdleh, rwi Sherman Ave. Cllfttn 11,11 Pharmnov, I.'13 M. itarv AT. Cauehlln, C. R. 4725 Leaver.wnrth. Cr.'seev Phsrmsrv, ''th anil Lske. Cooney Pharmacy. ??n lfi'h St. . Cormak. E'nil, ir04-4 8. nth Pi. 'nlw A Arnolrti. m N 2Mb SL rreytag. J. j.. mi m. 24th ft. r tuirniT 1. 'run c I'lnj'a I y. r - -- Oroen'. IirrT- Park V. ana r"a Florenre Tru Company. Flor.-r.re. rio tlflr. Orwennugh Co.. T02b 8. Wh t Greenongh Co, loth nnd Hickory. Gcldrosn Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven wort n. Joran Vmc Co . Nth ar.1 Srvildtng Johnson Phsrmarv, f0 Farnam. ManscoTi P,rk Pliarmary, iVl 29 Hlnterlona; fi-j Co.. Hit Ava. anJ Far m ft. Hatn. John. W4 . !h Rt Hulf A. U -o Ivn"rth. Kln. H. 4h and Farnnm. Kountia Pla?a Pharmacy. J3'i N. Mlh. lathrop fharmacy. "4th an.1 Pamllton. Varsa. Frad U. VM Cntrl Monmouth pharmacy. 33t and Amaa Ava. Patrick rru Co.. M N. Nth St r.art"ic ruf Co . Uth and Am"a Ava fchfr'a Cut Prlea tore. 16tn ana Manful Un Pharmacy, 4Ah and Cum- Walton Pharmaey. Wth anS Oraea. DZATI1S AKD FrNERAI. KOTICEi. FOX John, aeud 41 ysara. finraJ Saturday mornlns trord tha raalderice of tin aimer, Mra. Uraham. l'.tl Ohio atraat. at . o'clock, to baored Huai t vi.ui'cli at t o clock. luUimum t. Uaxy'a cesielcry. HMO aCaSDESSM LODGIO NOTICKS. air Koluhta of Moan CalTary Com naailtrr. You ara baraby requaated to raport at tha lamuia BuiuUy bunuay adarnoon, Octobar , 1911. at 1 o clcnk to act aa e oon to tha Urand Commandry ot N e t.aka and aiao to Covai t LahIk No. U, A. F. A. U.j at the tunwui ol our lata H. to. Grand Cominajider Uuatava Andar n. Full draaa Xemplar uiuturm la 1 a qtMatad. By ordar of JOHN KEIXET. Kmlnant Commandar. Attaati ARTHUR O. COYER. KeoOrdar. Caatara Aaraoa FauaraU Anelaat asd Aocapted Kcottlab R1U lunaral aarvlcaa of ttrotnar uuatava An Won. lata Inaplrar geneial of tha ataia ul ebraaka. win na naia at maaonio tampla Sunday, Octobar k. mil, at I p. m. (iaorga F. Waat, Alaater of Kadoab. RIKTHk AMD DEATH. Blrtha Chariaa and Roaa Sarnandt. Valley urtit, boy, Frank and I.aura l.iivwold, 2tM Dicatur atret, boy; louia and Olvanl tiianeo, buy; Orvllla and Har Halt Uinb, 2447 iMnkney irft. (irl; Louia and iUy Oaenburg. Sum Vebtr tttavt, girl; olin and H-ier Pua. 419 Arthur atraet, girl; o.;n and Maria l'ocha. Caitailar atraai, boy; i'ay and iiac Kogora. .Mandciaon atreal. boy. Lath Comaiia ftochell, Z2U Plarra alraal, 10 montha; J P. I'efferd. Fortlfth atract and Popflaton avanua. W yeara; V. H. Clark, bougiaa county hopitul, U yaara; Cbarlea black. 'M Nortn J wenty-fourlh atraat, b6 yearn; Florence Marria, 2l Mortli Twentieth airaet, J yrara. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, Xbalmcr. 1U Chuagp bt. i. 1U), U-loA. 1U LUAN-UJW '.to, to um 10 kU.t. Slii be i.Ul. rr.one Imum. uw w -uAN CO. 1'OU 1 ate 01 iilata oerr. 11. Doug, lout 2b (si UIPTUUiiV vii iaiiiitiS). paw Ul (i( Otiice Stationery luxciuklva ijcaiuiitf UOH.nA as LtAHl i-O.. Tel. Uuumaa Uwi. , Jdie, .U ooulh Mb auaet. U0A1 A'l'CH. toola, itb and Leavenworth. JdOVl.VO piuluia uiaeume; suppiiea. Kaeiaaa Ir'iuii co.. tm famam. vKJl-U AM BH.V1.U t-LAH.Vti. Oa tiituie. ur Iku, atove Utiutu.uga twu tableaie Ivl'mivU ua lit-. OMAHA L-Vll.N'J tu. tata.Uiabta Ism. ioug. Mi. ij liejney. al. ". alorriU. th na nuoi. twe l.iandeia I n t,tt. iioouung UtU.aiy, luib Ijouglaa. I Ha;ler. paper baling, puul g. it aluL. (X A. Uawla. Oi pet urn tfuKuL i.g Har. b. 11. Cula ao Co. i. i.u we tainatu. M uuaoa. tnodiata. 1). Kat. j g. jui b-oiaon 'phono rec. t-hJlia Lio. 1. t ar. TlEAFEY " &aiCAx-'ET Ueuv. iu. k, iiuv it.tu ,u new buiiUiug. ui 4.Q.cu ol. 4'uoun cAAruey IMe, uul cnuciA ALBERT CAILN SHIRTa .0 Ua,Aa.CRt. u-i ,'AR. it. i'APi.P.HANUtR'b uaa knowlik. paate. Oiuaba -ata Co., lis a. uia. coio pnuuaa. ?Terty per cant Uik tnun Omuha privee HOM CitNwtRJU Co. 1ety-;ou'La Sid i. a.a.. euUi Omaha. iaggaia V or 4V bloiago. lack. '"move, aluie Ad eh.p tl H. guuj. u. 14uu.b 2ua. LAuvtypa ui:poaltiun lor trade. D. tm. Um lieUs. ladia Ub.or. 4U uiivu atoie ' S HCtT mam.lect.irM an3 re;ir ve alura ieuv-iibi wuieo. . TfOC"'--. aJ-ys La bajy :( uur ug ii .oiQ..e ru'i uuuilr, xjf i. tuit i'. 4.X IDM le'li CI u. I'tUWa. iii-HT b,iet.'r for men. Gia) acivs S V4 fill.', 4i por box. preM. aitrri.ia.il U iv4l4u Drug Co., uu.4lu, ie'. TJ HElTtKHxAD laoaboni"pT ft,, LlMI biuliMJa. ...lyjt uxiimu caUe. 1 at ev l.ojv, aauuikta said kAUv' (ur iib; (! iiviMig- ii4 inum g Co.. M lajufci 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) Vnn Oordon'a horra, dog hoapltal. D10.V. 21. BOILER, ahtet Iron and tank work. I,... .fillC atorkint"- aupportrt and banuagc. to k a)aya new, becoufa wo ttll 1 1 many. 1'ruraee fitted Lverytblng gi,arntc-d. W. G. Cleveland lrug Co.. tl. largti luigiral lupply boute. 141o-U barney St. Omaha Structural Steal Worka. L'pbolaterlng, piano, turn. rep. 2804 Far. DOUGLAS Printing Co . Tel. Doug. 441. GET your dlamonda at JUrodegaard'a. Neb. Seed Co.. 13 Jones. Both phones. AMERICAN Self-Renovating Co. H. 2742 C. E. Smith, att y at law. 511 Bea. D. 2167. Mourning hats, tl day. Eck, 1700 Leav. ' Lumlerc photo, studio. 31i So IMh St S. E. Watera cement con. WU N. 20. W. C703 JOHN W. KLOSSNER. cement walks, atepa, copings, cuiblng. Harney 2A?0. MattUon, modlata. D. 4603. 1410 8. 10th. UVTRT person knowa who p. J. O'Krlen Is l;ecauaa he baa made Omaha famoui with hl candy. If Mrs. Fra'len-te.-g, iTM Burdrtte, will coma to Tha t'oe orr:ne within three days wa will jiva her an order for a 10-cent box of C'Brlen's candy free. AUTOMOBILES H0NKSSH0NK HBRli'g THE bEST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND 18th and Harney eta. Auto lampa repUred. Omaha Silver Co. AUTOMOEJI.fi delivery wagon for 1175. Iil4 Dode. J. H. Drircoll, auto painting. JO N. 16th. WHOLESALE prlcea on oil. Doug. UOt. DRISCOLL. auto palnUng. t0 N. Uth. FOR BALE 6-paaseriger Stoddard-Day-ton. In excellent condition. Harney 1737. Does It run emoothly? If not send 10c poaiage ior t-ngina irounie taxi dusk. Breeie Carbureters. Newark N. J. M'INTYTIE AUTO CO.f? AUTO BARGAINS IN USED CAKtt. PFEIFFETi Au,- cTlajre painting. J1-1 Kepalrlng. 2ti Lear. SIMPLEX Vulcanlser Co., Machine for Individual car owners. M Brandels Th. AUTO Tire Repairing Co.. 1021 Farnam. ou need nA Luarantea when we do tha work; beet workmen; lowest price. AUTO SNAPS Bargain piles on a nearly new White gaa car. Also new twenty-horse power Whit steam car. One Eelectrle car, In go4 condition, for tMO.. DRUMMOND 1Mb and Harney. OO OUT to Rourke park and root for Omaha. If George Taylor, 42-3 Grant St., will coma to Tha liea office within three uob wa will give Ulni a Uokat to tb ball game at Kourka park. BUSINESS CHANCES To get In or out of buatnea call on GAKGEsTAD, M Baa Bldg. TaL D.-S47T. FOR SALE Five chair barber shop, strictly muduin. good business and luca ilun, 7-year lease. Tbeo. Jobnaon, IU N. iuth at., bolsa, Ida. GROCERY store tor sale or trade for house and lot Call Doug. Kii. BOTTLING PLAN T C heap for caah. In guud .un In central Aebraaka; good trade, luige tarrltoiy. Addresa X UL care Uaa. A FI E-CHA1H barber shop for sale; good location and good bualness. Edgar l.enolt. 124 Eaat Muin St., Lead, I. D. FOR SALE Hair store, worth IJ.OOO, for tl.(KK), muM go east Jane Dean, U34-14 loth bt., Denver, Colo. FOR SALE Grocery and uueenewara stock and fixture about 13.&UU. Address uox U, Harvard, Neb. J-CHA1H sliop; living rooma. O Ml Bea. 14TH ST. BCSINE8S 4k REAL ESTATE l'.ACliANGE CO. Hardware. grooera, liutel, poul rooms, barber shop, aaiuous, sic, for aal; soma good baigaina In real Sktate. Ul a. 141A lit., eecond noor, looms 1 and i. kl Rutheiy, fresidaut. WANTED Slock ot (antral merchan. Uise. V'Oc or luaa. Clias M. aialar, Maj-y-vii:e. Mo. A bNAP. For Sale Blacksmith ahop consisting ut toola aud atock. Good trade and good location. Will aeil reasonably aa I want to go on a farm. C. Cailaun, 413 Hast ings Ave., Hastings. Neb. GOOD lumber and ooal yard location to lae or will sell on favorable terma. Stewart investment Co., Brown block. Omaha WHY Canada refused reciprocity be cause Canadians ara now wonderfully prosperous making money rapidly and surely splendid chances lor investment- land values aioedily advancing -nUlliona uf new wealth created yearly cities growing unprecedentedly. See farts Stated and ptedicilona of William E. Curtis, America a most famous uawspaper spa cial writer, nuw turning western Canada tin Chicago Record-Heiald and Minneap olis Journal bept. issues), also o( the great financier, 1 homes Law son (Boston 'oet Aug. Ui. also leading American ag ricultuial expertu, Including Protvsaor tu soli ft-rtilit)) Pettll ot Illinois university; editors of "Nebrsska aimer." " aim era' Review" (Chicago), ' Farmetaad" (Minnespolis) and others all predict un told riches wlthm near future for west ein Canada, 'lnia cunseivauve Liverpool coipurauun owns properties In il pnnciusJ wcsicin citiea rcpresenung invesiuient or million dollars, already showing pioflta o( S4UUUUU wiimn two yeaia. t.uii oity and Cuuntiy uioperties oiler smilir ou. nor (.unit ice. lou can share these profits staying where you are running uo risk tnvesung snwu or largo sums at uur touveuieiic. A limited nuinuer ot invest ment uiiiib. but not a stock-sailing nor partneielup stlair no uncertainty wa senu inn particuiara, maps, proof and siausuca. isy our "aon-tortoit ef iuv. mean plan Inveaiora have at least nine munlha to dstarrulno wiiciher to complete investments or accept money back witoin one yea:, with Per ceut lutereat. Over one-Ilmd of the limit has been iiaaxed i three months. Iterant investment rant iiuiu u uumu ig srv per mom tor tun men: lis tiona barred. Canada t largest b.mt. handles our funds, blgheat coin.nerc rating: reterei.ee oa reuuaai. Una invekiur brcomea a nucleus foi a gruup- l'.eiueTitier this :a no; an ordinary pioiKis-tion, ou have nine n:unti tira lu Miliary ou.i'l fully belure you uaad dooida. Now ilvn't mf j . dwa t guesa. ijn I deJevV. Wniei fcr pjUoul.-g tuaay We a.e ere li Hl kiioat oir ou- It tuo tl.at write, luu rca no nix. Write r. w. CK.seu.a City and luu -topertiaa L.:: . j -i . uii. , . vi tafci' Ave, v la'. Ii.e-eg. Caiwca. A CitNi:.:Al. nierchaiidisa alure or aal In out ot in oejt suburbs o( t-niaua Invoice uUml i.M: alutl- consists ui HKC'le. snoea, hardnsie i d ganta .'..lllslii.'.g ;uud. bales ti,JU per luuuta. A'jutcs C vare new. LARGE bullou s for sale or rent. uit. ubie 101 buiel. Inanufaciuring or any 01I10J buslucea. AdUissa Bos U. Dexter, la. FOR SALB Small grocery a tore an nui:oo: gout locauwu, must laave tow a. FOR SALE Furniture anil undertaking buslnees In town of I.O11O In northeast Nebrsska; atock will Invoice about llO.ooo, can be reduced to suit purchaser, reseon for eeiilng poor health. Address Y iv, care Bee. WILL Invest I3.0rt to IVOtf) n paying mercantile business located In goM live town in Nebraska or Iowa. Addreea n KM. Bee off.-e BEAUTIFULLY furnished g-room house aprtment; splend d location; walking d.s tsnce. Phone Red etji. OWNER leaving city win tell his mov. Ing picture show that nets him $400 a month; for quick sale, better hurry. S J73 Bee. WANTED Young man to Join two other young men In well established paving business. $2ofl required. Must be a hustler and one with office experience preferred. S S!2. Bee. FOR a flelntv Aert T-tiir cream. If Mrs. R. J. Willlama, ill N. inin ri.. win come to The'Bee office within three days wa will give her an order for a quart brick of thia fine Ice cream. BUSINESS PERSONALS Aeoaatle CnmeaxlM. ments for tha deaf. MS Om. Nat Bank Accountants. MEL VILLI D. THOMAS, 1201 City Kat. Bank Bldg. AaiSMaieati. Wrwn an4 aflee th. ... ..i.i. .v. OLYMP1A for lea cream and candteo. Orand Theater, 4 ohgeg wkly. t07 N. lth. PARK THEATER. SI N. Mth. now open; another beautiful picture houaa for Omaha: all seats 6c, matinee and even-In-": same management aa Camerophone theater, 14th and Douglaa. -piece orchestra at Roma summer garden. Architects. C. J. Bowall, architect, 671 Brandels Bldg. Artesian Walla. L. E. NEB ERG ALU 1011-11 City Nat'L E. ROWE, WELL BORING. Benaon 145. Baa Manafactnrere. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha. Nab. Attoraeye. O. W. Shields, attorney, 827 B. of Trade. LiSTON L. HALL. LAWYER. 428 Bee. Baggage aad Taxlcabe. THE ONLY WAT. Baggage checked to destination. Taxl cabe and touring care. Tel. Douglas at. TAXICABS. 12 an hour. D. 171. Bwkerlea. TIP-TOF bread thabeat. Webster 103S. A. B. COKOS, bakery- Webstar 6141. DOMESTIC bakery; quality. 2406 Cuming. Barber Ibops. FIRST-CLASS barber sbop. SOS N. Uth. Be Bldg. barber ahop, tonaotial artists. Doc. 8. 8. Stewart, hair cutung. 217 S.iath Ideal Lady Barber Sbop. W. O. W. bldg. Ball' In aad Loam Aaeoclatloaa. NEBRASKA Savings V Loan Associa tion has never paid leaa than I par cent dividends. Investments from $1 to ti,u0v received. 16ua Farnan) St., Omaha. Bleyelee aad alotoroyelee. Omaha Bicycle Co , lth and Chicago. Indian Motorcycles. Writ for catalogue. BUI feattaug. . OMAHA Bill Poating Co.. Douglas 204. Bird Store. BIRDS, dosa. cold fish, races. Mas Gaialar Wlrd Co., ltU.7 Farnam St Bos aad Package Maaafaetarara. Wooden Box 4k Package Co.. 1514 N. Uth. Carpaatera and Coatraetore, W. P. DevereU, contractor, Ramga Bid. tteveneon. oarpantar. eont. Both phonaa A. Llnborg, carpenter, contractor. H. VuiL Carpcta, Roaa aad Draparlea. J. H. Orcutt 4k Son Co.. Uth 4k Farnam. Catarere. E. a. Faad, w adding cake. Ui Laav h Cblregtodlata aad Uaaloarlagt. Prof. J. Lund, chiropodist. 41 Karbach. CR ROY. ohlropodlat 1506 Farnam. Monhfait Chiropodiat. manicuring. City Natl Bank. Douglas tui; Ind. A-Oii. Katberln Landon. luanlcurut Rom hotel Ctgara aad Tobaeea. Tracy Bros. Co.. 1414 Douglaa. La Truila high-grade Havana. le-Be-Ce cigar, sa XH1 banitary Crown Pipe, lu a. lfcfh. Cleaaera aad Clothe Drr. INO RAMAN'S Sultorlum. Jig 8. 20th. D. tz7. Full drsss suits for rent Cloth la. Maaafactarora. Wear Ideal dreaa shirt. M. E. Smith Co, Coal Dealer. Powers-Hsafey Coal Co.. Tel. D. IS. butter Feed aV Coal Co., 2&oj Far. H. Mi. COAL At,v.c.ut- Prls- All KINDS. Wa aave ou uOc to 51 M pe ton. The Howe 01 Rusenu.aL - cut l uce Coal Co., gi Nicuolaa ait. Both 'Phone Updike "quality yd.." 46 4k Dodge. H. Ml. NEW coal yard. 24th and Grand Ava. George E. Cobb Coal C. W. 681. REEDER COOKING COAL LET MtC TELL YOU AbouT IT D. Uai C. A. WESTERF1ELD. A-lSSl C 8. Johnaon. coal, lath isard. phone. U COAL, It good, try it Ask Webstar lie. Harmon a Weeth. -"aw OH H! you Paradise Coal! The money ver. Jeff W. Bedford Co. Both Fhon. sa COAL HIIX for economical coal. Phon US. IWIU yMWMOW. Cfft Tea. Iploea aad laar. Moyun Tea Co.. o N. M. Both phonaa. Craaaaerlas, Dalrioa aad kappllaa, Milk, cream. Fer-miMae. Alamtto. p. 411 Fatrmont'a Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY Douglaa Co. Milk Produoera Aaao. D-34H ELGIN (Unitary Dairy. Eppersuu Bros., l Ul It VUI Kennedy at Pal sons, creamery iuhuIim egg case, clilckeu couia. ill! N. lab cl Colleellua Aeariaa, RU6tl.l. ADJU6TMENT CO . tn-U Wat isauooai cbuw. nuiwiii ia. BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued Cosapatlaat Bcalet Cosaaaay. MONET Weight Scale Ce. HIT Farnam. toralie aad Steel ralllacs. CARTER Steel Metal Works. Omaha. Daaclag- Aradeaalea. Miss Mary Coil's classes and assemblies reopen St Cielsjhton Institute hall, 210 So IMh. on Tuesday. Oct. 10. Tel. W. tM. Turpln . 336 Paxton Blk. Claaeea Mon Wed. and Sat Prlv. lessons daily. L. los. TURPIN 8, t Paxton Block. Classes Mon., Wed. and fat Private '.eaaons dally, iwugiae ia. SIMPSON'S reopens Tues.. Oct 10. Ar. mory Bldg., S. E. Cor. 2uth and Harney Web. 24U1. Morand . 15 ft Harney. Dancing teskons Monday snd Friday, g p. m. Both phones Mackle's Dancing Academy, lsl Harney Deny classes Mon.. Thurs.. Sst. evenings. MIffS ESTHER ROSSITER 8 School of Dsnring will open at Metropolitan club 23(il Harney St.. Tueaday, October 10, at I p. m. Aesembltee every Friday evenina Phone Douglaa 2067. ' Chambers reopena Sept 26. Doug. U7L Deattat. Raller, the dentlet 70S City Natl. D. tUM. Taft'a dental rooma, 151T Doug. D. use MACH A MACH. Id fl. Paxton. D. 10S. PR. FICKE8, 724- City Nat l Bk. Bldg. DR. H. A. FOSTER. Uth and Douglaa. DR. DAI LEY, 602 Brand! Bldg. D. 3726. Dr. Gsantner. over Merchant's Dg. store nr O. A. Gaantner. 715-21 City Nat'L D. 4837. DR. WILLIAMS. 19-91-3-6 Brandela Bog DR. ELSTER, S02 City Nat l Bk. Bldg. Dis. Klauaner 4k Klausnar, 406 Karbach. J. O. Whinner v. dentlat 407 Paxton Blk. crates. 17th and Nlobolaa. Dr. 11. W. AJlwine. N. E. Cor. Uth 4k Doug Dragta-leta. REX Drug Store. lRth and California. Pur Drug. Crissey Phar., 24tb 4k Lake. Detectives. Omaha secret service detective agency. Inc. bonded. 426-2 Paxton Bk. D. 131. A-1312 CAPT. T. CORMACK. 817 Karbach Blk. JAS. ALLAN, NevtU Blk. Tyler U3. Zaok Ellis, 206 NevtU Blk. Tyler lis. Dreaa gaaklna. Mrs. Wright, gowns; 4th floor, Hayden's Neplnsky. gowns; 0g Paxton Blk. D. 6973 Testa Coulter, dressmaking. 619 McCague. Dressmaking, plain sewing, SO B. 21st St 6EWING by the day. Harnay 6222. Terry' a Dreaamaklng College. 20th 4k Far. N. FEINGOLD. ladlea' tailor, announces his return from the eaat with complete line ot largest and beat Imported ladlea' good for a high claaa u:t sa me; prlcea tea, guar mm 8. fetn. H. Ubo, Ind. A-lsno. Everything Electrical. Central Electric Co.. fixture. D. 126. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS, dynamo, igniting dynamo, motors, r pairs. LaBron. all 8. Uth St. Doug. 1171. Johnston Elactiio Co.. aU 6. 10th. D. aal POTH. motor repairing. Douglaa 627. Hartnun Electrical Co. D. 6223. Hi 8. 14th. Burgeaa-Grandsn Co., 1SU Howard, D. tSL Eleotrlo Ughung fix. wholesale and retail. M. J. CL'RRAN, wiring. D. 6SL riorlata. A. Donahue. 160? Farnam. D. 100L A-1ML JENSEN, florist. 4612 Leavenworth. Hs.68 4k BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam BU L. HENDERSON. 161 Farnam. D. 124. Stewart's, florist 4k seedsmen. 112 N. 16. PAULSEN, Florist, 1711 Brown 6t. FLOWER pots, all aisea. Tha Ne braska Seed Co., 1613 Howard. Doug. 126L BATH'S. FLORISTS, Boyd Theater Bdg. BRANDEJS FLORIST. Brandels Bldg. BENNETT'S, cut (lower. Doug. 137. Cnas. Ederar, florist 20 and Bristol. W. 17U6 Furuacea aad llovs Hapalra, FURNACE AND bTOVE REPAIRS to fit your store or heater. New furnace, laundry tank heaters, ga heaters, ther mostat and combination warm air and hot water heating. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 13JS-1.-US uougiaa ot. lei Douglas tiO. Ind. A-3b21. A. MONROE. Act. for the Modern Nov. elty warm air furnace; estimate cheer fully given, uoug. woe. u b. tstn. THRANP. L c- Campbell, furnaces AXlXWVlXJ A furnace repair. D. 2364. W. 6. Heaton, Amor, furnaces. H. 8666. Olaon Bros., furnlca repairs, 2570 Leav'th. Floar Mad la Omaha. FLOUR. 1110 sack.. Wagner, 201 N. Uth. UPDIKES Pride of Omaha Flour. Feed Milla aad Iter, Feed, all kind. Olenooe Mills, 32 I sard. Foaadriea. M DONALD brssa and bronxa foundry, aluminum, tin and lead oastinga. l&th and Jackson St. Paratar Dealer. 8. LEVINS tor bargaina, 210 N. Uth. Grocertea aad Meat. Chapman's quality meat. 2402 Cuming. AHAMO Coffee. 1-lb tin. 20a Ash grocer Harmesa. SadaUery, Leather Guotta. Wiciiert, harness, leather gooda. aia) 8. 11 KINNEY 4k SON, mira. and dealara la barnaas and aaddlea Kapairlng a spe cialty, naouwoia, luauia taco. Uaapitala. WISE MEMORIAL, 24th and Harney. Bethany Hospital. 2564 Mercy. &. t&t SWEDISH MISSION HOSPITAL. Tw pnonea. va i . nm w lasaraaee. U. 8. BYRNE, aurety bonds. Insurance. TaL D. UJI Ind. A-LmX 6ui City Nat Bk. Fire WHEELER & W ELPTON-Health tionoa i.-uv Acciaant buralary ALL KlDS Liability Plata tilaea Auiouiuou 1611 Douga etreeu raona CHiugias laa T. J. WlLLuVYS. tire, Brandels U.dg ALFRED C. KENNEDY. Fire auu Tornado insurauce. S0 Flrat Nat l Lank. Duug. -,n Joba lele 4k Son. Insurance. 310 Ramga. INSURE IN THhl GLEN FALti! Rhodaa-Montgomery Co. Ina Ramga BL TALK TO YESV. "the policy placer.' BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued.) Iroa aad Wire Feaelagr. Anchor Fno Co.. 207 N. 17th. TeL Red 814 Jewelry, Dlaaaoada aad Watohea. GET your bargaina at Reynolds' Cut Rata Jewelry Store, 106 S. 16th. OPEN up a chaige account with us. A Msndeibeig, Jeweler, 1522 Farnam. Jewelry and clothing bargains. 201 8. Uth. Laaadrlea. IST-CLASt laundry; guaranteed deliv. ery. Call on short notice Harnay 6374 EMERSON Laundry. 1301 N. 24th St Both phones. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. 6814. MME MITCHELL Hand Laundry. 801 N. 2wh St Douglaa 6$2). B-3162. Guarantee Laundry High-grade work. Doug 237X LlgbtDloT Rods. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co.. 206 N 17th. Machinery aad Sappllea. GASOLINE engines, cream separators, powsr washers. Olds Gas Power Co., 1007 Farnam St Uoaaascata aad Maaaoleama. J. F. Bloom 4V Co., 17th and Cuming St. Limber. H. Gross. Lumber As Wrecking Co. Bar gains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and steam titling. 21st ana 1'auL web. Z&4. Macaroni Maa. a feature re. Sktnner' maccaronl spaghetti; pk.. 10c. Mllltoer. KRONE RT'S exclusive mllllnerr: full st'k. latest stylss, popular prtoea. 420 8. 16. PENNELL. Millinery. R. g. Paxton Blk I'Connor A Emblem, millinery lis 8. lath. Latest fall millnery. Rauber. 1424 8. 16th. Fall millinery. Old hat remodeled. Also up-to-date atock; prices right. 2222 Cal. MRS S. RICHARDS, latest fall atyle Second floor City National bank Bldg. Mirrora aad Mltered Glaa. Nelson-Ryder Glass Co., 1601 Cuming. Masio, Art aad Lanaraaerea. TTAKSF1N J- L " teacher of clarionet 1AJ0jI and violin. 6A 6. 28. H 08. RTRA WN'' E- Piano teacher, sight oixvA ' reading. 819 6. 27th. D 742. H. J. Bock, singing, piano. Davldge Blk. Albert Rothery Studio, 410 Kaxbach Bldg. MARTIN W. BUSH, pianist and or ganist 12 Baldrlga Blk. Harney 862. mamv.- ' UU1IUV1.I ieWMW. v . , w ' . ... cello and harmony. Baldrlga Blk. D. 2S&3, Francia Potter, teacber. mandolin. guitar and banjo. Baiarlg Blk. O. 2sa3. Hsrlsti Storage and Cleaning;. OMAHA Van 4k Storage Co., clean vour carpets on your iloors: electrio vacuum cleaner, tot 8. lath; 2u 8. 17th. Doug. 4161. i BOQUSTT. express and storage. Wsb. 6278. Col Express 4k Storage C. 1616 Cap. A ra EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co -Moving; furniture packing; fireproof aioraga. City omce, tin e. tan. uoug. sat; ina. d-im. Twin City Express. 1314 Howard. Both Tat Furniture mov.; 2 men, 81 per hr. W. 2748. Oyotera. David Col Oyster Co. Whole! only. Optieiaa. B. r. Wurn, ayeglas rep'g. 442 Brandela rrt rriMivrn riT.ARRir.fl x-TTTirn Satisfaction guaranteed. Hutason 6pU cal Co., 216 a lath St. tits teatao, giaaaes intea ana ground; reasonable price. Glob Optical Co.. 218 8. Uth. r tFT ..as.m a.... IAJ41 twaa at tl aaaJa aiaVi VOtt JUUi BJrBJa VJaill lld yj a nwiuaatl win vine wi sapa, , eg juui 4wv money. Sandwall Jewelry Co.. sua 6. 16th. Oateopatby. AUc Johnson. 80ft- Brandela Tha. Bldg. Katherya Nikola. 64-6 Brandels Theater. Patenta. HIRAM A. STURGES. patent lawyer, U. 8. and foreign patenta, trademarka and coyprighta; 26 years experience, 646 Brandela 1 neater Bldg. lai. toug. saw. P. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tl. Red 7U7. r. a. Williams, clothea altered. 24 4k Lake. W 11 lard Eddy. U. 8. Pat attorney and oUdtor, 153D City Nat Bk. Tyler 16J0. TaxidemaUta. Paiata aad Glaaa. Aulabaugh. 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. gUL BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. T..t. d awi,, ltH Farnam. Ind. A-SSil; Douglaa 4750. nMAWA Tt rT ti m rwo.. We do Picture framing and glaslng. OMAHA Tnt Co. Tl. W2 Douglaa, Special Discount thia month on Paint . . . Glaaa, Varnlehea and Wall Paper. Traaka aad Salt Cases. Paper Compaaie. Frellng 4k Stelnle, 1801 Farnam Bt Western Paper Co.. Uth and Howard. Tarkisa Bath. Fawabrokera. Ladle genu' Turkish bath, it 4k Doug. Gross. loans on jewelry, clothing. 410 N. 16, Umbrella. Bargaina in watches, overcoat, til N. 14. WTSTERJ4 Umbrella Co., 1222 Faraam. Wig- Maanfaatorara. pkotoarraphera. . " . D. 8. OLftlth. wig mfr.. U Frenser blk. Rinehart. photographer, Uth 4k Farnam. 7. TT : -! SEE Monhalfs wigs, toupaea. 411 8. U, O'Neill, artlatlc photographer, 216 8. Uth. . Lumlare studio. li-30-23 8. 15th. D. 8004, M'lmea aad Llqaara. Sandberg a Studio. 107 8.16th. Takeelev. MMf K1iBj wUZT7uL liquor, tav.it. MANGOLD'S STUDIO. M DOUGLAS. JJ-TJ ROTILERY Lof tSj. Rembrandt atudlo. pomalt. a4krara. elgara Cat la oonnsSSon U3 t Ut St raotosTrapalo S.ppsi. Han a Uiuors, 1222 Chlc.go. FINE liquor, lunches. th and Laav. THE ROBERT DX.MP6TIR CO., U12-U - - Farnam. in their new store; branch eur MAY 4k CO.. family liquor. 103 Douglaa. sua b. lalh St - Bond, drink, horn cooking. 631 a. uth. Pkyalolaa. " Cusick Broa Uquora. cigar. 0tk Amaa worth. kSfblS J-,A1LT- " Wool- q Engallandar. llquora. clgara. mi Dodga rUtlos. T- J lUrt ,uuor n4 N. Uth. WILLOW Spring boar, liquor, cigar. OMAHA SILVER CO.. 214 8. 14th. aandwichea. Alex Jetea. 12W Douglaa. riaasbor. O. LARSON' 8 Place. 212 N. lath. T-, , j it . . i -rvr-zj Automatic PhanoBuslnaea. 13. re, JO. Plumbinsr ana lieatiiiiT LJ"f H . REPAIR WORK. 1706 Jackson St D M7T. NIELSEN'S Bar Cafe. 1417 Dodge. Omaha Plumbing Co , 26U Sherman Ave! tj' Plumbing-Call Waaeman. H. ML A-2U27. iunan, 6-yr-dd why. 10c drink. 14 4k Har. Bavrnea 4k Ohy. Tyler 1277, A-U26. "BOYSEN S 4k FALSTAFF PeUcateaaea T. F. BALFE. plumbing and beating. Bult 310 8. 16th. board of rd. Bid,. IMJ Howard St Tei. D. 742. lad. A-27i poop old liquor, tin cafe. 624 N. 16th. Fool aad ill tarda. Wkolaoalo Dry 4eoda. Metropolitan fool Bowling 1511 Cap C George, wholesale, retail. 1304 Farnam. Printing. Soata Oaaaaa Dlroetorp. PERFECT typewritten letter made la o. K. HARDWARE CO 414 H. Ula 8t largaat waalern latter factory, alaogum pbonTllarney a. '.mot. co.. prmim. Uva Douga. Both puonea . ."' , EVERY person knows who D. J. LET us do your lob printing in ax- O Brian le beeauee he ha mad Oman chana for book, furniture, ruga, you fa-niou uh bia candy. If Mra. E, M top desk or typewriter. Address Y las. Fairfield. 2312 St Mary a. will come to the ear Be. Bee office within three days wa will . . give har aa ordar for a Su-cant box of H. Lad yard, printer, li 8. U. a i6i. u brlea a candy 'je. BUSINESS PERSONALS Prlatlaaw-Coatlaaed. Low. W. Raber. Printtsr Shtu tllj.K BLUU. t.MKA.NCE ON COUKl. AM. Printing Co.. 2304 Cuming. D. 647. Phone Ind. A-K2C lcr good printing Lvngstad Printing Co.. 16th 4k Capltoi Ave. Rela-Hall Ptg. Co. 10 8. Uth Ind. A-U24 TIMES Printing Co.. 220 8. Uth. D. 2166. testa ara nta. VTKCENT CAVE, under new manaxe maat; beat Be meal. 3K 8. uth St D r ex el cafe; popular prioea 630 N. 16th. Baxter fine quick lunch, lfli Farnam. I'. S. Rest lie and SOo meals. LMO Dodge. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING A R KINS. 316 8. lSUi. UPSTAJRA BAUER'S CAFE, best In elty. 216 8, Uth GET the habit; eat at Uneeda. Can. Ave. Belmont quanUty at quality. U16 Dodge. DRINKS and fine lunches. 721 8. th St New Eng. bakery, best lunch. 212 N. uth. MODEL rest best servlc. 1602 Howard. Little Hungry, food meals. U7 N. Uth. BALTIMORE cafe; everything In aaaaon; best aervio. good cooking. 704 N. 16th. GONZALES. Spanish cafe, lou Farnam. Excelsior bar and cafe, lunches, drink. all day. H. C. Rann. 1208 Farnarn St UNIQUE Restaurant 207 8. 14th; flrst clasa chop auey bouse; American and Chine dishes. 8am Joe, Manager. HOME cooking. Morria Cafe. 316 6. 20. Safety Raaora. SAFETY rasor harpened. 220 Ramga Bd Sood. PLANT Blue Graas new. The Ne braska Seed Co.. 1612 Howard. D. 126L Shoemakere SMd Bkinlaa: Parlor. Nebraska Machine Bhoe Repairing Co., Good work while you wait. l 8. lath 8t Omaha Elec. bhoe Repairing. 24U Cuming. Csonka Bros., Uach. Shoe Repairs. 613 6. 16th St. NEW corner, shoe rSDaira. 2628 La. en worth. Sportinc Gooda. NEW shopworn sun at low prlcea, Townsend Gun Co., 1514 Farnam. Steel Task aad Calvert Companies. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steal Tank Company, Uth and Nicholas. D. 388. Stoaagtrapaer aad Conrt Raport ore. MYRTLE A. KELLEY. deposition, etc 706 Brandels Theater. D. B6&2. Estell D. Richards. Stano. Millard hotel. torn and Offio Fixtarea. T. H. Welrich Kixture Co., storm window; iiuu wwtA. tv aw. auii. UMV-Af ff. aaut ot gtoraa Door aad Window. Omaha Wn'dow Sera. Co. 624 1ST. 1 D. 4692 Tailor ia. SINN A. tailor, cleans clothe. D. U74. WE ar now located at 206 Paxton brock. B. O. Ruffner Tailoring Co. HAVE Tailor Beck make your fall suit WHEN DRESSINO you often find youraelt discontented with your own appearance. Why T Perhaps your garment la not a perfect fit, or lacka the very latest Ideas In fashion. You would do well consulting Nordln, tne expert inter ana remoaeiiar on ladlea' and centa' eerments. 2d floor. 1533 Douglas St, Cor. Uth. Paon D.6007. Wm-Thompson V2?i3Sg&. For fall sulta see A. Kodym, 1411 Harney. Dunham 4 Dunham, 816 suit. US & la. NEW YORK TAILOR, cleaning and re pairing; flrst-claa work. 3302 Cuming. Malony. tailor, 220 6. Uth. SulU (30 to 6o0. JOHN A. RYLEN, tailor, make good clothe. 406 & 15th. D. 6422. Samuel at Ricklln. tallora. 11 8. 14. D. 4711 CHA8. C. LANDERYOU. fall tultings on aispiay. zu city iMationai bank bldg. EDUCATIONAL THE FALL TERM OF Boylcs College IB NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADM 1 TIED ANT TIME. Complete coursee in Businees, Bookkeep ing, tonography, Telegraphy, Civil Serv Ice and Salaemantnlp. I he catalogue Is ready and free for the asking. Call, write or pbon for It at once. Address H B. Boyle. president. Boyles College B'lllding, Omaha, Neb. COMMERCIAL LAW, public speaking, conversational Spanish and French. Shakespeare, first aid and jr. electricity classes are now being organized In the Y M. C. A. night school. Full details cheerfully given on Inquiry. 17th and Harney 6t. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE kSESi IN iHli WEST.'' Day and evening te..-ion all the year. Shorthand Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Agriculture Civil Set vice. Salesmanship L. A. 2artman. Pres.. lnh aud Farnam. PURYEAR college. Council Bluffs: tul tlon, Ji per month. Ws guarantee satia taction. Dlckerman School for Acting and Voice; platform, stsge. concert, drama; all last v ear graduate placed. 1511 i4 Dodge. D. 1610 ST. BERCHMAN'S Day Academy for young ladlea 27th and St Mary Ava. Tutoring, first to eighth grade. H. 2644. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN NEW machine that cleans carpets and rugs without dust. Call and see it TeL A-LS21. u7 Brandela Bldg. TRY our tonic shampoo. Best la th world. F. M. Sbadaii, 1521 Douglas St THE IDEAL PLEATING CO., dress pleattngs, buttons covered, all sixes and Styles. 200 Doug. Blk. Doug. 1936. AJS36. Willow plumes mad from old cr new feathers, guaranteed. 2326 8. 12th. D. 6666. CH1CVDO. Ladies' Tailor. 214 8. Uth St Hats rnJ ovr' M's Pepper, millinery AA18 parlor. 614 8. feth. Harney Xw7 CTTRTAINS laundered, eoi LvUftAAliNO j,,,. .r Harney 45 4544. Rubber goods. Bell Drug t:o., 1216 Faru- Velvetlna ahop now located 1312 Farnam. LADIES' Beaver Hats Cleaned and Re blocked. RAM6ER. HATTER. 220 8. 14th. Novelties, pleating, button. Doug-. Blk. 6EE th "Brown Daisy." 21.50; sanitary labor saving brush; it absorbs the duat and polishes th floor as it goes along. Courtney & Co., 17th and Douglaa. SHERMAN, ladies' tailor. Hayden Bros. DEFINANCE STARCH made In Omaha. MI88 EBBA GUSTAVESON Parlor millinery, 806 S. 31st St. Phone Harney 2260. TAKE me out to the ball game. If Frank Calloway, 7034 N. 16th St., will come to The Bee office within three daya we will give him a ticket to th bail gam at Rourke park. HELP WANTED FEMALE Ageata aad Saloawomen. WANTED Experienced salesladies to sell furniture and carpet. Apt. 26, Th Manuel. 214 Howard. wiNTrruiviim.. . vassers; experience not necessary; work spar Urn or all the time; for road or city; nothing to carry. Call Mr. wim room 2, Continental Bldg. W 1 VTF Tl S ml 1 ..... .... ... . ----- - - . ..-vmu.. -i.u saleswomen for new educational proposition; salary 125 per week and com. Phone Friday and Saturday, wt City Nat l Bank Bldg. Factory and Tradea. rrrrrffM i.ia -. 1- . bag department Bamls Omaha Bag Co.. mui w Mwnwa ttvm WANTED Girl to wrap Woodward's Real Butter Scotch and Woodward's Pur 6ucar stick candy. John G. Woodward 4k Co.. Council Bluffs. la. GIRLS to learn halrdressing; prlcea rea sonable. Oppenhelm. 236 City Nat l. WiNTID-RlUPl.n sln., .I.. once. J. A. Medlar Co., 416 S. 14th. EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper. Ap gly Sweetland Candy factory, 1515 Burt WANTED An experienced lady eom- r sit or; slva reference. I. A, Medlar, 416 14th 6t Hoaaekeepera snd Donaeattea. noareilTaundey CO, Tel Doug. 1313. Wagon call everywhere. SHIRTS IN SANITARY COVERS. WANTED Middle-aged ladv for cen- eral housework, one with experience. Ad dress w. m. .Beam, tuverton. ia WANTED Girl for general housework. 262 N. 41st Ave. Harney 2233. WANTED Experienced cook and sec ond maid. 2312 St. Mary Ave. AN experienced girl for second work; small family and good wages. 4ul 8. ism Ava THB 6ERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED Th Be will run your Domea tlo Help Wanted ad FREE until you gat tha dealred reaults. Bring your ad to Th Be office or telephone Tyler luQO. WANTED A girl for general house work; no objection to colored girl. U6 S. 26th Bt . WANTED Girl for general houswork: must be able to cook. 2uu6 S. Mary's Ava GIRL for cenaral houaaarnrlc . so Bvrt Harnay 14, GIRL for general houaework. 1221 Bin nay fit Phone Webater 3616. - WANTED Girl for general housework. 1516 Georgia Ava; small family, good wage. GOOD ladles' clothe lroner; steady work and good pay. 2au7 Leavenworth St WANTED A girl in a nlc, neat, com fortable borne on a farm; three in family. Address Box L R- R. 5, Wood River. Neb. WANTED a strong, reliable girl tat general housework, referenoea. Tel Har. my 4U70. 10U4 8. 27th St WANTED Neat girl to work la vary small family; beat wages; good homa. Phone Marnay wis. GIRL for general housework; small tamuy; gooa wages, uue o. axn Ave. WANTED A girl for cenaral houae work; must have reference. Call 4301 Dodge, rnan Harney 1743. GIRL for general housework; small family; washing dona; wage 66 per weak. 1452 St. Mary Ava v WANTED Girl to work tor room find board, UU Dodg St GIRL wanted, three la family. TaL Harnay 4473. WANTED Girl for general houaework: two in family: no cooking. 2SU N. 20th St Phone Webster SL W ANTED A good girl to do plain washing and ironing. Creche. 1824 Har ney St. Phone Douglas 662L GIRL to sssist with housework and children. JWO B. Central Blvd. Phon Douglaa 6467. u" WANTED-Competent girl for general housework, no washing, good waT U N. 3iMh Ave, Harney r& wa WAN'TVnA . . , r. an 1 i or geoaral wini, out must ka a good Uundresa tu Harney. wiVTrni .i.i . . . orkT Lai TDoV.' 6t lwu t v