Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Generally Fair
VOL. XLI-XO. 96.
Rear Admiral Boreddolino Named
Governor and Captain Caigni
Commandant of Land Forces.
German Consul Says No Harm Done
by Bombardment.
Admiral Completes Military Occu
pation of Turkish City.
Bead of Tribe Adjoining Capital
Go Aboard Floblp anil B
that th Boiiibardment
Be Kot Beuewed.
TRIPOLI, Oct. fi.-Th Italian have
established a new government for TripoU.
Rear Admiral Boi-tddo'.ino has bee" ap
pointed governor. Captain Ca'gni wa
made commandant of the forces disem
barked by the Italian lleet.
After Italian seamen had been landed
and occupied Fort Sultana, the chief of
the Arab tribes adjacent to' Tripoli went
aboard the Italian flagship and gave
their submission. They begged the Ital
ians not to resume the bombardment
The German consul, aa the senior mem
ber of the consular corps, also visited
the flagship and asked Vice Admiral
FaravaJU to assume responsibility for
the preservation of public order and the
protection of the foreign residents of
Tripoli, which had been abandoned by
the Turkish troops. The admiral landed
other detachment of sailors with guns.
Including- quick fire pieces, and occupied
Tripoli in 'a military sense This was
accomplished without incident and the
appointment of governor followed.
The German consul Informed Vice Ad
miral Faxaval 1 tl at during the shelling
of the town no harm had been done to
any European or damage to the property
of Europeans ,
Italian Flos Raised.
LONTXDN, Oct 5-Tne Italian flag
floata over Sultania fort. Tripoli, which
la occupied bv landing parties Part of
the fleet is anchored In the harbor, and
the other warships He. a short distance
from the dismantled fortifications Few
bodies of Turks have been found among
the ruins of the fort and apparently no
great number of Turks were killed by
the bombardment.
AooordiXLg to a Constantinople report,
not yet confirmed, the Italian warships
today bombarded Benghazi, aqd Derna
Vrtou tumor concerning a naval en
Baewment In Turkish water, an attack
eagaOnst Jtytllan and. the. blowing up of
th Italian battleship ppt PI Cavour at
Bttpoil have not been confirmed from any
An tstareetlng report Is current from
flbct&astlzxople that - while Germany' fa
tors th Adoption, of the Italian .ultima.
tarn a the basis, of. .p.eace negotiations.
Great Britain- proposes that Tripoli shall
tmnma a privileged tributary territory
Under Joint Turco-Italian administration,
thus retaining the suzerainty of the sul-
Naval Fight on Red be.
MASSOWA, Eritrea. Africa. Oct. .-The
fort at Hodeidah, a seaport of Arabia,
fired many shots at the Italian mining
cruiser Aretusa. which was cruising 'lri
the Red sea to ptotect Italian commerce.
The shot were without effect. The Are-
tusa replied with Its guns
ROME, Oct 6 Provoked because it had
been fired upon bv the Turkish fort at
Hodeidah, the Italian mining cruiser
Aretusa attacked a Turkish gunboat and
sank it
Turkey having taken th oifensive in
the Red sea where Italy had Intended
to remain on the defensive, the Artus.
and the dispatch boat Staffetta and re
pair ship Volcano, all of which are armed,
and the smaller war craft available hava
been ordered to chase the few old gun
boat that Turk&v ha in the Ked sea and
to attack the ports i Yemeii tt neces
sary. . .
TurkH Ptt I l 'iii-Jd rijht.
ROME, Oct. 5. A wtreies.- message
from Tripoli fays that the Italian sail
ors buried the Turkish dead, rendering
military honor to thute who chose death
rather than to urrender. Twenty seri
ously wounded Turks were placed in the
hospital wards on the Italian warships.
Tb Injured Turks said further resis
tance on their part was impossible
owing to the inferiority of their number
and of their lighting equipment.
The Italian warships visiting the other
coast towns of Tr poll found very few
Turk a
The Turkish civilian prisoners held In
Italy will receive cents a day from the
Italian government during their deten
tion Tha prisoners of war at Syracuse
wtll be allowed to be present at the drills
of the Italian tolditis, who are about tc
sail for Tripoli.
Turk 1 !klp.
SALONIKI, Xuiopean. Oct. 6. Tha
Turkish battleship 1 eth-l-Eulend held
up and searched the iiitisn steamer Or
chi and, finding forty barrels of powder
on board, brought the vessel here an 'a
prize of war.
UuliturU Will Uk Neutral. , ,
garian minister today conveyed to the
porta the assuranc e of the iieutrallty ,of
Bulgaria and also denied the report of a
military moboliratlon in the kingdom.
The Best
with The
Sunday Dee
Tobacco Dealers
to Take a Hand in
Trust Discussion
NEW TORK. Oct .-Th organ. aatton
of the Independe.i-.t Tobacco dealer? un
der the leadership of Attorney Louis P
Brandeis. indicates a protract d Strugs'
when public discussion of the American
Tobacco company's rcjrgaiiiia'Jon pluns
begins next week. bef,,;e the United
States Circuit court
The attitude of the federal gove.-nment
is uncertain Attorneys for the tobacco
trust ordered dlssolwd by the suprem?
court, expected to suomlt their scheme
to Attorney General V.ckarsharu to
dav and there was a possibility. It was
said, 'hat the filing of the plan will
the federal court might be de'hyed. if
It did not meet Mr. Wtckersh im s ap
proval. The plan has been discussed by the
tobacco company's attorneys the attor
ney general, and the fudges- of the cir
cuit court at several i onfere.nces nd
so far as its main points are concerned,
waa considered generally satisfactory.
The representatives of the Amc-iican
Tobacco company were left to work out
the details, however. They hoped to file
the plan with the court late this after
noon, but a delay. In receiving the copy
from the printers necessitated postpon
ing its submission to the attornev gen
eral and may causo a delay until to
morrow Independents declare that they will
oppose any reorganltation scheme that
does not contemplate restoring the to
bacco industry to the condition that
prevailed before there was anv combina
tion In behalf of the American To
bacco company It was said today that
the plan for the division of the busi
ness Into three new companies should
not be considered the private idea of the
trust alone, but a common ground from
which the company and th government
attorneys might work. The corporation
It was said regarded It us a compro
mise The outcome of the reorganization con
ference 1 considered sc arcely less Im
portant than the result of the anti
trust cases in the supreme court, b?
cause K will furnish a precedent for tho
treatment of other great combinations of
Minor changes at the eleventh hour In
the proposed plan of reorganization prob
ably will delay the filing until tomorrow
and possibly until Monday, according to
a statement made toflav at the offices of
the . company, i The announcement' was
made by Anthony N. Bradv.
Says Liquor is Usual
Campaign Argument
in the Badger State
MILWAUKEE. Oet. 'WM.ny 4euty
state gam . wardens with f-tate Game
Warden John W. Stone were ummoned
today to testify in the senatorial Investi
gation of charg Atht bribery and other
corrupt use of money ware erhploued In
th election, of. United States Senator
Isaac Stephenson.
It Is the custom in campaigns In V. ln
consln to give voters kegs Of beer and
Jugs of whisky, according 'to Rodney
Sackett. one of Stephenson's manager,
who testified today. '
"It has been considered a legitimate ex
pense to. send supplies of beer and whisky
to ' certain' localities to show them that,
their -leader was a good fellow," said
Sackett, "but we never sent enough 114
uor to on locality with the Intention of
making them all drunk."
"Didn t that violate the anti-treat law?''
agked ' Senator Heyburn.
' There was no uch law."
'Now. the record shows C. M Ham
bright was paid iK for campaign ex
penses Have vp'J any knowledge as- to
how much of that amount waa spent
for. liquor and cigars?"
I have no knowledge That was a
matter which we . left to him. I don't
suppose we spent any more money for
liquor and cigars than is usually spent
by a candidate "
The game wardens were called In con
sequence of admission by campaign man
agers that money was paid the wardens
to promote ..i Stephenson candidacy a'
the republican primaries The witnesses
declared thAt the state game warden di
vision formerly nad been used as an ef
fective political machine by Robert M
La Follette when he was governor, and
ote,phenson determined to use It.
Among those called to testify as to
what they did with the Stephenson funds
given them were H A. Bowman of Gen-nessc-e.
Wis., deputy game warden. Jame3
E Thomas, an attornev of Waukesha,
who was a member of the legislature
when Stephenson was elected, and J. J
MeGillivray. former state e'nator
Indicted Wall
Paper Men Will
Give Bond Today
CLEVELAND. O. Oet. .-Th trial of
four wall paper manufacturers and four
wall paper jobber Indicted by the fe1
eral grand 1ury yesterday Is expected to
begin during the December term of ihc
United States district court. Counsel tor
the indicted men have promised that they
will tomorrow give bail, which probablv
will be fixed at $50M In each Instance
Only on of the men. Jay B. Pearce. Is
from Cleveland. C. C. Aler will come
from Columbus. O ; Norton Newcornb
from St. Louis. Charles E Maxwell from
Chicago, Wlnfield A Huppurb. from Hud
son Falls. N T ; George Tait from Glen
Falld. N. T. ; Robert F Hobbs from Ho-
boken N J., and John McCoy from Vurk.
Pa. .
Pacific Coast Rate
Cases Set for Oct. 16
WASHINGTON. Oct. .-Th commerc
court Issued an order today fixing Oc-
toter IS as the data lor hearing of the
application of the -transcontinental rail
ways for an Injunction against the order
of th Interstate Commerce eommlslon
on wht are known ag tha Pacific ccast
cases, affecting Immense general freight
It probably will be several day after
th hearing before , determination is
reached by th couit.
ivuuivn iwivi
Break in Upprr Paper Mill r..v.2 Lett
IlocJ Do ci I'.iirk Kiifr I
I.Iain Enm is Holding, but Vatt-r is j
V7as!nn" Around legs. j
Hatfield. North Bend. Melrose anij
Oualaska in Dzxigtv.
Two Diuu on Chlpe-Tn Pher Ar
ashed Oat ond llamase to Prop
erty Is Kxlemlve wlcrnnula
ntver Alui Mlaher.
L. rpo?SE, Wis.. OV-t R-Breaks have
occurred m both upper and lower dams
of the La Cross Water Power company
at Hatfield, on the Buck ri er. sixty
miles nor'heast of hr. and fie whole
$5,iny.vio property of th s i om,.n. is men
aced A l:ir" f.i-irict iii,-i.. li u. lue clt
of Black River Fa. Is. is unuei water.
A great district in tho Bilacl; P.tver val
ley Is aJso submerged.
Ereaks in the dams followed the ac
cumulation of water following a week
rain which fllli tho reservoir to an un
precedented extent. Earlv toda.v the
water broke through the embankment at
the wet side of the upper dam and later
a break occurrtcd on the west tde of the
lower or rnain dam. The dam proper Is
still holding, but the waters have washed
around it and are pouring through in a
tremendous volume.
At noon the telephone operator at
Black River Fall, a cltv of 2,100 people,
ten rrules below Hatfield, reported that
water was surrounding the telephone
building and that people were moving
out of houses In the lower part of the
town. Thereafter It was Impossible to
raise Black River Fall .on the telephone.
Relief parties are, being hastily organ
ized here. All villages along the Black
River. North Bend. Melrose. Holmer,
Onalaska, and La Crosse are situated sj
that the effect of the sudden raise in
th narrow channel of the Black F.lver
will be felt tomorrow.
Several farm house, floating down
stream in the flood that. is fiowmg,
around the west, end of th Hatfield
main power dam and sending water to
a depth of eleven feet over the top,
truck and tore away the bridge at
Black River Falls tody. The families
that had occupied these houses, It la
feared, have perished.
HatfleJd I under, water, but it la
thought tht no live were lost there.
Hotel Washed Awiik
At 3 o'clock this afternoon the Hotel
Tremorrt. - a 'innse-arWy -brick building,
th leading hotel in Black River Fall
and a half doien other big buildings lu
which tha princlpaJ buslnesse of the
city were housed, were wished out.
This Information has Just been received
here over a private wire of the" Wisconsin
Telephone company, on a -roundabout
Direct communication with the city is
not open.
Eight hundied feet of the Green Bay
& Western railroad tracks at Hatfield
have been washed out, according to a
report received at the office of the
company here. .Traffic will be suspended
over the main line of the road for day.
Water street Swept by Current.
MILWAUKEE. Wis., Oct. 6 -An even
ing Wisconsin special from Black Rlr
Falls. Wis., late thl afternoon ays:
Th east side of Water street has been
swept away by the current passing
around the west side of the concrete
Buildings are ' being wrecked and
wept down the current, but as far as
can ba learned there baa as yet been
no loss of life.
Wisconsin Htver nn Fampoge.
WAVf AU. Wis., Oct. 6 Shortly b-fore
noon the pressure of the big volume of
water held baek by the guard lock in
this city torced cut the east yate and
Is releasing a great volume of water.
Following the heavy rains of last night,
the Wisconsin river rose to a height of
seven feet above normal today. It la
still rising. In the city the water ha
inundated the railroad tracks.
At Fenwood, a village several miles
from here, the rains have delayed trains
on the Northwestern road, and in Srho
fiel.l, three miles south of heie, much,
alarm prevails because of the overflow
cf Lake Wausau, reaching even to the
main streeta and compelling residents to
seek the upper floors of their homes
So far. however, no serious damage has
been done.
Heirs to Big Estate
in the Netherlands
Meet at Rock Island
ROCK ISLAND. III. Oct 6-Clalming
title to a $liy.0.000 estate left bf the
famous Dutch General, Paul Wertj. who
died in Amsterdam, In 1732. two hundred
descendants of the general residing In
th United States, met her today for
the purpose of devising a plan of pre
senting their case to the government of
Th Netherlands In an effort to collect
the fortune. Mrs. Estelle Ryan Snyder,
of Chicago, Is presiding over th con
vention. The meeting, which will continue three
day, opened thl afternoon with an
address of welcome by City Commis
sioner Jonah Bar. representing th
mayor. Mr. Snyder red a paper .en
titled "Tha Wait family their history
a far as known."
Mr. Snyder said;
"I hav a plan to propose by which
a working" fund will ba accumulated, to
b spent by th eleven . lawyer among
th heir In waitlng'on the Dutch gov.
eminent and pushing our claim."
Th bible owned by Jacob Wart ws
on th table in the. houl auditorium
wher th hair ar assembled. Mr.
Snyder stated that every tat in the
union la represented at th meeting In
w p:
t 'fe'-''' '' - '
Ajnenca II Forced to Descend Last
Njght Near Emmettsburg.
The America Makes Forty Miles an
Hour and the Otuers Are Sup
posed to Be Somewhere
Above Minnesota.
KANSAS CITY Mo , Oct. S At noon
but. one balloon, 'lie America II. of the
r.-ne that flev u .. a from here in t;.e
races yesterday had landed. . It came
dc n at E'.r.nicttsburg, la , approximate: 1
miles north of here at 1 3c o'clock
th:s morning. fter encountering a now
Judging from the high rata of speed at
whlcn the America II traveled, about
forty miles an hour, th other balloons
must now be flying somewhere above
. Aero club offlcla' hf r . believe the
other, eight balloon hv encounter!
rough- ws.t.her and- gtv this the rea
son flw their not being heard from.
Burkave Ha Bst rcr-
Vnofficlal estimates of the disttnees
traveled by thJhion. tJiat have landed
thus far follow.. -
America II. landed near Emmetttberg.
la. miles
Topeka II. landed near Dunnell, Minn.,
325 miles.
Berlin 'I, landed near. Austin. Mlrtn . Sii
Buckeye, landed near . LaCrCf se, Wis..
S'k'. miles-
A feature ..f the race is that the pilot
balloon, which was making no attempt
o go any great distance, appears still to
be in the ir.
Forecaster ft'Conner's Views.
Ptrlck O'Conner. local weather fore
caster, says the balloons may either be
traveling In circles above Minnesota or
flving high above a veil of clouds that
covers the southern Canada region todav.
' Should the latter be the ra?e, ' he said.
It would be Impossible to see them
Heavy clouds aie hovering over that re
gion today."
The balloon Torek II landed at Dun
nell, Minn., at & 30 a. m. todav , accord
ing to a message received by George M
Myers, president of th Kansas City Aero
club, from Frank M'-'Jacobs. pilot of the
craft. The Topeka II waa a contestant
for the Lslim cup.
The message follows:
' Landed here safely at S 20 a m todav
after sn excltinu nieht in a thunder
taught In Snow Storm.
EMMET rSEL'I-iG. la.. Oct. ft -A blind
ing snowstorm, several thousand fee-,
above the earth, caused the balloon
America II, which sailed from Kansas
City in the International race last night
to descend at a point four miles west of
here at 1 ,V o cloc k try's morning When
nea-ing the ground the t.allic ii stru-i.
teleiaph wires alor.s the I'hirurfo. Ml1-
aukee & St. Paul rallwav anO a'
v recked Pilot W. F. Ashman escaped
without injury, but Aide J i' Hurlliurt
va.i painfully bruised bv fall
After the mishap the mn found ahelter
In a farmhouse nearby. At 3.30 o'clock
Pilot Ashman notified the Associated
Pre: bv telephonejf his landing. He
taid he nd hi companion had been
through a most thrilling experience.
Larlv last night they encountered a
rainstorm and ascended to higher alti
tudes In the hope of finding clearer sill
ing Instead they ran into a fierce snow
storm and intense cold The balloon was
whirled around bv the wind to such an
extent that they considered ij dangerous
to attempt to remain up any longer and
decided to ascend.
In the darkne they could not see the
te.egraph line below them and bejoi
they knew what had happened the bal
loon was entangled in the wires
Ashman and Hurlburt expected to re
turn to their homes In St. Louis today.
Itcrlln I I.oimU mi ukii..
AUSTIN. Minn.. Oct. .-Balloon Berlin
No. 1, Lleu'enant Leopold V'ogt, pilot.
Lieut. Schoeller. aide, landed on th
Jacob Bishop farm near Austin at 10
o'clock this morning. The balloon left
Kansas City at 6 16 p. m. yesterday.
SPARTA. Wis. Oct. .-The balloon
Buckeye. Lieutenant F. P. Lahm, pilot,
and J. H Wad. Jr.. assistant, landed
In a field ten miles north of here at J
(o'clock this morning. The aeronaut
alighted safely.
Iluiuli in Chicago Haberr.
CHICAGO, Oct ( Kxcltement was
caused today by tha explosion of a bomu
in the rear of the bakery of Charles
Sachs on th south side. Th detona
tion was hrd for a mile and th explo
stun shatterad hundreds cf window panes,
fcacha had no labor trouM and could not
account for the explosion.
Maddened Steer
Drives Teacher and
Pupils from School
VERDON, Neb., Oct. (Special i
Miss Sailors and her pupils of Fajrvlew.
a country school about thre miles
south of Verdon. had n experience that
will be remembered a life time when a 2-year-old
Bteer rushed madly Into th
school room.
The animal was with a herd of cattl
which Carey HlMln had bought from
Graham Jon, and when placed on the
scale for weighing had become greatly
frightened Mr. Hlggin and three men
wer driving th cattle to his home
about nine miles north of Verdon, and
had only proceeded a short distance until
they reached th school, whero taher
and - pupils were requsted to leave the
yard and enter the building. Miss Sailor
left the door open and th angry and
excited teer rushed Into the school
room. Miss Sailer and her pupil mad
their escape through tha csther door.
Th steer raged around the chool room
nd worked havoc with th furnishings,
breaking seats, overturning the stove
and demolishing a largo atr cask. At
Ust hi rn Into on cornier- of the room,
looked up tc) the celling and could not
t made to budge for an hour until
at last he waa frightened by pounding on
the outside of tha wall near him. The
day ended with the steer being left a
mil or two outh of Verdon.
The next forenoon he wait going fairly
well, until a pond was reached about
a mile north of Verdon. 'Into the pond
went the steer nnd again refused to
move. A butcher wagon wa brought
from Stella and he was dragged from
the pond with ropes and pulled Into
the wagon with a team of horses and
then hauled eight miles to the Hlgglns
Considering the damage to the school
room, and the wages of four men for
two d.iys, the expense of getting the
steer twelve miles would amount to
(From a Staff Correspondent
LINCOLN. Oct . (Special 1 Governor
Aldrlch. Land Commissioner Cowlea and
State Treasurer Genrg held a'conference
today with relation to the Injunction Bull
which haa been started against them by
Charles Van Ness, an Inmate .of the Sol
diers' home of Giand Island The pui
pose, of the suit Is to prevent the state
officials and rommandanf Hoyt from .lis
rhaigmg the complainant from the state
' We are not, going to let any justice of
the. peace enloln us," said the governor.
from conducting the business of this
state, for it must go on despite the
courts. The suit, to tell the truth, re
minds me of one of the first cases 1 ever
tried A man at l lvsses was being tiled
toi violating the Sicrmnb law, and I was
Jefmdcng him In th argument I put
forth tl.e claim that the la- a uncon
stitutional in that It interterefl wi'h a
man's liberties .Much to my surprise the
justice forthwith declared the hi I uncon
stitu'ional and the case waa over."
Both the menibeis of the Boaid of Pub
lic Lands and Buildings and the governor
with Commandant lloyt agree Van
Ness should he eject id tiom the home
as a trespasser on st.ite property, and
this action may be lairr taken, II Is said.
I;. the state official
LINCOLN. Oct (Special ) In de
claring the workiiiKmen' compensation
act constitutional the Washington state
supreme court recently upheld In detail
a brief submitted to that tribunal by
George A Lee. a former University of
Nnbraska man. and whose parental home
ii at llumholjt.
The Washington law Is one of the first
framed along the lines, which it covers
jnd Is similar to one vihlch It is believed
will be submitted to the next Nebraska
legislature by tha commission appointed
for th purpose of drafting such a meas
INDIANAPOLIS. Incl . Oct 6.-The
first geneial ob,nrvanoe of James Whit
comb Riley s birthday anniversary wis
hld today In evury Indiana school. In
recognition of the lionr, lh "Hoosier
poet ' issued greetings to h:s children
n lends Riley is said to be 5f years old
but h refuse to confirm th dt of hi
wzmm mvicS
Action Under Eackett Law Against
Ryan and Pivonka.
Allegation Board Kefued to Adopt
F. 'Ip Bales and Befnsed to
fanrel License of .lolin
(From a Staff Correspondent
LINCOLN. Neb , Oct. 6 -(Special Tel,
gram 1 Alleging In his petition that the
members of the Fire and police board of
outh Omaha. J J. Hvan and Joseph
Pivonka have been seen drunk and In
toxicated on the streets, that thev have
treated other In public places ahd have
violated the Sackett law provisions re
lating to the sal of liquors. Attorney
General Martin today filed an ouster
suit In the state supreme court.
Th suit ws fllod by order of Qovar
nor Aldrlch. who for some tlm pt
has been gathering evidence, in the mat
ter. Dean Ringer, a former Cornhusker
football star and now an attornev In
South Omaha, ha been active In gather
I Ing proof as to tha derllctness of th
two offending commissioners In violating
the state law and rtty ordinances.
This 1 the second suit filed under th
Sackett, the first being instituted by
Arthur Mullen against Chief of Police,
Donahue of Omaha, n action started at
the - Instigation of ' former Governor
KhaHohbcrger and ' which I tlll In
supreme court.
The two men ccueid In th present
suit entered otfice In April. 1!U0. Th
mayor f South Omaha Is the third
member of the commission.
The petition alleges that whenever tha
mayor and chief of police ttmpted to
nforre the law regulating th aale of
liquors, th two defendant either die.
missed the suits or refused to tak any
evidence whatever.
To make the ouster suit valid the state
must now prove that the law charges
the fire and police board with the n
forcemenl of the law and further that
they failed to enforce th lw.
The petition filed by th attorsv gea
eral alleges that the commission willfully
failed to adopt rules and regulation for
the removal, trial, discipline or tru'danc
of tha police department although such
rule necessarily had to be adqpted In
order to render the police service of the
city of South Omaha efficient and to se
cure the enforcement of state gnd city
The stales petition sets out that the
bondr of man: talonnkeepers. s ap
proved by Commissioners Pivonka and
hyan. are worthless, and In some In
stances, proof of which is had the same
bondsmen have signed more than one
bond In the case of the bond of Joshua
L Cohu It Is alleged that of three per
sons who signed It none had exemption
over and above the mount required by
I The rommlsiloin-rs. so it Is charged.
knew this when Ihev approved the bond.
The bonds of Christ Korbmacker and
thlrtv-one other saloonkeepers are al
leged to have been signed by insufficient
The commissioners ar alleged to have
refused to cancel the license of John
i Franek though thev knew he sold liquor
on primary election day. August 15, and
on August V the same being charged
I again: t Joshua Cohn. it being alleged In
the petition that Commissioner Ryan
specific. !iy asked the chief of police not
to file u complaint against th offndr.
Poil'e.nan Savotvich Is alleged to have
violated a board rule and to have ac
tively engaged In politics. General law.
lessness and disobedience to laws 1 sat
out In the petition, many Instances being
set out to prove the allegation.
Duke of Connaught
, Sails for Canada
LONDON. Oct . The duk of Con
naught, accomp.mled by th duchess,
sailed on the steamer Empress of Ireland
from Liverpool todav to assume the of
fice of governor gcnnal of Canada, In
which h succeeds Erl Gry.
Prince Arthur and Princess Vlcorla
Patricia did not go with their parent,
but will loin them t Ottawa later
A large v gathered at ths railway
station here to bid the duke and duchess
goodbv. A pm-t ion of the steamer had
l.uen reserved for theni and the duke j
staff, aides, secretaries and phvsli'ian.
lie Mar M liia Marathon.
BROCKTON. Mass.. Oct. S Clarnca
De Mar of Melrose, winner of the Bos
ton Athletic association marathon raca
last spring, won the Brockton marathon
today. The race tarted from Boston at
U o clock. D Mar finished at t.2:Mi.
Ak-Sar-Ben XVII Ascends Throne
Before Multitude of Subject!
at His Castle.
Popular Younr Business Han is to
Rule for One Year.
Beautiful Daughter of One of
Omaha's Families.
nxcu- raatle U a durprtus to All
n denote of Wonderful Cbsoaes
Wh.lrh llur Keen M ronstht
Since l.ast Year.
Hall to the new king' Ak-Sar-Ben
XVII nr i ules ever Q-jlver.
v ith splendid reremonv the king and
hlf o'lcen ier ri owned la st niht in
tl.e co onaton hall of th ioal eestle.
alr-adv made niem.'i.iMe bv the ce
:lni of .tx'eon monarch of the dvastw
ind l:tvghts nd ladles sta'hered from
ill roiii'rs of the realm acclaimed the
r ev :- iv errlsno the grandest of them all.
Jot.eph lUrker Is the king and Mias
tlUileth Davis the queen.
Most imposing ceremonial ever seen
in Quiver was the coronation. Th
grand old feudal hall, the beuty t
whose flags and bunting of Ak-Sr-Bn
colors ws enhanced by miniature for
re's pf palm and f-?riis. ws ablaze with
mvrtad lights. who brillianre revealed
most, clearlv to their pecpl the counte
nances of th king and queen and lent
a marvellous radiance to their rich
robis Ths most valiant knights of. th
realm wer there to honor their sov
ereign The fairest ladles of th relm
vveie th them In shimmering silks and
satins, sparkling iewels nd lces.
Outald of the -space reserved for th
eremonles there was no spot In the
immense hall where man. woman or child
could sit or stand that wa not occupied
The coronation floor Itself wa filled
with those who. a special royal favor,
hd th privilege of taking part In th
king's lull tht followed the coronation,
while the galleries wr crowded with
those who came only to see th person
of their sovereign and watch th merry
Nobles of Realm Attend.
Th knight of big ffair of th wbola
land wer In th throng th lawmaker,
tha statesman, th financier. th
writer who mould public opinion, the
noted men of medicln. th merchant
princes, th great builder. Only IUn
or great str of personal affair kept
ny on f thm from being prsnt ta
do homage to th royal pair on th Bight
of their acoemloa.
Th xpertany of the olulUtud wa
Increased hy th fact that they knew
not the Identity of th king and queen
until they approached th thron In tat
to receive their crown at the hands of
the carnival. That they were about to
learn who tho governor of Ak-Rar-Beti
bad rejected to rule over them set them
a quiver with eg;ernes.
The hum of conversation and th
laughter were first etllled when the her-
Ids announced th entrance of A com
pany of hi ma1ety' most favorevi
knights, those who were In charge of the
mvsterlea of the royal caatl during th
summer. Thev marched In intricate, fig.
ure ahout the hall, then to the music
of Lord T Hellyer Selgh' famous song
in the Gymkhana, they escorted to a
box reserved for them. Lord T. Hellyer
Selgh of the Indian service; Gc-fteral
Gridiron, chief of artillery, and the regi
mental doctor. Then came four Hotten
tots, singing th Hottentot ong from
th Gymkhana Salaaming, they turned
to await Chief PakonuU, the Kanntbal
King, accompanied by hi fan bearer,
and uhrd in by tha King Jester. Sak
onut was escorted to a box and Lord
Hellyer Selgh sang th final line of the
Gymkhana. "The cruel war Is over and
th blood Is In tha shed "
Th" Governors Enter.
'ext entered the governors of Ak-Sar-Ben.
In knee breeches and all other ap
purtenance of their state dress, an
nounced bv th heralds and saluted by
twenty-one guns s They took thftlr places
before the throne Cardinal Jouaph M
Baldrlg. preceded by Bishop Ben Galla
gher and followed by the crown bearer,
cam then ajid aarended tha thron tps
to walt the king nd queen
Hralds then announced the king and
the vast aasemblasa grew very ailent.
The king entered from a tde chamber
at the extreme rear and walked with
slow and stately tread the entire length
o ft ha hall, clothed with royal ermine
and In long robes held bv pages Then
the rfPl that It w Joseph Barker,
one of their best loved. nd their happi
ness wss intense. Hi malesty paused
at the throne to await the queen
Herald trumpeted again to te'l the peo
ple of tha coming of the royal consort
nd her retinue. Came then the princesses
of blood royal, the twelve special maid
of honor among them taking their tand
inside th line of governors. Came then
tha four duchesse
Even more eager did th people ee.m
(Continued on Eighth Page.)
Boxesof O'Brien i
Dalzeli's Ice Cream Bricks
Base Ball Tickets.
AU are given away frea to
tuot wno uud their nam ui
ice aat ad.
Head it ant ads every day,
your name win appear tome
naie. uiuyce more tuau out.
No pu2zles to solve nor u6
acriptloua to get just read tea
want ad.
Turn to the want ad pajjea
there you will find nearly evury
busine bouae lu the city rep
resented, i