i BRIEF CITY NEWS Ssra aeot Print It, Ooa, r.:c. T'.:V.-.tkb, Eurjeis-O.-ailtn 0:a. Ataeh. Wks lApe:t auto repair. Cut of Xov.,1 rtalers suould not fail to .mil,, i.c.u.iy i.).uy ii Catt' .u-.- !., .-t Cv ;:.,-3:, Portal Bank Oram roce-.rter 4 uf- fkial rut ire f the (a t that Mii.iliu lf to have a Postal SaUngs bank on No- ember t. was received by Postmaster E. F. Thor.ias Thursday morning. The letter was smicil by Postmaster Ueneral Fianl; I ! itd.cock. Cooley i Dtsoliarged The case a.'ainH Jjdge Julius S. I'ocley was dis missed in polite rourt Thursday morn ing. A settlement was made outMdo of coin t and the plaintiff failed to ap pear. Cooley was chained r 1th ohta'n ina money mulcr fr.lse pi cu-nfes. Brothers rile Bankruptcy Petition Jtis-i- J and WtiMuni Avoi.v i V!i fciii'S. Ncti. have flltd a voluntary pe tition ,ln bankruptcy wi'h t lark Ho; t They place their assets at Win and their liabilities at tl'J.m. The greater part of their llahlljtles they claim as exempt Both men are cattle butis In Peters burg and are brothers Vew Letter Cases Coming Notice of the shipment of the nf" letter cases (or the postolfke was received this' morning by Postmaster Thomas. Th,ne equip ment for the carriers is expected o ar rive here by Saturday and by next week they will be In ti.-e. Verdict in Woods Inquest Mrs George Woods came to her death by taking car bolic acid following a quarrel with her husband. This was the verdict of the coroner's Jury, which held an Inquest .over the body of the suicide Thursday morning. It was brought out In the In quest that the. couple had not been drink ing beer as was at first stated. Katz Gets Contract for Laying Mains The Katz Construction company has been awarded the contract for laying a 14-inch water main from Fortieth and Cal ifornia streets to Forty-eighth and Cali fornia to supply Dundee with water, and for laying an 8-inch main from Forty-fifth and Ersklne streets to the Nebraska School for the Deaf. The bid was $11,501 and the contract provides that the work shall be completed as ear:y as January of m xt year. The water board has ordered plana drawn for the proposed 4S-inch main from th Florence pumping station; to Fopp'.etr.n avenue, that South Omaha may be given an additional water supply. This main will lie parallel to the one now tn kervlce. Cities' League is to Meet in Omaha Roscoe C. Ozman. city clerk of Lincoln, Neb., and secretary of the League of Nebraska Municipalities, Is In Omaha in connection with arrangements for the an nual meeting of the league, which will be held In Omaha November 15, 14 and 17. "We expect delegates from at least fifty cities and towns of the state," said Mr. Ozman. "The executive committee is at work now On the program, which will include discussions of pure water, prevention of fires, paving problems and other matters of equal Importance. Charles Randall, state fire wardeD, Jias consented to deliver an address on the prevention of fires." Salem Silly Wants a Good Looking Guy If there is a young man in Omaha be tween the age of 2 and 30 years who Is looking for a lady "to correspond with for pastime and results." he can satisfy his desire by writing to Miss Violet rrsncis in care or general delivery, Salem, Mass. MIbs Francis wrote to Postmaster Thomas stating that she' was tired of a humdrum existence in such a place as ,'alem and she would "like to cop out a good looking guy." The letter was turned over to Assistant Postmaster Woodard. who will forward it to the Ak-ar-Iien headquarters where it will be bulletined for the benefit of "some of the good looking guys." CiVIL GOVERNMENT TO BE TAUGHT AT LIBRARY "Civil Government and Good Citizen ihip" is the subject to be studied by a rroup of boys and young men at the public library, under .the leadership of Mrs. W. II. Hanohett. A meeting has been called for Wednea lay evening, October U, at 8 o'clock, in the lecture room of the library building. All arrangements will be made at that time. The cost of maintenance of this tlass will be met by the public library tnd no fees will be required. Notices have been sent to boys who lave left school and gone to work before iraduatlon and to others whose names Sere supplied by those who are asso Mated with groups of boys. The library las a lecture room with a seating eapaclty If 123 and expects to organize a 'Class nhich will fill this room. TWELVE DUNDEE FAMILIES ' ' HAVE WATER SHUT OFF Suit was filed Wednesday afternoon by Ihe Omaha Water company in the United States circuit court against the George Heal Estate company and the Dundee Realty company, who are charged with Bavins connected private pipes to the aeter company's mains in Dundee and furnished free water to their tenants bithout paying for the water consumed Judge T. C. Munger issued an lnjunc lion restraining the real estate men from lslng the company's mains without per tilsslon pending the outcome of the suit. Representatives of Ihs water company itate that George & Co., laid pipes and loncected them with the city mains with ut the knowledge or consent of the com any. and last Friday a number of men n the water company's employ discon nected them The restraining order is to te ep Geo: ge &. Co. from repairing the )ipes C. C. Gcoree stated that his firm vat aid for all of the water used and that ne pipes were connected with the con lent of the company. He said that he ould not understand why the supply of his tenants had been cut off and Is ilghly indignant. Twelve families sre eft without water by the action of the mpany. f Diuiirrogi tfararry tn the abdorminal region is prevented by he us of. Dr. Kings New Life Pills, the ainleae. purifiers. 26c For sal by Beaton Drug Co. IaND SHOW EXHIBITS ARRIVE Shipments Receivfd from Coast and Others Now on the Way. ATTRACTIONS TO BE VARIED Mrslde th? Collection of rrodart There VI11 He 1-alnttna. Manic, andeillle and Meoieroo Attractive restores. Los Angeles and San 1 'lego ha e part of their exhibits for the umaha Ijind shoA' and th hrihincr l-i nn the road. Other ccuM slate displays will be snipped this K L tali nar a rsriosa assembled at halt Lake City, and It will be rent here tn charge of J. Edward Tavlnr Tn hln vhihlt he has a collec tion of pictures, which will be special attraction lor every visitor, ana ne win vffcr other unique features. Mr. Tavloi U, one cf the best exhibit men In the country. Govtrnor Spry and many of the leading men nt the stale will be here .for Vtah ilc. nn rvtnher 2? and two days later the Mormon Tabernacle choir will be here from Salt Lake. There' are many here who are now wanting to know what will be shown from Idaho So many have gone from this part of the countiy Into the Gem Mate that the people are anxious to see mc results ui men i.w.o. out nmipct will be here with a bi will all the rest of th titirt central Manager E. C. Crocker of Downey has pushed the work on tn 1.1 lasers olr so that a proper aiopm could be made here. State Immigration Commissioner IS. J. Rich has secured the assistance of J. W. Jones lor uic Idaho State show hero. The display la-st winter was made by Prof. Jones for the Boise Commercial club and since that time he has worked up some fine exhibits which Include those with beautiful electrical effects. The paint ings and Mews along the Snake river will be worthy of a visit to the show. The different representatives of the Land show arc all oa.-k at 'Omaha and every man Is pushing the work of his de partment to see that all is In readlnes before the opening day. C. C. RoFewater. president of the Land show, visited all of the northwest states during his vaca tion and got In personal touch with the communities there. He ha found that all were very friendly to Omaha and count this as their logical market town. General Manager Faisley made trips into'Idaho. Utah, Coloiado and Wyoming, besides securing the fine exhibits which are to tome from Nebraska, which wlh have some of the flnert samples of grain and alfalfa that have ever been shown. Director Louis W. Buckley has covered the coa-st country and secured exhibits which will show that part of the west to the best of advantage. In all of the ex hibits the Idea of showing something that will please the visitor has been be fore thote who had charge of their prep aration. Eesldes the showing in the big coli seum building, there will be fine ones In the pew Machinery hall and these will all k live uni-kinir exhibits. All of the space in this building was sold some time ago, but It has been extended so as to ttr nme tardv aDDllcants for loca tions. "Something doing every minute" will be the rule here as well as in the main building. Car Fender Saves Girl from Death The 5-year-old daughter of Fred Paf fenrath had a miraculous escape from death Wednesday evening when Bhe was picked up on the fender of a Leaven worth car near her home at Thlrty-se- enth, and Leavenworth streets. The mo- torrhan saw the child on the tracks and threw on all his brakes and slowed up Just enough to lift the Infant on the fender without Injuring It. As was the custom of the little child, she ran down to the car tracks to meet her father coming home from his store. Just as she reached the track she saw the car coming, but could not get out of the jvay. A slight bruise on her left leg was the extent of her Injuries. Mr. Paf fenrath is- manager for Nlcoll the Tailor. Students Will Hold a Big Mass Meeting A mass meeting will be held Friday evening In' the reading room at Crelgh ton university to consider a number of new songs and yells to be submitted by the students. Several good speakers are listed for the occasion, among them being Fathers Darlln, Talmage, Wise and Coach Miller. The plan of an athletic fee will be proposed. Heretofore season tickets were sold. The plan is now agitated to charge each student an athletic fee ranging from $3 to $5. This will admit the student to all games of the school year. Tonight will be the last night of scrim mage practice preparatory to the game with Western Union. TWO MEN HAVE DEEDS -TO THE SAME PROPERTY With two persons claiming that each owns the same tract of land in the south ern part of the city, and one of these suing for the ejection of the other. Fed eral. Judge W. H Munger had a pretty tangle on his hands Thursday. James H. McCullough says that he purchased the property from a man named Van Bant several years ago and showed a deed to It.' A P. Ornbeck, the other party in the case, who Is fighting the ouster proceed ings, says that he, too, bought the prop, erty from a man named Van snt. and he also has a deed to back up his claims VERDICT AGAINST SALOON KEEPER FOR MAN'S DEATH Judge W. H. Munger Wednesday gave a verdict for 1,000 to Bridget Casey of Iieldcn. Cedar county, Nebraska, in the case of Casey against John Schtam. Mrs Casey la tha widow of the late Mike Caeey of Belden, who was killed while under tha influence of liquor which he purchased from iiehram. The court held that by Bchram selling the liquor to an already intoxicated man. he laid blmaolf liable to any harm that cm to the customer. Don't waste your money buying strength tnlng plasters. Chamberlain's Liniment 1 cheaper and better. Dampen a piece of flannel with It aad bind it over tha af fected parts and It will rellava tbe pain and sereness. For sale by all dealers. When you have anytning rur sal or taehaage advertise tt in Tb Bea Want Ad coloiTins and get quick reaulu. THE BEE: raj jMiMT.mii i iiaiilffnnlrn SUITS New coods are t and tniA tAilnra mnltA range of fabric and styles, in 1 . aiuc ami service are w nat we give you. Young Men's Suits $7.50 Men's Suits - $10.00 A FILL I.IXK OK REQl'ISITKS 1X1U THE AK-SAR-REN HALL gloves and ties silk socks and dress shoes. RAIN COATS and SLIP-ONS TRAVENETTES aiH O.VRERD1NES for rain or sunshine made with the new ron ertible or Presto collars all waterproofed by the cravenotte process. Plip-Ons In a vari ety of shades all well made and of Imported materials with the best Para rubber to keep out the rain. PRICED FROM S5 00 TO S2D.00 .IIUMU. "BUT, 0Hf YOU B00KL0YERS" Fair Contestant Likes Her "Steady" ( and Also Her Puzzle Pictures. WHAT ONE GIRL DID IN CONTEST W naif! ot Oo to Amnnfmeiit IMaocs During Prosrrii of Bee Nov rlty Because She Mauled to Win tn Automobile. ; W ould you work on Booklovers' pict- I ure for seventy-five evenings and for- j dike the company of your best man friend In order to win a C prize? This ;s exactly what one young woman con testant did in the first Booklovers' con teat of The Bee. Phe labored on the pus zle pictures every evening and turned down the Invitations of her beaux to at tend theaters and to go to other places of amusement. .She hoped to win a big prize, but secured one of the minor uvyrds. So much did she enjoy the f-rst contest, however, that she entered the second and Is now trying to win the automobile. She f-ays she Is willing to stay at home In the evening for she finds the picture-solving the best kind of recreation. She has lnarned during this Ktcond game that she does not need to spend all her time at borne tn the even- I ing and she has attended several shows. She has the spirit, though, and would i nut do other things for amusement if the I puziles remained unsolved. j LUt of AttraptKe Prises. P1rst-A White Steamer automobile, a beautiful five-paesenger car, oelebrated for Us dut ability and speed, vslued at ID.O00. It is exhibited at Drummona s, Eighteenth and Harney streets. . Second A ten-acre ranch In beautiful Tehama county California; delightful climate, rich fruit land; value. $1,:50. Full Information concerning this land may be had at the office of the Trowbridge Bolster company In the City National Bank building, Omaha. Third A beautiful Krell .Auto-Grand player-piano (have the music of the mas ters in your own home); value, M0. This prize is exhibited at the Bennett store, Sixteenth and Harney streets. Fourth One lot in the business district of Ralston, a lot 26x100 feet, on Maywood street; value, S2T5. Full Information may be had at the office of the Ralston Townslta company, 809 South Seven teenth street, Omaha Fifth In the beautiful suburban town of Ralston, one lot in the residence por tion, 0x130 feet. This lot is valued at $225. Full Information may be had at the office of the Ralston Townsite company, 300 South Seventeenth street, Omaha. Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Three sets (twelve volumes) of Nelson's Loose-Leaf Encyclopedia, the encyclopedia that can not grow old; each set vaued at J30. These books are exhibited at the store of V. A. Hixenbaugh & Co., 1814 St. Mary's avenue. Ninth and Tenth Prizes These prizes consist of twenty-four volumes, cloth bound sets of the "Book of Knowledge," an encyclopedia made especially for chil dren and sold at $36 a set. This work Is written in simple language and is a "wonder book" in that It makes simple all knowledge necessary to broad educa tion. It may be acen at the Omaha office of W. A. Hixenbaugh, UU4 St. Mary's avenue. ) Dental Board Wtna. PIERRE. 8. I)., Oct. 4.-(Special Tele gram.) In the supreme court today In an opinion by McCoy, the lower court was sustained in the cue of slate against C. L. . Carlisle from Minnehaha county. In this case the Ktste Dental board has been after Carlisle tor several years for practicing dentistry in Sioux Falls with out a license and after a number of ac tions they have finally seoured a supreme court decision sustaining them in their contention of the dental law. Bottled at the brewery. Just about 100 per cent perfect - For health's take have it in your home. "Ahmmy tho matno Good Old BlmtM" BLATZ COMPANY Mia-a t O Owwalaa awMt, OwMka. a. Phonal DanavLas 03 ' MILWAUKEE WT I OMAHA. FRIDAY, OCTORET? 10U. AND OVERCOATS onstantly arriving the host manufacturers are rrprtspntrd nl bora it s only trtrt our clothlna n offer vou the nohMct and most nn-to-rl At clothing In a wirto keeping with our established policy our The Favorite Rye 01 six Generations' Each the U. Tiflh I lll'llll'HIIII I'lWIIIilHI II Will 1 1' inilllMMIIIMIIIIMII'IIIMIIIIIIIll I Its age is guaranteed by the u. S. Government. Its purity by the Schenley Distilling Company. Its quality speaks for itself. When you buy Rye, buy Schenley. At all dealers. Rchentev rMsHlllnv f!rc. I.ncencn. Pa. " The Delights In Baking With BAHOKNBt To fully appreciate the real pleasure of baktat" , buy acaa of Calumet and as a test bake a batch of biacuita 6e how light aod wonderfully raised tbey come from the oven. Then break one of thern open and acta bow thoroughly, evenly and fluffily the dough hat risen. And the final test ths on that counts bttr aad taste. This test will prove to yea that Calumet is the most depend- a Die Baking rowaer lar every It will prove Its economy over the falrfi-prlce trust brand and its great superiority ovar tb cheap and big can kind. For Calumet is highest in quality and moderate ia coat. Received Hisfcwt Awara WarU Piara Paad EapoutW Player We have dn hand a number of Player Pianos that are slightly used: now on sale at the following prices, Mahogany case, beautifully Mahogany case, eighty-eight Mahogany case, eighty-eight A number of outside Cabinet Players, from $15 up. Twenty-five rolls of music free with every player. Terms to fcuit your own convenience. Ijlayden prices are lower than others to $20.00 to $40.00 Full dress suits, full dress shirts, is absolutely pure. It ought to be because it is distilled 4 times A art? in copper. (Ordinary whiskey not mora than twice) Bottled in Bond bottle la sealed with S. Government Stamp. ' RYE wTLa . . POVEPEK mi M (ALUMEj m of Former Sale Prices . Prices . $650 $325 . $550 $225 ...$575 $275 ...$oo $350 ...$750 $475 figured, note. . note. . IMOS. "Tile Onrint.ii Bee's Great Booklovers' Contest 7 SHALL HOLD DTJT TlitXK 11 THE REST SAY wiTTf wM - - ( wo. ra raaay. octobw a. mi. What Book Dees This Picture Represent? T1U Author Tour Nam Street aod Number City or Town ; Writ In title and author of book and I4T1 coupon and picture- Band no coupon until finish of tha contest la announced. Each picture represents a book title not a arena or oharacter. Catalogues containing 1,000 naraea on which all pussla plctur.s are based tha catalogue uaad by tha contaat edUor-ara for sale at the tfQslnese Otii at The U fur Si cants: by wall. Jo irhti Rales f Alt rarwin. are ellftN te mm this eeeUst asnapt mloys f tk Omasa ft aaA BMmbar of Ih.lr tamlllM. ay. for Mvatr-fl. 4.7a, thr will b puellakaa la Tk Bm a alrtur wklck will nprwant tk. s.bm f a book. Batfc eck picture Ur will b. a bl.ok lor tk oontMtant to till la tb tltl f tk hank. Cut out botb tb plotur ao4 tb bl nk 4 till la tk ap a4 autliar f tk book and .44 your sun aa4 44rM SMtiy 4 al.iour ta tk r.c vrovldiMl. No rrtrlctloa will b. plu4 uo tk war la wklck anm.r to tk plotur SMy b ur4. Baob plutur r.praaala nly on. till, ol oa book. II yoa ar not sure at a title an4 wlb to n4 In mora than eo aaaw ar to aacb picture, you mar 4 so. ' BUT HOT MORE THAN jTIV'i aNSWkIHa TO ANT ONB PICTURE WILb DB FIRXOTTED. Ia. oorrwt aa.wors will sot b oounUd asUast oonutaaui It cornet anwr la alo stTaa. Mor tbas on n.wr skould aot be pt oa tb am coupon. Ex era ooupona boal4 v iw4 tor extra anwra All answer t tk atoi aumbr aboul4 b kpt tosUMr wb.a asodlDg la lb wt. Only on Hat aay b submitt4 by en ootataat, tkouab aay Uat may save tni.Ki ta .ck putil. Tk. numbr of coupon uk4-nwn stwe ainat be plainly wrlttsa a tks eatstoa at ach BET aubmlttnl. but 4 aot writ sunk Intoraattaa as tk wrappar. Wbll not absolutolr naoMMry, It 1 4lrbl tkat tba plcturr. heals' 'is each eaa b nt la wltk tb ..rw.r., In order that all aaawars b ualfona. AdajUoaal ntetuns and coupon mar be obtaln4 at th fflc t Tb Bo by mall ar Is nanoa Wb.n you ba.a all .i.oir-fl'. pIctuM. fattsn tb.m tog.tk.r Id FLAT packat and bring or ss.ll tb.m to Tba Omaha Bm, a44ra.4 ta Booklovor Contt Mltor. rls will b. swr4wl to tba contMtant sandlns tn tk larswt sumbar of onrraot wlutl.a. Ia ..nt of two or mnr parson aa.lnc tb. aam surabr of oorrRt aolutlona, tba patwoa v.lng tk mailer numbr of aatra eonporj In kla aot of aanrara will be 4clar4 winner, la rnt of two paraun Saving tb Bin iinbtr carraat aa4 nalss U Sam Bumbor at ew Jan.. lb pnoa wkoM t of aawr I BHt Batly prwparad. In tb. plstos at tk full u4glB commlttaa, will ro!w tk ftrat prtaa. Only o Hit of aawr may b subslttd by a assttstaat ant oily aaa arlt will be swar4d to on. ft rally at aaa a44r.B. Tb u of tb ooubob 1 aot obligatory npns tba oataUst. and an ssssf Buy b submlttad In any l.slbl. manner tha oontaataat may .lct- Awards wtll b n4 ctrlctly according ta tba marlt at Mob stparat llt Tba nam of mar than one paraoa nut at b wrtttaa upoa any oo aoaaaav' 1 Tb awar4 will ba ma4a by tba foateat Editor as4 a wmmlttae at mali-anewa ebuV ana whoa nam will b ansounoad latar. TV coauat la llmlMd to tba following Urrttoryi Nabnaka. Wrintg. that asrtlaa t Iowa wt of but aot Including Das Mola, aad that aaotlaa of aouck Dakota kaowm as tka Black Hills District. A i-passenger 1911 Model White Steamer Touring Car odorless, smokeless and noiseless. No cranking no shifting of geara; any desired speed. Whit steamer sales Increase each succeeding year. Hum practically an endorsement of tha United Htatns government, which owns and operates mora White Steamers than all other cars combined. Richly upholstered, beautifully fin ished, unlimited power, controlled' speed. This oar wlU ba aiJiibltad In Omaha at ammiomda. lttth aad Xaxmmr aa. orrnMn ddtti? In the soft, semi-tropic, climatic sons, extend ing north from San Diego to Shasta County, Call fornla. lies Tehama, county. In which la situated this beautiful llttla 10-scr ranch near tha town of Red Bluff. Thla la fruit land of a very high order and la part of tbe celebrated Lutheran col ony which had lta Inception with an Omaha clergyman. . Literature describing; this property may be seen at tha office of TBOWBaMSOB-BOlV. TIB CO, la the City Betlonel Bank BuUftlar. Omaha. I iBVi'---'!!?' t' FOURTH PRIZE Ralston Is to be a manufacturing city. They have a fine start with the Hrr.wn Truck Man ufacturing Co., the Rogers Motor Car Co., and tlie Howard Stove Works. Everything desir able tn comfortable living mav be found there, On one of the main business streets The 3e haa selected Its fourth prize a business lot 26x100 feet, and valued at tilt. FIFTH PRIZE, Value $225 In the same town and with the eame prospect of advancement. The Bee has helectnd a residence lot 60x120 ft,- and valued at 385. wlthM?tVm rUDnl" Ut ' mb SIXTH, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH PRIZES ,i-. . anuBBurga, w men was rounded in 179S Thla encyclopedia of twelve volumes, which la valued at 196 a it mav he seen at the Oniaha office of W. A Blxenbaugh B Co" m il uJj'i Ai NINTH AND TENTn PRIZES hur.dredj. of colored plates snd thousands in black and wliita This ia a. fuTTS FORTY.FIVE Five Prizes of $10. fen Prizes of $5. Ten Prizes of $2. Twenty Prizes of $1. WATCH FOR THE DAILY PICTURE IN THE BEE. r,TP ACrtTTTTTAL EE IS 001177, the Contest FTTJCT VmiTi Vtliw 1 JL1VU1 X 11jU 52,000 White Steamer Automobile value 91,250 THIRD PRIZE 8ooo The magnificent, fancy walnut ZUU AUTO OK1IO rZ.ATBB-Kl.BO which noth ing can excel. No other player-piano haa in the absolute the "human touch" ao desired by a musical ear and ao prized by the manufac turers. Thla instrument will be exhibited, ex plained and clayed for anyone who wishea to ee It In tbe ware rooms on the third floor of THE BENNETT CO. Jgft m Thla ingenious encyclopedia, which is a develop ment ratiier than Invention, hns besides Its con veniences the value of hundrcdx of editors men tally equipped to make one of the greatest ency clopedias ever compiled. One of the strongest recommendations for this work Is that it is from Mtfinf"a.0LrwS r'M2.ble ")d house of THOI. LJ? , of Mew Tork, London, XubUa CASH PRIZES