10 ' THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER fi. 1011. REAL ESTATE FIM 4t RAX II l.4I FOR 8AI.E (Continued ) MEXICO The billiards are coming. The cold winter will noon he here. Why nut take a trip with us down to the gulf coast of Mexico, where there 1 no cold weather. here tho gentle gulf breeies equalise the temperature, making it pleasant and delightful, winter and summer. Where you can eii.toy warm, pleasant weather every day. Where you can buy a farm at $12 00 per acre. easy terms, near railroad, near Tamplco, the (treat harbor, where you can nee the ships of the world loading and unloading their cargoea. Where you can (trow the finest oranges and other citrus frulti. Where you can (trow big cropa of corn. Where one crop of corn pays for the land. Where thev (rrow big cropa of cotton, a bale per acre, worth W per bale. Where they grow the fiber plant, out of which they make binding twine, real ising 1100.00 per acre annually. Where cattle, horses and mules are frown with little expense. Where the Kuralyptus treei grow faster than they do In California. Where poultry la produced In all Reasons of the year. Where vegetables grow to perfection. Where bees make honey every month.. Where the climate la healthful. Where the rainfall la abundant In the growing seasons, but little In the winter """where you can make money easily and quickly. Where fortunes are being made. Where labor la cheap. (HI cent rr dayV Where you will get rid of your rheumatism and ratarrn. Where you can have your winter home and enjoy life. Where thousands of Americana are going and locating. Where you will have American neighbors In an American colony. Where no Mexicans own land. i Where game, deer, wild turkey, quail, duck and geese are plentiful. Afn NEXT EXCURSION, OCTOBER 17TII. RAILROAD FARE FROM OMAHA TO TAMPICO AND RETURN M9. IS. CH0C0Y LAND COMPANY 84 BRANDEJB PLliO. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm aad Ranch Leads. K0 acres Irrigated, 4 miles from Wheat land, Wyo.; all In alfalfa; 1 section 10 mile from Kimball, Neb.; 200 acres broken; fine land; and 10 acres 12 miles from Atkinson, Neb. 11. Gross, 601 fl. 22d. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loan and warrants. W. Farnam Mmlth A Co., 1M0 Farnam Ht OMAHA Property and Nebraska Land. O KEEKK REAL, KHTATU CO.. I0K New Omaha Nat l Bank Building. MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Inv. Co. WANTED City loana. Peters Trust Co. If, 500, ample real estate security. years, 7 per cent. D iW, Bee. 1U0 to 110,000 made promptly, p. D, Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. MONEY to loan on business or real deuce properties. 11,000 to I.KJU.OuO. W. H. THOMA8. baa First Nat. Bank Bldg. CITY and farm. JOHN N. FKENZKR. LOW RATES, P-EMIS-CARLBKllO CO.. 110-111 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED FARM LOANS. Kloke la vestment Company, Omaha. FIRST TRUST COfJi mxU. LARGE city loans wanted; mortgages at bonds bought and sold. STULL btuJH OAItVIN BR0S fi FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TO TRADE 160 acres New Huron, 8. D., price 110,000; mortgage fo,40U, equity M.000. What have your C. C. laseuuutu, 140 Brandels Theater Bldg. TO TRADE A ,1.000 equity In a fjve room house, barn and two lota In Omaha (or automobile. J. A. Chambers, Ander son, la. EXCHANGES, all kinds; Hat with us; rend for exchange book. Colorado Land A Investment Co., Palisade, Colo. KXCHANOES A. C. Jewell. Board of Trade. D. MM. MO-ACRE Improved ranch, located In central western Nebraska, gently rolling, good soli. Fencing and improvements new, mortgage f2.6uu, three years, equity 17.100. Will consider any fair offer. This Is a fine stock and grain ranch. Ad dress Box 47. City. HALF section of good land, f mtles trim Kimball, Neb. (county seat). Twenty acres and a town lot In the onion belt of Texas. Twenty acrea and two town lots In the fig and orange (gult eoast) belt of Texas. Two nice quarters of table land near Julesburg. Colo. Will consider a buncb fit good horses, good cattle or clear, earning town properly. Address Box 44, Albion. Neb. WANTED "SMALL RANCH." I have two new houses located In Omaha, renting for f43 per month, Iho acres, clear land In Keith Co., Neb.; 4U0 acres, Sweetwater Co., Wyo. 1 will trade any or ail of the above for a good email Improved ranch In Ne braska, not too far from town, prefer one with some stock and machinery on it. Must be clear. Olve location, price and full description In first letter. Ad dress Box 4T, Omaha, Neb. 100 Improved farm. Minnesota, for Omaha residence or merchandise. 640 Logan, county, Nb., for merchandise. Blimp. IM Cheyenne Co.. for Omaha city prop erty or merchandise. ALLlrf NAN CO LA S, 441 Board of Traae. SEE J. L. Barber to sell, or exchange anything. 444 Board of Trade, Ii. 4341. TRADES It you have anything to trade, write mo. H. K. Walt, all Bee Bldg. I HANDLE exchanges everywhere. For r suits see me. Daan. all Be Bldg. D. 13x1 WE exchange properties of merit. C. W. Welsh, U-U O. N. Bee Bldg. Doug. Tstfs. ONE lot and house; also S vacant lots for farm. F T4. Be. FARM LAND AND TIMBER. In Idaho, loo acres excellent land for farming when cleared. Will exchange for Omaha property or prairie land and add some caah. Value of land, t2.uu0. Owners only. P. O. Box 23. City. i . WANTED TO BUY CASH paid for hooka. Crane. Ill 8. 14U. Id-hand goods. Kleser. 1020 Center. D-StkB. WE PAY highest prlc for men's Jd hand clothing. M. Nathan, low 8. 13tn. . FOR a dainty deaaert use Dalsetl's Ice cream. If Miss M.tyme Hutchinson, 2U0 Caoltol Ave., will ooine to The Bee office within three uays we will give her an order for a quart brick of Uila flu 1c cream. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent 4-loom house, part modern. In any part of city. AAOrt K. tin. Be. WANTED Desk space for real estate. . - e t hji'.i i a it a. cue yfvieum Address. W. U, Bee. EVERY person knows who D. J. O linen Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. Kate Devltt, lei Bo. loth lit.. 2d floor, will come to Tn Bee office wltbln three days we will give her an order for a tu-cont box of O Brlen s candy (re. WANTED SITUATIONS YOL'NO lady, with high school educa tion, wisiiee a position, v; Jul. tMe. MAN waota pusltion as Janitor; good r ij suites. Auuteas d m, u eee. REAL ESTATE FARM at H4M II I. M FOR IE (Continued ) OMAHA, NEBRASKA. WANTCQSITUATiONS FlIltST clans piactical nurse can be So gaged al once. Douglas fclH. HEWING by tho day lit families; good work guaiaiuecd. i'lioiia W comer 4o. WANTEJ) Drug clerk wants position in small-town urug store. Auuress iox bo (Jhadron, Neb. A CAPABLE energetic woman of ex perience and ability wants position as took and housekeeper tor uluu house, or In widowers tauu.y. can lumisii ual references. Address Mrs. E. W. lixt West in et., rsurih natie. Neb. WANTED A position as handy man; apeaks four different languages, nation ality Uerman. Tel. Webster lb 11 SITUATION by colored woman as cook; boarding house. T 393, Bee. WANTED Work making comforts and quilts. 0u2 Mouth mti street. Basement. w-tftjiii-uLu nign acnooi gin wants to help with housework on Saturdays Call Webster 2bM. A CAPABLE, energetlo woman wlahea a position. Would like office work or clerk In muslo department. Address C-aj0 Bee. WOMAN wants to wash. Iron, and scrub stores. Phone lnd. A-ootl or call at 2011 Harney Ht. COLORED girl wants position as as sistant housemaid. Uouth 2277. WANTED Place on Una for boy It years oiu. o w, use. i,ujirn-.Mt,K operator, railroad ex perience. U Jttf, care Bee. MAN and wife, In private family or boarding house; woman experienced cook; man all around work. C 2U7, Bee. MAN and wife, very cauable. rielrs einpioynieni; experienced as manager uu iiuuseaveper. auureii, tt-saj, Uee. BE A BOOSTER for the national .m. of base ball. If Ouy M. Palmer, im Park Wilde Ave., will come to The He. office within three daya we will give him a ticket to the ball game at Itourke park. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship your stock to South Omaha: gave mileatio and ahrinkage; your consignment receive prompt and careful Attention. LIYE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Byara Bros, at Co. Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS., 234-38 Exchange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co., Omaha 4k Denver. W. R. SMITH A BON lust handle sheep. W. F. DENNY 4 CO.. 13 Kxch. Bldg TAQO BROB. handle cattle, hugs, sheep. CLIFTON Com. Co., IX Exchange Bldg. Donah u 4k Randall Co., 201 Kxch. Bldg. Clay, Robinson at Co., KM) Exch. Bldg. The Standard Com. Co., 116 Exch. Bldg. W. R. SMITH 4k BON lust handle sheep. Interstate Co. Belter rtauits. Ship to us. BURKE-RICKLY X) 24)1 Exch. Bldg. L. E. ROBERTS eV CO.. 2B Kxch. Bldg. Allen Dudley at Co.. 23&-37 Exch. Bldg. Cox 4k Jones Com. Co., bunch of hustlers. Ralston k Fonda. live stock com. mer. Far pits L. 8. Com. Co.. 20 Kxchanga Deposit proceeds of shipments In Stock Yards Nat l Bank. Only Wuk at yarUsT WINN BROS, at CO.. Exchange Bid. LAVERTT BROS.. 133-40 Kxch. Bldg. Paxtop-Ecfcman Chem. Co. st k remedies. Martin Bros, at Co.. 808 -7 Kxch. Bldg. lex O. Buchanan 4k Son. 1&4-M Kx. Bldg. OMAHA THE GRAIN MARKET WEEKS QRAIN CO.. grain merchant eonslgumenu solicited. TlM Brandela. Til IG ITPnik'W HDilM , . . . . . ments carefully handled. Omaha.' Neb. ' MERRIAM COMMISSION CO. "Aak th. ITiBn kho hatsi f rim A ta m Nebraska-Iowa Oraln Co. 7M Brandela rAVlRS r.t.RVATnu rv . I n In .r.in Im j ,. I. n 4SHiu ekA4TaS GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOflATJJ FOR HAY SHED CHIEF v. n. imice, entraJ invlalon. 66 Fed eraj wuiiaing, Chicago, 111.. Oct. 7, 1D1L Sealed propocals. in trlnllcate will K m. ceived by the Uuartermaster at Fort Rob- inuu, niu., uuiii ii uiioca a. m., moun tain time, Oc.t. a, isill, and then opened, for furnlkhlnk all material ami l.lu.r re quired for the construction of a Hay Shed at that Poet. Full Information, plans and specifications furnished on appilca- m wiii-Br. 1'iana ana speclrlca tlons can b seen at this office. Colonel John L. Clem, Chief Quartermaster. O7--l0-)l-l-ll. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR BIDS. Bids for boring and construction of an artesian well will be received by the village clerk of Leigh, Nebraska until txtober 33, 1911. For further Information rlt to village clerk. OUIJI D Wool Market. ST. IA1U1B. Oct. 6.-WooL-lnactive; territory aud western mediums. Ac- GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Balls Encouraged by Higher Winter Wheat Receipts. CORN DAMAGE IS EXAGGERATED Price Advances Miarply with For ther rredlctlon of Bala Fol lowlnaT Recent pell of Wet Weather. OMAHA, Oct. 5, 1911. Wheat bullH were encouraged today by the light winter wheat receipts and bet ter ch demand, also with predictions of a lighter movement In the spring wheat country. Foreign newa Is cutting no figure In the price making, but the miserable quality of the spring wheat Is a bullish factor. Muny in the corn trade think the dam age by wet weather has been exagger ated, but values advanced today on pre dictions of more rain and the firmer wheat market was an Influence. Wheat advanced strongly on fresh buy ing Induced by the active cash demand In all positions. Cash wneat soia c higher. With further nredlctlon of rains follow ing the recent wet weather and extremely IlKht receipts, corn advanced anarpiy. t'Mh ffirn was 1L(! In lUa hlirher. fnmary wheat receipta were bushels, and shlnmenta were 30!, 000 bush els against receipts last year of 1.1."7.000 bushels, and shipments or 4i.j,'" nusneis. Primary corn receipts were 4:11. iaio dubu- els, and shipments were 37 .' bushels against receipts last year of ZM.OnO bush els, and shipments or t'J."W Dusneis. Clearances were 7.000 bushels of corn, none of oats and wheat and flour equal to 107.000 bushels. Liverpool closed unchanged on wheat and Vc to c. higher on corn. I he foilowin casn prices were re ported: WHEAT No. Z tiara, xi.ib; 2 cars, ir.ic; cars Wic; No. 3 hard, 1 car, WVic; 1 car, Wc; 1 car, Wtc; No. 4 hard, 1 car. f.c; 1 car, 7c; No. 2 mixed. 1 car, Wc; No. 3 mixed, l.car. Uh'c; 2 cars, Hc; No. 2 spring, t cars, 11.01; No. 2 mixed durum, 1 car, Wc; No. 4 mixed. csr, 76e. CORN No. 2 yellow, 1 ca,r, c; No. yellow 1 car, fio, 3 cars, Kc; No. yellow, 1 car, CGc. OATJ4 Standard, 2 cars, 4fi4c; No. S white, 1 car. 4ic, S cars, 4.'.c; No. 4 white, 2 cars, 4iic; no grade, 1 car, V,c, 1 cur, 4DHc Omaha t'sh rrlees. WHEAT No. 2 hard. Wc(itl 02; No. i hard, KiVfcdhJl.Ol ; No. 4 hard, tW"u1.00. cornNo. 2 white, tmti'-i No. while, eSiaiSc.; No. 4 while, tw4j4WV4c; No. 3 color, 60'uif,c: No. 2 yellow, 66V : No 4 vellow. 66V'u;c; No. 2, 66W 6ic; No. , (wMtleSreVc; No. 4, KxJpibViu. OATH No. 3 White, 4t,V4f(-'H4C ; sianiiara, m1f46Mc; No. 3 white, 4tkij-ltVkc; Nov 4 white, 4ti'fl16i4c; No. 4 yellow, 4o:)i'a'WVc; No. 4 yellow, 4rHif4tia baulky Malting, ii.oiriii.il) ino. i feed, OKi 11.00;. RYE No. 2, 9539c; NO. 3, 4!fl'AiC, Carlot Iteeelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 3 157 1S'3 Minneapolis 637 '24 Omalia i'i Dululh Xsi CHICAGO GRAIN AM) PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. C HICAGO. Oct. (.-An all around ad vance In the price of grain came about today because of a return of wet weather over a belt many hundreds of miles In extent. Wheat gained to fna net, corn So to tUc, and oats Vicuc. The finish for hog products varied from last night s level to 16o additional cost. Especially as to wheat, the appear ance of rain In the Canadian northwest. along with an official forecast of more fur the next thirty-six hours had mucn to do with the trade at large. Field con ditions In that section were believed to be of an ugly aort. Fear of frost In the Argentine cut considerable figure, too, as an element favoring the bulls. It also developed that there were a good deul bigger sales ori casn wneat locauy man had been madeVubllc, world's shipments bulna lla-ht ant- flour mills reported a gratifying ueiniyd. Altogether the out look from the liart aeemed to spell re treat for the bears and made the final tone firm. In the December option, top and bottom limits for the dH.y were !So and nWlHo with the close WiMiW.tu, an advance of Vii'sO compared with twenty-four hours before. Buying of corn ws mainly for local aneculaturs. December ranged from 64 b4c to t&Vc, closing steady Ho up at Woe. Canh grades were strong. No. t yellow finished at 71ij.7Ho. Oats receipts were tiiwiru i a falling otc owing to me uimnui weather. December fluctuated 47o to 4No and In the end was Wuo net higher at SifcHHViC. ii,nu.iniii were atrona. Pork closed 15c dearer and other product unchanged or up, but not to exceed 2toJ at the out side. Quotations of leaaing prouucia wore. Artlcl slOpen. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yesy. Wh't Dec. May. Jan. 97ftfe MS 7ftfrS 98v4fe Vi 97H 1 03 1 04 1 03V-4 1 0UV. 1 00! ! 1 WWNII 1 UOl I w Corn I I I 1 I)ec.l04Vfefi5 65'64ife 08fe ft 4WHI ?V 47H May.U5H(Ul ftfeH Oats I I. Dec. 47ifeV 48fft 47i f0Sl50VfeH May. 6Wk "01l Pork I Jan. May. 15 02S4I 15 15 15 02ft 16 15 15 10 15 00. 14 95 S 87ft 8 85 14 Klftl U 10 14 so Lard tMTt. Jan. 8 82V. S 87Vi S 82ft S 87V! 8 87ft I SDUtSftl SSifti s 00 Ribs 7 90 ! 7 92V.1 7 90 7 2ftl Jan. May. S 12ft ,7 ;ft-8 S U2ft 7 v 8 (Ufti 7 90 Caah quotations were as follows: Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUK Steady; winter patents, 84.10(3 4.M; winter straights, lXt.xii-t.Mi; spring straights, 44WJHvao, uaacia, o. R Y E No. a, WtM3. BARLEY Feed' or mixing, S0fe9o; fair to choice malting, Sl.outul.li. SEEDS Timothy. fUtwa 16.00, Clover, PRON lSlONS Mess pork, per bbl., fl5.37ftfe 15.50. lJtrd, per 100 lbs., f8.87ft. Short ribs, side (loose), $OOXua.75. Short clear sides (boxed), fa. 37 ftfe 8 5U. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to l.UW.OOO bu. KxtMirla for the week, as anown oy iimmirtoi , equal to l.fo,ou0 bu. Primary receipts were 1.157.UUO bu.. compared with the corresponding day a year ago. Estlinalea receipts mr luiiiunui,. When!. 5a cars: corn. 107 cars; oats. 100 cars; hogs, 16,000 head. Chicago caan i-rn.es neat: ro. Z red, 9uftu7Sc ; No. 3 red, 96ftfe:n;ftc; No. 3 hard. 41.01fel.05; No. 3 ha.ro. $l.uu(1.0.l; No. 1 northorn, fllOftfel.L!; No. 2 north ern, fl.vtxrl.il; No. 8 northern, fl.07fel.loft; No. 3 spring, f l.Ow l.loft; No. 8 spring, fl.00fel.lo; No. 4 spring, 90ctifl0; velvet chaii, c-fe$1.10ft; durum, 96cuf 1.04. Com; No. 3, 704';ifto; No. 2 While, 71fe-71c; No. S yellow, 71fe'71c; No. 3. 70(7oc; No S hlt, Tliu'Uftc; No. 8 yellow, ilc; No. 4, fcUftfe'Trtc; No. 4 white, Totrfoftc; No. 4 yellow, itU'Wft. Oata: No. 3. 47ftii'tK;; No. 3 white, 4Hl4ftc; No. 3 white. 4,'ftu 4Nc: No. 4 white, 46M.4i47Vic; atandard, 4;fe-tc. Rye: No. 3. x Barley: 7ic i4l.2o. Hay; Timothy, fl3.00felu.00; clover, f4 (smi 19.25. BUTTER Steady: creamerlea, 22ft 27V.c: dalriea. 2oftii2rftc. EGGS Firm; receipts, 3.5S6 rases; at mark, cases mciuaeu, lie; nrsls, 20c; prime firsts, Slftc. CHEESE Steady; daisies, 14ftc; twins, 13fel4o; young Americas, 14fel4V; long horns, ltl'.. I'OTA'l'tiKS t'naettled; choice to fancy, 70ti7ic; fair to good, 70ia3. POULTRY Steady; turkeys. Lm; chick ens, 11c; springs. 110. VEAL Steady; 50 to 60-lb. wela-hta. 8fe9c; 60 to ha-lb. weights, VftfelOftc; 5 to i 10-10. weignia. tic. Receipts Shipments. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu ., Oats, bu .. Rye. bu ... 20.9sl 4S,oJ a,. o 39.000 3o4. OuO 190.UU0 .31. (Ml .425.000 13.ua) 47.000 f.OiW (U.ouo Barley, bu Carlot Receipta Wheat. 35 cars, with 14 of contract grade; corn. 157 cars, with 7 of contract gratia; oata, V 193 cara Total receipts of wheat at Chicago. Min neapolis and Duluth, to-day Here, l.ouj cats; compareu aiin .i care last week and 501 cars the corresponding day eur ago. Liverpool Grala Market. 1.IVEHPOOU Oct k. WHEAT Spot sieai , iu 1 MamtoDa. sa. 4d, No. Manitoba, as. Id, No. i Manitoba, ka, ftd fi. lures steady: October 7s. 3V1; Decem ber, 7e. S d; March. 7s, 4Sd. CORN Spot steady. American mixed ". 4d; futures steady; October, 6s, ?d; January, fie, gd. MOW YORK GF..MCHAI, MARKET Quotations of the Day oa Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK. Oct. B.-FI.OfR Steady; spring patents, ICi.Su'd.S..; winter straights, M.i4.1f; winter patents. $1 iVut sprlnM clears, 14.254.50;, Kansas straights, 4..V, 'o4 70. Hye t.our, eteaity; fair to goou. M Vh4 choice to fancv. t'i fK(iB 30. WHEAT Hpot market firm; No. 2 red. 9S4C, elevator, export bnals and f o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, ll.M'k. f. o. b., afloat. Futures nuirket was In active, but prices were steady on firm rash markets, atendv cables, reports nt (lama- to the Canadian crop and ears of frost In Argentina, closing Vo4r net higher. I ecetnlier closed at Sl.ua 5-16c: May, tl-Wi'i. CORN hpot market steady; No. 2. "I'i, elevator, domestic busts to arrive and 7Hc, f. o. b. afloat: export basiH. Futures market was nominal. OATS Hpot miirket steady; natural white and white clipped, 6-Vs6c. Futures mnrket was nominal. HOI'S Easy; state, common to choice, irtll, 47(fiStk:; 1910, nominal; Pacific coast mil, 3742c; 110, nominal. HAY-Wulet; prime. I1.20!!H4; No. 1. $1 ligl 20; No. 2, Sl.10fel.15; No. i. ll.OOtf 1.0B. HIDES Hteady; Central America, 20c: Bogota, ZlVdK'V'. LEATHER Hteady; hemlock firsts, 2Wi 27c; seconds, 2u'',i thirds, WaMc; re jects, lie. PROVISIONS-Pork, steady; mess, $l.7j til7(i; family. lU.ooti 14. 00. beef hams l2i.5Vfi 42.50. Cut meats, steady; pickled Iwllles, 10 to 14 pounds, SILXfilX; pickled hams, fl2.onfei2.2ri. I-ard, weak; middle west prime, f9.onfe'.MO; refined, stendy; continent, fin.OTi; South America, $10 70, compound, t7.9nfe8 15. TAI.I.OW Firm; city, hhds., 6sic; country, 6li8''1c. EOUS Firm; fresh gathered extras. 2 fe.'tOc; freah gathered extras, firsts, 25fe 27c; fresh gathered firsts, 22fe2-tc; freh gathered seconds, lf21c; fresh gathered chicks, prime, ldfelrtc; western gathered, whites. E4fe2Hc. BUTTER Firm; creamery specials, 30c; extras, 2'ic; firsts, Zti''iiiWc; creamery held, specials, 29c; creamery held, ex tras, 24i284c; creamery held, firsts, ZoHf 27o: finest. Z!iic; good to prime, 24 2c; process specials. 2aV(J?4c; extras, 23c; firsts, 21 'a 22c; factory current make. firsts. 20S4i21o. POULTRY Alive Irregular; spring chlcka, UifeHc; fowls, 12(14c; turkeys, 15c; dressed (regular; western chicks. 12 feltic; fowls, UVfafelic; turkeys, 12fe25c. t. I.onls General Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 6. WHEAT Cash. strong; track, No. 2 red. SflVVfjKlHc; No. 2 hard, fl.flufy l.oift; December, STSQHc; May, fl.03T4. CORN Higher; track, no. z, whwc: No. 2 white, 71fe71c; December, 63V;; May, 54c. OATS Higher: track. No. Z. 47S47Hc: No. 2 white, 4S348Vic; December, 4SVife 4K'4c; May, B0sc. RYE Unchanged, 90HC. KliOITH Iwer; red winter patents. I4.30fe4.70; extra fancy and straights. S3.WV&4.25; hard winter clears, I3.2ife3.40. 8KEI) Timothy, I12.50felti.00. tXIRNM HAL $3.20. BRAN Slow; racked, east track, Jill 1.15. HAY steady: timotny, fw.wviij.w, prairie, fl2 0Ofe 16.00. PROV1HIONS Porg. uncnangea aoo- blng, $15.50. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, $2.30(i3.20. Dry salt meats, un changed; boxed, extra shorts, f9.00; clear ribs. $9.00; short clears, $9.12. Bacon, unchanged; boxed, extra shorts, f 10.00; clear ribs, flO.00; short clears, fl).12ft. POULTRY eteeoy ; cntckens, hc; sprlnga, lOftc; turkeys, Hftfelbc; ducks, llc; geese. He. BUTTER rirm: creamery, nvsymc. EGGS Steady; 20ftc. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 9,00 Wheat, bu so.ooo zi,tw Corn, bu 78.000 37,000 Outs, bu 4ti,000 si.oiu Knnsns City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 6. W H E AT Steady to He higher; No. 2 hard, fl.Olfe) 1.00; No. 3, ft.00fel.06; No. 2 red, 99cfe fioo; No. 3, WVife-'Sc', December, 9Ua; Mav, $103M.; July, 9!Vic. CORN Hfelc higher: No. t mixed, 70c; No. 3. 70c; No. 2 white, 69Wi70c; No. 8, ttiMrfeTOc; lVrcember, 6nc; May, 64fto, t)ATS Unchanged to Vic higher; No. 3 white, 48fe'48Sc; No. 2 mixed, 47fe47fte. RYE-Vn!Mlc. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $18.50 19.oo; choice prairie, f 12 50fe 13.00. BUTTER Creamery, 2ftc; firsts, 24ftc; seconds. 22Hc; packing stock, 18c. E1UH Extras, a:vic; iirats, sic; sec onds, 13ftc. v Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu.. 1H,0U0 fi3,0X) Corn, bu Hi.ono bl.0.10 Oats, bu 4.000 22,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 6 WHEAT De cember, fl.081; May, tLlSH: No. 1 hard fl.OBH: No. 1 northern, fl.OSfen.09T4,; No. 2 northern, fl.05fel.06Tt; No. S wheat, $1.00 fel.02T4- BARLEY-70cfe$l.l. CORN No. 3 yellow, (Wc. OATS No. 3 white, 45MT4). RYE No. 2. 92c. RRAN-$21.50fe 22.00. FLOUR First patents. $8.SOS6.60; second patents, f4.flfe.20: first clears, f3.80fe4.10; second clears, f2.70fe3.10. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA, Oct 6. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 32c; nearby prints, 33c. KOus Firm: Pennsylvania ana otner nearby firsts, free cases, 87 50; current receipta, ft.90 per case. Western firsts, free cases. $7.50 per caae; current re ceipts, free cases, $H.60fei.90 per caae. CHEESE Firm; New York run creams, fancy, 15c; fair to good, HfeHftc. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Oct. 6. CORN Higher: No. t yellow, 70c; No. 8 yellow, 70c; No. 2 mixed, 70c; No. 8 mixed, 70c; No. 4 mixed, 69c. oats Hisrher: no. i white, 47ftc: standard. 47Vc; No. 3 white, 47c; No. 4 white, 46ftc. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 6. WHEAT No. 1 northern, fl.10fel.12; No. S northern, fl.07 (1.10: No. 2 hard winter, $1 02(ul.05; De cember, 99,9!4,c; May, $1,041. OATS 4Xftfe'4W. BA RLEY-fll2fe'123. Ttalath 4i rain Market. nui.l'TH. Oct. 6 WHEAT No. 1 hard. $1.0U; No. 1 northern, f 1.03ft to fl05ft; ISO. o, IW40 to Hui 1'ci.cmuci , e.-"tl May, tl U'S- OATS 46"o. Mlnneasiolla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 6.-WHEAT-Decemher. fl.ohft; May, fllSft; No. 1 hard fl."S; No. 1 Northern, fl.08fel.o9ft; No. 2 Northern, f l.tbfel.uttft; no. wneat. fl.OUdl.O'.Ta. Oaaeha Hay Market. OMAHA, Oct. 6.-HAY-N0. 1. fUOO; No. 2. $1100; coarse, $1000; packing stock, $7.oOu90; alfalfa, $13 00. Straw; Wheat, $4.5ufe5.00; rye and outs, 86.00. Coffee Market. NRW YORK. Oct. f COFFEE Fu tures opened firm at an advance of about 10.115 points In response to higher European cables, further unfavorable mm newa from Braxll. covering by re cent sellers and bull support. Business wtt4 active, with considerable realising at the advance, which established new hih records for the movement, with Oc tober contracts selling at 13c. Offerings were readily taken and the market closed steady at a net gain of Unit! ru,it Kales. 131.250 baas. October, 129.se: November, I2lsc; December, 1195c; January. 12.83c: February, 12.iSu; March, April. May. June and July, 13.44c; August and September, li ttle. Havre was 1 I net higher. Hamburg was lfelft pfg. t,iih.r n In unchanged: 7a St. TOO: Santos, 50 rets higher; 4s 8$2.0, 7s. 7$550. Receipta at the two Braslllan ports were W.OuO haaa asa nst lo.ow naga ieai year. Jundtahy receipts. 69.0 bags, agalnat 43 ) bags last year, hlrra offers from lliasll were reported, from 1014 points higher. New York arehouae deliveries yesterday were 19.047 bags, agalnat 13 561 bags last year. Spot coffee, firm: Rio No. 7. HftfeUftc; Santos No. 4. 15ftil5So, nominal; mild, quiet; Cordova, 15017c, luminal. Kaaar Market. NEW YORK. Oct. I-BIG A R-Ka w, ?uiet; miacovauo. ss teai, st se; centrt ugal, 96 test. $5 Ml; molaaaea, 89 lest $6.U; refined, i vady. OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Are Light and Move ment is Sluggish. HOGS ARE STEADY TO LOWER Moderate Supply Enables Sellers to Clear Yards In Good Senaon Sheep and Lambs Steady on l.laht Receipts. Receipts were: Cottle. Hogs. Sheep. ..16.5C1 .!& 68.9m ...ROM 3.1S4 50.240 9 474 3.4M '-3V' 29U0 6.500 12.6-JO Official Monday irriclal 1 uesria Official Wednesday Estimate Thursday . Four days this week. 39 (Ml 13.917 l.'O.LS Same days last week..M.!)26 Sl.lSi li'-f! Same days 2 w ks ago. 9, 3-3 2o,6. l.-f-".1? Same daya 3 w'ks ago.19.9S 23,4'H 1'-.- Same days 4 w'ks ago. 2i. 443 19,3ol 131,614 Same days last year. .34.93 16.165 132.de 'Hie loiiowing tabic shows the receipt ' rattle, hna-s and sheeu at South Omaha for the year to date as compared tailh 1911. 1910. Inc. Dec Cattle .... RWIO S!5,4'.H Hoks l..9U0 1.5i7.0X3 39M7 Sheep 1,99.74 l.SS.l 20,4nl 1 he. following table shows the average prices for hoga at South Omaha for the ust several daya, with comparisons. Date. I 1911. 11910. 109. 1908. 1907.19O6.!l90ii. & 951 1SI 6 97 20 5 18 6 96 6 181 5 18 I 6 zi. 0 11 Sunday. iieceipia ana aispoeiuou 01 nv. - the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-tour hours endina at 3 p. m. yes terday; KECE1PTB 4-AIta. I utile llou-s Sh'O.ll'r'S. C, M. & St. P.... 2 Sept. 26 6 36ft 8 45 6 67 Sept. 2." 6 25fti 8 4.'i g 15 riept. 2s 6 14 8 32 8 08 6 67 oept. 3J 6 22ft 8 41 7 RX 6 b:' oj - u Oct. 1. . 1 8 551 7 871 6 60 6 ol 25 Oct. !!.. 6 25 1 I 7 86 6 63 5 921 25 6 IS Oct. 8.. I 6 2ft').i S 45i I 6 U 6 81 6 21 6 10 net. 4.. 6 8 2k 1 7 821 ibM39b6 Oct. 6.. I 8 27 7 80 6 45 6 S4j 8 19 5 0b 4 1.. 1 10 57 5 .. 25 8 .. 2 1.. 3 16 4 3 1 .. 1 6 2 11 85 72 2 Missouri l'ai'lilc Union Pacific 30 C. oi N. W., cast.... 4 C. ac N. W., west.. 31 C, St. P., M. &)... 5 (V 11 1 Xr P en St. X C, B. & W., west.... 44 rt. 1. ac f. .east, i C, H. 1. Ht P., west. 1 Illinois Central . G. W 1 Total receipts 120 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.... 305 691 2 swift and Company.... 888 Cudahy Packing Co.... 7iW Armour & Co 656, Fisher Supply Co J. W. Murphy Morrell 43 Baker & Jose 13 1,227 1,679 83 144 71o 1.932 680 W. B. Vansant Co 23 Benton Vansant & Lush 167 Hill & Son 173 F. B. Lewis 9j Huston & Co 4 J. B. Root & Co 225 J. H. Bulla 61 L. F. Husx 28 I Wolf H5 McCreary 170 S. Werthelmer 3-9 H. F. Hamilton 74 Sullivan Bros 77 Lee Rothschild 125 Mo. ac Kans. Calf. Co.. 229 Omaha Packing, Denver 182 .... .... (June ec cnrlsty 158 Other buyers l,6o9 .... 12,788 Totals 6,577 6,259 16,012 CATTLE There was a considerable let up In receipts today and the general quality of the offerings showed more or leas dodloiaUon. Very few corufed cattle ol any kind showed up In the offerings and the big bulk of the west ern rangers were cattle that did not particularly appeal to either the best Deer men or the feeder buyers. The re sult v,as a rather slow and Indifferent market from start to finish, and while prices were not much different than yesterday, the general tone lo the trade was decidedly weak and tha movement sluggish from start to finish. Compared with the close of last week deairabla corn fed cattle are not much If any lower. On the other hand there has been a decline of from 10 to 25c on west ern beef anu the indications are that these declines will hold throuKliout the week. Competition from feeder hovera has been very slack this week and this nan been a potent factor In forcing prices to a lower basis, while the bearish tone 10 advices from eastern markets has also tended to weaken the local trade very materially. Jjut at present eastern beef markets are In verv unBatlBfactorv shape, and the very heavy receipta this week have come at a very unioriunate time. In cows and heifers there has not been very much chunee all week. Fair m good grades have suffered more or less on account of the excessive offerings of cheap steer beef, but cannera and cutters have been In very keen request and are selling as high as at any time una season. During the last dav or twn then. h.. been considerable congestion in the feeder and atocker market and although prices have declined 15(u25c the country demand has been so slack that there Is nine prospect xor a complete clearance tor the week. Strictly choice fleshv grades have held up fairly well, but on an oinera me irenu 01 values has been steadily lower, and Just at present yard traders are more anxious to dispose of what they have on hand than to further Increase their holdings and the under tone to the trade Is very weak. wuoiaiiuns on range catiie: Good to choice beef steers, 45 606.50; fair to good . - - o.w. , u-wif .vu wuiumun in xair beet steers, $4.255.35; good to choice heifera. t4.80ti6.35: good to choice cnas H.4Uti5.10; lair to good cows, f3.75itf.40; good to choice Blockers and feeders, '..Qv Uu.75; fair to good Blocker and feeders, f4.25(u5.00: common to fair stockers and fef-Jers, f!504j4 25; stocker heifers, $3.25ai 4r bulls, stags, etc., $3.25jX.Ki. representative sales: BEEP STEERS. Ke. Av, FT. Me. A. M... .141 M COWS. I.. , Ml I 15 11 Ki IM 1 CALV ES. , IN IN (0 , 1U0 I M 97 I T 7S0. t U u.. 1.. 1.. IS $1 HEIFERS. , 41 I 74 STOClvERS AND FEEDERS. , t W 10 7 si 4 45 W Hi 1 441 4 M , IhO 4 00 II 101 4 0 M 4 II U lul 4 aft W Le i'EUNS NRiiRAbivA. 10.. .. I.. I.. I.. 37 heifers... 706 4 10 9 cows S3t f 85 3 25 4 95 15 cows.. .1023 4 25 9 cowb KiS 50 feeders.. 1073 4 90 4 50 4 15 4 05 39 feeders.. 943 10 feeders.. 918 36 feed era.. 1078 6 10 10 feeders.. 702 4 05 62 heifers... 8.11 10 feeders.. 623 Pot mell Bros. Neb, IS feeders.. 1267 5 35 2 steers.., .IOCS 4 15 . 9M 4 15 . 925 3 25 . 160 7 50 W. O. Wilson-Neb. 24 feeders.. 1056 4 85 24 cows..., J. Berg Neb. Scows 916 3 50 12 cows.... 9 calves... 247 4 50 2 calves.. J. fctanr Neb. 13 stockers. 743 4 16 S heifers... 758 S heifers. . .10.10 S 35 4 00 C. H. cchestnut Neb. 28 calves... 316 4 60 9 cowl 951 20 S cows 6U3 3 30 O. BJurstrom Neb. f calves... 301 4 40 13 steers.... 9S0 4 AO 19 feeders.. 6i5 4 3a leeuers.. Vol 4 steers.... 872 3 90 18 heifers... 68 10 cows 10u6 3 85 4 cows 777 4 40 f 80 5 35 O. Turnquist reo. 26 feeders.. 97 4 H 4 feeders.. K0 4 so 6 cows 796 4 16 Wi w .NQ. 60 feeders.. 1000 4 70 14 feeders.. 1047 4 70 E Burnham Wyo. IS feeders.. 1033 4 60 8 feeders.. 1041 4 60 F. Brooks Wyo. 4 feeders.. 1100 6 00 13 feeders.. 1080 4 85 21 feeders.. 81S 4 66 Diamond t attle Co. Wyo. 163 feeders. 1U2 6 30 86 cows 985 4 30 17 coas 941 S 76 J. Dixon Wyo. 10 COWS 1066 4 30 Pacific Market Co. Wyo. 38 steers.. ..1243 6 75 20 steers.. .1280 S 55 33 steers. ...1184 5 40 21 steers. ...llso 6 30 J. Dolling Wyo. 11 feeders.. 942 6 25 9 feeder.. 108S 6 26 I cows lt") 4 SO 4 cows. 4 56 5 25 34 feeders.. 900 6 25 14 feeders.. 11. 15 cows 2 bulls 931 4 30 S cows 1165 4 65 ..138 t 60 V. C. Eraser Vo. . 121.) 6 Oo 20 stetrs....I284 5 75 ..LU7 6 40 .7 sters....lue0 6 10 W. Kellh-Wyo. ..1U 4 26 55 steers. 21 steers. IS cows. Jt CBrien-Wyo. 9 cows 853 S 75 U feeders.. M 4 60 W. P. RickettsWyo. 11 feeders.. 74 4 20 17 steers.. 40 24 steers... 4 25 10 steers-. ..11'. J 4 80 11 steers....! 120 4 50 II. F, Smith wye. .1092 4 50 O. Porter-S. D. , 47 t 40 8 feeders.. 025 4 10 P. Schmele 8. D. 10OS t 60 32 feeder.. TS4 S 35 J. Weaver S. D. 8M I 96 f cows 008 t 35 696 S 60 A. Herman 8. D, 938 t 60 25 cows K5 110 743 S 30 28 calves... ft27 4 60 Rock Keene a li. 15 steers... 8 heifers.., 10 cows...., 19 cow 8 steers..., 8 cows 16 cows 54 feeders.. 916 6 00 B. J. Johnson Colo. 84 steers.... 843 4 40 liuoa changes in hog trade were so slight that tney are hardly quotable. Vluwlng the market as a wnole. prices ruled steady to possibly a shade lower, but weakness did not call lor any re vision of vaiues on bulk. Hough heavies met with a poorer demand than recently, and good bacon grades sold to a little better advantage. Movement had fair action throughout miiht of the session and a moderate sup ply enabled sellers to clear tne yards in very good season. Receipts amounted to about seventy-five loads, the big end of the run consisting of weighty packing Btuff. Spreads remained narrow, as usual, and larger droves were put up around f6.20'i 6.25. Extremely rough lard hogs dropped as low as fi.10, and the best bacon ani mals on sale reached $'135. Purchase by shippers and speculators amounted to about a dozen loads, but the demand from these quarters was rather uncer tain. Representative sales: No. Ar. 8h. Pr. No. At. 9h. Pr. 311 10 I 20 10.. ..3X4 ..: ..30 ..&! ..J37 ..107 ..12 ..:? 10 4 10 140 4 15 ... I 16 210 II :w 1 ii ... I 11 M... 0... la... 29... 66... 44... II... S... II... ... 20 . ...2"0 ...2(8 ...2U6 ...2M ....250 ...243 ...2l ...211 ,..268 80 I 22V4 17.. 14.. 120 I 224 ... I 221 ... I 22V, ... 4 2214 34. 22V4 ... I 221 ... 4 22V4 W I 22 u, 7.... 14.... I 14 I 16 I 17Vt I 10 I 20 15.... 480 120 80 40 210 M 71.... 1 ... til... W. ... ).... ...14 ...HX ...y3 ...241 ...2l ...274 ...300 ...10 ...311 ...1M ...211 ...271 ...2!. ....'54 ...271 ...St ...371 ...287 ...M7 43.. !56 4 22V 20 I 20 6 281 109 4 26 72... .261 40 40 I 26 I 21 4 21 I 26 I 21 I 26 4 26 I 21 I 21 140 I So 71.. 40.. 70.. 71.. 6.. 41.. ...244 ...2X1 ...134 ...34 ...247 ...247 ...270 17.... ... I 20 ... I 20 4.... 41.... 2 ).... I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 20 I 20 20 I 20 I 20 4 20 I 20 I 20 10 SO 40 30.... 61. .... 16 234 70 196 !.... 120 4 26 70.... .... 10 231 120 4 26 4 26 4 26 47 ...247 ... 10. ... 16... M... II... U... 72... 67... 67... 1... ...231 ...20 ...234 ...203 ...19 ...:& ...244 44.... 200 4 26 .... 120 10 160 I 27V 44.... ... I 10 80 I 30 120 I 10 I.... 2H1 287 ill 14.... 77.... 40 I 30 4 81 70.. ...284 1C0 I 20 ..131 10 PIGS ODDS AND ENDS. 103 14 ... 4 76 . II 100 ... 4 75 7 17 ... 4 14 .. -.a. .rum a natural week-end uucieaae Hi 1'eCtsipiu and some little ireugui In prices lor fat stock, the sueep and iamb traae kept mucn the same form as on recent uays. Yesterday's clearance uivoivbu ail but 1,500 heau, despite the absence 01 deinanu in the afternoon, aa well as a ramei quiet market during the morning. Attractions of Ak-Sar-Ben seenieu to be the only reason lor dearth ol orders alter midday. 11111 new Buuuly. esi.iiiia.ted at luliv 15.00k. head, rounds off a surprisingly heavy lour days' total, about 15o,uuo head Jn all. Feeders predominated In fresh oiferlngs, the same as recently, and lambs were ine general rule. Range marketing this week wnue Dy no means recoru breaking, proves beyond a doubt that the west held more stock this season than was gener ally predicted six or eight weeks ago. me runs tnus lar tnis week not on v yield a heavier total than last week's aggregate, but also show a big Increase over the supply this week last year. a auouiy poiiion 01 tne irean receiDta were lute In arriving, but pacKers took plenty of Interest In early offerings, and what few sales were made Indicated a trade strong to a dime higher. Oood fat lambs sold around $5.50, and a prime arti cle would Probably reach 16.76 or Dosaibly $5.85, Movement was delayed more or less by the necessity of sorting, as few fat lambs are ahowlna: ud at nreaent In straight strings. Desirable killing sheep had fast action from the start, the demand beina- aharn- ened by small proportion of this clasa of stock. email advances were usually allowed and complete clearance assured. Heavy wethers, classy In every respect. Jumped from $3.85 to the even money $4.00 while good ewes were purchased around $3,.35. Toppy yearlings were wanted around $4.40. but none were avail able early. Feeder classes of lambs ruled firm, but Inquiry lacked urgency. Ordinary offer ings with a little weight and quality ranged from $5.00 downward and the best graucs, properly feeders, can be bought around t5.loiUo.15. Country buyers are working right up Into the killing classes, however, and several strings with very respectable fat sorts are going out fur a speculative short finish at $5.J0raJ6.60. An Instance of this fact appears In sales made Monday and Tuesday, On Monday a packer bought tops of a certain ship ment at f5.5o and ihe seconds at f5.26, while the feeders sold for 15.10. About two-thlrus of the shipment carried plenty of finish. The following day a string of the same brand of lambs sold straight to a country buyer at $5.30. Feeder ewes are still selling largely under the $3.00 mark. Accorulng 10 packers' tab the three days' feeder purchase amounts to about 93.OU0 head. Compared with a week ago all kinds of stock are closing Just about steady. Fat ewes, if anything, are a little lower, but the ordinary run of both fat and feeding lambs show few changes, yuoLttlions on sheep and lain Da. Lambs, good to choice, f6.60u6.b5; lambs, fair to good, f5.3U(j5.60; luraos, culls, I4.75(i6.15; iambs, feeaers, $4,254(5.16; yearlings, good to choice, f4.20tl4.40; yearlings, feeaers, $3.90(14.26; wethers, handy, f3.75bv4.10; wethers, heavy, $3.65t8400; wethers, feed ers, f3.2u&3.6; ewes, good to choice, $3.tKiji 3 50; ewes, talr to good, f3.0mu3.30; ewes, breedeers, f3.2u&4.00; ewea, feeders, $2,3tj 3.10; ewea. culls. tL50(i2.3o, Representative sales No. 416 Wyoming ewes ... 4M Wyoming ewes ... Av. . 97 . 97 . 99 . 85 . 84 . 85 . 86 . 86 . 87 . 87 .100 .108 .123 .123 113 Pr. 8 10 a 10 s 10 2 75 2 85 2 76 2 75 2 75 4 60 4 60 2 90 5 3d 4 00 8 35 3 00 2 60 6 00 4 35 4 35 6 50 6 60 t 50 6 16 6 10 4 50 6 65 6 65 6 55 6 00 6 0U B9 Wyoming ewes 520 Wyoming ewes, 4-6 Wyoming ewes, 3.2 Wyoming ewes, 2.3 Wyoming ewes. feeders., feeders., feeders., feeders., feeders.. 2,0 Wyoming ewea, 1211 Wyoming year I yearlings 61 Wyoming yunriiu 76 Idaho ewes 436 Idaho ewes 77 Wyoming wethers 172 Idaho ewes 100 Idaho ewes lt5 Wyoming ewes....... 625 Wyoming lamb, feedera... 244 Wyoming lamb, feeders... 139 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 274 Idaho lambs, feeders 276 Idaho lambs, feeders 100 Idaho lambs 1386 Wyoming lambs, feeders. 2011 Wyoming lambs, feedera. 16S Wyoming laiuba, feeders.. 453 Idaho lambs 3o7 Wyoming lambs 646 Wyoming lambs 264 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 323 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 83 65 46 45 78 82 80 61 67 61 83 68 67 68 68 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demavd for Cattle aad Sheep Steady Hosts Higher. CHICAGO, Oct. 6. CATTLE Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady for good grades; others weak; beeves, t4.70u.35; Texas ateers, f4.2u6.00; western steers, f4.2txu6.90; stockers and feeders, f3.25'ti5.60; cows and heifers, f2.wu6.15. calves, fu.oOu 9. 25. HOGS Receipts, 19,000 head; market 6c higher on packing grades; others steady; light, f6.104j6.75; mixed, $6.0Uu6.sO; heavy, $5.854j6.i6; rough, $o.iuJ.10; good to choice heavy, $6.10u6.;5; pigs, f4.2j.u62S; bulk of sales, f6.20tu6.65. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, 27.000 head; market steady; native, f2.40ti4.15; western. I2.75u4 25; yearlings, $J.75ji 4.60, native lambs, $4.264U.15; western, 4.5Uu 4.30. St. Joseph Live Stock Market.- ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Oct. 6. CATTLE Receipts. 1.6u head; market steady -steers. $4.6ou7.75: cows and heifers, $2 80 ),M. calves, f3.75Utl.0O. HOGS Receipts. 4.510 head; market steady to 6o higher; top, $6.45; bulk of sales. 6.204j.S5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipta 4 000 head; market steady; lambs, f5.otu.o6. Olls-aad Koala. SAVANNAH. Oct. 6.-TLHPENT1NE-Firm: 49,c. KOSIN-Flrin; types F and U, $6.40. NEW YORK STOGX MARKET Trading Almost Lightest of Any Full Session for Weeks. CLOSE SEES NUMEROUS GAINS Early Weakness Attributed to Heav iness of American ecarlles Abroad Local Develop- j anents Wlthoot Effect. I NEW YORK, Oct. 6-Tradlng In tho. stock market today was almost tho lightest of any full session In several weeks. The drift was downward at the outset but losses were soon followed by recoveries and the final dealings, when prices were at their best, resulted In numerous substantial net gains. Early weakness which brought a num. ber of one point declines, was attributed to the heaviness of American securities abroad. Domestic developments hardly exer. clsed any Influence on the market fur securities. A mildly optimistic Interview attributed to the guiding spirit of tho Great Northern and Northern Pacifio roods was helpful to those Issues and the prolongation of the labor trouble on the Harrlman lines was without adverse effect on I'nlon Pacific and subsidiary Jlnes. In fact the support accorded L'nlon Pacific throughout the session was of the most impressive sort. Sporadic selling of Steel shares was probably responsible for the early de pression which was fully offset by the extensive buying in the closing hour. Copper stocks were fairly steady on reports that domestic demand tor the metal Is on tha Increase. Western I'nlon held Its recent rise and American Beet Sugar and United States Rubber were active and strong on board room gossip of prospective dividend disbursements, which In the case of Rubber was later conjarmed. There were unofficial Intimations thnt the "reconstruction" plan of the Ameri can Tobacco company would be filed with the court tomorrow and the various Issues of that corporation were both active and strong. The best opinion ob tainable In the financial district Is that some weeks must elapse ere the tobaccn company emerges from Its present legal entanglements. The most noteworthy railroad report submitted was that of tho Louisville and Nashville road for the year ending June 30, last, ahowlna; earnings of U per cent on the out standing stock, despite a Iobs of almost S2.000.000 In net. The bond market was steady with greatest activity In American Tobacco sixes. Total sales, par value f.1.152.000. United States government bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Biles. Hlsh. Low. Cloas. aliii-i naimn pra Amalgamated Copper ... Amsrtran Agricultural Am. Bret Sugar Amerlraa Can Amsiicma C. A F Amerlraa H. A L. pfd.. Am. Ire Securities American Linseed ....... American Locomotive .. American a. 4V. R Am. B. at R. prd Am. Steel Foundries Am. Busar Refining...., American T. A T , ll4j . 11.800 6044 48 S (0 4 , 1,800 (.It, 51H 61 H . 1,600 ' S 400 46 46!4j 21 lit ' 304 S64 K S41, . 11,000 43 is 41 e:S4j 101 400 ti n, 3I4, . 1110 lit 115 lUt . 1,300 Wi 13344 134 , 9O0 H B.tt M'4 , 200 SOt SO't , !00 32 3m 82 . 4,300 10444 10-2 10'4 . 200 102 102V4 lO-Jt 12014 , 1.500 4 K te '. " ioi 74ii T3ti 744 . I.toO K714 22444 3274) 400 21H 2144 214 43 I 270 400 7144 7044 71 23 100 1 IB 13 3t 20 1(2 143 142 . 14,000 1074a 106 1II7'4 100 6744 67H 64 2444 44 , 2.500 1S7H 135H 137 44 400 1144 1144 1144 143 . 100 2244 14 22'4 100 44 44 ISH 3044 . 3.400 3044 244 3044V . 2,000 4144 4944 444 4f4 . 304 1434 147 14HV . 1,400 12244 14 12:1s 60s 47 4K44 4114, , 200 137 134 134 200 1544 15 15 . 1.300 45 44 4 4 454' . 1,000 10244 103 10144 14 444, oeo.e oessa 2 ..... 1 100 2344 2344 2"'i 2 200 1024 10244 10244 3244 600 12344 12H44 124 ton 2344 23 234 , 100 44 44 44 , 1.000 3344 3144 37 100 126 126 123 , JO0 44 43 43 100 304 30S 304 ... 100 1044 lot 10114 , 140 3344 344 33V4 600 lftl'4 10144 101V4 1 310 474 4644 4744 , 1.SO0 11644 114 11.1 700 tl4 304 3114 , 4.200 12144 1044 1214 200 104 104 1034 "4 1744 ; .."; k:. 2744 . 10.500 13941 13744 1; inn 1244 2744 2244 MO 33 33 33 700 2344 2344 23 '4j 4444 33 33 100 33 43 44 in 33 34 17 . 4.400 10744 1044 107 , 600 2344 2!, 234 300 44V 614 .V4 600 1344 1244 3 24 110 1314 13 1744 300 414 41 '4 41 , 43,4nn Iii4 16S lo'i 104 to o '4 43 , 1.300 44 42V4 43i 123, WO 4044 6f"4 04 , 1,100 41 40 '4 41114 , l.l'iO 41 4U44 474 300 4744 4444 47 A 100 114 li4 1144 400 22S 2244 22T4 400 67 4 6744 674 42 , 4,300 ln4 74 3"4 KK 2 :i 24j , I.3O0 1534 166 16344 American Tobacco pfd... American woolen Anaconda Mining Co.... Atchison Atchison pfd Atlantlo Coast Line Baltimore A Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paclflo Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of New Jersey.. Chesapeake A Ohio China co A Alton Chicago O. W.. new Chicago O. W. pfd Chicago A N. W Chicago, M. A St. P.... C, C, C. A St. L. Colorado P. A I Colorado A Southern.... Ooneol (dated Qas Corn Products tielaware A Hudson Denver A Rio Grande.. Denver A R. O. pfd Distillers' Securities .... Erie , Erie 1st pfd Erie 2d pfd General Electric Great Northern pfd Great Northern Ore ctfs. Illinois Central Interborouxh Met Int. Met. pfd International Harvester. Int. Marine pfd International Paper ..... International Pump Iowa Central Kansas City 60 K. C. Bo. pfd Laclede Gaa Louisville A Nashville.. Minn. A St. Louis M., St. P. A 8. B. M... Missouri. K. A T M . K. A T. pfd Missouri Paclflo National Biscuit National Lead N. R. R. of M. Id pfd... New York Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A Western North American ........ Northern Paclflo Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania People's Oas P.. c, C. A St. L. Plttsburxti Coal Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel 8prlng.... Reading Bepublle Steel Republlo Bteel pfd Rock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd St. L A B. r 2d pfd... St. Louts S. W 8t. L S. W. pfd 8los-8herflel4 S. A I... Southern Parlfte Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd... Tenneeeeo Cnpper Teiaa A Parlfte T , St. L. A W T , Bt. LAW. pfd.... I'nlon Paclflo Tnlon Paclflo pfd t'nlted States TUaltr.... t'nlted States Rubber... t'nlted States Steel r. 8. Steel pfd I'tah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical . Wanash Wabash pfd , Western Maryland , Weetlnghouse Electrlo .. Western Union , Wheellnc A U E , Lehlsh Valley Total sales tor the day, 404.100 hares. London, Stock Market. LONDON, OcL 6. American securities opened quiet and about unchanged to day. Trading waa light during the fore noon but prices declined under realising. At noon the tone waa quiet and values ranged from unchanged to a below yesierday'a New York closing. Closing quotationa on atocas were: Consols, money.. 77 ll-ULoulsllte A N.. .14(44 do account 7744 M.. K. A T... .. 28. ..107 ..10444 .. 3044 .. 34 .. 414 .. 7 .. 7o4 .. 2S .. 44 ..1419 V . .U::, .. 12 4a .. 404k ..112 .. 12 .. 2144 Amal. Copper MSN. Y. Central.. Auaconda ' .Norfolk A W... Atchison 104 do p(d do pfd 10544 Ouoxrlo A W... Bal. A Ohio Pennsylvania ... Canadian Pacllla ...111 Hand Mlues .... Chea. A Ohio llHeadlng Chicago O. W l4lao. Hallway ... C, M . A St. P 104 do pld De Been 17 So. Pacific Heaver A R. U K Union Paclflo .. do pld 48 do pfd Erie 31 V. 8. Hteel .... do let pld 4044 do pld do 34 pld 41 Wabash Grand Trunk 144 do pfd Ullaola Central ! biLVLK Har, steady, at 21 B-16d per o. MONUY 2 per cent. The rate of discount In the open mar ket for abort bills la per cent; for three months' bills 3?-u4 per cent. Uoatoa Stock Market. BOSTON. Oct. . Closing quotations on on stocks and bonds: Alloues Amal. Copper A. Z. I, A Anauoa Com B A C. C A 8. M Butte Coalltloa ... ( el. A Arlaona l al. A Hecla- 21 Mohawk 3 444 Nevada Con. it 4 20Mplulng Mines ... 7V 46 North Butte 24 4 North Lake 444 14 4,014 Dominion it, 43 Oeceola 140 Parrott g. A C. ... t'i ,.. 60 ,.. 44 ,.. 23-4 .. 2', ... 20., ,.. III. ... 44 ..110 ... 41 ,.. 6 Ceutennta! 344Juincy Cop. Range C. C... 6048nannoa Eaat Butt C. M. 74 Superior Kraofclla Glruux Cos Oranby Con Oreene Cenanea .... Isle Hoyale Copper. . Kerr bake Lavke Copper La Salle Copper.... Miami Copper 44, Superior A B. al. 3 Taniarak 1744U. S. 8 K. A M 6 4o pfd l!irtah Coo 344 I'tah Copper Co.. 24Wlnuns 1 Wolverine 11 Haak t'lrarlaga. Oil AHA, Oct. 6.-Hank clearings for to day were f-'.Wifcll .61 and for th. spondtng day last ear tm.KO.ju,