Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Little Girls' Coals
$3.95, S5.00 $5.75
AJ S.'I.O."i-A handsome little box
coat of pHca cloth, with Hi ) k braid
ing down front and on rollar and
ruffs. Colors, navy, rod and ('opcn
iiiiK'on, Hera 2 to fi jeara.
AT $5.00 np moilcl is of pretty
twilled, piira cheviot, fastPtiiiiR at
tlie side. Trimmed In fancy sou
tarho braid, warmly lined. Colors,
n:ivv, brown, and golf red - a,es 2
to 8 years. Another model, pictured
on the left, is made In Itupslan ef
fect, of twilled cheviot; large bone
buttons, Miiift little velvet collar,
and flannel lined. Colors, navy, old
blur and brown; nges 2 to 6 years.
Continued from Flrt rare.)
Alo n liii'ond co;it of corduroy, full
box cut, with side fastening, warmly In
terlined. Colors, navy, brown and
black. Arcs 1 to years.
AT $5.75 A luxurious little coat of
black caracul, as Illustrated en the right,
full box cut, fancy bnttoi. and quilt ta
lining. Arcs 2 to enrr-. '
Also, a handsome allowing of stylish and
1 ervlreable roatn for older girls, price!
Hi-cordlnn to tlio sue.
Charming little hats of fo't, velour and
beaver. In colors to match the roatn,
t 9 1.00 "P to $3.50
You will find a lnlt to this young peo
ple's store of much Interest and profit. We
carry the largest line of Infants' and Chil
dren's apparel In Omaha. Ask for a copy
of the new catalog; its free.
Tift yduho rtscvm
own STOfrc
Sewing Machine Sale
For the next throe days Hayden Brothers will hold
one of the Greatest Sales on Sewing Machines.
A special representative direct from the factory
will be here to demonstrate the world's best make,
and a dozen others
Carnival visitors wanting a Sewing Machine will
pave money by calling on any one of these days.
Your machine delivered at any time you wish.
Easy payments,, if you wish them.
Below a few of the bargains:
ONE DOMESTIC, Drop Head 10 80
$22.00 SEWING MACHINE 81500
$32.50 SEWING MACHINE 82400
$39.00 SEWING MACHINE 827 50
$65.00 SEWIN OMACHINE... 83550
$70.00 SEWING MACHINE 40.00
The above is only a partial list.
Beautiful Cabinets as low as 820.95
This is your chance to have one of the best Sewing
Machines in the world at about one-half what others ask.
Call and be convinced.
Everything in the sewing machine line.
Machines for rent. Free lessons in embroidery.
Phone Doug. 2600. Douglas Street Entrance.
Remember Four Days Only.
1. Drunkenness. Onium
Morpine, Cocaine and
other drug addictions are
diseased conditions.
2. Therefore, scientific
medical treatment is necessary.
3. In case ot sickness nana hut ik Wf r,r..,i.i v i. i
4. Our treatment is known the world over and has proved
its merits in over 350,000 cases.
A 6 value receivH and that is the reason we are
at the head in our specialty.
G The only Keeley Institute in the Stat of Nebraska is
located in Omaha.
Send our free booklet, "What It Is and What It Does."
Correspondence Confidential.
Corner 25th and Cass Sts. Omaha, Nebraska
Take Harney Street Car from Either Depot.
Ikes. Are lb 4aalirtratUaa lor
Taft nMiat at
ABERDEEN. 8. D., Oct. 4.-(ApecaJ.-If
ou are a member of the Aberdeen
Commercial club, arid bav f 10 to spare,
riil are the pOMet,sor of a dres suit, you
may dine wlih Preldut Taft aud bear
ftlm talk on the evening of October tX
If you are ehy any one of the three
requisites, you ran hear the president
speak briefly from the balcony of the
Commercial club house. Thla l the ar
rangement made fur the president's may
here, the secretary of the club, by direc
tion of the committee having the matter
in charge, having to notified the member
uf the club, who must notify the eecre.
ury they have the dreaa ault and the
M by October 10 or Ion their chance.
i ailed iut Ions; after hi majewty had
Mle honor, the mayor, and all the other
lipnlfarlen nf the city viewed the
pngrant from the Mouse of I.'ahlrh.m. a
"tnnd errcted in front of the city hall
Tlirv saw first Chief I"tnliuc and
I.latoon of mounted police comlnu to
prepare the av for the sovereign, thfn
hc courtly figure nf tlie hoard of pox .
mora of A k -Hn r-Ben. ho had ari Hnc l
the fethal in the kins' honor, then nu
merous handf and nineteen final re
calling; (he m-cuslon of former enr.
and. lal of all. the roynl chariot ap
proachlna; dnnn the lonr lane of Kar
nam afreet flanked hy wall nf human
klnii Receives the Ke.
The ioal e'iilpa" hslled for a mo
menl before the mayor fiat. The maxor
rofe. The king nodded graciously and
received from the hand of the mayor the
Htorled golden key of the city.
And the people houted loud and lopg
ami went away to th carnival on the
Klnn'e Highway.
Tim title of the electrical parade nan
Summon' Ant iioloKy. Someone nuce.-t(-il
I'tcun of Former Year a.- more poetic
and more, nearly lllu-trutlve of the pur
pose of the parade, reciiUlng, m it doe?,
all the electrical pageant In other years
but Hie Ak-Sar-Hen parade committee de
cided to call It Samson a Anthology.
I ' o. i ; s and butterflies aiore made up
11m- tllle float with the title "S,.
Art liology,'- In lurgeMetfrrs bcio.hb the
It opt.
Iii the Keat of Mondamin. repref er.ttnp
the. lectrh al parade of the first year of
Ak-Snr-Ren. rppeared the Indlnn Inhaht
tanls of the land of Qulvera In their
native garb, ome gathered mound a
campflre on the plain and other around
a i elliptic tepee. Maize, which plaa
an Important part In the poet atory of
the Keat nf Mondamlit, won nhonn In
the background.
F'raat of Olympus.
The parade of tho second year of the
reign of the Ak-Sar-Den dyiuiHly was re
called hy fiont No. .1. the Feast of Olym
pus. In the center of Hie float wa the
beautiful temple of the god, with Jupi
ter and Juno and all the rnt nf the host
of heathen deltle. A hugo and beautiful
peacock, frojn the front of the fiout,
twept Its wonderful tail backward to
ward the temple.
Next came the J'aReHUt of Qulvera.
presenting a picture symbolical of the
kingdom and It development Into great
!lfH. An Immense diimou, forming th
bme of the flout, bore up u rough ex
panse of cactus and a tangle of wild
wood, through which Hope led the ma
jestic figure of fere, godde nf agri
culture, to teach the Inhabitant of the
new region to subdue the land.
ConRtellatlons, the next float In order,
waa devoted to the heaven, a the name
Implies. An aged astrologer, In quaint
costume, atood at the front of the acene,
peering Into the mysteries of the kle
through his telescope, while In the rear
waa a blue ky, studded with myriad
Mar, all surrounded by the sign of the
zodiac, In order.
One Year eea Two larade.
t'onntellatlons wan the title nf the first
electrical parade of 1S8S, there being two
parade that season. The aecond parade
was called The Alhambra and Itx splen
dor waa recalled last night by float No.
it. bearing the same name. As might have
been expected, the Alhambia float wa of
Moorish design. The central scene was a
temple, with Moorish figures about It.
IJelow this waa a huge bat. with out
stretched wings, typifying the sinister,
IriHirutable nature of the Moor.
Uenia of Orand and Comic Opera was
the title of float No. 7. Here Fauat and
Marguerite were seen; the Mlka, the pic
turexque I'll ate of Penzance and othct
well known figures of musical tragedy
and comedy. Helow the figures waa a
large bar of music.
Isle of the Bra.
Neptune led the next float, the Isles of
the Sea, The old sea god, majestic with
hi trident, rode the blue waves In a
chariot of shell, drawn by two seahorses.
The background of the scene was pink
and coral, forming a striking contrast
to the color of the sea In front.
Knight, ladle fair, warrior bold,
aijulrea. pagee and all the gallant figures
of the age of chivalry rode the next float,
entitled "When Knighthood Waa In
Flower." In memory of the parade of the
seventh year of Ak-Sar-Ben. In the cen
ter a queen placed a wreath on the head
of the knight who had Just won In the
Alice In Wonderland, Mother ( Goose
and other character dear to the heart of
childhood made very Intcreating the Kok
tlval nf Falrland. tilanta. elves and othei
fabled being also peopled the nooks of
the float.
The next float In line waa given over to
the muses and represented "Poem Plc
tures. A giant Pegaaua waa on one end
of the wagon. The float waa emblematlo
of the ninth year.
Dating hack to the days when the In
diana were Nebraaka's only Inhabitants.
"The Story of the fltate" showed the on
looker the remarkable progress which
has been made. Flrat waa shown the
Indian, then the missionary followed by
the Spanish adventurer. I-t come the
farmers of the present day, who were
given the most prominence.
"The World of Mystery" portrayed the
different fraternal orders and In the
center of the float two great handa,
clasped, told at once that the float repre
scuta the secret societies.
England, Germany, France, Russia,
Japan. China, Italy and every nation
known were represented In "The Nations
of the Farth." Above them all sat
I'ncle Sam on a rail with a huge eagle
sitting beside him. Thla float represented
the parada uf the twelfth year.
A quartet singing all of the popular
Bongs from ragtime to classical selec
tion were given prominence on the
float "The Pays We CeVebrate and the
Songa We Sing" AH of the national
holidays were pictured In a striking
"Bamson In Politic" waa described on
this float rotiresentlng the fourteenth
year by Bamson hoMtnfc the O. O. P.
elephant and the democratic donkey
apart, and the old plainamen with )ils
ox team. In the center the farmer and
the miner are shown as setting out ou
unknown aeaa.
The seven ages of (nan from the cradle
to the grave were depicted In "The
Worlds Htage." A bust of Shakes
peare in the front of the float with the
evolution of man shown In the center
and Father Time on the rear took up all
the space on this float.
Perhaps the most unique float in the
parade was the "Ship of State" This
float showed a mariner in hla ship and
Just behind him waa the goose that laid
the golden eggs, from which Samson
va procuring bis Idea. A this float
passed cheer from thousands nf throats
alnng hnth sides of the street broke one.
When the float port'aylng the initia
tion passed hundred of knight who
have been vlsltot at the dou howled
with delight, rtfalntlc In the extreme,
the "Initiation" showed the various tor
tures to whl h the king put hi subjects
h fore admitting them to his royal ranks,
'li e last float showed the king, with hi
siepter in hand arid garbed In glorious
robe j. fin hi head a golden i town waa
perched Jauntily and the king looked his
part as much or more than did any of
the other characters In the parsde.
(Continued from First Tage.)
soldier Five thousand rifles, sixty
cienades, much ammunition and about
300 horse also were captured. The cffl
crr were lodged In the caatle and the
soldier In the barracks, from which sev
eral attempted to escape, but were re
captured. The officer begged for newspaper, a
they were nnxloua to learn something
of tlie progtiss of te war.
Fiuther details of the attack made by
the Italian destroyers. Artigllere anl
'ora;:u' upon the Turkish torpedo
boat. Hamldler and Alpsgut, show that
whin one of the torpedo boat sank the
Avtlull'te sent a boat and rescued the
re. us well a the Turkish flag.
Hovernor Defies Fleet.
ernor nf Tripoli, in reporting the situa
tion at the blockaded town to the Pone,
sayn that when the commander of tho
Italian fleet srnt him notification thai
preparations to attack the town were
complete and domendlng Its surrender
the governor replied that he coula not
give a definite answer until he had con
sulted his government. The fleet com
Tander declared that he would not wait,
whereupon the governor responded:
"You can attack. We will defend our
selves." Making Show of Resistance.
An Influential member nf the committee
of union and progress stated to the Asso
ciated Press today that he realized
Turkey had been forced by untoward cir
cumstance to submit to the Italian pro
posal to evacuate Tripoli, but that, on ac
count of the excitement of the people, a
show of tealstance had to bo mude.
At present there are only ninety-three
deputies in Constantinople, a number In
sufficient for a quorum, but a soon as
the requisite IK) membera arrive the
chamber will be convened.
The German consulate la stormed by
foreigner who are asking for passports
that will permit them to leave the coun
try. Yesterday 00 left the city and today
the consulate still bad 6,000 applicants
with whom to deal. Those remaining are
subjected to heavy taxes.
The Turkish cable to Tripoli has been
cut and the officials are cut off from all
communication. All officers have been
ordered to return to their post.
An Egyptian notable has offered to
organize a force of 30,000 Egyptians to
march against the KallaiiB at Tripoli.
Edholm's for Diamonds
Any ring you buy at Ed
holm's carries a two-fold as
surance. The standard of
quality cannot be higher, and
the article Is worth fully what you
pay for It. Our aHsortrnent of sol
itaires, diamond clusters and rings
set with other precious stones Is
unsurpassed. Every stone Is of
highest quality
that immediately
commends itself
to the prospect
ive purchaser.
Don't Merely
Buy Invest
16th and Harney
la 188.
New Sanitary White Enameled
Tor a, BUort Time
IS 00 and UO. 00 Oold Crowns.
. $4.00 aad M-00
l.U0 and $10.00 bridge T-eUi.
from $3.00 to $4 80
1100 Silver Fillings now . .60o
$16 00 Set of Teeth now $10.00
$10.00 Set of Teeth now. . . , , . ..$7.50
$1.00 Bet of Teeth now fe.M
Painless Extractions
No Charges for Examinations,
Written Ouarautee.
New Office:
704-10 City Nafl Bank Bldg.
Cut this out to find uj.
$rf i V
For the) Purpose
of I n t r oduclng
Kentucky"! Fin
est Bottled in
Bond Whiskies
Wo Offer
Old Levis H. Rye
rull Quart. 05
Old Rpy Bbr.
Full Quart. 00
G. Schlank
Wine as Liquors
ISO 7 Douglas 8U
Ptvone Doug. 641
Three Chassis .
Twelve Styles of Open and Enclosed Bodies
Two units, the motor unit comprising the motor and dutch and the rear
axle unit comprising the transmission, final drive and differential gear$
Packard "Six'
Number of Cylinders 6
Bore 4 Inches
Stroke 5Vi Inches
Horsepower 4 8
A. L. A. M. Rating.
Tarkard "30"
5 Inches
S Va inches
rackard "18"
4 1-16 inches
5 1-8 inches
Standard Chassis
Phaeton Chassis
Runabout Chassis
Tarkard "Sii" Packard
133 1234
139 129
121H 114
Packard "Six" Packard "30" Packard
front 36x4 36x4 34x4
Rear 37x5 37x5 34x4
Continental Quick Detachable Demountable Rlms
Clincher Tires of any of the Several 8tandard Makes
Standard Finish Body panels. Packard blue; bonnet, fenders, etc., blacks
wheels and running gear, Packard gray. Standard equipment of open
cars Includes Packard top.
The pries i$ alxeayt and to everybody the same and includes Packard service con
ducted fer the benefit of all owners by the well hnewn high Packard standards
Electric Garage Company
2218 Farnam Stret.
The Packard "50
(2s4sk, the man, Toho oz&nx
A u. liti
As you value the sav
ing of meney dent buy
WHERE teitheut first
getting HubeVs price.
This Rocker Is of massive
proportions and superior
construction, extra well fin
ished, made of solid quarter
sawed oak in the rich brown
fumed or golden or early
English finish. Has genuine
leather full spring seat.
Easily worth $12; would sell
at that In most any store but
Rubel's. To buy at Rubel's is
to save money big money.
well made and finished,
solid oak, large bevel
mirror; extra special
" bb inn m 1 111 mini urn i n
y i mmirmw
m mmmsmm-
Pedestal Extension Table 7)75
mrnrifRTii W
Here's a most sensational offering a splen
did Extension Table in genuine solid oak (no
imitation), 6-foot extension, strongly con.
structed and nicely finished, on sale now, at
1513-1515 Howard Street
A powerful double heater.
'xtra larjco ra.1iatln aur
fare. many nw features
.iew fluea giving double
'it-atlng cupnclty. handsome
nickel Blri COO STBT
price. V
lug top:
Beautiful Teeth
Thera are but few people who have
them, tiood teeth everyone might have
If they would go to Dr. biaduury. The
quickest, eaaleat and least painful are
tlie only methods employed by us and
hundreds of our patienta, both in and
out of the city will gladly tell you about
the good dental work and our up-to-date
waya of doing things. Crowns and bridge
work Horn 15 00 per tooth. Flatea that
fit from D M to tli.&t) Painlesa extrac
tion of teeth. Nerves of teeth removed
without hurting you- Work warranted
t-n ye-s
DR. BRADBURY. The Dentist
XT Tea Xjooatloa,
1&04 TtrUJV as. rboae D. 170,
0ST--High Grade Furs
Corner 20th utd Farnam. Telephone Douglas 8040
I ' 1
All next fk our $10 00 t'latea for i 00. tiuaroi-.teed tne
very bt-at. This week our very text gold downs tr.r luu.
All work fully guaranteed. A specialist or painlBss extracting
DORWARD, Dentist
Ware Block. lt aad hiua. Dottc