Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Low Railroad Kates Into Omaha All Week lc a Mile
on Union Pacific, IVjC a Mile on All Other Railroads.
Take Advantage of the Great Special Sales
and Make Your Headquarters at
16th Douglas 17th Sts. - . . Omaha, Neb
Largest Store West of
Tunnel Connect
Big Ilrnndot
VIS srStZ, VJk 3 ni
P pliWfe aft
One Work
from Carul
val Kn-trance.
V Take Advantage of Our Free Conveniences
Make use of our Free Waiting Rooms and Rett Rooms for
women and children (maids In attendance).
Check your Baggage and Parcel Free.
Free Nursery and Children' Flay Room, In charge of a
matron and trained nurse.
Free Delivery of Your Packages to Any Depot In Omaba.
Teti caa v
all th xpsnas
of your trip if
you do. your
buying at Bran
data Storaa
whin quality
la hlfhsr but
Bt moderate
trlc1 L ii n r h
Kfxini and Res
taurant In Om
aha aro to h
found h r .
Every cvnvn
lnre undnr cm
tinmen roof.
Women's Fur Coats
Cloth Coats, Suits, Dresses
Women's Fine Caracul Coat
Made of excellent grade of
Caracul; late styles, ..$10
Women's Plush Coats Long,
cut, new model 1C
special price Jii)
Women's Mixture Coats
Heavy weight, newest styles;
Women's Tailored Suit
Strictly up to date fall styles;
new colors $15 and $22.50
Bilk and Cloth Drestte All
new styles and colors spe
cial group $10
Women's New Silk Waist,
Women's Lingerie and Tailored
Waists, at
Women's Fall Tailored Skirt,
l $3.08 "d $6.08
In Basement Cloak Dept. &
..,. ., . .. njj
mra ran lauoreu huh,
at $6.08
Women's Long Winter Coats,
Bt $5
Women's Tailored Skirt Bpe
c' $2.50
Women's Silk Hosiery
Pure thread silk, wide hem tops
also wide lisle garter tops
black, unite, tan and colors,
at, pair .-OS "d $1.50
Long Kid Gloves for theAk-Sar-Ben Ball
Finest qusltty French kid and lambskin in 12, 16 and 20-button
lengths: Perrlus" and other well known makes; hitfi. pink,
blty, champagne, Nile, lavenders, ptarl and black. Every pir
fitted. Main floor, at, pair $2.75 S3 $3.50 $3.75 $ 4.50
Wiort Cloves 2-clasp French kid and lambskin; black, white
and colors Main tJlove department, at pair $1.25 a 1.50
Munsing Underwear for Women, Children and Boys.
The best, most comfortable and snuggebt fitting underweir
ani colors Main tllove dept.. at pair . . . .$1.25 snd $1 f(0
$1.50 end SI'IOS
gw.-EjJBirrauag.-J i bi . i y .. ijf i y pf iJMmSSJnZXHM
vVomen's Untrimmed Hats Extra Special
For Thursday we olrer 1.100 fine two-tonv velvet, plush and
beaver felt and .a tin bats in the fall season's newt at shapes
and colors. Scores of styles to seloct from actually rt
. worth up to $30. all ri.ady to trim, at ! j
tn Our Maiu Floor.
s j
1 1 I J tain and
i I A w lunouaona.
I v-r raasonabl
fcn ii 1.
to Ak-ar-BB will find our aoda fonn.
raatanrant connlnt plaoa for Hrht
Clean, aanltary, purest condiment,
The expression of the crowds
visiting Omaha this week is that
the Dennett Store is a royal en
tertainer. We have provided everything that could make your stay
in the city delightful -free telephones, rooms, delivery
pen' ire, etc.-and merchandise attractions that cannot be
duplicated at any other place. You are welcome to this
store's best service. Make it your "business home" any
time you are in Omaha.
Clearance of Boys' Fall and Win
ter Suits at $2.98
Our Regular $3.50 and $4.00 Values
In going over the boys' clothing stock this week we have found
many broken lines and odd Iota of suits from an ex
ceptionally large selling. In fact, this season's busi
ness has Incrpnaed wonderfully over that of the Fame
season for lsst year. Result-greater stocks to choose
from, even In the odd lots.
Excellent patterns in a) wool ma-
terialtt and medium and dark shades
notable for service-giving qualities.
Knickerbocker pants styles to fit
boys from 9 to 16 years of age.
Regular $3,5 0
and $4 val
Every mother knows what a saving It Is to have
an extra pair of pants with a boy's suit. We guar
antee that our boys' "two-pants" suits at $3.50. $4.00
and $5.00 cannot be equalled at the price In this city.
All sizes at each figure.
Also boys' overcoats In newest styles and all slzer.,
$2.60 to $7.50.' .
Women s Hosiery and Gloves for
the "Coronation" Ball
At this store you will find the
choicest assortment of women's
long and short Bilk and kid
gloves. Evening shades and the
colors for street wear that are
hard to get are a specialty with
19 and 16-button length Tre
fousoe gloves In black, white and
all of the evening shades; all
sizes, 98.54) and $3.7B the pair.
Women's 2-clasp fine lamhxkln
glove In a complete line of colors
and black and white an excellent
value at 91.25 the pair.
Women's 2-clasp, extra
fine finished kid gloves,
in black, white, brown,
navy, g.'een, tan and
gray--a superior qual
ity, at the j ,
pair J J. m t O
Women's single clasp fine rape
gloves for street wear; have spear
point backs and are mannish In
appearance; choice of black, white
and tan. at 91. no the pair.
Women's ii-clnsp chamois gluvcs
Jn white only-a very sensible
glove, as It can be washed and
restored to original condition--91.00
the pair.
Our silk hosiery stock is
now complete withlall of the
various good grades of silk
hosiery in black, white and
the leading colorings. Priced
as the quality warrants at
50e to $3.50 the pair. You
will need a pair for the
"Coronation" ball.
Women pure threa
silk hosiery- with wide
lisle garter tops and
doub le heels and toes,
excellent f o r service;
black, tan, light blue
and pink; at,
the pair
Women's fine thread silk hose
In black, white and a large range
of the wanted colors; have extra
wide and heavy garter tops and
double lisle soles: fl.fiO the pair.
Women's pure thread silk hone
with wide lisle tops and lisle
soles, black only, an extra value
at 91.00 the pair.
Ak-Sar-Ben Sale of Black Silks
The Prices for Thursday Only
This sale was prepared expreFsly for out-of-town visitors because
black silks are staple and can be used the whole year round; and such
offerlnga as these will further increase the reputation of the Bennett
Store for always the best values. All of the silks are full 36 Inches
wide and guaranteed to wear.
$1.75 black satin duchess at, the yard . , $1.29
Jj25bact satin duchess at, the yard . . . 98c
$1.35 black peau de cyjne at. the yard . . . 98c
$ 'JJiljck mesjal ne silks ac, the yard . . , 98c
$2.00 black rea de soie silks at, yard . . $1.49
$1.25 black pea u de soie at, the yard .... 98c
$1.25 Hack ta ffetas at, the yard . ..... 98c
$1.50 black taffetas at, the yard $7725
For the Ball
You have only two days left.
If you have not matched your
gown and do not care to waste
time see us first.
"Ye arc showing the finest
line of dress slippers for the
ball and all dress purposes ever
shown in the city. We can
match your gown.
We have beautiful tinted
satins, suedes and kid and all
styles of beading.
Prices range from
$2.50 lo $7
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam St.
All New
A "Home Liquor House"
run on extremely modern
lines. A Delight lo those
who crave Fine Old Liquor.
VIltor! Give uN a half hour
before you leave See what
constitutes a really modern
"H o m c Liquor Etabllh
ment; aek prices; ask any In
formation; Jut get acquainted
with us, if .nothing more.
3 Tempting Ak-Sar-Len
A 91.35 WKXSKXY AT Se.
Full quart of. " Old Cedar
Brook" Bourbon ttC.
at, quart
a si. as rtTBE BTS, 9So.
Full iiuart of "Old Weath
ered Oak" Pure
Bye, at, quart..
Regular 65c bottle of Cal
ifornia Port, Sherry or
Clret Wines, now
Liquor Co.
1309 Farnam St.
i t M (I H ll M 11 I k M II M II t
I i-f ! I
Those desiring to view the parades Tues
day afternoon, Wednesday evening and
Thursday afternoon and who expect to
cor.:c down town on the street cars are
i'rgcd to leave their homes a? early as pes
sil'l:. This company has tnide unusual
preparations to handle the crowds, but if
everyone waits until the last minute, it
will be impossible to transport all.
The Omaha and Council
luffs Sfrcot Railway Co.
Says Noah Webster, means pure, bright.
The light of Incandescent Gas Lamps is clean.
A Reflex
in the bathroom is appropriate. '
It is not only clean,
it is convenient. With
pilot flame attached
you can go straight to
it in a dark room, at
tracted by the tiny pin
point of light. No
crODinc Pull a rhain
and the light re-!
sponds. ! Ui
it is economical.
Osst Sporl News in The Bee
Sage Tea Vill
Darken the Hair
Restore Faded and Gray Hail
to Natural Color Dandruff
Qui ;ly Removed.
Thar Is nothing- nw about th Idea
of ualnc - for rtorlnc th color 5f
th hair. Our Tt-randmolher kept
thalr lock oft, dark and (loy by
using- a "aare tea" Whenever their
hair fell out or took on a dull, faded or
freaked appearance they inade a brew
of saee lea -ea and applied It to their
hair with wonderfully beneficial effect.
No'4y( we don't have to reaort to
old-time, method of gathering
th herbs and making th tea. ThU 1
don by skilled chemist better than w
could do It ourselv. and all we hav to
do 1 to call (or th ready-made product,
Wyeth Sag and Sulphur Hair fUmady,
containing sag In th proper strength,
with the adtltton of sulphur, another
old-time scalp remedy.
Th manufacturer of thla remedy
authorize druggist to sell it under guar
anty that th money will be refunded
if It fall te do exactly represented.
Don't neglect your hair ot a bottl.
of Wyeth' Sage and Sulphur today, and
notice th Jlfference after a fw day
Thla preparation is offered to th pub
lic at fifty tents a bottle, and la reoo:n
mended and loll by ull druggist
Special Agents: Sherman A McConnell
rrugro.. lth and Dodge St.; Owl
I Drug Co., 16th ar.d Han.ay St.
Come in and select a pair
of tan or black shoes
$3.50 to $5
Latest Styles
dt Bo. IfttB St.
The Reflex shown here costs, complete, $2.00.
Reflex Lamps
consume only one-: .
half as much Gas as LOJ71JC OeCtlOn
an open flame burner. The Sunday Bee
With Happy Hooligan, Little
hlemo, the Katzenjammer Kids
ana tne wnoie interesting farruty
Ak-Sar-Ben Week Specials for Thursday
It's the Quality Behind the Price That Makes the Offer
ings Here of Such General Interest.
See the
Crown Jewel
Tailor Suits
at $25.00.
1 . ' tMsr .
filt Til lilt I ill HI H HI' ""
Tailor Suits
at $14.90.
Exceptional Coat and Suit Values
In Thursday's Big Sale
500 Suits and 1.000 Coats iust re
ceived from our New York buyer
13.YOO Tailor Suit ut ''.'.0( 2flf) pIpb
Ramnlp suit. clpfr. distinctive rionlirn
in cnoicest coidnngs ana rabrlcs; match-
e" a $25.00
Sample Tailored Suits Big assortment
values to JZ0.00; while tney last, 0.7
Long Cararul Cloth Coats All bIzpb. 11a
throughout; $15 values, choice $8.05
Tolo and Novelty Cloth Coats Most
complete line of clever ue-w styles
shown in Omaha
815 SSO $25 $30 "d "!
lieautiful One-Piece Presses Silk or
wool fabrics. In splendid assortment,
made to sell up to $20.00: Thursday
Ladies' Long Kimonos In
crepe or challle, regular $3
values; Thursday, $1.45
$1 Percale Wrappers, 5J)
Children's School Dresses
Big special purchase, splen
did assortment of style
6 to 14 years; great snap
at 950
Fur Coats, Fur Sets,
Muffs and Scarfs
Most' complete, most at
tractlvely priced lines shown
In Omaha. Look over our
offerings before you buy.
$1.00 Wool Serges 68c
60 pieces of strictly air wool
dress and coating Serges. In
every new fall color. Includ
ing Araoskeag celebrated
sponged and shrunk Serge,
ready for tis, $1.00 values;
at 680
1 -J
5 MOTy
I -si
$1.25 Dress Silks 68c
3,000 yards of beautiful new
fall Dress Silks, Including
27-inch Messaline, Satin
Barred Plaids, Print Warps,
Novelties, Silk Serges, Louis
ienes, etc., regular values up
to $1.25 yard; at (JSc
300 Trim,med Hats
worth up to $3.50; on
sale Thursday at
choice . . 98c
Make It a Point Thursday to
Visit Our Busy
Millinery Section
Special groups of bargains
have been- arranged for
Wednesday's buyers that will
surpass in variety, beauty,
quality any in the laud at
these special bargain prices
values to $10, $2.95, $3.95, $5
Several other Special
Tables, including untrimmed
shapes and all classes of
All Millinery Marked in Plain Figures Here.
Furnishing Goods and Winter Underwear
Dependable quality, new goods at greatly below actual reta.l
worth of the various offerings.
t-adies' Cape- Gloves, in street
shades, worth $1.50; choice
for 08
(.ape and Lamb&kln Gloves, all
sizes, regular $1.00 values;
choice ." 400
9 l.OO Silk Gauntlet Gloves 250
Children's Gauntlet Gloves, fine
quality; snap at 490
Ladles' riilk Hose, values to $3,
bst qualify, guaranteed per-
feet: on sale. . .980 and 490
Children's Sweater Coats,
sizes 2 to (? years, in all colors;
Thursday . . 690
we enow neynier, monarcn and
Winter I'ndenreeir Special.
Ladies' Silk and Wool I'njnu
Suits, ifgiilar $3.50 values,
great snap at, choice .. 1. 98
Ladies' I'nion Suits, In all kinds
that sell regularly up to $2.50;
in Thursday's sale
$1.50. 980. 750- 690- 590
Children's Wiuter I'nderwear.
$1.00 Union Suits. Jersey ribbed
or fleece lined, all sizes up to 1 ti
years; on sale 19
Fleece Lined Vests or Pant,, best
quality, size lfi, at 15f
(Rise of 24c ner iz i
fcniL'na'a 1." I A nim.AH 4. n . .
. u uv v viMMca in an uflweui.
iau snaaes, also tne celebrated Derbv Gloves
at pa,r $1.00. $1.50 nd 83. OO
Ak-Sar-Ben Sale of
Hand Dags
A great showing of
fine Leather and Velvet
Hand Bags. AJ1 new
good?, newest styles, best
values ever.
$1.00 Hand Bags. . .49c
$1.25 Hand Bags. . .59c
$2.00 Hand Bags. . .98c
$2.50 Hand Bags $1.25
Wash Goods Specials
for Thursday
EiUerdowu, in all colors, neat
patterns; at yard 280
Fancy Repps and Poplins,
our 39c grade;at yard 250
36-Incb Madras, for shirts,
neat patterns, light and dark
colors; at yard 250
3t-inch Flannelettes, Coiton
Challies, etc., good assort
ment of colors and patterns;
at yard 120
Dress Ginghams, fancy plaldj,
checks and stripes, good as
sortment; at yard. .. 12
$5 Pastel Pictures Thursday $1.9S
A fortunate purchase of about 10(1 beautiful pastel pic
tures in oval and round gilt frames; splendid line of
subjects suitable for any room some worth as high a .
$6.00; your choice $1.98
We have- a carload of Extra Fancy Illinois Keiffer Pears nothing
finer tor cunning. These are put up In bushel baskets, and Wedni L-
la we win sen ineni, i er basket 05c
i. per
75 r
While the Elberta I'esches last vie will contiuue to eell'thVni
t n t . .
4-basket crstes Italian Blue Plums, per crate . .
Green Tomatoes, market basket
IS Pounds Ueet Granulated Sugar
Ifi.ivninH aarlr rt mir famr,, u.lik iri....
4S-pound sack of Diamond H nothing like it for the money ill
The best Creamery Butter, per pound f o
m k J'KKo,. ...... IK a 1 it. . .
nu ui,obc. , rmucy jjenvrr t aulif or
2 head fresh Hothouse Lettuce
for Ac
4 bunches fresh Beets 5c
Fresh Carrots, Parsnips or . Tur
nips, lb 3He
Large Hubbard Squash,
each 7 c and lot-
2 beads fresh Celery
Large Egg Plant. 3 for...!!ioc
Wax or Green Beans, lb 5c
Cranberries, quart 7
Sweet Potatoes, m k't basket 40c
Toksy Grapes, batket
forget Try HAYDEfl'S First R