Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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jThe ee'8 HAP Mae?a z 1 Ai? Pa
Desperate Desmond
American Building Operations Save the
Villain from Being Crushed by the Elephant
Cvms.t, IU. Nitkmal N
By Hershfield
At Inat II looks If Desmond, the firfll
XValte Villain, nr about to end kla life
not voluntarily, of course, but oa the orders
of C'lnud. When the elephant to which
Desmond la baaud goes over the blutt', (oud-BlBhll
Even for Dearaoad. nki line passed
through so nanny perils, his present situs
tloa Is not one to make hla aerves steady.
Tied to a large, heavy and helpless ele
phant which Is falling to the city spires,
he may well tremble.
It Is worth Botlctnc that this la a snnnlrl-
a dlaplay of apeed. This aiuat ha a regular
contract Job, and aa the men hurriedly awing
vnt a hage ateel beam It paaaes between the
'elephaat a eh.l.ed legs.
Soon AS i (tft
KfOMfrCTT. Anj
Prevent him
'7D iMARr'E.N
NOW TO Mlfrl
0"-P mAw: y
Fsr below a live construction company
Is at work. ladlaaa have dean all their
building by baad power, but thla com pan;
from America haa derricks and nteel ecu.
strurtlua. Our methoda of building make
those of tlie Orteatal countries look slow.
Little Philip, Rosamond's schoolboy brother, is again disappointed in his attempt to capture Gemgotz.
As the beam turns up, the elephnat la
hooked ss securely aa a flan, and the bravs
steel workers, seelag the form of Ocamoad
bound to the aalnial, at once suspect foul
play. Quickly they releaas the villain, aad
be m4 once ntarta over the roofs.
"I'm the boy!" erlea Desperate Desmond,
"Sad I'll make Maude admit It." Mttlednca
the villain know, however, tbnt Claude, ttua
In hand, Is even now stalking him. I'er
hnps the villain may escape. It seema
donbtfiil, but to-morroWa pictures will
show. And see bow
r.:. " HI f ' fjCMbbtil I ' ' I - Jf-xei A YV Hi II
-l JF"4 i aw x I III . J frnV II .J "J - 1 Ml LV I 1
amd Me free -
PHt titers sets
e '
nit: f lwuicm m mewv uui
The Little Fledgling of Today Has Got to Try Her Wings,
Which Parents Must Realize.
"i- ' a. J'
Within the last few days the police
have been asked to rarch for two youim
girls who have mvBterlouely diyappearefl
from hninp. rry mncli ftcr the fashion
In which Dorothy
Arnold did.
In both of these
cases, us In the
Arnold case, ttis
girls belong to fins
families, who wora
mora , than com
fortabVy rlfli. They
l ad good In m.ifl,
kind and loving
parents; they wera
surrounded by lux
ury, but they wera
reBtloes and dis
satisfied, and bad
repeatedly express
ed a desire to earn
tlielr own livings,
ami to have pome
definite occupation
In life.
This Idea the parents pooh-poohed.
Absurd' Ridiculous! Thank goodness,
Mamie or Susie didn't have to work. Bhe
could have all the pretty clothes and go
to all the parties she wanted to, and
what in heaven's name could a girl desire
ut Mamie and Susie happened not to
be girls with pink tea souls. Also they
were very young and foolish, and ro
mantic, and Inexperienced, and so
Mamie and Susie committed the Incred
ible fully of running away from home,
and their frantic parents are trying to
find them.
Let u.-i hope that no harm will be
fall thso little feminine soldiers of
fortune, and that they will go bark
home havinir learned a lesson, and
that their parents will also have learned
another lesson.
For the moral of the affair is this
that modern conditions, modern educa
tion, modern modes of thought have
producriJ a new girl, .lust as they have
produced a new woman, and that sht
ha- gut to he dealt with on a new plat
form. The old. mediaeval bieH.d-and-watei
. look-er-up-!n-a-i oom untr.'-Nhe-comes-to-reafon
method of treatment
won t do.
The new girl is a condition and not
a theory that confronts her parents, and
they are juM as much addled and flus
trated over her, and know as little what
to do with her, as the old hen that
hatched out a swan.
Of course, If a girl is a little milk-and-water,
plnk-and-white piece of feminity
who asks nothing of life but frilly clothes
and plenty of beaux, and to nibble choco
late creams, and go to the matinee her
parents have It easy. They can keep
her In a satin lined box and she will be
happy and contented, and get married
In due reason, and her father and mother
Mil haw no problem more serious to
consider than paying her bills.
But there Is another kind of girl, a girl
who has an Intellect, a girl who thinks,
who has a bold and courageous spirit, a
girl who han taken a good education,
who ia. perhaps, college bred and an
athlete, and who looks at life very mucn
with the eyes of a boy.
This girl, when she comes home from
school, finds nothing adequate to her
wants In the life he is asked to lead.
She can't tatisfy herself with the rapid
rounds of society. She can't absorb her
self In the hunt for a husband, for. while
.he means to marry if the right man
comes along, marriage is not the be all
and the end all in life for her, as it is
for the Fluffy Ruffles Girl.
This girl has no occupation at home,
because servants do the actual work, and
her mother naturally is not going to ab-dli-tate
her throne aa ruler ot the, house for
a chit of a daughter. Also the girl yearns
for financial Independence. She doesn't
want- to go to even the moBt Indulgent of
fathers for every penny.
It if eiy to cneer at this girl for her
restleness and discontent, and to tell
her .that she doesn't know when she is
well off and that she should be thankful
that she has a good home to' live In and
parents able to support her, and this is
exactly what her father and mother do.
and they accuse her of being a wicked
and ungrateful girl when she persists In
wanting to go out and try her own wings.
If her parents were wiser thev would
try to look at the girl s side of the ques
tion, and to realize that she Is bound to
have some outlet for her energies, and
young strength, some occupation for her
idle hands, some object upon which bhe
can expend her bottled-up enthusiasm.
Some girls can find this in society.
Some can't. To be able to make a
career of bridge w hist you have to be
born that way and the sooner parent
realize this, the sooner we shall put a
stop to tragedies that darken so many
There Is but one solution of the prob
lem of the unoccupied girl, and that Is
to occupy her. It Is even more trufi of
women than men that Satan finds work
for Idle hand to do. and the only wav
to keep a Rirl out of nilM luef ih to keep
her bus.
If a girl wants to be of some use In the
norld and to work, her parents a.-e not
only foolish, they are criminal to refuse
her the right too try her powers, and they
have only themselves to blame If. in an
excess of boredom at having nothing to
do, she runs off from home to find the
natural liberty of action that she had a
right to, and that has been denied. Per
haps she may find out that she Is not
the inspired genius that she thoupht she
was. perhaps when she finds out how
hard it Is to earn money with her own
hands she may be glad enough to come
back and let papa give it to her. hut even
so she will be wiser and better contented
the balance of her life for having made
the experiment.
The Penally ol Prominence
Lysander John Appleton, as Kin Commissioner-General
of the United States, Held in Contempt.
The man lower down In life finds his
greatest enjoyment in turning a t-earch-llght
on the man on the hllr, that he may
call attention to his mistakes. The
higher up the man on the hill, the oftener
the searchlight Is turned his way.
There's Laander John Appleton. Kir
Con:i!i!i. .loner-General of the I'nlted
For many years he has devoted his
energy to handing down weighty deci
sions governing the disposal of a feather
bed when a mother and daughter both
want It: who shall have mother's things
when she dies, her daughters or father's
second wife; the rights of the second wife
to bang the enlarged pictures of the first
wife in the attic, and when; the time
limit cm visits of first degree couvlns;
who lrherlts th teapot, etc.
In his feeble way he has brought order
and peace whsrs thera was chaos. Tat
with H all, thosa lower down In Ufa are
-J-Mi.M..'.fc.T i'JI ., ,IIL t
"You do not touch on the mont vita
question of all," one complaint reads. "I.
I couldn't get nearer to the real heart oi
the r'0p!e on thla kin question than you
get I'd resign.
"Every day you invoke the power ol
your offtclal position to find lost Mn
That ln't what the people want!
"They don't want to find lost kin: they
want to lose kin thev alresdv have'
"I have a father-in-law who has made
his home with me for the past ,tn y, ar
and who Is very disagreeable, both to
the children and to me. I have no de
sire to murder him: neither do I wish
him to suffer, but Isn't there some way
of losing him that will be no violation of
the law?
"I have a brother, for whom ! hae
found work time and a fa in and more
often again for twenty years past, and
who never holds a Jib longer than a
month. Tha sweet tie of kinship is nice
for decorating tha turkey at Thanguglv
Xr sj: :JL -Li na4 ' 'a " Jt '
Vet It lUigbt Have Been morse
But Oh You Temptation!
BE Q05H1 A week Y
LOOKS QooD lb ASfc ,N6
UY tom iiiu:kn.
Copyright, nil. bt International News sarlos. I
' I .' ir.. 1
I A 215 ( A
UFRFS t IO PROFIT " ( PlU .TbV 1 "l n0llsir n e.rnilART ( hfi ;o HAMIMJMF 1
I FoR Von I WAMT ou kzJ , "nrY, J .-.v
lb COME To LUNCH v ' ' L Mg1lMPc.1
mother : I (vTZZfc fcrT-r--
in ,, a "i . i- ri Jar xxsri y x5-rWi p,a
I i LWmntm. gmrit m iti sm jm
i t?sn IV,YA YI HH W llA U
1 n L
I le ' I i order of
I Vi. ink mm 1 ., . , V. J tic rnce I
-L i?aa) I
jf" Quaint Questions
The Inconsiderate Mother
"1 c ould i numerate a Uo.eii relatives I
would like tu lose, unci five the names
of a hundrtd men who are toher and in
dustrioiiK and who pay the tax to meet
your princely salary as Kin commissioner
geneial, who also have kin they would
like to, but did you ever hand down
a decision that would help me or them?
"Oil the contrary, yu devote much
time in assixtlng the Idiotic, asinine per
son who hasn't heard from an uncle in
forty years, and who Is so blind to his
good luck he ai-Ks your assistance in
finding him.
"A prise piece cr Ingratitude grieves
berausa ha can't find the whereaoouts of
his father's third coin-in. and you pull
every string to find this missing kin
Instead of devoting that time and energy
to aint tliose people of Intelllpence who
are taking rare of paru.-ite relatives they
can't lose.
"All over this country ilieie ate men
and women who are kin-burdened, and
who know no legitimate and honorable
means of getting rid of tha burden but
hand lou a decision Unit tviil l.el
tliein'.' Never!
"A man who makes a public: office ol
as little service to the people an you
make yours. Lysander John Appleton
should be Impeached "
Too Small for Him
hpanlsh grandees delight In uumeious
names, even appropriating those that he
long to their wives' families. One of these
distinguished dons, wandering loo far
into tha country, went astray on a lonely
road lata at night. Ha knocked at tha
door of a small Inn, tha landlord of
which from an upper window shouted:
Who Is there?"
"Don Plego de Mend ira Kilva Ril.ero
( 1'mieiul Osarlo Ponce de Leon
(luzama Accrora Tellea y tilron," replied
the grandee.
"In that case," Interrupted tha Inn
keeper, closing Mi window, "go; thera la
In England it Is regarded as a lucky
omen for one to have money In his
pocket when he hears the cuckoo of tho
firt time In the season.
Virgil wast esteemed a magician and
conjurer bv the Ignorant, who thought
that the grotto of I'osllippo was exca
vated by the Incantations of the poet.
Romans averted hall by holding up a
looking glass to the dark cloud. Feeing
Its reflection In the mirror the cloud, it
was believed, would pass without Injur
ing the crops.
At the wedding of the daughter of the
houke In (lermany the old nurse presents
the first shoe worn by the bride to the
bridegroom, who, to Insure a prosperous
and happy married lit: fills U with gold
t4kaaaaVJIUBnanaBBnM ' ' '
"My daughter Is completely spoiled
since she went downtown to work.
"She used to be so sweet and oblUIng,
nnd now she sulks If we Just ask
her to match a
skein of silk for
us. and she goes
right by the store
every day. too. I
don't know what
Is the matter with
I heard a woman
say that about her
daughter tho other
day. and she looked
as If she'd lost her
last friend when
p(i '".j-t' Tell me. good
mother. do you
stop your husband
on tlis step and try
to get. hlnv to
match a skein of yarn for you on the day
he Is going in try a big case In court?
Oo you make him wait till you can run
In and get a. sample for him to go by
when he's on the way downtown to nmke
a real estate rale? If you do you're a
good deal of a failure an a wire.
That husband of yours Is making a
living for you and your children. You
know better, or you should know better,
than to put hurdles In the way for Inm
to cllmh over before he can get to the
place where the money Is.
He needs hl: bruin? every bit of It,
and Ms energy and his nerve force, and
If he fritters it all away matching
worsted or finding ssmples, what's he
going to have left lo make a dullar or
two with, pray tell ?
Why shouldn't you look at your
daughter's work the same way?
It's had enough for a woman to have
to go dovvnton every day, rain or shine.
hot or cold, hick or well; but when It
conn h to cHrrylng her piother's worsted
snd rimpleH ((round with her, cluttering
up her handbag, why, she might as well
slve up nnd do tatting for a living.
A woman's brain Isn't any more com
plex than a man's, but her work la.
What man on earth would ever amount
to anything In business If he had to
wash out his own shirts, press out a
handkerchief or two, do his socks In the
wash bow 1. mend his gloves, put a braid
on the bottom of hla coat sleeve every
other night before he went to bed, and
spend hit If his lunch hour racing from
one crowded shoproom to another look
ing (or hargnlns in decent shirtwaists
and sales In shoes?
Tet thousands of women do these
things right straight along, and run all
the downtown errands for a whole family
of thoughtless time waiters besides.
That girl of yours needs vej-y ounce
of brains she hns to compete with the
young fellow who doesn't do a thing in
llfo that he doesn't like to do except the
work he's paid for. Why do you try to
handicap her still further, and then won
der why Mary, who is so much cleverer
than John, never gets ahead aa fait
an he does?
"Mary is going right past the butcher',
let her order the meat," says Mrs. .
Married Sister, where Mary hoards.,
"Mnry passes the grocery, why tele-"
phone? It costs a nickel; let's take
dime's worth of Mary's time and a'quar-':
ter's worth of her strength' and- make
her order the things for luncheon."
"Mary can run Into Thread Needle'a
and get those little things the seamstress
wants. She can tnke time at noon," and
poor Mary does all these things, and liVr
head feels like a waste paper basket
full of oddn and ends of other people's
letters and other peoples hills, .biuI
other people s affairs . In general, and
there Isn't room left In her brain for the
business she's paid to do, and do quickly
and clearly and efficiently.
"Changed." Is she, that daughter of
yours? Well, then, there's some hope
for her. She may make a success of
business In spite of you, oh. foolish,
selfish, Inconsiderate Mother.
The Superior Class
lly Dl lil KT IllimKI.
'rfie use of power to form a self-ap
point' d superior class Ih the one thlnrf
that has made calamity of so long life
This superior clans has ever been a
menace and always
a curse to Itseir,
at least. Its dis
tinguishing feature
ia to exclude. It
Is OHHlflod selfish
ness, or caste, as
opposed to en
lightened self-interest.
It has its rife
usually In humllitv,
often coming in the
name of liberty,
and by bestowing
a benefit gets a
grip on things;
then its second
generation con
sumes largely and
ceases to produca.
The counii'. tl..ii
hail the largest army and the greatest
number of preachers, doctors ami law
yers Is nearest death.
The superior Hush Is a burden No
nation ever survived It long, none ever
This volunteer superior clacs has al
ways thought that good Is to be gained
by side-steeping labor, by wearing costly
and peculiar clothing, by being carried
In a palanquin, bv being waited on by
KervaniM. bv eating and drinking at mid
night, by attaining a culture that is be
yond the reach of most, through owning
1 hi litis- that only a few ran enjoy these
are ih" aniluiions of the self-appointed
superior class.
Most of the colleges and universities
of Christendom have withered mankind
by inculcating the Idea that to belong
to the superior clasi was a very desirable
thing. Every college proofessor, until
yesterday, urged us to attach ourselves
to the superior class by hook or crook
mostly crook. All who do not belong
want to belong, and look forward to the
day when they may. The example In
fects, then pollutes and poisons
Tha superior class lives by Its wits or
on the surplus earned by slaves or men
who are dead. You are dead yourself
when you live on the labor of dead men
you si e so near drove ntrg that you clutch
society und pull It under with you.
To exclude Is to be excluded When the
superior class shuts out the poor and so
called Ignorant, It is deprived of all tha
spiritual benefit the lowly have to give.
Caste Is a Chinese wall that shuts people
In as well us out. If you can make people
kind, not merely respectable, the problem
of the ages will be solved.
Tills bogus legal tender of gentility,
which Is the chief asset of the superior
class, can never be done away with
through violence and revolution. Thll
has been tried again and again. Revolu
tion Is a surgical operation that ever
haves the roots of the cancer untouched.
The remedy Is a new method of educa
tion which will teacR men to be, not seem
- that w ill give pupils diplomas, on what
they can do, not on what they can
At a guess, I will say that the millen
nium will come In this way. First Men
will decline to affiliate with a social club
that offers a reward for blind credulity.
Second Men will refuse to enlist as
soldiers for any other reason than to pro
tect from an Immediate invasion threat
ening their homes.
Third-rnrenta will refuse to send their
children to any school, college or uni
versity where the curriculum does not
provide that at least .one-half of ths
school day shall be spent in productive
Worst of All
There Is In a western town g Judgs
who occasionally hits the flowing bowl
until It puts him down and out. On
morning, following an unusually swift
encounter with the alcoholic foe, be ap
peared in his office looking sad and
shaken up.
"How are you this morning, Sam?"
Inquired a friend.
"Wmse than I've ever been." replied
the Judge, with a groan. "I'm In had at
home. When 1 left the house a Itttle
while ago the children were calling ma
gatn and my wife was addressing ma M