Fhe Omaha Daily Bee Our MagaziM Features Wit, hnisor, fi-mon atd coir.ie pictures the best of entertain ment. Instruction, amusement WEATHER FORECAST. Fair, Cooler VOL. XLT-XO. '.U. OMAHA, TIITTRSTAT MOWXIXO. '"ORE I? ). 1011- -TAVKLVE PAUES. single copy two cexts. PRESIDENT SEES BRONCHOS BUCK Reproduction of Frontier Day Cele bration Put on at Iheyeane for Taft's Benefit. 3PONTES NAMED FOR BIG HEN Executive's Namesake Proves Too Much for Its Rider. .SPENDS THE DAY IK WYOMING Telli Wool Growers that Fvesent Tariff is Too High. SALT T.ATTT. CITY. UTAH. NEXT President Lrnvri Ratlins. Wn., After TM-MInn'' Mop In thnt ! Town for iM-Mut A Islt In ! Noted fit. I J RAWLINS. Wj - . Or- i -- rr!.Jil , fraft spent toonv 1,1 Wyrr.V.- He left , Rawlins aftc" ;i len-m n1;!1' -1 p tonight for Salt Lake City. O v.Iimo he w-.t. spend tomorrow At Cheyenne CliaO li .n -.t li: r "Por tion committee had .-lrrar.-.f-.l a ml'iature reproduction of the ".-Mn's" made fa mous by the annual fvn..cr Uv celebra tion. Mr. Taft. wat--i.: "-, bucking bronchos, the races hi'"'-, -ovboys dP6 the roping of wild hrr ' i:h great In terest. He review wvfu! t'e.i.sarnl ' diers from Fett P A i'l..-'- ir.spec'ed the town from ar. automobile anil spoke on his tariff vetoes In the opera house to a good sized crowd At Laramie, the pres. -lent w as taUer. fu ll short automobile ride, after which he made a brief speech, ar l a' Rawlins he made another she .-v'- from the rear platform of hi rnr. Sees nrnr.cli-'R 'Mddrn. The frontier day show -it Cheyenne was as near a reproduction of the annual affair as Irwin could make It. There were about W cowboy, ro-vplrls. busters, and less Important persons connected with it. Mr. Taft watched the perform ance from the Jurtrcs' stand with United States Senator Warren and Governor Carey, and appeared to enioy exceedingly the riding of bucking and outlaw horses.. The stand held only a few thousand persons outside, the soldiers from Fort Russell, nearby, and the element of the picturesque that the natives say is seen In the annual affairs was lacking to a large degree. Irwin showed himself s good stage manager, however, by renaming some of the ponies entered In the bucking con test. There wn one called "Billy Taft." another named "Archie Butt." a third that bucked under the name of "Schedule X." and another that the residents of Cheyenne declared was almost unridc aVble, that Irwin had put down on the program a "Teddy Roosevelt." Namesake Throng Hlder. "Billy Taft" was the first pony to be addled and Jack Martin, a buster with real chaps, with the hair on them a foot long, tried to ride him. Martin got about twenty f?et beyond the Judges' stand and then dismounted headfore most. Next came Archie Butt" ridden by Frank Carter, former champion buster of the world. Archie proved docile and Carter rode him easily up the track and Into the corral. "Senator Warren,' llddcn by Hugh Clark; "Aeroplane, " with Kill Baker on his back; "Reciprocity," ridden by John Kickall, were subdued handily and 'Schedule K." gave up almost without a struggle, whereat those In the presi dent's party laughed heartily. Teddy RooBevell, manned by Paul Hen een, insisted on concerting himself into a small whirlwind 'hat revolved at an estimated speed of rot lets than thirty miles an hour, Hen.-e.i .-tu?k on for a couple of minutes. Inn then decided to ascend and chose Teddy t head as a stepping block. Is the ladles' half mile race, Pauline Irwin, a little girl with golden hail tied with a bright red nbb..n, dressed in a khaki riding suit,, e.une ur.fiei the wire first, riding as well a i .:; of the men did, standing i;p in iht -t..rups '.villi a whip in one ban) .nil i,?ulns all the plaudits of the crowd. Itt the opera house the president de clared among other thing? that the pres ent wool tariff is too high and announced his Intention to revise downward. Chey enne Is in the center of the sheep country end the president ai little applause for that announcement. Bryan Leaves To.day On Tour of the State UNCOLN, Neb., oct. 4 -Wm. J. Bryan Adll leave Lincoln tomorrow on a speak ing tour of the stale .vhuti is to last until October 21. Mr. tiiyun expects, to deliver three oddiesse- each du. a large part of his nine will uc spent in the Third congre.-,s:c.ni.: ..'.niiei. one of the two district'- o. the cnutu staies to elect a eongre'.a:jn this year. Edgar Situdrm tli, I,-, i.iiliiaion. EDGAR, N'c-b , Oct. l.tbpecial.i Quite a bad accident hap ei.ed at the hlch school yesterday. Se.i, i men, hers ..f ine cLemioiry class ,u the Uliwator:' making tome ir; i - one . : tic- siudeios. Earl Wheeland. . in;i...n- - o:u, tcsu with potassium ,'lnoiie nnd iipum ii wanted to produce the eiacUdng explo sions that occui wlieu small piunt ities of these substance:- an niul.eil tofceiher in a mortar, but l,t taj put in loo inu. h and the explosion w., tnhtfu1, llowira the mortar into fiument.-, a piece sink ing him in tee , r f '!, iefi band tearing it bau.y aiei ;ji,o-h. , .-Tikr.g tn- little fmger of Hie ru'u ... i.,. la n j lir.ij It quite badly The t a-h in.iii t he- explo sion struck him In Uie l,i,r ar.,i a pie. e Of the mortar, cutting tm- fi-fh and the eyeball also. Just what ihe damage to ths eye will be from fumes and smoke and the out by the piece of mortar ran not yet be determined, but It is hoped Uit It will not be very e,,v:. Modtrera itraainea Flight To.tnj. HUNTINGTON, ml. Oct. ;-c. F. Badgers, the coast to coaat aviator. aid today that he expects to resume hts (il hi toward Chicago tomorrow. Rumor that General Reyes Will Organize Junta in San Antonio MF.XICO CITY. O-t 4--1-1 Tali- today publishes a fce nsaibial tehgrsm from t-an Antonio. Tex., to the effect thn the fol lowers of General Reyes and the deposed president. General Pla. have established a Junta in that city and await the ar rival of Reyes. The telegram permits the inference that a new Insurrection la to b begun.. The paper rfo publishes a dispatch from Juarez saying that a revolt v ill be begun before December General M;tdero, the president-elect, attache little impor tance to these report. General Reyes sailed from Havana for New Orleajis yesterdav . . A cablegiam received here Sunday from Rev es said that he was going to Han Antonio. NKW fllU.KA.VS, Oct I .-Colonel l'aui Mason! a member of the Ameiicau legion, which led the fighting In the , apture of Juarez by the forces of General Maiero. arris ed here several days ago from Sun Antonio. Tex for the purpose of meet ,iik General Reyes. .Mason said be ha.l been loid General Reyes would establish htrsriepinrtfTs of a new Mexican political movement in Sun Antonio. "And," be said. "1 wanted to offer him the seivlces of a few bundled well trained men In enso there was likelihood of another scrap " Miss Susan Holdrege and Dr, Hollister Wed Tne wedding of Miss Pusajl Holdrege. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Holdrege. to Dr. Robert R. Hollister was celebrated Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock at All Saints' church. Rev. Thomas J. Mackay officiating. The bride was becomingly gowned In white satin rharmeusse made round length, with bodice elaborately trimmed win, duchess lace. The long white satin court train wa? held in place with pearl ornaments at the shoulders. The veil was of duchess point and a family heir loom, having been worn by the bride'a grandmother. The bride rarrled a shower of lilies of the valley and orange blos soms' held the veil In place. Miss Leeta Holdrege was maid of honor and the biltksmaids were: Miss Frances Rogers of St. Paul. Miss Helen Bontecou of Kansas City. Miss Eleanor Morse of Kansas City nnd Miss Ruth Wlggelsworth of Boston. AM of the bride's attendants were gowned alike, in pale green messa line draped on one side with white chif fon, the opposite side being trimmed with pink chiffon rosebuds. They all carried arm bouquets of pink roses. Mr.- Bernard W. Capen was best man ami the ushers were: Messrs. Hal W, Yates, William B. Hughes, Ralph R. Rainev. Edward A. Holyoke, Jr.; Qaorge 11. Watson of Boston and Henry A. Holdrege. Following the ceremony a small recep tion was held at the' borne of Mr. and Mrs. Holdrege for th relatives and few intimate friends. Mrs. G W. Holdrege wore black satin bride, wore mauve tissue, on which was real lace. Mrs. T. I,. Kimball, grandmother of the bride, wore mauve tissue, an which was a design of velvet flowers of the same shade. This was made over soft pink tatln and trimmed with duchess point. Miss Arabella Kimball wore white satin with tunic of white gauze elaborately beaded. The out-of-town guests Included four MMcrs of Mr. Holdrege: Mrs. R. C. Wat son of Boston, Mis. N. H Stone of Bos ton. Mrs Cbailes I". Morse and Mr More of Kansas City, Mrs. Daniel Kontecou and Mr. Bontecou of Kansas City, other out-of-town gueets besides the members of the wedding party were: Mr. and Mrs. George Watson of Boston, Mr and Mrs. Edward Holyoke. Mrs. Cbailes P Rogers of St. Paul. Mrs. AV'lg Linth of Boston and Mr. and Mrs. George. E. Povey of Plattsmouth. After a wedding trip Dr. and Mrs. Hollister will reside in Dundee. Governors Confer Over Rail Brief ST l.l.TTS. Oct. V -Governor Hjule of Missouri and Governor Harmon of Ohio, c bo were Joined tid.iv bv Goxerfior Aid rich of Nebraska, resumed the prepara tion of a brief w hich will be filed in the I'nlted States supreme court In the Min nesota rate cae and which will outline the control which they contend the states have on commerce within their borders. The form of the brief bail been decided i" n b fore the governors w ent into session. i r' it was said that the wo k now to be dor was the wording cf the Idea the "overnors desue the supreme court to I onsider. The preparation of the brief is the re sult of the recent conference of gover nora of different states at Spring Lake, N. J , at which speeches were made on Hie rights of Mutes to control intrastate late... which Ji.dge f-anhorn s deiltiion I'K OICs YOUNG MAN BLINDED BY EXPLOSION OF GASOLINE SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Oct. 4-iSpe-rial. I--John O filler, a boy living at Mont rose, was perhaps permanently - blinded ami nariowl .-scaped with bl:. life as the full ' mat.:'i being lii.tej at an Inoppo. t one tone The young man wa-t 'Mjrl.lir- uio'nd hi- aiitoinobiv in an fluit to adjust a :ea!- In ibe tank of the machine. In order that lie might see better, a friend stepped up and lighted a match The escaping gas instantly caught fire and exploded, young O'Brien i'tcePii,t. t1(. fill force of the explosion "si. -n r.i taie. I'i.., : icians have 'urht hopes of si, i n - his evesight Ofl.'B. CLARK HYDE iSKS FOR CHANGE OF VENUE KANSAS CITY. Oct. 4 -Application for change of venue In the ease of Dr. B Clarke Hyde, whose second trial on the r barge of murdering Colonel Thomas H Swr.r.e p to begin October 11. was filed with lo'ce Ralph S. l.at.how In thu u.m.ns' court here toll v. Change of venue to Juc.-e K. K Porteifleld's di vision of the criminal court 1 aaked on the ground of prejudice. The application will be heard October I FURKS DRIVEN j PROM TRIPOLI.! Italian Fleet Resumes Bombardment and Demolishes Remaining Fortifications. GUNS REMOVED TO HEIGHTS Firing is Resumed, but Gunners Are Dispersed by Shrapnel. PREPARING TO LAND TROOPS Four Thousand Soldiers Will Be Sent Ashore in Few Hours. LIGHTHOUSE IS DESTROYED" (.rent fre la Taken to Avoid Pem nare to Bnllrtlncs and Firing U Mow and Dellherete rit Deserted h Inhabitants. LONDON. Oct. 4 A news dlnch from Rome gives the following account if the bombardment of Tripoli: At S o'clock yesterday afternoon Vice Admiral l'nrrer lllo signalled to the battleships Giuseppe Garibaldi and Francesco Ker ruclo thict the bombardment wa about to begin. Tbete vessels with the flag shlrj. Benedetto Erin, steamed up to within two kilometers (about a mile and a third) of the town. At 3.80 o'clock the Garibaldi fired the first shells, which wer.) directed at the povernor's ralace and well placed. Im mediately the palace and the Amelbi Sultuna forts replied with n number or shots from ln-centimeter guns. The Turk ish aim was bad. I.lshtbonse Destroyed. The cruiser Vares and the Ferruclo di rected their fire against the fortifica tions at the lighthouse on the mole, which replied with smaller guns. Flags were flying over all the consulates. The forts showed Turkish flags. After the bombardment had progressed Mr one hour shells from the Varea de stroyed the lighthouse, which collapsed In ruins. The Italian fire was now becoming heavier while that of the forts was growing feeble. Many Turkish guns were seen to have been dismounted. The governor's palace was riddled with shot and severely battered. The central forts ceased firing at 11 o'clock, but the outer forts. Hamldleh and Pultanla. kept up the defense. Their shots were better directed. The quays were deserted. A number of fires broke out. The bombardment ceased at dark., Bombardment la Besomed. The bombardment was resumed this morning. It waa heavier than that of yesterday, but the outer forts had been reduced to ruins and were unable to re ply. The Turks removed their guns to the heights beyond the town and reopened fire from there. They were, however, dispersed by shrapnel from the street. The first white flags began to appear. The Italians are now preparing to land 4.000 men from the ships. The fleet was unharmed and there were no casualties in the fleet during the bombardment. The warships confined their fire so far as possible to the forts and the palace and were careful to spare private buildings. The destruction of the lighthouse was necessary because It was adjacent to the fort, which kept up its fire. Numbers of daring Arabs wstched tbe spectacle from the minarets that sur mount the town. Report of Italian Admiral. ROME, Oct. 4. It is officially stated to day that Vice Admiral Faravelll sends a message to the government stating that the bombardment of the main batterlea at Tripoli commenced at 2 o'clock yes terday and continued until eunset. The batteries replied to the Italian fire without effect. The admiral intimates that the bombardment will be resumed today In order to completely destroy the batteries. The greatest care was taken by the Italian gunners to avoid damag ing the buildings of the town- Only a light proportion of the batteries were destroyed. The dispatch to the government was timed ot Tripoli at 7:4S o'clock last night. The message to the government from Vicc-Admlial Faravelii waB as follows: - ON BOA RP Tllli BAT TLE.-II 1!" BRIN. (Tuesday. 7:45 p ni ) A bom bardment was commenced at 3.30 o'clock thin afternoon on the principal batteries of Tripoli and was continued until sun set. The batteries responded to the Ital ian fire, but without effect. The bom bardment will be continued tomorrow un til the destruction cf the batteries has been completed. "Great care wa tsken during the bombardment not to damage the city. Only a lighthouse on one of the batteries was destroyed." Rear Admiral Aubrey, tn command of the Italian fleet at Tripoli, reports that In bombarding that city he spared all the consulates, ships, churches, monas teries and convents, aiming only at the fortifications. Tim range of the TnrklBh rannon was so short that the ships were enabled to approach the city closely and so take accurate aim. The bombardment was protracted be cause of this extreme care to avoid use less bloodshed and to respect the homes of noncombatants and the mosques' None of the Turks' .hots reached the ships. Admiral Aubrey ordered that the ships abstain from using gnus of the largest caliber, as they were unneces sary. From the battleships the off?rs could see the effect of their shots and realized tnat In a few hours all the forts might be destroyed and their batteries silenced This, however, would be at the cost of the lives of all the defenders, a result which the fleet was trying to avoid. Scarc-lv any of the population remains in Tripoli. All rerwirts that the bombardment or Tripoli are causing great destruction must be discredited. It is announced here, until given official confirmation. MafcaJi brousbt to Taranto. TAIU.NTO. Italy, Oct. S.-The Italian aimored cruiser Marco Polo brought here today the Turkish transport Sabah. which It had captured. Great excitement pre ui ed ipirliig inc discnil.jr'.ai'on o.' the pilsoiiu.- Theae Include a Turkish general, a colonel cf the medical corps and many (Continued on Baoond Pa.) ' iy 01 ral From the Bt. Louis Glohe-Democrst. DEMOCRATIC JiEADERS NOISY In Boisterous Argument Over Qual ity of Presidential Timber. MA HER DECLARES BRYAN DEAD Hla Reasoning la Resented It) Others, Who Derlarei Wood row Wilson Is the Mrongeet Available Man. For the purpose, aa they claim, of tak ing in Ak-lpar-Bwi, a number of the democratic Jader"J of the state have gath ered in Omaha, among them being W. H. Thompson, the "Little Giant," of Hall county; Richard L. Metcalfe, political spokesman for W. J. Bryan; John G. Maher, booster for Harmon, and Mike Harrington, a captain of the Woodrow Wilson forces. While paiing tribute to the king, they also have been mixing the dope and making political medicine. Home of the mixing occurred in the rotunda of tho 1 ax ton Tuesday night, where there came might close to being a mlxup that had not been scheduled. Nobody seems to know Just how the affair started, but for fifteen or twenty minutes It furnished the crowd in the lobby wtih plenty of ex citement and thrillers. Metcalfe, Matter and Harrington were engaged In a three-cornered argument over the quality of democratic presiden tial Umber for next year, when Metcalfe Insisted that former Governor Folk of Missouri possessed the qualities that fitted him 101 a good start and equally as good a finl.-h hi ihe presidential race. Both Maher and Harrington scoffed tho idea, the former pronouncing Harmon tint only man who can carry Nebraska and the other slatce, while Harrington urged that Woodrow Wilson has all others beaten long before the start. Finally Maher shot one at Metcalfe, demanding information as to why Bryan la now golntl up and down eatupal-. ihk along national lines, when not Ion, uk" he stated that he would not campuign in an off year, adding that Bryan Is now seeking to commit the party to a plan of hla own, aa he sought to commit Hit) democratlo party to prohibition at the Grand island convention luat year. Metcalfe la Hnffled. The Maher poeltlon considerably ruf fled Metcalfe, who immediately informed the Lincoln man that Biyan tt not talking national issues, but that he was "putting a few crimps Into the Harmon boom." At thia point Harrington drew cards by dropping Wilson for the time and taking up the cudgel for Bryan, intimating that right here in Nebraska, If he could get before the paople, be could be elected to the United States aenate. The Harrington admission caused Met calfe to smile and addressing himself to the O'Neill statesman, remuiked: "Right you are, and ou seem to be waking up and coming to your senucs, instead of beating a worthless tom-tom." Kosuniing the ga.ne. In a voice hold far out in the corridor, Colonel Maher fcot back at the increasing Br) an senti ment by saying: "Krau is a dead uux in this state sua could not be elected lo liny utfice." "Stronger tuan evei, and ou will mil him so before you net rll of him," vol unteered Harrington. "Bet you ll.UO you are off on your calculations, and J II bet you a like amount that Harmon can carry the state." came from Maher, sa the. three men got close together, swinging their arnie In a manner that might have meant disaster for some of th'Mii had not Iriends stepped in and culled time on the debate. ORIGINAL SHERLOCK HOLMES IS DEAD IN SCOTLAND LONDON, Oct. 4 -Joseph Bell, the eminent Heottish surgeon, who was the original of the character of feherlock Holmes, died today at his home at Milton Bridge. Midlothian. He was 74 years old and waa an Instructor of Conan Doyla at Edinburgh untvaratlty. His hobby was the study of Duystorlous 0 rimes, It Her Ak-Sar-Ben Ball Gown Funeral Services of Rear Admiral Schley This Afternoon WASHINGTON. Or-t. 4-FuneraJ serv ices for Admiral Schley will be held In Ft. John's church here tomorrow after noon The Interment will he at the national cemetery at Arlington Four companies of marines and two companies of blue Jackets from Phila delphia. Annapolis and Washington and a naval band will form a military esoort from the Schley home lo the church, and thence to the grave. ANNAPOLTP. Md.. Oct. 4 Captain John H. Gibbons, superintendent of the naval academy. Issued orders today for the "no midshipmen to go to Washington tomorrow to attend the funeral of Rear Admiral Wlnfleld Fcntt fVhlev. FIGHT ON HARDCOAL TRUST Attorney General Files Brief with Supreme Court. CHARGES AGAINST THE COMBINE Hill Asks that Coal Companies and Certain Railroads Be Adludaed Violators of the Sher man Art, WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. -Attorney Gen eral Wlckersham today by filing a brief in the supreme court of the I'nlted Mates began his fight before that tribunal to have the principal coaJ-carrvIng 1 ail roads and rnal owning companies In the anthracite coal regions adjudged to bo In violation of the Sherman antl-truHt law. An entirely different attack was made, on the corporations from that In PennRj lvanla. where the government Inst 111 nearly every point. The ueuuencv with which the aiiornev UMiersI in his brief cited the Standard oil and Tobacco decisions indicated that these decisions have revolutionized the methods of "trust busting" in the De partment of Justice. The government argued that the de fendant railroads, the Philadelphia -Reading. Lehigh Valley. Delaware. I.ai'k avana . Western, Central Railroad of New Jersey, Kile & New York, Husqtie hanna S. Western Railroads; the holding company and affiliated coal companies are In tho combination. Battleship Oregon Is Ordered to Sea SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 4 -For tho first time in six years the battleship Oregon has been ordered mud ready for sea. orders received at the l'uget Hound nay yard yesterday diierting that the famous old fighting craft and the cruiser Bt. Ixiuis prepare for a cruise by October 121. The Oregon was recently put In corti I mission n a part of the t'a, If 10 reset vn Lvpiadrioi. lifter having be. n rebuilt at a '.cost el more than II.IK'.OU1! TWO MASRAY MEN PLEAD GUILTY IN DAVENPORT DAVENfoRT, la, Oct. 4 -F.dward Kills and Waiter Nolan, pleaded guilty in the I nited 8tates district court hem today to charges of being Implicated In the operations of the famous Mabray gang of swindlers and were fined $.'! 1 each and sentenced to three months In the Polk county lall at Pes Moines Kills Is the man said to have engineered the deal whereby John Cavanaugb of Dav enport was swindled out of t;rf.Son nt New Oi leans. I liiinffeor Returns Jewels. NEW YORK. Pet. 4 An honest chauf feur called at the house of Samuel F. Artier todav and handed h'm a bag con taining Jewelry' worth 10,7:iO whlih Adler lost last night in a taxlcab. The Jewelry belonged to Mrs. Adler. Ths chauffeur was rewarded. n PERKINS ON TRUST PROBLEM He Says Congress Failed to Keep Promise to Revise Sherman Act. CHAOTIC CONDITIONS PREVAIL Banker Sngaeste that Congress A p. point Commission tn Inveett aate Stains and ?4eda of Hla Combinations. DETROIT, Mich.. Oct. 4.-S"peak1ng to day before the Detroit Board -of Com merce to the topic, 'It la the function, of the law to define and punish wrong doing and not to throttle business," George W. Perkins of New York said that the cople had voted In favor of amending the Hherman anti-trust law. The voters, he said, had approved a plank of the republican national plat form In lfHJX. Mr. Perkins said there could be no mistaking the language used. The re publican parly hsd expressed Itself In favor of amending the Hhermen set; It clearly Indicated that companies having "power and opportunity to effect mo nopolies," and also clearlv Indicated fhe lines along which the law should be amended. "The democratic party," ho continued, "at tho same time in the trust plank of Its plHtform, among other things, de clared for a policy that would prohibit tho control by a 'manufacturing or trad ing corporation engaged In Interstate commerce of moie than M per cent of the total amount of anv production con sumed In the I'nlted Htatce.' "With these platfoims the respective parties went before the people of this country in a vigorous campaign. Each party attacked the other's platform and the subject was debated pro and con all over the land One Is safely within hounds In saying that the most effective speaker in the republican cause In that cHlii';il!n was Govern lr Huuhes. and ;.,iiullv witnin bounds In saving that the J most effective speech of the campaign was hla 'Reply to Bryan," delivered at Youngstown, O., on September S. lltdS. In that speech Governor Hughes analysed Ihe platforms of the leapective parties In j no uncertain language." j I'roitlr ote tor nirniliiirnt, I Mr. Perkins quoted extensively fiom Mr. I Hughes' speech and added; I "Willi such platforms and after such' j a campaign the people voted on the la ! sues submitted and, by a plurality of over l,Anoj voiea returned tlsj- lepubllcaii 'paity to power In both the legislative ! uml executive brandies j "The only vestign of keeping Tilth 1 w ith the peopli on anv limit iuo!ve. hi this question and as discussed In the j campaign Is found In the supreme court's I recent trust decisions, winitui the Mile j of reason' In applied, and in connection Willi this significant fact are the follow i iug closing sentences from the Voungs j town speech of Governor Hughes ifor the j lasl vein a member of Hi, supreme i com tn I "Hut In our progres we nio-l eok to avoid false steps ours must bo the nile f .. e'-o.l. 1 , il-e.,il. euln.. ...''leil ,;'i.l steadfast; defeating the conspiracies of intrluiie and escaping the pitfall: of 'folk, soipreme muni be the sense of lustlce. with us recoanliatlon of our mutual dependence. I li.mllr (ondtlona lOtlat. "The congress which adopted this do nothing'' policy, which failed to carry out these as well as other Instructions re ceived fioni the people In the last na tional election was repudiated by the people al our 1 lections of a yesr ago, an.l now chaotic c oiclil. ons exist 111 the cor porate business world, which 'mingle the innocent and tin' guilty in a common condemnation.' " t Inrlnnatl Wants Conventions. CINCINNATI. Oit. S. Officials of the Cincinnati Commercial sasoclatlnn in noun, id today that body would attempt to bring the national conventions uf both the demociatic and republican parties here next ear. '. O. McCiuie, superin tendent of the association, said i.in,tiO he been pledged and that llOo.mu more can be obtained for the construction of a convention hall to have soauug capacity of 2s,uw4 parsons. KINO RECEIVES KEY TO CIBOLA Royal Monarch Enters the Chief City of His Entire Kingdom in State. MAYOR DAHLMAN GIVES KEYS Long Pageant Wends Way Through Principal Thoroughfares. THOUSANDS JOIN IN WELCOME Streets Are Mass of Humanity Along the Entire Route. MOVE MADE ON THE HIGHWAY King's r I it re of Amosetnent Filled to the Mnrstlns Point hy the Thnnaanda Who Make Merry Tims, Titles of FInnta. I Psmson's Anthology. II - Feast of Mondam'.n, ISM. itlJ-Kenst of Olympia. IsM. IV raueant of Qnlvera, 1??7. V Constellations, l.W VI Tho Alhamhra. 1K8. VII Gems of Grand and Comic Opera, ir! VIII Isle of the Fea. W IX When Knighthood Was In Flower piOl. N-The Festival of Fairyland, POS. XI Poem Pictures. 1!W. XII The Story of the Hate. l?o4. XIII The World of Mystery. Vi XIV The Nations of the Farth, 1W. XV Pay We Celebrate and Pongs V King. iwr. XVI The Golden West and Psmson 'r Polytlx, im. XMI-The World's Pta.ge, 1W. XVIII The Ship of State and Sam son's Quaint Quip. 1W0. XIX The Initiations XX His Majesty, the King. Kins; Comes to Town. The king Is here. Unrivaled In power. unmatched In splendor and unequaled In renown by any former ruler of the house of Ak-Par-Ren. King Ak Par-Ben XVII. new monarch of Quivers, entered his capital In state last night amid the deafening cheers of the multitudes assembled from all psrts of his realm to do him honor. To his loving and zealous subjects his chariot seemed the center of the uni verse. In the grand pageant that cel ebrated his entry the nineteen floats that preceded the royal equlppage, each seeming to outshine Its predecessor In beauty and maamlflcenoe, tired not ths attention of the expectant thousands, but served only to increase their tremulous eagerness for the first peep at the be nign countenance of their latest aover elgn. For many daya the knights 0 ffhe kingdom snd their ladles and children had been gathering, many coming from the farthest confine of the country, even to the land of the Pakotas and far-away Rocky mountains, and for many daya the capital city baa been a Bcene of carnival festivity. The spirit of thanksgiving for the accession of the new king pervaded every home In the land, from the mansion of the million aire to the cottage of the humblest ar tisan. All wished to be among those lo welcome their sovereign, and so all who could by any possibility leave their work aday duties for a season gathered in the klnfg's chief city to hall hiin. I rnnili Ire Knormoni. Bsmson. the royal lord high chamber lain, believes that never before were seen so many people in the city s streets, except when William McKinley addressed the throngs at the Trans-Mlsslsslppl ex position. So feaiful were the people that they would not get a place along the street from which I hey could get a close view of the monaich that hundreds began to take their stations In favorable positions along the main thoroughfares as early as 6 o'clock, aome not going to dine at all. but munching lunch from hags they carried In their bunds. "Seats' on the court house lawn were all taken early In the evening. The seventh hour cf the evening saw the town so thriuiKeid that 1t became ex ceedingly difficult for one to raws throuf h the crowds snd by the eighth hour, when the forcguard of the royal procession entered the north gate of the city, It eeemed that every citizen of the entire kingdom must be on hand. They packed tho walks from gutter curb to building wall, thev covered the entrance portico roofs, thev looked from every window of office structures; their carriages and automobiles filled all the side streets for a block from the routs of the procession. Conditions Are Aamplrton. No sclou of the dynaaty of Ak-6ar-Ben ever came to his coronation festival un der more auspicious oondltlons. Nature gave clear skies and agreeable tempera ture and nothing arose to mar ths pleas ure or the people In the advent of their prince. MMd.idn of lights on arch, parapet and dome ami hanging in festoons over the -route of his triumphal march made the scene almost as light aa day. "Hurrah! Hurrah!" veiled the throngs as each float passed, and "Hall the king" thev shouted as the roval car came Into slpht, snd "Long live the king" they (Cntii luued on Second Page.l Boxes of O'Brien s Candy. Dalzt'U's Ice Cteam Bricks. Base Ball Tickets. All are gitu away Iron to ttobu who iiud thoir usum la ilia want add. Read tne a ant ads every day, your uaujo will appear bum time, ui L luore tuna once. No puzzles to iolve nor sub scription to ut Ju.t read ths waul ads. Turn to tba want ad pages there you will lind nearly every business bouse la the city re, resented.