Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1911, Commercial Section, Image 9

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    The Omaha Daily
Locking Backward
This Day in Ormha
ThJrt.v Twenty Ten Years Ago
Zee Editorial ?i&o cf tuch la-lie
Part Two
Commercial Section
Industrial Omaha is Exploited with
Thirty-Sis Floats
As the Blr Parade Movm Along b j
Principal TtaoronRhfnrrs Prac
tical Dcmonitrillnnii Are
Made on Floats.
(Continued from F'rst P.ig?
a large picture of Merrurv. trie god of
I commerce. Near the front f the foat
I mrmm ft Knc nnen iirni"i i n nnd In h "CA let.
ixer vu the legend: ' t'-e home-made
I 2 L. O. Doup company had the second
float, where, mattress upholstering mi-j
chlnery In full operation was pla-ed in i
the front part of the float. .;n!e the iear
j wu composed i f a glided rje where
I geese, from which teitliers for the mit
jajssses were obtained, were rnnfirf.l and
Vara In charge of a woman d:essed as &
I Hon tamer.
; H The float of the Haarmaivi 'ins---.and
Pickle company was artist H-ajly d?.
orated with bottles of catsup fo nied in
I pretty designs, flanked on a'l '.d's. w.tii
Jars of pretty green pickle.- '.'jo n.cii
, and three beautiful in3ids srai .'. the fluat
with their presence
4 An air-driven tlieting mac'.. In show
ing an exact reproduction of how t,io
fcteel girders on sky-scrapers are f'jstcncj
J togther, and a machine poitraying the
. manufacture of electric light polot. was
exhibited by the Paxton-M r'.mg cjm-
6 D, J. O'Brien company diB,.laeil four
Immense sticks of candy on each of the
four corners of the float, with ecn
- candymaker? "spinning ' stick cand and
l making choice sweets, elicited applause j
rmm rnn'iii cit u'flTrnort wno imn
' - ....
, botn aides or tn street. A i anay iac-
I tory In the miniature was thown at one
Doors Are Mu.dc.
8 A small mill with lathes and ma-
' chines portraying the nanuf acture of
doors, window sashes, etc., gaw ihn on
looker an In3ight Into th manner
manufacture the most staple article in
1 the builders' trade doors, was exhibited
; by Adams & Kelly. Powei for this float
was furnished by a gasoline engine.
7 Cudahy Packing company presented
the "Old Dutch Cleanser." which is la
mlllar to everyone and which waj given
, the exclusive use of the Cudahy float.
' Samples of the washing ponder we.c
' thrown freely Into the crowd,
j 8 A full equipment of machine! y loi
the manufacture of brick operated by
' employes of the plant was shown by the
Smith Brick company.
9 A group of pretty , girls manufactur
ing bags and also horse bfankets occu
pied the float of The Eemis Cmaba'Bag
company. They showered the crowd
with aouvenir bags and blankets as" they
I were produced.
a. i o,,,.,. "
' pany consisted of a complete plant for-,
constructing boxes.' sand-as Ui. float wa4
ftrawn along the street box were man
i ufactured. On op of
machinery was a large rooster, indicat
ing that the company had something to
crow about. - - .
11 The Standard Stock Focd company
showed a complete miniature barnyard
with all the barnyard population,' geeSe,
ducks, chickens, a horse, and the farmer
and hi wife were on the float and the
stock food was beingfed to the fowls
and animals.
Girls Label Bacon.
1-Bwlft & Co. exhibited on Its
float a smoke house, in which SwifKs
Premium hams were being cured. A
corps of pretty girls were labeling the
hama, and bacons.
li The Omaha Structural Steel works
had two floats in the parade, the first
being occupied by a number of men
riveting eteel girders. Power for the
riveting apparatus was furnished by a
line of hose extending from float No. 13
"B," which showed the operation of a
boiler-making plant.
14 Loose-Wiles Biscuit company, ex
hibited a model sanitary biscuit plant
In full operation. The lilscuits were not
only made on the. float, bu. were also
boxed and made ready for marketiitj.
1 Eggera-O'Flyng company carried
all the nece.ssanv machinery for . the
manufacturing of paper boxes for "any
use whatsoever. The machinery was be
ing operated and .th finished product
turned out.
Dolls Catching; Flsb. ' '
It Scott Tent and Awing compan, por
trayed a camp scene with, no omissions.
A large tent was erected and there was
a lake for fishing and there were dolls
with fishing hooks and lines, enjoying
an outing. The shores of the lake were
covered with small trees to complete
the picture.
17 Bloom Co. carried a large
monument on each end of lu float, and
the center was occupied by a man with
eompreseed air drills and polishers.
18 Western Umbrella company, had
umbrella makers turning out umbrellas
and paraaola and Id addition to a gorge
ously decorated wagon, a unique adver
tlnsont was constructed on the front of
the float, where a woman sat with a
huge umbrella, while rain from an arti
ficial source poured down from above.
1 Western Tinware company had three
men folding and forming tin cans of
very description and this caused no
little wonderment. The float was deco
rated in a unique manner with cans and
Lanka hung all around it. On the rear
a large coal chute made an imposing
!0 Iten Biscuit compan, had a biscuit
manufacturing plant float and as the
biscuits were baked they were boxed and
sealed ready for the trade
a Goodrich Drug company float carried
six pretty girls, busily engaged In making
the famous Velvetina goods and they
threw souvenir packages of the goods to
tha crowds lining the streets
hoes Made oo Float.
tt-T. P. Klrkendall A. Co., ex
hibited machinery for manufacturing
shoes complete from the raw leather.
Shoes ware actually being made by ex
pert workers. The" leather In a "sheet
started between rollers at the front ot
th float and came out at the rear com
plete aa shoes ready to wear.
8 The float of th Howard Stove
works carried a molding machine and
band molder and several men a', woi i;
on various features of the manufaut jr ;
of stoves.
14 A huge cau of Palmer Baking pow
4lar stood at oas end of the float ol I
ralmv Co., anr: tr. the Tntc; a a I
his-? cake, which roe i fan that a man ,
ho put fost'tig on it was compelled to I
climb to the top with a la lder ami It I
rote fastr that :t i llmbe d '
Stu; fur ranriVes.
JS "ar:i: S. i . i c.m ese;iti-d th? m.inu-
iac:i:!a i' . ;he:: 11 i,: ;;tt ard n rur
lii funitJiv ;iioJc: .1 v.: :e"i".f r at th I
front of the (i j1, .v :! e ice rear cf the
j f .or.t vv as ,i . L'din ;
i wit :i the hi id" and
table n.ji" US Kanfl.
I 1 " .! l'.a.t tone.
mini faied a', .t
diiiliiis, Ki ea k-
las-t t'rup
fa Alfic 1 H'.oer.i fnv'jii had a
v hi. h i.-i'tit.l a fp.i..;i. n ioiJ
tar'i,, cie- cabinet. '.1. -n '. t..i.
f.nuhtr.., si! o. i. .vi.'.i their t.'oN on
pint ot f.:.l,.ne u.iJ r. iwva.
j 2-A perleit pjiniatii'v f.t. tury for th
! rcn.i i.i lion i f i ! I-:;.' '.a- insti'.lc! on
! the I'.i-at "f the ic. ii.i.ipei- Mueller
l iano
n'pa.:-, a;.1 v. orkim n v(. on-
I j;ls of I lie dMici . ' 0 '-li
A l.iu h,. J . a:i 1
:h- I
:.-The f:,.
r ?iiij air l t-t
f the
en'f'. i
. : V : " ? - .1 i -
luplete ici. ill
ir K and 1 ef 1 1 , l .i
tioii. loe r.ld' l.!U:;
i TJipifrni I in;,
colli.': Ill- .1' lie ' "
p If" ' In 'K i .0
i'-e Ilea' '.iflv:.::.
t :1ih pi n it- aio.l
i o i.i.ii i e
l'ni"ii in full o; . , j
il l..- tank a ti-1 the;-
n H detail. I'o'i:"
r..- of 1 1-. i float wore
a:.d men jsK'od on
,; mi -.11 i ul i" of c
' .le v. a-.
irk : a . df ' h ' '.villi
oil the. flout f'.-.iiitoil I1', the '. I - d'.Mjli'
I iets ff: ic!-: coinrany. and the 'la.- was
ho n erit-rir. the hop). or ami vaM-inR
on ;!:- irachlnc. .' here it was pi-e'-sed
Into the find later was taken to
the kiln fur Ican.ns.
"o-. ir.,'.-.Iatui e of the Man" mill,
milling machipin a. i'i.iUs working, was
ihoii'n by the .Vaney Milling company.
Ioileru 1'rl. 111114 Methods.
SI The top of the float of the Omaha
Printing cj.urnn. wis composed of a
hugt. I(.rtgr , cumplete in the minutest de
... ... . -t- .......
An 0 , iJt.,,;r niz maenine we
at one end and r.ear it was the modern
,.inor pe. shoeing the evolution of print
ing equipment. The demon? trations were
conducted hy young women.
32 The font' shown by the BJornsnn
Sheet Jletal works was the work of the
emplovos of the shop. It was constructed
of sheet Iron -anil in it were tuning and
bendins machines and a roldering mi
i hlne. Cm the sld" ar.d aeross the float
was the s'.opan. Uuost fer Omaha " Two
men in the float hii!m metal canes and
passed them to the cr.iwd.
X3Art windows, with the information
that they were made in Omaha, a finely
beveled large mirror and an expert bev
el r and machinery for his use was
shown with t;evtral specimens of deco
rative art hy the M.dland Glass and
Paint company.
24 The Krug Brewing company had a
gorgeous float composed of a great bot
tle of-beer, twelve" feet In height, "and a
keg repairer, who has been -with the
Krug company for many years, and who
sat in the centee of -the. wagon and
plied his trad-.. The float, .designed by-
Colonel William Kennedv. ,waa drawn by
tour, b)ac! norM.9. drlve.n
-',A r,ar. . ,-,
by fritz
Bloemef, oldest driver n tne"Krug service,
the original of the "Critic'' trademark.
?,S The rear end of the float of the
David: "Col Creamery. -company typified
the farm end of the dairy industry, In-
luding a live Jersey cow, a Dutch dairy
inald.'aira'lfa, corn and a hand separator.
The front end showed girls at work at
packing tables, labelling the butter.
36 Andrew Murphy & Sop had a
float designed to represent the trade
mark. "Murphy Did It," and carried a
miniature blacksmith shop, with men at
work hammering out Iron to go Into
wagons and motor trucks.
Jerry Howard Sits
Guard at Demo Camp
Over Wilson Picture
Dlsrhmld Howard put one over Tuesday
afternoon on the people in charge of the
democratic headquarters In the Paxton
hotel. Mr. Howard, better known as
"Jerry," Is a warm admirer of Governor
Woodrow' Wilson of New Jersey. "He Is
a raparee In politics," says Jerry, "and
naturally he wins my sympathy, since I
have been fighting the powers that be In
democratic politics for many years."
Howard walked Into the Paxton Head
quarters with an Innocent looking bundle
in his hand. After exchanging the time
of day with ihe .man left In charge he
proceeded to open h's bundle and dis
closed two large lithographs of Governor
Wilson, with this inscription underneath:
"Governor Woodrow Wilson, 'the man
of 'the hour' He will be our next presi
dent. The people want a progressive,
popular - leader, an agitator, if you
Without asking for or waiting for per
mission. Howard proceeded to tack up his
lithographs and then, turning to the as
tonished litle group of Haj-mon boosters,
he said:
"I want there pictures left up in these
headquarters, and any man that pulls
them down while I am around will do so
over my dead body. Some people, when
they are knocked down, stay there; but I
rebound all the higher. The people, par
ticularly the workers, have the best Idea
of what they want and how to get it, re
gardless of what all the colonels In Ne
braska may say. and "
"Do you allude to Colonel Bryan?"
asked Charley Epstein, as he turned from
the pictures.
"I mean all the colonels," retorted
Howard. "and that includes Colonel
Maher, Colonel Bryan. Colonel Tanning
and the whole bunch It also Includes
the political manipulators and dictators,
and we want to serve notice they can't
force any of their cnosen favorites upon
"Those pictures won't stay up long, "
sa'd a lour.ger. "Nebrsska Is for Harmon
You can t get that an tp
and "tang' in your bahi tg
without the right $pie
mm spiges
are absolutely pure and full tbength.
Fineat stock, selected by expert, deawxj sad ;
milled by modem machinay sad sll Ins
strength retained by the box. Just by Tea
Spices and see the diSereoce.
tOo mt ytr Geoear'e My kind. i
Or mmnd mt 10c for fuil-tita Bmekagm.
Ak for 'Tom's 5pwjr Talk." imm.
. ,. , - '. s;. .. i.
St ;'t5 'V fe"
T,: " ' M' S '
XrM jf iff fap-S '
ij n. '"S'"- r.3 1 ' ,
'ff-.''.yfaC ..1-.....lx.i.t ,)..a- '..--- - - wmlil-M nilli llll II1 m 11 tlllll M II 1 1 1111
and wo don't take any stock- In Wilson."
' You don t. eh?" queried he South
Omaha firebrand. . as he smacked his
hands together. "l me see someone
take them down. And let me tell you
something. -Mr. Ttils republic had a
liberator f6r Us first president, and it
had an emancipator, too. Now the liuie
has come for a ,iiir;'ler. and Governor
Wilson is the ma:! The Omaha gang or
all the colonels from here to O'Neill, or
all the party dictators combined can't
defeat the will ol the people thin time."
Then Howard sat -down to await de
velopments, and looked In the humor to
defend his act. At last accounts he was
still l-eeping guard over the Wilson
Hastings Carnival
to Open Next Week
' Omaha doesn t have anything on
Hastings." confided R. D. McFadden,
who Is here to look the town over for
flaws, fleck awav the particles of dust
and pick off the raveling ' You have
your Ak Sar-Ben. and I will not argue
that It is not. a good show, hut mind you,
we have our Ytuuoc Smada! So there: '
The Ytnuoc Smada opens In Hastings
on October 9th and continues until the
14th. Mr. McFadden, who edits a trade
Journal when he is not busy exploiting
the wonders of Hastings, Is hr to get
some ideas and book some of the attrac
tions now running at th Ak-Sar-Ben
carnival grounds. McFadden makes big
claims fur the U'll Ytnuoc Smada.
Two former Omaha men will move to
New York with the reorganization of
the Union Pacific w. ti. Batunger,
formerly assistant general pacsenger
agent of the Cnlon Pacific, and Frank
Thompson, formerly with the fteight de
partment, will be transferred to New
York with 1m J. Spence. who will succeed
J. C. Stubbs aa director of traffic of the
Hariiman Unas when the latter retires
Natural Laxative
Quickly Relieves.
Sick Headache,
Stomach Disorders,
' i-smuj uassaa, j
f sll varieties cured la
' a tew days without
iln or loss of time No
ay will be accepted mi
I the patient Is oured.
Write or call,
'Fidelity Rupture Cure
Has- 0. 8. t-x. cib
Frank H. Wray, M O.
ft suiKluig. Oaialia
fcMM-J ISSlllt I J
inr 1 V 1
Roys:! Family of Italy
7 u Vx
' X i ji'' I
Yf- A:;
Superlntendeot at Hayden Bros.
Postal Receipts at
Omaha Show Gain
The Increase of the sales of postage
stamps in Omaha for the vear ending
September, 19U, waa over 7 per cent, ac
cording to figures announced by Post
master B. F. Thomas. Over 173.14 gain
over last year waa shown. The figures
for last year were t0S2.3O3.7O. hut for the
fiscal year Just ended I1.0M,4S0 M waa
taken In.
Ten Days Saved
Money deposited in Savings Department of
on or before OCTOBER 10TH draws in
terest at 3 per cent from OCTOBER 1ST.
Capital $1(00,000.00
Surplus and Profits f.00,000.00
Savings Department open Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.
Farnarc and
. -
Though there 1s such a demsnd for lam
ple tabie that tho Grain exchange has
hnd to remove the pit on th exchange
floor to make room for more tihlea, No.
13. whii h has been unused for more than
a vear. still continues; vacant The f lcI
that every praln dealer who has used
No. li has riled or become bankrupt has
gheu the table a hoodoo.
'Ihe growth of cash Irade in the ex
change is Indicated by the Increas'd num
ber of tables Thre years atn two new
four drawer tables were added nnd now
two more are to bt put In.
Every Woman Haa a Per
fect Complexion.
Did if e er occur to you that very
v oiii.m has the pink and whit
bloom of childhood underneath the
harsher snd muddler outer nkln?
This ou'er skin has so long been
bearing ihe shock and stress of
weather, work and worthless cos
metics, n earn, etc., that It effectu
ally conceals the real complexion.
It haa lately been discovered that
ordinary old-fashioned coleated bal
sam If applied to the face will
quickly flecks off the objectionable
particles of dead and disfiguring
outer akin, revealing the true fresh
complexion underneath.
Pure coleated balsam can be had
at any well-stocked druggist, and
really worka wonders Stubborn
cases of long standing beauty Ills,
such as sallowness, pimples, liver
spots and freckles, give way very
quickly to this horn treatment
From Woman's 1,1 fa.
17tb Streets.
Commercial Club &nd Real Estate
Exchange Have Started Lists.
Mitli' t Mr nnranilonli U 111 I'rc
sent Their list lo the ounlr
( niiiiK i loiters r-.-hlnr or
"olurdev llnrnlna-
retitlons w,ie pfivtel b th Com
n.erelal club mil i:al 1. state e-l;anse
tuOu', to:' .ir. i lei 'mil on lt,e nuesll' ll of
i , .isoii ihiii.u. .i nalia sod S'iHth Omaha
iMo i'iie mi.
Vt the reVe.i-rd rr,piest of sooth Hiiishs
cltiii-ns. bit!, took a-'llun ' inelnl
meet n? Mond.n afiernooti The pu
tie-.:-. In he liPitl.e. mutt i.mi.iln t:g-
n:itu;es euml to ii per ren- o." the niim- i
tin- uf v(ee r, the l,it general eli-etion
or about .'.."mi naiiie.'. and ni'it be filed
"Ith the count! I'oiniiiis-loni 1 lv Satur
da Tekiet na- expiessrd it the meetings
nf '"itli biitle that the Ijn .hh.. not per
mit South iMvuihn to fettle the mutter for
it-'.'. Infill e mil- a -lion h the nii.iha
people Is r-.pili'ed. Inn tlie la pioiides
ha ( the 11 aitei inn: i he tit nit with i Inml
t.iiie.i.i.. 1 lo I. nth slil. Omaha .
m 1 1 I 1 1 1 in liie i-mptii I'nnihi loin it he
fore Ihe i 'iins wan nken, hut now there
Is no renvin Incintlie to make ihiiHlia
(eel Keen lloiioicr, tlie tuo ipani2a
tlons ileiid'-d lo .to thrlr pmt
ftouih .i'ii:ilia buosier fur aniex.iilon
olll pi'i'M-nt i hh pi ;t en to i lie on mil
commissioners of IihiikIi.'- roiinty fil
dav at'ternonn or iiurdai morning At
the la! meeting llnte were I ll,i names
on the petition with several mom lists
sMIl i iit. so the s :ineo' lonli t inw avert
thee have l.iion name.-, and Hint tliev ex
pect to have 1 .) when the pelltlon Is
prfaenliil to the eomnilssioneis.
(ili;:o alone will send seventy-five
dtles-atis to ihe ruiivrntlnn of the (Iraln
l'faliis Nnlluiial a.-siclatlon. v-cnidlng
lo onl ic'i lvril fiutii that cltv. The con
vention will he he'd In Omaha October ,
10 and 11.
There could be nu miter medicine than
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My rhll
iirn were all slrk with whooping cougm
uno of them was in bed, had a high fever
and was coughing tip blood. Our doctor
gave them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and the first dose eased them, and three
bottles cur-d them." says Mrs. R. A. Don
aldson of I.e tlngtori, Miss. For sale by
all dealers
Sahlin Perfect Form
and Corset Combined
N. Paddixit Na Clup, No Book,, No
Eyelets. No Strings, No Heirr Steels.
Sewing Machine Sale
For the next four days Hayden Brothers will hold
one of the Greatest Sales on Sewing Machines.
A special representative direct from the factory
will be here to demonstrate the world's best make
and a dozen others.
Carnival visitors wanting a Sewing Machine will
save money by calling on any one of these days.
Your machine delivered at any time you wish.
Easy payments, if you wish them.
Below a few of the bargains:
ONE SINGER : $ 4.00
ONE WHEELER & WILSON. .... . . .$13.50
ONE DOMESTIC, Drop Head. $10.80
$22.00 SEWING MACHINE .815.00
$32.50 SEWING MAC1 IINE $24.00
$30.00 SEWING MACHINE S27.50
$05.00 SEWIN OMACHINE... $35.50
$70.00 SEWING MACHINE $40.00
The above'is only a partial list.
Beautiful Cabinets as low as $26.95
This is your chance to have one of the best Sewin"
Machines in the world at about one-half what others ask.
Call and be convinced.
Everything in the sewing machine line.
Machines for rent Free lessons in embroidery.
'Phone Doug. 2600. Douglas Street Entrance.
Remember Four Days Only.
A particularly large intluv of v1m'o:
was noted Tuesday morning by clerks in
al of th Omaha hostelrles, for from every
coiner i f the state, people came to v ipw
the Manufacturers' parade and the M.l
Itarv peasant Thursdas The YY.iirjf
Mens Christian sssoelation Is caring
for iv.ini visitors and the minor l-.oti l.t
report brisk business The Millard hotel,
which has the headquarter for the State
llepiihllcan committee. Is housing a num
ber of piomlncnt Nehraskans. who cam
her Sumlav to se President Talft nod
Ineldentallv get In touch with the com
mttt The majority of these ar v
malnlm In the city to s th r-fades
and srnlsJ.
Chle little bonnets, coquettish little
hat. that will set your llttl girl all
a-tln'.-le with pleasure. You'll find them
he e, lie I'.enson Thome Co., IMS if
Ksrnam St.
Slops a Cough (Jaickly
Even Whoopsns Cough
A Whnls Pint of the Quickest. Surest
Cough Remady for oOo. Money
Refunded If It Fails.
Tf von havw an obstinate, decr-sentM, which refuses to be otired, got a WV.
oenr. lmttle of l'lnex, mix It with home
mado supar syrup and start taking it. In
side o( M hours your cor.r.-h wl 11 be gone, or
vry nearly so. Even whooping-cough la
qnlcklv conqiierM lu tViisi wiyr.
A Mi-oent, iKittl of Plnex.when mixed
with hm mmh? suimr svrup. gives you a
pint a, family supply of the lioesli oouh
retneily that iuoney ooulil buy, at a
snvluK of ff8. Vpit T to prepare full
direct tous in p-wluig,
l'lnex sootnes nnd hft1a the Inflamen
membranes with remarkable- rapidity. It
Btlruubues thu appetite, la sllgutly laxa
tive1, and bas a pleasant tnat cnlldres
take It TcliUncrlT. Splendid for croup,
asthma, bronchitis, throat tlokl, ebent
pal us, etc., and a thoroughly suivsaful
rt'inedv for incipient luug troubles.
l'lnex 1s a ivlal and highly concen
trated compound of Norway Whltt Pinu
extract, rich In kuIcoI and other healing
r Ino elements. It. hasoftn been lmltatil,
houph never sueeessfully for nothing else
will produce) the same result. lrlmplymlx
vrltb, siiirar syrup or strained honey, lu a
pint not tie, nnd it. Is ready for use.
Anyone who tries Ptner vjM'qulcV.y
rjnderstnnd whv It Is used In mere homes
In theU. H. arid Canada than any other
rouiih remedy . The genuine is gtiamnt-eed
f give absolute Nitiefactiou or uiouey re
funiled. (ertlflivutfl of, fuaranteu is
wrnptied in each pur kat;e. Your dniggist
has l'lnex or will get it for van. If not, send
to The Plnex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
The Figure You Have
Admired is the Figure
You Can Have
by Rim ply wearing ft Sahlin. We
guarantee it will give you correct
proportiom and ' carriage lb
moment, it la put on. and that it
will positively bring about health
ful physical development.
No padding, no hooka, no ee
lt, no strings, no heavy steels,
no shoulder straps that cross in
Ihe back.
Siihlin is a figure builder aa well
as a porfect form and orset com
bined, on account of the above
features. '
It can't compress nor bind.
Special valtif-a from $1.50 to
$fi.o) in long hip styles.
Daily demonstrations in our cor
epf dept. by MI68 Pearl Ward.
Wa ars Tlxolnsive Agenta for Baulln
Mall orderw promptly filled
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