Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1911, News Section, Page 4, Image 4

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    "US BOYS"Did They Ever Laugh You Off Your Track?
f i vgE was vwtcig' i. v I7-W 12, A MJvr? AJwe bean sor f called Jhe.
ifvA frr1 1 TfrV'fe"" HEY. fellers,! YEft. Know l ( AR! HAQ' 6T DE A I BQHOvEftYeoD?"' THEY KN AVE THeS-0 GAMC" I
iVf&s& 7 TlCffWlfrlii 60(M'Ver.pitcm 1 ha:! HO! haM HOOki i S laughing, aw I AinT GdN' 8E )(4 THE LEAGOfe amo didnT hear the ircAfiT BE
; P Wo C
POT OVER. A DOUBLE SHOOT POWstOeO, THROW MIS ARM OUT OF tjrf & .W- N-rf? W vvLi pjY.v,,.- 7 C W V3 57 J.... , V M TvTl V,
Petition for Opening Street from
Dodge to Farnam Street.
My to Do ! Part Wna-n the Biadr
of Nebraska's Well Kowi
Cltlsra Irrtrn from the
En( for Barlal.
Klttln as a committee of the whole, th
city council took the preliminary steps
lookln to th openlns of Twsnty-seeonil
street from Farnam to Dodga. The matter
went to far that a petition will be pre
sented and It will be referred to the city
engineer, who will probably prepare and
present som figure on what the gTads
would be in the event It thou Id be deemed
expedient to open auch a street
The Twenty-second atreet opening
proposition waa started off by Myron U
Learned, who appeared before the coun
cil to state that aa the Maaonlo order Is
contemplating the erection of a temple
at Twentieth and Douglas streets. It will
be necssary for the city to take some ac
tlon looking to the care of storm
water that might coma in from the west
and Injure the foundation of the propo"'
This opened up the entire matter and
Edgar Scott. In bis own behalf and In the
behalf of other Interested property own
ers, urged that the city should act soon
and before the property to be taken for
the opening of the proposed street reaches
a high price, aa It Is bound to do In
the near future.
Mr. Scott's reasons for thinking that
property around Twenty-second street,
extended, and Douglas and Dodge would
increase, he said was based upon the
fact that business la rapidly creeping up
both of the streets leading to the west.
Mayor Dahinian appeared before the
council to urge that some official action
be taken by -the city to shew'publla -
spect to the memory of General Mander
son. whose body will soon arrive from
Europe. Adopting the suggoetlns of the
mayor. Chairman Sheldon named Council
men Brucker, Funkhouser and Berka,
giving them authority to perfect such
arrangements as they may think proper
They probably will see that the Welcome
arch Is draped, that carilages are pro
vlded for such city officials ss may desire
to attend the funeral and will secure a
floral wreath, which will be sent to the
home of Mrs. Manderson after her ar
rival In the city.
Over the protest of Councilman Bridges,
who Insisted that "this Is no time to erect
a bungalow building upon one of the busi
ness streets of the city." the council
recommended thst a permit be given to
the Coad Real'Kitate company to extend
the cornice three feet beyond the property
line on a one-story building to be erected
at 2117 farnam street.
The complaint of Fred Mengedoht was
rrfrrd to the committee on street light
ing., Mr. Mengedoht has built ten brick
double apartment houses on Maple street,
between Sherman avenue and Seventeenth
street. He charges thst the electric wir
ing In his houses hss betn done In ac
cordant with the city Fpvrlf teat ions gov
erning In surh casks, and that now the city
electrician refutes to permit the electric
current to be turned onto tils wires.
The ordinance providing for levying an
occupation tax ' upon parties handling
i (Mil, lc. grsln. feed, hay and building
material. In les than csrload lots wss
recommended for passage. This ordi
nance waa proposed by the dealers them
selves and provides that the frea derived
from Uie collection of th tax shall be
uoed t.-i paying the salary of Inspectors
The ordlnsnce providing for the laying
of a railroad track from the Belt LJne to
the yards of the Platner Lumber company
on west Harney street, was referred.
Twtlrt Cwatral Mem Star asd Ti
strikers Retara.
FORT DODGE, la.. Oct. t (Special
Telegram.) Thirty Illinois Central me
chanlcs walked out . her today In com
plianc with th etrik order and twelve
remained at work. Two strikers went
back to work later In the day. No dia
turbances have been noted her.
no word to express
the efficacy of
in the treatment
SM 8
Ail 0u4r
Council Bluffs
County Surveyor
Tells About Work
County Surveyor B. E. fptman was be
fore the Board of County Huprvlsors
yesterday to mail a personal rejoinder
to the rather harsh criticisms embodied
In th report of the special checkers em
ployed by the county board to examine
with others his accounts rendered In con
nection with his work aa drainage ditch en
gineer. Mr. Bpetman materially strength
ened his case by providing th presence
of Attorney Emmet TInley and also of
Mrs. Rpetman. The engineer's task was
to explain how he could add 108 calendar
days to eleven months of one year and
draw pay to the amount of tn beyond
the possible calendar days within the
tlm of his employment.
The report of the checkers. Freeman ti.
Reed and Charles F. Paschel. showed
that Engineer Bpetman had rendered hills
to the county amounting to the sum men
tioned and had directed him to refund the
money. Mr. Fpetman refused to refund
and the board has been arranging to
bring suit. Testerday Mr. Fpetman's side
of the case waa presented. Attorney
TInley stated It In Its general outllneti,
contending that the rharges were accu
rate and Just and were bssed on an
eight-hour day, and where pay for eleven
days In a week at i a day and expenses
waa demanded, the actual time had been
given, often at th rata of mora than
sixteen hours a day. H had a concurrent
contract with the local board and a simi
lar on with th Mills county board, and
In Instances where he charged two of
mora days In on, divided between ' the
two counties he explained that he took an
early morning train for Olenwood, did his
work there and returned and devoted
larK part of th day to his work In this
county, charging a full day to eac
county and th expanses to each. H
gave many Instances where in working up
his field notes ha was required to keep
1st hours, and contended that ha .thus
reduced the actual cost of the engineering
work. In this he was fully sustained by
Mrs. Rpetman, who declared that he
worked both nights and Sundays and
vividly recalled the curtailed opportunities
to enjoy his society.
At the suggestion of Supervisor Chil
dren th board agreed to go over the bills
carefully and take Into consideration th
whole engineering cost of th work In
question and see If It exceeded the cus
tomary B per cent of th contract price.
This waa agreed to.
Th board members g to Avoca todsy
to appear aa witnesses In the district
court in a ditch rasa.
Coroner Cutler
Orders an Inquest
Coroner Cutler has ordered an Iquest
to be held for th purpose of making a
record of the facts connected with the
death of 8. J. H. Boysen, who waa killed
Sunday morning when the footboard of
the switch engine on which he was stsnd
ing came into contact with the end of a'
plank at a street crossing In the ysrdi
of the Qreat'TVestern railroad on South
avenue. Th Inquest will be held at 10.30
this morning.
The funeral of the young man will be
held tomorrow morning from the Herman
Lutheran church at I o'clock. Short serv
ices will be held at th residence. 60T Six
teenth avenue, at 3 o'clock. Both will
be conducted by Rev. Arthur Graber, pas
tor of the church. Mr.. Boysen was a
member of the Brotherhood of Rallwsy
Trainmen, and It Is postibl that this or
ganisation will not only attend the fu
ral In a body, but will take part in the
service at Falrvtew cemetery, where the
grav will b mad.
A large party of North west sin railway
employes from Chicago arrived In Coun
cil Bluffs yeetetday to Increase tlielr local
force of train operatives required to han
dle the rush of landseekers hurrying to
the various points designated as registra
tion points for the land lottery ooiinected
with the opening of th remainder of the
Rosebud Indian agency. As about all of
th points are In Northwestern territory
thst company is handling th bulk of the
business. Ameng thos who arrived here
yesterday were:
O. P. Murphy, conductor; G. Webb, con
ductor; 8. A Dourgln. Inspector; J
O Nell, conductor: H. Forgenson. Inspec
tor; G. Hlle, conductor; John Brady. In
spector; and J. Murphy, special agsnt
All of the men took quarters at the Nu-
mayer hotel. A large number of other
trainman, occupying less reponihle post
lions, arrived also. They expect to be
her on special duty for a morth. Th
Northwestern Is thus prepared to handle
the ruth by adding whatever extra trains
that may be required.
J a ears galllvaa Breaks La.
James Sullivan, an aged Inmate of th
county farm, wltll visiting at 1W7 Doug
!as street, fell down th stairs at T o'clock
last night, breaking his left leg- Just b
low th knee. H waa attended by Po-
Uc Surgeon t". H Peppers and sent to
Et. Joseph's hospital.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tal. SM. NWfht L-UOX
United States Supreme Court Plans
to Expedite Procedure.
Waahlaatoa Generally Believes that
OstMn of Canadian Election
Wtll nave Doclded Effect
on Arbitration.
(From a (Waff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. D. C., Oct. I.-(8pe-
clal. When the United States supreme
court convenes for th October term a
new rule will be promulgated, which In
tho opinion of the oourt. will go far to
wards lessening the number of cases
when the next term begins. Heretofore
th rule has been to allow attorney to
occupy two hours each In preaentlng
their oral arrfmenU. A majority of the
lawyers who practice before the court
uaa all th time allowed and. Ilk Oliver
Twist, frequently want more. Th new
rula wtll limit th time allowed to each
attorney to one hour Instead of two and
the result Is expected to expedite the
presentation of cases and to make bead-
way toward the clearance of the docket.
Home years ago conarress provided for
th creation of the United States court
of appeals for the purpose of relieving
the United States supreme court and
with the Idea of securing for litigants
more prompt settlement of their causes.
It wss believed when It was created this
new Intermediary tribunal would be able
to pasa upon a large number of cases
which would consequently not reach the
court of last resort. But th relief has
not materialised and the docket this year
contains mora caaes than ever before.
Attack Initiative and Hef erendnm.
Among th most Important will be th
attack made upon the constitutionality
of the Initiative and referendum law of
th itatt of Washington which . attack
was instituted by the Pacific Coast Tele
phone companf; 'While, apparently' local
in character this particular case Is of
widespread Interest because the lnitls
tlv nd referendum has been Incorpor
ated into th statutes of half a dosen
ftstes already and others seem to be
headed In that direction. The supreme
court will also decide several cases af'
fectlng railroad rates which have been
appealed from the decisions of th new
court of commerce. That tribunal has
been In existence about six months but
st least half a dosen of Its decisions
have been attacked and appeals taken to
the supreme court.
Will Affect reace Treaties.
It seems to be generally believed In
Washington that the outcome of the
Canadian elections, which gave a black
eye to Canadian reciprocity, will have a
decided effect upon the fate of the pend
ing arbitration treaties which President
Tsft Is so desirous shsll be ratified. Dur
ing th late campaign In the Dominion th
attacks upon the United Ststes and Its
cltluens were so bitter and evidently ao
well received that a wave of antagonism
towsrds everything British seems to be
rr - Md
' i-l fT TT Tf Tr
Instantly, cavity or no cavity. Prevents)
decay. Savaa dentist bills.
Dent's Toothache. Gum
AB Prassfafrlg
rywt..-i'ryai - .
sweeping this country from coast to
roaKt. But while the British arbitration
treaty may be defeated or pigeon-holed
land that, of course, will put an end to
all arbitration plans of the administra
tion) it Is not likely that the antl-Btitlsh
feeling In congress will be manifested
to the extent that It was come quarter
of a century ago when "Rlchlleu" Robin
son of New York and John Finnerty of
Chicago undertook to twist the tall of the
lion of Britannia every morning. So In
tense were those patriots In their hatred
of everything British that they paid little
attention to any legislation which did not
affect Great Britain In some way. John
sat on one side of the main aisle and
"Rlchlleu" on the other. In the front seats.
On on occasion "Rlohllau." who was
rather deaf, coming In late, placed his
hand to his ear and leaning half way
across the aisle, asked, "What have they
got up this morning, JohnT" Finnerty, In
a voice plainly audible In the press gal
lery, responded: "Oh, some d d Amer
ican thing we are not Interested In."
Whatever may fee the ultimate outcome
of the efforts of the majority of the
nous to revise the tariff under the plan
We want to send you a trial orderaof
on our guarantee it will please you
or it will not cost you one cent
THAT guarantee li as
fair and square as w
know how to make it
Send us your order for
four quarts of this msg
niftcent Hayntr Private
Stock Bottled in -Bond
Whiskey. .When .: ar
rives TRY IT and If
you don't finT"it all we
- claim and -up to your
highest expectations In
X a a
very way send it back at ont
expente and we will return every
cent of your money.
GOOD we must send you a
quality that will win your in
stant favor and w will do It.
Note the price orilj 80 cents
s quart (express paid) for this
highest grade bottled-ln-bond
whiskey a whiskey that is
distilled, aged and bottled un
der U, 8. Government super
vision and every bottle sealed
with the Government's official
bottled-ln-bond stamp posi
tive assurance that it le fully
aged full 100 proof and full meas
ure and absolutely PURE to the last
drop. Where else can you do so well t
Established 18W
Offices and Shipping Depots slio st
St. teats. Ma St. Paul,
Bsytsa. 6.
f M.K-'ltJ'If-'y'lgg.ffll'a1!'. L'.i J.". .... . t v ,wm., a
Prove for yourself how much better
FER-MIL-LAC is for you than ordi
nary drinks by a seven day test. The
next time you are thirsty, tired and
hot order a bottle of Fer-Mil-Lac.
Palatable as cream! Smooth
as velvet! A health builder!
- TuaW)
snad of selected whol milk-
so prooeisea as so trine eat a groat atelloaoy of
anai-unously approved By laadiatr afel-
It elaara th astlre dlresttT traet of vol sons.
It areata aad maltlyUaa th iltta White
Soldiers of Mi Blood," that attack and destroy
th diseas germs, which eater the body.
Oat your trial glass today at any soda fooa-t-On,
buffet, ear, lunch roam, hotel or club.
Ha order bottlss delivered to th home dally.
Alaraito Sanitary Dairy Co.
(X. leans.)
Ptiont) Dou. 411, Ind. A -44 11.
e e
On-Trtbl ltlt. K Miaul !-
of the committee on ways and means. It
is certain thst If congress were In ses
sion today and a bill should be presented
to admit free of duty all grades of
sugar there would be scarcely fifty votes
against that bill. Without a single ex
ception every representative who has
been In Washington during the lsst week
or ten days hss expressed himself as en
tirely willing to take a whack at the
sugar trust through the means of a
strong dose of free trsde tn the saccharin
necessity. Of course, there are many
plausible reasons advanced by the sugar
men for the sudden advance of about 83
per cent In the retail price of sugar. But
coming as it does Just when, the farmer
and the housewife In the city are "put
ting up" their winter supplies Of pre
serves and canned goods the unprece
dented Increase ' comes as a practical
hardship and Is correspondingly resented.
The belief seems to be nation-wide that
the American Sugar Refining company Is
attempting to recoup the amount for
which It was mulcted for defrauding the
customs by making the dear public pay
the bill. Whether or not that belief Is
well founded it Is certain that tho sugar
T ETus prove our clai ml
to you. Let us show
you what a magnificent
quality we are producing.
Let 08 'convince you of
thereaPy great saving our
TILLERY" plan of sell
ing mef ni to you.
Remember, you. take no
chances. We take all
the risk and , we stand all the
expense if we rail to please yon,
St letter U neeesiary
Cut Out and use this Coupon
end sddreis our neareet office
f f.nrioMo fiDrifcvan torwhtrta
m FOLK full ourt botUas of
i Bod WtaUksr-
UMk BotUad-tn-
esprom paid m
per your otter. It U aadrtoo4
1 that If this whlik.T ll not f on J
i rsprMDtd and ssttfsvory to
rue 1 d verr wy. It my bj rtnrnl
f t oureip?Dft-and my tAWls to
j ba promptly nfundeML . p.Qfr
j Nam '
Ore tot Arii., Ctl.. Colo.. Idaho. Most.. .,
N.Mer.. Or., tftih. Wab.or Wro. mvst b os tho
tii ol 4 qnatta lot I4.S0 by Exotoa Prassid or W
auiita toi S1S.10 by Froisht riepalt. 6-K
Full Paid
Mlna, New Orleans, La.
Mast. Jacksonville. Fia.
Ak-Sar-Bon Rush Work
Whether you are a visitor, or aa Omahan, tho Ak-Har-Ban rush
will most likely play havoc with your clotxtew. We stand ready to put
your attire ship shape againcleaned pressed even altered In style
in an almost Incredible short spare of tlm. We're an immense force
primed for "rush" work.
Telephone Tyler 1300 or Auto A-2226 and a wagon calls. Express
paid one way on shipments of f 3.00 or over. Uptown receiving stations
at Pompeian Room of Brandeis" Stores and Dresher the Tailor's. 1515
Farnam St.
Dresher Brof.
trust will com In for a great deal of
free advertising during the coming ses
sion of congress and it Is more than
possible that one of th first bills sent to
th senate will be a provision to place
refined sugar on an equality with th
raw product when Imported tnto the
United State.
For Caltl-vatlnaT Broom Cora.
Th Department of Agriculture In con
nection with th agricultural experiment
stations generally proposes to attempt the
task of extend Ing . the cultivation of
broom corn. The market for this product
s constantly growing and the supply, tru
steed of Increasing correspondingly, seems
to be diminishing in Inverse ratio to the
demand. Thirty years ago several of the
eastern states, notably New Tork, pro
duced annually thousands of tons of
'broom," but of late years the cultivation
appears to be confined to on or two
Lace (Bur tains
WE ASK for the privilege and
pleasure of showingyou our line
of exquisite lace curtains. Our stock
is new and fresh, and contains all
that is novel, modern and interest
ing in the art of lace making. Be
sides the novelties; we have an endless vari
ety of medium priced curtains that are sure
to please you. -
Scrim Curtails with colored borders. 3?ew eitra fln
,., ,.acrim,ei: pair. .1 .... .$3.50
Scrim Curtain with Insertion and edge. Arab or white,
. P8t T ).. a a . 30)
Cluuy trimmed Scrim Curtains, hemstitched edge, per
pair.............................. $7.73
Duchess Lace Curtains In Ivory or Arabian on English
net, per pair ...... . 3.75
Duchess Lace Curtains in ivory or Arabian colors. French
triple thread net, both insertion and edge patterns,
per pair .-. .$5.00
Other styles, per pair, from $7.50 $20.00
Cluny Lace' Curtains In Arabian color, per pair . . $3.75
Cluny Lace Curtains In Arabian color, per pair. .$5.0O
Clnny Lace Curtains with Insertion and edge, Arabian
color, per pair $7.50
Many other patterns, per pair, from $8.75 o $15.00
Our line of draperies is as complete as our lace
curtain line.' Here again we want the pleasure of enter
taining you for a time. Do not hesitate because you are
not ready to'buy. "We like to show our goods as well
as sell Jhem.
Portieres. The newest In all colors. Bnug sample of
your paper for color, we can match it for you. Prices,
per pair. . . .$3.50 $5.00 $7.50 810 up to $50
Couch Covers Our Persian desigfts are the best obtain
able. A limited number 60 Inches wide, three yards
long, each $4.00
Others, each, from $5.00 to $13.50
Curtain Net In the new est patterns. Three colors white,
. Ivory and Arabian. Price, a yard: . . Q0 9 $1,25
Bungalow Net in Arabian color, square designs, at, per
yard .-...75
Sun Fast materials for over curtains. Very desirable
for windows and doors. All colors blues, browns,
golds, greens and rose. We guarantee every color
Price, per yard, from $1.00 to $1.65
Cretonne for bed room over curtains. All colors, both
foreign and domestic. Prices, yard.. 35 t0 $2.00
Please remember that our Bedding Department is
stocked with all that is needed for beds.
Bed Spreads, crocheted and satin Prices, eaih
from ' $1.50 to $10.00
Comforts. You will find many bargains. Prices .each
from $1.50 to $15.06
Blankets. Plaid, gray, white, figured and colored bord
ers. Prices, per pair. $2.50 to $20.00
Orchard 8c Wilhelm
Carpet Co.
414-16-18 South Sixteenth Street
2211-13 Farnam St.
By Tom McNamara
western states. The crop thle year IV
unusually light and the price la report!
to be soaring rapidly. Corn brooms ar4
almost unknown In England and rorw
tlnental Europe, but In the United, States!
very few other varieties of beeoma ard
known. Attempts have been made by
manufacturers from time to tlm 14
Induce the American housewife to usaj
Implements for sweeping made of thai
same material as that of the English
housewife snd German frau, but with In
different success. Therefore, th efforts
of the Agricultural department to Induce
a wide cultivation of broom oorn will
meet the approval of the American peopla
generally, especially If those efforts re
sult in bringing down the price from
the present figure, from S5 to GO cents, taj
tie old figure of C5 cenU per broom.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
1818 Farnam Street
TeL Doug. 353
Stfa Hoisting i Specialty