Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1911, Commercial Section, Page 11, Image 11

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Fred Brandt Sendi Two Bullets Into
Body Whil Despondent.
oot FrUt u
OH, Klec Fixture. BurTess-CtrsaSea
On. JCach. Was Expert auto repairs.
Out of Town DMltti should not tall
to vls.t the iiiinicDsf i.uiiuHy dlttp.ay 01
the Carpenter arr company.
out Owm Property Bold Anna
Peterson ha. told hn ick aim uunulng
at the southwest oorntr ot Twenty-tiftn
and N streets, fouth Omaha, to H. H.
Garit. for tiO.diC.
Wyoming- Kan la Sobbed v. B. Skep-
ton o( Bnerlaan, Wyo., reportea to the
police Tuesday that his room at the
Iir Grand hotel bad been robbed Monday
night. watch valued at 176 and Ut In
cash was taken by the thief.
Merer With Hew Oomjxuiy C.'axl R
Meyer, who fur the last two years was
the secretary and manager of the Mid
land Guarantee and Trust company, has
leased the bublness uf the Guarantee
Abatract company winch lb located In the
Patterson block.
To Jail for Stealiu Coal Jesse
Brown was sentenced to iive days In jail
Tuesday morning by Judge Crawford (or
the theft of coal from the Illinois Cen
tral Railway company yards. Brown was
caught red handed by Special Officer
Coffey of the Illinois Central.
Permit for Dwelling The Union In
vestment company ha taken out a build
ing permit for the erection of a two-story
brick dwelling at U2 South Thirty-second
street. The cost Is to be $8,000.
riles Bankruptcy Pstitlon Charles
L. Mickey, or 2iU Wirt street tiled a
voluntary potltlon In bankruptcy Monday
afternoon in the United States District
Clerk's office. Mickey, who Is a sales
man for a local firm places hts debts
at $4,457.96 and his assets at $3.103 23. but
all of his holding he claim ns exempt.
Mrs. Armour's Nurse
Testifies as to Theft
KAXHAB CITT, Oct. . Miss Margaret
Bylngton, detendant In a suit instituted
by Mrs. 8. B. Armour to recover $142,000,
gave her deposition in the case secretly a
few days ago, according to information
that leaked out here today.
Mrs. Armour charged in her suit that
Miss Bylngton while acting as her nurse
and companion had taken bonds and se
curities from the Armour safety deposit
vault and disposed of them.
It is said that Miss Bylngton's depo
sition brought out little of value to Mr.
Armour attorneys as she waa not al
lowed to answer questions that might
Incriminate her should a criminal suit be
brought against her.
Mlaa Bylngton testified that she was
born in Naples, N. Y., 37 year ago; that
as a girl her mother took her . to Law
renoe, Kan., where she attended school.
Xater ane came out here and took a
oourse is a training school for nurses.
While Miss Bylngton was employed by
Mrs. Armour she was generous towards
New Home of the Club Will Be the
Metropolitan Club Building:.
Had Heard Threats Before mm
Paid No Heed Wife Finds
Podr on Reternlaa
Roosters in Court Crowed for Tkelv
Owner and Cinched the
By inducing his feathered property to
crow In court. Leo Cohen of Jersey City
proved that he owned two roosters to
the satisfaction of Magistrate Fitch, in
the New Jersey avenue court.
Cohen found hts roosters In possession
of Mrs. Etta Horowits and had her ar
rested. "You'll have to sign the com
plaint charging her with larceny," said
the court
"Yes, I will," answered the chicken
"But you must prove that they are
your property before you can sign It,"
said he. "You know that's the first ele
ment of larceny, that you must prove
ownership of the property before you
make the charge."
"But they are mine," said ha
"How do I know thatT" asked the
court. "Show aome marks on them which
you recognise."
"They are mine." persisted Cohen. "I
know nothing about marks. I don't
look at any chickens with a spyglass."
"You must prove it." waa the ulti
matum of Magistrate Fitch.
"Well." said Cohen. ."I'll prove It.
You take this big white rooster and put
him up there, so. You take this big
brown one and put him up there, too.
so." And he lifted each to the rail In
front of the court.
"Now," he continued, "those roosters
came out of the same coop. When one
of them crows the other must crow. That
is ths way roosters have, when they are
brought up together."
All right, if they will crow as you
say," answered Magistrate Fitch. "If one
doesn't follow the other crow then you
lose. Do you agree?"
"Sure," said Cohen.
"Stillness redgned in the courtroom ex
oept for the muffled snicker of bluecoats
who had never read of Solomon and his
wise ways. Then one rooster crowed.
The other promptly followed suit "You
win," said the Judge.-Philadelphia Record.
The Commercial club la entertaining a
brand new proposition from ths Woodmen
of the World to lease quarters to the
elub. presented today by Sovereign Com
mander J. C. Root in person.
Mr. Root offers to leate the upper two
floors of the new Woodmen building, with
17,400 square feet ret floor space, at $12,000
a year, or to eliminate a part of the
seventeenth floor and lease U.lii square
feet at 110.800 a pear. He offers to make
the roof above the banquet hall sixteen
feet high.
"It la a pleasure to tell you that Cham
berlain's Cough Reme-iy Is the best cough
medicine I have ever utd." writes Mrs
Hugh Campbell of Lavcnla. Oa ! have
used It with all my children and the re
sult have been highly satisfactory." y0,
aale by all dealera
Preparations Made for SeTeral Af
faire to Be Held Daring the
Winter Months la the
New Home.
The Woman's olub is going to move
from the psrlors of the First Congrega
tional church, where it has met for the
last fourteen years, to the Metropolitan
building at 2801 Harney street. This waa
decided at the opening meeting of the
season Monday afternoon, by a vote of
91 to .
Mrs. F. J. Burnett was one of the
four favoring remaining at the old stand,
declaring that she liked the religious
atmosphere of the church and thought
It fitting for the club and that the Idea
of there being dancing at the Metropoli
tan did not appeal to her. The club ma
jority voted to move for reasons of con
venience and finances.
Department meetings will be held at
the church this week.' but the club will
probably be In its new home for the
open meeting of October IS, at which
time. Mrs. M. D. Cameron will give her
address as president. At that time sev
eral prominent delegates to the National
Prison congress will speak and a
reception will be given all out-of-town
official visitors at the congress and
to the Woman's club of Red Oak, Is.
Rev. A. W. Clarke spoke on the meet
ings of the coming prison congress and
urged the women to attend to create
Interest to "bring about better condi
tions In Nebraska jails."
There were reports from officers and
committees. Mrs. George Tllden, chair
man of the educational committee, urged
the women to get out and "vote for
the best men," at the coming election
of members of the school board. She
also presented the proposition recom
mended by the president of the Ne
braska Federation of Women's Clubs, that
each member give $1 or more toward
the state scholarship loan fund, which
the club voted to follow.
Brooding over the 111 effects ff the dry
season. Frid Brandt, a truck farmer and
a subvert of melancholia, shot and klllej
himself shortly before 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon at his home on the Olimore
road, half a mile south of the Douglas
coi:ntv line
Brandt was found hy his wife and l-aw-rence
Banner, a nnghbo. on the floor
of his bedroom with two bullet holes In
nis nesi and a 44-rolt a revolver near
his hand.
Dr. t. L. DeLanney, who was caUed.
arrived after Brandt had passed beyond
medical aid. One bullet had penetrated
the stomach and the other the lower lobe
of the left lung. Hrandt lived about fif
teen minutes after the shooting
There im to be no douht that the
dead man was the victim of melancholia
He had often been heard to threaten to
end it all. Latterly the dry weather has
cauaed him to brood and worry, though
he was not financially embarrassed.
Yesterday morning he brought a load
of vegetables into town, where he dis
posed of them. Towards noon he started
back home. On the way he met and
spoke with several friends, whom he In
formed that he ss going to kill himself.
His friends, who had often heard him
make such statements, laughed the mat
ter off. About 2 o'clock Brandt met Fred
Hoover, a neighbor, to whom also he
confided his determination to make way
with his life. Hoover, like the others,
attached no Importance to the threat and
Brandt drove on to his own farm.
Arrived at hia home be found his wife
away on a visit to her sister. Mrs. Llssle
6mith. who lives nearby. Brandt then
set about preparing for his end. He
closed and bolted all the windows and
doors and retired to his bedroom where
he phoned his wife that he had acoepted
a position across the river. Startled by
the message Mrs. Brandt act out for her
home, where upon her near approach ahe
heard the groana of her husband within.
She called to Lawrence Banner, a neigh
bor, who accompanied her Into the hnniu
Brandt was found lying in a pool of blood
upon his bedroom floor. He was still
consriuus, but refused to give a reason
for his action. He quickly lapsed Into un
consciousness and remained In that con
dition until his death, which occurred
about 4:15 o'clock.
Brandt waa 44 years of age at the time
of his death. He was well known In
South Omaha where he had worked as a
switch engineer for the Union Stock
Yards company for twenty-two years.
The body was taken in charge bv
George Brewer of South Omaha at whose
funeral parlors the coroner of Sarpy
county will tomorrow hold the inquest
No funeral arrangements have as yet
been made.
Ralf Pay Off.
InrJement weather waa tha etruse
urged by the city fathers last night who
failed to transact business as the reeult
of no quorum Most of the council mm
were actually in the city hall when the
meeting waa called to order, but for one
reason or another were late In arriving
4t the council chamber.
Before the members of the council left
the hall Ma' or Trainor took occasion to
annoi nee .hat today would be a half
holiday, lue free time was granted in
order that the city employes might take
advantage of the time to see the manufacturers-
psrade which will be held In
umaha today.
Medlral Inspection.
Hereafter the local t.-nooi will have
medical Inspection according to the rue
adopted by the Hoard of Education at
their regular meetlns last nlht Hlxteen
or seventeen of the phyniclans of the city
have volunteered their services for the
eradication of the contagious and other
diseases that would be likely to de
moralise the schools.
The rules prescribing the duties of the
sc-cretary of the board were approved In
b II excFpt that portion dealing with the
purchase and supervision of surplles
Thursday afternoon a made a half
nounay in order that the pupils of tho
schools may be able to assist st the Ak-
Par-Ben military parade In Omaha.
in response to a communication from
J. W. Crebtree. atate superintendent of
schools. November 8, t and 10, were d
dared free days in order that the teachers
might be able to assist at the sessions
of the state teachers' association to be
held In Omaha.
With some routine business connected
with the allowance of claims the board
adjourned until next Monday night.
Tool Thief Arrested.
When the local branch of the Young
Men's Christian association telephoned
the police this morning In resard to
some tools stolen from their hall last
night the suspect Harry Williams, a
one-time employe of the plane, was al
ready behtnd the bars under suspicion
of the theft
Williams, it Is understood, had been
given odd Jobs about the building and
had made himself familiar with the
store rooms of the place. He Is said
to be a dope fiend and when ths craving
of the drug was upon him It Is alleged
he appropriated a number of tools be
longing to the Young Men's Christian as
Captain Hank Bnsfelder observed
Harry on the corner of Twenty-fourth
and N about 11 o'clock yesterday morn
ing. He arrested the man and obtained
a confession before the complaint was
Med by the Young Men's Christian as
Notice to Oar Customers,
Beware of fraud liquor solicitors, repre
senting themselves at your door to be
selling for J. Klein, which It not true, ss
have no solicitors at all. J. Klein,
Family Liquor Dealer, 2t)th and N, South
Before Yon Bay
Take a look at On kin's new line of
coats, the rain proof kind: with con-
Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors, Make This Store Your Headquarters
It's the largest
and most modern
Clothing House
in the entire West i&r
ttlll l.i j.t. , !V, 'A lr I il H 11
It's not the best
because the largest,
but the largest
I because it's the best
This satire building Is tieveted eaelaslvely e thessls of weerlrg sppsrel for man. woman and child.
TIIIS IS INSPECTION WEEK. You're invited to visit us this week just to inspect
wtu w ana jnoaern jvioaeig in Men's Suits and Overcoats at $10.00 to $40.00.
ovl not t urged to buy; we ll how you Hi t. ,u K.H u. t. ulfoi
you 01 .no
vJ!. t'.H , .y0U V ,nn,"(1 for shoin you all thia good trontment wp'11 thank vou for the visit
i, SI- .t y0U rore. ,0 h,1' ou br' ,VH " bp K'ad ""'I. t'ot remember, we're not inviting
you for that purpose. 8ult and Overcoats 310.00 o $ 10.00.
"Tha Moum of
high MsritV
collars are specially fine for
Masjle City Ooeelp.
Puy your cal. South Omaha Ice Co.
Mrs. 11. Thompson of Belleville. Ken..
Is the guest of South Omaha frtenda.
Misses Anna and Catherine Fluor have
returned home from an antenal'-a trip
to Denver. Colorado Springs and other
Colorado potnta of Interest.
See Thoedore Vols, the tailor, for all
made-up overooata from fl to 3S.
Low prices on gooe stoves. Home
Furniture company.
William Stewart of Liberty. Cola, is
the guest of his daughter, Mra M. A.
Bids for paving district tn n
have been advertlaed for the reoulaitu
twenty days and the returns will h.
opened within the net few days. It
Is probable that the bids will be opened
aoout October U.
John Stewart and Miss Tlllle Utewart
of Lima. O.. are visiting friends and rela
tives in this city.
Mrs. William Hickman returned y ester
dsy morning from Kansas City, where
she has been visiting for the last two
Phone Bell South Ml- Independent
F-lXtiS for s esse of .Tetter Uold Top.
f'rompt delivery tu any part of city
William Jetter.
The South Orviha polloe department
will give the a nl ball for the police
benefit at tin ..xchange building on
Thanksalvlng exe.
Today will be rc-glstrstion day and all
dilatory voters are expected to march
up and enroll themselves as valiants able
to take part In the battle of the ballot
next November. The last day of regta
tratlon will be October 28.
ujooav jovbs ii
"Regent" $200
,NotJamcre Concealed-Horn Graphophone
ijwtxttCompletely Concealed .Graphopbone
.Thi Grafonola " Regent "
Is complete tit le for
everyday use In exactly
the same degree tz !t Is
complete tnutical Instru
ment of unexampled vers
atility, matchless tonal
qualities and unequalled
The case of the CRAP
onou " Regent " is
made of the finest selected
San Domingo mahogany,
hand -rubbed arid dull
finished. The mechanical
features of the Instrument
re completely concealed.
The motor Is of the three
spring type, powerful and
While the genera! design of the Grafonola "REGENT " peculiarly adapts It'
for Installation In private libraries and reading rooms, dubs, lodges and all
places of Ilka character where people of refinement congregate. Its field of enter
tainment and utility may be said to be practically unlimited. Wherever It may
be placed. It retains Its exceptional value In the usages for which it was
designed, and lends IU own beauty aod dignity to Its surroundings.
Otnint is the Finest Chewing Gum in the World.
I Everybody Loves It. Made from the best materials-
flavored with the juice of the natural mint leaves nnH
essence of peppermint combined. Keeps the teeth cleanthe breath pureaids digestion.
The delicate, delicious flavor lasts as long as you care to chew.
The genuine Peptomint is sold in the original trade-marked package and should bear this signature,
Order PEPTOMINT. the finest chewing
ansa sasde. of your Jobber or direct
trues the ssaauiaoture..
Typewriters Should be Like Rubber Bands
Were it not for its elasticity the common rubber
band yould be of limited use.
Its value lies in the fact that it can be stretched to
meet different requirement.
Likewise the typewriter that will handle nothing
larger than the ordinary letterhead is limited in
its use and is not serving its full purpose.
The Model 10 Smith Premier designed to meet the
greatest number of requirements in any office,
can be furnished with carriages in six different
lengths (all instantly interchangeable on the same
machine) handling paper from one inch to three
quarters of a yard in width.
Paying a visit to our office doesn't mean you will be
harassed by an aggressive salesman Vmtil your order is
planed. You may inspect the machine in our office, if you
wish, and tstill feel safe.
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.
19th and Douglas Streets
Branches in
IN THF Mmm F uitti I ,ni,J Trade hupplieU b I !' J
IN THE MIDDLE WEST I ch. 8lof i-aone, Webaier I
Best Sport News in The Bee