10 THE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1911. The omail daily bee FOt.'NFED BY EDWARD ROSE WATER. VICTOR ROPE WATER. EDITOR. Entered at Omaha postofflc aa second cia.s mutter. TERMS or RfnSCRirTION. F'irMay Bff. one vrar $: W 1 w 4 00 no Kt.Ml 1 1 APH IS. Ren-,1? hv draft, express or postal oroei rayah! to The Bee ruhliahlng company. Only ?-ent stamps rerelved In payment Af n - . . . T. .Kslra f. pi man accounts I'rraonai rnw"", r rept on otnaha and eastern exchange. OKricr? Omaha The Bee Bunding. South Omaha 2SH N fct. Council Kluffa 15 Scott St. Lincoln-: I.lttle Rulldlnit Chlcaeo IMS Marquette Building. Kansas City Reliance Building. New Tork-34 Went Thlr'y-thlrd St Washlnrton-72?; Fourteenth M.. N. w. CORRESPONDENCE. Cnmmunlcattona relating to newa and editorial matter should he addrea Omaha Pea, Editorial Department. SEPTEMBER CIRCVLATION. 47,398 flat of Nebraaka. County of IouKla. e. JwtRht WIlllHina. circulation manager ef The Bee Puhlmliini? company, being duly inrn. aaya t tint the avi-rae dally circulation. lea ("polled, unuacd and re turnnt ropie tor tue month ol Snpn-mbtir, l.tll. aa ;.30S DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me tliia l'l dnv of ( icti.I.er. I'M. (Seal ) ROBERT HUNTER Notary Public. Snb.rt'ner. tearing the cltr (eniporarlly ahoold bare The Bee mailed to them. Address will b rbanesit as oftem aa rrqnested. Reno, however, doee not guarantee Its divorces. Perhaps we might turn It around and let Canada annex us. Alao, again, why write lfittera when the telephone la so bandy? Italy keeps Its navy purely to pre serve peace. If you doubt it, ask Turkey. No one knows whether Tripoli favors war or not. Tripoli has never been consulted. The closing of the Morocco Inci dent came Just as the bank's vault slammed shut. The stage director will doubtless Insist that Ty Cobb take the spikes out of his shoes. "What Is the hen s charm?" asks an exchange'. Oh, her cute little cackle, of course. Both parties having made their nominations, they are now off on the Third district rsce track. It is strange, too, that while de manding larger freedom, women per sist in wearing hobble skirts. The grim-reaper eventually takes hero and bumble cltlxen alike, and sometimes be seems to be busy with both. ' The way o purge registration lists is to purge them. Each end all of ub stand on a platform of honest elections. It seems almost sacrilegious to think that the costumer had to sue Mrs. Leslie Carter for the price of her "angel" dress. Never mind. Jusf walt till that Tripoli war scene Is staged and see bow the show girls take to 'harem skirts once .more. omaha stauds in a fair way to make another record mark by getting through a strike without violence) or serious disturbance. The Kansas City "StaT tells of a candy factory employe who saved money on $3 a week. That must be the original "candy kid." In cheering the president, Kansas topped every now and then to as sure him that it was only cheering. Well, cheers now and votes later will be all right. It must almost make President Mohler w-lsh the promotion bad not come when he looks on the portraits that some Chicago papers have pub lished for hla. If you have not registered anew this year for the coming election, you will have only one more chance. Last registration day, Saturday, October 28. Mark It down. Whatever others may think of It, Mr. Bryan declarea in the Commoner that he thinks Champ Clarks' funny speech was Indiscreet and had much to do with knocking; out reciprocity. eaMSsaBMBaVBassassaaaaaaaassMBaVBBBBBal When Mr. Bryan refers to the beverage on which "the Almighty has set His seal of approval," he pro- . poses a platform sure to precipitate a furious debate among hia fellow democrats. The speaker of the house of dele gates In St. Louis has lost his seat- Let him sit on the desk and bang his feet over. Worse things hare hap pened la the St. Louis municipal council chambers. President Taft says be finds the people in every atate be visits mre that the greatness which the future has in store for them will overtop that of any sister atate, and that be regards this aa one of the moat en co u raging signs of the times. Stand up for Nebraska! i-iurnay ne. one year rally Bee (without jiundijr). one year Daily i mil Rnniv ,,n veer DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Evening be (with Cundayh rr month Ec r!!y Pe (Inrhirtlng PunAay). per mo..W Dallv He (without Si.tirtayP. rr mo... Address all romplalnta of lrrenular1tle in delivery to Ctv Circulation Dept. Blunder or BlunderbusT With the sole view to manufartur Ing political capital, the democratic World-Herald has been playing tip sn artie'e from a Catholic weekly asking who blundered In accepting the In vitation of the. Young Men's Christian association to have the Sunday afternoon meeting which President Taft was to have addressed on "World Peace" under their auspices. In inviting the clergy to participate In the reception to the president, no discriminations had been made, but this Catholic paper declared that it was Impossible for any priest to ac cept and thus give countensnce to any organization, however unde nominational, whose management Is reserved for members of Protestant Evangelical churches. If there was any blunder, we think the World-Herald should be sble to snswer the question as well as any one else because its head and front and chief proprietor, 6enator Gilbert M. Hitchcock, waa a member of the local committee on arrangements, and had full voice with other mem bers in scceptlng the Young Men's Christian association's offer, yet never for a moment gave utterance to any thought of Impropriety. It may have been the duty of Catholic clergy men to abstain fru i participation, al though the invitation extended to serve on the reception committee In cluded more than the Sunday after noon meeting. At that, however, all they had to do waa what most of them did do. namely, to send courte ous regrets. The blunder, If there wss any, It strikes us. waa twofold first. In the Catholic organ using" the presidents visit as a vent for its snl moslty toward the Young Men's Christian association, and, second, In Senator Hltcheock'a World-Herald at tempting to prevent the Catholic pa per's deliverance to the creation of political blaa and rellgloua prejudice. we may all be thankful that the president is bigger and broader than all these critics. Although aa a Uni tarian he would himself be barred from active direction In them, he has seen no resson why he should not. upon proper occasions, work with and accept the good offices of the Young Men's Christian association, or the Knights of Columbus, or the Chris tian Endeavor, or any and every re ligious and patriotic, society, which Is serving as a factor for the betterment of our social and moral conditions. Alfred Tennyson Dickens. The eldest surviving son of Chsrles Dickens, Alfred Tennyson Dickens, has come clear from Australia to vialt the United States. He Is assured a most cordial welcome. Hla name comblnea the memory of two men very popular In thla country, and the fact that his Illustrious father, on his visit to us In 1842, had very little but caustic criticism to pass upon Amer ica and Americans, will not at all af fect hla hearty reception. It has never affected the sale of his fatber'a great worka, nor marred his memory In this land, where he found ao much to offend his notions of refinement and culture more than slxtv vom sgo. Americans are very broad In their vlewa; so broad that they rather enjoy fair criticism, wen though se vere, such aa most of them have come to bellev Dickens' waa in the main. Now, they will, no doubt, be in ter. ested to know what the son will think or us and how his criticisms today will compare with those of his father ao many years ago. Of courae. some of the things the elder Dickens com plained of slavery, for one are not here to offend the aenslbllltles of tha son and In most waya Americans hope tney nave improved. We have got ao thoroughly accustomed, however, to British criticism thst we shall really feel disappointed if the younger Dlckena doea not have some advice to offer us. It would be most dls coursglng, moreover, to think that we have not profited to aome extent In all these yeara by the ceaseless curtain lectures from our fathers over the sea. To what purport could all their chiding have been but to impress us? Competition in Dishonesty. Is a business msn Justified in re sorting to shady methoda because hia competitor does and because If he, himself, did not he would lose trade? Such a question will strike nine out of every ten persons ss too Idle to ask, yet down deep under the skin of virtuous pretense a good many know very well that the question is not Idle when It cornea to having a tangible basis. The lamentable fact la that a good many men try to fool themselves Into believing that there ia such a thing as competition in honesty or dishonesty; that they are Justified In selling fourteen ounces for a pound, or three and three-fourths quarts for a gallon, or putting a double bottom In a bushel measure because some of their com petitors are doing thst thleg. Of course, the whole argument resta on a false premise, when It Is reared on one like that. The same holds true in politics, aa well aa business. Honesty Is honesty, and method of dealing will not change It. We have heard much of the "square deal." The square deal cannot be made with round corners. Competi tion, or what one's rlvsl msy do, Is not the gauge of action for one's self, at all. Four pecka ahould be given for a bushel because nothing under four pecka will make a bushel, and the business man ahould be honest for honesty's sake because nothing abort of that will stand the testi Integrity that depends on environment or clr cumstancpg la not Integrity; it Is doing rlsht. under protest. One of the surest ways to purge business of dishonesty and Inspire confidence In trade Is for the msn who Is raising this untenable ques tion In his mind to stop csrlng what his competitor does snd be honest for principle's sake. The Small Farm. The Missouri Rural Life conference protests sgalnst whst It calls a farm octopus, the extension of Individual ownership of land, which It believes has militated against the back-to-the-farm movement and the Intensive ag riculture enterprise, as, of course, It naturally would, snd operated to reduce the number of farms In the state. This condition thus complained of Is not entirely local to Missouri. It exists In Iowa, to some extent, In Ne braska and most western states. That Is, the average size of farms or ranches Is Increasing aa a result of the land-owning fever. This move ment which has reached such a mo mentum In the last few years has been mistaken for a movement back toward the farm often when it is really Just the opposite. When a man buys vsst tracta of land for whose cultivation he must employ an army of workers, he Is really obstructing the movement which has for Its dual purpose the Increase of acreage production and the peopling of farm ing communities. Usually this pur pose can be subserved by the small farm better than by the large ranch. And the very essence of the back-to-the-farm movement Is for one fam ily to own only what land It can till. The tendency then Is to populate the country and raise the standard of soil cultivation. In newer states like Ne braska it will naturally be many years before the big ranches are cut up into small farms. We are probably making aa favorable headway aa we need to, but down In Missouri, a much older state. It is not at all en couraging to find old settlers selling out their well-tilled, fertile farms to "land barons" and passing on to newer states, where cheaper land enables them to increase their hold ings, aa the men who bought them out are doing In Missouri. This, we say, is especially discouraging, since Missouri haa exerted such great en ergy in promoting the campaign of Intenaive agriculture as a means of Instilling new life Into the state and turning the tide of population, w hich the last census showed to b ebbing. But the task Is a difficult one. The man who haa a farm haa a right to sell It and probably will sell it when he gets his price, Just as the man with the price baa a right to buy all the land he can and will if he flndu that he can make money by ao doing. It ia largely a matter of education, after all. along lines of profitable cultivation. No one will dispute that the authorship of that letter is Governor Aldrlch's very own. And, still, read ing it over carefully, It opens the gate to a broad, smooth roadway by which the governor and the president msy both run for re-election upon the same ticket In Nebraska, heartily supporting one another. Now, then, Joe Brown will try to come back. Joe Brown? Why he is the man Georgia haa for governor when It docs not have Hoke Smith. Brown and Smith are beada and tails of Qe-awgy politics. The fac'rtharSan"Franciaco did not get rid of the Reuf-Schmlts-Mo-Carthy kind of mayors until It adopted a non-partisan election scheme might argue something for tne scheme. Some folks are" wondering at the report of Jack Johnson's being broke Shucks. It has been more than a year since tne man got that 1100,000. How long do you expect it to last bim? Mrs. Ellen Spencer Mussey has suggested a "safe and sane" style of scnool dress for Washington. D. C. girls. Let us hope It will not be mussy. 'J. D. Rockefeller Celebrates." Headline. We trust Mr. Rockefeller will not eet any bad examplea In hla oia age. SpotttBar taratgU'! Bird. Chlcajro Inter Ocean. x . ,.,ive in reace eeema io nava got into rather strenuous Com pany If tha gantle creature li any here In the neighborhood of the Mediterranean. Work aa a IHveralou. Houaton i'ost. .-rxDri, we are nrmly of the opinion that quite a number of tha people railing at tha truats caa lm- prove their condition a little by a tew hour a of work every day. Sore Thine. Washington Poat. The numerous condemned murderers who have been cluttering our American jails for the last two or three yeara. when they heard of Bogroffs prompt execution, doubtlees congratulated them selves that they dont live la barbarous Ruasta. rarorla Laws Net Millions. Philadelphia Record. To the Tobacco trust belongs the In ventive art of compelling American con sumers to pay for the tobacco they nsver get. Senator Beveridde thoroughly ex posed the operation of the truet tn charg ing for tobacco which consumers never receive, and his exposure Is officially confirmed at thla lata day after the monopoly has extorted hundred a of mil Uona from tha public by favoritism of the laws. BjookiW Backward IhbDay inOmalm COMPILED FROM Ot'.t FILES Thirty Years Ago At the c, until meeting among other things ordered were thst the city clerk advertl.-e for proposal to gutter Harney street, that cronsaalka be laid at Four teenth and Cas; that four copies of the city directory be purchased; that a house be built for the deer In the park; that the city clerk advertise for the grading of Sixteenth street between Farnam and Howard; that a bridge be built across North Omaha creek at the Intersection of Twentieth and Claxk; that a new grade be established at Seventeenth and Douglas. According to the city physician the number of deaths recorded for tha month of September waa (orty-seven. and the number of births was ninety-seven, In cluding two pairs of twins. The principal item of business at the School hoard meeting was to authorise the employment of an attorney to compel the police judge to pay collections Into the school fund. The border drama, "The Prairie Waif.1" was put upon the Academy boards for the first time this evening. It was greeted with a crowded house, fully 1.000 persona occupying the sitting and stand ing room. Wm. F. Cody. "Buffalo Bill." llgures as the star of the play, and throughout bore his part In true dramatic fctyle. The old Dr. Iah property at the coroner of Chicago and Twenty-first streets was sold to Colonel E. F. Pmythe for 18,000. Several carriages and two tableau chariots from Barnum's show arrived in the city for repairs, having been damaged in a tmanhup which Barnum'a train suf fered about five miles west of Tama City on the Northwestern. Tha chariots are to be repaired In time to appear In the grand parade In this city on Friday next General Crook went west, his destina tion being Mediplne Ball. Pcrclval Lowell, general passenger agent of the Chicago. Burlington 4 Qulncy road, came In this morning In a special car from Chicago and returned In the afternoon. Colonel E. F. Smyths left for New York to join his family, who have been spend ing the summer In the White mountains, who will return home with him. The colonel rays that his shingle Is still hang ing over the entrance of Us office in Pine street, and he la going around to sea if it will recognize him. Twenty Years Ago Charles Davla was found on the street with a satchel which B. C. Wood, a trav eling salesman stopping at the Paxton, claimed and Colonel Davis was locked up. Thieves got f out of the till at N. P. Wind's saloon, Sixteenth and Webster streets. George Washington fell from tha high estate of honesty into the hands of the police, along with E. Hicks, for being implicated with C. R. Ford In attempting to hold up John Hyland under the Six teenth street vladuot. Dr. D. A. Foot and bride arrived from Holly, Mich., and took up their realdence at tM3 St. Mary'a avenue. Local German societies held a meeting at Germania hall to arrange for the celebration of German day. August Schroeder was chosen president, B. Sachsse, secretary, and P. C. Schroeder, treasurer. Julius Meyer waa chosen as one of tha marshals of the day. Ten Years Ago Charles B. Coon returned from Cape Nome, where he had spent some months. Frank Murphy returned from New York and brought back with him no In formation on the matter of the con solidation of tha Omaha electric car lines. . Charles J. Greene got back from the east, where he visited Boston. Saratoga. Rye Beach. New York City and Buffalo. Ha reported General Prosperity In com mand. Jack Haskell arrived tn town after a strenuous season of umpiring In the American league. J. Plcrpont Morgan blew through Omaha on a special train of six cars at a rata too fast to time, an routs to the big Episcopal convention en the coast. His train tarried for coal and water only. Dr. Ramlclottt had 500 pounds of meat under Inspection, which has been con fiscated In a Benson shop for horse meat. W. R. McKeen, Jr., "foreman of the I'nlon Paclfo shops at Cheyenne." waa a guest at the Millard. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hustle enter tained the Friendly Greeting club at their home in Bemls psrk In the evening. Mrs. r. J. Corcoran won the first womajt's prize at cards and Mr. H. C. Cook the gentleman's prize. Tha con solation prizes went to Mrs. John F. Daly and Mr. P. J. Corcoran. People Talked About A New York taxi cab driver, eagerly sought by the police, could not be located until tha mayor got busy. By revoking the license of the taxi company the fugi tive driver was produced. Earnest law enforoara can always find a way. Tha coming premier of Canada haa a Yankee ancestry. Ths forbears of R. U Borden of Halifax lived In the old British colony of Connecticut until the revolutionary war. when all of them hiked across the border to save their hides and demonstrate their loyalty to the tory king. Mr. Hearst send word by wire and wire less over tha water that he has picked two winners for ths democratic ticket next year. Champ Clark or Congressmae Underwood will do ths trick. Harmon is Impossible, being too conservative, while the fickle Wilson might change his prin ciples ever night. Now that the oracle has spoken let the steam roller move. Mrs. William B. Leeds, the youthful widow of the American tlnplata king, has returned home with her son, whom she desires ts educate and train In American ways Mrs. Leeds is regarded as one of the handsomest of American women and haa a fortune of X2S.000.000. Theea mag netic charms drew a host of titled mala admirers, all of whom were handed the mitten. The late Senator Carter of Montane got Into the political game In territorial days by accident. He waa an unknown and a delegate to the republican slats convention of I. Nona of ths well knownere could be Induced to make the run as territorial delegate, and Carter was pressed Into service aa a sacrifice. Hs waa elected and took such a strong hold on ths publio crib that he nsver let go. r i The BeeS LdlcrBox "TT A Widely Head Paper. MINNEAPOLJB. Minn., Oct. l.-To the Editor of The Bee: It mlKht Interest you to know how far sway from home The Omaha Kee aometlmea wanders. This morning I received a letter from My. J. D. Bowen, written at Tlalchapa, Glerruo. Mexico. The opening paragraph ot hla letter reads aa follows: "I ran across an Omaha Sunday Bee of June 18. 1911. out here In the mountains of Mexico. On the home builders' page I note an English domestic style house, design No. 91, by you. This house seems to hit me for a home," etc. I once had a man write me from Idaho stating that be had seen one ot my de signs In Tha Omaha Bee. ARTHUR C. CLAUSEN. riaee for Missionary Work. GENOA. Neb . Sept. 35. To the Editor of The Bee: As the east bound train on the Chicago & Northwestern railway pulled out of Omaha a week or two ago quits a number of young boys, ap parently 14 to 18 years old, bade their parents goodbye and got aboard the Pullman. Shortly after the train started that peculiar odor nothing else In the world like it of opium, tobacco and wrapping paper filled the air. Going forward we discovered the boys In pos session of the toilet room, which they had filled so full of cigarette smoke that It was ImpOHslble for anyone not used to the dope to stay long enough to wash. The writer has been In a w.nese opium den. where men and women were lying around hitting the pipe, and the atmos phere was none too good there, but It was a pleasant dream compared to the odor that tilled that smoke room. One poor boy found the pills too strong for him, but to show he was no "piker," swore good and plenty. The churches don't need to send missionaries to China; they have a broad field on the Pullman cars about the time school begins, and you. "dear parents," don't worry "Willie" Is not half so lonesome ss you think he is. A TRAVELER. Harmony vrlth Bis H. SILVER CREEK. Neb., Oct. 2. -To the Editor of The Bee: The next day after ths late democratic congressional con vention at Norfolk, In the Interest of truth and justice, I sent a short com munication to the World-Herald, but, in the Interest of "harmony." I suppose, the World-Herald suppressed It. 1 wrote as follows: "It ts quite true ss stated In your ape. clal dispatch from Norfolk giving an ac count of the proceedings ot the demo cratic congressional convention, that the report of the committee on resolutions contained a compliment for Mr. Bryan and that his name 'was enthusiastically cheered.' But It Is also true, and a very significant fact, that that cheering came from not mors than one-fourth of the delegates there present, tha great body of them sluing in silence and making no sign. Two years ago teat applause would have come, hearty anl prolonged, from the throat of every democrat present." I, too, am tn favor of harmony. But I am not In favor off harmony that has to be manufactured to. order and bolstered up by misrepresentation and a suppres sion of the truth. I am quite willing that Mr. Bryan should hive the full benefit of all the cheers he tan get. But I am not willing that 1 and representative dem ocrats from every cotinty In the Third district should be represented as cheering for Mr. Bryan when we did nothing of the sort. If the Worlrf-Herald had com plimented us on our forbearance and self control in not emitting enthusiastic groans at the mention of Mr. Bryan's name It would have done much better than to suppress a plain statement of fact. CHARLES WOOSTER. Sooth Omaha Parks. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb., Sept. 30 To the Editor of The Bee: It is with a great deal of pleasure that I no tice that the Seed of annexation sown by a few of us in South Omaha one year ago has gTown so tremendously that it Is smothering out all opposition to It. It is time ths people of South Omaha should wake up and take notice. It aeems to me that, being a part ot a metropolitan city, we have very little to lose and a great deal to gain. If things are not run as the angels might In Omaha, yet they are not any worse than In South Omaha and by consolida tion of ths two cities we will only have one set of officials to "cuss." I think ons of the great mistakes made In South Omaha ha been In so much useless waste of public money In buy ing parks. The-e Is no sene In buying a new piece of ground every time a few people In a certain section of the city want the park board to buy them. It would have been better If ths city had bought Syndicate park alone and fixed It up In fins shape and made it one of the finest parks in ths United States, rather than buy a strip of land hers and there all over ths city and not fix up any of them. People from other states ' have said that Syndlcats park Is ons of ths finest natural parks in ths country and It oould be made extremely fine If ths city only owned that park alone and had fixed It up as it ought to be and not waste so much money for other parks that are never fixed up and never will be. If ws ars consolidated with Omaha I think the beat thing that can be dons for us ths first thing will be for the greater city to sell all of ths parks except Highland and Syndicate and fix up Syndicate park In the manner that It ought to be fixed. 1 except Highland for the reason that It has already been fixed up and not because of its location. FRANK A. AGNEW. Beelalnai of the chapter. Baltimore American. England Is gloating over ths rejection of reciprocity with ths United States by Canada, but thla la only ths beginning ot ths chapter. There may be proof that ths gloating waa prematura at ths end. The great colonlea of ths British empire eventually will do what Is for their own best Interests, breaking away from the traditions which atlll bind them, though with lessening force, to tha mother coun try, who certainly has nsver sacrificed her own Interests for their. Abolish Grata Crewlsgt. St. Louts RapubUo. Ths awful hayrack accident at Nssnah, a flourishing manufacturing town on the Lower Fox river In Wisconsin, just bring so much the nearer ths day when, with increased density of population end heightened sense of the preclousness of the value of human life, grads orosafnga In this country will bs treated aa they ars in England abolished save In sx ceptlonal eases, and provided with watch msn when allowed. SOME EDITORS SEE THINGS. St. Louis Republic: A live Kanaa un dertaker running for sheriff la riding around and making his canvass In his hearae. Of course he will know where to dig up the neceary votes If the worn comes to the worst. Houston Post: Wsntlng an office mas be defined aa a form of yearning which In a republican signifies selfishness and rapacity and In a democrat an exalted ambition to benefit his fellow man at so much per. Chicago Record-Herald: J Plerpont Morgan haa decided to try conclusions with Wlekersham In the Steel trust case. The government may as well, therefore, try to delay matters so that ths umpire will call the game on account of dark ness or something Louisville Courier-Journal: It is re ported from Calcutta that a Hindu idol at Rajpore hss wept copiously for twenty-one days. As the former liar of Chefu has not reported a Portuguese war via Badajos for some time It is probable that he la earning an outing In India by his pen. Chicago Inter Ocean: These be perilous times for trusts. In Logansport. Ind., a barber and a restaurant proprietor poolPd Issues and put up signs reading: "Hash, haircut and shine, 25 cents," and "Sham poo and scrambled eggs. 40cente," Where upon the city authorities ordered them to disintegrate their businesses. A Si"rloo Inatnniitlon, St. Louts Republic. "Mental intemperance," says the chan cellor of the University of Nebraska, dis cussing the habits of studenta, "! an even greater evil." Have thoe hoys from the valley of the Platte been read ing the poetry of Ella Wheeler Wilcox? Three Bites In the ring. Chicago Record-Hera d. The tobacco truat will split lt?ef into three companies. In compliance with the decision of the Supreme court. It Is un derstood that coupons will be Interchangeable. mm1 rsa SJ Bypass, jf,Fm'm ""l w' CREAM Is a protection and guarantee against alum which is found in the low priced baking powders. To be on the safe side when buying baking powder, examine the label and take only a brand shown to be made from Cream of Tartar. wmmmsm trail SMnlu A splendid romance. The scene opens in Cairo, continues in the desert and ends in New York. The plot, starting with the theft of a rare and holy rug by an American adventurer from its Moslem owner and sold to an American collector, is MacGrath's most notable stroke of originality. All is told in the author's most captivating manner that sparkling rapid-fire style which has made him the pre-eminently popular romancer. Illnstrmltd in Color by Andri Castaignt. Sr.ij tut OWBOBBS-MERR1U:03MPANY ISKSJgul GUARANTEE FOND LIFE ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED JANUARY 2. 1002. PIKE PROTECTION INSIHAXCE Assets, October I, 1911 $589,641.70 Reserve Fund. October 1, 1911 4 68,72.45 Securities with State Department October 1. 1011 292,500.00 . (To oars Our Insurance Contracts. Rate per thousand, age S3 (other a-es in proportion), $8.75 Depository Beaks appointed K80. Uosasse to OeUforals, leaiaea, Iowa, ataaass, lfontana, Vsbreska, Wort Dakota, Oregon. South Dakota, laano, Washington, Texas ana Wyoming, and preparing; to sater lUlnoia and Michigan. Man capable of producing the best class of boslasas waste as atate Managers ana Solicitors. loos vr ovb macoKD. Home Office: Brandeis Building, Omaha, Neb. Telephone Douglae 7021. Reliable Furs at Reasonable Prices Largest selection and best values In fur sets and coats to be found In Omaha. It will cost you nothing, to look and will surely save you money. Corns and see us we will prove it to you. H. E. HUBERMANN FURRIER No. 9 Oon risen tal Block. Take Elevator to Second Floor. MIRTHFUL REMARKS. Pteila-Whit do you consider a waste of opportunity Bflla A freight train g'Mng through a tunne.. New loik Sun. "Blinka used to be daft on the subject of bined treasure. What's he up to now?" , ' He's g 'vt up an expedition to try to find the place where Methuaalem stored hm birthday present "Toledo Blade. D'Auber Your daughter paints In the DuK'ti srh"ol. dots she not.' Mrs. .Newi K h Not much, she don t! We ra .' a quarter to give her private feaanni. at home. Dutch school Indeed" I hi a. Record. He had returned from a long, weary", unsuccessful- tishing trip. A dog ran across tue road, nai K(ng nercely. " Aren t you atta.d hell attack you?" asked the tncnu. ' l wisn h- would. I'd take almost any kind ot a ihame to be ame to go home ami say I have had just ons bit. " Chicago Recoid-Heiald. DOiN'T WG4RY. W. D. Nesbit In Chicago Post. Ifou 6ay that juu are leeung 111. Thai jou have many pains and aches, That eery nour you take a pill 'In reiniy uur healtn-mistakea. u'her up, my ini-nd. and do not moan, llinuKU ha f an Invalid you be; It doea not ue.p to sigh and groan I would not lot it worry me. You say that business la bad. That evciy day you meet a los And ti.at ti.i.i makes you blue and sad. Likewise canianknously cross. Cheer up. my friend, and do not curse, AltliniiKh there s no relief to see. lUmember that it might be worBe 1 would not let It worry me. i'oti say that you are losing friends, iliai ihcy are piaying ia.se the while ..tin ua.m on in serve their ends, Which s.r.iply makes you lull of bile? Cheer up. my friend; do not repine, but lei your soul sing g ad and free. hat though they have an 111 design? I would not let It worry me. ilow'a that? You nay that you are tired Of all this optimistic guff. Yiu think cpl.fiera should be fired Hv some one with a manner rought Ciifer up. my friend, although you hear So much piched In this gushy key . I let It flit from ear to ear I do not let It worry me. N. K. Cor. 15U and Douglas Ste. Omaha, Neb.