Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Hushing Season Ends with An
nouncement of Members.
l outfit for Mrmbrn Anoig '
ytndrnls at Stale I nlvrnltf
(onclndra for the l'rnft
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
IJNCOLN. Neb., Oct. 2. (Special Tele
gramsFraternity rushing season closed
today at the state university and the fol
lowing pledges were announced, ninety
five being given out tonight:
Alpha Tau Omega Lloyd A. Adams,
Omaha. Harley Krokn, Lincoln; Hex
Coffee, Chadron; Clarence Doll, Ina,
1U.; Chester Dobba, ileatrlne; George
Oelbe, Omaha; Bruce A. Mallory, Alli
ance; Howard K. Reddish, Alliance.
Alpha Theta Chi Donald Knfield. Val
ley; Donald Howe, Omaha; Leonard Mar
shall, Omaha; Donald Mapes, Norfolk;
Karl Taylor, Yates Center, Kan.
Ueta Theta PI Warren Howard. Walter
Klopp, Ralph Bldwell. Ralph Dowd and
Wilson Todd of Omaha; Ut-orge Swingle,
Nelson Bowers, Paxton Stoddard and
Kdmund Field of Unooln; James Cal
houn, Scotts Bluff, Neb.; Russell gwllt,
Harlan, la.; Tom Egan, Nebraska City;
Herbert Rlggs, Waterloo, Neb.; Clyde
White and Windsor LJoyd, York.
Delta Tau Delta L,. Utmont Edson,
Council Bluffs, la.; John S. McfJurk,
Pavld City; Oeorge 8. Aldrlch, Llncoin;
H. Chalmers Uellatly, Lincoln; Ralph F.
Ross, David City; Charles T. SUoan,
tieneva; 1". Blaine Sloan, Geneva; Byron
SI. Shepherd, Lincoln.
Delta Upsilon Sam Waugti, Lincoln;
William Wentworth, Omaha; Frank
Weatover, Rushvllle; Harry VVestover,
Rushville: Victor Dacken, Harlan, Ia-i
Albert Hoppe, Lincoln; Cloyd Stewart,
Wyoming; Lewis Thomas, Hebron.
Phi Delta Theta Harry Delameter,
Omaha; Donald Owen, Omaha; Victor
llalllgan, North Platte; Phillip McCul
lough. Omaha; Harry Thomas, Univer
sity Place; Harlen Goetve, St. Joseph,
lio.; James Hutchins, Falls City.
Phi Uarama Delta Oliver Hathaway,
St. Joseph, Mo.; Kent Thornall, Sldeny,
la.; Donald Bridge, Norfolk; Thomas
Scott, Kearney; Donald Gregg, Kearney;
Frank Rocken, Highland; Norrls Tym,
Omaha; Roy Allen, Los Angeles, Cal.;
Waller McDonald, Omaha.
Ktcrmi) Alnho. Kn.ilnn CrAnnTA DllttOn.
Hastings; Charles B. Meyers, York; Wll
lard Wiley, York; Paul J. Anderson,
Omaha; Durward B. Temple, Lincoln:
Robert H. Wilson, Holdrege; Earle G
Hawkins, Oskosh, Wis.; M. H. Lee, Shel
ton; Arnold Grimm, Lincoln; George.
Strides, Sioux City, la.
Sigma Chi Robert Harley, Lincoln;
William Goehner. Seward; Frank Per
kins, Fremont: William Becker, Lincoln.
Phi Kappa Psl Phillip Southwlck. Ltn
n: Merrill Collins. Lincoln.
Sigma Nu George Armstrong, Omaha;
R. MacParklnson. Omaha; Fred Wyland,
Harlan. Ia.: Glenn Miller, Harlan, la.;
Homer Glttlngs, Superior; George
Hpooner, Council Bluffs, la.; Kenneth
Snyder, Council Bluffs, la.; Chester
Usher, onawa, la.
Karoa Sigma Harold Temple, Lex'vg
ton; C. G. Beck, Peru; R. Burson, Sent
1le. Wash.: Floyd Bennett, Pawnee CSy;
Frank Begley, Springfield; Ed Pettis,
Lincoln; P. t-herwooa. Kea cioua.
Governor Aldrich
is for La Follette
for President
FTtEMONT, Oct. 2. "I am for Senator
La Follette for president of the United
States and I don't care who knows it,"
Is Governor's Aldrlch's reply addressed
to Ross Hammond, Internal revenue col-
' lector for Nebraska to editorial comment
in Hammond's paper, published in this
' city.
"I don't think that President Taft
should be nominated and I am entitled
to that belief. He still has an oppor
tunity to do something by way of re
deeming the platform pledges of his
party and If he does there may be no
' occasion for any other candidate, but If
he does not do better in the future than
he has done in the past, he not only will
not be nominated, but he will be de
feated if nominated."
Governor Aldrich'a letter was called
forth by editorial comment by Ham
mond on the governor's policy. The
governor was quoted as saying in a
recent speech in Sioux City that Ne
braska was for La Follette and that
Taft had no friends In this state. He
has denied this Interview and also that
he was Intending to attend a meeting of
Im Follette supporters in Chicago and
that he would make La Follette speeches
In the state.
Uoldlnar Wedding; at Shobert.
8HUBERT, Neb.. Oct. 2. (Special.) Mr
and Mrs. Evan L. Evans celebrated their
golden wedding this week by entertain
ing a company of relatives and, friends
t an evening reception at the home of
their son, John M. Evans, cashier of the
Farmers' State bank. Supper was served
ByCuticura Remedies Which He Rec
ommends for Skin Troubles.
at small tables, which were decorated
with golden rod, and all about the rooms
was a profusion of cut flowers and golden
rod. The place curds hsd the dates "11"
and "1911" and the pictures of Mr. and
Mrs. Evans in opposite corners. After
supper Rev. Day, pastor of the Christian
church in Shubert, made a short address.
Private Who Stabbed Corporal Cam-
eron to Be Tried.
Hlet'trle Mailt Plant Flooded and
the Town In Thrown In
HTiri.T.A Keh . Ort 2. (Special.) The
heaviest rain in years fell here Saturday
and 8unday. Fully two and one-half
Inches of rain fell in the forenoon and
then about o'clock it began to pour
down and kept it up till 2 in the morn
ing. The total rainfall was about eight
At R an the enclne room of the electric
light riant held bo much water that It
filled the big trough that the large ny
wheel turns in. thus putting the lights
out of commission and leaving the town
in darkness. The stores of Wheeler et
Ron and Hoerefe ft Co. were consider
ably damaged by the leaks In the roof of
the opera house directly over them.
About mldnlaht the Muddy overflowed
Its banks, the water coming up to the
right of way, and cattle In the pastures
near the depot had to be gotten out dur
ing the heavy downpour.
The Falls Cltv local was the last train
through till at 11 o'clock 8unday fore
noon the Omaha train reached here. A
wiaHhniit nrir Verdon was expected to be
repaired by 1 o'clock so the passenger
trains could get through.
Popnllst Committee Reorganises.
OSCEOLA, Neb., Oct. 2. (Special.) The
people's Independent state committee at
its meeting held in Grand Island on Fri
day last elected an executive committee
consisting of the following persons, being
one for each congressional district: F.
D. Eager of Lincoln, Orvado Cowles of
Valley, Frank Roth of Tekamah, Dr. II.
I. Cummins of Seward, J. M. Miller of
Hastings and W. H. Taft of Cozad. Three
of the candidates on the state ticket.
Messrs. Harman, Stark and Oldham, were
present, and the committee meeting was
one of the best held for some time. Head
quarters will be maintained at Aurora.
Horse Knt Too Mnch Wheat.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., Oct. 2. (Special.)
Rudolph Krofta lost a fine team of
young horses for which he had recently
refused 1100. He had left a part of a
wagonload of wheat standing In the yard
and thoughtlessly left the horses to run
In the same yard. The next morning he
started to drive the team to Stelnauer,
and on the way they were taken sick.
He came to town for medicine and when
he returned both of them were dead.
They had eaten so much of the wheat
that It caused their death.
Llsrhtnlnsr Strikes Trcimirh Cbnrrh
TECUMBEH, Neb., Oct. 2. (Special.)
Johnson county was visited by a very
heavy fall of rain and a violent electrical
storm last evening. From 4 o'clock to
10:30 o'clock three Inches of rain fell at
this point. The creeks were swollen, but
did not leave their banks. During the
storm the spire of the Tecumaeh Presby
terlan church was struck by lightning
and the shingles badly torn therefrom.
but the building did not catch on fire.
The lightning struck in many places in
this vicinity.
Silver Wrddlnx at Osceola.
OSCEOLA, Neb., Oct. 2. Speclal.) The
silver wedding anniversary of Rev. C. G.
Grassmueck and wife was observed on
Saturday, at which time their friends
from over the county gathered at the
family residence and enjoyed the after
noon and evening in a very appropriate
manner. Rev. Grassmueck Is pastor of
the German Methodist Episcopal churches
in Osceola and In Valley precinct.
TtrnmMi Honda Approved.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Oct. 2.-(Speclal.)
Cty Attorney J. C. Meore has received
word from the state auditor that the
bonds voted by this city last July In the
sum of $15,000 for the extension of the
water service have been approved by that
Rodgers' Aeroplane
is Wrecked by Fall:
Operator is Injured
HUNTINGTON, Ind., Oct. 2.-Caught in
a sudden gust of wind, C. P. Rodgers'
aeroplane dived to earth Just after ha
had started from this city toward Chi
cago today and the machine was wrecked
and Rodgers painfully bruised.
Hardly had Rodgers got Into the air
when a sharp wind swooped the machine
from his control and it fell into an ad
joining field. He picked himself out of
the twlstrd aeroplane and said he Was
only slightly hurt Rodgers said it would
be several days before the aeroplane
could be repaired for a, further stage of
his flight.
"While attending school at Lebanon, Ohio,
In 18S-", there was a small-pox scare, and
we were all vaccinated. Presumably from
Impure virus used, I became afflicted with
bolls, which lasted for about
two years, when the affliction
auumed the form of an
eczema on my face, the lower
part of my face being in
flamed most of the time.
There would be water-blisters
JTr rise up, and open, ana
LA I wlierever the water would
IVY7T V touch it would bum. and
cause another one to rise.
After the blister would open,
the place would scab over,
and would bum and Itch co
as to be almost unbearable at tlws. In this
way the sores would (pread from one place to
another, bark and forth over the whole of my
upper lip and chin, and at times tao whele
lower part of my face would be a solid core.
Thii condition continued (or four or five years,
without getting any better, and In fact ret
worse all the time, so much to tbatmywlfe
bnrame alarmed lest it prove fatal.
" During til this time of bolls and eczema,
I doctored with the best phyaiclani of this
Fart of the country, but to no avail. Finally
decided to try Cuticura Remedici, which I
did, taking the Cuticura Resolvent inter
rally, applying the Cuticv.ra Ointment to
the sort, and using the Cuticura Eoep for
wahing. Ia a very short time I began to
notice Improvements, and continued to use
the Cutk-ura Remedies until within leu then
a year I was well acain, and have not had a
recurrence of the trouble since, which Is over
twraty years. I have recommended Cuticura
Remedies to otheis ever since, and have great
faltb In them as remedies for skin diceisea."
(Slgaed) A. C. Brandon, Attorary-at-Law,
Greenville. O., Jan. 17, 101 1.
Sold throughout the world. Fend to
Fttr D. C. Corp., Dept. IA. Bo ion. for
ttm sasaias of Cuticura ttoen tad GuiimcaW
Last Session of the
Eucharistio Congress
CINCINNATI, O., Oct. L-Tha final
services of the fifth Eucharistio congress
were held here this afternoon at the new
archeplscopal residence at Norwood
Heights In the presenoe of the laity, va
rious Catholto societies;, priests and dig
nitaries. The ceremonies opened with a Dro.
cession headed by Archbishop Henry
Moeller of Cincinnati and the visiting
archbishops and priests, numerous so
cieties of uniformed knights of the Cath
olic church and nearly a thousand sem
inarians, all singing the papal hymn.
The monstrance, containing the blessed
sacrament, was borne by Archbishop
Moeller, marching under a canopy to the
porch of his mansion, where the Rev.
Robert D. Condon of La Crosse, Wis.,
delivered the sermon, "Emmanuel or
God With Us."
Failure to Get Mack to Camp After
I. rave of Abarnrr to See resi
dent Taft at Omaha
Private Arthur 8. Cooper of Reaver
City will te court-martialed nt Camp
John H. Mickey before the National
Guards break camp this week. A court
for the military trial has been named
and taking of evidence In a formal man-
tier will begin "Wednesday or Thursday.
The specific charge against Cooper will
be that of felonious and malicious assault
on Corporal James J. Cameron. The
principals are of company B of the r-ei-ond
regiment. The court for the trial
has been selected by Brlgndler General
Storch. In command of the ramp, and is:
Major Paul of the Second regiment,
Captain Elsasser of the First, Captain
Hall of the Second, Lieutenant orria oi
the First. Lieutenant Maples of the Sec
ond. The Judge advocate general win
be Captain Hrcweter.
"The trial will last for two or three
days or perhaps even longer." (sold one
of the commanding officers In the camp.
"We will begin taking evidence as soon
... ... i . ... i
aa posalDie ana tno inai win u iuni
before we break camp."
No order for the trial has been Issued
from brigadier headquarters, but the or
der is ready and will be made probably
Tuesday. The court was chosen from
both regiments and equally divided be
tween the two In order to eliminate any
prejudice. There will be no change In
the regular routine of the camp during
the trial.
Cameron's condition has Improved dur
ing the last few days and he is now able
to walk about, but his wounds are still
painful. It is generally believed among
the militiamen of the ranks that Cooper
will be acquitted, as the evidence of eye
witnesses tends to show that the stab
bing was provoked. There is no sign of
animosity between Cooper and Cameron
and each awaits the trial, which will be
the first of Its kind among Nebraska
militia, with llttlo apparent nterest.
Sixty Men Arrested.
Sixty young and patriotic soldiers se
cured leave of absence Sunday to see
President Taft, and failed to report back
to camp before the fatal taps at eleven-
thirty. The night guard arrested the
bunch and placed them in the guard
house. Several non-commlBsloned officers
were among the men and all were put on
police duty Monday. Their sentences were
revoked in the afternoon and they were
allowed to participate In the dtess piualc
by the two regiments, the hospital enrps,
the two bands and rnglneeilng brigade.
Inspection 1) ttrantar.
The entire camp will be Inspected Tups-
day by First lieutenant Kelley. of the
fourth lnfuntrv. stationed at Knrt frnuk
The nlmrtern will he llmntx-ted. the men
and their property, and If anything Is
iouna in an unwarranted cinnimon, oint'is
to conform to regulations will be made
and execute! at once.
Murder Confession
of Dr. H.E.Webster
is Substantiated
Number of Victims of Austin Flood
Will Not Exceed 200.
Others tre lleneath (.rest Pile of
nehrla and It Mini lie Cleared
Promptly In Order to Pre
vent Pestilence.
niXON, 111., Oct, 2-What Is supposed
to be the missing bundle of clothing
which was stripped from the body of
the wife of rr. It. E. Webster has been
turned over to the authorities. Every
local circumstance In the Chicago con
fession hns been substsntlated.
OREGON, HI., Oct. 2. -A crowd of sev
eral hundred men and boys surrounded
the county Jail today In an effort to
get a glimpse of Dr. Henry 10. Web
ster, under arrest for the murder of his
wife. Dr. Webster. In custody of State's
Attorney Emerson and several deputy
sheriffs, arrived hero from Chicago late
last night. The prisoner was physically
exhausted after his four-hour ordeal
questioning by the Chicago police and
fell asleep shortly after being placed In
a cell.
He did not awaken until 7 o'clock this
morning, when he ate a hearty break
fast and sold he felt much refreshed. He
declined to discuss his case, saying he
told everything he knew to the police
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2 -The district
court of appeals Issued a peremptory writ
against the superior court today, ordering
a dismissal of the indictments found
against A. K. Petwiler, a telephone mag
nate of Toledo, o. The Indictments were
found during the days of the graft prose
cutlon and charged bribery. Owing to the
absence of witnesses the state Is unable
to prosecute.
Al'STIX. Pa.. Oct. 2 With the arrival
of a raiioad of coffins this momltig th
Krlninrss of the tragedy which piactl
cally obliterated this town was Im-
ressed on tho survivors and a consider
able number of workers who today began
anew their efforts to mine deeply Into
the bard hills of debris. Twenty lctlms.
Including two at Costello, had been
placed In a temporary morgue at iMd
Fellows hall, one of the few buildings
standing In the ruined district. Only
twelve have been Identified.
Seene of tntnl Desolnt ton.
The aspect of Austin, Costello and the
valley beyond today Is as dreary a It Is
appalling. The towns are pictures of
desolation. The valley slilo hills In which
they He tire still littered by the shat
tered homes of their people and the rem
nants of prosperous places of business
and manufacturing plHiits, No reliable
estimate of tho proocrty loss can be
soon made, but It is safe to say It will
not be less than tS.Om'.OOO. The paper
and lumber Industries are utterly de
stroyed. The timber supply, Indeed, was
rapidly nearing exhaustion and at the
best It was thought flo years from now
the Industry would be practically at an
Quickest Relief Known
For All Sore Feet
SANDERSON, Tex., Oct. 2-8lx promi
nent Mexicans, one of them a Baptist
preacher, were poisoned near here yester
day. Four died last night and tho other
two today. They met death on the ranch
of Juan Moreno, who died recently, pre
sumably from strychnine placed In his
flour barrel.
The following Is absolutely the surest
and quickest cure know n to science for
nil foot ailments: "Dissolve two table-
niioiuuin in niorioe compound n a
water. Soak the feet In
tlilx for full fifteen min
utes, gently imiHsaglng
the soru parts. The effect Im
really wonderful. All sore
ness goes Instantly; the
feet feel mt good you
could sing for Joy. Corns
and ci' I louses can be
peeled right off. It gives
Immediate relief for In
flamed hunloiiH. sweaty
feet, aching feel, chil
blains and frost-bites. A
twenty-five rent box of
Caloclde Is said to be
Hiillielent to cure the worst feet. Calo
clde worksj through the pores and re
moves the cause of the trouble. Don't
waste time on uncertain remedies. Any
druggist has Calocldu compound In
stock or he can get It In n few hours
from his wholesale house. Caloclde
compound Is not a patent medicine but
Is an ethical preparation.
This Beer
il Right
mw iS delicate
yyMVyyyi mKm
JlllS ul ?'! exclusive
will like tn is Leer because it lias a
flavor and yet is rick and wholesome.
Deer of Quality
ute cleanliness from Pabst
8-day malt by tbe Pabst
ive process perfected in
if tbe most advanced
scientific brewing.
Order a case
a- vyyyyyyM'
Ths Psbsl Csmptny
307 Leavenworth, Omsht
fsl. Douglas 79, A, 147
im tie IW'-'in. "F 'tit & h
A Hotel oTrefinecl cl
egopce, located in
NewYork's social centre
Easily accessible to
theatre and shopping
districts .
Sinflte Pomi with Rath 1 -2 fo529
DwUaRbewHhBathJtfirolftSS. .
Wetherbce tfWood
SIWWJL.iPJlltAflSnirrW I III f 'Il J- '"?
Fiftk Ave.tfflfyvtffih St.
We have just received samples
of the two
Mew Mitchells
The Roadster
4-cylinder at
S5r-B: $1,75
"Wo think these two models represent the great
est vnlue ever offered at the money. AVe think wo
can convince you too, if you will permit n demonstration.
tehell Mtoter C
2209 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 782.
Mre88888988999 Favorite Ry'
ox six Generation"
When you want an especially good
bottle of rye for your company, buy
Why not have it for yourself
Distilled 4 times makes it 4
times "purer."
Bottled m Bond
Each bottle ia sealed with
the U. S. Government Stamp.
Its age is guaranteed by the
U. S. Government.
Its purity by the Schenley
Distilling Company.
Its quality speaks for itself.
When you buy Rye, buy Bcbcnley. At all dealara.
Schenley Distilling Company, Lucesco, Pa.
lo im mono
I Mlsiliu(MMaB 1
js- ".",.Tr
III Rf--.7 .--2324 111 1 Vx-aTV ,mlay- With our tmmenae p.'ant and tieln l
V. .rSS9 --:Sl wS.jSn) M) 1 1111 fry ayaum. no tcrucer in allowed to ofir
NSsV N? . ' ya-s. . " ii-f " WllSsS- ' Jfc J YJ H tar aal cscapt when abaoluialy freau, V.
""Br-n 'iliMSW "tT- " ' ""O- 5L Tip Top breul Is beinc Imitated In aiyla R
, Sm " Bread... " 5c at all grocers I
COLLMBl'S. O., Oct. 1. -Governor Har
mon will leave tonight for St. Louis,
where he will meet Governor Hadley of
Missouri, for a conference preliminary
to the preparation of a petition to be filed
In the supreme court of th. United states
ssklns; a review and reversal of the de
clslon of Federal Judoe Sanborn pertain
Ins to th. regulation of railroad freight
and passenger rates.
Persistent Advsrtlsli la the Road to
Big Returns.
Recipe for
Calumet Biscuit
4 Cops sifted flour.
1 HuplngteaspoonfulCalsv
mc Battas Pwd'.
1 Level tasispooo of salt.
I Hounding tablespoons
butter or lari&
M Cup of milk.
VI Cup of water.
Sift flour once, then meat
are, add salt and baking
powdrr and sift three time,
rub shortening la with fork
or spoon, add milk and
water, turn out on a well
floured board and roll one
Inch thick, cut and bake ia
a quick oven about twelve
to nitaen minutes.
Boesiit This Loolc
Good "to Ifon ?
It's only one of the delicious, tempting things made with Calumet
Baking Powder. No matter what brand of Baking Powder you
now use, get from your grocer today a
can of Calumet and try this recipe.
Learn of the perfect leavening; qualities of
Calumet; of the light and flufly. sweet, delicious and
wholesome food it makes. I kirvr... -otist
Is also superior in purity and uniformity. Each time you bake with
it you are absolutely certain of the same wholesome, appetizing
biscuits, cake or pastry.
Cheap bigr-can-kinds and high priced trust brands cannot compare
with it. Calumet is highest in quality moderate in cost.
Do yourself this favor get Calumet today.
Free Land Information
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand
of its renders for land information, has gathered and
compiled data on noils, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc.
How to get irrigation lands, location of projects,
laws governing same, etc. ' (
Best sections for fruit growing, general farming,
stock raising or dairying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. Stato
plainly and specifically what you want to know. "Write,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha, Nebraska