10 Till: Will): OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOKKR 3, 1011. REAL CSTATE FARM et HAM H I.AM) FOR Ktl.K 4 nloradi -t'nntlaiied. Bargains Fruit land, T-ranOI Hid. FRl'IT Innd batfthalas. lntrrmountein Land Co., 1122 Farnam. Phone D. 4uJi. SPKCIAL ATTKNTIO.V A lflO-ACRK form for sole, best land In the neighborhood. 100 mTM broke; Rood well ami windmill; H horm-e, 15 head of cattle, nrnie chlrkens; all farm Imple ment. and household good; ieed for all stock. Will sell all for a clieup price of H.mifi. 1 iniiKt sell for 1 am a widower to mimmvri. ajul I have n daughter who want to no to higher schools. The farm and Improvement!, I1J' an acre, or will exchojiKe It for some prop erty not mora thun a mile from higher schools. For other Information, write to John Ktnhera, Hon l'fc. Uuiiington, Colo. (Jeorala, (.rkat south uisouma Traversed by the ATLANTA. UiltMINfllUM & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adaptable to the wldt rang of cropa. All tho money ciops of the Mouth plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with thin coming omntry. Ha aoll, cli mate, church and school advantages, write W. It. LKAHY, DEPT. K. Uoneral PottnengiT Agent, A TLA N TA. UA. Iowa. 125-ACRE improved farm, with orchard, I miles -N. E. council liiufts, S6 per acre, If quick. 54 acrea, will Improved, 12i per acre. lJay A lien Co., Sola Agent. Co. Bluff. TilK easiest way to find a buyer for your farm I to Iniert a small want ad in the Des Moines Capital. Lanteat clr ' culatlon In the atate of Iowa, 43.0UU dally. I Tho Capital la read by and believed in by i the landpattera of Iowa, who aimply re ! fuse to permit any other paper In their ' home. Hatra, 1 cent a word a day; tl 24 REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) C1TT and farm. JOHN N. FRENZKK. LOW HATES, HKM IS-C'A KI.UEKG CO., :i0-.1ll lliandela Theater Bldg. WANTED FARM LOAN'S. Kloka In vestment Company, Omaha. I.AHilK city loan wanted; mortgage & bond bouifht and old. BTULL HKOS. OARVWBHQSa off 6 PER ' TF.NT IlANH ON EABTERN NEBRASKA FA KM 8. We will receive applications for loan to be cloned on or before April 1. 0)12. Inquire of local correspondent of tha Northwest Mutual Life Iniiurance com pany, or of 12. B. Stephenson, Special Loan Agent, Lincoln, Neb, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TO TRADE Its) acre New Huron, 8. D., prlre tiO.OHU; mortgage r.,4'K. equity M.ft'i. What have you? '. C. IsMsnhulh, 740 Urandeis Theater Uldg. TO TRADE A tl.oflO equity In a five room houHf, narn and two lot In Omaha for automobile. J. A. Chuniber, Ander tun, la. EXCHANGES, all kind; lint with us; rend for exchange book. Colorado Land St. Investment Co., l'alleade, Colo. KXCHANOKS-A. Trade. D. 163i. C. Jewell, Hoard of HALF faction of good land, t mile frim Kimball, Neb. (county "seat). Twenty acrea and a town lot In the onion belt of Texan. Twenty acre and two town lot In tha flu and orange igull naat belt of Texa. Two nice quarter of tabie land near Julesburg, Colo. Will consldor a bunch of good horae, good cattle or clear, earning town properly. Addrea Box M, Albion, insd. EXCHANGE for what you want. Bhopen per Una per month, count . x ordinary!- KxchBn,, Experti iaX,on 111k. nrn.i xo ine miit. nuicr, muhici . . Capital. Pea Molnee, la. . , t,arber to ,en. or exchange anything. 440 Boa id of Trade. V. 4341. TRADES If you have anything to trade, writs ma. 8. E. Walt, 817 Heo Rid-. Tfebraaka. WANTED 60 Nebraska ranches and farm for Iowa cuitomer. AUehoua & Co., Council Bluff, la. 160 Improved farm. Minnesota, for Omaha rnkldunce or merchandise. 040 NEBRASKA and Oregon land, SS up, Eogan, county, Neb., for tnurchandls. HP Hp. 820 Cheyenne Co., ror omana city prop erty or merchandise. ALL.13 A NASOJLAO, 441 Hoard of Trade. K4 ilrandels Blag. HOMK8TF.AD 120 acres for I17S; about 90 mile out; rich farm land, not aand. Wit n old entry, now cancelled. Wor.n li.ouO. J. A. Tracy. Kimball, Neb. 100 CUSTER CO. farms Jut on market. Hi up, easy terms. Walker Co., Ml ill an dels Theater. IMPROVED Nebraska farms, SJ an acre up. Writ or call for our list. Wood ward, 714 Omaha Nat. liana Rldg. WANT to exchange my S3.000 equity in 1W acrea; good Improvement; for good 40 acre or less, or stock, tools end equity for hardware. 18,000 long time. Y 1U2, care of Omaha Bee. 1 HANDLE exchangee everywhere. For result see trie. Dean, 817 Be mag. u. nut. GOOD Knox Co. farms, 46 an aere.easy WR ..change properties of merit C. W. terms. J. C. Kruasr. ownsr, 4 it Bran- w.i.h ii. N. Rea Hlda. Doug. 7SH6. dais Biag. GOOD Nebraska land. 10 up. Eweet. IZ Neville. J. N. WANTED TO BUY 81 ACRES in Beward county, i miles I CASH paid fur books. Crane, IU B. 14th. from a food town: 240 acre cultivated; ! 11 - good -room house; barn, 44x50; cowshed, WANTED to buy small barn, to move. 22x42; new double corncrlb, 10x40, with TeL Harney 4U7B. H , I u. mj v vranurv nhlrkn hmme. Wlnh I house, heg house, well and windmill: FOR. a dainty dessert use Dalsell's Ice At,.. t ui t w-m in .. hmr.tlirht: is I nren.ni. If Mra. U. Mtlge. Benson acres timothy and clover; 100 acres will come to The Hee office within three hh io acres timber: school one-half I days we will give her an orutx lor a mile; Metliodlst church, on mue; renieo quart pi mn uu - cni for 1812; one-third the crop: jw casn. rrice, t32,0i0. Terms: 2,600 down, $13,600 March L 1U or 19U; m,ou0 for 6 yeeja at t per cent, optional. Will consider good fade up to flO.OUO. C. F. UAUUUAN, tORK. NEB. WANTED TO RENT 100-ACRE farm near Benson for sal, cheap. Owner has tnourable sickness, ln-qulre room 604, Brown block. WANTED To rant -room bouse, part modern, in any part ot city. Addles N. 42b. Bee. AMALL furnished apartment or cot- taiie. or furnished rooms. In desirable Eaafn Neb. land. 7S. 84 Brandels Bldg. neighborhood; two adult. C. Mather at WANTED SITUATIONS A aw meals. COLONIZATION AND RANCH LANDS Villi WANT THIS M,000 acres New Mexico ranch; 10.000 aores I YOUNO lady bookkeeper, experienced . can be irrigated; 14. uu. Term. Kallogg, I n kli branches of office work, aeeas post Broker. Audubon, la. - I tiun: cau iiauulo oorrexuondeiice and I .ale and carry on other responaible IF YOU'VE GOT Tills MONEY work; first class reference. Address X I'VE GOT TMJfi lAu. B. S3) acres of black loam gramma grass , land, with a heavy deposit of silt, located YOUNG lady, with high school edu co in the famous Mlmbres valley ot ,w tiu,,. wkuos a poaaioit. C' si, uee. Maviim shallow to water, onlv 40 feet, no I . clearing to do, ready tor the plow, a MAN wania position as Janitor; good mile lrom shipping point and close to relerences. Aduesa u-m, vaie iiee. school, improved, and title perfect, ror quick sale. 120 per acre, a bargain. THOa. U. A1TKEN, Demlng, N. M. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Feelin of Uncertainty Existi Over the War Situation. BULLS UNABLE TO ADVANCE All epembrr Contracts Were TaUeai In tinletlr by Klronf fhlpplns; Interests sail Will He Moved Soon. OMAHA, Oct. 2, 131L A feellfiir of uncertainly still exists over the war situation abroad, and the trade 1 not free to act on the domestic news. which Is mostly bearish. With the heavy movement of spring wheat bears fall to lower values and bulla are unable to advance . prices, helped by the war scare. Buyers are not coming after the big stocks that are on hand. New envelopments OJe iwemnij to turn the market from the rut It Is In. All of the Heptember contracts were taken In oulctlv bv strong shipping In- terexts and will be moved soon. The country Is selling corn very sparingly and the each property Is In a strong position. The weather has been too wet and gen eral feeling is bullish. Wheat ruled dun, but values were sightly higher on the uneasy feeling abroad. Domestic news la bearish and cash wheat was He lower. Corn advnnced on the wet, unfavorable weather and light country movement. ( null corn is strong, samples selling Vtr( We higher. i'rliiiHiv wheat receipts were 1.901. 000 bushels and shipments were 4."U,KJ0 bushels, agoJnt receipts lost year of l,71W,0tJU bushel and shlpmeiit of s79,(KIO busheis. 1'rlmary corn receipts were u56,XJ0 busheis and shipments were 8M,U00 bushels, against receipts last year of 472,tXW bushels and shipments of fsi6,000 bushels. Clearance were 2.11.000 bushela of corn, 20.IKN) buxhel of oats and wheat and flour equal to 3iI6,0iio bushels. Liverpool closed VI lower on wheat and l higher on corn. The following cash sales were reported: WHEA T No. 2 hard; 1 tar, Site; No. 3 hard: 1 car, 97c. CoKN No. 2 white: 1 car 64c; No. 3 white: 3 cars, &lVu; No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 04c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 04c. OAT-8tandard: 1 car, 4c; No. 3 white: 14 cars. 4s:; 2 cars. 4trJCo. No. 4 white; 4 cars, 4utc Omaha tasn i-rlcra. WHEAT No. 2 hard, tftatdwtvc; No. 3 bard, fenyi'uVNVsc; No. 4 hard, Wu7Vic. CORN No. 3 white, MVitftaV:; No. 3 white, M.yt4V,c; No. 4 wiule, M'iiM'jc; No. 3 color. 04,'ilcL No. 2 yellow, bd f.4'4c; No. 3 yellow, iWnMW', No. 4 yellow, t)3Vu4c; No. 2, 634i(n4c; No. 3, 6aV(l"4u; No. 4, 6:iVa"1c; no grade, ozvytn:. OATS No. 2 white, 404()4Bc; stanoaru, 4u4U4c; No. 8 white, 4MU.4tc ; No. 4 white, 464'346c; No. 3 yellow, 4bu4ftc; No. 4 yellow, 4tVfJ4f)Hc. BARLEY Malting, 31.00tSl.19; No. 1 feed, 90el$lO5;. RYE No. 2, 87S9c; No.- S, of.S8c. L'arlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oats. fie 200 201 10U1 -). 64 M 69 , 8.10 1.1V'lUtc; young America, 14c; long horn, 14c. POTATOES Eay ; choice to fancy. 6f-a 70r; fair to good, iii.V. Fol'LTItY Httady ; mrkeys, 15c; chick ens, 10c; springs, lie. VEAIy Hteady; 60 to 00-pound weights, HlDc; 0" to 85-pound weights, Vtiil0hc; b6 to lio-pouna weights, lie. Articles. Receipts. Flour, bbls l.wi Wheat, bu 60,4 Corn, bu 2.r0.ui0 Outs, bu 3u0, Rye, bu .000 Barley, bu 122.UU0 cariot Koceipta Wheat, wi car, with if of contract grade; corn, 209 cars, with 75 of oontract grade; oats, 21 cars. Total receipt of wheat at Chlcag-o, Minne apolis and Dululh today were 1.KV7 cars, aompared with 128 cars last week and 1,062 cars the corresponding day a year ago. Shipments. 20,300 ai.ono 17i0 63. (XV) .2i"l 52,3" iu MOW TOR K tiK Kit A I, MARKET Chicago .... Minneapolis Omaha Duluth. e'llthl' class practical nuisa can b augaged at ouce. Duugiag u4. Nortk Dakota. TWO sections of agrloulturat and gras- ouca,en4p.rDaicr.,ai 0i "fenc Add7e..'Mr quick ..le. H' P.aAARDi tn at., North r.attu. Neb. A CAPABLE eneraetio woman of ex perience and ability wants position aa cooa ana nuuwniior ii w in widowers fami.y. Can furnish best Si, w . U4 rresi 01 City Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. RICH FARM LAND No Cash, Strictly Crop Payments WANTED I'laoe on farm for boy It years old. 8 336. Bee. AN experienced pharmacist with tha best possible relerences as to cnaracter, ha.hlta and ability, wants work tn Omaha, H.iuth (imalia or Council Blutfs. Will IVkftM rre. In eastern North n.Vnl. I Work lor a mouormio i wui . All east of Missouri river, close to rail- permanent. Is alao coinpeunt to fill al- roart and mirkal : rumntrv fslrlv wmII I most - settled; soli very fertile; excellent water; I store. K lltt. oara nee. lutely no cash' reoulred. one-haif crop POSITION by all around printer; com- annuauy until paio; prices irom sis to i " r 1 IM per acre. Own your own home. If elrlctly sober; married. Address, Y m, interested and you mean business writs I ' are uee. f..w ,.t.ptl.tllu..B l,k ........ t. . .1 I I i 1 -"-Tl . .. ..,.1, ,nV W.K llOnS nOW. 1 JUrflll wv.,,.s, , vmr T. W. MLEELER, Mcrr. 2?. 613 BEE BLDG., OMAHA. NEB. OFFICE clerk with typewriter, want CHICAGO GH AIM AMI PROVISIONS Feature of the) Trading: and Closing; Price oa Hoard of Trade, CHICAGO. Oct. 2. t:orn led ali the other markets today In point of activity and strength. Poor weather -was the cause. In tha end prices were. (u'Ho to o higher than Saturday night. Wheat closed unchanged to l-iuo lower; oats made a net advance of Ho and provisions varied from the same level as the previ ous close to Trio up. Corn offerings in the corn pit were light from the start. Speculators took prompt advantage and bid prlcea aharply higher. There were many reports that excessive rains had InflWed serious dam ages on shocked corn and on the bottom land fields. Assertions were made that corn waa rotting in hundreda ot acres, especially where lowlying sections had suffered from the floods. The fact that the whole corn belt was in a drenched condition today led to a decidedly bullish feeling here. The result was buoyancy almost wholly unchecked, with the close steady at the top prices of tha session. During the day December ranged from 64S4o to 64?u and finished at the last named figures, a gain of To net. Cash grades were firm. No. 2 yellow was quoted at 8UHiU7Vc. In wheat there was a rather exasperat ing see-saw, disappointing cables and a big Increase in visible supply were otfset by the corn strength, by frost reports om Argentina and by a report 01 sieet In the Canadian northwest. The tone at the close waa easy. Between the opening and the last gong December fluctuated from H.!4o and ltoc, with final aaies at KHVue, a net decline of a shade. Oata followed the riae In corn and bad quite similar support. Upper and lower limits for December proved to be 4IHo nd 474T477c. The close, teaMHVkO, howed an advance of So over Saturday night's wlndUD. Provisions were firm. Pork, closed 74o higher lard was unchanged to a nickel dearer and ribs up a shade to 7Vo. quo tat lone of leading products were; Artlci sOpen. lllgh. Low. CIose. Sat'y. Wh't I nn. a,. natT A-V. T AO), lnei, Doc. yw B,s si w-) tot!U'! May. 104 1041 1 OJV1 04,1 04',' Corn l I I ln. MOTIk May.ti5tf6ati6 KrSlKTfcfBtltll biVi Orou. permanent position. Handle correspond I.. l.llll.. kj .. Hh,i,ll,BiiJ U B.;i llu I Oh Ml. V, U 1 1 1 1 1 ' S - . V v,,u, . ", .'vi OREGON APPLE LAND. Five and len-aci tracts. Planted and scientifically handled for five years. Lo cated In the famous Willamette valiv close to Portland. Hold on convenient monthly payments. Upecial terms mad a inie lime. 8ANT1AM FRUIT COLONY INC George E. Wlghtman, lieu. Hales Agent, DMiuru iiuiw, 4vlo ana v arnain. goatk Dakota. WAB11INU wanted, rough dry. IL 4129. WANTED Situation by flrst-claaa. ex perlenced stenographer; Remington oper ator; legal work pruierrea. u aos, uee." EVERY Derson knowa who D. J. O'Brien Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. Harry Tostal, 2hl Harney street, will come to Tha Bee office within three days we will give her an order tor a tiO-cent box of o Brieu a canay ire. HOMESTEAD lands In the famous HnaahiM nniintrv nf r. .-a . lettad Benne'tt coWt lea to bpe7.td LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST wiwuw iu wivuir i. uaiias is the terminal registration point and closest point of registration to these land, tree booklet and information by addresslug vuuuiuiict, r 'wiias. O, 1 ROSEBUD LANDS. AUTHENTIC map ot that portion open for stUineut next month. Maps, 6oo ffttD, CU HW M PWHUO UTUg LU. Of I NuuiDucu, mi ruioa iix., umaha. Texaa. nVE a?re orange rfrchard 11.000 04. 1100.00 cash, balance terms. Bearing or chard, four year Bend for booklet, M. 1BUU LSUJU ,o., auauuun, ia. llcellaMeaa. IOWA and NEBHAJKA farm. Graham at r-eter. omana is at I Bank Bldg. Do you want a SJO-acre CREAL ESTEF0R RENT Fsrai bb4 Raack Laada. 10 acres irrigated, 4 miles from Wheat land. Wyo.; all in alfalfa; 1 section 10 miles from Kimball, Neb.; 2u0 acrea broken; fin land; and 160 acres 12 miles irom Atkinson, rseo. ti. urons, 01 B. ZM. Ship your stuck to Boutb OauUia: aave iiillrage anil ghrlukaget your consl(rniiinu rccelf prompt and careful attention. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Byers Bros. 6V Co. Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS.. 234-38 Exchange Bldg. Or eat West. Com. Co.. Omaha At Denver. W. R. SMITH SON uat handle sheep. W. F. DENNY CO., 233 Kxch. Bldg. TAGQ BROS, handle cattle, hogs, aheep. CLIFTON Coin. Co., 222 Exchange Bldg Donahue ft Randall Co., 202 Exch. Bldg Clay, Robinson As Co., 100 Exch. Bldg. The Standard Com. Co., 116 Exch. Bldg. W. K. SMITH 4k SON uat handle ahsep. Interstate Co. Better r.sujta. Bhlp to us. REAL ESTATE LOANS wanted city loans and warrants. W. Far nam Smith at Co., 133U Farnam 8L OMAHA Propierty and Nebraska Lands. O KEKKli HEAL KbTATE IXt.. 10K Now Omaha Nat l Bank Building. MONEY TO LOAN-I'ayna Inv. Co. WANTED City loana. Petora Trust Co. fS.6u0, ample real estate security, years. T per cent. D AaO, Be a. t'.uo to tio.cmo mad promptly. F. D. Weuu. Wean Bldg.. ma and f arnam. MONEY to loan on business or real-eVm-e proiwrtiea. 1.0 to XjuO.OuO. W. li. 'illuMAD. titu f irst rat- Bank Bidg. BURKE-R1CKLY CO., 201 Exch. Bldg. L. E. ROBERTS . CO., 222 Exch. Bldg Allen Dudley 4k Co.. 236-17 Exch. Bldg. Cox J ones Com. Co., bunch of hustlers. Ralston. Y Fonda, live stock oom. mar. Farmers L. 8. Com. Co., 20S Exchange Deposit Proceed of shipments In Htoc . , ........... . . t laxa nat i liana, omy nana at yard. WINN BROS. 4t CO.. Exchange Bldg. LAVERTY BROS, 13-4 Exch. Bldg PaxtuD-Eckmaa Chem. Co. st'k ramedlea Martin BrosA Co., 202-7 Each. Bldg. Alex Q. Buchanan Boo. Ii4-i Ex. Bldg. I Oata Dec. May, ork J&n Lard Oct Jan. Ribs Jan. May I I I I 47Tk01S;48(ff4SW147VM'.!iS484l47T OOI o')oOi(i'iOOWtt?,ooviO' 14 06 906 82H 7 00 is 07 14 OS B 97H I MV 8 66 7 90 7 S5 1KH 1 7Vi I 14 97Hi 74 80 t 00 96 85 I I 86 (otatlons of the Day on Varloos Commodities. NEW YORK. Oct. 2 .KIlIl Steady; spring patents, 3r,.;)01rj..tw; winter straights. H OKiM.la; winter patents, $t.2a';i4.HU; spring clears, 4.2V(t4i; Kansas straiyhis. 4f i.iu. ilyo tiour, steaay; lair to KooU, K'ka 4.96; choice to fancy, $5.0MW5.30. WH EAT IS pot market, easy, No. 2 red, 9!c elevator export basis and 11 00 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Iiuluth, II. IS3 f. o. b. afloat Futures market was easier early on big receipts In the northwest and Increasing stocks, but offerings were light owing to fears of political complications abroad and prices rallied late on reports of light frost In Argentina, closelng WQ Wc net lower. December, 11.03 7-l'ii 103 14, closed, 11.03V, Mai, lo-NVp!l.V4, closed ll.OO'.i. Receipts 1SS.200 bushels; shipments, none. CORN Spot market, firm; No. 2 76!c elevator, domestic basis to arrive and 7,Vic f. o. b. afloat export grade. Future marker, nominal. Receipts, 11,250 bushels, shipments, nonn. OATS Spot market, steady. Futures market, nominal; receipts, li4,726 bushels; shipments,- 19.9W bushels. HOPS Easy; state, common to choice, 1HU, 47frfc; 1910, nominal; Pacific coast 11U1, 374) 42c; 110, nominal. HAY Steady; prime, l.2ftfi1.22V4: No. 1. ll.KU'1.20; No. 2. Il.vrul.la; No. 3, ll.OOtf 1.05. HIDES Dull; Central America, 20c; Bo gota, 2l,t1iT!4tC. LEATHER, steady; hemlock firsts, 27fJ 27c; seconds, 22'a23V; thirds, l'JiU'juc; re jects, 16c. PHoVliSlONS Pork, easy; mess, I1B.75 iji 17.00; family, tl3.60ffl4.X); beef hams. i2f.W(i 42.50. Cut mears. steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, lil.2o'al3.2o; pickled hams, li.004f 12 .15. Lard, weak; middle west prime, 29.lMr9.25; refined, steady; continent, 110.05; South America, $10.70: compound, 27.9048 16. TALIX)W Steady; city hhds., .Hc; country, B'Vdlio. COFFEE Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio, 13T, 14c; No. 4 Santos, 14c. BUTTER Firm; creamery specials, 29c; extras, 28c; first, 2itf-2'.ic; creamery, held specials, ZH'i'utc; extras, ziwctvic; state dairy, finest, 27c; good to prime, 244j2oc; process specials, 244V23Hc; extras, 22c; process current market firsts 200. chlc,9&-r irm; skims. iiiuyic. EGOS Firm; fresh gathered extra, 27(3 28o; extra first, 2VuVc; first, 21t23c; fresh gathered dirties. No. 1, 1644tl7c; No. 2, UiUltc; fresh gathered prime, 154c; fair to good, lWiac; rerngerator rirsts, sea son's storage charges paid, 20421c; west ern gathered whites, 26a2Sc. POULTRY Alive, nominal. Dressed. firm; western broilers, 12iul9c; fowls, ltxu) 17c; spring turkeys, selected, 25c; others, 104J.18C. fit. I.oiili Geseral Market. BT. IX)UIS. Oct. 2.-WHEAT Steady: track No. 2 red, 994V9t-ic; No. 2 hard, ll.oaii 1.11V4; December, iflc; May, fl.OlVs. COKN-weam traca, rso. t, imyvc. No. 2 white, 70gi70too; December, 63),c; May. 65-Hc OATS Higher; tracg jno. z, 4bV4tl'c; No. 2 white. 47V4-&48C. FLOUR Steady: red winter patents. 14.- 4Ku4.80; extra fancy and straight, I4.004i 4.30; hard winter clears, w.aku'j.so. SEE1 Timothy, 112.604)14.50. CORN MEAL 23.20. BRAN Lower; sacked east track, 21.12 di.ie, itAY weak; umotny, t.-uw m.vj, pr. rle. tl'.n04flli.00. I'llOVlstONS porg, uncnangea; jod- blng, 15.0. Lard, unchanged; prime steam. K4.2Wr9.30. Dry salt meats, un changed; boxed extra shorts ,9o; clear ribs. 9c; snort clears, vv,c. cacon, un changed; boxed extra shorts, 10c; clear ribs, loc; short Clears, ivo. hyf. unchanged: wo. POULTRY Uuiet: chickens. 9c; springs, 10c; turkeys, 1 4(0100; ducks, 12c; geese. He. BUTTER Firm; creamery, zi.(c. KJiilH Firm: 20c Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bu 21,000 23,000 Wheat, u HO.otw iiu.ww Corn, bu b 107,000 23.000 Oat, bu .....143.000 W.0U0 ' A Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CCITY. Oct. 2. WHEAT Cash, steady; No. 2 hard, 11.001.08; No. 3, IMc4itl.0r; No. 2 red, 94l99c; No. 3, Wtff 8c; December, 9c; May, 11.02V CORN uncnangea to c ntgner; ino. z mixed, 674i7c; No. 3, 67c; No. 2 white. 68c; No. 3, tiiHc; December 61V:; May, 64tc- OATS steauy; ino. z wrate, 4i!ffifo; No. 2 mixed, 45Vi4i40Vic. RYE 96c. HAY Unchanged: choice timothy. 118.50 619.00; choice prairie, I12.604yl3.00. UUT1H.K creamery, c; iirsis, i-iYtC, Beconds, 21'4c; packing stock, 18c. LOUS Extras, 22 Vic; firsts. 20c; sec onds, 13VaC Receipts. Shipments. 110,000 105,0000 , 86.OU0 34,0(10 27,000 8,000 7 87ii T 85 7 95 1 7 82H OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Receipt! of Cattle Again Break All Previous Eecordi. HOGS SELL SLIGHTLY STRONGER Heavy Hecelpt of heep nnd I.nmb, vrlth Killer Aroosd Ten to Fif teen Lower and Feeders Weak to Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 2, 191L Receipts were: Cattle, nogs. n". Ebiimaied Monday ....lo,4'J Is-' ."ame day last week..iS.4HS "'J samu rtav '1 weeks nso. 11. 06 1.9:3 .Same days 3 weeks ago.10.h77 2.12 Same days 4 weeks ao. 9.S17 2.0i2 Same dav last year..l2.B6 2,wo The following table shows the average prices for hogs at South Omaha for tn last several days, with comparisons: Dale. I 1911. l10.19il0.19fltt.19O7 190li.19tiu. 42.04) S0,6.'1 43. ISO 3o.o;4 Sept. 20.1 b 63--! I 73 t 17 S 73j 6 06 S 31 Sept. 21 Sept ftep tiepu 't I K .u-i a il I ft fill il ftl 0 191 w ""'I - i - - ' - ., .... C 1 Sept. 2i.l l 2o-i 8 40) 5 10 1 I 'l "l " " .. 011, l il oil " - "i - . lii.l toft) S J S W " I -' 7 it. M bes 4t, U i ,. - ii, 44 lb, oi l l i . c i.i. , a u,i s 77 1 u Hoi 11 6 28 Sept. 2S 6 14.. i 8 U i 081 67 6 9t 1 6 la bept. 2. 6 Jsvtji -U 7 V t I li ? i SepL 30. 6 22V 8 4U 7 8 6 59, 6 03 014 vet. Oct. l...i I B eoi ' ei ti t-i " i ,. 1 ( 1 (Hi 6 bi 6 9- 6 2o 6 IS olly looking over a penful of stuff ltd a fair fat sort, but few bids were placed and very little stock changed nds. Everybody aeted cautiously, ap- orently waiting for the fuil dixpiay as en as a rew lines of advice from else here. Shaping up the untly as It was arued also server to hamper trading, ut this condition was only a secondary factor In causing delay. Lambs made up the big end of receipts nd when movement finally started It as evident that killers proposed to make their purchases on a cheaper basis. ery decent classes had to sell around 3.wii5.40 and a strictly choice article mild have landed with difficulty at 85 or lo.iS. h,arly prices showed un verage break of shout 15c and the close promised to be even worse. A very gooa country and speculative mand existed ror feeder stock, but the trade was anything but brisk and value uffered more or less because of a sup- y that appeared to be excessive. Most guesses at the proportion of feeders oced it at t or 70 per cent, enough to ve buyers the whip-hand. The better nds of feeder lambs ranged at and Ightly above the 25 00 mark, while feeder ewes sold under 1.1.00. In a general ay the market ruled weak to fully a me off. wethers and ewes in killing esh were the exception to the rule, but usually had to be shaded. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs. good to choice", I5.40fi5.75; lambs, fair to good, I5.204i5.40; lambs, culls, I4.754i5.15; ambs, feeders. H.ZVa'a.la; yearlings, good choice, 4 15UH.40; yearlings, feeders, 8ffl4.23; wethers, handy, 23.0i'fi 3.90; ethers. heavy. S3.504i2.90: wethers. feeders, 23.26(83.65; ewes, good to choice, 2Mj3.nO; ewes, fair to good, S3.oirii3.2a; ewes, breeders, 13.2504. 00; ewes, feeders, 3643 3.00; ewes, culls, l.Mi4?2.3b. Sunday. I an.l .snoulffnTI or live Stock at tha Union tstock larus. boulh Omautt. tor twenty-iour Hours eiiumg al 3 p. yes terday ; CatUe.Hogs.Sh p.H r s. M. Ai St. V 1 Lnlon Pacific 4.1 C at N. W., east '3 C. ac N. W., west 2U1 C, .St. I M. 0 8 C. H. & U., west w CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET C, K, 1. x I'., east.. C, R. 1. oi I'., west.. Illinois Central C. O. W 1 1 4 12i 4 a 49 i -8 ii i i b 1 .. 1 1 .. 20 211 11 Total receipts 623 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs, bneep. Omaha Packing Co.... 827 Swift and Co vov Cudahy Packing Co... 813 Armour A. Co 858 Sinclair 10 Morrell " W. B. VanBont CO. ... AAt Ben. Van S. & Lush.. 216 Hill & Son 6''9 V. B. Lewis 214 Huston & Co li J. B. Root & Co Bof J. H. Bulla 223 L. F. Husx Z"4 L. Wolf 3bl McCreary Ik Carey.... tn 8. Werthelmer 4H1 H. F. Hamilton 4 Lee Rothschild 2)2 Mo. Sc Kans.-Calf CO. l'to Cllne & Christy K6 Other buyers 1.921 u20 4'.8 310 8J1 2.10 ZMi 2,100 1.766 23,057 82.061 Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Oats, bu fasti mmtillnni wera aa follow; FLOUR Finn; winter patents. $4.104Ji 80; straights, S3.7oid4.f0; spring straights. S4.tl0a4.80. bakers, ti.1u41j.1u. llVk 'IL A l,i,C. BARLEY Feed or mixing. 804i96c; fair to chotre malting, 11.1041 1.22. 44KEDH Timothy, IW.tWu 14.7b; clover, 14 0043 19.26. PROVISIONS Mess Dork, per bbl. I14.764jri6.0i; lard, per 100 lbs., Sv.iX); short ribs, sides tloosei, sx.up.uk Si; short clear sides (boxed). IH.754lS.87Vi. Total clearances ot wheot were equal to 3C5.000 bu. Primary receipts were l.&ol.OoO bu., compared with 1,719,000 bu. the corre sponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat ill the I nlted States In creased 1.559.U00 bu. for the week. The amount ot breadstuff on ocean passuge decreased 2.376,OcO bu. Katimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 66 car; corn. 2S& car; oats, 310 cars; hogs, lti.000 head. Chicago Cash Price Wheat. No. I red. winter ytifeMMVc; No. 2 red winter, 9oj 90u; No. 2 lutrd winter, Il.ui44l.06; No. 3 hard winter, 7c4j1.04; No. 1 northern, spring. 11.10411.12; No. 2 northern spring, i.urui.ii; no. s nonnern spring, l.t),'u. .UMi; No. I spring, tl.03ul.10: No. spring, ll.OtQl.lo; No, 4 spring 90041 11.00; Velvet chaff, 9ueHlu.0s; durum, sucytl.ua. Corn, No, 2, aswtfiHc; No. 2 white, W irivui no, m yoiiow, wviiTtici i o. s, (j94c No. S Willie, liilSMj TOcJ No. 3 yellow, &'ij Hc; No. 4, 6H4it!4C; No. 4 white, 6piiUo: No, 4 yellow, thmi-tai'o. Data, No. 2, 4CViH7ci No. 2 white, oc; No. W1111.V mi-uw: iu, wniie, ,ii4Nc: standard, 4;4,i4Uc, Rye, No. 2. txiVbc. liarley, TIhi I.26l4). Timothy, JI3.OO4114..B. Clover I14.0UU 19.24. UUTTklt Steady i ortMunerles, SitKVAot dslrie aHvOio, tltKltt Bieady ; receipts, 8.171 cases; at mark, cases included, 154fl8c; firsts, 19c; prime firsts, 20o. 1iiB.r-M eteauy; daisies, 14c; twin. Mlnnraooll Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 2 WHEAT De cember, ll.l.1; May, IL1.1H; No. 1 hard, 1.04; No. 1 northern. ll.07S4jl.OSH; No. 2 northern, L04Sul.u6H; No. 3, 99c41i S1.02V BA KI.E Y 75c4f1.18. CORN No. 3 yellow, 65c. OATS No. 3 white, 45Vs44ci RYE No. 2. 914i91Vc. HRAN-221.504J 22.00. FLOl'R Flrt patents to. 30415.60; sec onds, t4.tMi5.30; first clears, t3.KO.fj4. 15; second celors, t2.704Tii.lo. A Islble Kapuly of Uraln., NEW YORK. Oct. 2.-Th visible sup. ply of grain In the United States Satur day, September 30, as compiled by the Now York Produce exchange, was as follows: Wheat. 62,709,000 bushels; In crease, l,559,OU bushels. Corn, 6,339,000 bushels; decrease, 4t,uuo bushels, oats, 21.044.O)0 bUBhels; decrease. 1,192,000 bush els. Rye, 611,000 bushels; Increase, 99.000 bushels. Barley, tU) bushels; increase. 305.000 bushels. The visible supply of wheat In Canada last aSturday was 4.007,- OuO bushels, an increase of 323,000 bushels. OMAHA THE GRAIN MARKET WEEKS ORA1N CO.. era In mere hauls. consignments solicited. 14 Brandela, Til hi UPDIKE GRAIN CO. Consign, mania carefully handled. Omaha, Neb. MLKR1AM COMMISSION CO. man who has tried us.' ths Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co. 764 Brandels. CAVERS ELEVATOR CO., wholesale dealers In grain, hay, chop feed. 3,4 Uianueis uiug- Philadelphla Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 8. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 31c; nearby print. 32c. ElKJS Firm; Pennylvanla and other nearby first, freo cases. 17.60 per case; current receipts, free cases, t6.90 per case; western firsts, free case. 17.60 per case: current receipts, free cases, 8.60J 6.90 Der case. CHEESE Firm: New york, run cream, fancy, 14c; fair to good. 144) Hc. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 2. WHEAT Spot teady; No. 2 Manitoba. 8a 1M. Future, easy; October, i4d; December, 7 o-a March. 7s 6d. CORN Spot, easy; American mixed, 6a lid. Futures, firm; October, 6a HSd January, 6s 8Sd. Peoria, Market. PEORIA. Oct. I.-CORN Higher; No, 2 yellow. 9Wc; No. 2 yellow, Vc; No. yellow, ssvtc; ro. x mixea. wsc; ro. mixed. SWc: No. 4 mixed. 68M1C. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 7Vic standard, 47c; No. 2 whit. 4Vo. Ttnlntk Grain Market. DULUTH. Oct 2. WHEAT No. 1 hard 1-1 OS : No. 1 northern. 2L08W: No. northern, Sl.04mjl.06i; No. 2. SI 004 to 11024; Deesmber, fl.08 asked; May, SI 12S ssked. OATB 4tVsC, Mllwankeo Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 2. WHEAT No. northern, tl HWIH; No. 2 northern. 1 07 ttl.io; no. 1 hard winter. ti.oraai.OD; De cemher, '.-cm.X'; jaav, 1.04'i. OATS Standard, 4Kt)4tit. BE A BOOSTER for the atlnal game or base pan. ir J. t. Auains. v4a .N. Ajth street, will cum to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the ban ganie at lUiurke park. 1UIU .vw -.. - n 1.1,' n't,M wuh another record- breaking run ot cattle this morning, the receipts being the Ueavlest In the history of the moavet. It wlU be remembered that tho leeelpts on last Monday broke ail previous recorda up to that time, "2 cars being received. This morning tne re ceipts reacheo 61 cars. In spue oi the lacl that receipts last week were so heavy at the beginning of the ween the toial for tha whom ween, though the larg est ot the year to date, was smaller than for the corresponding week of last year by over 4,uu head. In the same way the i.ria reieints tooav are liable to be fol lowed by moderate receipts the rest ot the week. on Monday of last week the total num ber of cars of stock received in the yards was S44, which up to that time was the largest in the history ot the market. To day that record was broken with a total ot 87o cars. With so many cattle in sight and "with eastern markets, and for that matter ail other markets, reported louded with cat tle, and with prices everywhere lower, it was to be expected tnat the market here would open slow and lower. At the same , time some ot the trains were late In ' reaching the yards, which always delays trade more or less, and then there were a good many cattle that hod to be sorted up and put in shape to be sold. Thus it happened, as usual when so many cattle have to be handled, that the torenoon was well spent beiore very much busi ness was transacted. When the traue waa once under way the better grades of beef steers were slow 10 as mucn as loo lower with common and interior grades 10c, and in extreme cone possibly as much as 15o lower. The general run oi tat cows and heifers showeu about tne same decline as beef steers, but the common or calmer grade remainea aooui aieauy an uay. Uood feeders were sought after and they were not overweak to too lower than last week, but the common and trashy grades were slow ana tney were low loc lower. Quotations on range cattle: Good to choice beet steers, s5.bO46.0P; lair to good beet steers, fu.uumo.Mi;, common to lair beef steers, 44.2oy.6.Jo; good to choice heifers, t4.bifi6.36; good to choice cows, t4.4UM0.10: lair to good cows. 83.75ii4.4J. good to choice stockers and feeders, to.uu i(o.75; fair to good Blockers ana leeders, t4.266ni.uo; common to tatr stockers and feeder, va.ouai.zu; stocxer netrers, n.iont 40; buns, stags, etc., i.zt4.w. Representative sales: CO W B. At. Pr. No. M I II ... 1IW I 24 HEIFERS. 6:1 t 70 CALVES. tOO 7 26 STOCrCERS AND FEEDERS. 541 t M 41 41 4 4t ia 4 00 F. Taunton Neb. 20 COWS 893 3 50 R. V. Pfleter wyo. 15 steers.. ..l'l 4 85 F. P. Jensen Neb. 22 feeders. . 864 6 16 Beaver Creek Cattle Co. Wyo. 13 hellers... 858 4 10 H. Farthing Wyo. 24 feeders.. 1113 6 60 D. H. Whittaker Wyo. 88 feeders.. 1126 6 70 , Mrs. R. P. Allen Wyo. 60 feeders.. 1305 5 70 Tolland Cattle Co. Wyo. 62 feeders.. 1066 6 25 HOGS Hog receipts gave one of the smallest totuls ot the year, only thirty loads showing up. Weighty packing stuff made up the bulk, the same as recently, and most sales carried margins shaded in sellers favor. Packers furnished th main outlet, paying prices strong to 1 nickel higher than those of Saturday Movement was at no time very active, but meager supply tended toward earlv clearance, and the yards were practically cleared at 10:15 a. m. Closing trade was rainer ami at prices merely strong. On bulk ot business it waa a narrow spread market, good packing grades sell tng largely at 20.26. Exceoilna: a few s. tered loads offerings landed within S6.2vft v.m. Alia vma uavou animals On Sill moved on a special outside order at S6.35, . "v w priuiurj. lop. Shipping demand had very little Influ ence In causing strength, as the totsl n,.-. chase on outside account did not exceed a half doxen loads. There was nrti...nu speculative char- Demand for Cattle Steady Hobs Stronsj Sheep Weak. CHICAGO. Oct. 2. CATTLE Receipts, .000 head; market steady for choice; others 104il5c lower; beeves, S4.i04j8.1j, exas steers, S4.2o4jti.oo; western sieera. 25417.0U; stockers ana reeaers, d.wai 66; cows and heifers, S2.004j6.; calves, 7.'a 9. 25. . . 1UK1S Receipts, 2:,000 head; market ronir to 10c hleher: light. t6.154i8.SO; mixed, S6.064t6.90; heavy. 15.8006.80; rough. .nuj36.j; good to cnoice neavy, .u. 80; pigs, I4.0U416.35; bulk of sales, tfi.lOtf 66. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4n.- 000 head; market weak; natives, fl.Mi 90: westerns. t2.75Ca4.00: yearlings, s.M'0 '(M.40: native lambs, S4.00.0; westerns, 26Tu.0O. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 2. CATLE Re ceipts, 28.000 head, including 4,300 south- rns; ted cattle strong; grass came eady to weak; dressed beef and export eers, Sii.90fu8.00; fair to good, t5.00'a.8i); estern steers, S4.007.00; stockers and eders. S3.5O4j5.90; southern steers, nsouf 25: southern cows. I2.7fi(fr4.50: native cow. S2.4Otj5.00; native heifers, 34.007.00; oiiiia, xz.iou-t.so; caives, st.wsivi.nv. HOGS Receipts, 5.500 head; market strong to 6c higher; bulk of sales, 6.254( 6.45; heavy, S0.3tMr6.4O; packers and utcher. S6.304j6.dO; lights, b.ijt.to, HHfJtuf AM) LAIBBb- neceipia, i,uw ead: market steady to 10c lower; Utah ambs. Sl.75fiD.lO; yearlings, 4.0O4t5.OO; wethers, S3.50-a4.25; ewes, S3.24J4.w; stockers and feeders. S2.6O4j4.00. No. 1... 13- 14... U... wool Market ST. lU'18. Oct. 2 -WOOL Dull: terrl tury and westerns, 174 24c 1 fine mediums, U4jl9c; tins, nuuc At. Pr. . 460 I 64 No. At. Sh. Pr. No. At. gn pr 44 tli HO tO 264 w ii t.r.....Ul W 4 M ;; 10 t 15 I.I 1M f Io Ml I M 14 Ut IK i lo H S77 ... t tt 14 M4 IN 4 10 H Ut ... t u U M 10 12 4T tul ... I U 44 40 tit 40 IU SO t li 44 171 140 I lit (1 14 f 24 40 tM ... 44 2t 40 Ii 41 141 12 H 141 ... u 44 le ... 14 U til ... 17 u, 41 111I ... 14 40 MT 40 17 41 171 K III CI Ut ... M 41 S&l 40 M 14 lit M I list 44 IM IN li T Ill ... U PIQ3. 44 N ... 4 M SHEEP Every condition in the sheep ana tamo iraoe pointea to an au-oay oes Ion. a prospect that waa also emDha slsed by an early market that produced no business of consequence. The est! mated run proved to be one of the largest ever recorded locally, but not more than one-fourth or possibly one-third of th total bad been received up to 9.30 o clock Over 2uu loads were posted to arrive and with th first receipts largely in feed flesh the demand from ackera remained uncertain both tn tone and volume. Buyers seemed content to stroll back and forth through th alleys, ooca- NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Early Gains Lost and Dullness Fol lows Brisk Trading. PAEIS ENGAGES MORE GOLD Unfavorable Tenor of Ana-nat Rail road Reports Emphasised hy Penn sylvania Showlnsjt Bis; De crease In et Revenues. St. Loots Live Stock Market. err rins. Oct. 2. CATTLE Re- a hcaA inelnrllnir 8.800 Texana: market lc lower; native snippuiH xport steers, 7.0t?)S.tw; aresseu anu utcher steer. S3. 7547.50; steers under ,000 pounds. t4.004ii.OO; stockers and feed ers. S3.O04j5.25; cows and heifers, tJ.w-( 7.25; canners. i.iwi.i; duiib, ii-hu..., ..).... tjnovioo- Tevos and Indian " - 7 . u . . jt t,..i4AM 1 1 i.f, Steers. S4.UUfBI.W, COWO anu 1111-, t. -r 00 tj'rino rQ,.lri A (toft head: market B'fJ 10c higher; pigs' and lights, S4.004j70; packers. S6.S546.75; butchers and best v. -. . . J . OA rjHEEP AND UAMIW rvecoipm, head; market strong; native ": a vs.n na- i.mhu. I4.00iai.00: culls and bucks, Sl.254j3.25; stockers, S1.5W3.00. St. Joseph LIto Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, Oct. 2. CATTLE Re .,- ii 1,.. . market slow: steers 31 na, ,w " , . X4.50ol7.76: cows and heifers,- w.wj.ou, calves. S3.7Sj'8.00. T-rvis Her-elnla. 4.w neau; nim i .1 . .n t at.- v., ,iv of aaiea. la.axao-no. otiV-i-D ivfi 1. am rs Receipts. 6,000 head; market slow; lambs, S6.OO4j6.OO. Stock In Sight. Tj-eeints of live stock at the five prin cipal western maraeis ye'.. r r-niile. Horn". Sheep. Smith Omaha Iu.tuO 1.1" . . . w . . . . . . , A iHh) Taanh Z.IW 1 . ' Kansas City Louis .sw 6,500 1,Q 6.000 1.100 25,000 45,000 32,000 ....87,300 42,300 91,600 St Chicago Totals Coffee Market. .,.r,r vodv 8 COFFEE F u- --a ot nnrhanged prices . I,,,t enerallV 10 to lo point, higher' on European cabs report. or nigner iirm ouernn- . A- erlng and moderate bull support. Offer i n,. h.Q,.v u r tne lmiioi nu' vance nnd the market mProvedh.dumI the day with practically all month, mak i uh nMinli. The close was a but steady at a net advance of 10 at 25 b)a - rVntnKap 1 ' Ust'. : points, eaie .w.uoe". w..". Movemoer, ii.c; inwuiuti, . C arv. 12.63c; reDruary, ia.h:; j-u-.., 12S6c: Anrll. 12.36c. May, 12.34c; June, 12.33c: July, 12.31c; August, liJWJi oupicii.' Havre was Hi to 2V4 francs higher, ituhhnre- waa pfg. higher. Rio, 75 rels higher, at 81376; Santos, 60 rela higher, 6s 8S150; 7s 73450. Receipt, at the lu Krnrlllan nortB. 81.000 bSK8. against 7K,0"0 bags; Jundiahy, 83.0U0 boas, against 45.700 bag. lost year. j oaay a Byii;ii mhia from Rantos reDOrted a further ad vance of 50 rei. this morning to mi ior 4s. Sao Paulo receipts today, lin.uw oags, attalnst 88.000 last ycay. Hnnt rorree Mteaav. mo i o. i. nun Santos No. 4. 15c. Mild, quiet. Cordova, Lal7c nominal. NEW YORK. Oct. 2 I'or a time aftef the opening of the stock market today a renewal of the upward movement of 1 ate last week appeared to be under way. Avances were general In the early transactions. In the cases of I nlon Pacific. Reading. Lehigh Valley. Mis souri Pacific, American Smelting and American Tobacco, preferred. they amounted to a point and I'nlted State. Steel gained nearly as much. Rut the market did not retain Its advantage. Of- rerinBs at tne higher prices were unex pectedly large and quotations soon began to fall. Oains were coneellcd and the market thereafter moved listlessly within an unusually narrow range. Net changes in most Instances were nominal. Compared with the wild fluctuation of' ' ast week the day was extremely dull. The event of the day. which attracted mo.t attention was the announcement of tne engagement of 2.(x,oou cold for ship ment to Paris, following thn exportation of S1,50C,000 to the same point on Saturday. The money market thus far has not reflected the exportation of gold, which is facilitated bv the rates ruling here In. comparison with the figures obtainable in Europe. The unfavorable tenor of August rail road tvports wa. emphasised by the Pennsylvania, showing a decrease of $4M,C0Q 4n net operating revenues. Tho New York Central system, however, was a marked exception. Net earnings of the parent road and Its prlnclptl subsidiaries ncreased largely in the case or i.nks Shore, a shrinkage In gross of SM.mw.V) was accompanied by a reduction in oper ating expenses of more than 1700,000. re sulting In a net Increase of S47,000, which was only slightly more than the net gain mado by the New York Central proper. Trading In the steel works fall off with the remainder of the market. Net earninifM of the United Mates titeel corporation for the quarter Just ended, it was said today, may be somewhat larger than for a time appeared probable, owing to the stimulus to be lent oy price re ductions. The extent to which price cutting has Interfered with profits, how ever, ha. yet to be demonstrated, but with allowance, for fne aeuveries ot steel at the lower price. It was estimated that net earnings for the quarter would reach tJl.OOO.uOO. Transaction, in bonds shrank propor tionately with stocks, and the movement was extremely narrow. prices were firm. Total sales par value. 12,170.00. United States bonds unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations , on stocks were a. follows: Bales. Hlia. Low. Clos. lHVk ll.tnv bl 2ii0 474 2,700 42V, ltlO 711 400 46', 4 to 47 45 44 4u a, 100 10,800 Vi 44 t 100 2 43 H 2 100 100 '1814 71 100 47 47 Allla-Chalmers pfd AoialKamated Copper ... American Agricultural ., Am. Beet Kugar Amerlcaa Caa American C. A F Am. Cotton Oil American H. A. I pfd. Am. Ice Becurltlea American Lluaeed American Locomotive .. American 8. & ft Am. S. R. pfd Am. 8teel Foundries..... Am. 8uxar Refining American T. & T American Tobacco pfd.... American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co.... Atchlaon Atchtaon pfd Atlantic Cuaat Line Baltimore &. Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central Leather Central Leather pfd ventral or XMew Jersey.. Chesapeake ac Ohio Chicago ek Alton Chicago ii. W., new Chicago O. W. pfd Chicago & N. Vt C, M. & 8t. P C, C O. & St. L Colorado F. I Colorado 4k Southern Consolidated Gas Corn Products Delawsrs Hudson... . DeaTST & Hlo Orande.... Denver 11. O. pfd Distiller' Securities .... Erie Kri 1st pfd Kns td pfd Oenersl IClectrlo Orest Northern pfd Great Northern Or ctfs. . Illinois Central Inter bo rough Met. Int. Met. pfd International Harvester.. Int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump ...... Iowa Central Ksnsas City Bo. K. C. So. ptd Laclede Gas LouIstIU Nashville.. Minn. 4s Bt. Lou la M.. St. P. or 8. 8. St.... Missouri, K. 4V T M . K. T. pfd Missouri Pacific National Biscuit Nstlonsl Lead N. K. It. of M. td pfd.. New oYrk Central N. V.. O. W Norfolk 4V. Western North American Northern Paclflo Pacific Mali Pennsylvania People' Oss P., C, C. 8L L Pltsburgh Coal Pressed Btsel Car Pullmsn Pslsce Car Railway Steel Spring. Reading JKepublio Bteel Kcpubllo Bteel pfd , Rock Island Co Rock Island nn. pfd.... Bt. L. a 4. 7 !4 ptd... . St. Louis 8 W Bt. L. 8. W. ptd Blos-6helsld 8. 4V I Southsro Pacific, er-dlT ,0ft0 107 f 107 11 4o P lu n t & 44 10,) 28 nr. 400 153 1334 133 I,10 U 6Vi S 200 2k7s 29 2D 300 32 '4 82 81 S.tOO 103 102 M2S 100 102 102 io:i i:o 2,100 5 t 400 2D 28 2 , too n Ti iaia I 2.000 2L'S Z3i 22i ; tkK) ll 21 M, ::::: ::::: ::::: l 71 20 14 87 400 14144 Hi's 141 4.400 loa ion ion ." w j , 44 1,000 lit 134 13i4 11 163 22 47 0 31) 44 41 148 122 47 HD 14 48 101 1 14 27 100 44 44 Vt 100 101. 10214 lOl", 100 141 140 140 34 I- , 2 43 8 124 4H 2KI 700, .103 102 10 100 t84 3D 3 100 10244 102 101 too 44 4A ', 1.400 114 113 114 800 81 80 30 8,400 120 US 120 , 103 2 17 28 , 1M 27 , 72,000 140 184 138 400 22 22 124 4,800 200 too 30 4" 41 80 48 41 200 148 14 400 1284 123 200 47 47 'i.'aio "ii" "ii 1.400 43 42 100 103 103 800 It It 100 J.JO 44 88 44 S7V4 100 44 44 100 1,100 24 45 84 23 23 44 87 25 s 87 Metal Market. Ktrw YORK. Oct. 2. METALS Stand arrl cornier, dull: spot October. Novem. br and UecemDer, sii.ouuin.av. irauun market steady; spot. 64 ISs od; futures, 56 15s. Custom nouse returns snow ex. nnri. nf ?& 74A tons for September. Laki copper S12.5tKisl2.62S; electrolytic. S12.2i4 tasrri: cantlna:. S12.no4ii2.2j. Tin. iirm pot and t)ctober. S39.ti&t40.20: November, ja hvsjO 10: Ilecember. tan.ZodT.OO. Lon don market firm: spot, 1S2 10s; futures 1K. l.ead. steady: t4.'a4.oo cew xorK, S4.304it.35 Kast Ut. Louis. London spot. 4.12 28 tid; speller, quiei, k.wiio.w ins York. K-tofa Kast Bt. Louis. London 27 los. Antimony, auu; unomon sa.io 4iS.374. Iron. Cleveland warrants, 46 In London. icany nun iimn, i-o. i foundry northern S15.25ft 15,50; No. I, S16-00 615.26; No. 1 southern and No. 1 south ern soft. SlBOtVa 15.50. BT. LOUIS, Oct. z.-iieaa, urmer; h axrr 4.37. Spelter, firm; Sitt. Bostos Stoclc Market. ntlSTON, Oct. t Closing quotations on mlnins; stock were as follows: Alloue lOi-Homsi s BouVhem Rstlwsy eo. Hsuwsy piu. ...... Tennessee Copper .... Texss st Pacific T., St. L. W T . Bt. L. se W. pfd... Vnlon Pacific Union Paclflo pfd...., United States Healtr. United Slstes Rubber, Unltsd Ststss Stsel 14, (kH) 400 2 400 44 400 24 100 18 toO 41 26 44 "ii4 18 41 25 3 2 24 14 40 71,700 141 l.S 1M) 400 81 V 0 ii.soo '42 40 ' 42 42 41 41 400 110 100 HX V. 8. Bteel pfd. t'tsh Copper 4.400 41 40 41 Va. -Carolina Chemical t. 1.4O0 4X 47 47 Wabash 400 11 11 II Wsbash pfd 21 Western Merylsnd 100 (2 M bl Westtnghouse Klsctrlo IIS Western Union 800 77 77 -77 Wheeling A L. E 3 Lehigh Vslley 4.400 158 158 158 Total sales tor th day. 414,300 snsrss. Aoisl. Copper & v 1. A 8 Anions Com j ionn outie . B. C. C 8. M. 4 North Lake . putts Coslltlon .... 14 Old Domlnloa cl a Arlions oKM Cal. 4t Hecla.. tntennlal 80 Nevads Don 14 11 Nlpl lug Mines.. T . 24 . 4 . 84 . 84 .8V0 Psrrott 8. A C 8 I wulncy . v.n R.nn r C. 60 Shannon 7 F.sst Butts C. M .... Superior J4 Krsnklla , 4 Superior 4k B. M. ... 2 Gtroux Coa t lS-lTamsrsck 20 Orsnby Con nel'. 8. S R. A M. 81 Greene Csnsnea 4 do pfd 4 Isle Koy.l. Copper. 12 t'tsh Con 11 Kerr Lsks 3t uh l'u Co 41 Lake Copper 24Wlnon 4 1 sells copper 3WolTsrUM 88 aitsmi Copper 17 4'ottcm Market. NEW YORK. Oct S- COTTON Spot closed quiet, 6 points lower; middling up land. 10.20c; middling gulf, 10.45c; sales, 84 bales. Futures opened easy. October, t tie; November. S.Svic; December, 10.10c; January, S.90c; March, 10.13c; April, 10.14c; May. lO.lhc: July. 10.33c; futures closed barely steady; October, 8.88c; November, ttftc; December, t.ttic; January. 9 87c; February. .2c: March. 10c; April, 10.05c; May. 10.16c. July. 10.18c Saaar Market. NEW YORK. Ot t. ' I. Sl'OAR Raw quiet; muscovado. HI test, tV3c; cen trifugal. s test. t.SSc: molasses augar, fa teat, 5.11c. Ketlned steady. Clsla llattev Market. EIX1IN. Ill . Oct. S. BVTTER Firm, le hiher at X7'c; output, 730.3t.4J pounds. Insaos Stock Market. LONDON. Oct. 2. American securities were firm during the early trading today. Prices opened about unchanged and later advanced a fraction on light covering. At noon the market was firm with value, ranging from unchanged to Sd higher than Saturday's New York closing figures. Closing quotation, on stock, were: Consols, money... 77 8-14 Louleillls N 144 Tl S 1 M . , K.. St T Z1 .. 42 N. y. Central in .. Norfolk 4V W 105 ..104 do pfd so .. 1(H , Ontario 4k W 38 .. 81 PennsylTsnla 41 ..!21 Rsnd ttlnsB 7 .. 71 Reading 72 .. 18 so. Railway 24 ..112 do pfd M .. 17 Bo. PscUlc 104 .. 23 Union Paclfls 16 .. 48 do pfd 421, .. 31 U. 8. Steel (3 .. 40 do ptd , 113 .. 43 W'sbssh It .. 24 do ptd U 11s S1LVKH Bar, steady, at 244d per ox. MONEY 2Vt2H Per cent. The rate of discount In the open mar ket for short bills Is ST per cent; for three months' bills. tth per cent. New York Mlataa- Stocks. NEW YORK. Oct I Closing quotations nn mining stocks were as follows: do account toil. Copper ... Ansconda ... Atchison do pfd Bsl. A Ohio Csnadlan Pacific Ches. 4b Ohio..., Chicago O. W.... C. M. 4k St. P. De Beera Denver A R. O.. do pfd , Erie , do 1st ptd do 2d pfd. Orsnd Trunk ... Illinois Central Alice Com. Tunnel stock de bonds Con Cal. 4k Vs... Hor SllTsr , I run 8llver siyrsdTllie Con. .., uttered. .15 Little Chief It Meilraa VT Ontario 7 Ophir 4 8tandard 4 Yellow Jacket 1 . t too 100 lf.8 u 8 Oils mm Rssla. SAVANNAH. Oct. S. TURPENTINE Firm; 50c. KoMN-Flrm; type F, tirViti.); type. Q. t.37H4i.40.