Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1911, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Our Magazine Features
Wit, humor, fiction and ocmlo
pictures the beet of entertain,
mast, instruction, amnserasat.
Showers, Warmer
Completes Oxaua Program and ii
Ushered Away at Purling ten
Station at 10:20.
Bombardment of Tripoli Put Over
Because of Negotiations Be.
tween the Powers.
Part of President Tai Busy Morning in Omaha
)efends His Treaty Policy Before
High School a-iisii-is.
European Nations Seek to Bring:
About Understanding:.
., J?wUlmmKSu)i m lU ... J
it Fails to Reach Aid! Arbitration
Must Also B Titi.s.
Wig? Crowds on Course of thief ti
eeottvo Cheer n Pai-i: Drives
l"P to High School In nn
- Automobile
President Taft has cc me and gmis. Kis
' program tor Sunday was shattered, due
1 to a washout in ."l.s?uuri which delayed
him eleven hours, but His schedule for
i this morning, Including an auto tour of
i the City and an adirs-s at tha higa
! school was carried out to the letter. He
left for Lincoln at 1C :5 a. m. from the
I Burlington station.
President Taft addressed I'.ie student
of th Omaha Hig.i t.:cJ. tr:.s ::kj: nlng
On "Peaoe." evidently tki..2 his cue
from the criticism of iks tuition on
pending arbitrat-on inauea 'oy Penator
' O. .H. Hltchoook at the big meeting at
1 she Auditorium Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Hitchcock had said that the sens
! tors who opposed the treaty between t;-.e
i United States and Grea- Britain, did zo
! because they did not tlur.k tne constitu
1 tlonal right of the tsnate to make
treaties should be in favor of
'any commission appomtaa vy the presi
' dent.
t "I am trying to persuade ti". seriate,"
I said the president to the students, that
'it ought to ratify certa.n ptace troane
I between the United and En.ian..
I and France and between t e United
States and certain Central American
. countries.
"The treaties committee of the senate
had recommended that or.e clause be ex
cluded from the treaties; they object
to having a Joint high commission :rom
the countries involved u dec.ue vhether
or not the question Is justifiable or cap-
' able of settlement according to tne prln
clples of law and equity. 'i'no treaty pro-
' ivldes that all Justlt table questions he set-
' tied by arbltiation.
Treaty Mioulti Uind.
"We who nave had to do with the mak
ing of the treaty teel that we should now
i bind ourselves to do something, that In
' the future we might set out of If we
bad not bound ourselves.
"If the treaty is not such that It will
take care of our national honor and
; vital lnteresu, then arbitration won't
help us any, for these are the things that
' cause war.
I "Ware have been fought for just causes
'and they have also been lost for just
causes. If a boy had Insulted you and
you licked him, that la a satisfactory
I conclusion, I agree, Jut if a boy had In
1 suited you and he llcl.i you, what does
It prove, except that lie Is stronger than
you? We must bind ourselves to arbitrate
.our International disputes according to
i the principles of Justice or nations will
, continue to engage In bloody wars on
( the principle that might makes right."
AU the students of the High tchool and
several hundred grown people besides
were lined up In front of the east en
trance of the High school, awaiting the
president! He arrived from the Omaha
, club shortly after 9 In an auto, accom
'panied by Victor Rose water of the local
'committee and members of bis party.
Compliments the Girls.
The president reached the building at
the south entrance and his car was
driven around to the east enrance on the
sidewalk, he crowd dividing o make a
path. The students waved flags and
yelled ae the auto stopped and the presi
dent rose and lifted his hat.
( "What's the matter with Taft?" they
! yelled. "Who's all right? Taft! He la!
H lsl He la!"
Mr. Taft then mounted the steps and
entered a box that had been prepared,
accompanied by those who were with
(Continued on Page Two.)
The Weather
FOR NEBRASKA Showers; warmer.
FOK IOWA Miower ; not much chsnge
In temperature.
Tunp'riitiipf nt nnium Yesterday.
, 53
, 63
6 a. m
6 a. m
I a. m....
a. m
9 a. m
10 a. m
n a. m......
12 m
1 p. m
i I- m
i p. m
4 p. m
i p. m
" p. m
7 p. m
8 p. m . Local Record.
Official record r.f temperature and
precipitation, compared with the corre
sponding period of the last three ytais.
mi. 1&15. XVf. 19ii.
Highest yesterday &S M rT
Lowest yesterday 63 64 58 2
Mean temperature 66 74 74 64
Precipitation T .04 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature so
IDeficiency for the dav . 4
Total excess since March 1 T90
Normal precipitation 08 inch -
Tjefieiency for the dav 09 ncn
Total rainfall since March I.. .11 61 Inches
Xieflciencv since Mnrch 1 13 60 Inches
(Deficiency for cor period. 1910.12 n inches
(Deficiency for cor. period. liKHJ. 1.27 inches
Reports from Motion at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. High. Raln-
01 wesuier. 7 p m. Vai F. fall.
Cheyenne, cloudy.
(Davenport, part cloudy.. 58
il'enver, clear S6
Xodge City, rain 72
Lander, cloudy so
North Platte, cloudy 82
Omaha, raaln a
Pueblo, clear i
Kapld City, rain .$
-nt. Fe, part cloudy Trt
Sheridan, rain 4S
bloua City, cloudy 6e
Valentine. rain so
"T" Indicates trace of nr-tmir inn
X Ju WEL6H. Local Forecaster
i "18 BLOOM! V
.-i-.- t f t B v rw. -rr
President Speaks at Auditorium,
Taking World Peace as His
Introduced by AV. J. Bryan at Lunch
eon at Lincoln Hotel Co;
tlnacs Trip Throug;h State
o-f Nehruaka.
(From a 6taff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. Oct 12. (Speclal.)
WllHam Howard Taft was the guest of
the capital city today and thousands of
Nebraskans flooked here to pay him
honor In the warm non-partiFan reception
which was accorded him. Though the
sky wae eloudy the weather man was
kind and did not cause rain to fall upon
the crowds who poured upon the streets
to witness . the parade which took the
presidential party from the depot u toe
hotel and after luncheon to the auditor
ium. 1
The presidential special arrived here at
U:C8. The program with regard to Presi
dent Taft'a stay es carried out with a
military precision. At the Lincoln hotel
luncheon the president was Introduced by
WllUam Jennings Bryan wso Bald as he
proposed a health:
"Lincoln 1 honored today by the pres
ence of the highest official of the world.
The president's position Is greater than
a. king s. His authority 1 more vast than
any civilized people would trust to a
hereditary ruler, and he holds the place
not bv accident or birth, but by the suf
frages of hi countrymen. Though In
campaign he Is the leader of a party,
he is after election the chief execuUve of
nation, and his arm wields the strength
of 90.000.0000 of people. Lifted by voters
tr this position of supreme command, he
..,.m the most exalted of our ptvie
.-r..or,. it is fitting that we. a group of
-jve eUrs whom he serves, should pay
our rtspects to him and to the office
which he holds. I ssk you to rise. til.
your glasses with the beverage upon
.u.-u .h. Aimiahtv has set set hU seal
f aooroval. and tdrlnk to the health of
president Taft. and may God give him
wisdom to discharge aright the enormous
duties imposed upon him."
Twelve places were re-erved at thi
presidential table The president sat near
.i,- .r on his left was former Sena
tor E. J Burkett, who acted as host. To
hie right sat W. J. Bryan, w
ketfs left was Governor Aldttnh. and next
to him were Senator Norrts Brown, C W
m. w A. W. Butt and K. M. Hall:
t the right of W. J. Bryan sat Mayor
Armstrong and next to him were Post
master a R. Slier. Secretary Hlllea and
Judge A. W. Field.
At the auditorium Into which fully
b.000 people were crowded, Governor Ald
rlch Introduced President Taft.
Dollar Diplomacy
Wins Recognition
WASHINGTON. Oct- !.-"Dnllar dlp'o
niacy" baa been officially recopnlied l.y
the British government.
An official report of the British con
sular service commenting on the fact thai
the American exports to Veneruella have
at length caught up to and pass-d those
of Great Britain ascribed this rise largely
to the activity of the State department.
The United States of late." Mild the
report, "have been making determined
efforts to establish a firm footing In the
markets of the Itln-Amerlcan republics
and appear to be In a fair way to accom
plish their purpose"
At the State department it Is explained
that this ststement Is too broad; that
Arrerlcan manufacturers have been ex-tending-
their markets In 6outh America
and that what the ynlted States govern
ment has done was to point them th?
proper way to Introduce their goods sni
..imply see that they fot a fair oppor
tunity with Other nations
Postal Savings Bank
Here on November 4
(From a Ptaff Correspondent r
WASHINGTON, Oct. t (Special Tele
gram.) A postal savings bonk will be
established on November 4 at Omaha
and at Fort Dodge aad Waterloo, la
West Point Kan Nominated by Re
publicans of Third District.
tit-solutions Take Stand for Admin
istration of rreaiaem nil nu.
for (ienainr Revision of
fhe Tariff.
FRfc.MO.NT. Neb., Oct. ( S-peria Tel
egram.) Colonei James Elliott of West
Point was nominated by the republicans
for congressman from the Third district
at the convention held at Wall's theater
this afternoon.
E. R. Gurney of Fremont called the
convention to order and wa.i choren per
manent chairman and L. Teed of Albion
seciotaiy. All counties in the districi
were represented. The speech by Chair
man Gurney was a strong argument for
strict adherence to the principles of pro
tection. On the call of 'c.ouitles for presentation
of candidates CumUig nominated Colonel
Elliott and t Kan ton W. W. Young. The
first ballot was Informal and resulted:
Clllott. 94; . Young 48, John Martin of
Central City, 20, and Coupland of Mad
ison, 12.
On the second ballot, when Nance was
reaciied, ou the roll call, all counties
hating voted solidly for fc,lllott, further
calling of the rol was dispensed with
and the West fouU .man was deoared the
unanimous nominee of the convention.
Mr. Elliott was Introduced as the next
congressman and In a three-minute
speech, frequently Interrupted by ap
piauBe, declared himself In tavor of genu
ine tariff revision and In lull accord with
the president and the administration. He
declared hlrauelf opposed to the Interests
and combines.
The chairman and secretary of the
convention were Instructed to wire Presi
dent Taft the congratulations and cordial
assuiances of the republicans of the dis
trM. Resolutions of sympathy weru
adopted and directed sent to tne family
of the late Congressman Latta.
The report of the committee on resolu
tions submitted by th eChalrman. Koss
L. Hammond, was adopted without de
bate. It fully endorsed the administra
tion of President In bis stand on the
tariff and the records of the departments.
The chairman of each delegation was
made the congressional committee and
George A. Eberly of Stanton was elected
A resolution of tribute to the service
of General Maoderson. to the nation and
the party was also adopted.
California Display
Ready for Shipment
VISALIA. CaJ ., Oct. 2. (8pecial.)-The
exhibit from this county for the Omaha
Land show Is now ready for shipment.
It will be the most complete county dis
play that has been sent out from this
E. A. Mlot of Vlsalia, secretary of the
Tulare County Beard of Trade, was Id
Lindsay Friday, making arrangements for
fruit for the several big land shows which
will take place In eastern cities this
winter Mr. Mlot also secured several fine
photos of scenes In and around Llndeay,
which he will have made on
colored slides to be used In his illus
trated lectures, which he will give at
the shows. The photos were beauties and
when made on colored slides will show
up to advantage. He also expressed much
surprise in the wonderful growth Lindsay
has made In the past few years, and he-
jpoke for us a verv bright future.
Desperate Youth
Confesses Crimes
Warren Ilayslett. the youth who es
caped from the industrial srhool at Kear
ney three times during ths last month,
has been picked up by the Omaha police,
and they have secured from him a con
fession of several robberies that have oc
cured In the last few days
He admits having robbed a pool hall
at 1510 Harney, the Washington fhlrt
company on Fourteenth, between Douglas
and Famam, the L'nlon Tea company on
Howard and the Patton-Bowman hard
ware store at 1&1S Harney. Hayslett was
sent to the reformatory (mm Orraha
several "months ago for robbery He was
sent back to the Industrial school Monday
, , 'rxXy2 1 1 L'llr f (JM -L-M
"-l.S v. . t.V' x fX ,11
aaaggmf.. wn. I ir7 n r t iniai.n liiiaimii irffrisnaiisi a lllrlTllalTlsaBslTITIIIIIIIIIMITT'"n
1 s2twa ussaSmn
Hero of Santiago DropB Dead
While Walking Along Fifth
served Through Civil War In Minor
Capacity and AVua Retired Three
1 rare Aftrr Close of hpau
Uk.AuierteaB War.
-NEW YORK. Oct. 2. Rear Admiral
Wlnfield Ecott Schley dropped dead today
near the corner of Forty-fourth street
and Fifth avenue while on his way down
town. The admiral died before medi al
aid could reach him.
Admiral Schley had been out of town
over Sunday and on his return had gone
to the New York Yacht club In West
Forty-fourth street. After a short stay
at the club Admiral Schley started to
walk along Forty-fourth street toward
Fifth avenue when he was taken sud
denly 111.
As Admiral hchley walked along tne
street a chauffeur of a taxicab, who
stood alonealde the ourb bowed to him
and then remarked to a friend how well
the admiral was looking. Near the
Berkeley theater Admiral Schley started
across the street snd as he stepped up
on the curb passersby saw him fall.
Several pertons rushed to his aid and
physician and an ambulance were called,
but Admiral Schley was dead when they
Dr. Miller of Flower hospital said Ad
miral Schley's death was caused by apo
plexy. Schley's son. Dr. W. B. Srhley, said
no funeral plans had been made. Admiral
Schley had spent the summer at Lake
One of the first to reach the admiral's
side after be fell, was Commander E1U
cott Kelley, who had only a short time
before met him at the yacht club.
.Mar Have Naval Foneral.
WASHINGTON. Oct. J.-The NavT de
partment will Immediately arrange for a
naval funeral for Admiral Schley If his
relatives Indicate such a desire. Secretary
of the Navy Meyer will send official mes.
sages of condolence to the widow and
Admiral and Mrs. Schley lived alone In
Admiral Schley's death removed one of.
the best known officers In the history of
the American navy.
The admiral would have been 73 years
old within a week. On his last birthday
he was deluged with congratulations. "I
feel as young as I ever did," said he then
"'Don't you wish you were again on the
bridge of a battlexhlp?" he was asked.
"Oh. I don't know." be replied "One
gets tired even of thst after fifty years."
Admiral Schley was splendidly pre
served for his years, but suffered as ths
result of Injuries received In a fall on
the lev pavements here last February,
when he broke two rlba and sustained
internal Injuries.
Prrsldeut Taft Notified.
LINCOLN, Neb.. Oct. I -President Tsft
learned In uncoln of the sudden death
(Continued on Page Two.)
v.. x. Ml'
.jjoJAjb-a ,. .. IP
Crowd Attacks Nonunion Man
Illinois Central Shops.
Ttto Hundred Klrlkebreakera Sin av
ailed Iato Rlsj Car Shops at
Bnrnalde Pickets Are
CHICAGO. Oct 1. -Violence broke out
today among the striking employes of
the Illinois Central Railroad shops at
Bumside which resulted In a riot call
being sent to the Kensington police sta
tion. John Chomaa. a carpenter, who
declined to walk out with the other men,
was assaulted by four union pickets as
he was going to work today. He was
struck on the head with a brick and Im
mediately was surrounded r a crowd
of nearly a hundred strikers.
A privule watchman employed by the
Illinois Central attempted to interfere
and was roughly bundled and warned to
let union pickets alone.
Chotuaa was rescued by a patrol wagon
full of police who arrrved on the scene
as another attack on the man was being
made. He esraied with slight Injuries.
'I he union pickets fled when they saw
ths police coming and no arrests were
Two hundred strike breakers were
smuggled Into tbe big car shops at Burn
side under oover of darkness, according
to the report of Illinois Central officials.
They also declare that 100 strikers hsvs
quietly returned to work since Saturday.
The statement waa made that S00 of ths
S.Oi.O shopmen employed at Burnside are
ut Aork today, and that this number is
being sugmentsd hourly. This state
ment was mads by Special Agent Welch
of the railroad, who Is assisting the po-
, (Continued on Beoond Page.)
Rain Drives Vuitors from Highway
to the Oarages and the
daruKt-K Are't-d and Decorated;
nllb Kitia Sulrimrs to show the
.New ID I a tra Which
Are on Display.
Bopi. 37 to Oct. 7, Inclusive.
lussUay ntternoon, Oct. a, aCanu
fautuieu parade.
W ednesday night, Oct. 4, Electrical
Thursday afternoon, Oot. S, Military
Friday night, Oot. 8, Coronation
AutomombUe exposition all week.
108. 1110. 1911.
Wednesday 4,375 3,1116 3,068
Thuraday 7.038 5,561 6,013
rrtdey 8,77 8.807 7,818
Saturday 10,884 83,563 8,237
The best plans made of Ak-Sar-Ben
once In a great while gan aglee, to pax
odlse a remark of some poet or, other.
Just In time to frighten the merry-makers
away from tbe Kings Highway a
light re In began to fall last evening. Tbe
result was that Omahans snd visitors
did not swarm toward the scene of
frollo as they would have done had the
weathar been more propltloua
Nevertheless, tbe Highway by no
means was deserted. There were many
that braved the elements to scatter con
fetti over each other, to laugh and Jest,
to Jolly and be Jollied. Ths high hopes
of breaking tbe attendance record of UM8
have almost vsnished, but Ak-Sar-Ben s
governors are not disooursged. There la
yet time for many nights of Joy, un
damped by the weeps of Jupiter.
Tbe rain drove local oelebrators and
visitors Indoors In large numbers. The
aters largely were patronised.
In splendor of lights and gala bunting
automobile row rivaled the Kings High,
way last night. The day bed marked
tbe opening of the automobile exposition
on the row and visitors swarmed in the
garages and salesrooms.
Anto Row Lit l!W.
Farnam street blazed with almost in
numerable Incande scents, ths city's spe
cial lighting extending as far west as
"Twenty-fourth street this year for. the
first time. In all tbe automobile houaes
on the row Ak-Sar-Ben colors flashed
and glittered In lights, specially Installed
for the exposition. Bunting of red, green
and yellow had been used without stint
In decorating. It waa combined with
Ughta In a thousand beautiful and fantas
tic designs.
Tbe dampness and the slight chtll of
the night made the garages and sales
rooms with their appearance of warmth
and beauty doubly Inviting. Ths first
day of the auto exposition on the row,
the dealers agreed, waa an unqualified
Tbe show continues today and tonight
and until the and of the Ak-8ar-Bsn fee.
Two Turkish Torpedo Boats Sunk
and Third Captured.
gemt-orrirlsl nt nvlaree No
Troops Ilire Bern n Anor
at Prerena 5tato Quo
Stare Fame.
MALTA. Oct. 2-Word Just recelre
frem Tripoli says the Turr and Arab
are entienchlng behind the city. Flxty
thousand Arabs, said to t armed with
Mau!erf. hold a strong position fifty
miles behind th town In a country which
Is an excellent nstural stronghold. An
advance guard It stationed twenty miles
from Tripoli. The Turkish garrison ha
left the fort.
CHlaSSO. Switzerland. Oct. 2 It Is re
ported that on Saturday Admiral Aubrey
was atiddenly ordered to postpone tne
bombardment of Tripoli, as there were
tinni nt a possibility of reaching an un
derstanding with Turkey through the In
tervention of oertaln powers, thus avoid
ing a continuation of the war.
Teav'a advices from Italy state that
Deputy De Fellce-r.lusfrlda. who unlike
h nther anclallnts favors an Itsiian oc
cupation of Tripoli, has telegraphed the
following from Agosta to the Serola at
"A Turkish squadron transporting
troone slunalled that It waa ready to
make a desperate rKlnMnc in order to
land men and ammunition on the Tripoli
tan coast. A squadron belonging to the
Italian second division Is reported chas
ing the Turks and hoping to overtake
them Sunday night or Monday ttoday.)
"I learn from a truatworthy source that
our shipa have begun the bombardment of
BERLIN, Oct. 2 It was stated at the
foreign office that although no offer of
mediation had been made, the German
ambassador at Constantinople, Baron
Marsehall Von Bleberstein. was already
working actively at the Turkish capital
trying to effect a peaceful settlement be
tween Italy and Turkey.
reset Froposals Eas-ected.
LONDON, Oot. 1 The outstanding1
feature of the Turko-ltallan war news
today is the attempted mediation of Ger
many, the success of which appears more
provable in the light of the statement
made at the German foreign office today
that a report that the German ambassa
dor at Constantinople had presented
Italian proposals for pesce was "prema
ture,'' indicating that such proposals
were expected.
Cable communication with Tripoli re
mains cut off, but the city had not been
bombarded up to Saturday midnight, ac
cording to refugees arriving in Malta
this morning.
A dispatch from tbe Island of Corfu,
.off the Albanian coast, says that two
Turkish torpedo boats were sunk and a
third ; captured off Gumeuitsa by the
Italian patrolling Qeet.
It Is reported from Malta that a Brit
ish cruiser received a wireless dispatch
saying that Tripoli bad been occupied by
the Italians. ,
All Reports Censored,
The Italian censorship is keeping the
world In the darkness in regard y the
progress of events In the Mediterranean.
From Italy Itself, Turkey. Tripoli and the
eas where the Italian navy Is operating,
conflicting reports continue to come In
One cablegram announced definitely
that Tripoli had been bombarded and
occupied Another said that Uiat no at
tack on the city has been mad, It Is
certain that the Italians had not at
tacked the town up to midnight Satujr
day. The reports as to the situation at Fre
veaa are equally conflicting. Turkish offi
cials here confirm a news di&patch which
says that the forts had been destroyed
and 1,800 troops landed, while Italy gives
an emphatic denial of the report, saying
that the Italian government had no In
tention of reaortlng to acts against the
territorial status of Turkey and Europe.
Europe Is greatly relieved at the re
ceipt of news that Turkey has assured
Greece that It has no Intention of at
taoklug It as had been rumored. The suc
cess o ft he Italian blockade of the Trip
oli coast from Tunis to Egypt and its
scouring o ft he seas la shown In the
arrival of two csptured Turkish trans
ports at Taranto and Brldlst respectively.
The Impression prevails that the hos
tilities will be of brief duration. It Is
believed that Turkey, finding taelf unable
to dspatch troops to Tripoli, will acoept
the mediation of Germany.
Landing; of Troop Denied,.
ROME, Oct. J. A semi-official note de
clares that ths statement that the Italian
Boxes of O'Brien s
Dalzell'a Ice Cream Bricks;
Base Ball Tickets.
11 art given away free to
tto who una tbelr uauie ut
too waut ads.
Read th want adg every day,
jour ntmi will appear sou,
time, maybe more tuan once.
No puzzles to solve nor sub
ftcripuona to get just read iu
want ad
Turn to the want ad pases
there you will find nearly every
business nous 1a tne city rn-reaented.