THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. OCTOBER 2. lfllt. : BRIEF CITY NEWS t scot Pria It. Oss, i:lwc. Fixt.eies. Birrass-O.-aoci; Oin. Mtrb. Wti, Autpgfni:s molding Keep Toxir Mousy and Yaluablss in Ue American Safe Demerit valut In i-l-.e B-e building Box rent for $J rr yar. Crawford la the Cut T J Craw ford Mnir of the furniture department at HvUn Bros., it in the east on a buying trio. JXtta Postpone Metlna-The OmaTia kvlge of tlif KlKr hat- called off the reg ular mee-inr of Frldv, Oi tnber , on ae enunt of the coronation ball at the Ak-Siar-Een Den. Brooks Makes Inrestment J B Brooks has bought from M&rcelle Druce for Co.ono t-o lota and a building at the eoutheaot earner of Twenty-eighth street and Je'y avenue Trackage Changes Eacda The Mo Ctgue Investment company ha trans ferred to J. L. JlcCacue. 1r . a tract o trackage ground at Nineteenth and Dor cas, the consideration mentioned In the sed being 3Ytt ' Tour Jaat Dlrorces Sulta for divorce were filed as follows In district court Baturdav; Jessie Melvln against Francis MeMn, Alice P. Boone ajculnsl Clarence Boone, Oertrude Phea against Daniel Rhea, Clara Savage against Edward fav . Milwaukee Offices Moved Saturday was moving day with the Milwaukee railroad officials. F.arly In the morning tey got busy and moved the passenger and freight offices from the Paxton block to the first floor of the building weet of the ITnlUd Ptatt-s National bank. Tackett Die of Eeart Failure The ooroner s jury which held an Inqueet mer the body of Terry J. Tackett Satur day morning, found that the deceased came to his death from heart disease. Tackett. who was a hostler, was found dead la his cell at the city jail Tuesday mors lug. Philosophical Subject "Is Man a Mere Machine" wUl be the topic for dis cussion at the meeting of the Omaha Philosophical society this afternoon at Baxight's hall, Nineteenth and Farnam streets. Alfred Tomson will deliver an address on " The Use and Abuse of Narcotics" Brick Hot Up to Standard Tests of fcavicg brick which D. H. Hanna, con tractor, propose to use in paving th county's share of the Thirteenth street boulevard In Clontarf precinct Indicate that some of the brick is not up to speci fications, according to a report made to the county commissioners by County Pur veyor George McBride Saturday. Pheasants for Klvarvlew Lewis Adams, chief Immigrant Inspector of the Denver office, has presented to the Omaha Park board two hens and a cock gpngollan pheasant, for Rtvervlew park. Vs. AA&tna visited Omaha, a few weeks tape. During- his stay be went to River rtew park where he saw a pheasant, was . very poor and tain. The Mrdh wUl be turned loose In the park Bunt ay morning. Omaha School Boys Like Roughing it in the Canadian Wilds five maha High school lads, sons prominent families, and two of them Ministers' sons, have founded a pioneer colony In Alberta, Canada, and have been making a success of it. They are Hal teck Rouse, son of Rev Frederick T. Rouse of the First Congregational church; Hart Jenks. son of Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks of the First Presbyterian church; Chester and Ralph Welrlch, sons of T. H. Welrlch and Harold Andlus, aon of C. M. Andius, 3023 Marcy street. Ralph Welrlch and fttrold Andrus re turned to Omaha last week to take their last year's work at the High school. They give glowing reports of life 1n Can ada. Last spring the boys all took 320 acre claims adjoining each other about 130 miles east of Calgary, the nearejt railroad town. "For the last six months we have been living on our claims steadily and are getting used to the lonesomeness of the country." said Hirold Andrus. "It was quite a task to clear the rock off. but we all worked hard and have something to show for It now." . The. boys hae no live stork except a single cow, which they own In partner ship, and a tam of oxen bflonging to Hart .Tanks. Jenks had 100 acres of wheat and others have smaller crops. Andrus, Welrlch. Jenks and Rouse have all been prominent In High school ath letics. Omaha-Sioux City Electric Line Said to 3e Contemplated Reports from Sioux City state that It is proposed by Boston bankers and cap italists to build an electric intraurban railway line from Omaha through Coun cil Bluffs and up the Iowa side of the river to Sioux City. A party of capital ists from Boston passed over the pro posed line In two automobiles late last week to Inspect the route. With the party was C E. Coon, Omaha railroad contractor. Mr. Coon, Saturday Btgbt was very reticent, stating that the line waa a probability. Further than that be would 'ay nothing. Mr. Coon la at present building a line from Oskaloosha .to Waterloo. Ia. Hers 1H woman who spejks from per aortal knowledge and long exprlence. viz Mr- P- H. Brogen of W'tlgor.. Pa., who say. "I know from experience that Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is far superior to any other. For croup there Is nothing .that excels It" For sale by all dealers. PERSON ALPARAGRAPHS Mist Carla Norwall. who returned froi.i Colorado a short time ago. leaves next Thursday for Los Angeles, where she will spend the winter. SNC .dianos Natural Laxative Water Speedy Sure Gentle Quickly Relieves CONSTIPATION I a 'Ttirf' SCHOOL AND COLLEGE WORK Summary of Activities in Various Institution.!. HAZARDS OF TEACHXBS" WORK Old A are a Rarltr In the Profession In Jlew rail man Memorial Tekatesl reool. The students of the Kearney normal held a rallv In the nomal chapel on Fri day and practiced rooting for the various foot hall games of the season Tfcev took up a number of new songs and yells tnd listened te spirited speeches from Miss Cora O'CnnnVll. Harry Prvden, Prof. George X Vorte- MIfs flertrude Card ner and Coach George 1 Vanbwen. The norml shows considerable Si'rlt tMs year and the larte student body git es eMdence of excellent surport to the ta rdus normal teams Several of the youns men of the school, who are members of Company . Second Nebraska regiment, are attending the annual encampment of the state militia at Camp John H Mickey, Belle vue. Neb.. Russell Burford. senior student teacher 1n the model high school, and center on t'ie foot ball team, is among the number. For the first time since the normal opened six years ago. the model schools have an opportunity to expand Tnn addition of another teacher and the ad ditional room have added greatly to the convenience and effectiveness of the work. Miss Cora O'Connell has charge of tbe model hleh school, whose at tendance Is greatlv augmented by a large number of eighth grada graduates from the country schools Miss Edna Colvln, formerly of Nebraska, hut recently of the Denver cltv schools, has charge of the seventh and eighth grades, formerly pre sided over by Miss O'Connell. The faculty s greatly pleased with the fine enrollment In Junior and senior classes A large number of the students are graduates of twelfth grade high school, while many have several years experience to their credit TTie maturity of the student body Is a subject of re mark bv the many -lsltors who have called. The training class Is very small, as an effort has been made to assign the students to regular classes leading to the life certificate. Instead of taking the training course, many of the stu dents, who desire certificates at the end of the year are taking the Junior work. The students are taking an Interest In all of the. organizations, such as debating societies, , Christian associations, orches tra,, band, athletic associations, dramatic club, choruses, etc. The Catholic stu dents' club, the Toung Men's Christian association and the Toung Women's Christian association, have all held suc cessful meetings. The Emanon and As paslon debating societies promise good results this year. Prof. Porter has an unusual number for hts band. The or chestra has furnished music upon several occasions for ehapel. TEtrnnr. is PERn,tr work. Educator Tells War So Few at Tnem Die of Old Age. Public sehool teaching, according to Secretary Lyman A. Best, of tho New York Board of Retirement, is a hazard ous occupation, taking rank in mortality with that of the soldier, police man and fireman. Mr. Best, in his annual report Ju&t out, seeks to correct the idea that because teachers have short hours and long vacations their work Is easy. He says: "Thirty-nine per oent of the teachers, who 'have been retired In the last six years were suffering from nervous break downs, while a considerable number had heart disease. 'Some years ago, when the agitation for teachers' annuities waa Just begin ning, it was difficult to convince legis lators and school board members that our cause had merit. We were told that It was all very well to establish pensions, annuities for soldiers, policemen and firemen, because tholr occupation were extra-hazardous, and they often gave up their lives for the community which they saved; but as for the teaohera, their work was easy, thslr hours short, their vacations long and they made no sac rifices. 'Gradually this has all been ' changed as the great work of the teachers be came more full' recognized, as the sac rifices In nervous and physical energy made by the teachers In their most arduous work for tho youth of our land became more frilly understood. Germany was one of the first countries to recog nize officially that teachers, of all public officers, were deserving of the highest consideration, as they were the most likely to sacrifice their health in the dle ehsrge of their duties. Many observing educators have called attention to the relatively large number of physical wrecks furnished by the teaching pro fession." Children coming to school from homes where contagious diseases are housed, and. unsanitary school rooms. Mr. Best says, are responsible for much of the danger to which a teacher is subject. Of the 1,492 teachers retired to Feb ruary 1, mi. 315 have died, Mr. Beat says, about 45 per cent of the men and 19 per cent of the women. An enumera tion of the causes of death would In dicate most graphically, he believes, the hasards of the teacher's profession. "Can any other occupation," he con cludes, ' show less than 84 per cent of deaths from old age? Is any other oc cupation more hazardous?" BRITISH EDICAT10. Statistics of Schools sal ' Teaching; Force In England sad Wales. "Statistics of public education Id Eng lanrl ind Walt.' by the British Board of E'-- -etlon. hat e Just ben published as a bluebok They show that there are In England 4-:id Wals 11.193 sc hools, provid ing oi oiTimoodtlon for 7 2 son .children. Voluntary schools numbered 13VI4. with 3 114. 70S places, and there were S 156 coun cil schools, accommodating .V&,(f2 chil dren. The denom' national schools ai.d their accommodation were: Church if England. HCS bchonls and ? 4 te p!ac; Wes!ean 2U schools and si 4 7 places; Roman Catholic. 1 T! fCh'julF and 3"U .84 places, and Jewish, twelve schools, and 1054 places. Classed as "undenom inational and ether schools." were 522 schools with accommodation for 130.177 fcholars In the certified schools for the blind there wait accommodation for J 213; dtaf 4 17; mentally defective, U.W: phvslcally defei live. 4.414. and epileptic. 4M. The number of chools In Knglsnd w3 i'j 34V of whi h ttere voluntary, pro. tiding accommodation for 463S.7K6 chil dren. In Wales the number of schools waa 1.851 (7 being voluntary), with ac commodation for MSS-W children. In Er.g'and 157 407 teachers were employed In the ordinary public elementary sthools and In Wslrs 14 1ST Tlie average stTcno ance during the schoo' year w ";, in Ena'anrt an.! wr.ivV in Wai. In t.ngland Slii.vil g rls a'lended cook ery classes. hlle 174 bovs attended simi lar courses Other special rlasee were attended as follows. Laundry work. llS.n; housewtfory. 34 K0; combined do mestic subjects. .. dairy work. 130; gardening. 1.022 girls and 82 27S boys: handicraft rother than light woodworkV 22S.59I. and light woodwork. v The staff of adult tethers in the llsh chO"ls wa composed follows Certificated. 30. 11 men and 51..TM women, uncertuii ated iinrludlng prov'slcnally certificated! .".0.1 men ind 427 women; supplementary, fnrtv-three men and 1S.M7 women: provisional assistant teachers, sixty-eight men and 2 women, and teachers. 77S men and 1.5M women flll IM IMVF.nMTV. Beginning of academic Year anil Staff of Instructors. W ith a larger registration than ever hefore. and the largest iitaff of professors and It'Structnre ever sewn on Morning sld.i Heights. Columbia university began the academic year of 1PU-12 on September 27 Six ne professors and twenty-two assiM ant professors have brought the total in the teaching Ktaff of the university up to 746. and of these 177 are full professors, nineteen associate professors, seventy as sistant professors 130 instructors and sixty-five assistants; lecturers, demon strators and others onmpMe the lUst. A political laboratory has been estab lished at Columbia university thro ig!i the generosity of Patrick F McGowan. ex-preldent of the board of aldermen. and will be available at once fur the I'm students of politics at the university Sufficient monev has been git-en tv Mr. McGowan to maintain the laboratory for two years. Its purpose Is to bring the students in contact th the documentary sources of Information, and in addition to place the collection of materials at the disposal of the debating teams of the university. The laboratory will consist of a select library covering the field of American government and politics. Newspaper. from all parts of the country tvlll be kept on file for a certain period and after ward clipped and Indexed A large num ber of weekly and monthlv magazines will be kept on file. Then there will be such books of reference a the "American Year Book." the "Cyclopaedia of Ameri can Government," "Beard's Digest of Short. Ba-llot Charters." and the like. The laboratory will also contain a large num ber of federal, state and municipal publi cations, which wtll Include the Congres sional Directory, Congressional Record, labor bulletins, consular reports, reports of civil service commissions, the consti tution of all states, legislative manuals, sample ballots, election laws. and. In fact, everything that the student In politics needs. Special subjects will also be cared for as well, and extensive collections In the field of politics will be made More than lOOOO person will be guests at a monster dinner to(be given on Octo ber 7 to President Nicholas Murray But ler of Columbia university, In recognition of the completion of his tenth year as administrative head of the Institution. Since Dr. Butler took charge of affairs at Columbia the number of students has Increased from S.500 to S.OOO. and the gifts to tbe university have amounted to more than $11. 500.000. Dr. Butler was graduated from Columbia In the class of 1842. and has been connected with the university In one capacity or another continually since that time PEBP NORMAL NOTES. Senior Class F.lects Of f lcere-Nor-tnallte Staff Chosen. The senior class at the Peru State normal elected officers for the year as follows, Wednesday: Preeldent. Roy Bailev, Oakdale: vice president. Hattle Hendricks, Nelson; secretary, Edna Sharp. Beemer; treae- urer, H. H. Mover. Fairfield, Ia. The student publlcstlon of the state normal, known as the Normallte. has Just organized for the year with the following editors: George 8. Hanson, Upland, editor-ln- chlef; Charlotte Coolev, Sidney, associate editor, Merle Swan, Fairmont, class editor; Mary A. Tynon. Peru, alumni editor; Martha Greenlee, Sidney, literary editor; Mabel Bwanson, Carlton, relig ious editor; Grace Telch, Bancroft, musi cal editor; Charles Lively, L.ushton, clubs; E. C. Beck. Panama, athletics; Percy Lapp. Syracuse, locals, Harley Shaver, Brunlng. exchange. Educational Notes. In New Tork City there is an increase this year over last year of 38.029 D the number of school children on part time in the schools for lack of room. In an effort to end cigarette smoking among the students of Notre Dame uni versity, officials of the Institution an nounce that Indulgence In the habit will be permitted no longer and that those dis obeying the order will be summarily sus pended. Mayor Gaynor ha largely retreated from his school board position In relation to the revised New Tork charter. Against the views of the leading educators of the country he has been standing for a board of paid members. He now agrees to a board of sixteen members or so, wnose chairman alone is paid. A campus of forty acres at the north east corner of Indiana avenue and One Hundred and Eleventh street. In the town of Pullman, 111., has been selected for the building of a technical school with tho $2,400,000 left by George M. Pullman, founder of the Pullman company, over fourteen yesra ago. according to the otf dal statement made by the board of di rectors Mr. Pullman's original bequest was $1 200.000, but the amount has doubled In tie years since his death. BOY RIDING THE RODS WILL GO IN COACHES En route from Lander. Wvo . to New ark N. J . Tony Buonerba, It years old wi taken In charge by Juvenile Officer Carver last night Tony left his home In New Jert-ey three weeks ago He had been promised a job herding cattle in the Wyoming 'own. but on arriving there u 'i. id that h ai too rmall As he had tome. Tony ftarted back, riding the rod. of the cars aiid In the cabooses wit!, frlendlv brakemen. He told the polke he had worked In factories In Newark, but could not make enough money to get hie father out of the penitentiary. His father, he said, is ferting a thirty-year term for the murder if a brother. Tb- Vellw Prll, Jaundice malaria blllouf nets vanish -a when Dr King'a New Life pills are taken. Guaranteed. Its. For sale by Be ion Lrug Co. AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Mayor Trainer and City Officials Unitp to Fijht Merger. SAY ANNEXATION IMFRUDIN? rem ml tree Appointed to Condor f am vat an Along; These 1 tees John ntlth Fonod Dead In Alter. Peprefentant e business men of South "miaha yesterday volunteered their serv ices to the tnevor and city officials as a compact ortanuatlon to defeat the Dgttated merger plan of Omaha and South Omaha These men assert that annexation at this time, when Omaha is about to trv a new experiment in the form of government would be linpi udei't ind a rl?k- proposition on the part of .he lea' miin-olpall'v. I'rvteMing further tha' the cftdrtri of Omaha nrke no adequate provision cr the additional expense Incident to maintenance of a greater Omaha, they assert that the lo cal police and firs departments world be annulled until the merged cities could bv proper legislation provide for an In creased roster In both branches of the public sertlre l,.ii real estate holder of this 'section Insist that annexation would depreciate the value of local prop erty to a negligible quantity that would make the southern section of the pro posed greater Omaha a drearv waste or a dumping ground for the submerged tenth of Omaha. Mayor Aaalnet Merarev. The mavor acting In eonlunetlon with the business men and cltv officials yes terdav declared formally against the merger. He stated that neither the Com mercial cluh rnr the Real Eetate ex change of Omaha Is veiv anxious for a merger at this period The Ad club, It Is said, vigorously denied any co-operation with the local committee of an- nexatlonlfts, the result of all conferences to date beirg that Omaha would require a petition of 2.600 or 2.700 names of those In South Omaha anxious for the merger before any further co-operation was shown by the uptown clubs. Councilman Jack Walters of I'nlon stork t arris said he was against ant merger that would amount to a promis sory note on the part of Omaha. "When Omaha and the annexationists can show me In black and white a binding agree ment, good in law, that we will have the proper representation In the counsels of the greater city, then I will vote for annexation." said Mr. Walters. "I am here twenty-five years and I have my home here. I can not now stand to see this section of the city made a moral dumping ground for our uptown neigh bors. When Omaha offers terms that will make us partners to a pact and not beneficiaries of its arbitrary will, then I am for annexation and not before." Committee Is Named. Mayor Tralnor after having considered plans for conducting an anti-merger campaign made a public statement of the platform on which the opposition to the merger was baaed. He also ap pointed the following business men to act as an executive committee for the eon duct of the campaign: Joe Pavllk. paint and paper dealer; Joe PI pal, hardware dealer; P. J. McGoldrlck. grocer; James W. Murphy, commission merchant; John Flynn, clothier; Jerry Fenton, druggist; Frank Keutsky. lumberman; Petersen aV Michelsen. hardware dealers; Morris Tost. Jeweler; Flaher-McGlll, stationers; Frank BeJdlng. grocer; J. F. O'Leaiy, shoe daaler; P. J. Lennahan, master mechanic Omaha Packing company, and J. G. Blessing, hardware dealer. Negro Falls to Death. John Smith, a negro, 30 years old, was found dead at U:li o'clock last night In an alley beside a hotel at 2T1R N street It appeared he had fallen from the win dow of hi a room above. His nec k waa broken and his skull fractured. Smith had been employed In the fer tilizing department at Armour's packing plant. The body was taken by Deputy Coroner Bernard Larkln. Bondholders net Bnsv, New Tork attorneys acting In the In terests of certain clients who claim that city bonds held by them were repudiated by South Omsha yesterday communi cated with Attorney Dean RJnger, who will act as the local representative of the New Tork law firm In Investigating the matter. The New Tork people who hold the al leged spurious bonds want to know spe cifically why South Omaha has refused to honor the bonds held by them. If the certificates held bv them and the ones In the office of the city treasurer are similar then the question will be to de termine who holds the counterfeits. It was said that unless the city would mske a settlement New York attorneys would start suit against the city. The matter is working out In the way In which the council and city attorney indicated at the time when the matter was discussed. At that time the local officials notified Kountze Brothers, fiscal agents at New Tork. that the city had already paid the $7.3iO amounting to the principal and Interest of the bonds In question. The bonds or similar ones are In the effloe of the city treasurer end are signed br the then mayor nnd city clerk. The city officials determined that if the bonds had already been paid by the city It remained for the New Tork holders of the doubtful issue to tske the initiative and show how they obtained the paper. Hog buyers at the local market find that with a per cent crop Increase over the corresponding months of last year, hogs are lighter In weight from 10 to 20 per cent and selling at S cents with the probabilities that the price will go lower by February. The old crop la cleaned up and It Is generally admitted among the buyers that the new cro.i will be a 30 per oent In crease for the season of 1211-12 over the setaon of 1610-11 to date. Owing to the dry weather and bare pastures of the last season the new crop will not make the growth expected of them and the October, November and December hogs will be 10 to 20 per cent lighter than In the corresponding season a year ago. With corn going higher, an early mar keting of those animals may be expected for the rearon that raisers will not care to fead high price corn to 6-cent hogs The trade, . therefore. Is figuring tint hos will sell In the local market down to p rent between now and December IS with a still Inner decline by Feb ruary, 1S12 Watch Effect of strike. Stockers and feeder of cattle and sheep In the local market were very nervous yesterday over the strike an nounced on the Harrlman lines. The last week has been a record breaking ttek tor the number of cattle re rived. It was said that over son cars were received at the local market on on day of last week. This consignment was ail cleaned up yesterday, but the oommlaaloo men are expecting even a greater shipment for the coming week. Railroad men sav the str ke will not a ffe, t t r.i risp.vtMon V r- !.-.. t . . Ktppnr. Void Kiri-'i? r the ' l'at of At Mienit nt ' among the merrhe of t h i Hcbrn fvh opens thla etenlng at f no o dock and "1 continue until Mondat evening M tl;e same hour All the ,Iewih merchant and business men of South Omaha wtll keep their place closed on Monday. The services will be held In the synagogue at Twenty-f'fth and J street under the leadership of Rabbi F..g!e of Milwaukee. The services will i.Ttinue without in terruption all dx Mond.iv. Boiini lnne I ed. Frnnk Smeal of .V7 North Twentv-slxth street yneterd.iy complained to the police that an impelling stranger had mlke.i ' him out of J10 bv means of a connteii f i lt $10 piece Smeil had rented a room to the fellow who otforeu the hop us monev for room rent finical accepted and re turned the rhanr Vow he uvits'hls. tiioues hark. Vh" p.vlce hate the inse m han I Notice to Onr f ustnutrre. l;eware of fraud r.quor soitoitoi . repre senting themselves at your door to be selling for J. Klein, which is not true, as 1 hate no sillcltors at all J Klein. Family Liquor Dealer. 21 h and N. South Omaha Mettle Itr r.nealp. Fy your coal. South Omaha Ice Co. Iji.w pncei. on g.i.Mi s:,iti Ho. ne ruini lure companv Dr D C Fordvce of Fills City, Neh.. Is the guest of ilr. and llts. Fred Tow L See Thoodote Vou. the tailor, for ai majle-up oterrouts from $1S io $iY Miss Hortense Kadi is borne after a long t a. at Inn in J da ho Bert Tanner entertained Mr. Berry of Chicago at dinner on Thursday. F...1 .....t n, , i cheap, quick Ai pl bee ofld e S.njtn (.lirul. Kdwin Dorn of Omaha will simj this morning in the bust Preshvterian church. William Havett , Spring Ranch. Neb , spent lat week in town with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs Oeorge Paddock hate as their suestt. fur this week Mr. ami Mis Carpe-nter of Lincoln. Mrs J. D. t'ouitnev returned this week from Waterloo, where sne had been so journing for her health. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Volt. .'1X21 Q street, are entertaining Misa Katie Hartgun busch from Ida Grove, la- O. E. Johnson of Galva. 111., Is visiting with hla brother-in-law. M. A. Martin, Mi North Eighteenth street. Bl'V Cherokee COAL, now, f 4 "0. F. (lowland Lumber to, ;17 N. th St Thone South 7; Independent F-1fW Mrs. Samuel Jacobsen and daughter, Anita, of Hamburg, la-, were week-end guests of South Omaha friends. Cool, money talks 2,(i. itm c'heroke, Nut coal, U. Special price, act quick .i..aif. 1'oberte o.. Phone . Mr. and Mrs. P J. Bock have gone on a prospecting tour to Colorado, whete It is probable thev will locate in the future. A L Goldsmith, one of the promoters of the local Young Mens Christian asso ciation, has accepted a call to Hillings. Mont. 't'houe Bell South SS Independent 1" IMS for a case of Jetter Gold Top. Prompi delivery to any part of cltv. William Jetter. Miss Agnes Condon, a tencher t the Lincoln school, has resigned to accept a position In the school service of Port land. Ore. Mr and Mrs. A L. Lort entertained Mr. and Mrs J. M. Tanner and Mr. and Mrs L. A. Melcher at dinner at the Field cluu last evening. Mr and Mis R. H Gemmill of South English. Ia, are visiting Mr Gemmlll s brother, J. D. Gemmill, 1M7 North Twenty-fourth street. The Modern Woodmen of America lodge No. 2oa held a banquet at their rooms In the South Omaha National bank building last night. William Welch, who was kicked In tho head by a mule at the stock yards this week. Is reported as rapidly recovering ti-vin mi injury sueiaineu. FOR RENT, RK A SON A BLB Building. tV S. 21th St., good location for anv busi ness, suitable for office or small store Apply Omaha Bee office. 231R N. St. The Ladles' auxiliary of the Toung Men's Christian association have post poned their reular monthly meeting un til October 10. The place of meeting will be announced later. Fire the result of spontaneous com bustlon, broke out yesterday evening In the South Omaha National hank hulld- Ing at 2M4 N street. The blaze started in some old rags under the stairway on the seicond floor. No damage waa done to the building Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mc.D Wheeler end son. Robert, snent the week In IJncoin and Falrbury, Neb., where Mr. Wheeler tooKing alter the Interest of the New York Life Insurance company. The members of the First Methodist Episcopal church will give a reception Tuesday evening In honor of Rev Mr Both well at the home of Mra. F. A. Cresey, Twenty-second and G streets. The funeral of Agnes Kogrba, the fc-yeer-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kpgrba, was held yesterday morn ing at 9 o'clock from the residence of her parent. 18.1 South Kighteenth street. Burial was made In St. Mary's oemtery. Miss Pearl Lavertv entertained last evening at the Field club. The following were her guents of the evening: Mr. and Mrs M F. Sellick. Mr and Mra J. M Lavertv, Mm&ea Adele Davis. Frances Tsnner, Addle Lske and Meners. Forrest Gardner of Omaha, Shirley Menefee, HuMse.ll Phllps and M. Berry. Miss Genitive Rafferty waa hostess to the Thalia club September 2 A two course luncheon was served and the house was decorated In Ak-Har-Bnn colors Those prewtnt were Missea Stella McCar ron. Harriet McCarrnn, Mayme Cimhlng. Margaret Clinton. Catherine Pafertv, Lo retta Mulcahy. Cecil berry. Verna Hex ton, Florence Holbrook, Isabella Flaherty. Mrs. J M Mullen of 142S North Twenty sixth street entertained laat night in honor of her daughter. Miss Gladys Mul len. The house was artistically decorated with white asters and autumn leaves The Misses Mabel Melcher. Frances Tan ner and Rodna Hughes rendered some very pretty vocal solos After the card playing a three-course luncheon was served. Places were erraneed for the fol lowing: Misses Pearl Ijtverty. Addle Lake, llulda Weise, Helen Van Duaen. Agnes Reed. Francea Tanner, Adele Davis. Ade laide Crawford, Trecca Heyman, Msmle Connor. Ix.ulse Bratton, Gladys Mullen. Cornelia Engle. Margaret Corrv. Made leine Dohn. E'hel Cressy. Mabel Melcher. Myrtle Roy. Bessie Roy Rose Hannon. Katie Mealy. Korina Hughes. Frances Cummells. Hennetta wlrkman of Council Bluffs. Mar-' Swift. Blanch McConnery and Luclle McConnery of Omaha. Complexions Flaked Off at Horn From PlUrlin Magazins ) The girl with the poor complexion complains. "1 have to touch up my cheeks. I am sallow and a sight, ami only my makeup sates ma" Now, ss a matter of fact, more I women spoil their good looks than tm I prove them with cosmetics The pra.v j tlce certainly is uniie.'e-sfary. now thit the ilrtuea of orilnary mereoltr.ei wax as a beautlfler have become known It nas been found that the mecollde in the wax wonderful all snrhent powers It cause-, the fiwie) discolored Ecarf skin to flake off In nil-, ute, almost Imperceptible particles, a . gently, gradually, as to cause no incon verleDce at all. In this way the old complexion Is actually removed like wise all fine lines, pimples, blotchea. moth patches and other surface defects A new complexion appeals s clear, smooth, youtnful. healtht -hued skin such ax no paint, powder or lotion can produce. Mercolized wax. to be had at any drug store, la applied like cold cream. Adv. 1-11 Why Merchants Like The Intenso It is a 500 candle power Gas Arc This means a strong light v - The Intenso consumes only 14. feet of Gas per hour. This means economy, because you do not require many Intensos for even very larc spaces. It does not jump or flicker. This means that there is no strain on the eyes. Let us show what The Intenso will do in any large indoor space. Phone us to send a rep resentative who will go over your requirements with you and explain our attractive selling terms. Complete lamp display at the gas office. This means YOU. OMAHA GAS CO. oentoae Three Thousand Government Homesteads saaaaBSB(msasaSBBaasBasaiBs)asBiasBawxiBMa aBaBaaxeKesssBaaBBasaaBajssBSxeKeaaBsaasBSB Piee Ridge and Rosebuid Indiam Reservation Government Lands Direct Route to the registration points Gregory, Dallas and Rapid City. So. Dak. Date, of Registration, Oct 2 to 21, 1911 WWISOO Change of Location On and after October 1, 1911, the City Ticket and Freight offices of the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway will be located at 1612 Farnam St. F. NASH EUGENE DUVAL Gen'L Western A&nt Ass't. Cen'l. Western Agent W. E. BOCK City Passenger Agent N ' fafityaMagaasBarasi ii.ii iBpaFsafMamMin MmqmmraammsKitsBKmmffgffgsar. m;t j I " Reliable Furs at Largest tela ttou and best values In fur sets and ooata to be found ,n Omaba It will cost you nothing to look and will gurely gave you -. oney. Come aud see us we will prove It to you. H. 12. HUBtCIRlVIAISJIV FURRIER No. ft Continental Block. N. . Got. 15th and DoogUc Ste. Takv Kletalur to Seioml Floor. Omaha, Keb. The Bee or This light is diffused so that the goods are shown to best advantage This helps sales ttlemeit ru a m. i a s I For printed matter and full particulars as to rates, trala schedules, etc, cell on your ticket agent, or address A. C JOHNSON Passenger Traffic Manager Chicago and North Western Railway Chicago, III. til u Reasonable Prices All the to