Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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A - TTTO fifATTA RTTNDAY TVF,F! nnvmFT? 1. 1911. J .
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Ac-Sar-Ben Visitors Welcome
We cordially invite you to make our store your headquarters while in the city. We will check
your baggage free, lend you our phones, care for your mail, answer your questions and do our
utmost to make your visit more pleasant.
Fall Suits and Fall Overcoats
for Men, Young Men and Boys.
Ik a
mar . r . j
4 ::
Clothes which are absolutely sure to give you satisfaction
and in which you can feel that you ars dressed In pol
tlely correct style.
Service and Style
are closely linked In Nebraska clothes.
Grays and Browns Are the Fabrics
For Fall in Men's Suits
You would be astonished at the different shadings la
grays and browns w are showing. Steel grays, slate grays,
dappled grays, light grays, dark grays, fancy grays and
other grays. Browns have their Inning beginning with
light browns, tan browns, wood browns, nut browns, red
browns, Kongo browns, Koco browns, in fact, every known
shade of brown. All these and others may be bad in the
regulation sack or the Knglish soft rolling lapel sack with
close fitting shoulders.
$10.00 to $30.00
W are showing a new suit this fall. It is the nob
biest cut coat v ever saw, and we have seen a good many
styles. You can get a better Idea of it by seeing it than if
we were to describe It. We have appropriately named It
the Taft. We are so prond of them that it will give us real
pleasure to have you Inspect them.
Prices $15 to $40
The Nebraska Is essentially THIS store for young men.
No other store specializes to the same extent on what may
be called youthful clothes. Many stores, true, sell young
men's sizes, but that Is a very different thing. Add to this
qualification the fact that our prices afford you the regular
Nebraska saving and you have the best reasons for coming
to see what we have to offer before arriving at a decision.
Prices $7.50 to $25.00
And here is where we excel. The make, fit and fabrics used in our boys' clothing are the best.
Our clothing for boys is tailored. The fit is perfect, and the cloths used are all tested as to strength
and wearing qualities. Our reputation for the best values is behind every suit and our guarantee goes
with it. What more can you expectT Special value t
$2.95 $3.95 - $4.95
Our Shoes
92.50 $3 $4 $4.60
Men and woman who wear our
hoe ar. Mwaya satisfied.
AJts or QniLirr rom
Th. workmanship which haa made
Nebraska alio, fsmcus la maintained
In .vary pmr. No detail la neglected.
A aho. manufacturer muat be a goo.l
on. to satiety ua. V have a staml
aril and few manufacturer, com. up
to It. That ia why N'ebreska shors
are guaranteed. That la why Ne
braska shoes are better than other
ahoea and whether It la fur man,
woman or child, our shoes are batter
value than you Ret elsewhere.
to nrTmosvcB on shoes.
to Omaha vlaltor. and to thnsa
Omahana who might not have bought
our ahoea, we ahull offer rliirlitK this
week a ap.clal value In men's hii I wo
nien'a ahoea at 11.60 and $.1.00. These
ahoea are exceptional valuta and are
worth M OO and IS.ftO.
SPECIAL, Boya' ahoea. slses 1 to
8 91.93
SPECIAL. Miaaea' ahoea, sixes 11 4 to
Special Values in W omen's
Suits and Coats
We are showing a wonderful variety of styles in
medium priced suits and coats. Every garment cut on
correct lines, carefully tailored. Always a big value for
i your money.
Elegant Tailored Suits at $19.75
A most distinguished gathering, by far the best assortment at this
price that we have ever shown. Many stylish
models In newest novelties, in rough weaves, ,
broadcloths and In every popular color, and every
suit with a guaranteed lining; special Ak-Sar-Ben I
Fashionable Women's Suits at $25.00
When President Taft la addressing
th. people of Omaha he will be look
ing them over and moat of the hentls
h will gee will bo covered
with hats from the Nebraska. Tho
people of Omaha want the beat and
that la why our hata are ao popular.
Stetaona, upward, from 83.60
Auntrl&n "Velour" 83.60
English "Morley' 83.00
German 'dubon'1 83.00
Rutland 83.00
Aabury 9a. BO
Lawton 88.00
Nebraska Special 81. BO
erlcsn tailors
stinrt models r. 00
rch of some- XV J
elegant; v-JUl3
Many stylish roodols In Scotch mixtures, diagonals, cheviots,
broadcloths and English tweeds are shown at this price. They
represent tho most prominent American tailors
and designers, are clever and aiatinr
which will appeal to women in soarch
thing neat and plnln yet rich snd
clal Ak-Sar-Ben week. . ,
Suits For Stout Women
Hundreds of women who require an odd Blae have always
been disappointed every season as most stores do not carry a
complete line. To avoid this we are offering this season as a
special feature odd and large sixes, ranging as large as 61 bust
jfvl ;':.) "h v
Special Odd Size Suits at $22.50
Made of fine oualitv of mannlnh serge, broad
cloth, cheviot and lined with good quality of
satin; special for Ak-Sar-Ben
week. ......
Splendid New Coats at $15.00
-tw muse or
rolo coats, auto coats, street costs and dress costs,
made of good quality all wool mixtures, in th
newest stylish models that others ask $20.00 for;
special Ak-Sar-Ben week
Newest Stylish Coats at $25.00
Magnificent showing' of coats at this price. They are not tailored
in the ordinary senses of the word, but are actually "built" to
conform with the highest standard of grace, style and distinction.
Materials chiffon broadcloth, plushes and
great variety of two-toned rough-faced mixtures.
You will not find such coats anywhere at this ,
price; special Ak-Sar-Ben week
"Tha Mouse of .Tt
L high Merit? J-
'Ttff nouse or
last Communion in Old North Pres
byterian to Be Held Sunday.
Walnut IUH Metnodtet nd Im-
atanuel Baptlat Yonns People
. Offer Addreaaea, Maalo
and Hecltattona.
; Th. last communion in the building of
the North Presbyterian church at Nlne
l teenth and Ohio streets will b. kept
Sunday morning at 10:30. N.w members
will ba received and baptlied.
Th. buUdlng haa been In u for more
than a quarter of a century. It was
used by th. Knox Pr.abytertan churoh
until thre. year, ago, wh.n It was Uk.n
by th. North congregation, a union of
the Knox and Second Presbyterian
'Th. n.w 140,000 building at Twenty
fourth and Wirt streets will b. ready
tor occupancy by January 1, th. tim. for
th. next communion. Th. auditorium
will Mtt S70 and th. Sunday aohool room
450. A pip. organ costing sevwal thou
sand dollars will b Installed. Finances
of th. n.w building are in .xoell.nt con
dition and it la "hoped it may b. dedicated
Xr. of debt.
i Sunday wili be rally day for th. Wal
nut Hill M.thodlst Sunday school, Forty
flrat and Charles street. A spealal rally
day servio. will b. held at 10: In th.
morning, th. orchestra and the Junior
and primary dpartm.nts participating.
Tb. orchestra will offer th. overture
from "Poet and P.aaant," "A Ruwlan
Hymn." "Souvenir," a selection from
"Th. Bells of Normandy" and solos by
Miss Mads. Recitations and mualo
by Alio. Day, Gladys Messenger, IiUIan
Armatrong, Anita Edmlston. Floreno.
Richardson, Charles Trlblloock. MeKee
JTUk and will con.pria. th. Junior
department program. Th. lltti. on, will
appear in songs and recitation. Among
, them will be Maurice, Marjori.
How to Erire Awtr Wrioklet
tod Double Chin.
(Standard American Styles.)
Th. cl.ver woman of today does not
sit down and fold her hands and r
alcn h.ra.lf to a wrinkl.d face, dou
bt, chin, crow's feet and .nlarsad
por.a. Nor does sh. try th. num.r
ou. and varied cold creams and lo
tlona on th. market which claim to
annlhllat. wrinkle, and sagglneas.
What h. do.s do this ol.v.r
woman 4s to g.t of h.r drusstst an
ounce and a half of th.rmodlsad
Jelly, ruoblng half a teaapoonful into
h.r akin until It la p.rf.ctly ab
sorbed, and then bathing her face
with oold water. Thla remedy la &a
alixple a. it is effective. It clvea
nourlahment and heat energy to th.
worn-out Maau... Th. akin Imme
diately feel, taut and refreshed the
fleah firm and compact.
One application work, a marked
Improvement lu her looks and every
day her mirror tell, her aho la grow
tnf younger and prettier.
For ftlllnif out hollow nea In th
reck, Bhoulder. and trmi, nothlns
la o effocUve aa therraodiaed Jelly.
Voder, Georgia Sandberg and Edward
Th. Sunday school of the Immauel
Baptlat church will bold a rally Sunday
morning at 10.15. Th program will In
clude selection by th. school orchestra,
"Seek Te th. Lord," gospel hymns and
other numbers, songs, recitations and
solos. Among thoae who will appear are
Henry Lower Ruth Hartman, Frances
Patten, Gertrude Blomqulst, Miriam
Rich, Jessie Hill and Walter Tuttle.
Charles A. Alden of the University of
Omaha will give an address, "Th. Boy
and the Bible," and the pastor, Rev. Mr.
Ebersole, will speak on "Looking For
ward." Rev. Charles H. Fleming, th. new pas
tor of th. Falrvlew Presbyterian church
and the Presbyterian Church of th. Cov
enant, haa tak.n up his n.w dutl. and
will appear In the. tUlplta of th. two
churches for th. first time Sunday, Rev.
Mr. Fleming will have charge of th.
morning and evening services In the
Churoh of the Covenant, preaching; in
the evening on "John and Mark." At
th. rairview church h. will preach th.
same sermon in tb. afternoon at th.
usual service hour.
Dr. Charles A Aldan, financial secre
tary, of th. University of Omaha, will
speak on "A Buslnes. Man's Religion"
at th. Third Presbyterian churoh Sun
day .v.nlng. At th. morning service
Prof. Walter Halsey of th. University
of Omaha will speak.
The quartet of St. Mary's Avenue Con
gregational church will render a special
program of sacred sons la th. first mu
sical service of the season on Sunday
v.nlng, Ootob.r t. Selections wll) be
rendered covering works by treat com
posers. Th. quartet Is under th. direc
tion of Mr. R. T. (Jersey, with th. fol
lowing numbers: Miss Martha Oryrfl,
soprano; Mr. F. S. W.tty. oontralto;
J. R. Hopkins, tenor; R. T. Kersey, baaa;
C. L. Cocke, Jr., organist.
Th. October meeting of th. Pr.sbyt.r
lan Ministers' association will convene
Monday morning at 10:30 at th. First
Rev. Charles H. Fleming of Long
Prairie, Minn., who has preached th.
last few Sundays at th. Churoh of th.
Covenant, Twenty-seventh and Pratt
streets, which church has been without
a pastor sine, last April, will take
charge of th. pastoral. Sunday.
R.v. Mr. Flaming la an Omaha man,
coming hare with his parents In 1887 from
Allegheny, City, Pa. H. was graduat.d
from Omaha Theological seminary In ISM.
R.v. Ralph Houseman of th. Catsellar
Presbyterian church being a member of
tha same class.
On grsduatlng h. applied to the board
of home missions for a crlange and was
sent to Minnesota. His first charge was
at Curamlagavlll., la tb. lumb.r region.
Sine, that tlm. h. ha been in charge of
churches at Lowlston, L'tlca and Long
Calvary Branch. Thirty-fourth and
Seward. 10 lilble school
Grand View Sunday school. Fourth and
Cedar, meets at I o clock. R. B. Elrod,
Calvary. Twenty-fifth and Hamilton,
Rov. Kdward R. Curry, Paator. Harvlcea
at M:tw and 7:so! Lord' supper observed
at morniiig service. Bib), swboui at U.
Toung people's meeting at 6:10. Tuesday,
8:00 o'clock, midweek devotional aervion.
Grace. Tenth and Arbor, Rev. B. F.
Fellman, Pastor. Morning service at 11,
followed by the Lord's supper. Evening
service at 7:45. Sunday school at 10.
Young people s meeting at 7. The prayer
meeting will b. held on Thursday even
ing at t o'clock. Dr. Secord of Guate
mala will speak.
1'.-I . rnn.-,nn.K -a, am. .A Una.
ney. Rev. John Matthews, Pastor.
10:15 organ recital. Keguiar services at
10:80, preaching by the pastor. Quar
tette: Mrs. Wiley, soprano. 12.00, tttrile
school session: special music by orches
tra led by Miss Allen. 7:15 organ recital,
7:30 regular service. Preaching by the
the pastor. Chorus choir.
Immanuei. Twenty-fourth and Plckney.
Rev. J. 8. Ebersole. Pastor. Rally day
exercises of the Hunday achool at 8:46.
Publlo exercises begin at 10:16, consist
ing of songs, recitations and drills. Ad
dress by Mr. Charles A. Alden. Toung
people' meeting at 6: SO. Kvenlng serv
ice at 7:30. Sermon: "The Foundation of
the Family Th. Sacrednea of Marriage."
North Side. R. J. Klrschsteln. Minister
Meets In the Plymouth Congregational
church, Twentieth snd Spencer. Bible
school at 8:80 a. m.. Christian Kndeavor
at 8:80 p. m., evening worship at 7:30
o'clock, mid-week meeting Wednesdays
at I p. m.
Christian Selene.
First, St. Mary' Avenue and Twenty
fourth Sunday school at 8 46 and I. Sub
ject of leason sermon, "Unreality."
First. Tw.nty-slxth and Harney. J. M.
Kersey, Pastor Her vice are a follow:
PreachlnK a.t 10 46 a. m.. and 7:46
p. m.; Blbl. school at 8:80 a. m.; Young
Peoples' meeting at 8:80 p. m.
St. Mary's Avenue, James Alexander
Jenkins. D. D., Minister Morning wor
ship at 10:80. subject, "The Insistent
Christ" People' gospel service opening
th. evening work for the season, uo-
ect "Twentietn century j empiauons.
ospel sol. by Mr. Kersey.
First Nineteenth and Davenport, Fred
erick T. Rouse, pastor Morning worship
with communion and reception of mem
bers at 10 So. Subject, "Incidental Oppor
tunity." Evening worship at 7:46, sub
ject, "The Power and Importance of De
cision." Special music morning and even
ing by chorus ohoir under th. direction
of Frederick C. Freemantel.
St. Paul's, Thirty-second and California,
Rev. W. H. Bayley, Rector Holy com
munion. 8 00 a. m.l Sunday school, 10:00
a. m.; matins and sermon, 11:00 a. m.
St John's, Twenty-sixth and Franklin
Rev. W. H. Bayley, Rector Sunday
school and Bible class, 8:46 a. m.; choral
euchanlat and sermon, 11:00 a. in.; even
ing sung and sermon, 7:46.
Chueh of the Oood Shepherd, Twentieth
and Ohio, Ilev. T. J. Coill.r, Rector
Holy communion, 7:80 a. m.l aunday
school, 8 4u a. m i holy communion with
sermon, 11:00 a. m.; evening prayer with
sermon. 7:80 p. m.
Trinity Cathedral Celebration of th.
Holy Communion at I a. m. ; Sunday
school and Blbl. clasa at 8 80 a. m.;
morning prayer and ssrmon at 11 o'olock.
There will be a special musical service
at Trinity cathedral Sunday evening at
7.w o clock.
Churoh of ft Phllln the Deacon.
Twenty-flrat and Paul, Rev. John Albert
Williams. Rector Holy oommunton at
7:80 a. m.; matins. 10:80 a. in.; holy
communion and sermon, ll:v a. m; Sun
day school snd catechism, 18:80 p. m;
evening prayer and sermon at I p. m.
Trinity, J328 South Twnlet... preach
ing. l 48 a. m.. suciect. "uoa s ueuver-
anc. of Hi People;1' evening 7:8V, sub-
ect. "This On. Thing 1 Know." K. U
Cook, speaker. Sunday achool. It noon.;
a. a. Uuok, superintendent.
Orc. 13-1S2 South Tw.nty-.lxth,
M. L. M.lick, Pastor Sunday achool,
8:48 a. m., J. F. Smith, superintendent;
church services at ll;O0 a. m. and 7:80
p. m.i Luther league, 8:80 p. m., topic,
"Th. Eplatlea of 1st. Paul."
Kountse Memorial, Farnam and Twenty-fifth,
Rev. Dr. O. D- Baltsly. Pastor
Borvlce for th sixteenth Sunday after
Trinity, ilalty day In Sunday achool at
8.46 a. m. Morning worship and sermon
at 11 a. m. Luther league at 7 p. m.
Kvenlng worship and aermon at 8 o'clock,
A cordial welcome to all.
St. Mark's English. Twentieth and
Burdette. L. Qroh. Pastor Annual har
vest horn service, 7:80 p. m. ; spiritual
activity, "No Drones In His Kingdom,"
7:80 p. m.; Hunday school, 8:46 a. m.i
rally of Christian Kndeavor, 7:00 p. m.
St. Paul'a Twentv-eltrhth and Parker
Rev. bi. T. otto. Pastor Services at
10:08 a. m., subject, "The Itessurrectlon
of the Body." Evening worship In Eng-
lisn at 7:48. Sunday acnool at u:au a. m.
Young Peoples' Blbl. club Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock.
St. Matthaw'a Enailah. Corner Nine
teenth and Caatellar, Rev. G. W. Snyder,
Pastor Services at 10:46 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. Rev. J. E. Hummon, president of
the Evangelical Lutheron synod of Ne
braska will preach at the forenoon ser
vice; the pastor will preach at th. .van
Ing s.rvlc. on "Praises." Sunday school
at It noon. Everybody invited.
Lefler Memorial Service at 11. Rev.
Thomas A. Bagshaw will preach.
Oak Street, Twentieth ana oak Bible
chool Sunday at 8. Adult and other
rlHMHe. (or nil. Tha Dastor. Rev. T. C
Webster, will preach at 7:30 on "Tithing.
Midweek meeting Thursday evening at
Pearl M.mnrltl Twantv-fourth and
Larlmore, Carl G. Baden, Pastor Morn
Ina worshlu at 10.46 o'clock; Sunday
school at noon; Ep worth league at 7
p. m., leader Thomas Mromweu, evening
worship at o clock.
Norwegian and Danish. Twenty-fifth
and Decatur, R. P. Petersen, Paator-
Bervicea with by the pastor at
11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school led
by 8. O. Danlcliien at 8 46 am.; young
people's meeting at 7 p. m.
Trinity. Twenty-first and Binney, u.
W. Abbott. Pastor Bervloea morning
and evening. Morning aermon, "Comfort
for Burden Bearers." Evening sermun,
"Spiritual Sleep." The pastor would Ilk.
to meet his people on th. coming Sab
bath. Diets Memorial, Tenth and Fierce
8treeU, J. Franklin Haas, Pastor
Morning sermon at 10:80. Babbath school,
1J. Epworth league at 7. Leader, A. J.
Alvard. Evening asrvlce of sermon and
song at S. Services in main auditorium.
Subject of vital Interest.
German, Eleventh and Center streets.
Rev. G. J. Jalser, Pastor Sunday school
at 10. FreDS Meyer, superintendent.
Preaching at U by Rev. G. J. Keller of
Lincoln, Neb. Evening service at 7:80,
preaching by the pastor. Kpworth league
meeting at 7. Milton J. Jalser, president.
Hanscom Park, Twenty-ninth and
Woolworth, Rev. E. B. Crawford, Pas
torMorning service, 10:80. Sermon, "In
Remembrance of Me." Communion and
reception of member. Evening service.
Society Women Remove
Dad Complexion By Old
Fashioned Method
(From Woman's Horn. Bulletin.)
Th. average woman I now quit,
universally following th. .sample
of a few clever society woman who
discovered that th. old-fashioned
pur. ool.ated balaam would renew
their complexions In a most sur
prising manner. When applied at
night, after cleansing th. akin, th.
d.aden.d and discolored particles
of th. out.r akin drop off and with
It all suoh blbmlshet a pimples,
sallowness, liver spot, freckles,
ate, freeing th. fresh h.althy cu
ticle beneath and behold! a nat
ural and lovsly skin la th. result
Get an ounce and a half of pur.
col.ated balaam of your drugglat
and us. It aa auggeated. Nothing
will inspire admiration of other
and confidence In yourself mor.
than th. knowledge that your skin
I faultless and lovely.
7:45. Sermon, "The Ang.l That Barred
the Way." The vested chorus choir will
sing. Rally day In th. Sunday school, 18.
MoCabe. Fortieth and Farnam. Rev.
John Grant Shlck, Pastor Sunday school
at ju a. m., nuperintenoent u. w. uurry
lu charge. Preaching by th pastor at 11
a. m. and 8 p. m. Themes. Morning,
The Limiting Power of a Faith": even
ing, "Like th. Shadow of a Man." Ep
worth league aervlce at 7 p. m., Mrs.
Florence Taber, leader.
Falrvlew Rev. C. H. Fleming will
preach In th. afternoon at the usual
hour. Topic, "John and Mark." Rev.
Fleming ha Just been assigned to thl
Park vale, Corner Thlrty-flrt and Gold
Sunday school at 10 a. m., E. C. Wilbur,
superintendent Christian Endeavor at
8:45 o'clock. Evening worship at 7:30
o'clock, sermon by Rev. J. P. Clyde.
Flret. Twenty-first and Emmet. A. C.
Douglass. Pastor 10:80. communion serv
ice. Kermon toplo, "Christ, the Bread of
Life." 7:80, "The Three Crosses." Bible
school at noon. Young Peoples Chris-
tlon union at e:su.
North. Nineteenth and Ohio, M. V.
Hlgble, D. D., Pastor Publlo worship
with communion and reception of new
members st 10:80. Chrlstlsn Endeavor at
8:80. Evening service at 7:80. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at s.
Clifton Hill. Forty-fifth and Grant.
Thomas U. Greenlee, PastorSunday
school, 10. Th. sacrament of the lord's
Suoner will be celebrated at 11. Chris
tian Endeavor social, 8:80. Public wor
ship, 7:80. Theme, "Th. Right and
Privileges of God Children."
Church of Covenant. Corner Twenty-
seventh and Pratt Morning service at
10:80. Subject, "Letting the Lord Plan
Our Way." Evening servlr. at S. Toplo,
"John and Mark." Th. n.w pastor,
Charle. H. Flaming, will preach morning
and evening. Sunday school, 11
Third, Twentieth and Leavenworth, F,
P. Rsmsay, Pastor Sunday school and
pastor's adult class, 8:30. Worship with
sermon, "Gehenna and th. Klndnea. of
God," 10:46. Worship with sermon,
"ITeparatlon for th. Supreme Teat,"
7:80. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8.
First, Corner Seventeenth and Dodge,
Rev. Edwin Hart Jenka, Pastor Publlo
worship, 10:46. with aermon by pastor.
Them., "Dyed Garments of Bosrah."
Evening worship at 7:80 "Our True
Oreatneas." Christian endeavor meeting
at 8:18. Sunday school at 8.46. Every
one I Invited to attend.
Westminster, Twenty-ninth and Mason,
Rev. Thomas H. McConnell, Pastor
10:80, service of worship with administra
tion of the Lord Supper and reception
of new member, it, Sahhath achool and
Blbl olas. 8:80, Westminster chapel
Sunday school. 7, Westminster young
people's society. 8, service of prals. with
sermon on "Faith's Expression.''
Castellgr. Sixteenth nd Caatellar
Ralp.h H. Houseman. Minister At 10 4
a. m., publlo worship and sermon,
theme, "Th. Book for th. Life of Every
day": 11 noon. Bible school, Henry
Graner, superintendent; 8.45 p. m., young
people's mooting; 7:46 p. m., publlo ser
vice and sermon, topic, "The Despair of
the Fickle." A newly organised choir
lead th. music. Special mualo at each
Low. Avenue, Corner Fortieth and
Nicholas, Rev. Nathaniel McGlrfen, D. D
Pastor Morning service and communion
st 10:80 a. m.; baptism and reception ot
members. Sunday school and pastor'
Blbl. class at 18 noon; Christian En
deavor at 8:80 p. m.; .v.nlng service at
7:80 o'clock, subject" "What Kind of a
City Ar. We Bulldlngf Dr. 3. H. Wal
lace leada th. prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock, .ubjeot, "How Can
W. Increase Our M.mbershlpf"
Dundee, Fiftieth and Vnderwood, Grant
R. Fisher, Minister Sunday school at
8:48 a., m.; morning worship at 11 a. m.,
subject, "A .Communion Meditation";
evening worship at 7:80 o'olock, subject.
"Th. Fourfold Force of th. Onward
March," Christian Endeavor at 8:80 p.
m., "Lessons From Great Live," X
P.t.r. (Consecration meeting). Th. sac
rament of th. Lord s supper will b. ob
served at th. morning hour of worship,
U o'olock.
Plymouth, Corner Twentieth and Spen
cer. John P. Clyde. Minister Morning
worship at 10:80 o'olock, them., "The
Expanding Work of the Church." Speolal
music by chorus and tenor solo by G. N.
Aulabaugh. Sunday school at li noon.
Rally day program of recitation, and
songs, address by W. O. Palaley and oon
tralto solo by Lena Fink. Root Christian
Endeavor at 8:46 p. m. Fv.nlng worship
In charge of North Bid. Christian church
at 7:46 o'clock.
Central United, Twenty-fourth snd
Dodge, Rev. Hugh B. 8 peer, Pastor
Morning worship at 10:80 o'clock, sermon
by pastor appropriate to Rally day; It
noon, Babbath school. Rally day ex
ercises In charge of th. superintendent
E. E. McMillan; 8:80 o'clock. Young Po
pie's Christian union, "Leason from
Great Live," Peter. Leader Mia Ger
trude Alkln. Evening service at 7:80
o'clock In charge of pastor. Mr. Walter
B. Graham dire"" ho chorus choir.
r Unitarian,
First. Seventeenth snd Caaa, Rev. Man
fred Lurlefnr. Minister Services at 10:30.
.o-mon "'eans of Victory."
Sunday school at 11 :iS.
tv "o in. 7i TwT TP im ir n o nn tt tti n
(M Will Cnnrlurf f hronoh.
utit titer trcca tu v-uiuo
A Special Demonstration
and Sale
'em I . f. I. tft
Mme. S. R. Andrees, Expert Corsetiere from tho Mak
ers Will Be at Our Corset Section All Week So
That the Women of Omaha May Have the
, Benefit of Her Valuable Services.
Low bust, straight hips, flat back are the essentials which,
correctly embodied in this most Important garment of women's
apparel, receive fashion's approval.
Low bust models in Oossard corsets are made with flexible
top clasps, and are designed with special regard for freedom and
perfect ease at bust and diaphragm, entirely eliminating the com
pression characteristic of other low bust models.
The closed back of Oossard front-laced corsets gives oppor
tunity for elastic section, which assures the smooth and close fit
ting back at bottom of corset when standing and gives utmost
comfort when seated. This Important feature Is not possible with
back-lacing corsets because of the lacings.
It Is practically an impossibility to correctly adjust a long
back-lacing corset, while our longest front-laced corset Is ad
Justed with ease and accuracy before your mirror.
Model 107, which Is pictured here, has a very low upper
portion and while meeting the requirements of the girdle top, or
bustless corset, has sufficient extension above the waist line to
prevent any danger of an exaggerated softness Id outline of bust
and back Prices are f 6.50 to IJ6.00.
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