c:.. I TTIE OMAHA SUNDAY BKh: OCTOBK:R nn. '.V u) Si. HOTEL ST. SAN FRANCISCO A big hotel where the W European PJan -:- Under the Management mf4 1 Strictly First Class Regular Meah MODERATE J. N. BAUER, Prop. . Formerly Proprietor o! tho Vincent Ca.f. 2 13-2! 8 3, BELMONT RESTAURANT IS 16 Dodge street . ' O F E 1J ALL, NIGHT Prompt, efficient service is at all times available and maintained, which, with good llar prices is all that one could Tahks d'Hote Dinner Sunday, 11 -s CAFE ISth and barney Sfs. Formerly the incent Everybody reads The Bee I- r ment of leathers and fabrics are considered at this popu lar price 3.00 Sorosis Shoe Store g Frauk Wilcox. 1 FRANCIS little things count. From $2.00 Up ri Jame3 Woods. a la Carte PRICES 18th Street. food, well cooked, at pop- desire. . A. M. to 8 P. M.v 40c and 50c The Wellington Cafe MM. rBAITOXV, Proprietress. Dinner 50 Cents. Lobster Cocktail . Consomme Chicken Radishes or Celery or Ripe Olives Salmon Chicken, "Wellington or Spring Lamb with Mint Bauce or Roast Prime Ribs An Jus Mashed Potatoes or Baked Sweet Potatoes Peas or Sugar Corn Combination Salad Apple Pie Apricot Sherbet and or and Cheese Cake Hot Rolls Milk JutUr Tea and Coffee C vl its? In tan, brown, suede, velooze, satin, kid and patent. The short high toe pat tern in ladies' shoes has struck a popular fancy. They give the feet a shorter ap pearance than the old lasts $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 The Monogram styles at $3.m per pair are way in the lead when style, durability,, fit and assort 263 South 16th 6t. SSSiS2 U. P. SHOPMEN GO OUT ONA STRIKE (Continued from Page One 4S5 went on strike. They bae their esti mate on the number of men -who passed through the four gates from 10 until 11 o'clock, the last named hour beins the one that recorded the end of the exodus Thpv a'so av that thl Is about 40 per cent t'f the entlie Chop force. They figured on sl'out this number quittlns after the 1 nt poll of th men ss made about three weeks ago. Xnmlii-r of Men Ont. It was announced by the officials that in the, coach department thirty-six to 110 men hsd walked out, in the wheel department the entire force of sixteen had remained at vork, that the entire fifteen In the cabinet department had et&ytd at their labors and that i0 of the 37 machinists '.iad walked out. It was etated that at Grand Island ninety five out of IX had walked out and that at Sidney six of forty-two bad walked out. As the men left the shops and the grounds there waa no demonstration of any kind At the gates there was the uual eitchanges of adieus, such as Is heard every Saturday afternoon when the men quit work for the week. Veterans Disregard Order. A Urge majority of the various crafts men who have (one out of the Union Pacific shops are under middle age. The older men and those with families, it is said by the company officials and ad mitted by , many of the workmen, have remained loyal to their work and have refuted to Join the ranks of those who are out. frj tar u the railroad officials were concerned, Uk- wDkout. to all appt-ar--ini.es. created no mure commotion luan if they I) .d liciiu quitting for tne night. Not oven did they leave their seats in ,hU a Jmln.etra'tlon building on the grounds to watch the procession r.iave 1). If the company has plans relative tu filling the places of the men now out they are not taking the public Into their confidence. They merely state that they will wait awhile, giving tne men a chance to come back. It Is understood that this "awhile" means within a reason able time, probably at any date next week. Until the time to be fixed ar rives, the men . may come back without having lost any of their rights, or their seniority In the matter of continuous service. However. If they do not return to work within the time to be fixed later, in the event they should again seek to enter the employ of the company they will be considered as new men. One Painter Qalts. Of the seventy-six painters employed, one walked out. The painters are mem bers of the Omaha local 'and unorgan ized so far as the federation is con cerned. In the event they should go on strike it will be because they are called out on the order of the officers of the local. It Is .aid that there are forty-three bollermakers and that none of them responded to the strike order. Whether or not they will quit work depends upon what action Is taken by the local with which they are affiliated. Mass Meetings Planned. Saturday morning, when the men walked out of the shops, It was planned to hold. two mass meetings at 8 o'clock in the afternoon. However, during the day a change was made In the arrange ments and at the appoined hour the ma jority of them gathered at Wolfe's hall. Twenty-second and Cuming streets, where the- strike situation was dlscused be hind closed doors and In an Informal way. At the close of the meeting the information was given out that no action of any kind had been taken, aside from urging the men to stand firm and not weaken in their efforts to secure reoog nitlon of the federation union of the five crafts, carmen, machinists, blacksmiths, bollermakers and steam titers. The1 entire time of the meeting waa given over to speeches, all were mild, but. firm In tone, the speakers advising all of the men to retain from congre gating about the shop grounds, or In any way Interfering with the management, or control of company property. . At the meeting 1t was stated that prob ably one or two of the international offi cers of the federation and several of those representing the mid-west division would arrive In the city not later than Monday, and that upon their arrival, they would take complete control of tho entire situation so far as the men were con cerned. Until the arrival of these men, It was stated that nothing would be done, other than to keep the employes lined up and perhaps visit some of the shop em playes who failed to obey the strike order, with a view to Inducing them to quit. It was advised end Insisted that if an at tempt should be made to have these men remain away from. the shops only moral suasion should be used. All of the speakers took the position In the demand for the recognition of the federated union, that they were In the right and that In the end they would win. Awaits International Officers. It waa urged that a publicity committee e named In order that the press might je kept Informed as to the progress being made in carrying on the strike, but after considerable discussion, It was deemed advisable to wait until the International division officers arrive and a consultation is held with them. The figures showed that most of the old men had remained In the shops and that the bollermakers had continued at work, for the reason that up to the time when the other men went out, they had not received notlre to quit. With reference to the painters. It waa proposed that they be seen and that an effort be made to Induce thero to quit their work and become affiliated with the federation. Reports received from Council Bluffs Indicated that there forty-five men had obeyed the strike order, dliided nearly equally between the Union Pacific and the Illinois Central, both being roads of tho Harrlman system. Old Men Mar Remain. The question of the old men was taken up and It waa practically decided that those who are Hearing ths pension period In their employment, be permitted to con tinue at work. In the event they desire so to do, the argument being advanced that In the event the strikers should lose, these old men, tn account of their ad vanced years, could never hope to secure employment In the Union Pacific, or other shops. Company officials made da attempt to confer with tne men d urine the day or last Bight Tbey transacted tne regular business of the week-end and at 1 o'clock closed their offices for the day, as Is the custom on Saturday. Nothing relative to the strike will be done by these of- 1 flc'als. Everything awaits the return of President Mohler, who la now on his way home from New fork. He Is ex pected here Monday morning, when It Is expected ' aa wUi' take charge of aod dl- rect the company's end of the contro versy. Not even the shop erounJs have bm po'n-ed. as no trouble of anv k'nd wns intlcipated The t.sul guards wee on dut'- Saturdv and Patuniav nisht. mik ing their rounds as Is the r custom, hut their services were not needed, ss everv. Ihlni; about the grounds s.ts as quiet as the grave. ORDER IS t.F. i;H III Y tlBElED Vntnn Officials lime Reports that Twelve mi nil Are Out. CHICAGO, Fept :"i -Reports tip to this afternoon Indicated that the order for ,i strike by shopmen on the Illinois tvntr.il railroad and Haniman lines set for 10 a m had been obeyed generally by the men. With many of thti roints at which large numbers of men are employed not heard from, approximately 12.jo men m the chief cities were known to have lett their ork at that hour, to enforce thrir demands fir tteojn tio.i of the r reduc tion f Hiop Kn;ploi r. Early reports from tlie Tactic oo.im in dicated that the nen were ready to obey the order. The number of men who walked out In the chief cities waa: Chicago, l.T.vi. Omaha, 4So; Denver. 175; East Pt. Louis. ,W; New Orleans. 2.0H); ..antas City, W: ,ai Antonio. ,W; Vlcks burg W; Memphis, l.TOrt, Houston, 1,;00; Ogden. McComb, Miss., l.flix), Los Angeles. l,4rti, San Francisco, 40O. At no place was the walkout aecom panied by violence. GHAS U ISLAND Mfc.N UU OUT Four-Fifths of the Shop Employes Quit at Ten O'clock,. GRAND 1SUA-NP, Neb . Kept. 30. tSps rlal Telegram.) Practically every skilled mechanic in the Union Pacific shops, in cluding the carmen who look after the tclng and watering of passenger trains., wulked out of the shops nt ID o'clock tliU morning. Tlie total pay roll last month was approximately :'.'i0 men. Two hun dred of these ceased work, representing a monthly pay roll of about KM UK), of the fifty remaining the greater portion are Greeks and Austrlans working on tlie coal chutes, ete. Some few helpers te malned, and In the car shops a few of the older men, whose remaining was. It appears, with the approval d the greater majority of youner and middle-aged me chanics. There was not the least sign of disorder. The strikers openly avowed a friendly feeling for the local officers Pome of them expressed the hope as they bade good-hve to the heads of depart ments that the contention would be set tled amicably. Twenty minutes later passenger trains were rllKhtly delayed at the depot, only two men of the icing and watering force remaining and seetlon men put on the Job. Locally no steps seem to have been taken to replace the men. WESTERN SHOPMEN ARE OUT Pew of the Older Employes Remain at Work. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 80.-Whlle defi nite figures are not forthcoming as yet from either side the strike order for the shop employes of the Harrlman system, which became effective at 10 o'clock this morning, appears to have been generally obeyed. A few of the old employe t the various shops remained at work, but the greatv majority of the men quietly packed their tools when whistles an nounced' 10 o'clock and walked out of the yards. .There was no disturbance at any point, and the striking men did not linger about the yards. Railroad officials reiterate their pre diction that service will not be crippled Union officials have little to say beyond the statement that the men have held together and generally obeyed the strike order. Ail the California shops heard from, in cluding Log Angelas. Oakland. Sacra mento and Fresno, were promptly aban doned At Oakland the switchmen went out In sympathy. & The highest tioi'nr nt piness is reached only through moth erhood, in the clasping of her child within her arms. Yet the mother-to-be is often fearful of nature's ordeal and shrinks from the suffering inci dent to its consummation. But for nature's ills and discomforts nature provides remedies, and in Mother's Friend is to be found a medicine of preat value to every expectant mother. It is an oily emulsion for external application, composed of ingredients which act with beneficial and sooth ing effect on those portions of the system involved. It is intended to prepare the system for the crisis, and thus relieve, in great part, the suffer ing through which the mother usually passes. The regular use of Mother's Friend will repay any mother in the comfort it affords before, and the help ful restoration to health and strength it brings about after baby comes. Mother's Friend is for sale at drug stores. Write for our free book for exnertanr mntVi. ers which contains much valuable information, and many suggestions of a helpful nature. BHADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ca Humphreys Seventy-Seven Breaks up Grip and Best results To get the best results, kep "Seventy-seven" bandy, on the dres ser when at home In the vest pocket or In my lady's purse when away easily taken, needs no spoon or mea suring (lsss. Just count out the dry pellets on the hand and place on the tongue. WH is the first few doses of "Seventy-seven" that count in break ing up s cold quickly. All dealers sell. 25c or mailed. Humphrey's Homeo. Medicine Co., Cor. WUllam sad AAA txeU, Mew Vork, xvw . COLDS There's more in r.. "'.r im AT THE A ill tm w msnaaM srtiaiiiiniiiMiii v .. Ull'Ul.'w. Special Prices This Week on Drugs, Patent Medicines Perfumes, Cigars, Toilet Goods, Writing Papers and Sundries Both local and out-of-town people should take advantage of the prioes quoted by our four 6tores. We carry out all our printed promises. Our goods are always fresh,, as our cut prices are so attractive that they move the goods quickly. 1 QUALITY, QUANTITY AND VALUE ALWAYS Proprietary Medicines at Cut Prices We obtain these goods In most In stances direct from manufacturers and can guarantee freshness and genuineness. Our prices are alwoys the lowest. Ptnkham's Compound 89e Milk's EmuUlon ....390 Squlbb's Sarsaparilla ...7Bo Kujtail Kidney Cure ....45o and 89o 1 00 Wine of Cajdul for 8o Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 4 So and X 890 25c Kexall Charcoal Tablets 45o "Gets It" Corn Cure SSo 8. 8. 8. Blood Remedy SSo and Sl.M Usterlne (Lamberts) ..15o, SSo, 6o and 79o Fcott's Emulsion 4So and 89o Bromo Seltzer lOo, SSo, 45o end 8o Norwegian Cod Liver Oil S5o 60e and 76o Kilmer's Swamp Root . 45o and 89o Rexall Orderlies ..lOo, 86o and BOo Pint bottles Beef, Iron and Wine SOe 11.00 Orav's Glycerine Tonlo . .89o Jiffy Foot Tablets 100 Newbro's HerpUlde 4So and 89o Hays' Hair Health 48o and 890 wxira rom oataxooub SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. The "ORIGINAL' ' Cor. The "OWL" Corner 16th , -. " ' " MM,M,M,,11,,i,i,i,ii,iamjaajMSSjM ' We desire to announce for the benefit of all interested in purchasing lands in California, that the v Excursion Rates Close etobeir ISth -Visitors to Omaha are urged to call and talk over the arrange ments with us at their earliest opportunity. A Farm In California Will Make You Independent Rich Soil Good Crops Ideal Climate Lutheran Colonization Company Trowbridge - Bolster o. Selling Agents 404-410 City National Dank Building winter than meets Wear only will disclose the dollar for dollar value. We cannot describe them to you. But if you will look at yourself in our long mirrors you will begin to understand. Our mirrors are big enough to show you from head to foot, hiding nothing. Our service is yours, especially strangers who are visiting the city this week, plus our superior label clothes Kuppenheimer, Society Brand, Stein-Bloch and Schloss Bros. -and priced to please any pocketbook. REXALLL. Extra Spe cials for This Week S0c Pompelan Cream for 99o Kbc 8anit.il Preparations for ,...14o 6 cakes Ivory Hoap ......19o 6 cakes Wool Soap ...190 Hot Drinks and Lunches We are now serving Hot Drinks snd Dainty Lunches In our beautiful downstairs Sodoasis, at 16th and Dodge. Cigars by the Box at cut prices less than wholesale. Call at our stores for printed price Hat. Nearly 200 brands by bos at regular wholesale prices. 16th and Dodge. and Harney Sts. our Fall Clothes the eye STORES Electric Belts Our stock ef Electric Belts, Trusses and Supporters is a large one. We have an expert fitter. . 5o FrottUla cut to Ite Ivory Soap, this week, I cakes ..lie !6o Packers' Tar Soap, cut to ,.14o II. b Oriental Cream, cut to . .Bl.OS French Toilet Chamois loe ISo Espey's Cream, cut to 14e Mazlne Elliott Soap, box cakes 45e 60c Shah of Persia Boap ISO Oo Lubln'e Soap, cut to SSo Ufa Plnaud'a Soap, out to 19o Peroxide Cream, with puff and Chamois, cut to ... toe The "HARVARD" Cor. 24th and Faxnam. The "LOYAL"-207-209 North 16th Street. I 1 I ...:.C