Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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8 J? I
Tite Benson
jijjj p
this committee hsv been provided with
state tickets and badges.
There has been no trouble In Omaha;
as there has been In other places, over
the , honor of riding with the president.
All members of the local arrangements
committee will Vave the honor of his
compsny. The chairman. Victor Rose
water, will share his auto from the sta
ll ii to the Omaha club and from the club
lo the station; C. H. Pickens will escort
I.I ni to church; H. H. Baldrlg will rid
with him from th Omaha club to th
Auditorium and Senator Hitchcock from
the Auditorium to the club. M. U
Learned, as president of the Omaha club,
will preside at the breakfast and dinner.
Th president will ride in Joseph Barker's
car on his tour of the city.
(Continued from Peg One.)
squadron took possession of th Turkish
transport Derna at Tripoli. Th trans
port, which still had on board a part of
Its cargo of war supplies, surrendered
without resistance.
The diapalrh adds that In th vnt of
th bombardment of Tripoli, Italian and
other foreigners, including newspaper cor
respondents, will be taken on board th
vessels of th Italian fleet.
Th duke of Abruul commanded th
Italian squadron .which nsaged two
Turkish torpedo boats off Prevese yester
day. .;..;. ft . .
rirat Blow Strark Promptly.
Th official version at Constantinople
of th naval engagement off Previse dif
fers from early reports, in that It makes
no mention of the landing of troop fol
lowing th sinking of a Turkish torpedo
boat destroyer by an Italian cruiser. Th
Immediate Importance of th engagement
is thus left la doubt, though It wa not-
.hi. Vmln tk. flnl fltvr at i-1 1 L k.
In a war that has alresy caused much
uneasiness In th capitals ot th powera
The fact that the batti occurred yes
terday afternoon makes It plain that Italy
not be satisfactory and had arranged
that there should be no delay In beginning
This Institution is the only on
in the central West wltb separate
buildings situ d In their own
ample' grounds--.. yet entirely
distinct and renderij? It possible
to cUbsify cases. Th oi building
jj-eing fitted for and devoted to th
' ment of noncontagloue and
uiei diseases, no otaers ue-
mltted. The other Ret
be'iig designed for and
to the exclusive treatment
t mental rases, 'requiring
1 oe watchful care and spe-
'clng. . - . ...
r sv
and Thorne
Yon are invited to make this beautiful store your headquarters while in
Omaha make yourself at home in the new, handsomely appointed rest room,
where comfortable chair, a' writing desk, reading tables .telephones and lava
tories are at your disposal. Check your grips and parcels here, we will deliver
them t6 the depot free of any charge. .In fact this store is YOURS, and we are
ready to serve you in every possible way.
You will never be offered a better opportu
wearing apparel for fall and winter than during
"have been arranged especially for your benefit
carefully selected from all the eastern and fort
predate the) palna we have, taken to eclipse. In v
Women's Suit Section Young Plon'o Suits
Reflects trery style that has been approved
by fashion authorities tbt new 21-lnch Jack
ets, ftllRhtly fuller skirts, tbt populsr panel
effects and Empire waist. A fairyland of
colors, la mixtures and all tbt favored and
modish materials, augmented by new and
original Ideas In trimmings. Their quality
and attractiveness overshadow the attendant
Junior sizes IB and 17. Prices $15
817.50 $10.75 to $27.50.
Small Women's sites 22 to 38. Price
t 22.50 $25. $20.75 $32.50 $35.
30.75 $45 up to $G5.
Exclusive Models in Coats
Which will not bt found elsewhere, art
directing widespread attention to this store.
The new Polo two-tone, reversible coat, worn
either side out. Is clever, stylish and very
serviceable. Ont Polo Is shown In pure white.
Benutlful tailored eoata of handsomt fabrics
and man-tailored eoats of mannish mixtures.
Junior and small Women's sices. Prices,
813.50 $14.75 $17.50 $10.75
$22.50 $25 $45 up to $65.
Wool Dresses
Art strikingly beautiful this season and art predominated by
styles and fabrics from foreign designers, which precludes tht
necessity of any further description yon must see them to ap
preciate them fully.
Junior sizes 15 and 17; small Women's sites SI to IS.
Prices, $14.75 $16.50 $17.50 $10.75 "d $22.50.
This Is the home of Peter Thompson Dress, which ar as
popular as they are serviceable and stylish, every dress Is strict
ly man-tailored. :,, YaU, navy or Royal blue, black and plain
white serge. '' ",., ' . 1
Middy Blouse Suit In all-white or navy blue serge.
Girls' Wool Dresses
Are In a large measure fashioned from Imported patterns,
in a wldt variety of rich colors. Tbt most charming little gar
ments wt have seen in many a daay.
Sixes 2 to 14 yeara. Prices, $3.50 $3.05 $5. $0.50
$7.50 $8.50 "4 $13.50.
Girls' Coats
Of Dobson Seal Plush, plain or corduroy velvet, cheviot. ker
aey, broadcloth and fancy mixtures, makt tht handsomest and
warmest winter wraps any lit
tle girl could wish for.
SUea.3 to 14. years. Prices, .
$3.75 $5.00 $8.50
$7.50 $8.50 $0.75
$10.75 P; t0 ,310.75. ,
hostilities after th expiration at 2.80
O'clock yesterday afternoon, of th twenty-four
hours permitted by th ulti
matum. Prevese, th scene of the first en
counter between th Italian and th
Turks. Is situated at the entrance of th
Gulf of Arte, which lies at the extreme
south end of Albanlt and which divides
that Turkish province from Greece. It
Is removed from th regular tin of
transit for steamer from Venice and
Trieste through the Adriatic.
Uaited Statee to Be Neutral.
WASHINGTON. Sept. SO.-Formal noti
fication to th United States that a stale
of war exist between Italy and Turkey
was given to th Stat department let
today by the Italian charge de'sffalrea,
Nobll Laxxaro Leo Marchesl Negrotto
Cembleao. This action paves th way for
th forthcoming proclamation of neutral
ity by this government.
Freak Oertr, Wk Tried to Kill
Hie Wife Throe Weeks Agfa,
la la Jail.
cial.) Frank Oorty, who three weeks
ago shot his wife through the right
breast and attempted to kill himself by
sticking forks In his left breast, haa
been arraigned before Judge WUson and
the hearing of hi case set for October
S. He could not give the 11.000 ball
demanded by the ' eourt and was re
manded to 111. Ills wife Is recovering.
The suit filed In the district court by
Taylor McOuire, eustodian of the South
Third Street church, against a new
minuter named Alexander and th
trustees, has been eettled and dis
missed. The minister gav up the fight
trying te hold meeting outsld of th
church so as to not violet th injunction
secured sgslnst him and others.
Testerday afternoon at the home ef
Mrs. H H. Fass occurred the marriage
of Ernest Hill and Miss Emma Gray
In th presence ot a large number of
rlatlv and friends. Th bride 1 on
of th moat popular young woman ef
this city and th groom th leading
plumber. They have gone en a short
wdding trip end on their return will
occupy a handsome resldane belonglsg
to the groom on Third avenue and
Seventeenth street
This city la suffering from a short
age of sand for building purpose. . It
has all grown out of a law suit between
th parttee owning the dredge boat
which la used te dredge sent end bank
It. A large amount of cement work end
building ar awaiting th eutoom ef
th suit
Th officer ef Queen Esther chapter
No. 1. Order ef th Eastern Star, ae
compa riled by a large number of
the members of the chapter ef
this city went te Dunbar last evening
to Institute a new chapter ef that order
and Install the officers. They were
charmingly entertained by the people
of that place and the labor ef the even
Ing was followed by banquet.
Laurence Langham. who ti arrestei
her about Auguet 1, wa taken before
Judge Travis and pleaded, to (the, charge
of adultery. . aad was given sentence
of sixty days la th county jail
Co. Welcome kk-Sar-Ben Visitors
nlty to become acquainted with the new stylet In
your visit bert. Tbt beautiful displays which
m brace the very latest modes; which hart been
lgn fashion centers you must see them to ap
arltty and magnitude, all former showings.
Cora In many new shades and color combin
ations which will be found exclusively In Bam
peck clothes.
There It a constant Increase In tht number
of young men who buy clothes at this store,
young men who insist upon distinctive styles
and tht finest tailoring In their wearing ap
parel, v
Because of tht volumt of business we do, we
carry a larger and more varied range of fab
rics at easily afforded prices, than can be obtain
ed In tht smaller places.
Prices rang from $18 to $35.
Boyo' Suits
Hundreds of mothers throughout tht west
have for year lookad to this stort for tht boys'
clothing this year wt art better prepared than
ever to cloth your boy. A dandy pocket knife
free with vry tult
Prices from $5 to
tit otHTt norm
Camp Mickey Soaked and Soldiei
Lads Driven to Tents.
Gaardatnea Infaeed with Carnival
Spirit sua Some Stay High
way I m til Woo Sana of
the . Mormloar.
Camp Mickey was converted lnte a
bog-plain by the rain Saturday. All
maneuvers for '" ths afternoon were
abandoned and the guardsmen retired to
their tents, pulled down the flaps and
rolled Into their' blankets In an effort
to drlie but the chill following the rain
ef the forenoon, which cam while they
were In company drill.
The enforced Idleness resulted In no
disorder and .while sheets of rain
battered against the canvas of the tents
and water flowed In muddy streams
down th company streets, th first and
second regimental bands struck up a
patriotic - tune and the Imprisoned
guardsman beat a refrain en the prop
erty boxee in th tents. A heavy fog
and thick emoke from the Incinerator
hung over the encampment aad while
the rain fell the only stir of life about
the flld waa that of th elow-paclng
pickets draped in their poaches.
Arrangements are being made by tho
commanding officers Of camp Mickey to
transport the two regiments by rail to
Omaha Thureday to take part In the big
Ak-Sar-Ben military parade Ten ml lea
s considered toe long a hike, before a
strenuous parade, but It arrangements
for transportation eannot be aatla
factorlly road, th militiamen will be
CoTttser Cosnloai Wednesday.
A letter from Governor Aldrlch'e sec
retary has been received at blrgade
headquarters saying th governor will
arrive at Camp Mickey at 10. o'clock
W ednesday morning , and expects to
epend th night In camp, leaving early
Thursday morning. A rivalry eprang up
among the commanding officers for th
honor entertaining the governor. It la
prababl h will spend th night In
Major Arties' tent.
Friday night a bunch want to th Ak-
Bar-Ban carnival and become so Interested
they forgot to return on time In the we
una' hours they arrived la camp end
started a wild song. Guard halted them
Cures All humors, catarrh and
rheumatism, relieves that tired
feeling, restores the appetite,
cures palenesB, nervousness,
builds up the whole system.
Get It today In usual liquid form or
chocolated labials e ailed Hevraetabe.
For Boys, Girls, Misses and Women
The Shot Section Is now greatly enlarged and offers tht widest selection in fine
footwear wt bavt tvtr had.
Tht famoua Startrlght Children's shoe a ar found here exclusively.
From tht heaviest shoes for boy to tht daintiest of satin alippers for the fashion
able women, our showing la splendidly complete.
Tho Infant's Wear Section
Haa been recently enlarged and here ont may obtain every
garment which tht wee ont may need, from tht simplest band to
th flnat hand-mad and embroidered drtsa.
Wt specially invlt yon to visit this unique Infanta War
" section, there la not another ont Ukt it west of New York City.
Then there are Sweaters for every member of the
family from the tiniest tot up pretty little hats for
girls and misses hats and caps for boys and young
men indeed, every ap
parel need of man, -woman
" and child can be supplied
at this store.
and the officer In charge said:
"Wa have order to let you fellows back
In camp without arresting you, providing
you will make no noise when you go In "
The carnival visitors walkted th quarter-mil
to camp on tiptoe and ware afraid
to speak even In a whisper.
A member of Company I, Second regi
ment, became Infected with the carnival
fever and made a break for liberty. He
circled through cornfields and mud holes
and finally brought up at the car track,
where he waited patiently for the next
car, which was due In exactly one hour.
A patrol was sent out from his company
and In less than aa hour had located th
runaway, lie sprinted with all the energy
left In him, but waa caught and taken
back to camp and placed In the guard
Own Some Bnckln Bronchos.
When not on duty It become almost Im
perative for the guard men to keep busy
and with this aim In view the command
ing officers have given them permission
to play ball, bold wrestling matches and
boxing bouts. This has resulted In numer
ous challenges and several claims to camp
championship. A five-round bout was
held Friday evening and one of the con
testant was knocked out with a terrible
solar plexus punch. Sine then the victor
haa made wide and sweeping ohallengee
to both regiments, but his challenges have
not been accepted, although there are
dark hints from many quarters that sev
eral promising ring champions are train
ing for hlra an dwlll In time "get his
goat." Each company supports a well
trained ball team and several contests
hav been scheduled tor the coming week.
Among the thirty-five bronchos at the
camp stables are a fw bad ones. Major
H. H. Antle asserts he had one of the
worst. While parading before both regi
ment Saturday, the major's mount be
came so mean that he suddenly rolled up
and It wa no longer comfortable to re
main on hi back and th major forth
with vacated. Th earth rose up to meet
htm. but he was uninjured.
Th Incident preyed upon Bishop Beech
er's mind end when they led a meek
looking animal te hie tent an dtold him
It was his horse he said nothing, but
mounted th beast and rode away. He had
gone scarcely dosen yards when the
broncho displayed signs of rebellion aad
thereupon the bishop dismounted. Purtng
ths last of the maneuver he led th
horse. x
In addition to the regular program Bun-
day, which will include a few drill.
church cervices will be held. Rev. Philip
O. Snow of Kearney and Rev. Slssoa of
Fremont will eonduet the devotional and
may be aaalated by Bishop Beecher. At
tendance at the religious services are not
compulsory, but usually the entire camp
(Special.) The coroner Jury held as in
quest yesterday at Syracuse ever the body
ot George Jarrela. the man who was
found dead la hie home with hie head
orushed with a hammer and throat cut
The Jury held a secret cession, but was
unable to elicit any further Information
thaa waa given eut the first day. It
could not find any motive tor the crime
and render d a verdict that the deceased
came to his death at th hands of party
or parties unknown to the Jury. The
Jury suggested that Charles Thompson, a
map peddler who had some misunder
standing with the deceased over a woman
be held for further investigation. Thomp
son claims to be able to prov that he
was fourteen miles away from the scene
of the murder the night It occurred. The
body of the murdered man was Interred
-at the expense of th people of Syracuse,
and a stone will be erected over his grave.
In the meantime Sheriff Fischer still has
hopes ot bringing the guilty party to
Justice, and Is working hard on some new
evidence which he claims he has un
earthed. Walter L. Suydam
is Granted Divorce
NEW YORK, Sept 10. Walter Lispen-
ard Suydam waa granted an Interlocu
tory decree of divorce this afternoon by
Justice Clarke of the supreme court in
the suit filed against Louise Lawrence
Suydam. In th deer Mrs. Suydam Is
i-rdrrd not to remarry or use Suydam'
name. Under the decree che may re-
-,.. hti maiden name of White.
Suydam, according to th decree, is
permitted to marry "a though th de
fendant were dead." Frederick Noble,
the plumber's son, with whom Mrs. Suy
dam went to New York, was named in
the suit as co-respondent
Aviator Rodgers
Passes Marion
AKRON. O., Sept. . Aviator Rodgers
reached Akron at 08 a, m. and circled
about the city before resuming bis west
ward course, at an altitude of LtOO feet.
The aviator did not stop but circled
about the business district. He then
started directly south, following the Erie
railroad and reached Barberton, eight
miles, ten minutes later. He made a
circle of Lake Ann, and proceeding,
passed Wadsworth at SO.
MANSFIELD, 0.. Sept. SO. Rodgers sr.
rived here at 10:35 and after circling the
state reformatory resumed his flight at
10; 36 in the direction of Marlon. O.
MARION. O., Sept. SO. Rodgers flew
over this city at 11:36 p. m.
Supposed Crime is
a Case of Suicide
KANSAS CITT, Sept. 0-Aa Investi
gation of a supposed murder mystery
started yesterday by the authorities et
Wyandotte county, Kansas, following the
finding: of the naked body of a man tn a
cornfield west of Kansas City, Kan.,
closed today when the body was tdentl
field as that of William Bkelton. -who
ooramltted suicide by leap Ins from a mov
ing train last week. It le believed the
body waa stripped of elothlns and valu
ables br robbers. Bkelton was a laborer.
He waa ea his way to California to his
home la Dublin, Ireland, wbee he dis
appeared from an Atchison, Topeka A
Santa Fe train.
For aale large heating sotve cheap,
quick. Apply Bee office, South Omaha.
Coal, money talka. t.000 lb. Cheroke
Nut eoaj, K Special Price act quick.
Broad wall, Kobejrta A Co., Phone S.
President Say Hii Reception Wa
Cordial and Pleasing-.
Takes Breakfast with Director at
Cleb House aad Iaspeets Ex
hibit of Males Flare
Golf with Hadler.
SET) ALIA, Mo., Sept. 10. president Taft
swung back Into Missouri again today to
become the guest of the Missouri Stat
fair. He left Iowa behind and In discuss
ing his trip through that state the presi
dent declared his reception was most cor
dial and pleasing.
"I am glad I went to Iowa," he said.
"I had no fear that my reception would
not be cordial. Some, however, not
Iowans, had suggested otherwise. Per
haps the wish was father to the thought
at any rate I wish to testify my grati
tude to the governor, to the state offi
cers, to the congressmen' of Iowa and to
the senators for their very cordial re
ception of me without regard to the
question whether they agreed with roe In
politics or not, and I want aay th same
thing about th people who turned out. I
believe they have learned something that
I had In my heart to tell them and 1
guess It has not done them any harm."
Explaining his western trip. President
Taft said that while many persons
thought that a president should keep to
the White House In Washington snC
while he realised the force of this ar
gument It was pretty hard to sit at the
seat of government with a strong feel
ing In your breast of a desire for ex
pression, of a character that shall not be
denunciatory, that shall not be partisan
In form, but merely in a quasl-Judlclal
way to state your reasons for your action.
Hs believed It helped to clarify the
situation to get out Into the country
and express his convlotlons.
On this trip, the president said he did
not wish to appear as a partisan presi
President of Whole Coon try.
"I do not want to lost the character
of president of the entire country." he
said. "I think a president can act with
respect to a great many Issues In such
a way as to convince those who are his
opponents In politics that he la striving
to act as fairly as he can In all matters
that do not Involve party principles for
the benefit of the whole country."
The program for the president's stay
here gave him an opportunity to play a
few holes of golf with Governor Hadley,
the first game he has had since he left
Beverly two weeks ago. He will take
luncheon at the club house with Governor
Hadley and the State Board of Agricul
ture and dinner at the Country club. -
Tonight the president leaves for Omaha
and th far west. A th president's
train pulled Into the state fair grounds
he was met by an aviator flying a
biplane who led the way.
Breakfast at Fair Grounds.
President Taft's train arrived here at
8:30 this morning. The president's train
was transferred directly to th state fair
grounds, where the chief executive and
party were met by a delegation of citi
zens and ' conveyed - to the directors'
club house on the grounds for breakfast
The breakfast was served by fourteen
young women of Bedalia especially desig
nated by the reception committee.
After breakfast the presidential party
went to th live stock pavilion on the
fair gTounds. where the president de
livered an address.
Contract for Ifew Charebu
ORD, Neb., Sept. 30. (Special.) The
Methodists have let a contract for a new
church which when completed will oost
approximately $24,000. Soucey tc Besh of
College View are the successful bidders
for the main building, at $17,995. The new
church will have a seating capacity of T60
In the main auditorium.
A Skin Tightener
To Reduce Wrinkles
(From Popular Medicine.)
In beauty culture, as in the treat
ment ot disease, the tendency nowadays
Is to seek the removal of causes, rather
than to treat symptoms or effects. In
the matter of wrinkle, for Instance, we
know that the lines or furrows are caus
ed by the skin becoming loose in pieces,
so It does not perfectly fit the flesh be
neath. The skin then "wrinkles" or
sags. Naturally the proper thing to do
is to tighten the akin make It fit
then there's no room for lines, wrinkles'
and, folds, and no surplus skin to sag
or bag.
The best known formula for the pur
pose Is: Bazoltte, 1 os.. In H pint witch
haxel. Use as a wash lotion. The effect
is truly remarkable, especially as re
sults are Immediate. Ask the druggist
for the powdered eaxollte, which dis
solves more quickly than any other
form. Adv.
Suits and Overcoats to Order $20,00 and Up
These days we're getting orders In bnnches from "Ye Knights
of the Grip."
The traveling man's demand that bis attire be up to the Terr
minute In style, yet so sturdily tailored from fabrics of such genuine
worth that that style will be permanent will stand hard wear
brings a large per cent of the traveling men to us when in need of
You also can benefit by this extra good tailoring service $20
to $45. Every garment guaranteed perfect in fit and style.
MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
304-306 South 16th St.
LeBron Electrical Works
Cspert Electricians and Machinists
313 So. 12th Street. Omaha Neb.
TeleahoMs DougUs 1174 Independent A 1947
This is an opportune
time during Ak-Sar-Beh
We do the testing, fitting
and grinding. Everything
done in our own store at a
very reasonable price.
Globe Optical Co.
218 South 16th St.
P. S, Look for the Above Sign.
Dainiy Slippers
We are showing this year the
best line of Drees Slippers for
the Ak-Sar-Ben ball and all
dress purposes ever shown In
Dainty new styles and crea
tions shown exclusively by ua
that will show a pretty foot to
Its best advantage.
In all tints to match your
gown In the best workmanship
and finest materials satin,
suede and fancy colored kid '
all styles of beading.
Prices ranging
$2.50 to $7
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam St.
Are You Succumbing
To Catarrh?
De too rMltie Iio catarrh la waakenlns vr
entire nritam ud srsauallr setting a etronaw
aolaT You can't think at aeclaetisc this ar4
sarm dlasaM whan you eeuldar the gnr reaulta.
You taum erreat its action at one and baala its
ultimata cure. .
T&are Is a preparation that has bean ea the mar
ket tor years and la endorsed br thouaanda to
whom It haa brought benefit. It is called KON.
DON'S CATARRHAL, JBLLT; a put ap la small,
convenient tubes, and Is a wonderrol sort of
"stitch tn time" tor all Catarrhal dansm. It la
so cheap, simple and easy to apply that many peo
ple keep It on hand, to use at tint danger signal
ot cold or ooush On the other hand. It has bees,
known to give permanent relief In advaaood oroea
or Hay-terer. Bronchltla, Aethma and. tbe kiadrea
evils that artae front a "eettled" cold.
A tiny bit enuffed through the noetrlls or slowly
dUeolved tn the throat will do woadara. It soothes
Irritated membranes and acta as a gonaaolda to
the Inaldloua Catarrh microbe.
' Because, If a cold te not atopped where It begins
in the head It "eettlea" tn the vital organe,
deranging the syitem, stopping the circulation and
admitting the polaone of fever, with all aorta ot
dread poeelbllttles. A slight "drumming" tn the
earn may be Incipient deafness and many a good
voice has been permanently lost through a a
glected hoareeneae.
Inflamed surfaces, and one applteetloa wUI en
courage Ita permanent uee la the home. It la
handled by the beat drugglete, at and te rente,
but If your druggiu la not now eupplled. the KON'.
DOM MPO. CO. of Minneapolis, Minn.. Invite yo
to write and ask for their cample. It le free, and
It may be Juet the simple "ounce of prevention"
that your headache or cold la the head, your
Asthma or bad throat needs.
1 Catarrhal
ondon s j.ur
Tat SUalst Res.? hf Nearly 20 Tent.
Five Steps South of Farnam
PJ70T0RS, Dynamos
J"i and General
Electrical Machinery and
Armature Winding'
a Specialty.
Electric Heritor Repairs