The Bee IT NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO 12 VWEATHER TOU EC A&T OLocaDRains VOL. XLI-XO. 15. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1. 1911 SIX SECTIONS SEVENTY-TVO TAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Omaha Sunday t I i FLOOD DESTROYS 850 LIVES WHEN BIG DAj BURSTS , Tremendous Wall of Water Sweepi i Austin, .Ta., from Map, Includ ! iag Huge Paper Mill. WmEN AND CHILDREN CAUGHT iSadden Break of Huge Cement Struc ; tore Comes Without Warning. JmUETED BUILDINGS IN FLAMES State Senator Baldwin and Family of Austin Are Drowned. r jiOGS CAE RED AGAINST TOWN 1 Property Loss is Hundreds of Thou sands of Dollars. EECOVERY OF BODIES SLOW I (Only Forty Found W uc-ii DarkncM ! Come and Fire .Mcikco Work Increasingly Difficult 1 for Reacuer. BULLETIN'. AUSTIN, Pa., ept. 30.-At 9 o'clock the death list Is SoO, out ot a population ot e.SOO. AU&TIJi, Pa.. Sept. . Five hundred jfpereon were drowned and many more in jured this afternoon when the gieat dam Ct the Bayles-Pulp and Paper company iwent out. The debris fi om hundreds it crushed houses caught fire and is still turning. An appeal has been sent to Governor Tener for help. ; EMPORIUM. Pa., fcept. 30. State Sen ator Baldwin of Austin and his entire family were drowned in the flood, accord ing to word received here at o Cock to Wuk -, . - i CORNINCK Tf Vt- 30--Th village of Costello, four miles thla side of Aui tin, aiso was swept away, according to a jreport received he a. I COUDERSPOBT, Pa.. Sept. 80,-With W toar that could be heard for mile the great darn of the Bayless Pulp A Paper company at Austin, Pa-, fourteea miles from here, went out at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. Foity bodies had been re covered tram the ruins when darkness tsmt this evening and it was estimated L that fully 400 weer unaccounted for and twere believed to be dead. The dam. which was &30 feet long and tforty-nlne feet high, was thirty-two feet Hiclclc at the base and held back mora than 600,000,000 gallons of water. For the first time since its construction two years ago the water was running over ha top today and many persons went out from Austin, a mile, and a half away, to see the unusual sight. They wore horrified when a section about twenty feet wide gave way on the west side. A great volume of water poured through the hole and the alarm Quickly was sounded. People ran for their Uvea to the hill nearby, but some (were caught in the flood and whirled iwn the vaUey. A moment later an ther break occurred, this time on the last aide. It was much greater and par- itted the bulk of the mass of water be- 4 to rush In a mighty volume toward e lowlands. Harry Davis, a locomotive engineer of Is place, reached a telephone and noti- ed the operator at the exchange. She led aa many Deraona as possible, but Ahe time was short. The raging flood (tore down the little valley, carrying death on ita deUrta-covered crest. i , Women and Children Caught. Hundred of women and children, the ea being away at work, were caught In err homes and drowned or crushed he re they knew what had happened. ouaea went down before the mighty I onrush of water, and gas pipes, bent and yokes, released their dangerous ooa fcts. Before the wated bar passed on Its terrible course through the town a floiea fire were burning In aa many " places and the cries of Injured and Ira prWme4 persons Joined In the terrific liunder of the flood. Much of the debris lodged against the Jiops of the Buffalo A Susquehanna allroad and there the fire raged fiercest. : It Is believed that few If any escaped With their lives. The course of the flood Was through the business center of the little village, A majority of the buildings "were of wood and those which were not Immediately wrecked by the torrent were aoon In flames. So sudden was the onslaught of water that many , persons hsd no time to flee to the hills, but others received the warn ings, and believing it was fire hastened to the center of the town. onlyto be I caught ia the flood and swept away. The flood passed quickly, leaving dlaola tion In it wake. Houses had been , . ou. J-ri. i -ur-iij ,ut tuji- PLETE WITHOUT COL ORED COMIC SUPPLE MENT. : : : : crushed and tossed about l!k toys, while many bodies hsd been carried down on the crest of the surging torrent. With the pa&eln of the water, those who had fled to the hills, hastened to return to their ruined homes In search of relatives and friends. Here and there bodies had been cast up along the path of the torrent and about forty boales were recovered in a shmt tune, some of tuem bad been so badly baiured by the tossing debris that they were be yond recofc-niiatlon, while others had been carried along with no apparent Injury. Many were caught in burring buildings and it will be days before the teal ex tent of the calamity will be known, it is believed that no lets tnau f.o eisoiis perished and some estimates higher. Estimate iuu una, HARRIeBL'RO, Pi, Sept. M.U:ig distance telephone mettsattes received .ire from the vicinity of Austin. i esti mates of more than, 4uu lives lost by the bursting of the dam. A telephone operator, who cut in on a ' wire near Austin, telephoned ti;t the wreckage of the house left by the flood j was burnm .fiercely stmrtly afior a o cock end it was feaicd that poisons wil.rlnor.ed in the ruins would be cre mated. The wall of water swept down on the town from a distance of only half a mile and as it passed thiuuh a valley Ita forte was little abated when it rushed against the 500 houses in the borough, itie daoi wits owned by the Bay less Pulp and Paper company, according to the operator, and he.d millions of gallons of water. Less than ha.f a dozen house were left standing and men. women and children who were in the houses had no chance to escape. Foreman btump of the Bell Telephone company at Austin wired from near the wrecked town that the company's property hod been destroyed and told a thrill. ns siory of escape by running to the hill near where he hap pened to be. Reports from Coudersport by telephone tell that the disaster occurred about S o'clock, but word of the horror did not become known until more than an hour later, as the telephone wires were de stroyed, and farmers driving Into the borough gave the only news. Belief parties have gone from toVn in Potter and Tioga counties, The dam was built of conorefe and was located in the Einneraahoning creek. rrrt Train T,--n VaUey, . The water caught a train of freight cars near the etion and they were carried down the valley with the wreolcaja of the railroad buildings. The hotels in the tows were destroyed and as thsy were located In the path of the torrent no on la thought to haveescape d from them. The fire started In the ruins of a warehouse and communicated to' a row of house which had partially escaped the flood. " Telephone report vary widely a to the number of people who escaped, but eye witnesses declare that the ttreet were filled with people who had little chance to escape. The report made by 8. S. Eberts. divis ion manager of the Bell Telephone com pany to Foreman Stump, says that the water swept down on the town without the slightest warning. It appoared to fill the valley from side to side and the fury of the flood was so terrible that It seemed to 'tear bouse to pieoe and hurl the wreckage high In the air. Stump say he saw the water engulf people en the streets ahs they fled for safety to the hill sides The company's telephone exchange was wiped out and Its operators are thought to have been lost, Baldwin Lived at Aoetln. HARRI8BURG. Pa, Sept 30. Tele gram have been received here from Aus tin asking for state police to guard the ruins and preserve order. Governor Tener, who Is at Charerlolx. near Pittsburgh, is expected to order police to go to the scene. Austin ts the home of State Senator Frank E. Ba'dwin, who Is It largest property owner. He own th leading bank and i interested In various enter prise HI home ia In the center of the town and a hi wife 1 an Invalid. It Is feared hi family may bs lost. The big pulp mill was right in the path of the flood and a huge quantity of log were carried against the town by the flood, adding to the horror of the dis aster. The Impart of the logs probably accounts for the wrecking of th building o completely. At T:M tli Bell Telephone of flea re ceived word that a line was working Into Austin, but that no definite fururea as to lose of life could be obtained. The loss of property will run Into hundred of thousands of dollar. Th telephone report from Austin are that th houses on th hillside escaped serious damage, although nearly all were wept by water. The central part of th town wa literally wiped out. Corporal Cameron Improves Slightly Th condition ot Corporal James C. Cameron, of th Nsbrasita National guard, who was stabbed by Private Ar thur fc. Cooper, la lihUy improved a. id attending phys.ans have hep of hi re covery. Th eri bslleved to hav passed Saturday. No symptom of blood poisoning hav appeared. Th ahang to oooler weather wa beneficial to th woundsd man. Verdict tow Mia Christopher. 1XDORA la.. Sept. SO. flpecl.) Mies Chrlatophtr cf Aldpn, who broujht suit tor Jlfi.Offl for breh of pi-Aiais -flint B i. Vundenburg seon after h had rr.arrifd ' another young woman, wa today given a rardlot of 11.600 by th Jury. OMAHA'S . PROGRAM FOR PRE XTHDAT, OOTOBSm 1. Ti40 a. m. Arrive Union station. Creating by reception oomuilttee. 8i45 a. m. Breakfast at Omaha club. 11 a. nv Attend aarvle at Trinity. 1:30 p. m. XiOncheon at Omaha club, 4 p. ai. Address on World Teace" at Audltorian). 7:30 p. m. Sinner at Omaha olub. AUDlTOnrl, 8:30 V. S. T. Denlson, presiding. Selection Fourth Xnfasitry Band, Bon He ioadetn ice Seleotlon Fourth Infantry Bsad. Solo Our Country Charles X,.' Ctsrdnsr and Double Quartet. Bong ill Ball the Fower of Jesus' Nam or.g Jesus Shall Kelgn Sl action Fourth Infantry Band. Soar Amerloa Arrival of the rres.doat, Howard Baldrlfe, presiding. Invocation Bsv, John atathows, 9. Address World 7ac WUllKt-n Xto-vard Taft. Freidett th United State. W I Photo Copyright. 1904, by the Lumiere U. P. SHOPMEN GO OUT ON A STRIKE Twelve Hundred Mechanics Leave Their WorK in Union Pacific Shops in Omaha. VETERANS REMAIN AT F0STS Officials Sit Calmly By and Say ftaey Will Await the Return of borne of the Men Brfore Filling; Their Flauea. Obeying the Instruction ot th inter national officer a surii. was declared at the Union Pacific railroad al.ops In tbl city at 10 o'clock Saturday, and ac cording to th men who walked ' out a long struggle Is expected unlets the com pany recedes from Us potation and oifi daily recOkiiUeg the federated union, a practically new organization made up ot the different craftsmen In the shop of the Harrlman system. At th usual hour of going to work tome thing Ilka XJM at the men employed In the Union Pacific shop wended their way through the gate of the high board fence enclosing the buildings. A slow, drizzling rain wa falling and they walked more briskly than usual. A usual they picked up their tool and went to work, there being nothing to Indicate that two hours later a large number of them wes to leave) their benches and maohlne, go ing out to remain until a battle should be won or lost. When the clocks In th several ahop ot the Union Pacific company recorded th hour of 10 all of the men looked up at the face of th familiar timepieces that for years hav called them to and from their labor. Then several hundred of tHem stepped baolc slipped out of their trimper and overall, packed their work ing tools, washed up, put on their street clothe and as quietly and deliberately aa If they were finishing the work of the day walked from the shop grounds, som golag to their homes and other to in balls of th union of which they are member. ' Roatta I Continued, Th trlk had been officially declared and th men obeyed. However, not all of th 1,300 men walked out Enough remained In all of the department s that th routine work wa continued un til noon, the ' regular Saturday quitting hour. . A to th number of men out, opinion ar at a wide varlanca Men high tn th affair of th union contend that more than two-third of th antlr shop fore la out, pointing to th tact that of th XA machinists, but twenty-five failed to obey th trlk order. They sear that of th car shop workers, a still larger proportion responded to the 04. Offlclala Keen Cannt. .. Union Paclfto men, who aaaert they checked th man they left th shops Saturday morning, state that but (Continued on Seventh Page.) I Vait.illMil.. n . wm -arn t a.. - . A 4 -va . m-. V ja aaierMe I 1 f 1 M I I I "M4WMWU WYi - A enClaWaULVlia. U MLmfUJt WWt W atU BVlajM rw pMWll J : " r"j(' nit' v. -': . " I - !;'.-.:-. .-1, ,y. ( v .t ; . , ;.A' V '..).,.v : t , i - ..'.. . . t , Jwwl, ' PTTT.: '.'raSHEB (BTCJEST TO . ,.M ill nT TAFT IN OMAHA KOSD4T, OOTOBXK I. S a. m. Breakfast at Omaha olnb. a. nt. Antomoblle tide for entire party around the city. 0iO3 nt. Btop at KUrn school for short talk to th students. i3B a ni. Salute at Fort Omaha. 10i30 a m. -teave foi XiLaoom from Burlington stitlcn. KOUTB OF XOHDAFI AUTO BUDS. Ctart 0 a. m. from Omaha olub, north to Dodge, west to aid. High pobool, torth on 83d to Cass, east to ltth, north on Boulevard, through Killer park, tlvrough Fort Omaha, south oa SOh to Fort, east to 84th, south to XaOthrop, east to 83d, couth to Blnney, east to Boulevard, south to Oraoe, west to 84th, south to Fraaklir.. west to 35th, south to Rami! ton, west to 34th, through Bemls park, west on Oumlno; to 41st, outh to i Tl.luMniwL a, n Slt.h. aAntl tA fiawftf. east to 38th. south to Faolflo, seat to 19 r , . . .r In Boulevard, south to Foppleton, east to ll .' t.'- , . .S IB east to 38th. south to Faolflo, eaat to Boulevard, south to Foppleton, east to Oecrg-ls, south to Itiokory, west to Fark venue, north to Wool worth, wert to 3Gth, north to Leavenworth, west to 37th. north to Farnaiu, east to 8th, aoath . oscrfia, south to uioaory, weax to rara s t . . . f ' in LLIAM H O WARD TAFT "PRESIDENT OF THE.: UNITED STATES Studio. Omaha. TORRENTS SPOIL KIDS' FUN Rain Fours Down All Day Saturday on Carnival Grounds. CHILDREN ARE DISAPPOINTED Latent Steam for Big Merry-Makia; le All Stored Up and Will Be Let Loot Tbie Week. AK-SAR-BEN DATES. ept. 87 to Oct. 7, inclusive. Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 3. Menu facurers' parade. Wednesday night, Oot. , BUotrlo! pared. Thursday afternoon, Oot. 5, Military parade. Friday night, Oot. . Coronation ball. aTTiJtDANCE FIOUKSS. 1003. lt. Wednesday 4,i75 3,2 la Thursday 7.98B B.tSl Friday a.877. 6,967 1911. 3,08 6,013 7.618 Rain, rain. rain. All day Saturday it fell in torrent and streams, pools stood in the street and th tent on the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival grounds looked drooped and disappointed. A better Incentive for making this week the greatest carnival week In the history of Ak-Bar-Ben could not have been thought of. Hundreds, nay, thousands of merry maker, were disappointed Batur- day and their fun had to be stored up until this week. All the plans for a good time that went to waste for this rainy day will hav to wait until tills week to reach frultitlon, and tor that reason they will be all th more enthusiastically car ried out. Too Bad for th Children. It wa unfortunate that the first bad weather should have couie on children day, when the little folk were to be admitted to the grounds on a half rate. There wer very few of them who ven tured forth because the drowning rain kept up its steady pour all day. The car nival grounds had very few people, ex cepting thOHe who had business there. Excepting for the unklndness of - the clouu, th beginning of the carnival ha been unusually auspicious. This week probably will break the record of the beat year ever, 1004, and that It will equal the record of last year 1 most confidently expected. Th shows ar Improved end there ar mor of th good ones, every thing 1 there, waiting for th people who will throng the King's highway to have a memorable festival and a worthy eele bration In honor of hi majesty, Kins Ak-Sar-Den XVLII. Inearaac Company Mast Pay. ALCONA. Ia. Sept. 80. ( Special)- Sir. J. , X Button ha secured a Judgment against the Illlnol Traveling Men' as sociation for li.OOO. Her husband was insured In this company and kept up his dues. Upon hi death the company re fused to settle on the groulds that h had committed ulcld. The question wa taken Into the courts for adjustment with th result that lira Sutton, th widow, won out, - - - 1 . 9 FLEET BEADY TO BOMBARMRIPOLI Italian Government Investing Coast and Preparing to Take Turkish City. PORTE ORDERS MEN TO FIGHT ltaliaa Warship Attack Two Tark lab Torpedo Boats Moslem Appeal to Power to Intervene. . BULLETIN. TRIPOLI, Sept. ' 30. The Italian squad ron opened fir upon the fort at 10:30 o'clock. B LLETI. ROME. Sept. 30 The Metsagero as nouncea that the government, acting un der the provisions of international law, la allowing twenty-four hours to elapse between the summons to surrender and the bombardment of Tripoli. The twenty, tour-hour period expire at t o'clock thli evening, and a bombardment will begin at that moment. CONSTANTINOPLE, BepL 30 -It 1 of ficially announced let today that Italian warships tbjs morning attacked two Tur kish torpedo boats off the port of Du raxso on th wet coast of Albania. It 1 officially anoouxicM that Greece 1 mobilising troopa The newspaper announce that Minister ot War Mahmoud Shefket Paeha has tel egraphed the Turk&h commandant at Tripoli to defend that territory with the utmost energy and to appeal to the re ligion of the people. It 1 probable that the Italian declara tion of war and the attack on Turkish torpedo boat destroyers at Pervesa has decided the Turkish government to re verse Its decision not to defend Tripoli. In this attack a Turkish torpedo boat was sunk In th harbor and the govern ment house was destroyed. The Turkish government today addressed an appeal to the power expressing pained surprlh at Italy' action In declaring war yesterday and saying that there 1 still time to prevent the disastrous and evil effects of a war which nothing In the attitude of the Turkish empire Justifies. The port appeals to th peacetul, humanitarian and friendly sentiments of the power to assist In convincing lial) of th conciliatory Intention of Turkey end o prevent the useless shedding of blood and grief to thousands of famlUea Th government ha asked the United State to take charge of th Interest of Ottoman subjects In Italy. Th German ambassador to Turkey, Baron Marschall Von Biebersteln. noti fied th porte this morning the Germans had assumed the protection of Italian subject and interests in Turkey. The Italians In Turkey number SO.OuO. It wa reported that an Italian warship had goo ashor near Tripoli. Later account stat that th erw of i ' j u i " the Turkish torpedo boat deetroyar which ws sunk In th harbor of . Prevesa tn Eplrus by an Italian cruiser yesterday escsped. Th war office announce measures to make the rule ot martial law more sever because of tne public excitement. Public meetings and alarmist publications are prohibited and any movement calculated to endanger public order will be Imme diately suppressed by force of arm. But flolent troops have been stationed In convenient places to meet emergencies. Official version of the engagement oft Prevesa say that an Italian cruiser, ac companled by torpedo boats, attacked two Turkish torpedo boat destroyer as the latter were leaving Prevesa On of th Turkish vessels found refuge in Proves harbor, while the other wa struck by several shell and ran aahora Th crew was saved. Th committee of union nd progreas published th following proclamation: "Italy at length ha unmasked Its hos tile designs on Tripoli. Th Italian charge has handed a note to the porte announcing the occupation ot Tripoli province yesterday. The ottoman nation prefer honor to life and Indignantly repel the Italian audacity. "There will be war between the two countrle and our nation will employ very mean (gainst th esemy. Tripoli will courageously defend itself. The Ot toman government will expel all Italians from Turksy and Italian schools and business houses will be, closed "Our committee will employ all Its In fluence to cause these measures to be applied in a calm spirit towards the na tion which has trodden under foot our most sacred rights. We beg th popula tion to remain tranquil and leave to the government the duty of acting against the Italians, thus demonstrating that Ot tomans are more civilized and equitable than Italian who drove their govern ment to the preaent action. "We invite all children of the father land to be united at this critical mo mant." The principal newspapers use language of unmeasured violence against th Italian, while the Ottoman psopl are advised to show their patriotism by the strictest boycott of Italian product and at th same Urn to treat th Italian In Turkey a guests. The government ha decided to strengthen Its military fores op th Greek and Montenegrin frontier a Bnthaslaam in Italy. ROME. Sept. SO.-Th declaration of war against Turkey ha been received with snLhualam In all ports of th oountry. Upon th receipt of th now from th capital great procession were organised at Genoa, Milan, Bsrgamo, Parma. Bart, V orcein and ferugtv th crowd singing patriotic song and ac claiming th army and navy. Th government 1 communicating to th powers it position respecting th va rious phase at th conflict A dispatch from Genoa say that th Turkish consul there has received In struction to go to Turjn and withdraw the Turkish axhlblt from Uia Interna tional exposition. A new dispatch from Tripoli says that a boarding larty from th Italian (Continued from Becoud Pae.) PRESIDEHTTAFT ARRIVES TODAY AS HONOR GUEST Chief Executive Will Be Entertained Today hy Whole Populace Ex tending Loyal Greetings. DAY GIVEN CHIEFLY TO REST Goes to Church at Trinity Cathedral in the Morning. TO MAKE ONLY ONE ADDRESS At Auditorium Will Discuis "World Peace" Before Mass Meeting. TOURS CITY MONDAY MORNING In an Automobile Will Be Shown the Beautiful and Busy Town. OMAHA CLUB WILL BE HIS HOME Meal of the FrldniUl Fry t Be served at the Exclual) Clob and the iant pa There. William Howird Taft, prcs.dent of th United State, will arrlv In Omh t 7 tft this morning to b th city' guest today, tonight and th grtr part ot tomorrow forenoon. . Every man. woman and child In Omaha will in a sense be host to tne pmran,, fnr be I to bo th guest of au. rainer than of any particular organisation. Th mmmlttaa on arrangement l nonpsr- tlssn and th reception committee t th Auditerlum. wher h will paK tni n- ernoon under the auspices of the Younr Men Christian association, l com posed of stt, county and city officials, director of a number ot business and octal organisation nd about 100 rep resentative men beside. Th presidential party I eheduled to com ovr th Missouri Paclflo at th at th v will be , an com- X' r com- Union tatlon at 7:40 a. m. and met bv member of th reception mittM and eecorted by th mUr com. mlttee on rrangement. composed of Victor Rosewater. chairman: Chart H. Pickens H. H. Baldrlg. Senator O. M. Hitchcock and M. L. Learned. Imme diately to th Omha club, wher th members af hi party, th local commit te at flv, Governor Aldrtch and Sen ator Brown will breakfast wtth him. Th president and hi Prty will attend church at 11 at Trinity cathedral, wher pew hav been reserved. Service wt'.l b obductad by Bishop William nd Dean Tancoclc Going to ohuroh ha will b con ducted by Mr. Plckena At 4 o cldfck the preeldent wUl deliver an address tn th Auditorium on "World Paace," whr h will be presented by Mr. Baldrlg. and on hi return escorted by Senator Hitchcock.- Luncheon will be taken at th Omaha club with members of his own party and, dinner with member of th oommttte and a small group of Omaha friend and breakfast Monday morning with hi Prty. XL o'clock Monday morning th pres ident, accompanied by hi entlr party and a number of Omaha boat. wUl start on an auto tour of th city, in which th only atop will be made at th high school building whr Mr. Taft will address th students for tan mlnutea - The president will enter through the south entrance and proceed to th main ntranc. where he will be Introduced by Superintendent Oratf to th 2.000 tudnt drawn up in front of the building. Residents along the rout ot th auto tour ar requested to decorate their borne with flags. Th trip will and at th BurtlngtoA station, wher th presi dential party wilt take train tor Lincoln at 10:30 In th morning. It will b seen from the program that th president' request to be allowed to taka Sunday for rest is to be respected, as he will have the greater part of th day to himself. - The most important public appear nc of th president her wUl ba this aT ear noon at th Auditorium, where he is to peak under th auspices of th Toting Men Christian association, General Sec retary B. F. Penleon presiding. Th door of th Auditorium wlU open at 3. th meeting will begin at 1.80 and the president will speak about 4- Th Fourth infantry military band from Fort Crook and a double quartet will furnish th music. On th ta with th p real dent will sit about tOO cltlsens ol Omaha and Ne braska as members of a recaption com mittee. The Invitation list for this com mittee, sent to SOO. mbraoaa all leetlve city official, elective county official nd elective stat officials. Including dis trict judges and th congressional dele gation, th directors of th Commercial club, dlreotor ot th Omaha olub. direc tors of th Young Men's Christian asso ciation. Board ot Governors of Ak-Bar-Ben, all leading protectant and Catholic, clergymen of th city and about 100 rep resentative man in addition. Members of Boxes of O'Briet; a Candy. Dalzell'g Ice Crea. j Bracks. Base Ball Ticket j. All ar lva a ay fro to thoea who Had t a name la tn want ads. 4 ''' Read th watt ads every day, .your namo mill appear soui. Um. ravt mor tuan one. . be NO puttie to solv nor sudu" acrlptlons to gotjust read "'ad want ado. inuin t'aecara Tur. to th want ad paseVvur. thar you will find nearly a'"1-, ' business - boua U th clt rntL. , . . , ' v v 'I