THE BEE: OMAHA, THUKSDAY. SEPTEMBER 2S. 1911. I 11 1- lJB HAN COMMITS TRAGEDY Tre3 Herrley Murder. Mr. Anna Morris tt Hit Home. HAYES MAKES CONFESSION s$a m ntworced Wemsm nam He a Wldewwr, Streets Attaehaaent IX , , feci ope Btri T.em ' Rclavtloaa Km ta pf arder. Jted Herrley, W years old. murdered Jfra. Ann. Morris at hit horn, 2001 North Twentieth street, by thootlnc her in the breast with a ,44-caJlber revolver. She) waa 44 years old and the divorced Brlte of Patrolman Bemuel Morris, who eoured, a legal separation last May. Mrs, Morris, despondent because her children left her, often visited with Herrley, whose wife is dead, and the visits were Just as often returned. An attachment had evidently developed be tween the two, and It was while Mrs. Morris was at Herrley't home Tuesday Jiicht than he tragedy occurred. Though the deed was committed some time before midnight It did not become known until about T o'clock Wednesday rtnornlng, when Fred H. Herrley, son of 4he murderer, went to plead with his father to return to his work with the Omaha street railway company. It was than that the father In a state of strange feyaterla took his son Into a room and pointed to the dead body of the woman pn thm floor. The son then notified the fcoiice and Herrley was arrested. Xfarderer Makes (Aafesalon. Whan asked by a reporter why he had kSla4 the woman, Herrley said: "I met Sfra, Morris about five years ago, when aha and her children were almost starving la flat at 20u3 North Twentieth street. Z bad Bo wife and was making a good living, so I gave her some money and told her to get something to eat for her aelf and children. Well I did this for earns time and became attached to her. About three years ago I rented a small flat at 72Q North Sixteenth street and turnlahed, Jt for her. '"Mxa. Morris and I became very friendly and often visited anch other. Sometimes I would go to aee her at her flat and she would also come to visit me. Xaat night she came to my place and rat outside talking with friends. I called her Into the house and she came. Wa had a long chat and from appearances she had been drinking. During our talk slio be came despondent. Sho asked me to kill her and I would not do It Then she be came angry and told me if I did not kill her aha would kill me. Well, it was a ease of aelf-defenie, to I plugged her." Believe Ha la Demented. During his talk Mr. Herrley would, ptep often to think of what lie wanted vo say. The police are of tha belief that the old man la either a heavy drlnkir or ele he la unbalanced. His appearance and tuk would bear out to tome ex. em that the latter case would be thn logical on. A thorough investigation of tha eat It Jbelna made by detectives and by Cap tain of Detectives Savage. Mr. Savage Is of tha belief that the man la demented. From what has been learned not a per son heard the shootinng. The police 'have learned that two shota were fired. The first one, according to tha murdered, truck tha woman in the breast and the second one went through the door and entered tha hall opposite. Tha body was taken In charge by tha Coroner and an Inquest will probably be bald Thursday afternoon. Eemarried After Forty Years Spent Happily Together With 140 relatives present to make the ' occasion a memorable one In the history of their lives, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Corliss celebrated their fortieth wedding anniver sary Tuesday evening at their home, SOU South Twenty-fourth street. ' They were united a second time in mar riage by Rev. E. E. Hosman. Mrs. P. B. Hopper acted as bridesmaid, which service she performed forty years ago before at tha quiet little wedding in Wabash, On tario, Canada. Prayers were offered tip by Rev. E. Astor of Waterloo, Neb. Miss Mary Swanson played a number of harp selections and the Pioneer quartet furnished tha vocal numbers. Tha house waa beautifully decorated in rtd and white streamers and red and white carna. tiont. For year after their marriage they lived In a little log cabin in the heart of the wilderness. They came to Omaha in 1871 and five years later Mr. Corliss wss elected county commissioner, which posi tion he held for nine years. A lew years later he founded the Waterloo Creamery company, one "of the largest in the state. Five years ago ha retired from active business. The out-of-town guests present were Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bliss, Mitchell, 6. D.; Mr. W. T. Hamilton. Kansas City, Mo.; Mlsa Ethel Hamilton. Kansas City, Mo.; Claire Hopkins. St. Louis. Mo.; Mr. and A Mr. William Kerr. Central City, Neb.; TMr. and Mrs. E. D. Cooper, Auburn. Neb.; Mrs. John Wills. Dee Moines. Ia.; Mr. and Mr. Frank Whltmore. Valley, Neo.; Rev. and Mrs. E. Astor, Waterloo, Neb.; Miss Francee Astor, Waterloo, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. J. C Robinson, Waterloo. Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Johnson, Waterloo, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. D. Q. H:iir, Watt-r-. loo. Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. 8. U Hopper. Neola, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs D. D. McLean, Elkhorn, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. George prexel. Elk City. Neb. DAN CUPID BRINGS MAID FROM SCOTLAND TO MARRY Coming all the way from far Edinburgh. Scotland, to Omaha under the caretu'. guidance of little Danny Cupid to be mar ried Wednesday evening to her sweetheart waa the climax of a pretty little romance In which Miss Catherine McDonald and Walter F. Howes played the leading parts. The marriage ceremony was per formed by Rev. Charles W. tSavldge at the home of the groom's brother, Oeorge Howea. 804 South Twenty-eighth strset. In fact, credit for the marriage here last night might be given to A. King, manager of the grocery of Hsyder.s' store. A year ago while In London Mr. King met the two Howes brothers aril Wss asked by them about America. He told In glowing terms of the chances here for young men which led to 'heir arriving In New York about three months . later. They came en to Omaha, where they have made their home since. Oeorge was married before coming over and his wife arrived In Omaha last week wttt the new Mrs. Hones. Mrs. Walter Howes la a violinist, having appeared In publle In Scotland a number of times and having won there gold medals for singing. Key to the Situation ee Advertising. i Backache 1 It oaly mm of many symptoms which some women en dure through weakness or displeoemesil of. the womanly organs. Mrs. Lixsie White of Memphis, Tcnn. , wrote Dr. R. V. Pierce, as follows t At times I was hardly able to be on nay foot. I believe I bed every pain and ache a wooseat could have. Had a very bad ease. Internal organs were very mack) diseased and any beck was very weak. I so (Tared great deal with oervoas headaches, la feet. I suffered aU over. Tbie wet my condition when I wrote to yow for advice. After taking year " Favorite Prescript ' tioo ' for about three as oaths ean aay that any health was never better." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It a positive cure for weakness and disease of the feminine orgenism. It alleys inflammation, hesls ulceration and soothes pain. Tones and builds op the nerves. Do not permit a dishonest dealer to substitute for this medicine which has record of 40 years of cures. " No, thank you, I want what I ask for." On Pierce's Plemtmml PtlltU Imdtrot mil4 ostmrul mowl mortrntrnt eaw a shy HERO PULLS BOY FROM DEATH He Then Modestly Seeki Seclusion from an Admiring Throng. RISKS LIFE IN FRONT OF AUTO J. W. McClellan, St. Lonla Traveltma Salesman, Caasea Crowd to Hold Ita Breath When He Per ferns Brave Deed. Darting out from a horror-stricken crowd J. W. McClellan. a traveling sales man for a Bt. Louis firm, flung himself in front of a swiftly moving automobile at Douglas and Sixteenth streets shortly after 11 o'clock Wednesday morning and draggsd 14-year-old Ernest Walsh of Ben son from what teemed certain death. The brave rescuer upon taking the lad safsly out of danger brushed off his clothing, wiped the blood from his arm where the mud guard of the machine had struck him. and walked calmly to the Millard hotel, anxiously avoiding ths crowd which was bent upon reminding him that he waa a hero. Wee Crossing- Street. Toung Walsh had Just stepped from the Brandels store and attempted to cross the street to the Fry shoe store, falling to notice the heavy touring car approach ing. The chauffeur turned the corner suddenly and the lad stood within a few feet of the oncoming machine. Scores of people held their breaths, expecting to see the lifeless form of the lad hurled to the pavement, when McClellan rushed from the sidewalk and shoved the lad out of the automobile's path. At he moved the mud guard struck him on ths arm, knocking him to the grounJ. He waa not seriously Injured, and as soon a he regained his feet he disappeared, re fusing to tell even his name. An. employe of the Millard who witnessed the Incident recognised him and announced his iden tity. The driver of the auto did not stop to see what damage had been done. Toung Walsh it the ton of a carpenter in the employ of the Burlington railroad. When you have anytclng for tale or exchange advertise it in The Bee Want Ad columns and get quick results. teel Prices NEW (YORK, Sept. r. The common stock of the United States Steel corpora tion at the opening of the stock ex change thlt morning opened at 69H&63. an advance of IH points over tha close of last night The first sale waa for 18,000 shares. The tteel preferred opened at an advance of 24 pomtt. Dr. Lyon' PERFECT Tooth Powder cleanses, preserves and beau tifies the teeth and imparts purity and fragrance to the Dreath. Mothers should teach the little ones its daily use. Terry Tackett Dies at Police Station Terry J. Tackett. a hostler, being held in the city Jail to recover from a severe attack of delirium tremens, was found dead In hit cell Wednesday morning when an attendant went to see htm. Letters In the dead man's pockets indicate he hat relatives in Webster City, Ia. Tackett was taken from the Hall Moore stsbles, 2868 Farnsm street, where he worked, and placed In Jail Sept. 28. When the attendant went to his cell Wednesday the man apparently was asleep. When a hand waa laid on his shoulder he fell off his chair. He had been dead for hours. An rgsly Gash should be cAvered with clean bandages saturated with Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Heals burns, wounds, sores, piles. 2Sc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Dane's Life Dream Remains Unrealized Having made hit fortune and desiring to spend hit declining years in hit native country, Denmark, J Petersen converted his property Into cash, gathered up his belongings and started on the long Jour ney from Rawlins, Wyo. His dream of yaaxa ended when he reached Omaha. While en route he stopped at the Murray hotel, where he waa found dead at 7 o'clock Wednesday morning. Petersen is believed to have blown out the gat. He waa being accompanied by his sister. Mrs. Carsen Larson, and her daughter, Christine Larson. They will probablj continue to Denmark with the body. "BETTER TTJR MEN, "WOMEN" AND CHILDREN THAN CASTOR OIL, SAi.T3.OR FILU.AS IT i WHITENS AND CUANSES THE SYSTEM MORE EFFiClENTLT AK& tt FAJt MORE rtXASAKT TO TAKE. - - . - -a mm at a (I I'll r- B ga nasal IS THE IDEAL r AJVULY LAAA live, as IT GIVES SATISFACTION TO ALL, IS ALWAYS BENEFICIAL IN ITS EFFECTS AND PERFECTLY SAFE AT ALL TIMES. jmE33Z!3SSE- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. In the Clrcfa, pneveruPacitage of tho Genuine. ' AU REUAUX DRUGGISTS SELL THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WHEN CALLED FOR, ALTHOUGH THEY COULD MAKE A LARGER PROFIT BY SELLING INFERIOR PREPARA HONS. YET THEY PREFER TO SELL THE GENUINE. BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT TO DO SO AND FOR THE GOOD OF THEIR CUSTOMER! WHEN IN NEED Of MEDICINES, SUCH DRUGGISTS ARE THE ONES TO DEAL WITH. AS YOUR lift OR HEALTH MAY AT SOME TIME DEPEND UPON THEIR SKILL AND RELIABILITY WHEN BUYING PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND W THE CIRCLE.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKACE.OF THE GENUINE. ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. REGULAR PRICE SO. PER BOTTli, SYRUP OF FinS AND EIIXIR OF SFNNA IS THE ONLY PERFECT FAMILY LAXATIVE, BECAUSfc IT IS THE ONE RLMtDY WHICH ACTS IN A NATURAL, STRENGTHENING WAY AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM, WITHOUT UNPLEASANT AFTER-EFFECTS AND WITHOUT IRRITATING, DEBILITATING OR GRIPING, AND THEREFORE DOES NOT INTERFERE W ANY WAY WITH BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. IT IS RECOMMENDED BY MILLIONS OF WELL. INFORMED FAMILIES, WHO KNOW OF ITS VALUE FROM PERSONAL USE. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE; MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. TO 1NSKH i ! G-CoTrrxTO till rll"lll! i 1 jseiNT. o i.comol I jijlj't swiuAt comrmnoi, M 4 crSvg.y1ilig'''' MINIATLIDE rKTUU or rACKAca- e m mm Y OST-High Grade Furs EXPERT REMODELING Corner 20th and Fern am. Telephone) Douglas 3O40. 5c Host Popular Bread Today Tip Top bread to by far the biggest teller in Omaha. South Omaha and Council Blufra today. Wlu our Immense plant and dellv ery system, no grocer is allowed to offer ll (or aaJe except when absolutely free. Tip Top bread la beinc Imitated In f -m of package not In uUty. Dread ... 5c at all grocer U. P. STEAM BAKING COMPANY The Special Satisfaction in buying your clothes here is in knowing in advance that you're going to get good fabrics, good style, per fect tailoring and a dollar and a half's worth of valiie for every dollar you pay. It's principally a matter of try on here a front, side and back view in the mirror usually settles the question. $12 to $40 PER SUIT Overcoats $15 up Slip-Ons $5 up Mm Sr .PrSTT M TT m J (St A Broom is a Necessity in every household, why not have the best? You'll have it and save money and strength if you get a broom that outlasts any ordin ary broom two to one, and sweeps easier LITTII POILY The broom corn is selected from the flower of each season's crop or feather - lightness, toughness and uni formity. The handles are several ounces lighter than those of any ordinary broom, and will not stick to your hands because of the improved finish used only on the Little Polly. Every Little Polly is as good as the first and seems better than the last. Used once you could never get along with any other make. You may think now that brooms are , all alike. Try one Little Polly and you'll know different. Name On Every Broom The name Little Polly is printed lengthwise of the handle on every broom. Look for it. Ask for itl Take no other. You can't tret a better broom for your money, whatever you omy to pay less. If your grocer hasn't these broom, write direct to us and we will tell yon where you can get them. Harrah & Stewart Mfg. Co. De Main Jow To North Pacific Coast $H).00 One way second class colonist tickets on sale daily Septernber 15th to Octo ber 15th via the new steel trail of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Rys, F. A. NASH, Gnral Western Agent Tickets, 1524 Farnam Street, Omahi, Nebraska Reliable Furs at Reaoonablo Prices Largest selection and best values In fur Bets and coat to be found In Omaha, It will cost you nothing to look and will surely sat you money. Coma and see us we will prove It to you. H. E. HIJQERMANISJ FURRIER No. 9 Continental Block. N. . Cor. ISLh and Dong lea Stav Take Elevator to Bacon d Floor. Omaha, Neb. The Bee for All the to T't-Bar Omnhn I-tara-ea aTrcrst BooRlovers' Conteot WDEEL TTTYrtE TCQS $8,9J 1 V s I llll are. 4 Thursday, asptsnibsr J, 19ii. What Book Does This Picture Represent? T1U i Author n w Tour Nam Street and Number City or Town "fi nt aumor or oooa ana mti coupon ana picture. Send i . m . . n coupon unui finish of the contest It announced. Each picture rspreeants II yuT"not tcene or character. Cataloguea containing i.000 names en which all puasle plctursa are haaad the eataloue used 6y the eentest 18 "te"" " Bun Office at The Bse for It eints; by wall 0 Rulee of the Contest All HM aie ellftMe e sour this toatMt rampt employes of tbs Omtas Bs as Bulbars mt tsolr Umlllas. Etch ir, tot MTntr-!l uttt, tbra will b rvMlwad la Tb Bos s slotur wktcb will rvprooat ths nm of a book. Banana sack victim tsars U ss s Mask lor Uw oonusunt to nil In tho tltlo at tko book. Ctat out both tho oloturo aa tho bit ak aa till Is tko aamo aad author of tko book es4 a4s row aan aa4 aaonoo sootly sad plalaly la tho opac prerldo. No roeuietlons will bo plaood on tho irajr In Vhlch anowara to tho ploturos saaf bo so auras. Book pletara roprooaats oalr soo Utlo ot Do book. It yoa an not aura or a tltls and with to aand la Bora tkta ana antwar to oarh plcturo, rou Btr do ao. BUT NOT KORB THAN invB 'SWRt TO ANT ONE PICTURE WILL BE PERMITTED. If eorraot aoairara will not bo eountod aeainat contestants II eorroot anawar la alto Un. Mars tkaa sas tut war akonld not bo pat aa tha aama coupon. Extra eoupoaa aasuM bo tad for extra answers. All aaawora ta tko aama number should be kept together whaa aendlae ks tko set. Only oaa Hat taay be sabnltted by ana coouetaat. tkouah aay Uat stay her (It aatwara to eaek puttie. The number of ooupena uaod asewers rlras mutt be plalaly written, aa the eutillo si each SET aubBlUaa. but da sot write each Information on tho wrapper. Vi'alle not aboolutely aooeaaary. It I deeirable that the pictures aheuld 'iu aaeh aaaa be neat la with tha aatwara, la a rear that ail aaewara fee uailora. Additleaal pictures aad ooupoas may be obtained at the of floe ot The Bee by mell or la peraoa. Whoa yoa have all aoTonty-flTa plctesae, fatten them toseiher la s FLAT paeaaa and brlss or mall them to The Omtha Ban. aadraaxd to Boeklorora' Coatoet Editor. Ptliaa will ba swarded ta ths eooteeuata sandlst is the lirfeet somber si oorreet seiutlans. Is ereat ot two or mors persons airing tha aamo number of oorreet eoluttooa, the peraoa atlng the smaller number of aatra coupons la hit set ot antwere will bo declared wtnaer. la event of two persone herlne the aamo a amber oorreet end uelns the same number at earn. Boot, ths peraoa whose est of aaewes Is moot oeatly prepared, la the aplaloa of the full Judging eommlttae, will reeeive the lint prlte. Only oaa Hat of aatwara mty be submitted by a eontetUat aid only sua prise trill be swarded to one fatally at oaa addrees. The use of the ooupons la sot obligatory upon tha eentasUat, and an aaawer stay ba a emitted lu aay laslble manner the ooateatant may eeleot. Awards will be mads strictly aeoording ta the merit of aaeh separata Uat. The at no of store tkaa ens peraoa mutt not be written upon any one coupon. The awarda will be made by the Coatoet Editor sad a seauBlttes at waU-hBowa atu sens, whose aamaa will ba announced later -ie eontest la limited to tha following territory: Nebraska, Wyoming, that portlaa ot lows watt ot bet not Including Das atotaes, and that aectios of south Dakota knows at the Black Hills DlatrLot. FIRST PRIZE JgR. White Steamer Automobile A R-ptssenrer 111 Model White Steamer Touring; Car dorlest. amokelsse and noiseless. No cranking no shifting; of gears; any desired speed. White Steamer sales increase each succeeding- year. Has practically an endorsement of the United States government, which owns and operatea more White Steamers thsn all other cars combined. Richly upholstered, beautifully fin lshed. unlimited power, controlled speed. Tttla oar will be exhibited, in Omaha at ProuaMBtoada, lath aaa Kejaey Bta. OPrAMn PDT717 Value UeWfVUelll ei IKlLiU 31,250 In the soft, aerot-trople, climatic tone, extend ing north from San Diego to Bhssta County, Cali fornia, Use Tehama oounty. In which la altuated thla beautiful little 10-acre ranch near the town ef Red Bluff. Thla It fruit land of a very high order and la part of the celebrated Lutheran col ony which had Its inception with an Omaha clergyman. Literature describing thlt property may be teen at the office of TSOWBSIDOX-BOX. TEB CO ta the City Vetioaal Bank Building, Omaha. THIRD PRIZE 'ou5 The magnificent, fancy walnut AVTO OBAIO FTjATSaWlPXAIlo which noth ing can excel. No other player-piano hat In the abaolute the "human touch" ao desired by a musical ear and ao prised by the manufac turers. Thlt Inttrument will be exhibited. e plained and olayed for anyone who wishes to ae It in the war rooms on the third floor of THE BENNETT CO. Ralston it to be a manufacturing city. They nave a tin or art wiri-i ih. r.a. n rmoi. Ufacturlng Co., the Rogere Motor Car Co., and ESzi33 Howard Btove works. Every thina dealr- UliJiJii to comfortable living mar be found there. business atreets The Bee business lot lnTTTiWTT nYrrr Vai... rillJli I II r If I l.Y. aassnm - " e-Bm-ey g.Q LC:.:, -j, r a- ir-i-ti the Howard Stove able to comfortable On one of the main naa selected ita fourth prlie a "i euiB luuia at eioa .6x100 FIFTH PRIZE, Value $225 In the tame town and with the tame protpset ef advancement. The He Baa aelected a residence lot SOU 10 ft., end valued at Baas. , mn.Vi!ton .on tna only tnteruban trolley Una running out of Omaha and within forty minutes of the Omaha postofi'Ice. 2rritJnrorm,,lon about this property at the office of the aVAXBTOaT TOWKBIT COaCPAjTY. 806 .oath iVta at; Omaha. aa.uT SIXTH, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH PRIZES Thla Ingenious encyclopedia, which la a develop, msnt rather than invention, haa bealdsa ita con veniences the value of hundred of ediier man tally equipped to make one of the greatest ency clopedias ever complied. One of the strongest recommendations for this work la that it It from z.BOMa.e.Aw. relltVbU house f fUOU. m 5?, oll,si of ew York, London, Dublin Tht ...i..i. . -" utiwia, wnicn waa founded In Hit. be aZn a ?h- oStSi flr? evolum.a. which la valued at $ a lit. may a at th Omaha office ef W. A. BtUenbaugh m Co, 1814 at, aCary'a Awe. NINTH AND TENTH PRIZES y-iour volume cloth bon made especially for chil simple language and it hundreds of colored pli qviippea encyclope'lls olcea of VT. A. klU ef Knowled et. Thl tk Tr.. w-jra. written in iimpit mrt IU1 1. mi.M snimnieB fltll tC rtntV ar .a. . . . .. . lundrad. nf SniAViWiT ..r . .. .Zf. " I . lo. Dro eoueeuoii. Tnere are .llVUBtlUB 111 VI "Book at lis in "wonder bok' This U fully " ; w- as wibsuh ma Willis. iMABaM i7nm'Ly-- t e Oman FORTY-FIVE CASH PMZES Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Ten Prizes of $2 Twenty Prizes of $1. H WATCH TOR TILE DAILY PICTURE IN THE BEE. i en fi