Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1911, Image 6

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mrr- toT-rr. rt att V wrnvTQniv SKiTTiirTiT?. 7 iliT. i . .. '
. aa y i riv -w. mmlA "an A MnltflM a a
. - LINES TO A SMILE. '17 iiTLfi JT
The omaiia daily bee
Betwen' Two Fires. dently to a prospective settlement.
Mr. Bryan, bo the dispatcher gay, It would be too bad to revlre it by an
has "answered" President Taft's chal- outside incident. There may not be
lenge to produce an example of re- the slightest danger of that, bow-
Entered at Omaha postofflce m second-1 slraint in trade which would not ever.
come within tne purview or tne su- ine young turns, many 01 uoui
preme court under the "rule of rea- are to be found in Paris, are taking
son" construction of the Sherman active Interest in Italy's demand for
law. Here is the way he "answers" standing ground In Tripoli. They
it in true Bryanic fashion: re indignantly opposed to the propo-
If President Tft would take time to sition, but their being in Paris, does
rlaaa matter.
'urday tee, on year
Tally Bee (without Sunday), one ye'"?
Daily Pee and Runday, one year
Evening Bee (with Rundey). per month. 2fo
Dally Baa (without Sunday)' far mo... read the dlaaentlnf opinion of Justice not, apparently, Incline them to favor
Arrr-'i' mp.o.0nDtarlUe, HrUn in th 011 c"e "V report of France orer Germany aa the protec-
... 'pfujTVAvcES juaiuiary commutes oi in nnm,
Remit by draft, exprea. nr'poslel ordet filed by Senator Nelson when the com-
favable to The Bee Publishing company, mittea refused to recommend the amend
inly 2-cent stamps racelved in Pf"1"; mnt which the supreme court Injected
of mall account. Personal cnex-ne. ex- , ...
capt on Omaha and eastern eachanse. Into the law. ha will understand my view
not accepted. of the subject
Om.h.-The ITKW , . I What a lot of persiflage "If
outh Omh- n. Twmy-iouro I president Tart would take time to
Council Bluffs 15 fcrott 8t.
Lincoln W Little Building
Chicago H4 Marquette Building.
Kansas City Beltane uuunina.
Kw Vork-3 Vn Thir'y-thlrd ft.
Washington TS Fourteenth Kt., N. w.
-I-.. tn new and
xtiinrial matter should be addreaaed
Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss:
read the dissenting opinion of Jus
tice Harlan in the oil case." Mr
Bryan adds:
It took four years and a half to got
the decision In the standard Oil case.
If It takes that long to find out whether
a trust magnate can be sent to the pen!- through Russian aourcea.
tentlary under the law aa emasculated
torate of Tripoli. Italy will have all
this to recognize, too. It probably
will be some time before Italy real
izes Ha ambitions. It undertook
some yeara ago to seize Abyssinia
nd came ont decidedly second best,
suffering a crucial defeat. at Adowa
in which It lost 3,000 men, either in
death or prison. At that time Euro
pean opposition to Italy helped
Abyssinia, for King Menelek'a army
was equipped .with French rifles
Thirty Years Ago
The County commissioners have again
let the contract for building the new
court house, this time for keeps, to John
P. Coots of Detroit. The low bidders.
Dellone A Mullaney, who had bid IW.OnO
had trouble to get a bond, and the county
board refused to do business with an
Irresponsible firm. Coots' bid waa tis8.0n0.
hv tha tnnr,m rn r t TVAahtant
may be able to bluff his way through Conditions of , Republican Success.
another campaign. I .. Oovenor Aldrich'a denial of the re-
Bo much for the radical on that I nnr-t h. . k tU4in
Dwlcht Williams, circulation manager a A. . . " " 0
ef The fie publishing company, being side, now for the other. One might lights In the La Follette conference
SaTIn imagine from Mr. Bryan's criticisms, called to meet in Chicago next month.
turned copies, for the month of August, that the president had satisfied the and his declaration that he is willing
other Bide, that is the side which Mr. to let the presidential preference pri-
Bryan is pleased to regard as his rxiary in April decide for whom Ne-
special opponent Wall street. But braska's delegation shall vote in the
hear what one of the most faithful republican national convention, will
of Wall street organs, a weekly pub- probably excite the wrath of the ex.
iication, Das to say, in particular, or treme antl-Taft radicals. But it Is
President Taft's Detroit speech: no departure from the position the
This great shrinkage m values, follow- governor has taken from the start.
Ing a previous notable decline. Is not the . . ,, . . . .
work of the big financial magnates. It and ,n ,aCt only what the ant,B
Is not the work of Wall street specula, asked In the last republican state
tors. It reflects the fright -and scare of convention. Governor Aldrich has a
tail va 47 U.l
Circulation Manager.
Fubiicrlbed In my presence and sworn to
before ma this 4th day of September. 1911.
Notary Public.
The -
Babacribers !!
trmnonrllT ahaald
Be mailed to them. Adreaa
rlll ba chaaaed as . oftea aa
It has almost rained several times.
Now, whafs the matter with Kansas?
' It seems these reformed reformers
have an awful hard time.
Modest kings never blow their own
horns they hire trumpeters to do it.
The vote in Canada did not even
leave room for the "I-told-you-so"
Investors all over the world. These have perfect right to be for La Follette If
Worn, panic-stricken "over the words of hft w,gh d t , fc fc fe fe
the president and seem now to be ani- .... . '
mated by the single purpose of getting ut ne na vpwed his candidacy for
rid of their holdings, no matter what the re-election, and if he is to run on the
price realised. same ticket with President Taft. he
The preBidcn may be between two certainly should be in position to srive
fires, but he ought to get this satfe- eVery one on the ticket the same
faction out of his position, that since cordial support he will expect from
he cannot put out either, he can go others associated with him. If we
on enjoying the fun of feeding the are to keep Nebraska In the republi-
names ana watenmg tnem rise, i-or can column, republicans of all shades
cantankerous nonsense, one would and hues will have to get together,
have to go a long ways to beat this ex- and stay together, not only next year.'
cerpi irom me waii street periodical, but this year. too.
Maine 1b still gaaing into the glass " holders of great securities are
for the little red cherry down at the Mt throwing them to the winds
aa. 1 nnnr novtoiioa tt b y-i m a t t 1 1-1 aw ina v-.aa.-taa
a en 1 dsb earn or aone, wny must ail
jhisD inOmalia
rnuDiitn a-rAikjt nrr. ril F t S
SKIT. 25.
The New and the Old
Tbc Com las Premier ef
Caaada aad the Mia tte
II red fram I.eaderahlp.
Kthellnda wrltea a vary pacullar hand.'
said Maude.
Yaa." rent led Mavmle. "its J'it 101
of straight llnea and angles. When you
read It you have to g-uee at the reHln
the same as she does." Washington Btar.
Landing waa reassuring a neigh
bor who waa In trouble.
Shlftlaa; Leadership.
Hail the coming! 8 peed the passing
premier I Are expressions, of common
sentiment In Canada Just now. By the
rules of political war, by precedent and
necessity under the responsible ministry
system the people of the dominion having
spoken decisively, the liberal ministry
retires and a conservative ministry suo-
I know well enough your husband
didn't have anything to do with that
He gave assurance about the bond and ceeds, to power. Sir Wilfrid Laurler re
promlsed to remove with his business and t'rea behind the scenes and Robert Laird
family to Omaha at once so as to give Borden, the successful leader of the
the work his constant supervision. conservatives in tne anti-reeiproclty
King Kalakana of the Hawllan islands fight, advances to the center of the
Is to be In Omaha soon. The royal party stage, by general consent the premier of
Is visiting In Baltimore and Washington
and will stop at Omaha on their way
home via Pan Francisco.
George Frank. 11 years old. was
shot on the steps of fhe Dodge street
the coming conservative ministry.
The Com Ins; Mas.
Mr. Borden Is 57 years of age. a Nova
Scot I an bv birth, a livitr bv nrofaa-
school house by a school mate by the 1 slon and the only conservative In a
name of Kline. The boy was taken to I family of liberals.
the home of his fathei"'at 418 South Tenth
atreet. and was attended by Doctors
Feabody, Parker and Coffman and Dar-
The State Board of Agriculture held its
final meeting to close up business of the
state fair.
At the city council meeting a com
munication from N. Shelron gave notice
that forty-one fire" hydrants were now
ready for service. Paxton A Gallagher
and the Union Pacific, railroad asked
In recent years,' and mora especially in
the campaign just closed, Mr. Borden's
ability as a speaker has often been men
tioned. It wis apparently an ability
which ha acquired with tralmng, for he
was not one of those whose entrance
into Parliament was marked with a
burst of oratory accompanied with floral
wreaths from constituents at home.
During his first term Mr. Borden spoke
seldom, and only upon questions in which
legal considerations were dominant. He
that the alley between Ninth and Tenth jeft th8 House an Impression of moderate
between Jones and Leavenworth be va- temper and solid qualities, but no one
cated for a spur track. The matter of .w m the oulet. studious, capable, un
locating a bridge at the Intersection of assuming member for Halifax the future
Business Permanency.
Omaha is Just reaching the stage
in its career where business per
manency is coming to be recognized
as something worth having. In
older cities it is a common practice
for merchants to emphasize the fact
that they were established in such
and such a year, gaining thereby a
reputation for stability and reli
Omaha Is not yet . 60 years old,
and the mutations of the business
directory in. a new and growing city
are naturally greater than the aver
age. In celebrating the fortieth anni
versary of Its founding last June,
Tha Tin a l-.1...a iv.i , . .
Charon Clark evidently think, that 'or life because he will not mention :h:.t:"" 6
bafna- speaker. Involve, th. necessity the tt who left her li llZ bnVtZ
,.im.. .it tim hot? aea- "- in nls apartment. v ... . ' "V lUD
Plan, are made to divide the To- the moderation be confined to the
baccn corporation. . Chewing and White House?
smoking, doubtless.
Emotion, and Real Feelings.
Is Champ Clark Jealous of Mr. Commenting on the spectacle of
Bryan', position as the hobbla skirt hardened criminals weeping at stage
of the democratic party? tragedy, the New York Herald points
out that "amona the manv srreat lea-
Speaking of free wood and paper, . th t th t trha u th.
those Canadians certainly beat old lmp0rtant one that emotions are not
to be confounded with high princi
ples.-, a. it says., a. murderer or a
bank robber might shed tears at the-
slght of an orphan in a paper snow
storm or an heroic actor imprisoned
Mr. Reciprocity into pulp.
Just a reminder to the weather
man that he is expected to giva us
his best brand for the next ten' days.
Twentieth and Clark streets waa re
ferred to a committee. Political parties
were to be allowed free use of the coun
cil chamber, and the street commissioner
authorized to use a saddle horse at not
to exceed $1 a day during the laying of
eroes walks.
The thirteenth anniversary festival of
the Concordia society was celebrated at
Standard hall 6 xty-slx couplet was
present, and the occasion was of the
moat select nature. Stelnhaueex's or
chestra furnished the music. On the
Ptommlttee 'war H. 8chwabe, L Raapke.
C. C. ficbaeffer, A. Dormann and Julius
About 300 feet of sixteen-lnch iron pipe
intended for sewer purposes have
rived. These pipes will be laid at the
foot of Farnara street to connect and
serve aa an outlet to the river.
Chief Galligsn, Marshal Angell, City
Jailer McClure and a large number of
citizens went to Council Bluffs to look
at the ruins of last evenings' explo
General Cowln left for Cleveland,
where he will meet his wife and fam
ily. He would have gone In time to at
tend President Garfield's funeral but tor
the fact that he waa engaged In try
ing the Billy Reed murder case.
George F. auer of New York has
definitely decided to locate in Omaha,
He is an accomplished violinist, who
studied with Martin Cahn of this city
In the conservatory Lelpsie.
Hon. Esra Millard, president of the
Omaha National bank, and family went
east today.
Cantaln John O. Bourka, u. 8. A. is
staying at the Transfer hotel.
Twenty Years Ago
Beatrice beat tha Nonpareils in Omaha,
to S. Batteries. Castone and Jones for .
Beatrice; Jelen and Laoy for Nonpareils.
premier of Canada. It wai apparent
that his mind turned naturally to con
slderatlons of equity. There was no
sign that he was greatly Interested in
the fervor and ferocity of the party
struggle. He was more concerned with
the character of legislation than with
party exigency and party strategy. It
came to be said, as Indeed it Is still said
by his opponents, thst he would make
an Ideal minister of justice, and that at
least establishes the impression of capa
city and integrity which he made upon
the House of Commons.
Until 1904, the conservative leader held
his seat with little difficulty. In that
year, however, he met defeat at the
polls in his own district, and for a time
was on the point of resigning his leader
ship. Others in his party prevailed
upon htm to accept a seat in Ontario, and
he had the satisfaction four years later
of being returned to Parliament once
more from Nova Scotia.
It has always been so, on and off
dissolve their sympathy through
their eyes. Publio manifestation
inose cross-couunoui nHuua uwi cot mane private sorrow or
started early so they might reach solicitude, neither does private sor-
aumber of our commercial establish-
would he be?
row or Bolicitude always wait upon
of talking all the time between ses
sions. I .. ' " u "" men ts that have nasaed. ft .n.
ine stage, amotion, are not morals, , ' . r
T.t .nnnoae the nresldent had nor invariably genuine evidence of t -itn year in
VHawV - - I I IlUNinPBB fa AfAHitB V a .at
.. r .w, that damn, morals. Tha naruttia h fl h I " ucuu" uu worm
igueu uidid .. - v i """ noting
CratlC larmera iron net. uu, I v.,,-.. v aiiwaja iue uun lu I w w .,. . .
- mo i'uuih wm ds con
Btantly putting greater store on per
manency in business, and we hope to
see our merchants,, manufacturers
and bankers making more of the
mll..... 4.V...
that emnhasla. T la nlt- Hv.i. serve as witness to
men of real nrohH, .bro., telr Btea(Iy and "turdy growth
Th. wRv thnftA CAn&dUDft acted na.A.M..M. , . ,
...v s uui iui UlaUltB LUBL 111 M. 1 H i n H ffrr I rfl 1T1H.IK I vim . .
over the annexation bogle show, they WMp wltnout turn,ng . wnso da tlon w.. Up last
cannot take a joice any netter .u Emotlon, Webster says, is the ex- of fi' ,th nm.h. PeP'e
their cousins in Britain. Ctad .,Uns of .mA i..rit .f Bouth 0maba that " ey r
Watterson's comment on tha re.ult - - ""Z ' time. And it develop, that no
in Canada. Alllteratively speaking,
that 1b the best criticism we have
San Francisco In time for the Pan
ama exposition
truer prediction was ever made.
Shall maJoriUea rule?" Well,
often not worth stirring. The na
ture, that are really profound and
jl , . .
r c.i.,aouvco , iuuoo i jura now sugar Is playing leapfrog
that are kept well In hand under re- over tn bnt back of the overburdened
stralnt and not those that run amuck WQ""um'r -uisviiie Courier-Journal.
they usually do. although the other W the soft pedal i. turned m" tns oM
. .. . on. Tmh au a a,i, ... " tomoay. Don t you remember
re lows generally tnina me minority - . w ---
. .. . .u-.-l much facility, hut whan th. 1 11 m riat nand, then knucks. then
Don't you remember
p. a - ''. ' "TW:z."ui.,
minority o comet majomj. " "u
I ininsT i nAF Isl nAthlna 4aa1r am ...
manly In genuine emotions, but of L." 1 J" warship had only
court clerk would not knowintlv be themaelvea emotions are not - " up waue tlB m a German
interested in a lawless resort or have sarily indicative of strength, morally
anything to do with tainted money, or otherwise.
That goes without explanation.
Italy and Tripoli.
Italy insists on seizing Tripoli and
f"" me ucn fashion as the
i Maine exploded In Havana harbor. It
ia rair to presume we would be hear
ing the clank of arms right now,
Coffeyville might have survived
the president's humorous allusion. Tripoli, or the Turks. Insist on not
hut that douhle-shotted nroteat In I bains seized. Tha Ttalfan o-nvm.
our amlahle democratic contemnor-l ment renorta ur baa irr.n, at expense of Council Bluffa or
ary Is sure to be the flnlshiag touch, the transportation of 35.000 soldiers fouti mha under penalty of start-
to the northern African n..ntr tA lUB ,oua WMr words in the World
An exchange remarks that Mr. pare th war to occunation itiv
Tart ourns nia onagee nenma uu.. h notified France of Ita intentions.
Yes. ana mere is quite a scram us ot But Iu, tm . Jonr w,v. frm
President Taft la hereby warned
while In Omaha not to crack any Joke
Herald editorial sanctum.
some of the enemies pursuing him to t,klng charge of Tripoli. Turkey,
reach land before the bridge goes
Now that dlamonda have been
found smuggled in that woman',
elastic stocking, our vigilant customs
inspectors will be put to another
painful necessity in the detail of
their investigation.. '
which ha. controlled this country
since the sixteenth century and di
rectly governed it since 1835, only
has 10,000 troops there and Is ap
parently taking Italy's actions' with
Would It help matters any if San
Ftaiclsco were to Install an efficient
city administration before the Pan
ama exposition?
Nebraska's new pardon board Is
vindicating its existence by the par
don applications It reject, as much
as by the pardons It recommendu.
The pardon board promises to save
tha present and future executives
from a whole lot of grief.
Call on the Maddlera.
Kansas City Star.
Let's call all tha muckrakera off In
calm deliberation, but not with real a- tn of Federal Judge Peter B. Gross-
nation.- Turkey haa no notion of be- !" fl. in! 'ua"V " th. magasinea
In. i. i.i xt uu.uiaiy to mm he
- win reconsider his determination to ra-
iwaiag to-eitner trance or Kussia sign
for help, but rather to Germany, to has lately made. valuable
concessions and with which it 1. on
the most friendly terms. If there is
A Lost Dlataaca Blaffar.
Houston (Tax.) PoaL
Omaha Is tooting the glory of Kin Ak.
6ar-Ben. We take It that this petty
to be any forfeiting of Tripoli by Prtnce Is nothing more than a handsomely
the TurkB. they would much rather it arpeo W"mcan. v. .hould like to sea
him put on tha gloves with Houston1
unvanquisnea King Not toe, the white
man s hope.
Third district republicans are go
ing to it In the matter of filling the teresting aspect of France's great
congressional vacancy aa if deter-1 lival for Morocco being preferred by
The Paealas; Premier.
Having staked his political fortune on
the Issue of freer trade relations with
the United Btatea, and lost,. Sir Wilfrid
Laurler, lays down tha premiership of
Canada after fifteen years as- the domi
nant party leader of the dominion and
nearly fifty years of activity aa a party
man. He is 70 years of age, though he
does not look mora than 50.
Sir' Wilfrid is of an old French Cana
dian family of Quebec His father was
prominent In eouncll of state. Aa a young
barrister he married Into another In-
influential French family. Early in his
active work he came into tha political
Ufa of the dominion. From his first
forenslo effort he was noted for hi
eloquence and convincing style '.of .argu
ment.. From .natural Inclination he ex
poused what Is known as the. Liberal
nnlltical causa. Ha liked, the . word
Colonel William H. Fisher, wife and liberal, and he haa pursued the liberal
daughter, returned to Detroit, having
been auests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. 1
Rev. A. W. Lamar, pastor of First
Baptist church, tendered his resignation.
Mrs. Catherine O. . Carey, 61 year old.
after a short illness, died at the home of
thought In all things. He is the one
representative in all the history or th
dominion of . the French population to
come into dominant official position.
It is one of the finest compliments to
Blr Wilfrid that writers who nave
visited Canada for partisan newspapers
her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Thompson, opposed to his policy have been Impelled
Twenty-second and Howard streets.
Two Italian boys reported to Sergeant
Graves that their mother, living at
Twentieth street and Poppleton avenue,
was about to take unto nerseii anotner
to give him compliment. They came to
deride and remained to compliment. He
Is described aa having a fascinating pres
ence and orotory. It is related of him that
when the Rlel rebellion of the north
helpmeet, when she already had one llv- west half-breeda waa under consldera
ing in Italy and the boys, in behalf o:
poor old dad, protested. They were told
to file a charge.
Prof. Gleason bad his educated horses
doing stunts at tha fair grounds
The Typographical union adopted reso
lutions on the death of Frank Baldwin.
The upsetting of an oil stove at the
domicile of William Murphy, Z1B Nortn
tion he held tha then government re
sponsibility, and when ia verdict on the
outbreak was under discussion in Parlia
ment be made an impassioned speech in
which he exclalmedi "Too late! Too late
Too late!" The interval between the
exclamations being more dramatic than
anything ever seen on the theatrical
stage. And be followed this with the
flaht," she said, "and ewen tf CWra -roxt
him ha can aaally pvatvd fcaj
caster.' Chicago -rriDunak ,
Til give ou a day to f ear Tess"""
"You mu t think I'm aa sload sa t
town. Judge." Judge. .J
"The deaf and dumb mew peas-V v.
formed me tha other dav In tte . M
suajte that I waa a ecounarai. twuar oa,
wonid you eall that?" . iv
"U K. i a ..ail it an unanazaBTS SL.
suit." Boston Transcript.
No anxiety on
pPtTtSTtt,'1" Wimn bsjiii.US!S-isi
Baking-day if you use
e in
il Insures lictht.
n wholesome
f i m r rr,.;,- s
m Howder
food I
Soft Goal VJnatG S&
in soot, smoke and unburned ashes hard coal wastes
23. Everyone knows the work, worry and
uncleanlines3 attending the use of coal.
You change these conditions and also save time,
money, health and energy when you
."Tho Fuel without a Fault"
It all burns is turned into heat no ashes to 'sSStrf
Women like it because it's clean and sanitary Ughtft.
and easy to handle. 4 .
Best fuel for heating or okingradapted;forl
coal-burning stoves comes in hard coal sizes.
Save 20 of fuel cost '
2.000 dealers in tha Northwest set! MtwaukecSotvag 1
Coke. Ask your dealer for folder or write to us.., V
OolbyAbbot Building Milwaukeo,' IVTsW
Central Coal & Coke Co. o! Omaha
Both Phones-Bell Doug. 1221; ind. A-16DS
Opposite Orpheum Xtieatcr
Twenty-fifth street, did the damage cf scathing sentence In arraignment of the
calling out the fire department ministry: " cnminaia bj-
not see toem among ma snavu w
nr v- a I aoairoid tney are oeiora un
rU " I ... Till- T 1-1 n file
The regular republican, won out at the - -- T " "
primaries in the city a-t the antis in
The residence of George Hill, a fire
man. 935 North Twenty-seventh street.
sustained a 3o0 damage by fire.
P. B. Her buys the Garfield block on
Howard street for $60,000. It waa bought
from Georce B. Barker.
V. H. Currle of Sargent waa at' me
Mrs. Frank H. Turney entertained
Mr. Charles Helmer and Miss Edna Mar
tin and their bridal party at dinner in
the evening.
Mrs. & A. McWnorter returned from
nitnas-n. where she had spent several
weeks visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Collins, having dis
posed of their property In Kountze Place,
left for their future home in Memphis,
representative of th United Kingdom
to their faces that their policy (or seinsh
aggrandisement would not be swallowed
by Canada. All arrangements must be
mutual, and not for th especial benefit
of the mother country. Th so-called
Imperialist element. Conservatives by
name, have really opposed tnor for
merely political preferment and possibility
than for objection to th views of th lata
premier. To soma extent th spirit of
landlordism and tltl which baa mad
for the Irish warfare has pervaded the
dominion. Blr Wilfrid has been offered
th badge of peerage, but It did not
catch bis fancy for a moment
People Talked About
Proaotlag Agrleoltare.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
Secretary Wilson, who Is an eTTthu-
slaatlo agriculturist, can excuse his con
nection with a brewer's congress by
claiming that It is In the general inter
est of hops.
Edward Butler, deceased political boss
of St Louis, did not know Latin or
Greek and English, only moderately, but
ha knew the political gam and scooped
In a fortune of t5.OOO.O0O.
Congressman Ston of Illinois does not
have an exalted opinion of his colleagues.
When he reached home a fortnight ago
he said that some of them "almost for
got to be hung." Nevertheless, he admits
The morning star still fadeth
Raluctantlv at dawn.
But the poet in his attlo bed
Still snoretb on.
Till tha clatter of hoofs on th pavement
A route him to bis worn
And ha haa no time tor the gentl muse
Till the crickets curp.
The winds are wild and chilly.
They are dally grownv wronger.
The collars are cltmbin' higher J
And the sleevea are growln' longer.
that be was surprised at the "Urge num- I Gone are the pumps and tha silken hose
should be to Germany than any other
Now, here eaters the somewhat In-
Jaat Like tha Mr a.
Philadelphia Record.
Th. avn.Hm.n , mritw mii.I muttr-m mm lm
mined to show that they are on the! Turkey, whose authority has been Colorado, where women have th statu-
tuap. It Is only three years since the I common to the two African countries I tory right to vot whenever they ehooe
1 dispute. Will that have a ComDli- t exercise it. has been somewhat dls-
eailn inri.n. Ti,. as. appointing. The average woman, like tha
. V 1 BULVUCf I . . , . - . .
man controversy, after coming to the onlv - to tha noils on hot and
ber of honest sincere and hard-working
men" whom he found In congress.
6peaker Champ Clark ylalted hia na
tive city of Lawrencaburg, Ky.. laat
week. As proof of hearty welcome a
multitude of men. women and children
disposed of 6,000 gallons of burgoo, while The air outside Is nippy.
Vaniahad tha eyelet yoke;
In their stead behold the frosted nose
And th furnace smoke.
Tha rude winds romp and revel
Among the languid laavea;
And sparrow cuddle cloaer
Beneath the eaves.
Third district waa represented by a I
republican la ooncreaa. and mo good
reason exist, why It should not re
sume the habit
boiling point, simmered down evi-1 lug occasion.
three bands alternately whooped up "My
Old Kentucky Horns"
A nameless patriot at Columbus, O., has
started a monthly devoted to the national
defense. Bigger armies, chains of fort If I
cations, mora warships and th Ilk are
urged aa th only means of saving th
country from Invisible foes. In all the
scare head pagea of th Jingo book there
ia not a word about the visible foes to
national perpetuity contained In the
record of legtalative graft piled up In the
Ohio state houae, which la la Columbus.
Tha molaasaa trickles slower.
Dumb ar tha little birds and dumb
The old lawn mower.
The little housefly that escaped
The ambitious awata of mother
Now warme himaeif on tha ahlntng pat
Of pa or grandpa "ruther."
The mercury deacendeth
With a founding accelleraUon,
And the column filler altpa and sprains
Hla Imagination.
But the morning stars blink on
And the crickets chirp-ahem!
And the poet alts and scribble away
Regarding them. U. N. T.
When You Buy a Ribbon
Do you know that you are going to get the results
you want! If your typewriter is not equipped with
the ribbon that gives the best results you can over
come your troubles by consulting our Supply De
For many years this Company has manufactured
its own ribbons and carbon papers, and their salo
is supervised by experienced men. We have a de
partment that can tell you what your needs argV
and supply those needs. We handle no cheap goods.
Only the best materials go into the manufacturo
of our goods and we do not sell our goods on aj
cheap "catchy" scheme.
If you have ribbon troubles call us. If you are noB
getting the service you think you should have from
your typewriter ribbons let us consult with you.
Our ribbons sell at 75c each, $3.50 per half dozen,
6.00 per dozen. All goods guaranteed and replaced if foe
my reason unsatisfactory.
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.
Branches in
Modern Office Supplies
19th and Douglas Sis.
Omaha, Neb.
Telephones Doug. 1284; Ind. A-1284.
Assets, July 1. 1911 $.VS3,22S.SA
Reserve Fund, July J, a9Xl 432,823.30
Securities with State Department, July 1, 1911 . . 2O,050.OO
(T Becur On Xnsarance Contracts.) '
Rate per thouaanO, a;e .5 (other ages iu proportion), $8.75
Depository Ranks appointed, 781
XJoeased la California, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Montana. Vabraaka. .-,
akota. Dragon, Bout Dakota, Xdaao, Washington? TaaaTaia
Wyoming, aad prapariag to antar IlUnoia and Michigan.
Maa capable ef producUf tie bast claaa ef bualnaes wanted as State XCaaavae.
and aoUcitora. w ssaaegars
Home Office: Br'andcis Building, Omaha. Neb
Telephone Douglas 7031. ' '