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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1911)
Jeff Followed I Ttoo HwtA frj no j ; ,: , - VjOt a minute., ou ei&l fT I L rZ7ZTrr OlSPlUINtCN I , ,, tOrV WrNNTTOYKLaiToN Q I . f -Hv , r0; ' V S Cyr , - ! J te- ToP' 'u. ( RlGHTn I mE 00 You I 6Sl lo W0M of VJgso of A, Ara . fKje LAvrr.. rL--N ROURES GET INAL CONTEST Omaha Team Has Better of Bar gain in Close Game. SMITH AND FENTRESS OPPOSED Clone Hrcliloii nt Third In Slxtk Ir TraU Antelopes Tlrlnc Srore and Game Ends Three to Two. LINCOLN, Neb., Sept M.-Omah took the final game of the transferred eerlea by a score of 3 to i by bunching lilt" on Bmlth In the first and econd Innings. Lincoln rallied In the nlxth, an error and three hit sending In two runs. A closo decision at third prevented the locals tlelng the core. Throughout It ai a qltchera' battle between Smith and Fen treas. Score: OMAHA. . AH. R. H. O. s 1 s 11 8 2 0 4 0 A. K. Mnore, 2b. Mrhotf, 3b 4 ThonuiBon, cf.. Kane, lb iWilliums, rf... Coyle. If Karrell, aft Arbogast, c... ientress, p Totals 30 3 LINCOLN. AU. R. I 21 II H. 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 O. A. Gagnter, ss Cole, Zh Cobb, rf McCtormlck, S 2 6 2 0 2 2 12 1 4 1 If Miller, cf..... (Horrell, lb... Lundun, 2b... Straiton, c... bmlth, p 2 3 Totals Omaha Lincoln Runs batted In: ...29 2 S .21000 .0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 2 0 0 0-3 0 0-2 McCormick, Williams hit: Williams. Two- (2). Three-bane base hit: Uagnler. Double play: Gag? nler to Cole. Left on bases: Lincoln, 4: Omaha, .4. Stolen base: . Fentress. Sacrifice hits: Uagnler, Cole, Moore, Arbogast, Fentress. Struck out: By Fentress, I; by Smith, 4. Bases on balls: Off Smith, lj off Fentress, 1. Hit by pitches: bmlth, 1; Fentress, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Fentress, 1. Time: 1:2 Umpires. Shoemaker and Haskell. GRIZZLIES BLANK DK9 MOINES Uener Shuts Out Visitors by Score of Two to Nothing. DENVER, Sept 26. eDenver shut out the visitors in the last game of the series, 1 to 0. Score: DENVER. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Lloyd. 2b 4 0 11(0 Ollmore, If 4 0 0 3 0 0 Brail, of 3 0 0 1 0 0 Cassldy, rf 3 0 1 2 0 0 Uulllln, 3b 2 0 10 10 Lindsay, lb .. 3 0 0 14 0 0 Kenworthy, as 3 1116 0 Vance, c. 3 1 1 i 3 1 Klnsella, p. 3 0 10 & 0 Totals 28 t 27 1 1 DBS MOINES. Alt. R. H. O. A. E. Curtis, If. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Colllgan, ss 4 0 0 0 6 0 Mattlck, cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 Bachant, lb 3 0 1 IS 0 1 Korea, 3b. ' 4 0 1 1 4 0 Anderson, rf. 4 0 11 0 0 Graham, 2b. 2 0 0 3 6 0 ritowskl, c 8 0 1 4 0 0 Flympton, p 3 0 1 0 0 Totals 81 0 6 20 20' 1 Denver 0 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0 2 Des Moines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Stolen bases: Kenworthy, Ultowskl Two-base hits. Vance. Cassldy. Three baas hit: Bachant. Sacrifice hit: Quil lin. Struck out: By Klnsella, 4. Bases on Dana. urr Klnsella. 2. Double play: Hympton to Graham to Colllgan. Left on bases: elmver, I: Des Molne. 0. Time: 1:17. Umpires: McDowell and Clark. T. JOSEPH WINS AND TIES J Darkness Bads Second Game with Score Six to SI. BT. JOSEPH, Mo., Sept. M. St. Joseph won the first game of a double-header with Pueblo here today, t to 3. The sec ond game was called at the end of the ninth Inning on account of darkness, with the score a tie. ( to . Kaufman twirled both games for St. Joseph and kept his nits well scattered, score, first game: PUEBLO. AB. R H. A. i 4 Mtddleton, cf.. Craig, rf Berger, ss Belden, If Hughes, 2b.,.. Koarner, lb.... Claire, 3b demons, 0..... Parry, p Routt, p Shaw Schmld 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 1 ... 1 Totals ...36 3 ( JOSEPH. 24 14 ST. AB. R. H. O. IS 0 A. 0 0 E. Kelly, If 3 Powell, rf 3 Zwtlltng, cf 4 Kellly, 2b 4 Jones. 3b 4 Borton, lb 4 Meinka, lb 4 Ooasett, c 8 Kaufman, p 4 Totals 33 13 27 It . Ratted for demons In the ninth. Batted for Kouit in the ninth. Pueblo 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 St. Joseph 0O3OO12O Stolen bases: Kelly, Zwllling, Reilly Rarnfice hits: Powell, lioasrtt. 1 hr hit- Powell. Two-base hits: Bor inn Praia. Struck out: By Kaufman, 3 Bases on balls: Oft Kaufman, 1: off Prrv. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Hv Perry 1 TVinhl tilavs: Meinke to Keilly to Borton; Mlddlrton to Hughsa. Hits: Off Perry, 10 lit seven innings: orr tiomi. , In one Inning. 1-eft on bases: St. Joseph t; Pueblo, a. Time: l ii. I mpire: Mor gan. Score, second game: PUEBLO. A.B. R. H. O. A. Wlddleton, cf 4 0 2 3 0 txalg. it.. 4 0 I I Instructions, All Rght, But Standing of Teams , WEST. LEAGUE. NAT'L LEAGUE. W.L.l'ct.l V'.L.Pct. Denver ...103 U .uNrw York. 3 4S .B..2 St. JOHepll. M 6t .otxJ t hlcago ...85 M ..,:i6 Pueblo .... 3 70 .M41 Pittsburgh. 82 64 .fa2 Omaha ... m 73 .f,2:il'hlln 76 64 .M3 Sioux City i 74 .IttUiSt. Louis.. 73 6) .618 Lincoln ... 7S 74 .613 Cincinnati. 66 Toneka ... til 98 .&6Urooklyn... 63 ft! .414 D. MolneB. 47 103 .3Uj Beaton .... Iu2 i'61 Aiub.ll. LhAULte. AAl crl. W.LI'ct. W.L.Pct. Phlla. 96 46 .tntiMln'anolls 96 64 .8w Detroit ....8a 6K .O'.li Kan. City.. 89 &! 'level'nd . 75 68 .BJS Columbus . SS 7d .o4t New York. 74 71) .614 St. Paul.... 78 S3 .4R3I Chicago ... 71 71 .tOOMilw'kee .. 76 83 .477 Boston .... 71 73 .4!7 Inr) polls ... 7ft Wash'ton . to 84 .417 Toledo ... 74 ?6 .4711 St. Louis.. 40 103 .toO Louisville . 66 96 .404 Yesterday's Itenults. WESTERN LEAGUE. Omaha, 3; Lincoln, 2. Topeka, 11; Sioux City, 6. Des Moines, 0; Denver, 2. Pueblo, 3-2: St. Joseph, 6-2. NATIONAL L HAGUE. Boston, 2-7; Chicago, 10-6. Phliadelphla-St. Louis, rain. Brooklyn, 6; Pittsburgh, 2. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland, 2: Washington, 8. Detroit. 6; Philadelphia, 11. Chicago, 6; New York, 4. St. Louls-Roston, wet grounds. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Indianapolis. 2; Minneapolis, 2. t-'even nnings; ruin. Toledo, 4; St. Paul, 8. Louisville, 6-2: Milwaukee, 7-3. Columbus, 4-3: Kansas City, 9-10. Gamea Today. Western Lepgue Omaha at Denver, Sioux City at Lincoln. St. Joseph at To peka. Des Moines at Tuehlo. National L.eague Phiiadeipnia at ntis- burgh. Boston at Cincinnati, New York at Chicago. Brooklyn at St. L.ouis. American Leaaue Detroit at washing- ton. Cleveland at Philadelphia. St. Louis t New York, Chicago at Hoston. American Association Indianapolis at Minneapolis. Toledo t Pt. Paul. Louis vllle at Milwaukee, Columbus at Kan sas City. Berger, sa... Belden, If ... Hughes. 2b.. . 4 . 8 . 3 , 4 , 3 .1 . 3 1 1) 3 n o 9 o Koerner. lb. Claire, Sb.... Phaw, 'c Ellis, p....... Totals .. 80 3 BT. JOSEPH. 3 27 12 A.B. R. H O. 8 1 1 6 0 10 1 6 1 0 E. 0 0 0 t 1 tfellev. If 5 5 3 4 3 4 Powetl. rf Zwllling. cf Rellv. Sb Jones, 3b Horton, lb Meinke, ss 3 4 a l ossett. c Kaufman, p.... Babb Totals .. 34 7 27 17 r . . . .i 4,. v.nfm.n In ninth Pueblo 0 0100010 0-Z St. Joseph 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-3 Stolen bases: neney, twining . ton. Uossett. Sacrifice nits: onaw, Belden. Two-base nits: ueiaen, iveney. Eirimii mil' Hv Knufmnn. S: bv F.llls. 8. pases on balls: Off Kaufman. 1. off Ellla, Double play: Meinite, nemy ana nut- ton. Wild pitch: Kills Llt on rjases: St. Josenh. B: Pueblo, 4. time: um pire: Morgan. SIOUX CITY TAKES A BEATING Topeka Defeats Champions by Score Eleven o Five. btottv CITT. .Reot. M. Topeka wound up Its season here today by defeating Sioux City, 11 to 6. The game was fea tured by heavy hitting. Score: B1UUA till. . AB. R. H. O. A. E. Andreas. 2b 6 0 0 3 3 0 Stem, lb 3 13 7 11 Hartman. as 5 ? 1 5 1 i Neighbors, rf 0 i V " Breen, if 6 1 1 0 0 Wagner, cf f i S Reilly, Sb 5 1.-?? Walley, c 3 9 J J Oerlach, c 1 0 1 ( 0 Wilkins, p o o v i Steiger. P ( P 0 1 4 Barber, P ? ? 1 0 1 Miller, lb a u u i u Totals.... .41 S 13 27 18 TOPEKA. AB. R. H. O. 0 0 A. 0 0 0 ( 0 1 E. 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Rlokert, If King, cf Dall, rf , Kmory, so Whitney, lb.. Crlfp, c Kreps. :o Edm'aton, ss. Beecher, p...., Durbin, p 0 0 Totals ....41 U 18 27 ..0 6 0 0 1 3 2 ..0 0 0 0 0 0 6 10 Topeka 1 0-11 0 0-5 Bioux city Sacrifice hits: Kreps (31. Two-base hits: Beecher. Kmory. Crisp (!), King. Reilly, Wagner. Barber. Hits: Off Wil kins, 3 In one and a third Innings; off TWcrier. 12 In six ana a intra innings off Stlser, 14 In five and two-thirds in ning". Doublo play: riclmiston to Kreps to Whitney . Struck out: By Wilkins, 1; by Stelaer. t: bv Beecher, 1; by Barber, 3; by Dnrliln. 2. Bases on balls: Off Pteliter, 1; off Beecher, l: orr naroer. i; ort unr bin. (. Passed balls: Crlso. Walley. Wild pitch: Durbin. Hit bv pitched hail: By Steiger, 1: bv Barben. 1. Time: 3:00. Um pires: McKee and Weaver. SCHEDULE FOR KEARNEY HIGH Foot Ball Team Opens Season Sat nrday with Game with Normal. KEARNEY. Neb.. Sent. 26. (Special.) The Kearney High school will have itrong foot fall team this year. The thletio roaches are Vernon A. Dunlavy ana i.anis. A squaa or mirty five Is working out every night. The schedule follows: September 29. . Kearney Normal at Kearney. October 4. Hastlnga High school Kearney. October 13, Lexington High school at Lexington. October SO Aurora Jilgh school at Kearney. October 27. Grand Island High school at Grand Island. November 3. Hatlnge Htg'.i so I tool st Hastings. November to, open rest. November 18, Grand Island at Kearney. November 24, North Platte at North Platte, and November 30, K. M A. at Kearney. DUcraretal Coadact of liver and bowels, in refusing to act. Is quickly remedied with Dr. King's New Ufa Pills. Sc. Fur sals by Beaton Drug Co. CUBS DIVIDE DOUBLE-HEADER Chicago Takes First Game From Bos ton and Loses Second. REULBACH PUZZLES VISITORS Donnelly of Boston Proves Master of Situation In Second Con test, Bat Reeelres Poor Say port From Team. CHICAGO, Sept. 2.-Chlcao and Bos ton broke even in a double-header today, the final games of the year's series, Chi cago winning the first game, 10 to 2, and losing the second, 6 to 7. In the first game Ruelbach held the visitors to five scattered hits, two of which, with s fielder's choice," netted two runs for the Bostonlans. On the other hand. Weaver and Brown proved easy prey for the locals, each being hit freely, while the former was generous with his passes and the latter'a support was ragged. In the second game Donnelly of Boston was master of the situation, allowing the locals to hit safely only six times. Hla poor support assisted the locals greatly In soorlng. The Chlcagoans used Slap, nlcka, on of their latest pitching c qulsltlons. The support behind him wai loose and the visitors had little difficulty with his curves. The second game was featured by the batting of Klrke, who made four hits, In eluding two triples in five times at bat, and of Donlln, who got three hits. The New York Nationals, headed by Manager McGraw, arrived In the city early today to open their series here to morrow, and attended the gams In body. Score, first game: BOSTON. CHICAOO. AO H O. A. E. AB H.O.A E. Swomer, Ik t Donlln, cf.. 4 Kirk, it.... 4 Miller, rf... 4 Hrldwell, u Hauaer, lb.. 4 McO'ald. lb 4 Harlden, c I 1 I 0 4 4 1 Shrr.ksrs, if 4 110 1 lachult. rf. . I 0 08hn. I I I 4 0 oZlni m'n, lb 1 I I 3 1 DDovla. lb... I 1 I I 1 oBtier. ik.... line 1 OHofmin. cf. t 1 4 0 1 4 OArchar. ... 4 1 I I 4 Hcullttch, pi Burst, p.. Brown, p. Totals II 10 27 li S KslMr ... lngaftoa 4 ToUU II I 14 11 I 'i.uLieu lur hiunn in the seventh. Batted for Weaver In the ninth. Chicago 2 1 ( 0 ( 2 0 0 10 Boston 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S Two-base hits: Sheckard, Archer. Tnree- hiu hit: Kaler. Hits: Off Burke. & In two and one-third innings; off Brown, 6 In three and two-thirds innings; off Weaver. 0 in 2 innings, sacrince nitsi Shean, Zimmerman, Hufman 2). Left on bases: Chti agu. 3. Boston. . Bates on balls: Oil Ueulbacn, b; on Kurne, ; on Brown, 1. Struok out: By uurae, i- oy Brown, 1; by Weaver, 1. Time: 1:40. Urn plres: Rtgler and Flnneran. score, secona game. BOSTON. CHICAOO. AH H O A. E. AB H.O.A.B Swwn.r. lb I 1 I 4 lShsckard, If I 0 0 Hnnllti. ef.. I 111 IBrhtilt. rf.. 41840 Kirk. It.... I 4 0 0 oy.lm m n, id t I t 1 Mlll.r. rf...l 111 ODoyl. lb... 4 1141 Hrldw.ll. h. 4 0 0 I OS.Ier. lb.... 4 1 t f u...r lh . I II I Hulmn. il.l 1 I 1 I McD'aia. b4 oil tunium, c. i Kilns. C....4 14 1 lEItpnlck. p I 0 0 4 4 Dniulli. o. 4 a 1 1 OJilcbUr. D.. 0 t 0 t s vuooa i Totals.. ...14 18 17 17 1 Totals II 4 17 t 8 ot tori for Rlnnnlcka in the eighth. Boston 1 0010380 0-7 Chicago 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 15 Three-base nits: rurice til. mis: Slnnnlnka. 11 in eight innings: off Rich ter. 2 in one Inning. Bacrlfloe hlta: Miller (2). Hofman. Stolen bases: Sheck ard. Saier. Double plays: Hofman to Sr er: Sweeney to Mauser snaan 10 Zimmerman to Baler. Left on bases: Chicago. 3: Boston. 6. Bases on balls: Off Slapnlcka, l; orr uonneny, x. u by pitched ball: By Slapnlcka, Sweeney. Struck out: By Slapnlcka, 6; by Don noiiv a Tiitin' Umnires: Rlgler and Flnneran. Brooklyn Beata Pirates. PITTSBURGH. Bent. 26. Brooklyn to- ,u v mu,4 lia lust anuearance of the sea son ill Plllsouign, winninu uy atuie o 6 to 3. laoK oi n,u ai me pruyor muo lost for the local team, ocore; BROOKLYN. riUBBcnutl. AH H O A ll Aft 14.0. A B Northm, cf. 0 1 1 4 ICry, cf... 0 8 0 4 Dautxrt, lb. I 111 0 0 Clark. If... a 0 0 4 4 Dly. If.... I 0 4 0 lWllun, rf..4 110 0 Bmllh. lb... 4 0 0 1 OWasncr, lb. 1 0 10 0 1 Toolr. M. ., 4 3 8 4 McK'h's, Willi Ouul.on, rt.t I I I OBrrn, lb... 4 18 4 0 Stark, lb.... I 111 lucC'thr. l I 1 I I Erwo. ....! Oil Osiraon. s.,., 4 8 4 8 barser, V... 4 111 VAdama, s J umpMii Tutala II 7 87 10 I Hendrl. p.. 0 0 1 0 Millar .... 100 ToUU U I 17 U Batted for Adams In eighth. Batted 'for Hendrix In ninth. Pittsburgh 0 0100001 0-( Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 Tisn-hiu hlta: Wilson. Toolev. Three ha hit: Nnrthen. Sacrifice hit: Daley, Sacilfica fllesi Carey, Daubert. Stolen v,u...- Rvrna. Tooley. Double Dlays Adams to McKechnle to Wagoer. Tooley in iiauhMrt. Baaea on balls; Oft Adams, 2; off Henarlx, H; oil Marger. a. nn oy pitched ball: Daubert, by Adams. Struck out: ay Aciams. . xrii wn a hncrr, k Hriuii vn. a r lrsL on errvrs piiiahiirirh. 2: Brooklyn. 1. Hits: Off Adams, 5 in eight innings; off Hendrix, 3 In one Inning. Time: 1:87. Umpires: O Day ana tinane. CREIGHT0N ATHLETES GET DOWN TO WORK Coich Miller has begun scrimmage tiractlce at Crelghton. The Initial work i, roved a severe test to the untried war rl,,r hut thev stuck gamsly to the task Assistant Coach Morgenthaler pitted hi .rriitia aaalnst Millers' regulars and they battled gamely against the husky bunch. A little spies was Injected Into the camp by the appearance of Hefferman a.irt Homw Hookins In uniform. Heffer man was ons of the brilliant llghta of last year's team, but spent a portion of the season on the retirea list. Few, If any, medlclnea have met with the uniform succeas that baa attended th uae of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The remarkable cures of col to and diarrhoea which It has f tected In almost every neighborhood have given It a wide reputation. For sal by all dealers. TI1E BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SErTEMBR 27, 1911. IP EMCR. MiMN VCW CALL. M6 A Nry.E. or. Pjll. An 0 m iri neF Co TO TMG KNOCK YOUR. rNDTMeTCOi. AS T MVS - ENNANT GOES TO ATHLETICS Philadelphia Defeats Detroit by Eleven to Five Score. WLLLET IS DRIVEN FROM MOUND Baker Gets Two Homo Ran and Crawford One Collins and Der rick Sec are Three-Base lilts 6lx Doables. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 26 The Ameri can league championship for 1911 was decided here today, when Phlladlphia defeated Detroit. It was the fourth time that a local team piloted by Connie Mack has won the pennant In this or ganisation and It was the first time that Philadelphia has won the title In succes sive seasons. By repeating this year. Philadelphia earned the right to defend the title of the world's championship, which It won last year In a series with the Chicago National league club. Only two teams fought for leading honors In the American league this sea son, Philadelphia and Detroit. The lat ter got a flying start last spring and on May 19, Detroit had a lead of tweteve gamea over the home team. From that date the local team gained ground and It took th lead from Detroit for the first time on July 4. The next day New York defeated Philadelphia and th lat ter dopped Into' second place. Detroit kept In front until August 4, when Mack's team for the second time, Jumped Into first place. Since then Philadelphia never has been headed. Score: PHILADELPHIA. DETROIT. AB.H.O.A.B AB.H.O.A.B. Lord. It 4 0 0 OflutTi. as.,.. 18 14 0 Oldrlns. ef.. I Colllna, tb.. 4 1 I 0 OObb, of.... 114 0 0 I I OOawfrd, rf I I 8 0 0 l' 0 ID'hantT. lb. I 1 4 I Dakar, lb... a Murphy, rf. 8 8 Derrick, lb. 4 1 Barry, a.... 4 Lapp, c 4 8 I 0 ODrak. If.... 110 0 i 1 OOalnnr. lb.. I 1 0 1 I 1 OMorlarty, lb 4 4 I OStanaea, e.. 4 t 1 OWIIIatt. p... 1 0 0 1 110 Coombs, P 4 8 to Work, p. 0 0 1 .17 11 17 1 lTutw!lr .1 J Total. Totals II 10 14 14 1 Batted for Willet In the fourth. ... Detroit 0?!i,S??7 J-,? Philadelphia .... e i o w i kit.- nr.ka. Raker (2). Lapp, Coombs, Oldrlng. Three-base hits: Col lins. Dernlck. Home runs. Ba"r.' Crawford. Bases on balls: Off Willet, 1- off Works. 8; off Coombs, (. Struck out: By Willet. V. by Works. 1; ty Coombs, 6. Time: 160. Umpires: Pu rine and Dlneen. Senators Fonnd Mitchell. n. . rmviTnM g.nt M Washington batted Mitchell out of the box In the third Inn ng toaay ana easuy .""""V-" - v . land. 8 to 3. Swindell, who relieved him. pitched gooa on nings. Boor: AB.H.O.A.3I. AP H 0A Milan f...4 110 purny, z rhaf.r. lb 4 II J jOlaon. 4 0 4 1 fcib.rr4. lb. I 0 I I 0J.ckaoB. rl. 4 3 I O.Walkr. Ill I l l-i".,;i lo-;! 1 I ! 0lr. rt..4 1 0 OB'mbam, ' MoBrld. al I I 8 J Ball. Conroy. lb.. 4 8 1 3 T""'i 8b.. I 0 1 1 H.nry. .... 4 0 4 4 OBaat.rly, o.. 8 1 I 1 3 aroom. .... 4 111 Adam. 0....1 1 J oroom. Mltcbll, p.. 1 0 0 1 0 " 100 yisar 1 J i Total 14 " 14 11 t Batted for Turner In ninth. Batted for Adams In ninth. Washington 0 Cleveland 0 0 0 0 ( 0 0 0 0-3 n: k... kit' Kchaefer. Easterly. Three-base hits: Birmingham, Callahan unrn. run? Hal. Bases on balls: Off Mitchell. 2; off Swindell. 2, Struck out; By Groom, 4; by Swindell, 3. Time: 1.60. Ilmnlres: Mullen ana NEW YORK. Sept. 26--After tleing ine Kuia in " " o - - - - - . York los tto Chicsgo in m mum uy -score of S to 4. The winning run was acored on Lord's double and Mclntyr single. Score: CHICAOO. AB.H.O.A.B. NEW TOR. AB.H.O.A.B Dantalt, rf. t Dulan, lb... 4 t st'CsaU. I6 I 111 turn. D.... a a 18 11 Mclntyr. rf 4 I 1 0 Woltr, cf..4 CrM, If -lb.. I Kalsht. lb.. 4 Hartiall. a. I 0 1 w I I 1 1 0 111 UodI. cf .... fll 1 10 11 Uarrowa. It.. 4 110 OTan'ablll. a 4 1 1 Curry, lb.... I 13 1 1 Colllna. lb.. I 1 T 1S OSulllvan, .. I 10 1 Block, a.... t Calflwall. II. 1 Oardnar. lb. I William, c. 8 Warkop ... I It lJln, p.. 0 0 0 0 Scott, p.. 0 4 10 114 0 Totals., I .10 Blair. 1 Ford, p I .11 tM 10 I rhaaa lilt Wilklaa ... 0 0 0 0 0 Total U I 17 If I Caldwell out, hit by batted ball. Ran for Williams In ths fifth. Batted for Ford In th ninth, nan (nr Chase In th ninth. Chlcaaa 1 H H H 1-4 New York 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-4 Bases on errors: New York, 2; Chi cago, 8. Two-bas hlta. Wolter, Lord (2). Three-baa hits: McConnell, Hart- sell. Collins. Sacrifice hits: Bodie, Sullivan, Mclntyre, Ford. Sacrifice flyi Dolan. Stolen bases: Mclntyre 4.2). Bodie, Collins. Dolan, Wilkinson. Left haaa- Naw York. 7: Chicago, 8. Double plays: Dolan to Knight; Wolter to Blair. Bsses on balls: Off rora, . off Bene, 8; off Scott, 1. Struck out: u v..rA hv Hans. I: br Scott. 2. Wild nuchas: ' Bens. 1: Kord. 1. Hits: Off ui a in aavan and two-thirds innings Tima! 2:07. UniDires: Egan and O'Loughlln. Foet Ball Player Hart. nAVin CITY. Neb.. BaDt !!. (Special.) A. hiia rvinar to climb on a loaded lum ber wagon, L.ioya ueuys suypea mm hole in the roaa, inirs mmwipi nun unur ih. u,ar.n an4 cania near causing a aerl- oua accident. As it was, the wheel passed over his foot, splitting it and breaking several bones in the member. Mr. Oetta la one of the halfbacks on tha hiarh school eleven and his necessi tated absence will go hard with the team at Lincoln next Saturaay, wnen tney piay the Nebraska Military academy I.luirood I.oaea Last Game, LINWOOD, Neb. .Sept. 28 (Special.) Llnwnod lost the last game of the season on the local grounds In a slugging match to Morse Bluff by a ecore of 6 to 3. Cold weather was ths cause that neither fltuher could work well. Score: In wood 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1-3 Morse Bluff 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0-6 Batteries: Llnwood, Ootch and Sham berg; Morse Bluff, Rockemuel and Lehmer. Hits: Llnwood. 11; Morse Bluff, 12. Struck out; By Qotch, ; by Boclie musl, 3. V 1 1 I -. --i on mc T'Ll CHAift. rot- HtD Off' "TAKE IT. BLUES (UHCHSECJND GAME Kansas City Takes Two Games From Columbus Team. COOK IS KNOCKED OFF RUBBER First Contest Won by Mixing Hits With Errors, While Errors Alao Are Responsible for Loss of Second. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 2(i.-Kansas City practically clinched second place In the American association championship race today by handing a double defeat to Columbus. The first game was won by mixing hlta with the visitors' errors. Pitcher Cook, who recently won ten straight victories for Columbus, was knocked off the rubber in the seventh. Errors by Columbus also were respon sible for the loss of the second game. Seven nilsglays were recorded against the visitors. The second game-was called St the end of the sixth Inning on ac count of darkness. Score, first gam: KANSAS CITY. COLl'MBUi. AB.H.O.A.B. AU H.O.A Barbaau. lb. It 1 1 IH'man. lb-lf 5 1110 scnauar, li. o v OMahllns, a. I I 0 I 1 Hyatt, rf.... I 110 OC'ua'Hun, rf 6 1 I 10 Lora. cf 4 0 I 0 I perrlns, lb.. I 0 10 0 Bo'arm'n, lb I 111 0 0 Kniaaly. If., I 0 10 0 Hock'f'd, lb 8 8 3 4, lb.. 4 1110 "Smith, e 4 1111 1 OO'tto'rk. lb 4 1 1 I 0 Jamca, C....I 110 Oghelton. cf.. 4 0 10 0 Maddox. p.. 4 0 0 1 Oi ouk. p I 1 0 I 8 1 Caopar, p...O 0 0 0 0 Totals 17 11 17 II I 'Packard ...1 0 0 0 0 Total 40 11 14 14 4 Batted for Cooper In ninth. Kansas City 0 1 0 6 0 2 0 1 - Columbus 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 04 Hits: Off Cook, 11 In six and one-third Innings; off Cooper, 8 In one and two thirds Innings. Stolen base: Hyatt. Sacri fice hit: ltockenfleld. Two-base hits: Downey, Smith. Home fun: James. Bases on balls: Off Cook, 3. Struck out: By Maddox, 3: by Cook, 6: by Cooper. 1. Three-base hits: Hyatt, O Rourke. First Das on errors: Kansas City, 2; Colum bus, 3. Left on bases: Kansaa City. 8: Columbus, 8. Time: 1:65. Umpires: Bler- naiter ana Hanaiooe. Score second game: ' KANSAS CITT. COLUMBUS. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. Barbeau. lb. 4 8 0 1 OHI'hman. lb I 4 1 I Bchallar. If. I 4 4 0 Mahllns, aa. I 0 14 1 Hyatt, rf... 4 8 OCuaHon. rf. 1 1 0 1 1 Lot. ct....4 110 OKnlaety, If.. I Bo'rman, lb 8 I I 1 OPowna. lb... I 110 0 1 I Rock'fd. lb I Downay. . 8 114 e smith, 1 7 6 111 lO'Ro'rk. lb I 0 1 0 0 O'Connor, o. I .' I I OBhalton, cf.. 1 0 0 0 0 lLlabhardt. a I 0 I 1 Flan, p.... McCl'lllln. SO 0 1 Total II I 18 II Total II 4 II 11 7 Kansas City 0 0 0 4 6 110 Columbus 0 0 0 2 1 03 Hits: Off Liebhardt. 7 in four and ona. third innings; off McQulllin, 3 In one third Inning. Struck out: By Flene, 8; by Liebhardt, 6; by McQulllin, 1. Bases on STOPS Toothache instantly, cavity or no cavity. Prevent decay. Saves dentists kill. Dent's Toothache Gum AO DratrfatslSe fetsnssasss FIST ADD HEAITH TO MQTHtt AND CHILD.' Vn. WixaLOW'a Soot m wo Svarr ha been ad for ever blXTY YKAHSbv MILLIONS) of SloriiEkS for their CHILDREN WHlLkt e'EMTH I NO, with fERr'UCT bUCCEbS. It fOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the CUM ALLAY& all FAIN CUKES WIND COLIC, and a the beat remedy lor DIARKHUIA, It I ab solutely harm lea. Be sure and aak for "Mr. VlaaieWs Soothing Syrup," aad taa4 BM eisef aiud. Twenty- five etui a botiia. .r-. l iii iuLr M 1 fW 111 J Ve-3 )J I 111 .aw" V-al".-. u. I 1 I' - I I wb sfhjg wmi it am mm am mMi 1 You Know It- 1 -ipj: Therefore demand Old Style Lager- don't accept frwii $ '&M a substitute that costs you just as much and is inferior.' 1 $-Sf j Old Style Lager is just as good as ever and could lfebCpf not be made better. Vfefl j Q. HCILKMAN BRCVYINQ COMPANY, LA CROSSE, WIS. if ft ? ltVirl' j LERCII & VAN SANOT, Distributors $JlSvA ! 311 South 17th Stro&t Phono Douglam 1679-A 1670 :J ' By I I aw I- ''.J'. '. I -V 2-M balls: Off Flene, 2: off Liebhardt, 1; off McQiUllln, 1, Sacrifice li'tn : Kiilsley, ltockenfleld. Stolen base: Hchalter. Sac rifice files: Congnlton, Bowerinan, Two base hit: Love. Bases on errors: Kan sas City, 6; Columbus, 1. Left on bases: Kansas City, 6; Columbus, 4. Passed ball: Smith. Time: 1:32. Umpires: Ilandlbons and Bterhalter. Bellevue Crippled in Practice Games An air of gloom pervaded the Bellevue camp Tuesday and the signal practice and scrimmage lacked its accustomed snap and ginger. Captain Paulsen la laid up with an Injured foot, hurt In early prac tice, and must stay out of the game for some time. Johnson, quarterback, has quit the game on account of pressure of other work, and his absence is keenly felt. Ohman, last year's substitute quarter back, handled the team. Maxwell, Moos and Stookey have all worked at quarter back, and while the position will be well taken care of, the necessity of a change at this time has slowed up th work vary much. Brandt, a promising freshman, and P. Ohman, another lineman, are both laid up with sprained shoulder sustained while wrestling In th gymnasium, and are unable to appear on th field. In con sequence Coach McCoy has placed the ban on boxing and wrestling among th candidates for the entire season, Dowden, substitute halfback and end, Is out of tha game, due to a temporary sickness. A game for September 30 has not yet been settled upon. The date has been offered to Wayne Normal and Grand Is land, but In case It la not accepted by either of these an Omaha team will be played, captained by Glen Rice of th Young Men's Christian association, a Bellevue alumnus of 1911. It Is the inten tion to have an alumni lineup. Gun Club Tourney Will Start Today Th annual fall tournament of the Omaha Gun club starts thi morning at 8:30 at tha range on the east side of the river. A number of the entrants arrived In th city yesterday and spent a portion of the day at practice work. Some of ths scores mad were as follows: George Maxwell, Hastings M Lester Gates, Columbua 92 Ous Schroerter, Columbua 91 F. P, Loverlng, Omaha 88 George. Carter, Lincoln 37 Charles Armngaat David City... 87 Dell Gross, Kansas City 85 Dr. Fllppin, Stromsburg S3 Dan Bray, Columbus 76 Persistent advertising la the Road to Big Returns. A TRIUMPH IN THE ART OF BREWING THE LEADING BEER IN THE MIDDLE WEST Family Trad Supplied l) Chae. Biorx, fbones Webster 12001 LaueiMudeul li-lSa. ; "Bud" Fisher ELJ Legal Objection to Johnson-Wells Fight in England LONDON, Sept. 26. Opposition aroused by th Clergy to the fight between Cham pion Jaok Johnson and Bombardier Wells, the English title holder, assumed a legal character today when a magistrate of Bow street police court, on th applica tion of the public prosecutor, granted summona against th principals and pro moters. Th prosecutor, when he gets the fight men Into court, will ask that they be put under bonds not to causa a breach of the peace. Today's action followed a decision by Home Secretary Churchill that th tight would be Illegal and th announcement that unless the event was voluntarily abandoned an attempt would be mad to prevent It by placing those primarily interested under bonds to preserve th peace. OWEN FRANK SCORES FIRST TOUCHDOWN IN PRACTICE LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 2. (Special Telegram.) Owen Frank, th tar half back of th Cornhuskar eleven, acored the first touchdown of the seaaon when he slipped through the scrub Una Tues day evening, eluded several tackier and crossed the goal line In a beautiful sprint. The varsity scored two touch downs against the scrubs In fifteen min utes of brisk scrimmage, th first which has been held on a Nebraska field. Tha work was fsst and brought a smile to the face of Stlehm, who seemed highly pleased with hla proteges. Ths lineup of the varsity Inoluded: Chaunsr and Lofgren on th ends, Shonka and Harmon at tackles, Pterson and Horn berger at guards, Elliott at center. Pot ter In the quarterback position, O. Frank; and E. Frank at halts and Purdy at full back. In the scrub lineup were: Mulligan and Hyde st enus,. Anderson and Wood at tackles, Btelk and Ross at guards, Fret tag at center, Racely at quarterback, McGee and Russell at halfs and Gibson at fullback. Fred Hunter and Harry Miner were on the field assisting Stlehm. Running up and down stairs, sweeping; and bending over making beds will not make a woman healthy or beautiful. She must get out of doors, walk a mils or two ' every day and take Chamberlain's Tab lets to Improve her digestion and reguletej her bowels. For sal by all dealers.