12- TFTE BEE: OMAHA. TTEDXESDAY, SEPTEMBR 27. 1911. are SEES 35933B greatest Attraction mm 1 VISITORS TO THE AK-SAR-BEN CARNIVAL (SEPT. 27 TO OCT. 7) WILL FIND THIS IMMENSE x RETAIL INSTITUTION DECIDEDLY THE CHIEF POINT OF INTEREST IN THIS CITY. bur Great Buildings Connected By Three Immense Tun neled Arcades. A sight to be seen nowhere else in America. The Largest Stocks, the Greatest Varieties and the most Authentic Styles in High Class Fall Merchandise shown by any store west of Chicago. Oben Vou Beach Omaha ome at Once to Each Dept. of the Store has Something of Interest to you for "Stylo Show" Week. r7amJj"T","" We Sell Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Because They are the Best Patterns Made. Make Pre parations Today for the People You are Ex pecting During Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival. Summer Coal Prices Still Effective But , They May Advance October 1st All Indications In the coal trade point to a raise In rrlce October 1st. This Is to serve as a reminder that this may be the last week In which you can secure such low prices on our famous Capitol (Zelgler) coal. A word to the wise, etc. Capitol Zeigler) coal lump or nut. per ton P Nona other as good at anywhere near the same price. Dominion lump and fc nut coal per ton , . . This coal la best for those who buy only one kind for various uses. Genuine Scranton anthracite coal, ton Tou will learn the difference after tried Scranton Anthracite. $10 .50 .50 only one .50 Sample Sack of Capitol Nut Coal will be sent to any address for 30c you have Inquire for our special prices on other coals. EMK9 STORES Check your baggage and parcels FREE. Make use of our Rest Rooms and Waiting Rooms for women and children. FREE TELEPHONES FREE PARCEL DELIVERY. Best moderate priced Lunch Counter and Restaurant in Omaha. Brandeis Stores Cover ..ore Than 10 Acres of Floor Space and Employ ore Than 1,000 Clerks. Visit Brandeis Stores even if you are only in Omaha a few days. ONE BLOCK FROM CARNIVAL ENTRANCE. Ira ndeis Store; 16TH- DOUGLAS 17TH STREETS. OMAHA. IE i I'l''iT" rBSBaBBXT.MBTfMtta DRS. MACH & MACH iucceekors to BAILEY & MACH DSBTTXSTS Neatest equipped dental office) la Omaha. Highest grade dentistry at reasonable pricea Porcelain fillings. Just like the tooth. All Instruments carefully sterilised after each, opera tion. Co. 16th aad Ttmm S)ta. IIIU TX.OOB fAXTOa BLOCS AMUSEMENTS. I OlviArHA a. x v . ; . , ft 5v sff."' WW 11 ;t. 10-aa a'fj"i5 Wonder-Talc or TBI Wonder-West Told at tbs J DHAKA I.ABTD UOw Thousands of exhibits, a 1 moual farms, farm ma chine demonstration, mo- V tion plituiea. lecture, etc WVA basos aits iiowi V bee the West the land f where money grow 11 under one roof. V71a ASlgJBBIOS as CZBTS. J -ouaba-s tvw omia Daily Mat., 15-lS-BOe ags, is-aa-ao-tM Bemtlnr Ak-Bar-Bea Week. rfaViaBIO BANNER SHOW XXJaAVAOABZA AID T AtTDSTaXU Koejta Mantuia'e Oriental number, "The taoape From the Harem." Great ello and burner chorus of Glrlkios. tVaaJeeV XUme MaUs Bvery Wmi Bay. AMUSEMENTS. Sou-. M tad. A-14M 1DTAHCID AUDBTXX.I.B Hat. Every Day BUS, Bvery Wight BilB This week: "A Night in a Turkish Bath;" Genaro and Bailey; Mile. Ee Palllerea: Kennev. Nobody and Piatt; Smyths and Hartman; Clifford Walker; Hlnton and wooien; Mnourome, ur pheura Concert OrcheBtra. PRICES: Night lOo, 850, 600. TSo Matinee, best seats aae (.Except Holidays, Saturday eY 6unday KRUG fat. Today t6e Might, aoo. Wo hlarfcer. Today t :30 Tonight BtSO. JARDIN DE PARIS GIRLS and CORA LIVINGSTON Champion Woman Wrestlsr of the World. MSBT1WO A LI. COkCZBS. AMERICAN THEATER TONIGHT Mats. Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday, rrloss lOo and 86a. MISQ EVA LANG aad tka Woodward Block Co. la -The Fourth Estate" NEXT WEEK Glittering Gloria. BRANDEIS THEATER Tonight. ISO, 88c, BOO. Wednesday Matinee, Any Beat tSo HUM AN HEARTS frAday IITH DATS. October 1 to MADAatS BBBBBT. October a, a CIACaOST OX.COTT. Women s Coats at $25.00 A New Collection Ar rived for the '"Style Show" Week Di$play And, of course, you will be here "Wednesday to see them for they represent the very latest word in coat fashions. They are made of broad cloths, mixtures, fancy striped materials, cheviots, caracul and plush in black, navy, brown, gray and tan shades.' All are cut along the newest semi-fitting lines, making them quite the most fashionable and graceful garment of the season. Sailor collars and Bhawl col lars with the long roll; braids, embroidery work, handsome buttons and beautiful eilk frogs-anything that Is fashion able and that madam wishes is to be found in the trlmings of this superb collection at $25.00. ' Sizes for women and misses, $25.00 Reversible Coats--One of the Season a Best Novelties at $19.50. Constructed of high grade two-toned mixtures in harmonious shades of gray, tan and brown. Have pockets, large fancy but tons, deep cuffs, and large collars and revers. Sizes 34 to 44, inclusive. There are thousands of S. & 11. Green Trading Stamp collectors in Omaha and everyone of them is entitled to 10 Free Stamps Wednesday All you have to do is bring your books to our Premium Parlors Balcony, Main Floor. Vou do not have to spend a cent to get these FREE STAMPS. Vou may have 10 stamps for everyone of your old books whether you secured them at Bennett's or not. Yon may start a many new books as you wish and on this day only we will give you 20 FREE STAMPS for the new books. - It is a GREAT FREE STAMP DISTRIBUTION and all of you are entitled to take advantage of It if you bring your books to our Premium Parlors. $19.50 Stamp Specials in the Stationery Store Three Dockages of shelf paper In assorted colors and 10 "I ftp stamps for AV Three packages commercial size envelopes and 10 stamps 1 package of lunch paper and 10 stamps for 10c Iriuh Unci tablets In three differ ent sizes and 10 rip stamps, choice avv Poet card albums that will hold 200 cards and 10 stamps OC 1 bottle of Carter's Ink snd 1 1 ftp dozen pens, with 10 stamps Extra S. & H. Green Trading Stamps in the Grocery Store Wednesday and Thursday 2 lb. can Bennett's Breakfast coffee and 40 stamps 590 Bennett's Capitol coffee, and -0 stamps, lb 30o Assorted teas, and 60 stamps lb. 480 Tea siftlngs, and 10 stamps, pound package l&o 1-1 b. can 3. C. baking powder and 20 stamps 940 Beauty asparagus, and 10 atamps. can 90o Geo. Dalidet's extra choice mush rooms a 45c can for SOo Snlder'a salad dressing;, and 10 stamps, bottle , 85o Diamond Crystal table salt, and 10 stamps, tack lOo Haarman Vinegar, and 10 stamps, bottle 9SO Galllard's olive oil, and 20 stamps, bottle 95o Snlder's chile sauco, and 10 stamps, bottle 9SO 24 lb. sack "Queen of Pantry" pastry flour and 40 stamps 91.33 Two jars peanut butter and 10 stamps for aoo Calumet baking powder, and 5 stamps, can 100 Navy beans--special for Wednesday and Thursday only 6 lbs. for ..850 Snlder's caUup, and 10 stamps, bot tle for ..........930 Full cream cheese and 10 stamps, pound .- flOo Virginia Swiss cheese, and 10 stamps, pound 8so BENNETT'S EXCELSIOR FLOUR, SPECIAL for Wednesday and Thursday, the sack ., $1.40 Bennett's Capitol extracts, and 20 stsmps, bottle 18o Bennett's Capitol oats, and 10 atampa, 2-lb. package lOo Bennett's Capitol wheat and 10 stamps. 2-lb. package 100 Bennett's Capitol pancako flour and 10 stamps. 2-lb. package lOo Seedless raisins, and 10 atampa, the pound 19V&0 Quart can Franco-American boupm, worth 35c, for 90o H-lb. can pure pepper and 5 stamps for loo Free Demonstration of ONION HALT The Universal rood Seasoning. Wednesday's Menu Olive Sand wiches. Watch for this announcement every day. It will interest you. W ednesday Meat Bargains Shoulder Steak, 2 pounds ..15 Hamburger, 3 pounds 25 Pot Roast ... . .8H and 6H Lamb Stew 4 He 4j3S5J (EKSKSS. C22 fJWWg mi s t. SI OMAHA'S FUKE rOOD OXITTEJ Wednesday ' Specials Sandhill Potatoes, per peck 30c per bushel $1-00 Peanuts, per quart Bo Fan-y Tokay Grapes (large baskets) ...SOo Bait L.ake Elberta Peaches, per box 86o S Stalks Well Bleached Celery at loo Fine Conking Apples, per peck 20c; per bushel TSo Fresh Largs Pine Apples.. 90o IS Gross 4-Gal. Mason Jars, per dos 6Ao 4 Uaeeda Biscuits 15c. 8 Cakes "Magic Washer" Soap at 950 Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per pkg 100 8 Cans "Nabob" Soups (assort ed) 95o Barns! Ginger Snaps SOo I C0 C3K3 cvaHtTJ ' .Ai!diil!;'M...yaMaTWiilllillllUmihllil ' HOTELS AMD HESORTS. Marquette Hotel 18th and Waahtagxoa Ave. ST. LOriS. MO. 400 Rooms, f 100 and 11.50, with bath 12.00 to $2.50. A Hotel for vmir Mother. Wife and Sister X. U. CULNCY, Pl ea. Iplendid Traie daily between Omaha and Chicago The Best of Everything SCHEDULES OMAHA TO CHICAGO Lv. Omaha 12.05 p.m. 5.18 p.m. .80 p.m. 6.35 p.m. Ar. Chicago 6.45 a.m. 7.20 a. m. 7.45 a.m. 8 JO a.m. Lv. Omaha 7.55 p.m. 8.58 p.m. 12.40 a.m. 7.40 a.m. Ar." Chicago 9.16 a.m. 11.20 a.m. 1.30 p.m. 8.45 p.m. SCHEDULES CHICAGO TO OMAHA S IIS a Lv. Chicago Ar. Omaha 8 JO a.m. 10.40 p.m. 10.00 a.m. 11.15 p.m. 6.05 p.m. 6.49 a.m. Lv. Chicago 8.30 p.m. Ar. Omaha 9. 1 5 a. m. 10.16 p.m. 12.30 p.m. 10.45 p.m. 3.28 p.m. Alt trains arrive at and depart from tka new passenger terminal. Chicago t ha moat prfclly appointed railway ttation in th wort J. J The famous double track, auto matic safety signal line between the Missouri River and Chicago. NW1991 Tuht Off at Chicago and North Western Ry. 1401-1403 Farnam Strtet Omaha, Nti. Be sure and get the Comic Section of The Sunday Bee. It will be worth while. Ttie Omaha lice's Great Booklovers' Cor&test j, I 1 Nv 1 St -''''wm Ho. 43 Wedaesday, Bsptsmbber 87, 18X1. ' 1 1 " ' 1 1 What Book Does This Picture Represent? Title .:.Ms) Author ........ .t. . m . Your Name Strcot and Numbar ... . . City or Town ; Write In title and author of book and BAV coupon and picture. Ben't no coupon until finish of the contest Is announced. Each picture represents f ' 1 ...lv .ivfc Bvtia ih.i Q' iDU uos vuuLBiiiillf DHUU names on which all puzzle pictures are based the catalogue used by the contest editor are for sale at the Business Offlca at The Bee for 26 cents; by mail, 30 cents. ' Rule of the Contest All psnoos are eligible te enter t&la eostMt eio employes of tae Omaha Bee aa4 naabara of their families. Kach dM. for Mr-nty-rive dire, there will be publlShM la The Bm a picture which will npreaeat the uni of a book. Boaeath ezea picture there will bo a blank tor th oontnUnt to fill In the till of the book. Cut out both the picture aad the blank and fill is the name and author ot the book and add your name and addroaa aaatlr and plalnljr la tho provided. No restriction, will bo plauod on the way la which anaar to tha pictures mar be eared. ach picture raproaanta 0M7 one title of one book. If you are not sure of a title and wlah to send In mora than one aaawer to each picture, you may do ao. BUT NOT MORS THAN 71VB AJ48WKHS TO ANY ONS PICTITKH WILL BS PEKM.ITTEO. Ia correct anaware will not ba counted asainet oontaatanta If correct anawar la also alTae, More than one anawar ahould not bo put on tha earns coupon. Kxtra ooupona ahould be uaed for aztra anaware. All aaawer to th sara number ahould ba k-pt toiothsr whaa aandlni In th est. Only on Hat may be submitted by one contestant, though any Hat may have five anawar to each pussle. Tha numbar ot coupon a uaad enawar given must be plainly wrtttea ea the eutaide ef each BET awbmltt-d. but do sot write euch information on tha wrapper. Whtl not absolutely naoasaary, it la doalrabl that tha plcturaa ahould 'is each ease be eant In with tha answer, la order that all answer b uniform. Additional picture end coupon may be obtained at the office of Tha Bo by mall or Iff parse. Wha you bT all Tuty-flT plot sea, faatan thara together In a KUAT packag aal bring or mail them to Tho Omaha Boa, addrned te BookloTer' Contest Kdltor. Prises will be awarded to th oontaatanta eandlng la th largest sum bar ef eorreot eolutloa. la erent of two or more persona having tha aama number ot correct solution, th person salng th amellar number ot aitra coupon In hi set of anawar will be declared winner. Is event of two parson havlna the earn number correct and using th earn umber ot 00. pons, th persoa whose eat of anaware I moat neatly prepared. In th opinion of th full Judging committee, will rectlv th first prls. Only ea list of answer may be eubmittad by a contestant aad only on prize will be awarded to eae family at ote addrea. Th use of th coupons I not obligatory upon tbs contestant, and aa answer may be submitted la any legible manner the contestant may select. Award will be made strictly according to the mailt of each separate list. Th turn of more thaa one parson must sot be writtea upon any ea eoupea. 1 Th award will be mad by th Co meat Kdltor sad a aommltta ef well-knowa ettl. aeu, who names will be announced later. Tie oooteet te limited te th following tarrltoryt Nebraska, Wyoming, that sortloa f Iowa west ot but not Including Dee Molaen, aad that sactioa ot South Dakota known a the Black Hill District. FIRST PRIZE J2B 02,000 White Steamer Automobile A 6-nassenaer 1911 Model White Steamer Tourlne; Car odorless, smokeless and noiseless. No cranking no shifting; of gears; any desired speed. Whlto Bteamer sales lnrreane each succeeding year. Has practically an endorsement of tho United States government, which owns and operates more White Steamers thsn all other cars combined. Richly upholstered, beautifully fin ished, unlimited power, controlled speed. This oar will bo exhibited la Omaha at Pwutunoada. lath aad Maraey uta. SECOND PRIZE ygj0 la tho aoft, aeml-troplc, climatic gone, extend ing north from San Diego to Bhasta County, Cali fornia, lies Tehama county, in which la aituated this beautiful little 10-acre ranch near tha town of Red Bluff. This la fruit land of a very high order and la part of tha celebrated Lutheran col ony which had Ita Inception with an Omaha clergyman. Literature describing this property may be seen at tha office of TStOWSKXsaa-SOZie BTSB CO, la tho City JteUonal Bank SolUlnr, Omaha. 1 mi a THIRD PRIZE XSoo Tha magnificent, fancy walnnt XBELZi ATTO OBAITO lI.ATXB-riATO which noth ing can excel. No other player-piano haa In tha absolute the "human touch" ao desired by a musical ear and so prized by the manufac turers. This instrument will ba exhibited, ex plained and played for anyone who wlshoa to se it In tha ware rooms on the third floor ot THE BENNETT CO. FOURTH PRIZE Eft $278 Ralston la to be a manufacturing city. They have a fine start with the Brown Truck Man ufacturing Co., the Rogers Motor Car Co., and the Howard Stove Works. Everything deslr- . able to comfortable living msv be found there. On one of the main business streets Tho Bee hss selected Its fourth prize a business lot 26x100 feet, and valued at 8878. FIFTH PRIZE, Value $225 In tho same town and with tha same prospect of advancement. Tha Be haa selected a residence lot 60x120 ft., and valued at 8385. Rule ton Is on the only Interuban trolley lino running out of Omaha and within forty minutes of the Omaha postofi'ice. Complete information about this property at the offlca Of tha BAXNTOeT Townarra coatPAirr, 30s aontu 17th at Omaha. SIXTH, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH PRIZES This Ingenious encyclopedia, which Is a develop, ment rather than Invention, has besides lis con veniences the value of hundreds of edltore men tally equipped to make ona of the greatest ency clopedias ever compiled One of the strongest recommendations for this work I that It la from the press of the rellHhle old houee of TIOl, BTZX.BOT 81 BOSS, of Kew-Tork, London, DubUa , , avuo aiaiuDurgo, wnicn was rounded In 1788. Thia encyclopedia of twelve volurnea. which Is valued at $9 a set. may ba seen at the Omaha office of W. A. Blzenbaugh at Co 1814 Bt. Mary's Ave. NINTH AND TENTH PRIZES Theee prizes consist of twenty-four volume cloth bound sets of tho ook of Knowledge," sn encyclopedia made especially for children and sold st $3 s set. This work is written in simple language and is a "wonder book" In that it makee simple all knowledge nrcestry to broad education. There are iiunrTrede of colored pltte snd thousands In blsck snd mhite This Is s fully equipped encyclopedia made for children, snd may be seen at the Oman offices of W. A. iallERBADOB St 1814 St. Mary's Avenue. FORTY-FIVE CASH PRIZES Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Twenty Prizes of $1. Ten Prizes of $2. WATCH TOE THE DAILY PICTURE IN THE BEE.