Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1911, Page 8, Image 8
S THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 26. 1911. WANT ADS ANN?Su!!!:NT" BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS PERSONALS BUSINESS PERSONALS BUSINESS JJERSONALS HELP WANTED FEMALE -,. X Jr.AJJ Roaming Hon" Continued. Defective. Continued. Mo In. torne. fleaalo Cont'd! " " ' Clerical and Office Contlnned. GUT your diamonds at Hrortegiard s. J Stenographer and Conrt Reporter. Want ads received at any time but Rooming ho.S:. on of the h"t In J A 3. ALLAN. Neville Blk. Tyler 1136. EXPRERSMKN 8 Delivery Co -Moving; EXPERIENCED Menosr.pher t go out l.ura proper rla,slf ration mu.t nE b f treaty (or .mi j baby a the dt . C ole ft Co. of f ,oe " V 8. m.r"'lT'rif K.lly. .ten., notary. Brandcla Th. D. 6681. of town, 85 with promotion. O 114. ere be present.-d before 12 o'rlot k in. for , 21J Blnney St.. will come to The Bee Rooming house, 11 room. F.rnam St.. : fL,h . B" r t i-t,m t-r- km n. RM Tel B p r f"Jno;'nilr; .""J EST"'.?-! a" rdrrYoV,h0rtdrorm.h C "- l!!! El 'ii!!- ?V."nyc,5lyntln.: Al,,c-phoneB,,;.:t:rre,lden, lions. Wont nds received after audi lm.- mi'' VTo ' 10 room' Farnm St ' Mrs. Wright, gowns; 4th floor. Hayden s VF.RNOR Transfer and Storage Co . ESTELLK D. RICHARDS, steno- EXPERIENCED law" stenographer, bent hour Mill hnTe their first insertion Casady Co . S W cor. 14th and Douglas. ! ' Neplnskv aown. los,n RiTT anTbKer7moveV Mrh!3i "ihn'iK" -TKphr; MUlard heUI- ' m'" have not les. than three Older the heading "Ton Latc to BUY AND SELLJ're FOR FALE-9 room.; centrally located. . N 08 Paxton Blk. D. 6973 $$$ ,,or. offr. ra" wrl. w.U. bert of referenee.. Classify." anre r 16 1 maur. 5 23o. Bee. Dressmaking, plain .ewlng, 809 8. 21st St. flee 7th and Leavenworth. D. 21.. in in. or. pm. Z ; ' ' ROOMING HWBB FOR SALE. Lulu Beott er Fr.nkiin' ivJ R FURNITURE movln-- 1 men 11 er T. H. Welrlch Fixture Co., .term windows; TOUNO ladv clerk with experience CASH RATF.S FOn WANT ATS. Fainting, paperhanglng. Brl.tol. B. 1306. Very central; eteam heat, hot and cold ium scott, an., Franklin. V. . 3583. B-3331. hu1,;"'. "moving. I men. il per min worfc wb aj7 j.,- N ,4tn st. Mover Stationery Co . 1616 Farnam Pi tt K 11 V I, A K CLASSIFICATION .OaTlWI Jone.. Both phone.. ZVmulVltnAMr'C "Vb Wolff, ladle." tailoring. Sjrv23 Bee Bldg ' toa Doora ad Window. F7yand Trade.. One iiiM-ttion 1H rent per word and . ., tt. -, , Mn.le, Art and lananaae.. stoma poora ana (. a I rent per vord for each .nh.rquent AMERICAN Se.f-Renovatlng Co. H. T42 BUSINESS PERSONALS Mtt..on, modl.te. D. 4.. .410 8. 10th. Tacher of clarionet Omaha Wa dow ScrrT Co. 634 N. 11 D. J3 APPRENTICE glr. wanted at Oppen- in.ertloi,. Koch Insertion made on F.ST bra-er l m. Gray'. Nen-a PUOIIM-OJ r -.IWUHuo OUPSIE PETERSON, alteration HAASEN -f , S helm halrdrea.lng parlor., 23a City Na- odd days 1 i, cent per word. 1.80 Food Pills. II per box, prepaid. Sherman tmuaeraenta. of ladlea auit. 21o Old Bo.ton Store bid. Tallorloa. ttonal Bank. per line per month. & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. .-... fc .. .,., STHAVNF F" t,,n', ',hr. eight v . . 1" WPl k , Rates apply to either Th Pally or Pf8 Woife . 3,welry flr.t. City Nat. Bk. Grand Theater. 4 chge. wkly. 307 N. 16th. oy q.y. rney reading. M9 P. 27th. D T4M. Cl.antng rep, ml.flt ,utt, til. UH 14. bag department. Benila Omaha Bag Co., Snndnj Hoe. Always count six words ' PARK THEATER SI'S N Wh now Terry". Dreasmaklng College. 20th ft Far. H. J. Bock, singing, piano. Davldge Blk. SINNA. tailor, clean, clothes. D. 1174. Uth Jones Pt. ,0U,,e' COORMe.,. D.4337. A-4412. W rmm. ihnhlhtr jij, FE1NGOLD, ladles" tailor, announces MARTIN WbTsh7 pianist and or- WE ar. now located at 205 P.xton WANTFD-oTrt. tTVr.p Woodward . W a , r, . ... CO-OPERATIVE Messengers. Phones ,mh: i' mn'.Mmt u Cimmpio" frn from IHt it wllh cwplrt. linlit, 11 ftUrije Blk. Hirnr M block B O Ruttnr Tt'orl'l Co. Butter Scotch and Woodward P'lr Wntit ods for The Bee may be left Douglas 937. A-4412. 1( Farnam 8t. !h ,r Tith r?d fffias -amerPnono line of largest and best Imported ladl-s' -.. . - 0,oc- iniiorma stick candy. John O. Woodward of any of the following dm 5 atoreti ' " ' " goods for a high class suit see me; prices Albert Rothery Studio, 410 Karbarh Bldg. HAVE Tailor Beck mak. your tall uit. Co. Council Bluff.. la. I voiir "roiner druRKi't" they LEARN music, teacher, .nd .tudents. g.ri,ce orchestra at Rome summer garden, reas; guar V B. th. H. KM: Ind. A-ko. - "lTZTmi. V. V fc7.Tirt"Tnd ... h'' V , Vk- nl. wn' work for others when we help .1 LEON ELTMON. tracher of violin, it-, , r j,. Tailor, moved to 223 WANTED Experienced hand shit-' and are ..II hr.imh offices for The Bee teachers and Mudeni financially by our BEFORE and aftr the show, visit th Dragditi. cHlo and harmony. Haldrige Blk. D. 53. V ffi. 1 IlOmpSOn v n'wortn h 4107 collar Ironer. If you can t do this noi k and your ad will he Inserted Just as Universal School Plan. Address Unt- OLYMPIA for leo cream and candies. - . pleana don t applv. Good place for rljht promptly and on the same rates as at VPr"J Muslc School. General Delivery. rex Drug Store. 16th and California. Fr np' ?oU"- hr,1m"1?'n1' For fall suits s A. Kodym. 1411 Harn.y. party Inqulr. Home Hsnd Laundry. M the main office In The Bee building. m,Lt Architect.. guitar and banjo. Paldrlga Blk. P. 3SM. N. 24th 6t. Kerenteenth and Farnam street: FIRST-CLASS barber .hop. 60S N. Wh. Bllp rHv K... Rank r CTr 4th optician.. Punh" Pu"h""- IU wltt fc " lamfj wanted ,o decor.t. pillow, at Alharh W. c ffh and Farnam. V.y- rtrTrlr a k,.- a, k." E-rerythlna; Electrical. NKTW YORK TAILOR, cleaning and ra- no.m: aood f,"vJJx'r'"r unnecessary; pJra'nrkT 'iWS Mth f Bt PHaJ 910 K. 2?d C. J. Bowell. architect. 671 Brandel. Bldg. GREGG OPTICAL CO.. 1711 Douglas St. pairing; flm-ela.s work. 23U2 fuming. call forenoons. 2307 8. 13th. BemVn "rE; ' B;B!5Sin; .?i'?--m.n Artesian Well.. Contral Electric Co.. fixture.. D. 8358. Tir.Not ,MMB f((r w MALONY. tailor. 820 8. 15th. Suits ilO Iton.ekeeper. and Dome.tlc.. . Prl 1 ' AIITniWnRII Artesian Well.. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS. B. F. Wurn. eyegl... rep g. 443 Brandel.. to ISO. ,T v fef EBVe- AUTOMOBILES u E. NEBERGALL. lOH-12 City Kt,. USX ns"t. mX.' -ai JOHN A. RTLEN. t.or. make, good FTw.l?1 VoOToa! cHhSS HONK 8teor HONK WB0RB .m jn -'Ped-HU,eson optu ;loth- nri-T- va rdeM. Wfsg C.rmak Krnll l"fl( r's rtli t smash wheel v x 1 A " . . Samuel ft Rlcklln, tailors. 112 S. 14- T. 4714. The Bee office or telephone Tyler lvn. Ehler ' Co.. 2fl2 T.eaVen'worth: HERE'S THE BEST PLACE IN OMAHA " ' POTH. motor repairing. Douglas 5837. Oateonathy. rr ,-T7TVT. TT. " r Fosr A Arnoltll ill "StnSt T'v T T . f -a a- y-v a. i TV ."i: (n t. t. CHAS. C. LANDERYOU, fall sultlnKs WANTED A girl for general house- Frevtag. T. J., fli4 N 24th St I 1 I I Vl M I 1 M I 1 O. W. Bhtelda. attorney. 8.7 B. of Trad.. H4rtnun Electrical Co. D. 6293. 815 8.14th. Alice Johnson. m- Brandel. The. Bldg. on display. 213 City National bank bldg. work; o objection to colored girl. 116 S. Trmxer Prim Co., im; N. ISth Pt. J X LJ X'i l.,JL IN I J ' , ,rr,- t unt T iWTFR 4" Ree " ' SSth St. Flor-nr P Dr.ifr Company. Florence. Neb W 1 LIBTON L. HALL. LAT YER. 4-9 Bea. riorlet.. Katheryn Nikola.. 634-5 Brandel. Theater. R. A. Williams, clothe, altered. 24 A Lake. . Green's Phatmncy. Park Ave and Pa- lsth and Harney Sta. . WANTED Olr' for general hotiSwork; Xeenoh Co.. , S. Wn . FOR a dainty dessert M Da.zeU's 1c. "!l A. Donahua. 1607 Fnam. D. lOOL A-lfO. 0,-ra. Taxldern...... &cn1n- irwinM-otSoelriS Bartaf TnkeTdnVtio. Taal- JENSEN, florist. 4612 Leavenworth. David Cols Oyster Co. Whole..!, only. Aulabaugh. 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. 32.1. B Vrv kT'' hm"'Wrk- wortn three days we will give her an order for caba and touring car.. Tel. uougias HESS . SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St " . '. ... .oha,,snn Prug Co.. ?ith Pmuldlng. a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. ; Mt,& a pt- Patent. .Tenia and Awalna. WANTED Girl for general housework; Johrson Thnrmacy. ryi Famnm. Baa; Mannfactmrera. , HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 1368. 1. . no laundry. 'Phone Harnrv 3147. Hanscr.m Park Pliarrnacv. ij 1 S. 29th ONE new Lexington touring car, In- " . ' HIRAM A. STURGES. patent lawyer. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. CJ Douglas. no launnry. rn . Ave eluding mohair top and prestolita, 81.550; BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha, Neb. Btewarfg, florist seedamen, 119 N. 16. U- S. and foreign patent., trademark. WANTED-Good ulrl for general house- Hlnterlong Drug Co., 31st Ave. and Far- cost 81.8,tO. One new Currier car, 4-pa- , . and copyrights: 25 year.' experience 646 Trnnka and Snlt Cases. work 14"1 Douglas nm Ft. senger. Including top. $s7d: cost 81.2M. Bakeries. CHAS. EDERER, florist, 30th and Bris- Brandel. Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 8469. '. HolFt, John. S. 16th St One new International delivery wagon, tol. W. 17D6. ' it )ir,r atainl ISM Farnam St WANTED A reliable girl for either up. Huff. A. L. 224 Lenvenworth. $ti,x). One new Torpedo Ford, fully equip- TIP-TOP bread tha beat Web.ter 1085. . D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Frellng ft Btelnie. ii3 rarnam pi. or downstair work: small private King H. 8.. 24th and Farnam pd. 8590. Laraon'. Garage. Fremont. : CHINESE lilies. Start at once. The Ne- -T'Zrj,l t:0 . ; Tnrkl.h Bath.. family. 63 Third t.. Co. Bluffs. Tel. 274. Kountw Place rharmacy, 2302 N- 2h. Xeb. A. B. COKOS. bakery. Web.ter 6141. braska Seed Co., 1613 Howard Bt. D. 1261. l"r1 .f", U- S .PaL, t,5Ty "nd Tnrkt.n watn.. Lathrop Pharmacv. 24th urn Hamilton a. p. "- ; solicitor, 1530 City Nat. Bk. Tyl.r 1630. WANTED High school girl to work for vlfnr,.rj'rtTnTr;l9C.,-ra1nBi1 imn Pfpiffpr Auto carriage painting. Re- DOMESTIC bakery: puallty. 2406 Cuming. Farnace. and Stove Repair.. ' Ladies' gents' Turkl.h bath.. 15 ft Doug. m board; $1 per w eek. 502 N. Monmouth ri.atmacv, il an.i Ames l icmci pairlng 252i Leavenworth St. Paint, and Gla... 21t St. v l- r r- 1 v R FOR SALE Yale, motorcycle, equipped gt(,am or Hot Water Heater ready? Tele- fmbrcllaa. . . . . ... SnVato-a n"i?L- rv, 4th and i Ames Ave Auto lampa repaired. Omaha Silver Co. with Preetolite. Phoine Harney 1436. phone us for free Inspection. New fur- "R APTTFT? RRflQ P A TMT CT WANTED Competent girl for general t haefe?'s Cut Price Store 16th and naces, tank heater, and thermostat.. D 960 O-fU AJK BKUi r AJiN 1 tU. WESTERN Umbrella Co.. 1R22 Farnam. housework: sm.ll f.mlly; good wages CMcbfo AUTOMOBILE delivery wagon for Bolldlna; and Loan Association.. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1609H Farnam. Ind. A-3821; Douglas 4760. West Farnam district. Phone Harney waln'ut Hill Pharmacy. 40,h and Cum- !l!fiJ: NEBRASKA Baa ft Loan As.ocla- A-1 -!? PU8'" fit" gp'Sl ASS ffWrS W M.nnf.c.nrers. 273T wa!ton Pharmacv. 20,h and Oraca. TTRES n deVYne.en "3' SS& Heat0"- fUrnC"'- " W- 8gE Monhe.f . wTtoupaas. U 8. 16. JtSS!: r - : i x(w rubber. received. 1605 Farnam St.. Omaha. Floor Made In Onuha. Pbonoarrapha. - tn . .w . , Mb : ,., " " ' D. 8. Glfflth. wig mfr.. 12 Frenser blk. WAN-TKnrompetent girl for general DEATH. 4?tD FUNERAL NOTICES. FOR SALE My Great Western J-cylin- Bicycle, and Motorcycle. UPDTKES Pride of Omaha Flour. Edison phon. rec Bchulta Bros., 1406 Far . . ,,. housework at 120 s. 24th St. Inquire at .i.i .. .ii . I,- der touring car, in first-clasB running or- . Wines and Liqnors. South 1Mn (treet. I H nAmemOBIIBam der: the price 1. right. F. C. Robln.on, OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. 16th and Chi- FLOUR. 81.10 sack. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. ri,n.n.i,. "WIGHT-Fiances seed 64 beloved wife Franklin. Neb. cago. Indian Motorcycles. Write for rnu,Drip.rr., SPECIAL offer: ' American Gold." de- WANTED Girl for general housework of Leroy Wight catalogue. Feed Mills and Store. D. . . t . ,.tu . llcioua old whisky : reg. 81.25 qjr. S9c; ex- ,S1S Georgia Ave.; .mall family, good Funeral Tue'dav afternoon at 2 o'clock SIMPLEX Vulcanlzer Co., Machine for ' Rinehart. photographer. ISth ft Farnam. pd. on qt.. Hlller Liquor Co.. 109 Farnam. from residence, i8M Main St., Florence, Individual car owners. 207 Brandel. Bill Po.tln. jreed. all kinds. Gleneoa Mills. 232 Izard. P-mhrandt .tudlo nortralta aft ir.. -.-4--.T-.r m. ah.. 1 ' T to Florence Episcopal church at 2:30. In- Theater. Rembrandt .tudlo. portrait.. 20 ft Farn. ED. ROTHERY ,8m". i1" GOOD ladles' clothes ironer: steady ST Frm LaW" Ceme,ery' Kriends "lTc.HT runabout for s'ale; bargain. Call O AHA BUI Po.tlng Co.. Douglas 2034. Fonndrle.. Lumlero .tudlo, 618-20-22 8. 15th. P. 3004. cigar.. Caf. In connection? Ill "wh'gt. work and good pay. 2SQ7 l" - -.--uJ -.MT----- l-r"ey lm- Bird 8tors. M DONALD brass .nd bronze foundry Sandberg a Studio. 107 g. 16th. Take elev. FINE liquors, lunches. 9th and LAv. WArt'i,.JI7 an nt4B-w i -tswit- - - aluminum, tin and lead castings. 15th and s , small family: best wages, good nome. . H. DRISCOLL automobUe painting. IRDSj gj od rhetB' Max Jackson St.. MANGOLD'S STUDIO. 1520 DOUGLAS. MAY ft CO.. family liquors, 1303 Douglas. Phone Harney 6278. ljODGB--,CES" TuO Tlr. Repairing Co.. 1922 Farnam. mm rM Ml3act-r.,a. SnppHe. Bond, drinks, home cooking. 628 8. IST. Twthr" The member, of Capitol lodge No. 3. ou need no guarantee when we do tha D " , WESTFRV FUR CO renalr r. .w n !,. ri.r vith Am. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, are work; best workmen; lowest price. Wooden Box ft Package Co., 1514 N. 16th. model 1JC4 Farnam. pun. re- THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. 1813-tt Custck Bros., liquors, cigars. 3Qth Ames. vANTED Girl for general housework, hereby requested to meet at Masonic , ; bimhhwoi ; . Farnam. in their new store; branch etors n .,,mK, ri.r lit! rwi. Kin R 25th Ave Temple on Tuesday, September 26. tt HOW about your gasoline motor? -.,, contractors. .,.. nnl- m 6- 15th St- C. Engellandor. liquors, cigars. 1513 Podge. 510 B. Zoth Aye. 1:30 p. m. to attend the funeral of our Poes it run smoothly? If not. send 10c Carpenters and contractor. poaJors. . Omheum Buffet. 1609 Har WANTED-Competent girl for general late Brother James W. Thompson. Mem- Postage for "Engine Trouble ' text book. . ri,.1. TZZrrartnr n.mBe Bid , . . 7 Phr.lcl.n. C. A. Lewis. Orpheum Buffet. 1609 Har. ho.JromSshing: good pay. 8319 ber. of sister lodges and sojourning Breeze Carbureters, Newark N. J. W. P. Deverall, contractor. Ramge Bid. s LEVINE for bargain., 310 N. 16th. P T. J. Hart, liquors and cigars. 602 N. 16th. pTg. It Mr. cVarlesRIch. Harney 3248. SS&VW-B? M'INTYRE AUTO C0.nam Benson, carpenter, cont. Both phones. GreMrtfi .d Meat.. PR ELEANOR DAILEY. Wool- WILLOW gprlngs beer, liquor, cigars. WANTED-A g.r. for general house- ALBERT G. HOERNER.r AUTO BARGAINS IN USED CA"""- Caterer.. Chapman's qualltTeats. 2408 Cuming. sandwiches. X.ex Jetes. 1302 Douglas. Wprk; "hava efareneaa. JOHN BAMFORD.ury Motorcycles. E. S. Fead. w.dd!nTcL... 1519 LeaVh. AHAMO Coffee, 1-Ib tins. 30c. Ask grocer n 'H- . G. LARSON'S Place. 312 N. 16th. QIRL for general houwork: .mail NEW ExceLlor. "uTed on, month; half ChlropodLta. . Har-e. ..dd.ery, Leather Good. OMAHA SILVER CO.. 314 S. 14th. Automatic Phone-Bu.lna.., 82; re... ,L wa.hln. dona; wage. 36 per week. AMMflMMP rMCMTC down; eauy payments balance. Call at v,. -.,K.-h Plambcra. NIELSEN'S Bar Cafe. 1417 Dodga. ; . ANNUUNUbMbN lb lbiio Farnam Bt. Prof. J. Lund, chiropodist. 416 Karbacn. wichert. harnea., leather good.. 630 S. 13. WANTED A girl for general house- J A GENTLN' CNDER- FOR SALE Yale motorcycle, equipped Monheit Chiropodist manicuring. FAMOUS Collins saddles. Alfred Cornish GOOD PLUMBING CO. D. 1918; Red 2177. .naT"'0' Munalfn? M V "SJih. work. 610 8. 26th Ave. J. UrjlMLi-uUIN, TAKER. with Piebtolite. Phone Harney 1436. " . , h,a'r d!"e!8o,n,f 1 r f0?i Co.. 1210 Farnam. Write for catalogue. " " T ' ' WANTFD Girl to work for room and embalmer. 1614 Chicago St. D. 1659, B-1659. L------r. , Cuy Natl Bank. Douglas 2833; Ind. A-2338. . f Plumbing and Heating bko" Lfman, S-yr-old wky. 10c drink. 14 ft Har. aVd 2223 Dodge , StT MHlVFY ?nAfZ BUSINESS CHANCES CU" TObMe TAS REPAIR VURK 170& Jack8P D'""- GOOD old liquors, fin, cafe. 624 N. 16th. wxnt"ed-A good girl for genera, I'lUiN Jl I tUhn?0iSf,'-S- T Ti Trac, Bros. Co.. 141B Dougl. La Truda handwork- 1020 1tn' Omaha Plumbing Co.. 2612 Sherman Ave. WboIc..I. Dry Goods. SShPHarW" ' 1 vi,,m i Voxlg- T?, gPtnlnor out of buenes call on high-grade Havana, Te-Ba-Cs cigar, 6c. Hat Factorea. A nights. Phons Harney 6.4. LMuN LOAN CO. GANOtSTAD, 404 Bea bldg. Tel. D 3367 ' Plumbing Call Wessman. H. 3091, A-202T. . , ; . " T 7T, "'' " ""' thf fi.nitarv Crown Pirje 115 S 16rh c- Oaorga. wholesale, retail. 1204 Farnam. WANTED A competent cook, spply FOR ca.e of Slats beer. Tel. Doug, iwji. oO EQUITY In confectionery and cigar sanitary lwn "P- " ."ALL hats now ready High grade, IX Beverneas ft Ohye. Tyler 1377. A-18JS. . . " M So. 32d Ave., or phone Harney 206. T 7. ; ; store; would consider cltv uronertv or rinthiner Omaha Hat Factory, 114-116 8. 13th. 8ontk Omaha Dlrcetorr. 1 frrmad'rtefurS'ul rallngul.hZntMNrtra.ka Clothlna;. BALFE, plumbing and heating. GIRL for general housework. 3520 Burt, JO mtntn llcft rl "A'" mitha Bel- Counr" Blutt- la- V, price cloth, sale. H.lphand. 314 N. 16th. Hoapltala. 1607 Howard St. Tel. D. 743, Ind. A-2741. O. K. HARDWARE CO.. 415 N. 24th 8t or phone Harney 6S4. d07Ct'ou,thC"ihOmha Aft & "rme C0 A FIVE-CHAIR barber .hop for .ale; Clothlna; M-nnfactnrer. SWEDISH Mission; both tel.; 3708 N. 24 Pool nd Billiards. P'". wallpaper, paint, window glaas. WANTED A girl for general hou..- good location and good business. Edgar iiotntnar imnnwnren. uu '""""' , , . work; no washing. 608 8. 29th. rifftA C;. Feii.Biv Benoit, 12'i East Main St., Lead, S. D. , . " c, WISE MEMORIAL, 24th and Harney. UlllCe btatlOnerV i, "n Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E- Smith Ca JL Metropolitan Pool Bowling. 1518 Cap. FVPRYTHINfi FflR WflMFN WANTEDOIrl foi g.neral housework. KOILRA & LEAKY CO Tel DouLTaa Clothing and fur. store for sale, 2523 Q : BETHANY Hospital. Dr. Nystrom, Phone CVEni I niliU run UIIUPI BO aihlrjg. 3310 Hamilton. 'Phone Har- lfebO. New address, 715 South 15th street St.. So. Omaha, or Helphand, 314 N. 16th. CoalDealcrs. AM. Printing Co.. 2304 Cuming. D. 5847. NoveJtlei, pleating, buttons. Doug. Blk. "V LOMATCH. too,.. 6th and LeayenrThT ICTURSHOW-In thebe.t Missouri Powers-Heafey Coal Co.. Tel. D. wjoWSBrand , M P""t,n'' CHIODO. Ladles' Tailor. Zli B. 18th t JU NeIkaQF,lImC,,r ,M,ne": 8UPP"M' Sr2 oSSha'-ST utter Feed ft Coal Co.. 2S63 Far. H. 545. T. J. B ILLOWS. Ore. Brandel. Bldf. WILLOW PLUMES mad. from your old WANTED Experienced girl for general Nebraska Film Co., 1318 ra.nam, YJajmahaBee . At cut price.. All. , Wheele,rFLIABTPK " C" Hf.alth ' , . , or new f.ath.rr 8326 6.12th. Doug. 6566. hl&&V&3S ' SKSS1 chiseaCnrotod: CO A I . - iV'pe? $$gf Jjg J''OW CURTAINS XfSTLS WANTED Girl for genera, housework. and tableware replated as new tures; liberal discount; must vacate build- VVij . ton. "The Home of ? rjodS", stVeet Phon rni..mie" BLDG. .litA.Ni UN COURT. ttt. lal narney 4M4. BO WMhing or ironing. 2010 N. 20th St. Ea,abllshVarfAl&.Ttl &' alney YcarcSmah'a 2? M l Rosenblatt's Cut P.'oaTc'o.. H 8 Bvme bond! , Phone Ind. A-2620 for good printing. U LIEFF, Harney 6410. -?S5Arbl. girl for g.neral Harney. 1223 Nicholas St. Both 'Phones. TIl'D 1320 Tnd A urn. r? ,m,urfr,e' Lyngatad PrlnUng Co.. 16th - Capitol Av. Ladies' tailor. Now ready for fall aeason. bouwork. ref.ronces. 1004 6. 37th. Wedding annouentsra EVERT Person know, who T J 37 Jphn & " " Rel.-Hall Ptg. Co. 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-3524 Ladies' WHaio WANTED-Experienced glr, for genera, M. F. Morrill, china paint. 833 Brandel. Th famous with hi. candy. If Mr.. L A. a ' lnauranc- 3 Ramge. Ramer. Hatttr. 220 H. 14th. hougework. Georgia Ave. Harney Ft4rf1o r , V: Be'en8eof Nw,tC hre:"daCy.raV.0 VSi G. obTw. 1iT d AV' INSURE IN THE GLEN FALLS. TIMES Printing Co.. 820 S. 19th. D. 2166. LTJJJTJSy Expert shirt and st Doug as County Fair s&&as?sJ cs.john,on. h Mt .ron: EjEE H- DYXRD-prinur-818 S19 D- M 7JrZ"0 12 rvSrsr Wruiepn'oAnS XtJ? ROOMINgIhO SES-ROOMING ' "Co7L71t7goTTr71tTA HTO VESY. -th. policy p,acer7 - Restanrnnts. Zlon L 181,TalI , Harney. 13.. They will be mailed to all We have thVmoit selTctliat in cltv4' Harmon ft " Z x, , " ValvaUna Shop now located Ul Farnam. WANTED Experienced nurse girl; ref- -sasss? j-s&gEMs -w.r."5grr.- w xsic sa - - - - a, th- G. W HKRV'e" carnival RUSSELL ADJU8TMFNT CO 221 25 WELLINGTON CAFE, business mens - " WANTED-A girl for general house- Secretary. ' COLE & CO.. ROOM 446, BEE BLDG.. First SNaUont, Ban Dougla. ?86. J.wclry, Diamond, and Watchea. lunchea. Best in city. 1817 Farnam Bt FH?ST-CASSlvca,lir &. KA work;' no wa.hln 60s B. -th St. Omhf UTf,0f R,l;rke ,park' and root for Tel. Dougla. 3211. PEADBEATS are my victim.. The Cadv GET your bargain, at Reynolds' Cut U- B. Rest 16c and 20o meals. 1510 Dodg.. Brown Dal.v " 81 60- .anl.arv . RED' SREEN- TEfjLOWTIF,l"h. 1 wIk ZZA Wti?- Nag Mer. Agency. 1514 City Nafl Bk. Doug. 78. Rat. Jewe.ry Store, 106 8. 16th. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. IaS? n.B fiFZ SSffi -.yP 22na at Rou.'ke Vark "Cket l the bal' hotel. SoolmiV barber "hop. tZ Deadbeat. are my victims. The Coady OPEN up a charge account with us. A ARKINS. 316 8. 16th. UPSTAIRS. and poH.he. th. tor ., it goe. along. hoUBWork gam, at Rouike park. etc for sale. Bome K0od barga!In, jn rea Mer. Agency. U14 City Nat l Bk. Doug. 786. Mandelberg. Jeweler, 1622 Farnam. r- V . . 7. c ' Courtney co - "ttt pa Po"'aa. WANTED-llrl for Jnera housework. Waggard VaTVTT es,a,e- 111 S' 14,n St- con1 'lo'- rooma BAUER'S CAFE, beat In city. 6 S. 18th. TRT our tonU. ,h.mDOO Bm. lB';:'r one who can go home nights. 1QM 8. 28th. torlniV'SooS.: re,B: 1 nd 1 gl---hJry- Pr Creamerte., re. and JEWELRY and clothing bargains. 201 QET th. bablt; eat at t'Jneeda, cp. Av.. w?r?dT W AUSSF'SSi DoSglai St. WANTED DeaiTablemald for general STAMMERERS' In.tltute, RlrmJTiuIg: ofneuh-" M0 BeetlblSg.nt'ng Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. ,.,..rlca. Belmont. quanUty ft quality. 1516 Dodge. DEFIANCE starch, largest and beat. t'1 .' " . i " 1 "" 1 " 1 1 ' i i ' i 7 ANTED" omptGiiT m id wno nn ?!1D STATIONERY and confectionery store. . DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY BARTONS, 1620 Itol Ave. Pres.- DRINKS and fine lunches. 723 S. th Bt EDUCATIONAL ."do'wf.Vfmald' Thlr" st J-"otIp -"Pjonjorjr 'LtTde'r?"0"- Addr"' P- Dougla. Co. Milk Producers Asao. D-3414 orlum; aulta, 60c; cleaned, 81. Ba.t.r. fin, quick lunch. 1615 Farnn. T M. C. A. night schoo, now oP ' ' Cn'olf utT,"''.' JUUUi0r. 302 Bo,ton atore " MOVING picture theater and alrdom. rXUC, cra.m. Ie-mill.c. Alamito. FRENCH Hand Laundry. T.I. H. 6834, New Eng. bakery. be.t lunch. 212 N. 5tlT BT. BERCHMAN'B Day for wwSr'b. tht ",1 TeVvV FROST manufacture, and rcpaira ve- or'i'onwno ' MMB. MITCHELL Hand Laundry. 803 rrtrr , . ... rlH., . nwtr, V" Mary's Av.. wrra 'uTom bV .peolal help; Tgood wac7 hicles. 140b-l4 Leavenworth. fP nJ hl' lll. m c wnt!".! KENNEDY ft PARSONS, creamery N. 20th St. Dougla. 6S. B-3152. MODEL rest be.t aervic.. 1609 Howard. Wail 6110 Underwood Ave , bundee, or I'.ne ousiness, always get 10 cent, admls- ...nnii.. ru caaea Exeelalor noultrv ' 1 " OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE t.i.Vw. Uamev 20 Twenty per cent less tha7c7 : iion tnd tor v"ovllle 10 and 20 cent.; f"PPJ nth nd Nicholas poultry FrR8T olas. laundry, guaranteed dT- WHITE HOUSE CAFE, flrat-cla.. pop- "BEST IN THE WEST." telephone Harney yiiOMKntFL KMTUHtTu PnCe"- liZTliIrJhlUni l mP,ney P Nicholas. 4 and call on short noTlce. Harney price.. N. Koch, prop.. 813 B. MtE. pay and .venl.ig M.sions all th. yey. A COMPETENT girl for general houaa- !-l!Ll Milk, cream. A.amlto. D. 411. 6374 DOUGLAS Cafe. 108 8. 14. Be.t 20c meal. A. cITffi: bIVA Kfe-hiT- M"- R " b, lica1.-db.d A"T STcXtSr - Lu. Rod.. Yokohama rest..' be me.TTI " ' 1 a'S; JiH-F i-A-K w0r By- 708 c,tyN-t, p-2568 NabrMk-L,'htnln'tRolcoy"th- by!!' bSvIcs Coflcc um"y; ,ood wa"" hl","'0 :iJ'jja"d Hed Invoice about fc.OirO; stock consists of Taffs dental rooms, 1517 Doug. D. 2186. Lnmber. . 1 U1C VAiUCgC "wANTFD-Glrl for aeneral housework YOU'LL always t hTrnIT7 groceries, .hoes, hardware and gents' HOME cooking restaurant 108 8.13th. IS NOW OPEN iin ai.tAva Tel Harney 4570 ding ring ?om's from rffiJS you wed" ,'IJiahln f'iods' Sale" per month. MACH ft MACH. 8d fl. Paxton. D. 1086. H. Grosa. Lumber ft Wrecking Co -Bar- DAY AND NIGHT. 138 N. 81st Aa. Tel. Harney ,. 8 fi th St. A t "ha JXn of lcn 115 --- 34' ca Be' ' D -,-srVTla7a "c, w.-i t r, ain in lumber, plumbing machinery a"d Excelsior bar and cafe lunches, drinks, STUDENTS ADMITTED ANT TIME. WANTED A girl for hou.ework. 1308 " 1 tne c'"wn. DR. FICKES. 724-8 City Nat 1 Bk. Bldg. steam fitting. 21st and Paul. Web. 88M. all day. H. C. Rann, 1208 Farnam St. Complete course in Buslneos. Bookkeep- p.rT Ava. txmiT COST F i iva rTTT IFy"i w.ant buy 1 rooming hous. or mg, Stenography. Telegraphy, Clvl, Serv- rar .bM.Gi.' "ha '"GA'NGTA'ffoSrU'BId,. J-JJ Machinery and S.ppHe. To'uV.meVn Is'ry .Wrh.1." wgOT,. VpB.!Tb ..Ch .hln7pTriirc7 OTI.rNGPLA NT Cheap for cash, in EIl GASOLINE englrT cream .ep.r.tor. Chines, dfshes. Sam Joe, Manager. write ophon. for it one. ' SS'l Av' BOI-EP, sheet 'uirTTo S, ?" tritor1' Addrts? Y Dr. O.antner. ov.r Merchant's P.. .tor. fwaarawaf ulda Ga. Power Co.. 1007 Metr R..or.. Boyle. Colleg; Building. Omaha, Neb- WA NTED A good girl to assist with . . Uee T a-B-o up ritv nu Tjiri , , , " 1 general housework. 852 N. 4ist Ave. Mar Omaha Structural Stee, Works. DR. ELhTER. W2 City Natl Bk. Bldg. Millinery SAFETY rasora sharpened. 830 Ramg. Bd "XT TIT " A ney 3233. Beilcow, ladre.' Tailor. 66-1-. no.lonflelVrtot Dr.. K.auan.r ft Klausn.r, 406 Karbach. E R School gnppll... ' I , I, i), VTT ' rhoT.TTrTr" 7,ii i ' Bre J. O. Whtnnery, dentist, 407 Paxton Blk. : Day and av.nlng classes begin Oct s. Mrs. M. o. .oipetzer. r. a. wn Pt 1 pholstering. piano, furn. rep. u4 Far. . ' . ; . w " , KRONERT'S exclurtv. millinery; full SCOTT STATIONERY CO., school sup- Cooking. . TZ Missouri F1l7e7M7gTcZ'll2 8. 14, D. 4,U Academic. sfk. latest .tyles. popular price.. 620 S. 16. pUaa. 417 N. 84th. South Omaha. tfrtUtf "making " ' 'J'""' JTco, Tel. Doug. 64L GANGLhTAD. Room 404. Bee Bldg. JTf ate.t fa,, mlllnery. R.uber. 1424 8. 16th. OMAHA Statlon.ry Co- 160T Farnam. , WA KTEramberm. crub 37ie7omaTe7wj.w.,ry. 2412 N. s7. Ho..e. IgrSSH J?o Caaaes in geanral ucatlon. Mh,rtte. .TTwlheT Rooming house. U rooms, ,300. Co,, ft Co. ?ho? oV & MRS 8. RICHARDS, latest f.,1 sty,.. JUo o"wXd Dh1261N" "EE lf" Jr3r.B5p?a'V' 43 , t ft 1e7w7V77w7lry first City Nat. BZ cning houae. 16 room. 00. Col, ft Co. ond. 16 ft H.rn.y. Dancing lesson. Second t.oor City Natlona, bank B. C ' Ki"'vllrt SS-Tim1: "VH-oi.-'signTo. D. srn 1316 Farnl IEEEEIEIIE ! .V2 M' ,hqu'art brick of thff fln. 1c. WTt'-MV:." .W7OTt..btJ!i?5 -7dTonnT-rec. Shults Broa W Far! Ho -717.1 lH J B.oora ft CoTuTh and Cuming ,ts. ff a gfft tlT J .V?W? SaiSllSS TraYHFTrF Rooming hou. 18 rm. empty. Col, ft Co. &AE& Mirror. M.t.r.4 G1-... '0ma,ia 8ho. Raping. 841, Cumin.-. our travels aid at th. Lnlon Station. UndeTTrha.e movT. it tSJ new 21 "Vn' N.l-Ryd.r GuTco.. 160, Cuming. .,or, GU. TutoHng. first to alghth H. EVERY per. know. wh. D.. building. 2611 Farnam 8t. Phon. Harney Roominn house 80 rm. Che.o Cola Co mory Bldg.. 8. E. t or. 20th and Harney. ,, -...,- faraou. with hi. candy. If Mr.. C. ll-ndent a-. K gh ., 80 rm.. Che.p. C ol. ft Co. w.b. 2491. MOTlB, ,t.r... and C1...1... hoPwornm. at low pric.fc HELP WANTED FEMALE LrolSJUhnV th?.; d'av-wVm Jiv! LBFRT C HV Kooiuin, house. ,4 rooms. 80. Cole ft Co. - lM-. OMAHA Van ft or.g. Co.. clean. Ton.end Gun Co.. 1514 Farnam. o ".ro'""; Vnt bo'x'of SHIRTS TO MEASL rJ. ,3" FAR. ST. Cmaha .. dettlv. ...ncy, vu'&r 804 16 8! T.-U and t'n.v.r, t'ompanle.. ' OWa-Jr free. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 3-roorr. house tnc bonded. 428-9 P.xton Bk. D. 18U. A-1319 Dr ug. 4161. ; , , PRIVATE LEeSONS IN SHORTHAND. persistent Advertising IS th.Roadt. PAPKRHANGERS uae Snow flake pate. apartment, .plena d Nation ;waUUn.d" NEBRASKA and low. Steel Tank Shortest am.ra; best .' T.xt B, B,turnfc Omaha faale Co.. 718 6. 13th. Both phone, lanoe. Phon. Red 6024. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 517 Karbach Blk. Col. Expreaa ft Btorag. C, 16H Cap. Ava. Company. lib and Nlchola. D. 8889. book. 88a. Unigraph Ufc. ItOJfc rarnaxa. " - I I