THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1911. r w 0 STATES WANT COAD TAX I Bachelors Are Left Out in the Cold by Ak-Sar-Ben King KebtMka and Wyoinir fl Diipute Over Hit Personal Property. BOTH PLACL3 CLAIM LAST VOTE i Heirs of the Dfa.l Hortrnil Say He) Cs His Last Ballot at Fre dnt and Wm Nebraska RnHfnt Hbn H Dlfd. NebraakA snd Wyoming probably will haw to go Into thi United Stdief court to determine which will get the In heritance tax on the personal property of toe lata Mark Coad. Nebraska in sists on having it: no does Wyoming. Nebraska will ba assisted by the Coad hairs, who prefar that the ta ba paid in thla slate, as It is lower bcra than In Wyoming. Coed voted In Cheyenne two years ago and. therefore, was a legal resident of Cheyenne, so the Wyoming authorities say. Dodge county authorities and the Coed heirs say he voted at Fremont, Jab, after he voted in Wyoming; that be maintained 'a home at Fremont and bras therefor a legal resident of Ne fjmaiuu ' As far as Coed's real estate la con cerned there is no dispute. That part of ft ta Wyoming will pay the tax In that tftata and that part in Nebraska will pay the) tax tn Nebraska. But a large part t his fortune was In stocks and bonds ad other personal property and the d le gate is over the tax on these. Win Co ad of Omaha, executor of the Till of Mark Coad, say he Is taking dep petttona to show that Coad was a legal Baaatect of Fremont and hopes to b B&le to prove to the satlcfaoUnn of the Cbsranne authorttina that Wyoming has no claim on tba portion of the tax In fllirrrut. If they are not aatlsfied, the tnstttar probably will ga Into the federal I Omaha Knights to Flock to Fremont Kin Alt -Bar-Ben's knights will attend Fremont's street fair Tuesday afternoon and evening, between 176 and 200 strong. They will go In a special train of four cars on the Union Pacific, leaving Omaha at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and leav ing Fremont on the return at 11 p. m. They will ba entertained by the Fremont Booster club and In return will them selves do a little entertaining with a street show they have prepared. Part of the Initiation apparatus from the Ak-8ar-Ben dan wll be taken and the Fremonters will learn something of Its use. ROBBER RUNS INTO ARMS OF A POLICE OFFICER i Ofoarva Lundmore was arrested by the polios Monday morning on a charge of Onfid larceny. Lundmore. In company with another man entered a store at 2524 Coming street, owned by Albert Frank, . l&a. Frank was In the store at the time the two men entered. One asked for an ' mjsty box. Mrs. Frank went Into the Cellar to get the box and when she came put, Lundmore was going through the ! Dash register.' The two men ran out of bs store and Lundmore ran Into the arms of an officer, who held him, while jh othmt man escaped. Lundmore got 3Z pot ot the register. ! WOMEN AND LARGE FIRMS ARE BEMOANING LOSSES JOtgXT because they had loot valuable tms mad several dollars each, nearly 100 'Women creditors of the bankrupt W'eat- fcrn Furniture company of this city, ! (Which suspended business because of ! srovornment Interference a few weeks gga met with the representatives of large wholesale furniture companies throughout the county, who were also Victimised, In Referee In Bankruptcy hlcDonald's office and appointed T. E. I Brady, a local attorney, trustee for the ; creditors of the affairs of the broken Urn NORTHWESTERN CARS GOING OVER NEW ROUTE Word has Just reached the Omaha of fices of the company that in Chicago the Northwestern has completed arrange ments by which It has now placed Itself In a position to extend its through Pull man and tourist car service to the Pa clflo eoast over the Western Pacific, via ho rmtnn Pacific from Omaha to Denver and from there to Salt Lake over the Denver as Rio Grande. Heretofore the through car service has been only over the Union and Southern Pacific roads. TRUST BUSTER KELLOGG IMPRESSED WITH COUNTRY Frank Kellogg, trust buster from St. Paul, who spoke before the Palimpsest club at the Omaha club Saturday evening V. - patiirn. Yinme rnnilHura Kla Im pressed with the country around Omaha ftftaie an aufnmnhllei rlrle to P.lkhnrn and Waterloo. He spent a part of Saturday and Sunday afternoons playing golf over the Country club course. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY PEACHES FOR PRESERVES "Buy your peaches .this week If you Intend to can or preserve any," Is the , advice of A. King, manager of Hsyden Bros.' grocery department, to house wives. Peaches can be bought at 76 rents s crate now, but the last large ship menu are on the market. Illinois Klefer pears are cheap, a crate of seven-eighths of a bushel being offered for tl. MILLS TAFT ADVANCE AGENT After having arranged for police pro tectloa and conveniences for President Taft, when he makes his trip through Iowa, H. B. Mills, head of the L'nued States Secret Service department htre, has returned, stating that everything Would be In readiness, for the chief ex ecutive. Mr. Mills visited Penison, Fort Dodge. Webster City, Waterloo Pes Moines, Knoxvllls, Albion and Ottumwa. fimion Is going to try a new plan in the entertainment of the out-of-town maids at the coronation ball this yesr. Heretofore the unmarried men have been given the duty of caring for the out-of-town young women who come from the Nebraska towns to the big ball of seeing that their dance pro grams are filled and that they are taken to supper. But these bachelors have shirked their duty. So Samson la going to shift the responsibility of the out-of-town msids upon the young married men this year In the hope that they will do better. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising- . Births and Dvaiha, Births Louis and Berlins HUler, boy; John and ElUabeth White, boy; Guy and Gertrude tniith, girl; Herman and Ross Engerlv. boy; Allien and Eva Jewell, boy; Frank and (.race Oalivan, girl; Irwin and Florence Sunderland, boy; Oustave and All re Hier, boy; Ed and Louise Curtis, girl. Deaths Lena Upper. Methodist hospital, 17; J. W. Tompou. Svvedikh Mits'.un hos pital. 7S; John Kettle'. U Templeton street. ; Benjamin Roe, 2122 Burdette street, M; Joeh Kalrik, 14B Houth Four teenth street. Mrs. P. McMehon. lut Fouth Eighth street; Iave Geither, fortieth street and Popplelon avenue, 16. Ogden Gateway Long Bone of Contention The bottling up of the Os-dan ratawiv against the Burlington and the Rock Island roads on through sleeping car service Is not the first time that the coveted point has been closed. The last time the Ogden gateway was closed was In 1RS9. For nine years It was kept looked and durlne all nf thla time the Cnlon Pacific was the sufferer. In 189, when the Oregon Short Line was an Independent road. It had enm. difficulty with the I'nlon Pacific over a division or rsres to the northwest Taclflc coast country. The outcome m-aa it,.. the Short Line refused to accept Union marine business on a basis that was considered equitable by the latter road. All tickets to the northwest were sold by way of the Southern Pacific via Sacramento. The fight continued until lfi97 when the roads got out from under the receivership and the Union Pacific management took over all of the prop erties, subsequently uniting Into the con solidated Harrlman system of roads. Anthrax yictim is Reported Better The Benson barber shop In which Jo seph Mackln. the supposed anthrax-Infected farmer, was shaved Saturday has been thoroughly fumigated and the razors and other instruments sterilized to guard against spread of the Infection. I tls not believed Mackln could have communi cated the disease, as his face is not sore, but the barber wishes to take no chances. Mackln's condition was reported Im proved Monday, though It still Is believed he has anthrax and will die. SERVICES ARE CONDUCTED FOR LATE ERNEST MERTENS Funeral services for Ernest Mertens were held Sunday afternoon at the family residence. 8302 Myrtle avenue, Bev. Wil liam Schaffer of the German Lutheran church officiating. A large number of friends of the deceased attended the fu neral. Mr. Mertens was widely known through out the city, being prominent in nearly all local German social affairs and a popular member of the Plattdeutcher Vereln. He Is survived by his wife, four children, and a brother, E. F. Mertens of South Omaha. Two sisters and his mother reside In Germany. NEW HIGH MARK IN CATTLE Former Record at South Omaha Mar ket ii Smashed Monday. OVIR SIXTEEN THOUSAND HEAD Arlvat of 44 Cars of Stork of All Klada Also Beta a New Mark for Receipts for at M sle Day. Two records were broken by the South Omaha live nock market Monday. All rec ords for a single day's receipts of cat tle were smashed by the arrival of K,Ut head, the former high record being 15,663 head on September a, 1910. The previous high record, made on September 26, 1910, for the largest number of cars of all kinds of live stock, S27, was broken to day, when S44 cats arrived. There was also a big run of sheep, 50.00 head arriving. The high mark in sheep was reached on October 10, 1910, when 63.714 head came to market at South Omaha. BURGLARS LOOT SHIRT STORE SUNDAY NIGHT The store of the Washington Shirt company, 11$ South Sixteenth street, was broken Into and plundered late Sunday night by burglars. Entrance to the build ing was gained by rutting out a piece of glass over the latch of a rear window. The robbery was discovered at t o'clock Monday morning by Officer Anderson, who found both the front and side doors of the building open. Take 'Warning;. Don't let stomach, liver or kidney trouble down you when you can quickly down them with Electric Bitters. SOc. For saie by Beaton Drug Co. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. Marriage Licenses, Kama and Residence. Harry t. HArmer, Omaha Lulu Williams, Omaha James C. Peters, Fort Crook .... Alma Anderson, Oscola, Neb Fred E. Wilson, Aberdeen, S. D.. Elizabeth Kopenlck, Omaha James Jones, Dunlap. la Mrs. Edith Brown, Dunlap, la.... Joseph J. Dufek, South Omaha.. Mary Zlata, South Omaha Charles O. Baker, Omaha Agnes M. Hansen, Dunlap, la..,. Age. 38 36 24 23 24 23 43 22 (W 60 II 20 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Ex-Governor B. B. Brooks of Wyom ing was in Omaha early this morning en route home from Chicago, where he had been attending the deep waterway hearing. Mr. Brooks Is an ardent booster for the "lakes to the gulf" agitation. Railroad Notes sad Personals. Sunday afternoon the Milwaukee brought In a special train loaded with soldiers. Here they were transferred to the Union Pacific and upon reaching the coast, they will ba sent to the Philip pines. Traveling In a private car. K. L. Ros slter. vice president of the New York Central, who has been touring the Pa cific coast country, will pass through Omaha, arriving over the I'nlon Pa ciflo and going out over the Northwestern. MOTHER It is the duty of every expectant mother to prepare her 6ystem for the coming of her little one ; to avoid as far aa possible the suffering of such occasions, and endeavor to pass through the crisis with her health and strength unimpaired. This she may do through the use of Mother's Friend, a remedy that has' been ao long in use, and accomplished so much good, that it is in no sense an experiment, but a preparation which always produces the best results. It is for exernal application and so pen etrating in its nature as to thoroughly lubricate every muscle, nerve and ten don involved during the period before baby comes. It aids nature by ex panding the skin and tissues, relieves tenderness and soreness, and perfectly prepares the system for natural and safe motherhood. Mother's Friend has been used and endorsed by thou sands of mothers, and its use will prove a comfort and a benefit to any woman in need of such a remedy. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for free book for expectant moth ers, which con tains much valuable information. BRADFELD REGULATOR CO. Aden Ga. MOTHER The Latest in Footwear. New note struck by the Fall Crossetts. They're i ready now. Classiest styles you ever saw. Designed by foot fashion experts. Modeled by skilled crafts men. Crossett comfort in every one. Look them over. $4. to $6. everywhere Lewis A. Crossett, Inc., Maker North Abingtoo, Mass. t Ji i I; I M I O A-eKiYs if i ttir ijn HI iMSffl "MAK E S&lA FE'S VVALKLHeASY" t fSL'r f TRADE MARK Sole Omaha Agents Crossett Shoes AN IMPORTANT ifimfh STATEMENT Q Some Reasons Why Nemo Corsets Have Become the World's Standard 3 N232I $3M Self-Reducing Flatnind-Back EXCLUSIVENESS: Every Nemo Corset ia an original patented specialty which gives valuable and necessary ser vice, to women of every figure, which no other corset can possibly render. STYLE Wmi COMFORT: Our various inventions, including Lastikops Webbing, enable Nemos to produce new and superb style-effects that cannot be produced by any other corset, even at the sacrifice of health and comfort ECONOMY: Nemos are univer sally conceded to have far greater wearing qualities than any other corsets, and therefore are the most economical. Greatest Values Why? We make more "high-priced" corsets ($3.00 and upward) than all other American corset manufacturers combined. This constitutes prac tically all of our business; while with all other makers the higher-priced corsets are a side issue. Therefore it is ea?y to understand that, with this vast output, we can and Do give the public far greater values in Corsets from $3.00 up than any other maker can afford to give, FIXED. FAIR PRICES: Nemo Corsets are sold to retailers only upon agreement to retail them at fixed standard prices, that (five the dealer a fair and legitimate profit. Tbia protects the public from overcharges. BE SURE ITS A NEMOl Thousands of American corsets are sold under fictitious names the special brand of the dealer. Very often the saw corset is Bold, in the sam store, at one pries under its real name and at another price When you buy a Nemo, you know what it is, And our guarantee goes with it under the dealer's brand. and what the price should be. Nemos for Stout Figures, $3.00, $4, and $3 For Slender and Medium, $3.00 and $5.00 5 Our Special Announcement Next Week Nemos ars Sold Everywhere. KOPS BROS., Mfrs, N. Y. JwmmM(L TEN INCH UPHOLSTERY HAS made the 1912 Locomobile "Sis" the most talked of six clyiuder car, because the aver age man values comfort above every thing else. If he doesn't tbe rest of his family does. Ten Inch Upholstery makes tbe 1912 Locomobile "Six" far and away tbe most comfortable car In America. Test It personally and you will be convinced. OTHER FEATURES Moderate weight only 57 pounds per Horse Power. Greatest Economy in Fuel Consumption and Tire Wear. Seven Bearing Crank Shaft. Self-Contained Positive Oiling System. Bronze Crank and Gear Cases. Multiple Disc Clutch. Four Speends Selective. Universal Joints In Metal Housings. Running Boards clear both sides. Concealed Door Hinges and Handles. Extra Tires at Rear. DEMONSTRATION AN If TIME Jficomobilm J, J. Deright Co, SALES AGENTS 1818 Farnam Street OMAHA, - - - - NEB. Most Popular Bread Today Tip Top bread Is by far the biggest seller In Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs today. With our Immense plant and dellv. ery system, no grocer la allowed to offer il for sule except when absolutely fresh. Tip Top bread Is being Imitated in style ef psckate nut In Quality. 5c at all grocers Bread... U. P. STEAM BAKING COMPANY Top Auction Auction On Tuesday, Sept. 26th, commencing at 10 A. M., we will sell at public auction the contents of the residence of Mr. Morris Levy, 2037 Dodge 6treet. Household effects consist of fine Sohmer Piano, Par lor, Music room, Dining and Bed Room Sets, Carpets and Rugs, Pillows, Feather Beds and Down Comforters, large white enamel lined Refrigerator, Jewel Gas Range with hot water attachment, instantaneous Water Heater, aDd other goods too numerous to mention. FAIR AUCTION CO. TIic Omaha Ucc's Grcol Booklovers' Contest cot I Ttteotj mm) Ito. 43 Tuesday, September 16, 1S11. What Book Does This Picture Represent? Title M Author . . . , Your Name Street and Number xa,.,. . ml. City or Town Writs In title and author ef book and SAVE coupon and picture. Semi no coupon until finish of the contest Is announced. Eaoh picture represents a book title not a scene or character. Catalogues containing 6,000 names on which all pusil. pictures are based the catalogue used by the contest editor are for sale si the Business Office st The Bee tor ii cents, by mall Rules of the Contact All HMues are eligible ta ener tola eatast except employes ef tbe Omasa Bee saa nratwrt of tbtlr families. Each day. (or MTanty-ftve tlay, there will be eukllaftee ta The Bee e stouire whins will rapraMot tke seme of a book. Beoeath tech, eiotuie there will be a blank tor the contestant to (111 In the title of the book. Cut est both tbe picture ao4 the ble sk and (111 la the same and author el the book end add rour name and address null? and plalnlr la tbe apace prorldad. No rMtrlcUona will b placed on the war le which enawars to the picture may he se cured. Rack picture repreaenu onlj one title ot ona book. If roe axe not euro of a title and wish ts sand la mora than one anew er to each picture, you mar da ao. BUT NOT MORS THAN iHVB ANSWERS TO ANY ONE PICTURE WILU BE PERMITTED. In corraot aaewere will not be counted egala St contestants If correct answer Is also fives. Mare than one answer ahould sot be put on the same coupon. Bstra oeusoas eaosld be seed tor extra answers. All answers to the eame. number should be kept together whee tending la the set. Only ona Hat mar be submluea br one eonteateiu. though aajr Uat mar have flee answers to each suit la. Tke number of coupons used answers glrso must be plainly wrtttea ea the eesslse ef each fVT submitted, but do not write eueh Information on tke wrapper. While sot absolutely neoeaaary. It Is desirable that the picture ahould 'is each ease be sent In with the answers, la order that all answers be uniform. Additional pleteree sat roupeea may be obtained at the office ot The Bee by mall er la serson. hea you have ell seventy-five plctusaa. ft ten them toeetuer Is e FUAT package sag bring er mall them to The Omaha Bee, addroseed to Booklovers Contest Editor. Prises will be awarded to the eonteatanta sending In tbe largest number of correct solutions, la event of two or more sereose having the eame number of correct eoluttona, the paraoo using the smaller number of extra coupons In his est of answers will be declared wleaer. Ia event ef twe persona having the same number oorrect end ttalag the same namber of one pans, tke seraoa whose set of enawars la moat neatly prepared, in the opinion ot the full Judging committee, will receive the (tret Drift. Only eae list ef anewsrs may be submitted br s contestant aed only one prise will be swarded to one family at one address. The use of the ooupeoa la sot obligatory upon the contestant, and an answer nvay he Submit ed la any legible manner the contestant may aelect. Awards will be made strictly according to tbe merit of each esirata Uat. Tbe name of more than one person must not be written npoa any eae cue pes. The awards will be made by the Contest Kdltor sag a osmmrtiss at well-kusss ettV seas, whose names will be announced later ,!ie contest la limited to the following Unitary! Kebrnsks, Wyoming, that Mrtloa ef Iowa west of but not Including Pes Moines, and that section ef goatk Dakota Vaewa as tbe Biart Hills District. FIRST PRIZE JSJooo White Steamer Automobile A S-passsnger 1911 Model White Steamer Touring Car odorless. Smokeless snd noiseless. No cranking no shifting of gears; any desired speed. While Steamer sales lncresse eah succeeding year. Has practically an endorsement of the United Statea government, which owns and operates more Whits Steamers than all other cars combined. Richly upholstered, beautifully fin ished, unlimited power, controlled speed. This oar will be exhibited la Omaha at DrummonoS. irth snd Harney ts. CrrAMr. PDT717 Value UeUVvmis i ivisOJUf 91,260 In the soft, seml-tropio, cMmstio sons, extend ing; north from San Diego to Shasta. County, Cali fornia, lies Tehama county, in which Is (Situated this beautiful little 10-acre ranch near ths town of Red Bluff. This Is fruit land of a very high order snd is part of ths celebrated Lutheran col ony which had its Inception with an Omaha, clergyman. Literature describing this property may bs seen at ths office of TSOWSKDCrB-BOX.-T COH la the City national Bank Build lug, Omaha. laifii! THIRD PRIZE JSB The magnificent, fam-y wslnut AUTO OBAVD rZ.ATBB,-rXATO which noth ing can excel. No other player-piano has la ths absolute ths "human touch" so desired by a musical ear snd so prized by the manufac turers. This instrument will bs exhibited, ex plained snd olaysd for anyons who wtshss ts see it in the wars rooms on the third floor of THE BENNETT CO. FOURTH PRIZE ZgS mm 3270 Ralston Is to be a manufacturing city. They T-WA'tS' have a fins start with ths Brown Truck Man- feStlS?-3: uiacturing to., tne nogers Motor t ar Co., and ths Howard Stove Works. Everything desir- abls to comfortable living mav be found there. rrljRSj On one of the main business streets The Bee 1- OT,F' has selected its fourth prize s business lot 26x100 feet, end valued at S275. FIFTH PRIZE, Value $225 In the same town snd with ths sams prospect of advancement, Ths Be has selected a residence lot 60x120 ft., andT valued at $33S. -,itv'rton 18 on tna only interuhsn trolley line running out of Omaha snd within forty minutes of the Omaha postoftfee. mm in, . q--, -, 7 town iin rorty minutes of the Omaha postoftlce. iimi-tJjiL'r.mfiiPn ho"t this property at the office of the KJXSTOV FKBITB COMPACT, S08 South 17th Bt4 Omaha. SIXTH, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH PRIZES This Ingenious encyclopedia, which Is a dsvslop. ment rather than Invention, has besides its con veniences the value of hundreds of editors men. tally equipped to maJce one of the greatest ency clopedias ever compiled. One of the strongeet recommendations for this work is that it is from lr C'i" J'LJSH reliable old house of TXOI. "J??. BOBi, ef Bew York. London, Dublin Thtm n-o-tni. , "'. which was founded in 1788. Tills encyclopedia Of twelve volumes, which is velued n III a set mav be seen at ths Omaha office of W. A. auenbangh , Oo" inj ii U'i A?Z NINTH AND TENTH PRIZES of Vnowit PliI-?Von'!,Ut ?f twntyf?ur volume cloth bound sets of the "B or Knowledge,' an encyclopedia mail. j,.. .uM..r.:, T.. makes imni all knowkdva a J1 y-"vi . . - "in irn in imnit inns huntetWlM Tnere er. fPPd .ncjclofr. -de'for ThTldr "snd Qb;n offices of VT. A. fcuBKBAPOH st 1S14 Bt. MarTs Awjnnt This la tnllii be seen St the Omaha. FORTY-FIVE CASH PRIZES Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Ten Prizes of $2. Twenty Prizes of $1. WATCH FOE THE DAILY PICTURE IN THE BEE. n