nKE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. SKITEMBaI. 2. 1011. Nebraska STATE SCHOOL OPENS DOORS', TJnivenity of Nebraska BeceiTeij Students for Another Yea.ri "Work. ! 50S1I3 FAILS TO SE2TD EEPLT rifth Dl.trtrt (rrMMi Has Irt said ktlkrf H Will la I. larola Wk'a Preel deat 1 (Kmtn a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., fcVpt. 3. (Special. ) The University of Nebraska today opened lta dor to throngs of students from over the state and maor other atatea of the union and strrama of students were busy d.irlan the day hurylne; In and out of the building, where once active school work had a taxied At the registrars' of fice there were art ill many atudenta seek in; to correct defects in previous reirts trations and old students, who had ar rived yesterday and who took occasion to rrifister today. The total of students' registration up to Saturday night was 2.0ul and this num ber will be s.lgnlly added to by the regis- j traiions today. This number includes only those registered for straight courses In the colleges on the city campus and does not ; Include those who registered for partial or entire work at the agricultural colleg-. i The first convocation of the year will ' be held tomorrow at U a. m. At this j service Chancellor Avery will deliver the annual address U students. orrta aad Taft Rrrfptlea. A.ong with other members of the Ne braska delegation In congress. Represen tative George W. Norrta of the Fifth dis trict has been Invited to come to this city and help in the reception, which Is to be accorded to President Taft one week from today. The Invitation urging' Congressman Norris to be In the city on that date was sent to the Red Yellow county man last week, but up to date no reply has been received from him. The affair Is to be placed upon a bi-partisan basis and both democrats and republicans will aid In entertaining the president during his two hours' stay her. While the Fifth district man Is an insurgent of the deepest hue and while bis outcry against things as they have been has been prolonged and loud, many regulars, who disposed to look upon the matter charitably assert that they hope that Nor r. will be her on October Reejelaitloa Refeoed. Governor Aldrtch, after a hearing In the matter, today refused to honor a requisition for the return of Mrs. Julia Howard to Glen wood, la., where a war rant was issued for her some time ago on the charge that she had kidnaped two sons of her first husband. Mrs. Howard told the governor that she had not enticed the children away from the first wife, who lives in the Iowa town, but that they had come of their own accord and with the permission of their mother, the first wife of John Howard of this city. The children substantiated Mrs. . Howard's story during the hearing and told Governor Aldrtch that their mother Had given them permission to come here to live when they had been asked by Mrs. Julia Howard. neaallle Mast AeMesuUy Shot. RU8HVTLLE, Neb.. Sept. 25. 3peclal Telegram.) Yesterday evening while Joseph Vanderhelden and George Miller -were cleaning their rifles Miller ac cidentally discharged his weapon and the shot tore a hole through the fleshy part of Vanderhelden's leg and badly lacerated ft. Two doctors were Im mediately summoned and it is hoped to save his leg. Mr. Vanderhelden la the proprietor of the Rushvtlle Roller mills. BACK COVERED ID PASS OF POLES EorKdaEdSoHeCoddHanSj SbBBrJR. Tried EiHficiare, Ec Ksssff 3 Year& Is Eisud Crew's Starts! UssBgCiitxm RewerHei. fbm Has ftoSigaof Skia Disease. thses er four i nty back was ia ai 'j cured and rw ewng Mow I aot in good aaal aat are ef any skia dlaaasas aad 1 ass feUly aetataed tbat Cm tnrra JUan- aar- to dberdoiBk wnhon fiian Parsed f Jrtaav Saa May 3a. 1S1L. aad Onauceet aavw adorned iha swat ens nanl treat sit fcar airnruuas ef tae skla ad amia W inntnia. eaildrea aad adults, aaniia ansd by arogzMa and deaieis th.-nuE&oiit Uai wwrld. a Ulieral aampie at ncX siu IVp. book on the akin, will be amt fraa. oa apeakauoa as Pouer Drag " .fi, Curp, Dept. 27 A, TVsans. ShdectlfcuUcf! Cat tb 0rliaal tad Canulai EIORLIGirS MALTED MILK The Food-drink for ia Ijti, 1 Wara bvLkand Growkg cKHrra. pNutntioo.up builing the whole body. t majtrd grtm. fa powtU U, pkk lack prepared b a mlnzt. Ukm m wWate. AA W HORLICI'S. Mot fa Any Milk Trust ssv sack was eusated won assess ef aavaaaa vara wesskt bran and jaca at sags! as ttast I as hara&y stasia St. TTusiiarfltaisi wcaud keeaatef tZoad. 111 h" ,"t isassanes sad serves tar Mai' titles years and I was al aivuag say boaaea. It seemed cat nor Sara: as- aaa awct est a tan I was sitj gressi a art at tbm Canasta assa- S ma very kqrMy. I surest tanac the Ooriresa iissiti i aad asaae ef twe iitl I oaosa sas and fees a gnat ranrC I jspc asi seaex Ossjcaasi Mrrp. OBsSaneat aad ase taw Biiasrnai. aaat la abnat I ana amn -i iln as bash? was wafl see aocorsniar i Nebraska Basil Mullen Must Serve Out His Term (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. 8ept. . 4 Special.) No pardon Is to be granted to Basil Mul len, one of the young men convicted of the mur-ler of Ham Fak, a Chinaman, at Omaha. Mullen is serving", sentence of twenty years. His companions. Pum phrey and Almack. sen each sentenced to life Imprisonment. Judge Sears and County Attorney Eng lish, who tried the case In Omaha, both recommended a pardon for Mullen, be cause clemency was shown to the other two men. It was sileged that he turned state's evidence. But the pardon board paid no attention to these claims. Mem bers sa:d that a pardon might be granted to the man after be bad served a consid erable portion of bis sentence, but they thought It unwise to allow him his lib erty at this time. Governor Aldrtch today upheld the board' a action. The governor approved the recommend ation for a pardon for John Pettiplece of Dawes counts-. Pettiplece was given a year tn the penitentiary for killing two horsea the property of one of his neigh bors. He Is said to have had consider able provocation for the deed. The board pardoned bim largely because he has a family to support. GRAND ISLAND MUNICIPAL PLANT ON PAYING BASIS GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Sept. SL Spe clal.) John M. Gilchrist, certified public accountant and Insurance examiner for j the state of Nebraska, has Just com- ; pleted an examination of the books of the I light and water commissioner's office of j this city and finds the water department of the city's combined lighting and water plant to have made a surplus over oper ating expenses of K.41S for the year end ing April 30, with a total surplus of S1&. iHLSt since the expert accounting was be gun a few years ago, and the l.ghtlng plant to have made a surplus for the year of tt.ffil, with a total surplus of IHHJ.S. The figures show an Increased profit of -COOV over the profit of a year ago for the lighting plant and a decrease In profit of tHOO over the profit of a year ago tn the water plant. The city charges to the plants the amounts raised for Interest on bonds, etc.. charges as exact a depredation as can be ascertained, and credits the plant for hydrant service, street lighting, flush ing sewers, water used in public build ings, etc It still, however, does not take credit for the water used in street sprinkling. For fire hydrants the plant is credited for 145 per hydrant, an aver age low price charged by private com panies in cities having no municipal plant. For electric lights the sum of 6 per month, ia credited to the plant, the moon light schedule being observed, though In the business section lights burn all night. The present administration has had some doubts as to the correctness of this sys tem of crediting. In his report to the mayor and council the expert accountant says: "The idea has been to show Just what the results would have been if the plant was owned by a private corporation, and If It was a private corporation the city would un doubtedly have to draw warrants, and In all probability, tor greater amounts. Take, for Instance, the fire hydrant rental, which with you ia M5. In the city of Omaha the private corporation charges an average of tSL The cities of Lincoln and Fremont charge $45. 'Sbrk la the only place I know of where the charge Is less than tto I believe the city should continue the practice of paying for all public service. The only debata ble ground, tn my judgment, la the amount to be charged." PIERCE DEMOCRATS DIVIDED Bab-. Laeas la Sanaa; as CaadJ data fas Csagnai at tae Last Xaaaeat. PIERCE, Neb., Sept. . Special. Pierce has been the Mecca toward which the democratic politicians of the Third congressional district have been giving their attention the last three days. Thursday' sFrof. H. N. Preston ot Fre mont and the private secretary of the late Congressman Latta, arrived on the morning train to put in soma licks for Dan Stephana of Fremont, W. L. Rose of Fullerton followed Preston closely In an auto and soon was closeted with the leading lights. A trip was then taken to Plain view, where It was learned that the friends of Fred H. Free were work ing like beavers for that gentleman for the oongTeaalonal nomination and that a delegation from this county would be asked for at the county convention. That evening one of the leaders of the county democracy was busy interviewing the faithful here, but the subject discussed was kept from the public knowledge. The plot came to light, however, at the county convention when announcement waa made that Robert Liieaa. an exten sive ranchman and stock raiser of Foster precinct, waa a candidate for the con gressional nomination before the demo cratic convention called to meet at Nor folk tomorrow. The Impression p ra vel la generally that the candidacy of Mr. Lucas waa sprung at this time by dem ocratic leaders at Pierce who have little love for Mr. Free and have shown their feeling towards him In the past. The plot evidently waa to discredit Mr. Free in his home county by Injecting another candidate and thus divide the county at the congressional convention. After the announcement of Mr. Lucas candidacy the Instructions that the friends of Mr. Free expected would be unanimously passed went by the board and the manip ulators of the scheme to give Mr. Free the double cross took a half day off to hug thenuelvea. PLATTE MEN FOR STEPHENS Tblrteea Oet ( ttateea Delecatve ta District Ceaveatlea fee rresaeater. COLUMBL'S, Neb.. Sept. S.-Speclal Telt-gram Platte county democrats In convention today selected the following drlegates to attend the congressional convention at Norfolk Tuesday: John E. Hugg. Joe Lachmt, Fred P er st t. Fred Schamadeka. Joan Gibbon. J. C. Byrnes. E. A. Harms. Blake Maher. W. N. Hensley, Edgsr Howard. G. B. Speice. H. W. Luedtke. J. a Ki le. Fred Fucha, Louis Lightner and Jerry Cmrrtg. While the delegation ia not Instructed, thirteen out of the suteen are for Dan Stephens ef Fremont. Psraistant Advert is. ng ia the Road to Big Returns. Nebraska FRANK BROWN STICKS BY MAN WHO HAS BACKED HIM From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Sept. 56. -h Special. ) Ex- Mayor Frank W. Brown of this city has ! returned from a ten days' hunting and ' fishing trip to northwestern Nebraska. 1 While In that part of the state f-.e f ir- 1 mer executive of this city, who is said to ': have distinct gubernatorial a-ipirauona and whose boom has already been pro jected by numerous out-in-the-state dem- I ocrats, declares that he has been making ! numerous teats of Bryan sentiment among men who are avowedly out of plumb with the stand taken last fail by William Jennings Bryan. "There's no use talking, after a fellow gets through discussing the matter with a lot of these so-called radical wets or anil-Bryan men they ail, to a man, admit that he ia ail rigr.t and that right down In their hearts they admire him and feel that he is yet a potent power in the activities of the party," said Mr. Brown. "On the surface a lot of them may take the first few minutes giving Mr. i Bryan Hail Columbia, but when they j get through with that tliey generally ' take another few minutes admitting that he still In the ring and worth while I to the democratic party, both in the j state and nationally." SUPREME COURT MEETS ON SECOND OF OCTOBER (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Neb., Sept. 2a. Special.) At the next term of the state supreme court, which will be called October I, the case of the state against the American Surety company w.ll come up for argu ment and submission. The company at tempted to prevent the collection of an Incorporation tax by the state and later W. T. Thompson, who waa at that time attorney general, made moves toward ousting the company from doing busi ness in the state. This was on account of a failure of the company to comply In foil wltii the provisions of the Junk.n anti-trust act. (ieldea Weddlasi at Table Rock. TABLE ROCK. Sept. 25. Special.) The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Reynolds was celebrated here with a surprise party at their home six miles east of Table Rock. Among those present were two daughters, Mrs. Lou Segrist and Mrs. Peter Gergena and a niece, Mrs. John Power of Humboldt, the only rela tives of the aged couple living in this vicinity. Two sons live in the western part of the state, a third at Seattle, and a fourth In Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Rey nolds were married at Princeton, Bureau county, Illinois, in 1&61. and located at their present home in VSSZ. I.oeee Eye la Ceracob Fight. BROKEN BOW. Neb., Sept. 25. Spe cial.) Earl Luther, working on a ranch south of here, will lose an eye as the result of a corncob fight. The boys working on the place were engaged in a sham battle when a flying cob struck Luther In the eye. He was brought to town for treatment, but the physician gives no hopes of saving the eye. Sralded sty Steaaa or scorched by fire, supply Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Cures piles, too, and the worst sores. Guaranteed. 2jc For sale by Beaton Drug Co. sW) BALING POVDER Ital Baku th Baking Bltltr enures are almost Impoaaible with Cali-net. We kaew that It will give r better results. W km that the baking will be pm m ibat it will be more evenly And we Tkavw that Calamet Is more economical, both in its use and coat. Wa kaaw these thinaa because ' aave eut the eualitr into it we have aaee It tried out in every way. It ia eaed now ia mill tons of home aad lta sales are growing daily. It is tae modern baaing powder. Have yon tried it? Calumet is highest in quality rih.aHisk Awrd WaisTs rare Feed I In Pfl' CO - Q BAKING PC Low One Way Rates Seattle, Taoosaa, lorUaad. pokaae. Victoria aad Taneoaver. via Canadian Pacific Railway Cauaii ian Rock lm aad etutirka. Trains i'ji r,4.i i ,i- (.owl puuiia. carrying tourist cars, leaves St. Paul lL-tiu a. M cd 1 3 P. U. daily. Tickets on aeia (September 15th to October 15 m. tncluaivs For lafurrna tum and Literature aee tne aent of any railway, or wrti am sl sitToi v XPt a-o. Clark sn, Chicago, CI VP The TTon wMtMaas. We kaew faiasd. 19. I 'Air tttt rmiii Mr 9 gHlCAGO Nebraska POLICE MAGISTRATE IS DISTRICT OFFICE i From a .-taff Corresmn'l nt.) LINCOLN. NVb.. Sfpt ZZ.-' Special. Polii e majf tratpf for vll'.accs and cities may he nominated at a primary election because the office Is a district office and not a municipal office, according to the opinion handed down today by Assistant Attorney Gnernl Frank Kdirerton. The assistant attorney general was ca.led upon to make a dei-is on when a case from Kearney was submitted. There the name of W. L. Hand was written on the republican and democratic tickets for the office. According to the ruling, he be comes the nominee of both parties. BRYAN CLUB OF CUSTER COUNTY IS REORGANIZED BROKEN BOW. Neb., Sept. 3. (Spe cial. V The old Bryan club of Custer county, which has been dormant for sev eral years has ajtain ra.sed its bead and effected a reorganization with Ross G. Moore as chairman, J. Carlia, vice presi dent; W. B. Shaffer, secretary, and E. C. Orf, treasurer. Committees have been appointed to work the county and bring in ail delinquents and as many new members as possible. The organization claims to be both democratic and popu list and the adopted resolutions, extoll ing the merits of W. J. Bryan, endorse him as the only logical candidate for president. ALDRICH WILL NOT ATTEND LA FOLLETTE MEETING (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Sept. J. Special Tele gram.) Governor Aidrich today declared that he would not attend the La Fol lette progressive conference, to be held at Chicago. October 16. and asserted he would take no active part in the presi dential campaign from now on. "That a a matter wht h Is up to the people under our new primary law and while I do not repudiate La Follette I will take no steps to influence sentiment for him and against Taft." he said. f To Properly Treat Obstinate Wrinkles "Particularly where wrinkles and fur rows are long and deep, the massage devotee is apt to rub too hard and too frequently," says Pr. Limoges. "Sucn treatment loosens the skin, causes, mus cles to sag and aggravates the wrinkled condition just the opposite result from what she seeks. "Better than maasage. or anything i else, for the .nost obstinate wrinkles and crows' feet, as well as the finest lines, i Is a formula well known in France. which American ladies may readily avail themselves of, as you will have no diffi culty procuring the constituents from your druggists. It is this: One ounce powdered saxolite in one-haJf pint witch hazel. Baths the face, neck and hands In this daily. The effect la really mar velous, not only as to wrinkles, but aisj In case of double chin and baggy cheeks. The application is cooling, sootiilng, tending to - relieve fatigue and Inauiu nla." Adv. MAIL ORDERS CURBING THE PLATTE RIVER D e aw4 aewier Hoards V III "wild Faaelaea ear (ly f I'reassl. FREMONT. Neb.. Sept. S Special.)- The co.inty Nwrds of Iwde. and Saun- ders mot In Joint session here yesterday ! j mW THOMAS CARS are built in the Thomas Plant at Buffalo and ji l i 'l! il l THOMAS CARS are built in the Tbomas Plant at Buffalo and are sold only through authorized Thomas Dealers, who agree to conduct properly organized Service Shops, and to render to Thomas Owners the necessary Technical Service which will keep the car throughout its entire life in the highest possible state of efficiency that the wear and tear of constant use will permit. Two Chassis 134-inch and 126-inch wheel base. Four Styles of Open Bodies Seven Passenger Touriruj Car Five Passenger Phaeton Four Passenger Surrey Two Passenger Runabout Price, $4000.00 for each type FnrUwed bodies are built foe both ehais and lull details ara s'"-U t l! . our cet.lo.--n. sawy Hliiiililiiiiiiiiiiii'ii;;iiMiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiili nil for "Old Fashioned Laer S 11 tif ea. 1 SitAS j M w T afternoon t) iiMMde what should be done there was a fish of si-'nwl children wii M keep the Piatt" rtvrr fr"?n running f nntM tn he f rt on the Mst 7.oe Gum. the north side instead of ti th outh. port, daughter of II Gumpert. l It wa derided ti put in !. foot of the f'r-t clrpoit"r Nearly ll the .1e-fa-oine eiten'llng from tlie east end of i posit. r were children. A numher of in- . r "fitii'nt ieian-1 to the waon brnlge. j The contra -f m x let to J. N. Maher f .r tl per f.ot. j Fremont p.tal sav iiiks hank otened i Safirdav A .'n as the w in.1 w opened elta. h K I hnmit Htnfne I oe ( "whaawaasyouriwoucSt - iuuMim)WI WU Save the Caps from bottles of Old Fashioned Lager Beer, and exchange them fos valuable premiums. Ask us for our free book of premiums. Beer" filled the day received. otiines aNot df'itoi.itin: inmirv v.(-r ' m.! bv Greeks and Italians who in working on the railroads here ,. ,t s , phahl- that the bulk ..f the h.i-ire.s will c -me from thrm. I l!i I' I I! li ill' I ! . DfrT wUlhUOUT, UUlldlU HUM I I , . I M I i M I n li ; 1 11 Jna mm Hliini!illM:lii!lii!!n!lM!ilMii; See This Label -it means rood beer in. side the KnrtU that's ricri and moMnw beer brewed in the good old German way pure, invigor ating, snappy Old Fashioned Lager Beer. No other beer is mad more carefully it's aged for months in glass-lined tanks then pasteurized and comes to you in pint bot tles of clear glass, so you can see it's pure and dean. The red or yellow wrapper keeps out the light, preserving the snap and the life. Order a case sent home. Donglaa 1148; Ind. A-2148. CACKLEY BROS. Distributors, 121-123 North 16th Street. Shipped everywhen i