Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1911, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Everybody reads
The Bee
Local Showers.
VOL. XLI XO. 80.
Only One Change Made in Person
nel of Omaha Methodist
JTresident Received with Warmth
. JOuring His Visit Over Southern
t. Part of State.
(Day's Receptions Start with Pictur
. tsqflt One at Coffeyville.
tTwa More Days Will Be Spent
in State.
aaAiir challenges bryan
HVaxTlnsrTacTloaa Dory Hatchet and
)KaUc Side by Hide la Paulas
klv. Jteapect to Chief
. r-f-'iBi Execotlre.
JEOTSAS CITY. Sept. 2k-Presldent
Craft axrlvnd here from Ottawa at 4fl
O'clock tonight. He was Immediately
flrlvn to the. Hotel Baltimore, where he
fwat the truest of the Commercial club at
INDEPENDENCE, Kan., bept. 26.
(President Taft received a most friendly
trreetlns; during hia tour of southern
Kansas today. Both at Coffeyville, where
tie "pent two of the forenoon hours, and
at this place, Mr. Taft was greeted by
reat crowds, excursion trains from out
ride communities helping to swell the
The president chose the vetoes nf the
arlff bills for his theme today and re
ceived an attentive hearing. lie declared
he did not come to Kansas to apologise
for bavins; aired executive disapproval of
the woolen, the free list and the cotton
tariff bills, but merely to explain to
the people face to face. Mr. Taft said
bis vetoes were the result of deep seated
conviction that he had a duty to perform.
He explained anew that the tariff board
should have an opportunity to report
before any of the schedules of the exist
fog law fire touched:
Bar Bearlna Picturesquely.
JAv. Taft'a day in Kansas began pic
turesquely. At Coffeyville he was met
by an escort of SjO horsemen, uniformed
nuke in ,blue cambric shirts, khaki
trousers and peaked huts. They were the
eprasentatlve business and professional
nea Of the city. The president spoke at
the plaza In Coffeyville on the site' of
tne Dan mat was held up by the
notorious Dalton brothers many years
ago. In tie president's escort was Jack
JUoeper, determined looking man
flvtth curly black hair and drooping
black mustache. He killed two of the
Dalton, boys In the roundup that fol
lowed tbelr . last escapade.
(The president made eleven spceehes be
fore robing KansHH City tonight to ed-flres-yj
national confers atlon congress.
rWwnCsdajr also will be spent In Kansas.
Then will follow a two days' twin
Uh Insurgent Iowa.
-Xade Haurrlaon and Morton I'.luis.
INDEPENDENCE. Kan., ept. .
JPreafcLont Taft spoke here today to a
rowd that filled the street in front of
We platform for two blocks. The plat-
onn atooa between two elm planted In
iSSS durlnar th fli.i nnrr.... .. . ....
Oiie tree bore the legend on a printed
cardt "Ban Harrison,' tlio other "Levi P.
Ioioa,' The president drove to the
pa Where he spoke through lines of
in school children.
' ve been studying your history," aid
Ilia prealdent. "and 1 know you have to
oome through hell to get to heaven. 1
bsve been In Coffeyville this morning. '
This sally to the rivalry between Inde
pendence and Coffeyville made the crowd
cheer and laugh for several minutes.
The prealdent Bpoke of the need jf
uniform laws in the Mates for subjects
u wnmi oe regulated by the federal
government. The president ' laid special
i emphasis on the need of uniform mar
riage and divorce
"It's, very awkward," raid the presl-
""n io oe married on one
aiae or a state line .and not on the other."
Great Crowd at ( herryvalv.
CHERRYVALE, Kin.. Sept. 25. rresl
fient Taft arrived in tlita city at 11 Jo a.
(Continued on Second Page.)
The Weather,
-JrR NEBRASKA-Showers.
IFOR IOWA Shown s.
Ten p-rat r- tt Omaha Vest
. . . j0
. 2
. . .
p. in.
louiUll jll, . Local Rfrnrd
Official record of temperature and pre
cipitation compared with the correspond
ing period of the last three vear
. Wll. li'lo. 1909. jsV8.
Highest yesterday : ;n 74
lowest yesterday so .VI 51 s;
Mean temperature m ti2 ;,s
treoiprtauon en T .(W .00
. Temperature and piecipitation depar
tures from the normal;
Xt'ormaJ tomprratuit jj
i)eflclency for the tiny " 5
Total excess since March t !.'.!. .'fi4
Kormal prerlpltat'on . K inch
Teficlenoy for the dav Inch
Total rainfall flnce March 1.. S Inches
jDwfiqleuoy since March 1 14 SI inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1H10. 12 4' Inches
jDeflclency for cor. perkd. . .bn inch
Station and Bute Temn. Hlrti. Rain-
Of WiBA.1 her 7 n ... ..II
jiayenna, cioinv
UavenprC cloudv
Denver, part cloudy...
fea Uolnea, clear
Dodge City, clear
Omaha, cloudy
Pueblo, clear..
Kaptd City, cloudv
bait Lake City, cloudv.
J)ta Fe, part clo;;d .
thendan, cloudv
f-loux City, clear
(Valentine, part eh u. .
I i
i i a. ni. . . .
zL 'ua r:::
3 -?;.Z-
i'O M .Oil
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i 70 .J)
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mumif, uHi, ui piecipnaiion
aW-X W tLtii, Luval s'orecaater.
I it'- ' I
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a fix). .-
v-) '
Walsh and Twelve
Other Bankers Ask
Release from Pen
LEAVENWORTH. Sept. 2j.-John R.
Walh, the former ChltaKO banker, who
Is seeking a parole from the federal
prison here, will not know his fate for
several days. The federal board of
parole, hlch will consider his case,' met
here today, but he probably will not be
given a hearing before tomorrow. Ap
plications for paroles are taken up In
their refcTJlar order aniT .Walsh'.! is the
fiftieth on the list. The report of the
board will be mailed from here to Wash
ington and announcement of the decision
made from the attorney general's office.
On September IS Walsh had served one-
third of his five-year sentence and was
ellglhel to parole under the act of con
pros approved June 25. 1!I0.
The last obHtacle to the granting of the
parole was removed last month when the
United States district attorney at Chi
cago requested the remaining Indictments
agalnHt the aged banker he dismissed.
The hoard prohnbly will be In session
for four or five days. On Its adjourn
ment all papers In the canes and lecom
mendations will he forwarded to, Attorney
tienersl Wlckorsham. It generally has
been about, two weeks from the adjourn
ment of the hoard before action on Its
findings has been taken In Washington.
So, If Walsh Is paroled he can hardly
leave the prison before October 10.
Beside Walsh a dosen other bankers
are to ask parole at this session of the
board. They are Harry Timer. Chicago;
Fred Lubbe, O. F. Cochran. T. N. reti-
ner. M. P. Emmerich and F. H. Nlcholal,
alKol lndlaiiaiKilts; II. T. Wells, Kenosha.
Wis.; J. F. Schulte. Racine. Wis.; W. H.
Tiers. Pittsburgh; G. . Osborne and D.
C. Abbott, Columbus. 0 and J. H. Phil
lips. Terre Haute, Ind.
A prisoner usually Is held before the
board onlv a few minutes. No one Is per
mitted to appear to offer arguments In
behalf of the prisoner.
John R. Walsh has improved in health
and spirits during the la?t few weeks,
flnce the way was cleared for the making
of his application.
Illinois Central
Clerks Go on Strike
at New Orleans
NEW ORLEANS. Sept 23-Between
500 and 700 railway clerks employed by
the Illinois Central and Tazoo St Missis
sippi Valley railroads walked out shortly
after noon today. It is said the strike
resulted from the failure of the railroad
officials to reopen negotiations with the
clerks' organization.
MtiMPHIS. Tenn.. Sept. X.-A geneial
strike of all members of the Illinois Cen
tral Federation of Employes at Memphis
has been declared. About 600 men are
affected. Resides the clerks the strike
order Includes the machinists, boliermak
era and other shop employes.
Dimitry Bogroff is
Hanged at Kiev
KIEV, Russia Sept. 2o. Dmitry Hog
roff. the assassin of Premier Stolypin,
who wa;s condemned to death by court
mart'al, was hanged today. Before his
execution the young man asked that he
might see a rabbi, but refused the wish
when Informed the Interview must be
in the pretence of officials.
Wichita Recalls
Three Officials
WICHITA. Kan . Sept. 25 Early re
turns Indicate that Mayor J. H. Graham
and Commissioners E. M. Ieach and R.
B. Campbell have been recalled by a
large majority In today's election,
Former Pastor at Walnut Hill Made
District Superintendent.
Rev. William Boyers Head of Sew
ard and Walnut Hill.
Bishop net sen Reads His list of
Assignments for the orh Ne
braska Methodist Confer
ence Monday Morning.
All of the Methodist ministers In Omaha
except one were retained in their present
charges Monday morning by appointment
of Bishop Neulson announced at last meet
ing of the N,orth Nebraska conference.
The only man to leave the city is Rev. E.
E. Hosman, formerly pastor of the Wal
nut Hill Methodist, who becomes district
superintendent of Norfolk district. The
Walnut Hill church will be consolidated
with the Seward Street church, 'With Rev.
William Boyers of the latter church as
pastor, and will keep the name and
church edifice of the Walnut Hill church.
Rev. F. B. Lynch, pastor of the largest
Methodist church in the city, the First,
bad asked to be removed or transferred,
but was retained in his place. The ses
sion closed as soon as Bishop Nuelsen
had read the list of appointments, which
were as follows:
Omaha District.
Edward Hlslop, superintendent.
Arizona, vt . It. Downing.
Arlington, William Esplin.
Benson. Arthur Aiack.
Blair, C. P. Lang.
Carig and Alder, J. H. Craven.
Fremont, F. M. SiBson.
Gretna and Spring Grove, A. L. Kellog.
Hooper and Bethel, T. E. Smith.
Kcnnard and bik Cln K w . ll'.ler.
Nlckerson. h)mmet Mitchell.
Oakland, G. t Mead.
Omaha :
JiVetii Memorial. J. F. Haas.
First, F. N. Lynch.
Hasooni Park. E. . Crawford.
Hirst Memorial, W. W. Whitman., J. G. Shlck.
Mission to lieaf. 1. T. lUsstntab
Oak street. T. C Wecster.
Pearl Memorial. C. G. Bader.
Southwest, T. C. Webster.
Trinity. G .W. Abbott.
Walnut Hill, William Boyers.
Pa pillion and Ralston, Claude L. Peake.
Rltchfleld and Union, William Stam
baugh. South Omaha:
First, J. M. Bothwell.
Leffler Memorial and Missions, T. A.
Springfield and Platford. A. J. Warne.
Tekamah. G. B. Warren.
Valley, F. A. Showkey.
(rand Island District.
fi. H. Main,; superintendent.
Archer. G. W. Sanders.
Bartlctt and Ericson, P. D. Cox.
Belgrade, A. C. Bonlmm.
Cairo and Boelus, G. C. Albin.
Cedar Rapids,, H. G. Parker.
Central City, D. K. Tlndall.
Central City circuit, J. F. Webster.
Clarks, fl. E. Taft.
Columbus, C. W. Rav.
Fullerton, A. G. McVay.
Fullerton circuit. W. R. S. Anstine.
Genoa, M. W. Rose.
Grand island first. 8. D. Bartle.
Trinity. W. H. Wright.
Greeley, W. N. Wallis.
Monroe. O. H. Phillips.
North Bend, W. L. Elliott.
Palmer. C. F. Innls.
Primrose and Enfield, A. J. Kellow.
Purple Cane and MaDla Grove. E. A.
St. Kdward. D. W. McGregor.
St. Paul. W. H. Underwood.
Schuyler, G. M. Blng.
Scotia and Laniertine. Charles Ford.
. ISlver Creek, M. R. French.
Wolbach and Cushing. J. H. McDonald.
Wood Klver, B. C. Wright.
Nellsrh District.
K. T. George, superintendent.
Albion, H. H. Millard.
Battle Creek, C. L. Dlx.
Boone, J. 11. Thomas.
Clearwater, W. H. Guest.
Crelghton, R. J. McKenzle.
Elgin, W. A. Romlnger.
lnman. A. F. Nelman.
Loretto. J. M. Wlngett.
Lynch. J. A. Johnson.
Meadow Grove, J. W. Illsley. '
Monowi, John R. Budd..
Nellgh. E. K. Bowen.
Newman Groves C. O. Trump.
Niobrara, Thomas H. Powell.
Oakdale, G. W. Snyder.
O'Neill, B. P. Angle.
Osmond and McLean, J. H. Hard.
Page. B. H. Murten.
Pierce, Joseph Stopford.
Plalnvlew, J. B. Dibble.
Plalnview circuit. J. H. Allen.
Spencer, H. C. Capsey.
Tildenr W. C KeUey.
Norfolk District.
E. E. Hosman, superintendent.
Allen, O. W. Rummell.
Beemer, E. E. Shafer.
Bloomfleld, C. H. Moore.
Carol. R. F. Bhaeklock.
Coleridge. C. E. Connell.
Preston, J. H. Smith.
Dakota City, W. R. Warren.
Decatur, William Garnoll.
Plxon. P. P. Watson.
Hartlngton and Crofton, A. W. Arhendta.
Laurel, 11. J. Langley.
Lyons, A. 8. Bnell.
Madison, F. M. Drullner.
Norfolk, J. W. Kirkpatrick. '
Pender and Thurston, L. R. Keckler,
Pllger. H. H. St. Louis.
Ponca and Waterburv. J. B. Roe.
Randolph. E. J T. Connelly.
Koanton. J. F. Boucher.
Wakefield, J. J. Burke.
Wayne. William Gorst.
Wlnside, Amos Ketzer.
Wlsner, I.. V. Slocumb
W not and Spring Valley, W. O.
Special Appointments.
J. W. Jennings, manager of Kansas
City depository Methodist Book concern.
J. I. McLaughlin, corresponding secte
tary of Nebraska Metnodtfet hospital.
T. C. Webster and H. L. Poers, con
ference evangelists.
John Crews, superintendent of Crowell
Memorial home.
J A. ipyker, professor In Penn college.
Oskaloosa. Ia.
E. E. Wilson, misslonsry In Porto Rico.
F. A. High, missionary In Wyoming.
J. M. Leidy. superintendent Omaha dis
trict Anti-Saloon league.
P. J. Lawson, mi.m.nary In Black Hills.
Ministers Want Chlvkea.
The ministers hsd quite a little wrangle
over the possibilities of getting thicket;
dinners from the good wives of Madisua
next ear when the conference go
there. It was moved and agreed to that
the Harvard plan of entertainment be
adopted for use at the conference. Thla
plan would make the entertaining hos
tesses responsible only for the lodging
and breakfasts of their guests. One un
lucky clergyman suggested that a rult
be adopted forbidding a preacher te ac
cept sny gratuitous invitations to din.
(Continued on Second Paf a.)
"Wal. I Reckon We're Lucky in
From the Philadelphia Ledger.
Jared Flagg and Associates Said to
Have Large Sum Planted.
Nearly Two Hundred Thousand Dol
lars Received tinea September
, first la Not Vet At
' coaated For.
NEW YORK, Sept. 24,-The postofflce
authorities today took steps to lay their
hands on a large sum, said to be' more
than $100,000 in cash, which they believe
was kept in reserve by Jared Flagg, Jr.,
and others, who are charged with vio
lating the postal laws to defraud In
Flagg and his alleged associates, former
United States Treasurer Daniel N. Mor
gan, F. Tennyson Neely, formerly a
publisher, and others, spent Saturday and
Sunday In Jail.
Alvln M. Higgins, the lawyer who Is
said to have been the legal adviser of
Jared Flagg, was the first of the prison
ers to secure his release on ball today,
when the 110,000 bond required was fur
nished. This afternon Flagg was released on a
bond for S2G.O0O given by his brother.
Ernest. Joshua Brown furnished a bonds
man for S2.500. Brown Is accused of be
one of the firm's 'cappers."
To prevent the accused stock brokers
from reaching their reserve fund before
the federal authorities can get control of
it, the postofflce Inspectors prepared to
have some of Flagg's customers file a
petition in bankruptcy against him. In
addition to SS7.000 In cash, which the In
spectors declare Flagg and his partners
kept In a safe deposit box. It Is said
that S 191 .000 has been received since Sep
tember 1 from Investors anxious to profit
by the firm's offr,of 63 per cent a year
The federal officers have collected a
number of witnesses, four of whom they
say have turned over to Flagg's concern
as much as JiW.OM.
The books and correspondence seized
In Saturday's raid reveal that money
came from all parts of the country. By
far the largest number of Investors out
side of New York City it Is said live In
Bridgeport.- Conn., the home of Daniel
N. Morgan. Ithaca, N. Y., is said to be
a close third and Franklin. Pa., next.
The detectives say that the weekly
luncheons given customers st a famous
restaurant near Flagg's offices were a
strong feature of his campaign. At these
functions no expense was spared, al
though the conversation seldom touched
on business.
A pretty 19-year-old girl Is ald fo have
played an Important part in Flagg's fi
nancial operations and the Inspectors
hoped to question her today.
The Inspectors exhibited a booklet
written by Flagg entitled "How to Make
.Money Ojit of Wall Street ' In which the
author asserts that his system is founded
on the "rocky bottom of mathematical
ci talnty."
The Only
See Sport Page.
Not Getting that Critter for a Tan
Shows Getting Ready for the Great
Carnial Opening Wednesday.
Kloatuien and Horsemen Are Hp
hrarilsK for Big; Parade and
Soldiers and State Guard
Polish Their Cnna.
Sept. 37 to Oct. 7, Inclusive.
Tuesday ifternoon, Oct. 3, Man
ufacturers' parade.
Wednesray night, Oct. 4, Else
trloal parade.
Thursday afternoon, Oct, 6, Mil
itary parade.
friday night, Oct. 6, Coronation
S-a-m-s-o-n spells the name of the
busiest man In town. With a thousand
and one details to be attended to in con
nection with the opening of King Ak-Sar-Ben's
Highway Wednesday noon,
with final preparation of the den for
the coronation and coronation ball the
night of October 6. with training of the
floatnien and hoi semen tor the elec
trical parade the night of October 4,
Samson's hands are quite full. Still he
declares that with his staff of assist
ants he will have everything ready on
time and the mass of details rapidly is
Shows for the King's Highway bc,'an
to arrive Monday, Edwards' rare ani
mals and birds and Edwards' rive-in-one
pit i-how being the first to come in. The
Williams dug and pony show and the
vV'l.liains nnueuni came close on their
heels. Already many tents and fronts
appear along the Highway and by to
night practically all of the twenty-eight
big shows promise to be ready for busi
ness. A heavy force of workmen are putting
up the fences that enclose the Highway
and the grand gateway need- only Its
coeiinps and white plater clothing to
be complele. The huge white, columns
that will form the colonnade of the court
of honor are being Installed and the
electric bulbs that will make the court
a "great white way" are being put in
Llghlina to Be Brilliant.
The Ak-Sar-Ben electric lighting along
ether streets was tested Monday and
found to be In perfect condition-. At
night the streets will be glorious In red,
green and ellow lights. Buildings are
being decorated with bunting of the same
colors, so that King Ak may be honored
by day as well as by night.
Floatnien and horsemen who will ride
In the electrical parade the night of Oc
tober 4 met at the Den for rehearsal
Monday night.
i -4,. J
i ' . 1 pi
dem Mate, After All!"
Henry Wallace Tells Them They Are
Robbing the Soil.
Delegates Are Welcomed by Got
ernor Hadley, Who Says Pres
ent Methods Ar Waatefal
Taft Speaks Tanlght.
KANSAS CITY, Sept. 25. Plain words
were used by speakers at the opening
session of the third annual conservation
congress here today In pointing out that
the continuation of present day farming
methods will result calamitously for the
country. Not only a change In the treat
ment of the soil but of the country people
as well was urged. Only by bcttirlng
social conditions on the fnrm, it was
declared could the young persons be kept
there. About 3.500 delegates nttended the
opening session.
Governor Herbert S. lladljy, of Mis
souri, In welcoming the delegates to the
btate urged advanced agricultural meth
ods. He asserted that fully fotty per
cent of the land In this country is be
ing farmed bo that its productive qjsll
ties are decreased.
Farmers Called Soli Robbers.
Henry Wallace of Dcs Moines, presi
dent of the congress In replying to the
welcome assailed the farmer as a soil
robber and pleaded for more scientific
farming. He cited that land in the
I'nlted States produced crops but one
half the size of those grown on poorer
land In Europe. In his plea for a "back
to the farm" movement and a betterment
of social conditions In the country, he
said the city "uses up men and families
as it uses horses.'" The solution of the
high cost of living problem lies In bet'.or
farming methods, he said.
J. B. White of K"a.i-.s City, fharrran
of the executive committje-utli'tred cne
of the responses to tne welcoming
speeches. Mr. White will ii.akc hlk prin
cipal address on Wjdnesliy
Tbe afternoon program included an ad
dress by Judge Ben B. Lindsay of Denver
on "The Country Child vs. the City
Routine business occupied the greater
part of the remainder of the morning and
forenoon sessions.
Governor Hartley's Address.
The governor tpoke in part as follows:
"I'p to the present time in this country
we have been lecuiiarly fortunate in that
our production has exceeded consumption
and the supply has always been greater
than the demand. The result has been
that the American people alone of all
the people In the world have eaten the
same kind of food. And no stronger in
fluence could exist an ii gainst the crea
tion of classes and car j in our popula
tion than for all the iiople to cat the
fame kind of food.
"But with the consumption increasing
more rapidly than production, and the
consequent increase in the cost of the
necessities of life there will come a time
when many will not be able te secure
the sajnc kind of food that Is enjojed by
others. Then will there come a disturb
ing and dungerous influence that will
threaten our society and our Institutions.
"Statistics tell us of a constantly de
creasing surplus of production. If this
tendency continues in a few years we will
consume all the products of our grain
and of our live stock. And when this
condition is followed by a time when it
will be necessary to import the necessi
ties of life then will exist conditions that
will be the causa of concern.
"There Is no state In the union which
illustrates more completely both the ne
cessity and the value of a practical ap
plication of the policy of conservation
than Missouri. Of the 44,000.000 of acres
which constitute the state little more
than one-half has ever been touched by
a plow and in Its 20.000.000 acres of un
cultivated soli there are 17,600.000 acres of
La Liberie, One of Largest Battle
ships in Nayy, Destroyed by
Explosion at Toulon.
Big Vessel Rent in Twain and Debris
Goes to Bottom.
Many Victims Are Men from Other
Ships, Who Came to Fight Fire.
Heary Piece of Armor Plate Hurled
Against Its Side.
These Increase In Intensity as Fire
Approaches Towder Masjraalaea
Part f Crew Jo raps 0er
board and Many Drown.
TOULON, France. Sept. 28. Accurate
estimates of the dead and injured wwe
still unavailable late this afternoon. They
may not greatly exceed X). The pre
liminary explosions gave warning and
msny of the men threw themselves into
the sea and were picked up by small
boats and taken to the other shirs of
the squadron or ashore.
TOt'LON, France, Sept. 26. An appal
ling naval disaster attended with enor
mous loss of life occurred at dsyllght to
day when the battleship Llberte blew up
In this hsrbor.
The death loss Is variously estimated
from 350 up to 600 or more. The killed
Include officers and men of the Liberie,
and also a large number of those from
nearby warships.
The first alarm of fire was sounded
shortly after 6 o'clock. This was fol
lowed by four successive explosions of
Increasing Intensity as the firs neared
the powder magazines, when at 6:S6
o'clock a deafening explosion literally
tore the great warship to pieces and'
sent It to the bottom a mass of twisted
The fierce explosion was so great that
great fuwuree were opened In tbe steel
armor and frame work of the warship.
A piece of armor plate was hurled against
the cruiser Republlque with great force,
damaging its plates. Scores of, bodies
were hurled high Into the air with hut
fragments of frame work,' armor, burst
ing shells and the suffocating smoke
from the exploded magazines.
On the first explosion the men rushed
from their quarters and a hundred or
more sought safety In plunging over
board. But the great body of men. of
ficers and the crew remained on ship
and went to death aa the culminating
explosion tore the ship Into fragments.
One report saja that before It took Its
final plunge several of its guti3 dis
charged a requiem salute.
Flrr Spreads Rapldl).
The tire was discovered at 6 o clock,
AX first tt did not appear to be serious,
but somehow or other It gained a quick
advantage over .the squad of tailors sent
to extinguish it, and suddenly without
warning It reached the mugaincj, which
had not been Hooded, 011 account ot lh
apparent trilling nature 01 the blaze.
The forcu 01 tliu explosions were ter
rific They shook tbe vessel fore and aft.
each one seemingly stronger than that
preceeding, opening up great Assures la
the armor and frame work of the venttd.
the vessel immediately became a maM
uf and jmoke and soon, alinutt de
molished ity tue terrific Uctouatiou,
sank to the botlotu of Toulon harbor.
two uundieo of the crew escaped
death owing to the tact that they were
ashore on leave. Commander Aures.
bother of the socialist deputy was uut
on bond. The carnage in the explosions
was worse than could ever nave oc
curred in an actual naval engagement.
The first crash came when tbs crew was
for the most part dispersed In various
sections ot the vessel. They were with
out warning of their danger. Scores of
bodies were hurled high In the ear. ac
companied by great fragments frame
work, armor, bursting; shells and . the
blinding, suffocating smoke of the pow
der. Men Kilad ia Berths.
Men below who had not yet been
awakentd were -killed in their sleep.
Others awakened by the explosion,
started to Jump overboard and were
caught by the second detonation. The
crew was panic stricken and rushed
wildly about groping through tbe blind-
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