T7T T7 OTI TPi iiww csmraaiu irieMonc Meaiis mm uuunras uuva 1! i . -. A ! Ji 4 it bus nana "Mutt and Ja" - ? . vj iec sum! - -J -f ' ,'1 l; - ' 1 j r r 4 . Uff-;i-.;.U':',y' hf'V-' I v 'A ' x- "TAD" (T. A. DorB) BUk Sat lUTT" 1L COTTMAIT porting Cartoons -t' V i 'r J I v: - :'. ; ,v ' 9 r r 1 ' W. F. KTXX "Ziitua Bobby T" wiimrais buck Of Intaraa to Womoa rr soBOTsrr six Of Xntoxaat to Woaua r :jSs3s . -- ' w ! ! THE BEE has closed contracts bringing to its readers the works of a large staff of noted artists and writers. They are: New Artists For The Daily Bee "MUTT AND JEFF" - - - by Bud Fisher NELL BRINKLLY'S - Drawings for Women "SILK HAT HARRY" by Tad SHERLOCKO THE MONK" - by Mager INBAD THE TAILOR" - by H. B. Martin BUCK NIX" by Sidney Smith "JOYS AND GLOOM" by Poieera "HALL ROOM BOYS" ... by McGiU -US BOYS" - ... by McNamara FAMILY UPSTAIRS" by Herrimnn WINDSOR McKAY," of Little Nemo fame, new series DESPERATE DESMOND" - by Hershfieid and others New Artists For The Sunday Bee rmov. a. r. simTiss Spaclal Artloloa KATZENJAMMER KIDS' JIMMY" - "HAPPY HOOLIGAN" - it by Dirks by Swinnerton by Opper "FOXY GRANDPA" "DOTTIE DIMPLES" -THE "BAD MANS" Etc by Bunny by Medezseme Giving a complete new colored comic section the best in the country New Feature Contributers to The Bee ELLA WHEELER WILCOX DOROTHY DIX BEATRICE FAIRFAX MABEL HERBERT URNER KENNETH HARRIS JAMES J. MONTAGUE THOMAS TAPPER WINNIFRED BLACK WILLIAM F. KIRK ADA PATTERSON MORREL PREVOST CAVALIERI (Beauty Page) REV. THOS. B. GREGORY ELBERT HUBBARD GARRETT P. SERVISS WEX JONES EDGAR LUCIEN LARKIN MARQUIS DE CASTELLANE ILXA WIZILIB WILCO Foama and ArtlcUt .... - - - v. ' S ...... l W. T. ITZAO (tovitp of tiM rorvitfa Capltol Retaining the best of its already popular features, The Bee is in position to offer to its readers the best of everything produced in the country. These articles will appear in the various editions of The Bee, commencing Sunday of next week, and are bound to make The Bee more popular and attractive than ever, keeping pace with the big metropolitan journals of the country. Watch for our new features and new Sunday colored comic supplement. W -arfKt.-gjjaiMMMa.; -.. UP'-.- 5 It ?:y--:- ? ry ? '. 0 i tf " "1 $ - x-. s I a - I ! r. -v j feJl IL-J mco omm njurr iwotibtoi MAJiQVTS Z CilTILIin Voraifii Ooaats WIIMB XoCOT -ail aooat oa" TAJrca xxoicrtOBT C i , - - "loarlooko, Uta Moak" ASA FiTTIBIOI ftf JatatarJl As y -aa IIBfBT BTTTBB4D (Tha Baa of Bin Aurora) Wntaa oa Tunmlj lopita 1 1