THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1311. ) f LOST AMD FOUND (CunLinued. PT:P3nN9 having lost soma article Worn do well to cad up the ( 'he umih A Ooun.-il hmfts -freet H-'tn- "i company to urrr'im leit it in the r-M cars. Uether they ; t Many articles mh nay are turrfed In and the rnminnv is anx,ous tvj rstnri them to the rightful owner. Ca.l OMAHA COUNCIL. BLUFF'S STREET RAiLWAI COMPANY. LOST Black and white eetier dog w t:i Collar bnn following inscription : "if I am lost return ma to it. T Jester. Dun Blng. Nebraska,'' Rnwirt offered for tna return of thia dog to Fr-d Hamilton, Merchants National bank. t.mruia. FOTTVD rh Teddy Bear expert clean- w '",rl mrl dyara. A-JuA; U. .mo. LOST Pearl breastpin, diamond eenter, at Temple Israe Friday evening. Return to Mr. Frederick Colin, 1302. Park Ava. and receive reward. rOX terrier dog, marked on left tor houldar; goes by name of Spot. It found rati Douglas bOIA Raward. LOST Gold bar breast pin, between inn to lHth on Douglas, or Amarluan theater. Call Douglaa H421, Reward. MONEY TO LOAM ALARY AtD CHATTELS. YouGet A SQUABE DEAL Wlieii Dealing witlx Us That haa always been our policy and la ret. We loan in sums from JiU up on HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PU.VOd, ETC. without removal. ON REAL. EHTATB or an your PLAIN NOTE II you are. ataadily employed. Von can repay in small weakly or monthly payments. No red tape or de lay. Flace YOUR LOAN witii the Big gest, Olileet and Host. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Id Floor. JOS Paxton Bldg. 217 So. lrtth St. Phonea A-HU and Doug.aa 1411. CHATTEL LOANS AT REASONABLE RATEH. NEBBLViiKA LOAN CO., SO Be Bidg. Doug. UM, A-13ML QROHH. loana on Jewelry and clothing. 410 N. lath. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 Wf! FT.lAT VTt ir,u Dodge at .UriiAXAL, Telephone Red reet. ie)L& MONET loaned aalarled people, woman keeping house and othore; w:tnout se curity ; aaay peymenta. Of flea In 47 prin cipal cltiea. Tolman, 5nj Omaha Nat'L Bank Bldg., formerly N. T. L. Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Wa have organlxed our company to loan money to people who may nut have credit at a bank or to thnaw who do ant wish to aak their frtenda for a favor. '0 mane loana quickly and pnvateiy on rumlrura, pianoe or teama. Phone Dnuglaa 1. HOME LOAN COMPANY, Room t. Pattaraon Blk., 1623 Farnam St. OFFERED FOR RENT Heard and Rooma. O. M. E. haula trunks. D. 811. A-OIL THE Landon. modern, with home cook trig, iii a. 34th at. ELEGANT auita of rooma, excellent homo cooking; private family; Went Far nam. Ca.1 Harney 46. LARGE, atrletly modem rooma, aultabla for two gentlemen, with excellent board, tJ) a. 26th Ava. Harney ONE larva front room with alcove; ault abla for four. Terms reasonable. Board. Douglas 2S72. 2104 Wabatar St. Ha S. 2STH. deairabia room with, ax eel.ent board. Phone Douglaa) 312. Porto I a, family hotel. 3th Ava AHarnuy. NOTICE TO THH PCBLIC Tha old Fax tan reeldenca. remodeled and under new management, with board and room, will open to tha public Monday, Septem ber 3; third atory reaerved for young men. Mra. L H. Van Merer and Daugh ter. Phona Harney ROOM and board for two gentleman or ladle; references required: no other boarders. 'Phone W jibs tor 4410. LARGE, strictly modern rooma, suit able tor two gentlemen, with excellent board. K 9. 2fttll Ava. Harney 5830. IICELT furnished room and board, t3) par month, for one gentleman; walking distance and private family. Douglaa 1032, Raau. 1 Dawey European Hotel, 13th A Farnam. LARGE front room, elegantly furn ished, modern. Fine locauun. Douglaa IfiU LINCOLN AVE., modem, furriiahed; private family. Phone Douglaa 527U. FURNISHED rooms In strictly modern house. Hauacom park diauriuL 1U7 Park Ave. Harney Stftf. ELEGANT room. W". M. HolaL 41s 8. nth nu THREE or tour mealy furnlahed front rooma; muin floor: coinpiata tor huuaa kping. Auit Davenport at. TWO newly furnished outalda rooms, modem: gentlemen preferred, or man and wire, lnQs Douse, third floor, lud. A-4a. WEST Farnam district; nicely fur nlahed, newly decorated; large front room, for lady only; in private home with email family. Everything mudern, choice location. Mill Dawey Ave., two blocka from Famam car; price reasonable; ref erences. Phona Harney 4i4X DESIRABLE meaia; Dundee. room, with or Harney tCSi without 43 N. lth at., elegant modem rooma, WELL furnished rooma; waikmg die. tanca; white porcelain bathtub. 101 a 2ath at. ZM ST. MARTS Two larga rooms; sew and elegantly furnished in uew brio f at; ailrctiy tirat clsa; walking distance. Busineae gentlemen or married cuupie praiarrad. Keferaauea. , THE 8KR1NER. ramodvlad. new man agement, single and double rooma; board It dea'.ed; ataam heat. Harney ond Jtith. NICE modem room, family. L.D 30th at. new: in private Harney 47uL THREE elegant furnlahed rooma; mod ern, walking diatanue. no algn on house. t H. mo. 411 N. UTH ST. Larga. medium and small rooma for gentieinen, comfortable and leaa than live uiouka tiom poauUua. Doug. 4&ul WELL furnished roouis; w a, king die. tanca; white puiceialn, bathtub, lul 3. i.ui JM. NICELY furnished front room, Farnam car. 131 N. Hat Ave. THREE blocks to court houaa. Clean, modern rooma 421 S. Attn. TWO nlcaiy furnished flrat floor rooms for about four gentlemen or Uaa, uaLh and furnace, tin Lodge at. H, mm. FURNISHED and unfuxnlaliad rooma 1515 Capitol Ave. 2230 Douglas. Three elegantly furaiahe,! rooms, strictly modern, very dues lu; sjuatnesa people preferred. AN ELEGANT large room and alcove on anaun floor, also two nica rooma on second floor, nicely rumutneu, waiiung distances airlctiv modem and private family: 124 N. 24lh l TWO furaistaad rooma at 20T N. 9th St to a club at yjurig men; hot and oud water and bath. Appiy at ouca 411 S. 14th Ave., elegant modem rouma. tl. js up. use af par'.ur. TWO niceiT furfnahed ouralda modem learas, man and wife or couule of gentle snaa. Ca.l Sundav or after I p. a week days. 'At I Dunaany. 114 EMMTT. larga room, fronts on Florence oouievaru. eiegautiy Iurmahet. beautiful location, gent.etneut only, ref arencea; raasuuauis. PUoua Webster 33 or OFFERED FOR RENT Far I ha 4 Roan oittlnaril 2TH4 Hirmrt St.. niceir fumihl riumi. I frnnr narlnr ui1 iMdrmim: nrivafa eti- - mnr LA RO rnm, modern, pomnict prl v- Ui fn.ntl:". ' n 1f two gem.emen. Doug. -u. .1. i aaa. FURNISHED or nnf ii-nisiied. nna larse rinm: a w" small sleeping room; board If defiled. Z204 Webeter. D. I2J.. 2313 POT "OLA 3 Ona larw scut t m, nicely furnished, steam heat, hut water, bain; Wiso imill anutii rooms. FVP.Ni .H ED room In modern cr-ttaae at 1323 'Georgia Ava Call, or pnone Harney 923. S30 8. BTH AVE. pleasant housekeep ing rooma, single or enauite: well equipped, good furniture, polished floors, price reasonable: very modern; good neighborhood, waiklntj distance. ELEGANTLT Tirnlahed room for room Ing or light housekeeping : all modern, 1041 Para Ava.. Harney tiSTB. NICELY furnished room. new. modem, !n private family. 120 So. 31st St. Harney Hotalar III Apart Hteata. NICELT FrRNlSHED ROOMS for aen- t'.en-en. THE CHATHAM. 110 a. Uta si THE SK.'HUTZ H.rtei; our 25o piate dinner tha beat In tha elty. WANTED Chambermaid and acmb girl. Apply to huuaekeeper. Hotel Roma. DODGE HOI EL. 12th and Dodge; ail cool outatda rooma: apoeial weak rata. XHJI IRVLNt. 21U2 Leavenworth, flrat vlaaa room and board. flrr lon Pf.ifo! Council Bluffs. Roomn H.W to 17 JO per weea. Burlington, nice room, one blk to depot. OXFORD and Arcade, special w'kly rate. WLND6UU HOTEL Rooms, juc to 1j0. Fai-mun at. Hotel, nice rooma. 1UU Farnum Hotel Lyona rooma Sua up. U3 N. mil. Hotel Autler, elegant rooma. jlu1-! d. U)th. Excellent mea.a, 303 N. 3itn.. d. Omaiia. Howard Hotiil. elegant rs. 1002 Howard Grand Hotel, rooma S5c up. 820 3. 13th. Atlantic hotel, rooma 25o up. 109 Caaa. Vienna, mod., reasonable. 1011-15 Far. Apartmeata aad Flats. THREE and five-room Sherman Ave. W. b7C4. apartments. S-R MODERN FLAT. 1112 3. 11th at. 5-r., modern, ataam baatad flat. Da- vldga Bldg., $40. 2 rooma and bath, ataam heat, Da vldga Bldg., 5. 5-r. modern, 214 S. 37th Ave., 35. JOHN W. ROBB1N3, IBOa FARNiLSt ST. APARTMEN8 of 1 and I rooma each; 3rd flour, over l.ul Cumins; St.. (11 and Hi each. THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCagua Blk. Phuna D. 1300. H0 Eight-room all mudern new brick Cat. 7U N. 2uth dt. J18 lx-room cottage, 181J Paul St. ROBLNdON & WOLiT, 43i Paxton Block. HEAED apartment, H0S 9. Jlta at. Five rooma, new and desirable. $35. ARM3TKuNU-WALdH CO., Tyler luitf. Z1U . 17th dt. 2i CUMINO ST. Steam healed apartmenta of 4 rooma each. Every Improvement, with gas ranges and electric lights. Flat D, 116; Flat B, S12.30; Flat C. tlZjU, plus heat for winter montha, IS extra. THt. W. HAZEN, 307 MuCagua Blk. Phona D. 130. FIVE-ROOM apartment on West Far nam at.; heat, ahadea. gaa stove and janitor service;, very choice. JOHN W. ROB BIN 3, laul FARNAM 8T. THREE and six-room flats. MArtia Blk. 16th and Webstar. NSW. modern alx-room and reception hail. iLH Caaa at, Hoaaca sag Cwttasrea. C5 7 rooms, modern except heat; apply at office. HA rooms, strictly modern. 630 N. 41st 9t. T rooms, naw, all modem, on Ben son oar. 12 rooms, modern except beat. 3501 N. llith au Co a rooma. modem. 1314 3. Slat St. rooms, naw, modern. HIS Georgia Ave. CS 8 rooma, modern. 231 Wirt 3t- (46 g rooma. new, modem, hot water heat, ijui a. Atn Ave. PATNB INVESTMENT CO. SS2.50, modern, oaic finish, brick bouse, 1301 S. 3th. SEVEN-ROOM mod. house, mil N. Itsth. rm HOWARD, nearly now modem house; six rouma, reception hall; beau tiful interior; oaA; mautaL Harney JiLj. SIX-ROOM house, IMS Military ava. Apply M fiamiltun, or vol. Wu. DESIRABLE naw modem 7-room house; choice location. Relihanburg Broa, 61M Brandeta Bldg. Tel. ltf.O. T-ROOM cottage. No. 24th St. Call Fault lea) Claaoing Co., 112 lfith. Doug- ENTIRELT modem 7-room house. K17 Dodge at. . fine location, on weat Famam hill; open fur inspection, inquire 2A door west. FOR RENT TO COLORED PEOPLE. Five-room fiat, moa condition, 221 Lake St.. UL Four-room noma, nicely finished, 2514 Btnnev St., 111. ROBINSON at WOLF, 43 Paxtan Block. S EVEN-ROOM oottara, beat condition, Iaard St., near 25th, biuck from car line. Phuns Harney 271a. FOR RENT Five rooma. STCJ No. 21et. Adults only. Call lata In afternoon or evenings or phona W-4E& MODERN houae. SIS Spencer St.; rouma, CO. THOS. W. tl-VZiii-N, 207 MoCaguo Blk. Tel. D. 1300. WEST of high school, modern, 10 rooms, C7.aU. Telepnun Harney, s-i. 7-ROOM houaa. not modern, gaa, water, sink and tuneu H. 3173. TWO brick houaea, all modem with f-irnaca in each. 2u and 24ii Hamilton St.. THOfl. W. HAZEN. AT7 McCagua Blk. Phona D. 1300. FOR RENT, by October L in Han acorn Park district, a.l modem houaa of I rooma and bath: ou floors; lurga porch and yard; bait bloua tu car. lull S. ilat St. lO-RfHiM modern, atrletly up-to-data residence; hot water haat; east front ilt Ava. and Doug.aa St., oppoalta Turner park (Ml, MADS A. HANSEN, McCagua Bldg. Douglas 1283. FOR caaa af Blats bear Tel. Doug. luaL 2623 No. 30th. 8-room modem houaa. Ln quire Webster InTi. 572 . 3TH St. Eight rgun.. completely modern. C2.ji). Thoa. F. ha.:, 42a Ramga Blcig. Phones Douglaa 74ua, Ind. A-ma. OMAHA EXP. Co,, moving vans and storage. T run as, baggaga dai. D. JUi. 414 ,a i. i-o. WE have a large demand tor houaea and fats. List your vacant property with us. Payne A aiater Co.. eld om. Nat, Uk. WEST Farnam. new brick, S bed rooma, two baths, 11a N. Hath Ave., Sue. 7-ROOM modern houae. In grind condi tion, large corner iut and shade trees; rent El 1M Ohio St. Apply UU Luuirop St. Tel. U-4Zs, FOR RENT Five-room bouse, elty water, bath, toilet and gaa; lia. 1217 a. Sin. Telepnune Doug. ailo. 211 SPENCER ST , J-r . ad mod.. 10. I 2ilJ Burdette St.. 7-r , mod., barn. ly. 1 i. W. RAci CU,, fee bi-audeis Lio. OFFERED FOR RENT Honeoa aad Cattaara rantlwaed TT.-noa " 'l parta of the elty. Crelgfi UJlur-loni Co.. Beo Bld. T. Jg. BISHOP, furnithra moving and sfTirige; I men. C an hour, pec:a.ty haul ing pianna. Tel. D-IW7. Hoiisee, Ina. Rlngwalt., Brandeta Tl Bide HOT'SSHOLD nOor3 packed. for warded; cheap freight rates, moving and tortng, Expreaamen a Delivery Co. lei. Doug. . city iii a, l.LS tit.. Bee b.dg. FOR RENT. S410 Burt St.. 7-room cottage, porcelain bat n, gaa, aewer. LU Iffl N. i3d, (-mom cottage, city water. rt .e. tsw Franklin. 4-room cottage, clt water, clatern. l".0 JO. ailiFranKUn, rooma. flrat floora, tlo.,V). UiU Maaun St., b room cuttage, batu. gae. aewer, CO. JSTS Craighton Ava., -room cottage, baLh. gaa, aewer, $13. J. H. SHERWOOD, 1117 City Nailunal Bank BMg. FINE nice 7-room houae. modern except beat, fine luwn. good ncigiibornond, cioee to car line; rent, WO. 3M4 ALaoU iu Wil liam Kennedy. C5 Strictly modern 4-room cottage, 1411 N. JXth t. Phone Harney J474. FOR RENT Six room modem house, 41144 Patrick Ave.. J-H. Call W abater 4ui, SEVEN and five-mom huusea. rood re pair, rent eiieap. 'Pnona H ll.X Om. Van & Storage Co. packs, moves. stores houaenold good a. Fireproof stor age. a. lHth, farxoca. i a. l,ui. lei. D. 4110. A-LW4. FOR RENT Tha twenty-room brick house, with brick stable and abuut five acrea Improved grounds, at soutnwest comer ui Sherman avenue and spruce street. Inquire room il4 First -Nat l jaaiia bldg. Telephone Duugiaa K14Z. FOR RENT A new 7-room house all modern. caU at Davuuuort ni. Tel. Harney 21ai MODERN, i-room tirlck houee, 1111 N. 23d at., ia par rooJJLh. Phone Harney 10. 6-ROOM modem houae. nearly new. 2 Decatur at,, taona Wauster 2JU- '10 UKI2 Military Ave., 7-room houae mod ern, nice location; on car una. t f Fuuna w e osier la. 4. ft-ROOM cottage. 71 24. 45th St, 4 room baaament, bla N. 41st Ave. Harney 2942. LARGE brick residence and garage cen traiiy located, tluu a month. V. D. Waad, laul Farnam St, SEVEN-ROOM, modern, S335 Ave., Phona Wab. 4304. N. 2Sth LB" TOL want a fine brick 7-room, ail modem home, paved street, ona block to car, good repair, warm and easily heated for 120. look at 29 Ui and Iaard. Turkingtun. Bea Bldg. STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGE. 1 rooma. no children. Douglas 4U7. Steiree aael Off lama, FOR RENT A comer store, lfith and Douglas; modem, up-todata; rent reason able. . 1801 and 1821 Famam St. Tel. Har. 243. OFFICE to rant. Mulligan. 210 & lJth. TWO offices. 3d floor Creighton block; also store it UI 9, 15th St. Alfred Thomas. Agent, 301 First Nat'l Bang Bldg. CLOTHING store, cheap rant. 2&2J St., South Omaha. AT 705 S. lbTH ST. Room, aoxuO. sup plied with steam beat, now being put and fine condition: price reasonable. PETERS TRUST CO.. 17th and Famam. WEIRICH Flxturs Co.. high grade mill work; storm aaah. Webster 2577. LU7 No- 24th St. OFFERED FOR SALE rauraUtasw. WISHING to leave tha city will sscrt flce furniture of C-room house for tiul); house modem except furnace; CO rent; easy walking distance; good piaca for roomers. J 227 Baa. DRESSER, chiffonier, refrigerator and gaa stove, rockers and other furniture. Phona Harney 184, FURNITURE of a five-room modern flat for sale. Tel. Harney 1430. FOR SALE Household furniture, rugs, tables, chairs, bookcases, kitchen utensna, dressers, etc. Call before 11 m. or after 3 p. m. Harriet Borglum, apartment 4. Potter apartments. 33d and Famam. GOOD 8ft. extension table. Cheap. 4011 Izard 31 Phona Harney M7. FOR SALE Nearly naw steel range at a bargain. Phona Douglas 754a. ONE leather davenport and rocker, tabiea, etc., practically naw, cheap. R 2177. Tyawwrlters. SMITH-PREMIER models No, 2 or No. 4. In excellent condition, rented three montha for five dollars. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., ISth and Douglas. FOX Typewriter. 180i Faraam Bt RENT an Oliver typewriter from ths Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 2910. TYPEWRITERS Remington No. t, 112; Chicago, ta. Hammond, Ci; Williams Visible. 04. Underwoods. L. C. Smiths. Smith-Premiers, Clivers, etc., at bargain prices. E. F. 3 wanun Co., U14 Farnam St. City. THB ROYAL Is king of typewriters 165. Sfaaieat lastraaaala. PIANO bargains, lug N. 15th. D. HQS. LEAVING THE CITY WILL SEUL AT ONCE. SACRIFICE, a Steinway piano. 1102 Lathrop. Webstar 362S. Pianos; wholesale prs. 301 Boaton Stora. PIANO, slightly naad. at a bargain. Sageratrom Piano Mfg. Co., 19th and Far nam Sta. MlaoaUaaaaaa. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all slses snd makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. Hi Famam St. FOR SALE At a big bargain, Kimball organ. In first-class condition. Call at N. 2th Ava, or 'pnone Webstar 2b0a. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tabiea. Ws lead ' tna world In cheap bar flxturea; aaay pay la. Brunswick-Baika-Cuilaiider. 4u7 S. lu. FCR SALE High-class base burner; used una year. J. J. ToauL 3vls N. 37th ale SMALL printing office, eomplata with dynamos; bargain; original ousL ilJ Bea SIX-tTO)T bookkeeper's desk, oak fin ish, tor saia at HHtiu. Apply, Georga W. Wright. Bee Pubiiahing Co. FOR SALE Ona five-foot show horse. Oman Tout A Awning Co.. Uut Harney St. TWO good second-hand National cash registers fur sale at a bargain and on easy terms, it. B, Whittsuuuaa. 404 a. 1 15 DIAMONDS, horseshoe pin, solitaire diamond ring; will sacrifice at a big bar gain, Addi vaa a 216, Bea 1'LLL dreaa auits: evening, party dresses for aala or rent, -la M. Ltn. John Feidman. duugiaa 3123; A-2ta, NEW rotanr White sewing machine fur saia cheap 3uis .N. 22d at. Weu. 22. FOR SALE A FOOT BALL OUTFIT, GouD SHI". N-JS GL'AHD, SHIN GUARDS AND H2ADGEAR. ALL IN FlrtsT-CLAaa CuNDlTIu.N. PHONii wta 2uu. BARBER Lavaniiurw CHAIR; fin vuiOn, 2 lib OFFERED FOR SALE tContlnut".!.) RADIANT HOME double heaier, LM 3. rtu 3c . FnR SALE Alaska seal cner. perfect condition, worn auort ume. a bunt. 2i linn, will aril tor low ngiire. t'hona Dooglaa .1040. FOR rAL3 One mmtlgrnph. Tillv eiinpped win seif-feed ina roi,er, print ing attachment and elei-tric motor; or:glnal coat. IhnO; In f;rt-cla.ia condi tion; wl!l eell at a bargain. Amcrtcun Noble". Waterloo. I A. FOR SALE Three Edison business plionoKr-iijnB. nit dosen rw:orits. one h. It son snovtng machine, ad equipped :th eie'tric motors; all aa good aa new: cost C10. will sell cheap; here a a chance to equip an office and cut down cost. American Nobles, Water loo, la. PERSONAL FOR cases of B'.ati Beer Tel. Doug. luSL Massage. Rtttenhouae. 'MS Cld Boston Bid. Mechann Therapy massage treatment. Stomaon trouble. Dr. M.traret Ha.loran. 222-i Neville Blk., D. TTni. upen aiter ii. Dr. Burke. Dlaeasea of Women, Omaha. JAMES CORK ELECTRIC COMPANY Moved to JOi A lDth St. Douglaa UUL WILL Harold Ward Olker or relatives write to H. W. P.. San Difgo. Cai. Mrs. Snyder, Swedish masoage. baths, radiator, and vibrator treatment. The Dunsany, Flat J, lom and Pierce. D. 4JSO. Adeilght hair food growa hair. Mma. Flayer, Megeath Sta. Co., lEth and Karn. Automatio phone Bua's, fZ; real., C l'OL'N'J WOMEN coming to Omaha aa atrangera are invited to visit the Young Women a Chrlatian association building at Seventeenth dt. and St Mary's Ava., where they will' be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asatsted. Look for our travelers aid at tha Lniun Station. DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on TO orders; catalogue free. Sherman ai McConneil Drug Co., Omuha, Men. vtt ArpnO treatm'ts. Mrs. Steele, ex-Oi-l JJ pert oper't r. 107 3. 17. 2 fL WE rent and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Ind. A-lo; Douglas 1653. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Uith and Harney Sta MASSAGE 8wedlsh movement; nothing better for rheumatism. Ladles, fl. gentle men, H.3U. Apt. 4 lsui Famam, Doug. i'.'2L Ml S A CtV. Treatment. Mra. Steele, m a 17tn 2d floor, rm. i HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen, 60c BELL, DRUG CO. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caat off clothing. In fact anything you do not need. Wa collect, repair and efll, at IM N. Uth ar, for cost or collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phona Douglas 412a, and wagons will call. MRS. M. 3. PIERCE Shampooing hair dressing and manicuring. Make a spe cialty of dying and removing aurplua hair. 29til Farnam. 1L tjUbL Ind. A-142&. Ml flVTTTTn treatment. E. Brott. 710 Al-r-t-i-LAV-' 3. 16th. 2d floor. D. 52.a iB-DAT BLOOD REMEDY. Gladdlsh Pharmacy, Oh and Dodge. MASSAGE I .h- .""T treatment. Mme. Allen of Chicago. 101 3. 17 Li St., first floor. D. 7665. MRS. C. W. CHAPMAN. H. 5240. Hair goods, all descriptions; combings mada up. POULTRY AND PT STOCK THOROUGHBRED S. C. Rhode Island Red chickens, old and young; take Amea Ava. car tu 40th and Grand. Call at 317 Sa.-atoga. POULTRY supplies all kinds. The Ne braska Seed Co., li13 Howard. D. 126L THREE thoroughbred White Leghorn cockerels for aala cheap. Wabater JM. Cats aad Doga. FOR SALE Two fine bred Boston ter rier pups, subject to registered y. Caa o" bought cheap if taken at once. J. F. Tucker, 4218 Grand Ave. Web. 1535. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Frank J. Norton. 21B 9. 17th. Bee Blrla-. "There's a Reason." "I minimize your title troubles, Both phones. Midland Guar. & Trust Co., 1714 Far. H. H. N'eaie. prea; J. Campbell, sec. D. 2SS5. Peter Jaaaen, Jr., Co. Tel. Doug. 2232 M. T. Brennan, abstracts. Brandeia Tna Abstracts, M. T. Brennan, 2U Brandals Theater. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 206 Brandeia Theater. BUILDERS' INFORMATION. Electric, gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. Concrete bars for builders. Alnrn. aOl Far. Ideal. Cement Stona Co.. 17th and Cuming. L. F. Van Vaikenbarg, plumbing. W. SC7. Carpenter contracting, repairs. Har. 424L 8. E. Waters, cemant cunt. 1515 N. 20th 3t Flatta Gravel A Washed Sand Co.. 442 Bea Omaha Sign Hang. Co.. D. 2696. 114 S. 12th Fucha. Son & Blind, painting, decorating. M. Peterson, gen ai con. 433 Ohio. W .13SL Amer. Sply Co., rooTg. paints. 110S Nloh. WANTED TO BCV. LIST vour city property for sals with Vogel. 4L Karbach Bldg. CITY PROrEBTY FOR SALE INVE3TME.NT OPPORTUNITY 13 ROOMS ALL MODERN. Id.JOO. Wa have a two-apartment house, con taining 13 rooms, 1 bath rooma, 7 bed rooms, with parlor, dining room and kitchen in each apartment, with new plumbing and good heating plant. Thia property ia too large for preaent owner and it ia a splendid proposition fur soma ona who will buy It and divide It Into four three-room apartments. Owing to the arrangement of the houae. tins work can be done at a very amail expense and when completed the apartments will rent for (25 each. Tha buyer can ilva in ona apartment, rent the rest and maka a good investment out of your home. Tha building is well built and in good condition, only 13 minutes ride to tha center of tha mty, ona block from the Dodga atraet car Una and in good resi dence district. THE NUMBER T9 WD NORTH JoTH STREET. It Is Just north of Ohio on the Florencs boulevard. A good i or 7-room modern house will be taken In exchange at tha right price. Thia proposition la certainly wurth looking at. NORRI3 A MARTIN. 400 Bea Bldg. Doug. 4270. A-1270. BY owner, modern house, 6 rooma and reception hall, 4244 Patrick Ave., one blor from car diie. Want offer. Call Wab ater 4Sta). BE SURE to call on A. C. Jewell, tha land man. 210 Board ot Trade, and ma a a vour headquarters with him while at Ak-Sar-Een, O'NEiL'S Real Eataie A Insurance Agency. Farnam. Qty property and farm lunds a specialty. Wa have bar gains. 300 $300 FIELD CLUB LOT On Mixm. between 3lh and 37th facing naw bu-'n-clasa homes; price, 11,200; 1', 4 down, balance easy. PAYNE A SLATER CO.. Sixth Floor oma.ia Nat'l Bank tVMi tT,l"s! FtR SALE Pacific Kx press Co. office biulumg an 14 aAaaiea. G. P. otebuuna PEAL ESTATP CITT moPCRTT F)R S 1 LB lOmUnunl.l PEMTS PAIC. i rooma modern, iiot waicr bent, large corner lot. J4 Jti. liluver Kca.ty jynilu-m;, Douglas .Cxi PY OWNIR-All modem c"t?.ige. alec trie light, gaa, bnth and furnace, pave, ment nid. f nl basement with laundry. 24 CaltlvU St. ITl.a FOWLER AVE., s-ronm house and lot. modern, for saie ohean;. has been rntel 2 y-ara. In aood locailon. Owner vill how" you the place at any rime. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT $.),o00 Where cnu you f;nd another house of the same c flua similarly located, contain ing 'hot watr heat and all modern con veniences, at the same 'ow price we are aakng for this one. The lot alone ia worth n.-io. Tl:e house Is isoi i. .TGth Ave. Pnn.eMinn rm st IITIV time PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 1112S N. 3fiTH. South Omaha, two cnt taes. 4 and rooms, corner lot. con venient distance from packing houses. Price right. Liberal terme. Owner on pre ml sea. II. mm BUYS new cornne of 4 rooms and bath room, cemented cellar and ce ment walks. Terms. Ci cash; balance I '.a a month without interest. Owner, Box. 736. A New One Just completed a 7jroom new house eleitnntlv finished, consisting of 3 bed ronma and hath upstairs, aiso a sleep ing porch, rereotlon hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on 1st floor, downstairs is finished in nag. modem in everv detal. South front lot 42x140: located 3ii2S Sew ard St. Price W.iMi; easy terms. Bemis-Carlber Co., 310-313 Brandeis Theater. NO. 3419 CUMING ST. W want to show ynu t hit brand nw S-rouiie hoiiH. an bmlv) it will mtft with your ntir approval if vou ar look in f.'r fMimtMhinn' tnl in th way f a wil lotatfl umi iip-to-'iat hom. The prrft "rair,lv Inn ntii)trh. (nlv sfi.70), PAYNE INVESTilENT CO., See Me If yon wait a new eight-room house leaa than you eouid build it for. This house ia entirely modem to tha mlnuta In every reapoct; will cunaider trade fur 0t"" HARRY H. PUTNAM. Telephone Harney 10. 5140 Burt. We Want to Build Two or three mora good houses In that block of lota at 3Titn and Dmlgn. Tha three new houses that are there practically complete are soul, but you can still look through them and see how thev are built. We want to build soma that are still better than these. Bring in vour suggest. nna of how you would Improve on them. It you would rather build for yourself, get a plat of this block of lots, with prices. These lots have the advantage of choice location, but. their desirable ness comes more from the uniform ity of tha block no uld houses in tha way. Harrison & Morton Best Lot West East front on 12d Ave., north of Podge St., surrounded by splendid homes, tTS-toot east front, 15.000. Harrison & Morton Three cottages, walking distance, rent value, 140. Price, 3.1ju. TaL Douglas 2S42. A-2842. FIVE ROOM modem cottage with full cellar and attic. Paved street, very desir able lot; an terms Ilka rent. Banght, IHUi and Douglas St., State Bldg. at Loan Association. GOOD INVESTMENT. 3,500 buys two houses on good comer In the hills, very central; both streets paved; one block of school snd car line: one houae of 3 rooms, bath, gas and elec tric lights: one 5 rooma, cttv water and sas; will rent for about l4i"l per year; room for another houae. McGee Real Estate Co., 105 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. ACREAUfi FOa SALE. 20 ACRES, Center St., Omaha, suitable for garden or poultry farm; small im provements, IE acres partly cleared and part in cultivation: running water; high, sightly location for suburban home; C50 par aura. Alva Smith, Council Bluffs, la. FOR INCOME OR INVESTMENT. I offer tha best close in proposition on tha market; two cottages, just aoutn and across the street from All SalntV church. Phona Douglas 69lf7. FOR case of Blata beer tel. Doug. ion. DUNDEE LOT. SIGHTLY location; price Is right. Fell A Pmkertou Co., 213 Board of Trade Bldg. IOWA and NEBRASKA farms. Graham A Peters, 827 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. For Sale A Five Acre Snap In -Benson A 5rACRE SNAP IN BENSON, 2 blocka from paved street (Military Ave.), 4 blocks from street car. Haa one acre fine fruit trees of variuus kinds, 5 year old; larga amount of small fruits; haa -room house .electrto lights, cistern and well; placs Is all fencer1.: fine spring ot running water. Price. C209. Would trade for cottaga and take mtge. back for dif ference. J. H. Sherwood 1517 City National Bank. GOOD OOTTAGK AND FOUR LOTS. 0.20. 1200 caah. balance like rent; If you pay rent you can t afford to not see this; your rent money will pay fur it and it la in unusually good place for tha money; location convenient to Omaha car and citv school, good high lots on imr: plenty of larira shade trees and small bam. McGee Real Eatata Co., 106 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. REAL ESTATE riBX at RANCH LAND FOR SALE. Alabama. r.5 TO C5 AN ACRE land I offer will double In value next tlirue years; rents better than 10 per cent. E. E. Socor, Selina, Ala. Calif aira la. CALTFORNTA FRUIT FARM1 Agenru aantwl In every town to soil our contracts, big commissions, easy to sell; write at once fur full information. Ma. Keevcr at Tucker. 1C0 a. Uth Si.. Omana. Caaa da. NEW COUNTRY OPENING. Tha Grand Trunk Paclfia railroad Is now cluaimt Ita gap acroaa the famous Frazer valley in CENTRAL BRITISil COLUMBIA tha Choicest region of the richest province In ' Canada. Here la your chance to buy. ferine land at open lug pr'i'es in tha great Fort George coun try. Fur further information cail. writ or wire. MKVEI. DISTRICT SALES AGENT, 410 Paxton Bldi;., Omaiia. Neb. Phone Douglas 217. Ind. A-4327. CHOICE R A I LRO A D LA N DS Just thrown on the market. Alberta. Canada, ten years time, call or write E. S. Klor, Gen 1 Agr, C. P. R-, 440 Board of Trad Bldg. Cslaraala. Bargains Fruit land. 52 Brandeis Bldg. FRUIT land bargains. Land Co.. 1122 tarn am. Interraountaia Phone U. 4UU Liuiuestead eiuntuiah. Cheap. 4U K'baca, REAL ESTATE citt rkorKitif rtiR (Continued.) REAL SSTATE riRX A Rklt H Ltn mn SALE , - (Continued.) Flnrtda. St Lucia Gar Jtna ami Citrus Fruit Lands Located In St. Lucie county, Florida, on i r in i ii I, on i tw.M.n r'ott , na n line of the fainoua Indian nver, bet' I'tiTi-f ami f ,Tin Keacn. on ma n ine or Fo'-lila East oust ruIWuv. ,-ven sta- I tlons on or near tracts every acre w'thin I one-ha.f rrlie to four milea of station, Here are finest plneapnle plantations and citrus 'rult groves m the state of Florid. showing land clear and free of everv ln- cumhmnee, will be delivered. A clean cut land proposition that gives a man real value tor his monev. To agents who can produce rs,iita we offer very at trnctlve proposition. Coldren Land Co., 71! New York Life Bldg . Kansas nty. Mo. Schaaf-MoCann Investment Co., 140 3.13th St.. Lincoln. Neh. Iowa. THE easiest way to find a huver for vour farm is tu insert a ema.l want ad 1 In the Dea Moines Capital. Larst cir- , cnhition in tlie state of Iowa. ,",.i daily l'hu Capital is read by and believed m hy the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re fuss to permit any other paper 111 their homes. Ratea 1 cent a word a day. II. Ji per Una per mnnili, count six urd'sary words tu the line. Address Des Moines Capital. Des Moines, la. 125-.VCRE improved farm, w'th orchard, I miles N. E. Council Bluffs IN5 per acra, if quick. 54 acres, well improved. $12S per acre. Day A Haaa Co., Sole Agents. Co. Bluffs. FOR SALE-2s0 acres improved Iowa farm. Co. L. B. US, Van Wert, la. tiOOD 20-ACRE PLACE Four miles from Council liluffs, all oprt land, most or. it npianu va.iey inn very , 1 run. Haa fine crop this year In spite of drouth. Neiit 5-room cottage wun wed and cistern wilier in kitchen, good barn of finTbeiir ng orchard which. I 5 acrea with a little rare, wll pay tor the place In a few yniirs. Level rood to city and school house acnMs road. A cheap plats at I4.2U0; II.juO cash, balance long ume. M-GEE REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Missouri. O.OrsJ acres, center of fnjlt belt south west Missouri : lmnrnvd and unim proved; fruit, storkraialng, general farm ing, 15 acre up. Write today for Informa tion, W. H. Smith, Monett. Mo. Nebraska. WANTED SO Nebraska ranches and farms for Iowa customers. Alleahuuse A Co., Council Bluffs, la. 100 CUSTER CO. farms lust on market. 215 up . easy terms. Walker Co., 241i Bran dels Theater. NEBRA37CA and Oregon land. IS up. 894 Brandeis Bldg. HOMESTEAD 320 acres for 1175; about 20 miles out; rich farm laud, nut sand. Was an old entry, now cancelled. Worth I2.JO0. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Neb. GOOD Nebraska land. CO up. J. N. Sweet, 323 Neville. IMPROVED Nebraska farms, ta an acre up. Writs or call for our Mat. Woodward. 714 Omaha Nat. Bunk Bldg. lOtt-ACRE farm near Benson for sale, cheap. Owner has incurable alcknaaa. in. quire room 504, Brown block. h.aat n Neb. land. 17a. 84 Brandeis Bldg. BURT COUNTY IMPROVED 100 ACRES Houae, 4 rooma; bam, a hursea, granary, hog house, sheds, windmill, 140 acres cul tivated, 20 pasture; noth Craig. IK2.50 per acre. J. A. Gibbons, owner, Elkhorn. Neb. a aw Mexloa. COLONIZATION AND RANCH LANDS YOU WANT THIS S8.000 acres New Mexico ranch. 30,000 acres can be Irrigated; id. ml. Terms. Kallogg, Broker, Audubon, la. OkJaas OKLAHOMA FARM LANDS. Do you want a good farm in tha rich est tunning county in eaiitern Oklahoma, near Muskogee? Five railroads, ciuee u markets and schools: good water, umnty 01 rainfall, inud wintais. deep biaca son, U'.eae farms pruduca fine crops ot cun, wheat, uais, allaita. cotton and ad kaiuU of fruit; these landa are being lapidiy Duiiriht up; 2U.UO0 acres 10 select tram, prices range from C5 to per acre. 1J interested writs far lists, or, better, com ana see for yourself. Best ot terms. J. W. GOWOY. Muskogee. Okl. SPECIAL. 980 ACRES farming land. Craig county, Oklahoma, improved, 4 springs; deep sol , lays fine; near market; 125. 00 per acre, best terms. J. W. Guwdy, Muskogee. Okl. Orega. Free Trip to Oregon We want you to this aroiiuurful country The home of tha "Oregon Ap ple. ' Ten acrea of good Oregon apple orchard will net mora returna yearly tlian lwi acres of your best farm land. SANTIAM FRUIT COLONY. INC., Guurga hi. Wigntinun, UfU. Sales jip. Address or call, Sanford Hotel, or phone. loath Dakota. FOR SALE OR RENT. WO acres. Improved, six miiea from Win ner. Tripp county, South Dakota. Ad dress Gaurgs Koah. Dexter, la. HOMESTEAD land In tha famous Rosebud coutry of South Dakota, Mu. letta and Bennett counties to ba opened October 2 to October 21. Dallas Is the terminal registration point and closest point of registration to theaa landa Free booklet and information by addressing Greater Dallas Committsa. Dallas, a. Li. ROSEBUD LANDS. AiTHENTlO map of that portion open for settlement next month. Maps, Ja each, un sam at Beatun Drug Co. ur L. MoCunnelL 120 Pax Ion Blk., umaiia. Texas. TIVE acre orange orchards tl. 000.00, tioti.oo cash, balance terms. Bearing or. ctiiird, four years Send for boukiet. Me lado Land Co., Audubon, la. LAND OPENING Over 1U0.000 acrea thrown open to the public for settlement in Texas: tl 50 to 16 'J per acre: title di rect from state; terme one-fortieth down, balance forty years. Address Box 225, Houston, Tex. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam smith Co.. 1220 Farnam at. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Landa tKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Sank Building. MONEY TO LOAN Payne In v. Co. WANTED City loana. Patera Trust Co. CITY and farm. JOHN N. FRENZER. MONEY to loan on business or residsnus properties. Il.iiou to !.mi),,M0. W. ft. THoMAS, 501 First Nat. liana Bldg. 1100 to 110.000 mada promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 1Mb and Farnam sta. LOW W RATES, REMI3-C.VRLBERG CO 2 Brandeia Theater Bldg. 310-3 WANTED FARM 1XIANS. Kloka In veatmant Company. Omaha. 5- t',ft, n c,fy and fainn property. JlOU-Ow. B. Melala. 306 Raniga. ORST TRUST CO. ..-y LARGE dry k suis wanted; mm tiiaara at uonda and aoid. "T ULL kuu-i. HTiaVIN BROS Loan SMI to o7-VJ-xa "u'-"-J uwt, A Oiu. Na. iid. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE I HANDLE exchangee everywhere. For results t oia Leau. u7 Bea. Blug. D. 13.3. Will sed In tracts of el acres up at t0 1 mii from Kimuaii, eo. i".' "' per acre one third cash, balance In five Twenty acra and a town lot in ire onion, years. Praltia ditches and graded . bt of Texas. Tw-ntV aorea and two roads being built and will be completed j town Iota In tha fig and orange ignis without cost to land buvers. T.'pon pay.ast) belt of Texas. Two nice quartera. r-n, r ,...h .h.i,.i I , i ... hiia.bnrii. Colo. Will FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1 1 "on tinned. ) jtllFTT ANP ponli-a for " or exchange for vnt lo". A il. bee: Tn ,pi.-iif von have anvthlng ' trade. write tne. a. b.. " " EXH.V N O K S A C. Jewell. Board at Trail D. lJ7. . WE erchange prooertiea of merit C. W. Welsh. HI J-13 O. . Bioir - . EXrilANOr. for what vou want, sh""1 A Co.. Exchange Experts, Faxton U.S. - SEE J. L. Barber to sell or rn"n"" anything. 440 Board of Trade, u. 44i. Z '. . . HALF section of good farm lana. j insider a bunch of good horsea good cattie or clear, earning Addresa Box 4. Albion. Neb, TO TRACK A Cols) equity in a nva- ,00m house, barn and two lots in 't.-'-tor automobile. J. A. Chambers, AaaWr- ton. la. FOR SALS OR TRADE. A good 120-aora Platta .co!nty.!r ?n wed unprove.1. best ot aoll; J "'J " a good neighborhood. I mtiae J"m,-n" Neo. lrue. 1...01. Will take or x',u . ",. ... city piperty "" man. or clear land or uiy prv v an.i give u..i 1... nu 4-room dwelling house and barn; ninn lot with small orchard. ' Pc"- i.i fur aala or exchange. ,., im 3-rootu dweiung and rnie iiit lor aaie or exchange. m one of tne best resident PrP"rtJ" 1 Genoa, Fine large frame houee. ,." rooms, large haaement and oonserva modem in every way. hot water heat and gas light, large store r'",m. ,"J, "",1 mer kltc.Iieii. go.Hl barn and other build inas; larva lawn, with shade and orna menta. trees and ahruhbery; good bear ing ore nu rd In best of condition, fri". IS.iMi. ltental value, C3 per month, can irivo pot.sei.Hion on short notice or furniaii permanent tenant, will cunaider good ""Vnva properties can be excliangetl V-,.-vo V R F l KST.VTE FXCHANGE. Mernratiuv (,r toget:ur. --; Manager. Genoa, Neb. "Ine, improved frtrm. H14 acree. In east- sen Kansas. 100 m'las sout hweat ot nnj orchards. 240 acres under plow, bsms meadow and pasture: incumbrance. price 17" per acre. Will trade for Oman rentat property and assume reasonable Incumbrance. : 4IH, riee. WuMTFP TO BUY CASH paid for books. Crane. 313 3. 14th. ROOMING HOT,?! WANTED. At once: must he cloaa In; will pay cash. Address. E 304, Bee. WANTED 40 H. P. tourlnif car: enuipped lull make: Chalmers 4 or Stoddard-Dayton preferred. Addreas I 1K3. cure Bea. I PAY caah for Judgments, defaulted and otherwise, against H0.1t ham J,11 fornlane. A. C. Tollver. 521 Byrne Bldg.. Loa An galea, Cal. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Seven or eight room housa. must he strictly modem and well located. Phone Harney 51o7. WANTED TO RENT Modern cottaga !n Bemla Park district, October 16. Ad dresa S 433. Bea. FURNISHED modem suite of rooms, wtth bath; must be In refined, first clast. house or apartment: no hosrrtlna or rooming nouses new answer, rv J3u. I WANTED Ta rent. 4-room house, part moaern, in any part 01 ujij. mu. N. 42, Bea. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG lady, with high school educa Uon, wishes a position. C 321. Baa MAN wants position aa Janitor; good references. Addreaa B-a20. cars Baa. FIRST claaa practical nurse can oa engaged at onca Douglas (11)4. HOUSEKEEPER, wants position Im mediately, in small family;, capable of taking full charge. A. 300 Bee. CLERK, thoroughly experienced In gen eral mcrchandiae, wants a position. Speaks German. Good references. Ad dress Box 144, Madison, Neb. MIDDLE aged lady wants situation as housekeeper. tilS So. 20th. STENOGRAPHER with office experi ence, wants position with chances for advancement. Small salary to begin with. Add reus J 332, Bus. A CAPABLE energetic woman of ex perience and ability wants position aa cook and housekeeper for club houae, or In widowers fiuniiy. Can furnish best references. Address Mrs. E. W. 1124 Wast 4th St,, North Platte. Neb. WANTED Situation hv a middle aged experienced man. Position aa .general farm superintendent accustomed to op erating large Illinois farma. understands modem farm methods of handling itock of all kinds. Address B 33a, Bee. WANTED Place on farm for bay IS years old. 3 335, Bea. 4 WANTED situation aa office assistant or clerk 111 office, by a fine penman and correspondent, gilt edge references. B 3Z9. Bea. WANTED sltuatlun, by a middle aged experienced man, pusitiun as clerk In hotel, either In cltv or country, where tha services of a first-class man would ba appreciated. B 3K9, Baa. WANTED Situation, by a flrst-claas I man. position of clerk or auslstant in U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. I mi cnidin OLiit:n. and relerences. B 323, Bee. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship yoar stork to Oonth Omahftt sure mileage and ahrtiiJutse; your consiirninenta ratelv pronivt anal careful attention. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Byers Bros, ia Co. Strong and rasponalbla WOOD BHDS., 234-3 Exchange Ulk. Great Weat. Com. Co., Omaha A Denver. W. R, SMITH A SON Just handle aheap. W. F. DENNY at CO.. 233 ExcU. Bid TAGG BROS., handle cattle, bogs, ahaec. CLINTON CunvCo., Jkachanga alug. Dunanua A it an dull Co., 203 Each, Bldg. Clay. Rublnsua Co.. 200 Exch, Bldg. The Standard Com. Co., Ill Exch. Bids. W. R. SMITH SON just handle shasuT Interstate Co. Batter resulta Shin ta ua, tlUllKE-lUCKLY CO., 201 Exch. Bidg. L. E. KUiiliHTS k CO.. 22S Excn. Bldg. A.ien Dudley A Ca, 225-37 Exch. Bldg Cox A Jones Com. Co., a bunch of bustlers. Haas tun at Fonda, live stock cum. mar. Farmers L. d. Cum. Co.. 2t Exdhanga Deposit proceeds of shipments In Stock yards Nat L Bank, only bang at yards. . WINN Broa A Co., Exchange Bldg. LAVERTY BROS.. 12a-40 Exch. Bldg. Paxton-Eckmar. Chem-Co., stock, remedies Martin Bros. A Co.. Exch, Bids. Alex G.Buchanan A Son. 154-156 Ex. Bldg. 0MAHA-THE GRAIN MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO., grain merchants; eoaaianinenia solicited. Tag iiraiideia, THE Updlka Grain Co. Conalgnmanl earelaily handled, omana, NoU. MERRIAM COMMISSION CO. "Ask tha man who baa triad us. Nbraaka-Iowa Gra.a Co. 764 BraodaiaV