Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1911, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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VOL. XLI XO. 14.
Wherr Styles'
Is Best
r. i n r u
" 1 Mrlnan
1 eharr of I " fi-T r ' Ktnarsr of the in cbarg-s of I
Trench Trimnf.d Hat. at Chief Trimmer Millinery Store a?ii.KVooo " J
929.00 to 9125.00 I I I J I at 1100 to 110.00 J
liyr) Vmz Vntr Frumdii Ars Cordiallv Invited to Attend the First )
Iff '
Miss Weinberg
In charts of
Ostrich Trimmed Hats
930.00 to aiaa.oo
Miss Evans
In chary of
Tailored Bat at
9&00 to S35.00
You and Your Friends Are Cordially Invited to Attend the First
"Omaha Combined Style Show
Week Beginning Monday, September 25
AT the Bennett Store you will find magnificent stocks of the world's best
merchandise, most carefully and discriminate selected from the lead
ing fashion and manufacturing centers of the globe--Appareling for men, women and children;
yard goods of all kinds, furnishings and decorations for the home beautiful--in fact, everything
that is new and good can be had at this store. This formal opening, with its wealth of merchandise in each of its fifty
seven departments, merits the attendance of every person in Western Iowa and the State of Nebraska, even though it
might necessitate a day or night of travel to come, it is the literal truth, plainly and emphatically spoken, when we say that the assemblage
of the styles and qualities in all lines presented in this season's formal opening exhibits now stands equalled by but comparatively few stores
in the Great Middle West and excelled by none. People from out of town, especially, will delight in the wealth of opportunities this store affords.
A Grand Millinery Opening iSXiS
This page .shows a rrw idea in the advertising business--and there is a good reason for it. You
"Have helped "make the mL:inery store the best west of Chicago andvve realize that if you are to make this establishment
.your business home" you must know more of the people in it. So, we introduce to you, by means of this advertisement, the women in charge of
the"various sections of our great millinery store. Under each picture you will find the person's name and the merchandise under her personal super
vision. :Each one has pleased hundreds of customers because she thoroughly, understands the styles and merits of the various things assigned to her
care, and each "one is capable of rendering to you the same satisfactory service.- Believing it will be to your advantage, we suggest that you study
this advertisement, and then, when visiting any section, ask for the lady in charge. You will always be assured of intelligent, competent assistance.
Our showing embraces hundreds of new Parisian Hats from the small, chic shapes-cleverly twirled
. and caught here and there into new effects--to the largest, most elaborately trimmed creations.
Their beauty and charm is. quite irresistible. These three extra specials are for the opening day only.
Miss Holligan
in oharra of
Ostrloh, Bird of Faradli and
AirrattM 93.88 to 9125.00
Miss Hbuchin
In char? of
Fancy Taathara and Plowan
at 60o to 97.60
Miss Baird
in charge of
Street Hate at
95.00 to 925.00
Various 'New Triwid Hats
Trimmed hats of finest bright finished felt in
plain blacks and the newest colorings as well
as many handsome two-toned effects; trimmed
with only the most popular t"r" ff
materials; actual $10.00 val- TTN1 I II I
ues, for Monday only Yu,vv
Guaranteed Willow Plumes
Monday only we will give to all who corao one if
our handsome black guaranteed willow plumes,
worth $25.00 and $27.50, for $16.50. A small de
posit will reserve it for fu-,
ture delivery. Our written
guarantee with each plume .
Imported New Dress Shapes
A large asortment of the newest Persian dress
shapes of very fine velvets and the best quality
hatter's plush-no two hats alike-actual $12.00
to $15.00 values offered
special for one day only-Mon
uiicvc actual .p i .uvj
Miss Rink
Chief Designer
Miss Dunn
in oharg-o of
Untrimmad Dn Hata
91.00 to 915.00
This Unfolding of Winter Garment Modes Is for You
We shall not spoil the pleasure of your visit by telling here of all of the many novelties we have
discovered at home and abroad or of the completeness and attractiveness of the stocks. You can read style magazines
and articles without number and not gain one-tenth the amount of style knowledge a visit here will give you because style is something impossible to
describe and better understood than expressed. Like Niagara, you can't appreciate it until you have seen it. So, let these few mentionings and our
earnest invitation be reason for your coming tomorrow and every other day convenient during the "Omaha Combined Stvle Show" week.
The various lines include the jaunty and ultra-fashionable designs as well as all of the plain tailored
models. Fabrics, trimmings and tailorings measure up to our high, unvarying standard of quality.
Quality Furs
and stylish furs are one and the
same at the Bennett Store.
Every coat and piece is fin
ished with a lining that corres
ponds in quality to the fur-one
must give as satisfactory wear
as the other. But fur styles
change and you will come here
for the newest innovations.
River mink coats at $75.00 and up.
HuFsian yeny coats at $75.00
and up.
Pony coats at $35.00 and up.
Nearseal coats at $75.00 and up.
Red Vox bets at $59.50 each.
Natural mink 62ts. $49.50 and up.
Blcck fox sets, SS.'.OO &nd up.
Stiver fos sets at $29.r.O and up.
And many others as reasonably priced.
Elegant Evening Costumes in "Many Styles
Many very effective ideas are shown in low neck, styles for evening
wear-lavender chiffons over white satins with floral borderings; gold
braiding around the.yokes; skirts and waists trimmed with black fringes,
etc. One model is of pale blue net made over satin with deep floral bor
der of pink roses; has pink satin folds, gold lace trimmed waist and pink
girdle-$49.50. Also pretty dresses for street and informal wear.
Fine Tailored Suits at $49.50 to $59.50
The majority of these are made from the very finest chiffon broad
cloths' in cadet blue, black and the coronation shades. The coats have
large revers, heavily embroidered, collars and cuffs of velvet with silk
embroidery work and finest peau de cygne linings. The skirts are pan
eled both front and back and finished with embroidery work to match
the coats. Very smart and dressy.
Miss Henson
In oharg-o of the
Deeigniug Kooin
Suits at $37.50 to $45 00
' Suits at these prices are of two
toned zibelines in such popular com
binations as brown and black, cadet
blue and black and coronation pur
ple and black. Two-button cut
away styles with large revers trim
med with velvet and embroidered
cuffs to match. Skirts have panels,
two large folds and high girdles.
Tailored Suits at $35.00
English ' cheviots, mannish wor
steds, French boucle cloths and
striped homespuns enter into tho
making of this superior line. Coats
are in cutaway and plain straight
models. Velvets, fancy button?,
braiding and silk frogs and orna
ments are greatly used in the many
trimming schemes. Skirts trimmed
to match the cloth.
Coats mt $25.00 to $35.00
Rough materials have the call in
the coat stock although mixtures,
striped materials and reversible
cloths are much in evidence. Large
revers and large collars are in high
favor and velvets and large fancy
buttons relieve the garments at col
lars, cuffs and pockets. Brown,
purple, tan, Royal gray and other
colors as please your fancy.
Junior Coat. $9.50 to $13.50
Quite a pleasing assortment of
girlish styles will also be given spe
cial attention this week. Coats of
checked and plaid back materials
are most stylish while the new Jun
ior polo coat finds favor with many
girls and their mothers. Cadet blues,
tans, grays and browns for ages 13
to 17 years. Also Junior 3uits.
Stylish Corsets
Our Madame Grace corsets
combine all the elements of
style and beauty that go to
make a good corset as well as
many other desirable features
possessed by no other line.
They are made o( imported silk
batiste or Italian cloth and boned
with boning that is guaranteed.
They are beautifully trimmed and
the hose supporters are covered to
protect the flesh and garments.
To bring out to the fullest the
perfect fit of the costumes and suits
you should select a corset from this
superior line. Here are models for
every figure, from the little French
stage corset to the most extreme
Priced at $3.00 to $25.00.
All Contestants
must submit thsir
answers on blank
provided for the
purpose. You can
secure them in the
Furniture Dept.,
Third Floor.
To the
A Kitchen Cabinet Given Away Free September 27
Person Submitting the Six Best Reasons for Using a "Sellers No. 6" Kitchen Cabinet Which We Now
nave in Stock, The value of this Free Cabinet is $27.50
No money is required and any oerson Is at liberty to enter the contest. ir. von have to do ia coma to the store for Roeciul blunku have hud
printed for this contest, look over the ca I.I nets so as to find out what the best points of the cabinets are and then send In your falx beat reasons" be
, (ore Ked Letter Wednesday, September 27th. No obligations w hatever are lnCUrred. Here is detailed description of the cabinet.
This kitchen cabinet is unlike, and far in advance of, any kitchen cabinet ever built. It is made of the best material throughout.
Has sanitary base with high feet, giving ample room for sweeping; polished metal sliding extension table top that draws out and gives an
aoundance 01 working space, so arranged that all parts are Instantly accessible for thorough cleaning; automatically trlting and lowering
I removable flower bin (capacity 60 pounds) with glass front and permanent rotating sifter bottom, always ready for use-tbe only air
' tight, dust and vermin proof flour bin made on a ny kitchen cabinet today; original and exclusive patent glass sugar receptacle, with
screw top and sliding laver delivery at bottom, attached to door closing compactly into the compartment; equipped with removable meta
Mined cooling cabinet. with wire shelves, ventilated by unique, original system. Has non-rustable metal bread and cake box with perforated,
ventilated lid. The Interior of the entire upper part of the cabinet Is finely and durably finished with many coats of the very btot varnish.
Haa copper-flnishud trimmings, and strong, easy-running steel casters. The entire arrangement Is such that all parts are tcuvt ntly ac
cessible, affording the utmost cleanliness, convenience acd saving of time and steps. All corners are neatly rounded. ImDrov'Mi its an.
pearance and precluding all possibility for dust or dirt to accumulat.