A HIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 24, 1911. TIMELY REALESTATE GOSSIP Realty Men Want Donglai County Exhibit at the land Show. EXCHANGE TO COSSIDEE MATTER Would Mr (ontr Appropriate Mone? for Anaaal Exhibit r ta Daaalaa toaatr Aarlvallaral ltr Take Spare. BRIEF CITY NEWS The fact that Douglas county will not b represented by an exhibit at the Omaha Land fhow, to be held at the Ak-Sar-I3en coliseum. October W to 28. has come to the attention of membera of the Heal. Etale exchange, who expect to hunt the matter before the exchange nt In ineeting Wednesday of this week. They rallxe that It la getting late to arrange for an exhibit thia year, but they want to start a movement which will In sure an exhibit next year. At there Is no real estate, concern with a tract of land In Douglas county big enough to warrant Its securing space at the land show, the realty men suggest that It would be well for tha county to appropriate money for an exhibit, or for the Douglas County Agricultural society to make an exhibit. Nebraska will be represented this year at the Land show with several times as much space as last year, but moxt of the exhibits will be from the western portion of the state Kara Boos Print XI Oae, Xlaa. Fixture. Barcsa-Qrandn. Out Mach. Wis. Much. 6 Pt Drafting Oaken Bttys Lot and Building Oeorgt Onken has bought from Alfred Farrrian a lot and building on the east side of Twenty-fourth between Q and R streets. South Omaha, paying tM.nOO. Borling-toa Aanounoea Special TtsJb- For Wednesday, October 4. the occasion of the electric parade in connection with the Ak-8ar-Ben festivities, the Burling ton announces special trains Into Omaha from Lincoln, Plattemouth and Interme diate point. The trains will leave Omaha returning at about midnight. Wilson Caaa Continued James Wil son, hn was arrested on a warrant sworn to i.v J. J. Mahoney charging him ! with lilei . registering In the First pre cinct of the Third ward, pleaded not guilty to the charge In police court Sat urday morning and asked for a contin uance until Friday, September 29, which was granted. Whatever dullness In the real estate trade there may have rp-n In the sum mer. It has panned away, according to E. T. Heyden of Hastini; 4 Heyden. He says his firm has made more sales In the last ten daya than In any other like period this year. "There seems to be :i k'reat demand for acreage property," mid Mr. Heyden to The Bee. "Many penrle want a tract of five to ten acres anil in order to get It are willing to go from one to three miles from the car line. They want It for raising chickens. vegetables and fruits. "Even a flnslo acre, which can be bought close to a car line, will go far toward solving the problem of the high cost of living for the man who has to work for wages. One acre will keep him busy during the hours that he Is not at work downtown." C. C. George returned last week from an extended trip In the Faclflc coast states and Canada, amazed at the rapidity of development In the Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Alberta, and British Colum bia, but feeling certain that the United States, and Omaha particularly, Is the safest place to have money invented. Western Canada, he sas, is passing through that period of development which Nebraska knew in the boom days which preceded the great depression In realty values. "Calgary, which ten years ago had S.000 people." said Mr. George, "now - claims a population of Efl.ono, and building per mits have been averaging $1,000,000 a month since the first of the year. Tbey can't build houses fajtt enough to keep up with the growth In population. They have just built a municipal street railway sys tem costing $1,000,000. "Vancouver has grown from nothing to 110.000 in twenty-five years, and with the suburbs, has a population of 140.000. Building permits have been running $1,000, 000 a month since January 1. "Winnipeg, which ten years ago had 40.000 people, now has 140,000, and build ing .permits for the. first eight months of this year aggregated llfi.OOO.OOO.' The pub lic service corporations find it Wn possible to expand as fast as the" city grows. "Realty value's, however, are very hlgH, compared ,wlth Omaha, Kansas, City and Minneapolis. '. Outside residence property In .Calgary is selling much higher than similar property in Omaha. A house that would rent in Omaha for $40 a month rents in Vancouver for $75." San Francisco Is erecting more build ings' that actually needed, at present, In anticipation of the Influx that will come with the Panama exposition, said Mr. George- Business la not as lively in San Francisco, Portland, Tacoma and Seattle as ft was four or five years ago, he said, but it Is. healthy, substantial and encour aging. Seattle is promised by Mr. Smith of the. Smith Premier Typewriter com pany a forty-two story building, includ ing a tower of eighteen stories. Mr. George returned with ten pounds more flesh than he left. He was ac companied by Mrs. George. Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors to Be Assisted by theLocalY.M.O.A. Ak-Sar-Een visitors will be well taken care of this fall through the efforts of the Young Men's Christian association. At the request of the board of governors that organization will re-eftablish Its rooming directory, which was a success last year. All visitors to the city can apply at the Young Men's Christian As sociation building. Seventeenth and liar ney. and get all the Information possi ble on prices and locations of. rooms with out cost. The keepers of lodging hounes, hotels and rooming houses are aske'd by the Young Men's Christian association to send in this Information at the earliest pOBBible moment, so that the directory will be efficient and convenient and give as greet a variety of places to choose from as Is possible. BURLINGTON STILL SELLS THROUGH COAST TICKETS in the snaKe-up over tnrough car service to California coast points It is announced at the Burlington general or flees In Omaha that this railroad has not discontinued selling through tickets to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The method now employed, as explained by General Passenger Agent Wakeley, this: Passengers having coast points as their destination, will ride In Burlington cars to Denver. At the Union station there they will get out of these cars and step into sleepers going out over th Rio Grande, occupying berths that have been secured in advance, going on from Salt Lake and Ogden over the San Pedro, the Western, or the Southern Pacific, as they may desire. According to Mr. Wakeley, the only effect of the closing of the Ogden and Salt Lake gateway is that a change of cars la required at Denver. FATAL DISEASE DEVELOPS Young Farmer Infected with Bacil lus Which Carries Death. HEALTH OFFICERS CALLED IN Joseph Markln Reessiei Aireetea Several Days A. Wkll kla alas; a Cow that Had Dle f the Dlseaa. Anthrax, a fatal glandular desease. has attacked Joseph Msckin. a young farmer, six miles west of Benson. Macktn la be lieved to have become Infected with the germs ten days ago. when he skinned a row. which died from the disease. II he Is suffering with anthrax and Dr. Millard Langfeld. the Omaha authority on bacteriology, says he believes he Is there Is no hope for his recovery. An thrax is uncommon among human swings, but beasts are often attacked by It. After a conference with City Health Commissioner Ralph Connell and County Physician J. W. McCrann. Sheriff Brailey went to the Mackln farm ana placed It under quarantine at 10:80 Satur day morning. Quarantine cards were posted conspicuously about the farm and the house, and the family, consisting of Mackln, his wife and their child, was warned not to leave the place. By reason of the fact that the anthrax- Infected hide has been sold by Msckin fears that the disease may spread are entertained. The case has been called to the attention of Dr. A. Bostrom, state veterinarian, an4 the state health offi cials, who are expected to take steps to check the spread of the dire disease. If the infected hide has not traveled so tar that It cannot be found It will be secured and burned. Had Sklnaed a Caw. Mackin lost a cow by death ten days ago, skinned her, and carried the wet and bloody hide to his barn. Later he disposed of It. Three days ago sores appeared on his back In the lumbar region, but he did not regard them seri ously. He lofct another cow by the same disease, skinned her and threw the hide In the barn. Friday the farmer became alarmed and called a physician. The in vestigation and examination of secretions of the sores followed. The disease is more fatal than small pox. It Is Infectious, but not contagious. There hardly is a case of recovery on record. Mackin declared he is not seriously 111 and Is angered over the quarantine. Another I'renllar Disease. Another case of disease contracted from animals is being treated by Dr. R. W. Bliss. It is that of an Omaha young man who is infected with sporo trlchosls. a disease common In cattle and which much resembles glanders in horses. It is seldom found in human beings. The young man in question contracted the disease while working on a ranch this summer. He Is expected to recover. Lock Reducing of Lace Curtains, Drapery Goods. Curtain Nets, Up holstery Goods, Couch Covers and Portieres As we are discontinuing the wholesale curtain and drapery business we find ourselves greatly overstocked in our drapery department. We have decided to close out all our surplus stock without reference to quality or quantity so as to make room for other departments which we now intend to open. The prices at which these goods are offered are, in many instances, less than half the regular retail figures. There is not an article which is not quoted at reductions ranging from 25 TO 50 PER CENT. These goods are all new STYLES and UP-TO-DATE designs, and not anything bought, as is customary, for special sales. You will find the choicest goods of all descriptions to select from, all offered at prices less than inferior articles that sell elsewhere. It will pay you to supply your wants now. You will not again have an opportunity to secure such values as these. The few prices which we herewith quote indicate the reductions that are made throughout the stock. DIVORCED PAIR SECURES ANOTHER MARRIAGE LICENSE Frank F. Deerson and Eliza A. Deer son, each aged 34. who were divorced In the district court March 7, are lovers again. They went ta "Cupid" Furay Saturday and secured a marriage license. "The coarse of true love jpever runs smooth,' said , PeorsoB. "We. found out we loved each other after all. And we're not like the Irish couple the policeman heard, fighting, when. he said, 'I'll leave then, alone. They don't have many pleasures.'," Key to the Situation. Bee Advertising. Big Clock is Stolen from the Police Court The police are looking for the villian who stole the clock from the police court room some time between court Friday and Saturday mornings. The loss was discovered by Detective Steve Malony shortly after court convened Saturday morning. The last seen of the timekeeper whs Friday morning when court ad journed for the day. The clock was moved bodily from the wall without even a clue left for the police and detectives to work on. As a result of the theft Judge Crawford remained ten minutes longer than usual Saturday morning and promises a stiff fine to the thief should he be captured. Kty 10 the Situation Bee Advertising. OLUNY AND ARABIAN LACE CURTAINS 8peciall priced for clearance. $12.65 Curtains, per pair ....... SG.95 $8.25 Curtains, per pair $4.15 $6.00 Curtains, per pair S3.30 $4.75 Curtains, per pair S2.85 $3.50 Curtains, per pair 82.20 $3.00 Curtains, per pair Si. 65 0AXONY AND BRUSSELS LACE CURTAINS At greatly reduced prices. $22.00 Curtains, per pair $14.30 $11.50 Curtains, per pair, SO.71 $9.00 Curtains, per pair $4.95 $6.25 Curtains, per pair $3.41 $5.00 Curtains, per pair $3.10 $3.23 Curtains, per pair 81. So NOVELTY LACE CURTAINS Large variety of different styles to select from. $5.75 Novelty Lace, per pair ....$3.70 $4.75 Novelty Lace, per pair 82.80 $4 00 Novelty Lace, per pair $2.20 $3.25 Novelty Lace, per pair $1.95 $2.50 Novelty Lace, per pair $1.30 MADRAS CURTAINS Variety of colorings and designs. $7.25 Madras, per pair 83.95 $6.75 Madras, per pair S3.G5 $2.75 Madras, per pair 81.50 DUCHESS LACE CURTAINS Very beautiful designs and fine quality of net. $16.00 Duchess Lace, per pair . .$10.00 $14.50 Duchess Lace, per pair ...$8.50 $12.50 Duchess Lace, per pair .. $7.50 $10.00 Duchess Lace, per pair .. $6.50 permits us to quote only a few prices $13.00 Portieres, per pair $12.50 Portieres, per pair $11.60 Portieres, per pair $6.00 Portieres, per pair . $5.60 Portieres, per pair . $4.75 Portieres, per pair . $4.00 Portieres, per pair $9.10 $6.90 86.60 83.30 $3.15 i"i 82.15 $3.00 Portieres, per pair $1.65 COUCH COVERS Oriental stripe and designs, in Armure and tapestry materials.. $7.00 $3.75 $3 25 $3.00 $2.50 Covers, Covers, Covers, Covers, each each each each $3.95 81.75 81.75 $1.19 $1.60 Covert, each SILKOLINES Many beautiful designs and a choice variety of colorings, consisting only of the bost qualities. 25c Silkollnes, per yard 15 CRETONNES Both foreign and domestic are offered In this sale at nearly half price. 75c Cretonnes, per yard 40 60c Cretonnes, per yard 50c Cretonnes, per yard 3oc Cretonnes, per yard 0.)0 30 20c SILKS SALE BEGINS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nT"H. PORTIERES The assortment of Portieres consists of the choicest styles and qualities. A large assortment of Mercerized Armure Porti eres with tapestry border effects. Space CHINA Our assortment of China Silks consist! of nearly every known variety of qualities and a choice assortment of designs In a beautiful combination of colors. $1.25 China Silks, per yard 85 85e China Silk, per yard 65 $1.50 China Silk, per yard )5r $1.75 China Silk, per yard Sl.OO $1.25 China Silk, per yard 75? MADRAS AND SUNFAST DRAPERY GOODS This stock Is particularly worthy of your attention as it contains all the popu lar shades and many made for us. $1.65 Drapery Goods, per yard $1.50 Drapery Goods, rer yard $t.2 5 Drapery Goods, per yard 8 5c Drapery Goods, per yard . . 50c Drapery Goods, per yard . . TAPESTRY FOR FURNITURE COVERING We show over 100 different patterns of these goods in all shades and a varljty of designs. $7.50 Coverings, per yard $4.10 $6.50 Coverings, per yard $3.85 $3.25 Coverings, per yard $1.85 $2.75 Coverings, per yard $1.65 $2.25 Coverings, per yard $1.50 $2.00 Coverings, per yard $1.25 $1.95 Coverings, per yard f )." $1.40 Coverings, per yard gO? exclusive designs. 950 85c 75C 55C 230 Miller 9 tewart & Beaton Co. 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street COMMERCIAL CLUB STILL LOOKING FOR A HOME The Woodmen of the World have re newed offers to the Commercial club of quarters In the new headquarters build ing. The consider the lease of the npper two floors of the Keellne building, now under construction at Seventeenth and Harney streets. "new quarters -committee will this proposition also one for dFr ee The cornerstone of the new office build ing of the Krug brewery was laid this week, members of th Krug family be ing present. In a box in th stone were placed a letter from Mayor Dablman, one from Building Inspector Mitchell, a copy of th city building laws and a copy ot The Bee of last Sunday. J. Jeffrey Pavey Is th architect of th building. There Is no "noise" about a large num ber of prospective big buildings in Omaha, but building continues Just th same. Plans were Isiued to contractors last week for bids on the construction of an additional shop building at the street car company's shops at Twenty sixth and Lake and the contract was let for a $12,000 factory at Fourteenth and Grace streets, to be occupied by th Nebraska-Iowa Bteel Tank company. The street car company has been so cramped for space In Its shops that It baa not built any new cars this year, but when th new structure Is completed, it will have room for building new cars, in addi tion to plenty of space for repair work. A permit has been Issued to Dr. Robert K. Markey fur the erection of a frame dwelling to cost I3.W0, at 23 Evans street. It A ldOacie farm one mil north of Ben nington old,a few days ago for S19.S00. There was a time when that amount of money would have bought a township of Douglas county land. The sale of a fruit farm northwest of Florence for &,6u0 the other day leads to the obserx atlon that good fruit and plenty of it can be grown in Douglas ccunty. Orapu growers near Florence are making money. Local fruit Jobbers say that Nebraska has raised more apples this year, In comparison with the num ber of orchards, than has Missouri. GIRLS ENGAGING IN A MEMBERSHIP CONTEST Th (in of tne Pnuatnea elasa of th Hanscom Park Methodist Sunday school ar going to wag a membership con test during October. They ar lined up en two sides, Red and White, aach to e how many member It can. get for th class. The losing side will give th winners a dinner after th contest. Key to th Situation ie Advertising. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS - M s Julia Wflnlander of Welnlander A Smith. Ift last evening for Chicago and New York to do some buying for th local store, fhi- alii 1h over the latest styles ot ladies' furnishings In th two laige cities and select many of th chole sl for th omalm trade. An Absolutely Complete n Education in Music o ' Now then, we are going to SUCCESSFULLY combat that century old com-' plaint of prospective piano buyers; those who are continually excusing a lapk of MUSIC in their homes, by saying: "We don't know HOW to play; our children don't know HOW to play; we would at least have the CHILDREN learn, but it takes MUCH time and MORE money." Starting tomorrow, we shall give ABSOLUTELY FREE of all cost, with each German-American Piano sold, a complete, thorough, yet marvelously sim ple course of piano instruction. We ter.ch until the scholar is PERFECTLY grounded; we supply ALL of the needed books, etc.; we supply FIFTY pieces of graded music; we supply even the Metronome which the pupil requires for perfect timing. . We GUARANTEE that the pupil shall be playing chords in a few days; we GUARANTEE that a year will give one an insight to music never before deemed possible within that time. We are prepared to PROVE to the very letter; we are prepared to convince YOU tomorrow 1 Your course of Instruction, under the ablest teachers In America, starts the moment you purchase one of our superb German-American Pianos The GERMAN-AMERICAN PIANO sells for one, identical, unchangeable price the country over; this superb instrument, its lasting powers, the mar velous instruction course, the final diploma that is given to pupils at the comple tion of their education; is backed by a concern possessed of a HALF MILLION capital, and which is represented in this territory EXCLUSIVELY by The Ben nett Co. The musical education that would NEVER cost you less than $500 if taken at home, and which would jump to $1,200, or even higher, if taken at some out of town conservatory, is thus open to you ABSOLUTELY FREE. Now then CALL see the piano have the education explained to you bring your chil dren, with you look into this tomorrow! Call on or write Piano Instruction Department of The eirnett Co0 Mi 15th and Harney Streets, Omaha, Neb. 3.' '-IE The Aristocrats of Coatclom Are M HIGH-ART" Greatcoats. HEY have that finely calculated symmetry of shpulder, that virile swell of chest and that luxurious sweep of skirt which denote caste. Natural -shoulders, that are tailored, not stuffed deep, snuggle-into pockets most warm with the least weight. ' Eerr man cherishe.-d.es, Weals." You w.ll realize your, , h u . , ou. fabric and colorings span the whole domain 01 tasmon, nom me wiuuy -sr" - t "HIGH-ART" Clothes tie on view at nearly every shop that sets ,ati,Jaet,on to the customer above ineie sale. Find the ''High-Art" Ubei in the breast-pocket of the coat. A Pictorial Exposition o( the season's most applauded modes has been set aside for , STROUSE & BROS. Maker of "High-Art Clothe BALTIMORE, M D. " PALACE CLOTHING CO., Cor. 14th and Douglas Sts. re?,; Write foi it t . it" ; ,r -f : ' Omaha SOiL Omaha rfftl Agents Agents jj t