Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1911, MAGAZINE, Page 7, Image 39

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    v prayar
be may
y)f( ..rt-v .-V. CPikf mi'W s i : v I
Tjr 7 J) JiL tliC 1
fclTJCAN KEA.ETB." a meloftram.
is lour acta. trlU b prMPtiiefl
at th. Brandeia for thrn
Eif tt., ItefriDUlng on Idonfia',
'with a xnatiM. 'nesaar
Tb. .rtM. of tb. play 1-
Tora Lotas'. blacknntta aboe
and the
oT the
lioru farm, private tio.
toremoT at th. oapltoi
Urti. Rock, Ark ; the tatc priaon. ahow-
Jnr tb. cell houM of th prlaon and as
apartment houa la yw Tork City. Tb.
tory of "Human Hcarta" la told la aa
Int.rMUnc manner and at tlmm 1 to
tenaly flramatlo, while at otbara. brine
out Mm. brlcbt. JoUy comedy. On. of
th. beautiful aoe&ea 1 to the eeooad act.
ben, after Tom Lotas baa been aent
to priaoi
for rvan
th. eloM
to priaon, tb. family la gathered tog-ether
for rPe&ihf woratl. In which aom. 21ne
ainctnt la beard and the lit tie child at
th. eloa. of the aoen. otter up her little
prayer "Watch over my papa, wherever
be may be." "Human Heart" ha been
before the public for aeveral iiitrm.
tirUiCl&C fame and fortune to It author
and owner, and baa been tranalated Into
aeveral laofuafM.
Meaara. Wase&bala and Kemper at th.
Brandata Friday and Saturday. Beptem'
bar 9 and K. with a special matinee on
fcatarday. wiU preau&t th. SUnehart
Hopwood comeAy, ' tvm Ijaj-a." la a re
turn er.-a-emeT.t Thia play earlier In
tbe aeaaon reached a third year at the
Xator theater, New Tork, a
record, attained la th. Tnlied Ktate for
th. arm time, and a canv taenia" llluatra
tion of tb. auperlorlty of thia comedy to
other piece, that aim e mak. people
laufh- "6enen Xays" la on. long laugh,
without a blush tn it New Tore City
la the aaese of "fxrven Ii ya. " New
Torkar are its cbararaers. There iota
of fun in New Tork all tb. time and all
over, but at so time anywhere 1 there
anything like ao much a in th. bouae
on Klvenide drive during the week that
make "fcevan jaya It a I week Is
Quarantine. Nobody bad expected to aiay
longer than for dinner and bridge. Some
bad hoped to leave much aooner, eepe
cialiy a burglar and a polineman and a
d-'vorred woman and a atrong-mmued
rich sptneter aunt. But they couldn't.
They ware quarantined. Fancy the pos
aibilitiek lor uproarloua, convulamg fus
In a company representing social extremea
ahut up tugetber for a week, and b
lievmg tbe boue la haunted. Every ele
ment of aiOsp fitting humor la brought
out Is "Seven Xayt. until the:, isn't an
tnntact' let up In laughter. It la th.
mameet. Jollteet. wittiest and swat comedy
in twenty year, and It baa bees th.
laughing bit of Xew Tork, Chicago Bos
ton. fbl.e6r!jhia and Kas Francisco
everywhere, from ooain to coast and from
the great lake le th. gulf. It hasn't an
"A French Vaudeville" la the way
"Madam Sherry" it gecr:t4. and tliat
la Just what It is in th proper applica
tion of the phrase. VaudevUie. at the
word is commonly used . In America,
mean that style of entertalnmert form
erly ksawa as variety; but u.e term, aa
or if in ally ueed In France, s-gnifies a
comedy with music, tn which the lyric,
are eeeestial is th. development of tn.
pint. It la a curious comcideno. that It
va George W. Ljeoerer. produoer of
"lAadam -'berry." w ho first used th
word vauarvliie In America. That wa
am. fteen eer go when be brought
over a bill of Eurojeen specialty acta,
and bs raided the performance "raude
vtile' ts esrki tli which at the
time attached la the term variety. It la
eomlng t the Brandei for four aara.
rommencli.g Sunday. Ociober 1, aoatine
Hasager Woodward 1 making gnod en
bis promts to prefceiit Hf pys at th
American, a for th third work he Las
selected another pieoe that has sever
beea presented bere, T: Fourth Estate."
to. gnat BeespLper drama by Joseph
ad ad ill Fatteraim. which was th en big
seosatios of the last season. It
tes tbe atory of th. fight of a ceur
asuua Tau4 " editor agaosM
cootutSb tn hlch piaoe. uifl rto- tm 1
oi tnt tioom .praic oi jiniiLiri bow
the j ounf mss M hmra, mfl how
In. .cririr all In til. flrvotlos to flutr,
1 tb theme of realiy gripping story. Its
characters ar. men and women of every
lay life, and Its Incidents are such as
can b. understood by all. The great
soones of the play take place Is a news
paper office, and one act shows tbe
ooxnpoctnf room Just before tbe hour of
romg to press with all tbe attendant
bustl. and hurry. Tbe typesetting ma
chinery and other mechanism of the news
paper Is seen Is full operation on the
stag making a really Impressive scene.
Tb. first performance will b. at a Clau
se, on Sunday.
Joseph Hart s A Night tn a Turkish
Bath," at the Orpbeum this week, is a
novel treatment of a popular subject and
wiU be presented in one-act form by a
company of eight merry makers, beaded
by Robert J. tVebh. The story of the
piece abound tn comedy and Bong with
Just a dash of path nr.. rave Genero anc
Kay Bailey are a versatile pair of en
tertainers, who run the vaudeville gamut
from "soup t. nuts." Their original flir
tation dance aosg 1 a feature and Miss
Bailey's gowns have received comment
is many places. Mile. Fallieres has got
ten away from the beaten track Is build
ing up ber trained dtg act. Eh intro
duces a canin aviation stunt and lias an
unusual star setting for her act. Eenney,
Nobody and Piatt have a blackface act.
but their Singing and talking are so dif
ferent from the usual run that th. act
baa been put Is a class by Itself. "Before
and After" is th title of a conversa
tional and Binrinc' act offered by Billy
Struts and kiarie Hartman, Clifford
Walker 1 as Englishman w ho was en
gaged for a trip ever th Orpheum cir
cuit because be showed superior ability
as a singer, story teller and pianist. Hin-
Uin and V ooton play a game of foot
bail on bicycles. They knock ths bal!
with their front and rear tires and dis
play remarkable skill Is their act. Tb.
game they play stir audiences ve en
thusiasm. The Columbia Amusement company la
presenting Ed Galiacer and Al &iian is
"The Big rtannar Bhow" to th. patrosa
of tb. Gaysty theater th coming week
feel assured that these producing come
dians ar intent on foUowing tn the foot
step of that bar. mad Immortal by th
poet Ivonpfellow. aenorita KosiLa Man
tilla depicts "th eacap from tlx harem,"
a aom bra, awe-lnpi."lng scene baaed upon
actual BKperienua Miss Mildred toiler,
ehose statueagu beauty when once seen
never will be forcotten. Miss Siascbe
Baird. "the tailor-ma 1 girl." ah. make
up in vtvarlty and energy what she lack
tr. a;ae, VU.iai, Francis and the Heaiy
sisters ctler m meiange of amging. danc
ing and origir.aUiie. Mias K.iUy Kyi.
ehose unctuous eccentricities make her
on of the aumliig stars, and Mclionaid
and Cooaira. a ho hav been specially se
lected to present that everiasui.g comedy
sueoesa "Ths Bauie of Toe boob." Tbe
aaBuranoc is g-rves that fceaonta Man
tiiA' aso is entira'y free from th
usual gyrations which make oriental
numbers ofleearva. Today's curtain wili
rise at I r clock. There will be a ladies
a-m. snaxlna cai'y starting tomorrow.
Tb attraction at the Crug theater,
commencing with the usual n.atinv at
t p m. tocay, win be Miner s ' Jardin
oe Parts Girlc" company . acknowledged
to be on of the brightest spoke in th
Cmpire circuit wheel. It it beaded by
Ah Leavrtt. who Is ably supported by
such favorites as Manaa Campbell. Hil
ton and lwia Pearl Rued. 'Wlllsvm fua
art Georve Mario. 'W'il'.iam Clark, Ray
Vvra and Erta H Wotifta A two-act
musical comedy entrued A Iwy and a
Nufi't." from th. pea of Gi Totten
anuth and Al Loantt. oh originai
Dime by Victor Baraveue, will be Bre
aented vnder tb personal fl.rectioa of
Tom Miner The oaa. or vauAevSi part
of th yrograia, will incluoe Bus H.
faT-l:., WhVA VUVl' v?;;.: F 1 iT jiii
II'- -'." " ' 71 t7 ! 1 11 r 1
Woods, sicemg oemedienne; Pearl Bead
and Lvtt and Clark in a refined smg
lii and talking act: Hilton and L,ewia,
curoeaians; Abf leuvitt z Co.. aasisteu
by Marian Campbell and a company of
ten people, presenting an original playlet
by Abe Lavm entitled "The -Great
Whits Way." and a s special feature
Building Notes
At to tb. Quality and beauty of facing
brick, s. better testimonial is required
for the Sunderland Bros', product than
te enumerate a few of the prominent
buildings is Omaha that hav used their
manulacture: City National bank. Well-lnt-ton
hotel, Saaford hotel and American
theater. Also the L'mou Pacific build
ing sow in tbe course of construction, and
tor the new Woodman building.
The show rooms of th Miller. Stewart
A Beaton company arc thronged every
day wits many admiring visitors, wbe
ieav charmed by the many beautiful
pieces of household furnishings they see
there. Tbe many expert of this company
are aiwaya clad to show visitors through
their store, and prospective purchasers
gather many valuahi eucseetionr as to
fitting out their home or any particular
room thai they with to fit up lr. a unigut
or different'' manner. Visitor ar wel
come and aiwaya ieav. delighted with
as hour spent la this fashionable and
up-to-uate establishment.
Tb following extract from a circular
letter be ins sent out by th National
Fidelity and Casualty company should
be of Interest to Omaha people:
"Why Iol t you apply your horn
patronage idea a completely te your
buying a you would lite to apply It to
your selling In giving your application
tor bono and other insurance to a rep
resentative of a foreign company, Ti or
Mi per cent of your premium a.' pent
or invested in some eastern city, for their
advancement and profit. I
"If you are obligated In any way, to a I
licenses agent or nrokei. In gn mg l.:m ,
jour application, specify thai the bum- .
nth must b p.aced In a horr.e compar.y
(.nn u prtle:en..e on nam., being the
first riutl.15 ahd casualty company of
the west, and i.avir over f.Ity of
Omaha representative business men in
terested with us."
It M on of th most Interesting ex
iesoss ar figured up and induced if tb
that is to be ud aa a permanent bom.
AL of the aaaoera comforts and eonven-sani-e
ar loured up and Included if tM
building fund permita
Of tb maty sensible idea that hat
oome Int. popularity none i more ser
viceable than tne flrep.koe.
Is tlx cays of otd none and brick
hearth and fireplaces acre found is
every house. Later, when furnaces cam
tote us It wa though that tb "fir oa
the hearth" would not be seeded.
Again tb a heel has turned and in meet
of the modern home tb Joy and cheer
of tb fireplao g.ow is knows. Th
chill of early autumn evenings g:ve
a ay le warmth and con; fury
Firtplai. of bnrk and of tiie are of
fered in shade and designs te harmon
ise with th f.tWh and furnishing of
tbe room.
Wood mantels have gnr out of popu
larity as the more serviceable firepiaoes
Lave come In.
Is Sunderland Broa display rooms Buy
the Great Bago In his wonderful mys
tifying feats, and Miner's Merry Min
strel Maids, who scored such a success
last seaiion. As an extra attraction the
management ha secured Cora Living
ston, champion female wrestler of tbe
world, wtio will meet all cciiue1 s at every
of the Week
be seen many built up fireplaces and all
aorta of andtrons. grate, fir. seta. ate.
Milton Puigars' Sous company hav. se
cured the soi agency for a special n un
erasing wall til. that has become famous
is tbe east, being used throughout th
Metropolitan Museum of Ana New Tork
City; the Jobs Wanamaker store, Phila
delphia, and numerous other first-claa
buildings. This tli is a oecidad improve
ment over the ordinary wall til. and is
being installed Is th residences of Or.
H. 1 Arnold, N. E. rpdiae. A. t. Eng
lish and others.
Mil toe Kogers' Sons company have alec
Just closed contracts for new marbia and
uie work fur Jefferson Saving bank,
Jeffersui., la , Jjr. J. W. Gorder. Grey
bun. , Mr. J. Bewen, North Platte,
Neb.. C. C. Hardy. Columbus. Neb.; a. M.
Friedman company, Baiiey, Idaho; Mi.
F. 3. ochnorr. Council Bluffs; Mrs. E.
rjutrene. Mr E. L. McShane, Mr. W. fc.
McKeen; T. L, Sungwaiv J. L. Brandeis
oompary, O. C. Redick buiidmg and sev
eral others Is this city.
Oaly Two Mr a liter Ptftr la tae
Olaalalabew steal of Car-
Two reoent death tn the collere of car
dinals, that of Cardinal Gruscha. of Vi
enna, and that ot Cardinal Mores of
Sydney, Australia, recuc that body to
lorty-i-even member, the scaliest num
ber knows lor many j tai s. Only thirty
two of tbe :xty-two cardinal
IMC. those the prwr-nt pup, now
Th young t nvt in the sscred colirg
ar Merry del 1 al. lorty-aix aud f-'krheii-sky
of Prague, forty-e.gct. Beeide tnes
only five ar under sixty MafS of Pita.
Feopens. sei on lll-lt
Adult egianara Monoay avaalaa.
Sepi iStb. a-Assenb-y
Wdneady 'enlng. Sept tl; en. Saturaay r It . m., Sen ie Kchetu. aaturoay a p m.. Sspc it
.' opes fur lu-ung pupiia
" Liouct.aa i.-
aVsoweaa Toeeaay, Oct. IDta, a P. am,
at the new (mnu bal.. Armorr Bio.,
a LV Cor. 2ltt ai.d Karnry. Ctiicr-t
e.aa opn eaturday. Oct 14tt 1 f- M
Bpeeiai raies o u-.i. npening weea.
TeL Vanr Seal.
School of Acting!
and Voice
Zl. IPlL
and Vive, y
Lore na alio.
Tbe sexagenarians are led by Mercier,
archbibhop of Malines, who count sixty
precisely; Richelmy. Ferrari, Arcoverde
de Albuquerque, each of whom la sixty
one; Andrieu and CevAuari, ixty-twe.
Martinelll. Blxty-three; Ferrstl. olxty
tour; Nsva, aixty-flve; Cag-lana d. Ase
vedo. sixty-six; Zella Volpe and Binal- :
dlnl, sixty-seven: Rampolla and F-eepighl.
slxty-elsfct: Lucon. Pucyna, Gasparrl and
BacUiert aixty-nlna
Next oome Cassetia. prefect of studies:
Neto, cx-patnach of Usbon, each of
whom Is seventy-one; Logue and F-iaher,
Gennart Boschl and topp; V. Vannutelli. ,
Seven ty-Cve; Berrera and Agulr y Gar- ,
cia, seventy-elx; Gibbons, seventy-eight; I
Asllarul. Katschtbaier and . Vasxary
LHuiigaryi. seven ty-nln.
Tbe oldest are CouilUa eighty -two;
Samasaa, Oreglia and XH Petro. eicht'
three, and Capecclatro, archbishop of
Capua, eigtht-seven.
Se'eral of these ar. bo broken by the
Infirmities of as that, were th college ;
called to Biset tor ttie election of a sew 1
pope, they would be unabie to take part
is tb. proceedings. Before 186 a pop'
could be. and several were, chosen from
outsid tb. body ot cardinals. The eon- '
stitutlon of th oollege. draws up tn IKS,
limited th body te seventy member. b j
that at present It i twenty-three short
of the full number. In iZii Pop Innocent
JV ordained that all cardinals should ,
waar the red hat. te show that they i
should be ready t. expose themselves.
even to th. sbedsinc of their blood, tor :
the tru. church.. Xew Tork Sun,
Hactc Larretia Errea.
Ltucreaia Borgia conHidered herself un
eomoniy eijn In selecting vefetaiii
iiaving resolved upon gtv-lng a family
dinner party she went out tot the fieic
and along by tne purling brouk and rath
ared. as she auppoeeo, enough toaastooi
U poison a rvgiment.
But alaa. ber boasted knowledge wa '
th ueuai sham, and that s rht n led '
ber guest on a peck of th. tinst mush- I
room they ever testefl. I
Iucreais waited around several day ,
tor the mortuary returns to com tn and
then took to br bed and died of birrow
tng chagrin Cleveland Pain Ieaier. j
Tuto, Lumiao. Xe lAi md I
:x:jBorglora Piano Schoclb
nel poag-las Btreet.
August M Borr'um Msdam fcorglum
Pnplla of Wagwr warne.
URtrrmr xxms
Public Performano Classes Sir-
Beading Ear Training
Violin Instructor
and Soloist. .
Aaarees I'. Park Ave ana
Blanche Sorenson
304 Boyd TTicater
Tel. Harney 2C8T
15111, Itodce Su Phone It. ieio.
Mas ZW Own Theatre.
Preparauos far rX-ATPOB,X and RUS.
Conort, Drm mmd Opera
leet year s clasa ail placed Voioc build
ing a sseeia'ty Sinftng and speaking voice
COMMENCir CS f.lOIi. 15c, 25c, 50c
FRI D AY tni SAT. 25c, 5C&, 75c, 51.C0, 51.50
SATURDAY MATINEE, 25c, 50c, 75c, $100.
Direct froa l '''' VTY'TTt
the Aster j I SI i Broadway
Theater, I I 1 1 P Cart and
New York. 1 J ' 1 P Production
Seats kSRL&TtST COKCY 3 Yean in
Now Ready. 1 nrr IN 20 YE&.RS New York.
4 DAYS, Starting Sun. Oct. 1
Mane Sherry
Thurdt?en"9d.'rW"y Oct. 3 end 6
Chauncey Olcott
On. WmI Katixi TfKiy, t:St) y.
nt CMtt, boo. V. Xof tkU.
The Jardin de Paris Girls
and Miner's Minstrel Maids
TfT"ifF'. J"r"fc-ef t stip or F.f.d
With UI LX1TZTT. rtv If" irir. CoiMdIil
o nsn.s o
nil a
n-ut Hi KuBKi.ti Torture lUiarfl axjfl "oti6rr?v.l Cen iiyrtery
IZTkl riTZl
World' Clutmrion FeTntii WrwiSw.
Phones: M; Znd. A-l4,
Mstlnse Xwery Bay till. Swa
srig-ht S:i.&.
Week Btarttng Matinee Today.
AdYmced VandeTille
.oszpx uiri
A Kigtit In a Turkisli
With mobert J. Webb
A Cotliedy and Sentimental Epi
Tide 1c One Act.
Genero & Bailey
V.rsatl'. Vaudeville Fsvorites
Fe turtng Tbeir Original
FUrtatios Iiano Song"
Mile, De Fallieres
With Her Family.'
Sonrs and
Ewiia Snrytta snd lris
Musical Comedy Favorite
Clifford Walker
A Humorous Musical Meaolnf-uiet
ot International rieputauon
Hinton & Wcaton
In Their Exciting Novelty,
Football on Bicycie
Prelecting tb L.teef In Ammatei
It Talented Artlut It
Prises) sTlrfet, 10a. Sba SO, TSa
Mactnee. aVoet Seat. Sac esae-pt
Kauasya, ataraay ana Sunday.
Max Landow
receives pupils for tbe 1911
12 season.
Stadio: 101 Sonth 33d St.
Telephone Eamey 5772.
99 T UB1
fli te r. '3 to err -oini
tUt to in J 0 minute
m eoos
Zkrvored e orrictly Kirh G-reoe
Ertxawag-anaa and Taaoewtlie
nnday statin Onrtala at
That Well Eunn Team,
Present Themaelwe and ad b
aiua of
BAnr.ER snov;
Is Oosjttnctloa With
tno" b, Fmncis 1 Keiiej Eirls
UzMit I CDfisIr'. tSJSuULm
Aim Tit rX.ABOslATX
TXX XsCAfl rkOH th KkKEM
C-raocfnlly Znterpretea by
t'ear P-esflt r.
Iioh't draw an unrharitahl.
and fale conclusion about
' 1i.e li-wiar-e From Hi Hkiem"
sin.ply lcaule it a Oriental
Bene- me fenorita Mantil
la a Qunrn.r if- su;erh. and
bear In mind tt.e dtiic will t
Ftafrnfl at the Gayety. not at
th but let it f" t that
E. L. JOHNeuN. Mgr Gayet'
IveiLjig and onnnsy WisBinee
1 be. Bba. bOc ana ?ic
Weak XaF O , A T
Mata. oe
Chew rum If tob like, bat ae
am liking.
Say Matinee
Home of Woodward $ock Co.
Coitmiirlii Sunday Jiatiii
Sfi'iemticr 2 4.
An We-a and MatliioeA.
Miss Eva Lang
Woodward Stock Co.
In Joaepb JflpdiU PAnrBOii'
Grekt NwajiajeT Play
Tiriit Time ier Koea la Omaha
Matin Tons , Tkura.. 6at.
pejcxs 10c ud 25f.
r Wck: Glirterisj Gloria,
Walter B. Graham
Pupils Prepared for 0p3ra9
Concert and Church Work
Class se Poranea is staaaaubi. Work,
YcIces Tried Fres cf Ch.r8