TTTE OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 24. 1911. Wit. WOT H " -III . ' . Mm v r l to , v Jl f f mm I223EE03 I ik ,1-1 Is i w ii yKJ If v a m i a i ml. a , Beginning Monday, September 25th And Continuing Throughout the Entire Week The Pleasure of Your Presence Is Requested. MUSIC ON SECOND FLOOR. 9 li will n n U I, RELIABLE, STO He. - I Beginning Monday, September 25th And Continuing Throughout the Entire Week A Cordial Invita tion Is Extended to All. NO CARDS ISSUED. A Display Embracing All That Is Best, Most to Be Desired in the Siyle Conceptions of the Foremost Designers of Europe and America Months of careful preparation and examination, selection of the desirable, rejection of the undesirable from the multitude of offerings from the various fashion centers of the world, has resulted in the bringing together in our store the Broadest Assortment of Authentic Fall Fashions in Garments and Fabrics ever shown. Not only has the variety for selection been greatly increased, but at each price you'll find the quality of the offerings su perior. OUR LADIES' SUIT SECTION offers to the buyer opportunities for satisfactory selection seldom if ever equalled in the history of Omaha merchandising. The most particular buyers will find just what they most de sire and with prices attached that make selection a delight here. Handsome Tailored Suits at prices ranging $12.50 up to $98.00 Winter Novelty Coats in prices from... .$10.00 up to $35.00 FOUR SPECIAL BARGAIN OFFERINGS FOR MONDAY Dresses, Evening and Party Gowns in almost unlimited variety of de sign, coloring and material shown at prices ranging all the way from $15.00 to $125.00 Beautiful New Dress Waists in Silk Chiffons and Marquesettes. Magnificent assortment for selec tion at from $2.9S to $20.00 Tailored Waists, $1.98 to $5.00 SPECIAL BARGAIN 1. 100 of our regular $35.00 Tailor Suits, delightful values at the regular price, will be sold Mon day, while they last, at $25.00 SPECIAL BARGAIN 2. 150 Tailor Suits, bought to sell regularly at $20.00, will be placed on sale at choice $12.50 SPECIAL BARGAIN 3. Handsome Sealette Coats, $35.00 t values, Skinner Satin lined, very popular this season, on sale choice $25.00 SPECIAL BARGAIN 4. Long Chiffon Broadcloth Coats, satin lined throughout; all 56 in. long; greatest value ever offered at choice in all New Fall Styles' $9.95 A Magnificent Showing of FINE FUR GARMENTS Not a single fur that Damo Fashion has stamped with her seal of approval for the adorn ment and comfort of milady is omitted from this unequalled display. Fur Coats, $25 up to $900 Fur. Sets. . . .$5 up to $750 An Elegant Showing of Wool Dress Fabrics Our new fall dress fabrics were never quite so pretty." Exquisite new colorings and weaves in the best assorted stock of plain and novelty dress fabrics ever shown in Omaha are here for your selection and approval. Fancy Mixed Cheviots, Scotch Homespuns, English Tweeds, Imported French and Austrian Broadcloths, Flue Black and Blue Serges, Cream Dress Fabrics. Imperial Coating Serges. VERY ATTRACTIVE VALUES AT $1.25 YD. UP A special showing of the celebrated Arlington Mills Dress Fabrics will prove to great Interest to visitors this week. Strictly Fabrics will prove of great interest to visitors this week. Strictly erlng quality.. Let us show you the Beautiful Weaves. o AS AN OPEN WEEK SPECIAL , . 100 pieces of new Fall Dress Qoods.48 inches to 64 Inches wide including All Wool Serges, Mannish Stripe Worsteds, Semi Rough Scotch Homespuns, Knickerbocker Suitings, Broadcloths and Cheviots; values up to $2 per yard, on sale In three big iou, Bt . , . , 48. 68 and 98 r Opening Display of New Laces Our Lace department leads all others in the showing of fine laces for Fall 19U and 1912. Our unexcelled connections with Eastern concerns places us In position to, offer best assortments and qualities shown in any store in the west, all the latest Novelties In Bands, Edges, Allovers, Nets, etc., shown at prices ranging . . ..... . . . ... . .... ....... .5 to $35.00 yd. Special Kisconut Sale Irish Crochet Laces The entire stock including Bands, Edges, Allovers, Lace Waists, Collars, etc., for Monday Only 20 PEK CENT DISCOUNT. MILLINERY MODES That in beauty and variety we are confi dent you'll admit have never before been equalled in Omaha. From Paris, London, Berlin and the various fashion centers of Europe and America we have brought together fo1 Our Opening Display 1 A Truly Exceptional Showing of High Class Millinery Embracing in its scope the best productions of the millinery artists of the world and offering for your selection: Beautiful Street Hats In assortment that leaves nothing to 550 fn$J C be desired : l" Dress and Pattern Hats In almost endless variety, distinctive $ designs. 5to$150 To offer better assortments and better quality at any given price has been our aim and will continue our policy. All Millinery marked in plain figures. The New Fall Silk Weaves are, if possible, more beautiful than ever showing a range of effects and colorings that is almost beyond be lief. Among the most popular weaves shown are Satin Charmeuese, Reversible Satins, Print Warp Novelties, Crepe Satin Meteore, Silk Poplins in plain and jacquard effects, Bordered Satins and Marquesettes, Bordered Silk Serges and Poplins, Costume Corduroys, Velvets and Velveteens. Just the color you want. Just the fabric you most desire at the lowest price obtainable, quality considered. SPECIAL BARGAINS 36-in. All Silk Messaline, $1.25 yd. value, at. .78c 36-in. Jacquard Silk Pop lins, $1.25 yd. value, 78c 27-in. Novelty and Plaid Silks, $1.00 value, G8c 24-in. Figara Silk Poplins, regular $1 yard, val. 68c FOR OPENING WEEK. 27-in. Satin de Chene, all Silk, $1.00 yd. value, 68c 19-in. All Silk Messaline, 59c yd. quality, yd. .38c 19-in. Figured Silk Pop. lins, 75c quality, at 38c Satin Bordered Plaid Silks 20 in. wide, 75o val, 38c Opening Display of Dress Trimmings Our stock this 'season we believe the most complete ever shown in Omaha, including all the latest Novelties in Bands, Edges, Braids, Cords, Garnitures, etc. Prices range on these goods all the way from, per yard 25 P to $35.00 Cut Pieces of High Grade Fancy Trimmings, values up to $4.00 yard, on sale Monday, yard ...w... OS Wash Dress Goods Dept. Bargains for Monday. German Eiderdown, 27 in. wide, good col ors and patterns, at a yard "8 36-ln. Flannelettes aud Cotton Challies, good patterns, at a yard .' 12 H Poplins and Repps, 27' In. wide, all colors, at a yd. aoc, SiH 2oC Silk mixed - goods, newest shades, our 39c goods, Monday, at 25 Fancy dress Ginghams, Checks, Plaids and Stripes all at a yard .... . .12H Plain and fancy Ki mono Silks, one yard wido', at a yd. 3S Domestic Room Sales Sheetings, M us Una, Cambrics, Sheets, Illlow Slips, Linens, Blankets, Quilts. Outings, Shirt Dig and all heavy dom,tic piecs at leas than regular wholesale prices. Here are a few Items as an index to what we will do: 9-4 bleached Sheeting, 18 20 22 21c 2G 28 and 30 .10-4, 2 cents per yard above these prices. 8-4, 2 cents per yard below these prices. 72x90 Sheets, 88c, 48c, 58c, 75c up to $1.00 81x90 Sheets 40c, 58c, 68c, 75c up to $1.25 42x36 Pillow Slips 8Hc, 10c, 12 He, 15c, 18c, aoc 25 45x36 Pillow Slips 10c, 12c, 15c, 18c, 20c, 2-V 30tf Cotton Blankets from 18c each up to pair at $1,08 Wool felted Blankets from $1.25 pair up to $3.00 Ohio Wool Blankets from $1.98 up to Pair $12.50 California fine Blankets from $5.00 up to Pair $50.00 Comfortables, wool top, heavy, from 69c up to $1.50 Comfortables, fine corded cotton, from $1.50 up to ; $4.00 Half Eiderdown. Silk, from $5.00 to $S.50 Full . Eiderdown Silk from $10.00 to $25.00 Batts la rolls from 7V4c up to 250 Patts In full Comfort size, 3 lbs. or 4 lbs. trom 59c to $1.25 Bed Spreads from 75c up to $12!50 Linens, Damasks etc., from 39c up to . -SliSO Linens, Damasks, mercerized, 25c up to $lioO Napkins from $1.00 per dozen up to ..$5i00 Fruit of the Loom, Lonsdale, Hope Muslins, reg ular price 10c a yard. Monday OH Magnificent Showing of Rugs and Draperies Most complete line of fall patterns in most attractive low prices. Omaha here for your selection Monday at 9x12 Wilton Rugs, at $23.75 to $55.00 8-3x10-6 Wilton' Rugs, at $22.50 ' up to $38.00 9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, seamless, at $11.98 up to $15.00 8-3x10-6 Body Brussels Rugs, seamless, great line, to $13.75 9x12 Body Brussels Rugs at $25.00 up to ... ..$28.00 Heavy Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size, at $18.95 to $25.00 8-3slu-6; prices up to $22.50 All other sizes and kinds; all per fect goods, lowest prices. Duchess and Sax ony Brussels Net Curtains, at, pair, $3.98 up to $35.00 Cluny Lace Cur tains, linen, lace trimmed, at, pair, $3.75 up to $18.00 Brusselette, Cable Net and other cur tains, at, a pair, 98c up to $6.00 Portieres for dou ble doors, fine as sortment; at, pr., $4.50 up to $25.00 Couch Covers, large assortment, all col ors; each, at from $1.75 up to $10.00 Colored Madras for curtains, 36 to 48 inch, at, yard, 25c up to $1.25 Curtain Scrim, all kinds, prices, yd., from . . 10c to 35c Closing Up Peach Season 75c This Mk will clo th Pases Imioh (or this Twt -Buy How. W hv two special cars of ex tra fancy Utah, Elbrta Peaches shipped for us.' This will close our contract for this year. While peaches have advanced. Monday we will continue to sell them, per crate , ZUlsoia Keiffer Wars for Oaaalns' Melted In large hampers, con taining nearly one bushel of this delicious fruit for can- , s nlnr, Monday . I banket Slonr noor now Every housekeeper In Omaha should put In a supply of flour now, we have two carloads In our contract that we are going to give the people of Omaha the benefit of. While flour has ad vanced, we are not going to ad vance our price, until this la all gone. Monday, per 48-lb. sack. Best High Grade Dl- tl C 1 mond ji f amily flour, sack mips Coacora Orapes, basket ISo Klpe Tomatoes for Oaaalof. targe market basket ISo XJTTIB, CHEESE and EOOI. The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk (don't pay more) lb. 2Sc .Full Cream Colored or Brick Cheese, lb 16c No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb 23o Country Creamery, very fine, lb., at 26c esx vxosTaBx.a and raurr raUCES, THE TALK OT OMAHA. Sweet Corn, per dozen 10c Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. 5o 1 bunches fresh Beets or car rota, for . 6o Eggs Plsnts sc Bweet Peppers, dozen 6c Sweet .Potatoes, lb Sic Kancy ripe Tuirtatoa, lb 2 4c Cape Cod Cranberries, quart 7Vc 8 bunches treat! Radishes . . . .60 New Cabbage, lb lUc 2 stalks Celery 5c 2 bunches tresli Leaf Lettuce 6c Rutabagas, II. b lHo Fancy Cauliflower lb Jvic Tokay Grapes, basket 25c Blue Plums, basket 25c Peachee, basket 10c Utah Elberta Peaches, crate 76o ip4Txtwr; FOR ALL YOUR wants vwJ Jv tt wwMij Special Monday Bargains in Hardware Dept. Heavy Copper Bottom Wash Boilers No. 7 on sale at $1.19 To. 8 on sale at $1.29 No. 9 on sale at $1.39 218 Galvanized Wash Tuba at 69c $1.50 Folding Ironing Board at 98c Ball Bearing Wringers, guar anteed for 3 years. .$2.98 Ball Bearing Wringer, guaran teed for 5 years S3. 08 No. 1 Galvanized Tubs at . -30C No. 3 Galvanized Tubs at . -4i)f No. 3 Galvanized Tubs at . -50o J7.60 Ak-Sar-Ben Washers $3.8 Old Reliable Western Wasbors. SS.08 $10.00 O. K. Washers at $5.75 Specials in the Linen Department Imported Mercerized Satin Damask, 60 Inches wide, grand assortment of patterns, worth 75c, sale price, yard 50 Grass bleached Union Scotch Table Damask, 70 Inches wide, worth $1.00, sale price, yd. J9 Dew bleached Belfast Satin Damask, warranted pure flax, 72 inches wide, beautiful designs, worth $1.50, sale price, yard $1.00 Heavy double Damask Dinner Napkins, size 22 x23 inches, strictly pure linen, worth $6.00, sale price, dozen $3.50 Hemmed pattern Table Cloths, size 8x10, Ger man full bleached, worth $3.00, sale price, each ; $1.98 Mammoth assortment hemstitched Hack Towejs, plain white or colored borders, worth 19c, sale price, each 10J Imported Marseilles Bed Spreads, heavy knotted fringe, cut corners, worth $7.00, sale price, each $4:50 Imported dimity Marseilles Bed Spreads, fall size knotted fringe, cut corners, worth. $6.00, sale price, each $2.08 Hemmed soft quilted Marseilles Bed Spreads, full assorted patterns, worth $4.60, sale price, each $2.25 Full size scalloped crochet Bed Spreads. Mar seilles patterns, cut corners, worth $3.60, sale price, each $1.08 Large size 81x90 seamless Bed Sheets, heavy and strong, worth $1.00, sale price each 691 Good size Bed Sheets, Invisible French seam, made from durable sheeting, worth 76c, sale price, each 48 Foil line of Nebraska Hotel sheets and Bed linen during this sale at reduced prices Opening Display Pictures A Splendid Showing of Beautiful Pictures In OU, Pastells, Etchings, Prints, etc. Complete In every detail and st prices which mean for you a saving of about H over regular Art Store Prices. Fl COPYRIGHT m jj ft S3