Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1911, FASHION NUMBER, Page 5, Image 25

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The Little Busy Bees' Own Page
HERE ar fewer lttri oa tb Children's page today than there
tave been for several months. Surely the Busy Be- are not. '
losing Interest la their very own page. Perhaps their atten-
tion is entirely taken up with the beginning of school and that )
when they settle dowTi to the regular routine of school work, !
they will hav some leisure to give to letter writing. '
Of course, the Busy Beea should not neglect studies' for pleasure.
School Is the principal business rigM now. But out of business hours. Busy
Bees, remember tho Children's page.
Writing for for the Children's pa&e is a good thin? for the E".s Tees
because it gives them practice in composing letters and stories which have
definite purpose to interest all the other Busy Bees. Aad who knows j
out wna. some or the authors and authoresses of the future will be devel
oped through writing for the Children's page?
Reading the Children s page broaden the Interests of the Busy Bees
because It enables them to learn what boys aad girls In different parts of
the country are doing and thinking about. There is a Busy Bee away out
la Washington state who is very Interested in reading what Bees In Ne
braska are doing. There is a Bu3y Bee down ia Oklahoma who enjoys noth
ing better than finding out from the Children's page what boys and girls in
Iowa, Wyoming and ai! the other states are thinking ahou.
This is fhe Day We Celebrate
Today the pri2es go to Thelma Fredericks and Gladys Edlmaer.
Little Stories by Little Folk
(First Pris.)
3Iy Story.
j first floor wa a larfe dry goods store. 1
also a bis; grocery department. And the j
:AZ4 Fowler Avemie.
Xante ani Address.
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tier, everybody sgreed to that. Bat M !s 1 wi rprad la a cool comer ! cool 1s
Norma Thomas, being only D years old. put In to -rules It read slick aad Mr wanted to think It owr ( Loran and all rt m t down:
5o when Mr Logan ieft for Europe I When the luncheon had Just passed the,
arller In fhe summer he badn t anything 1 chive salad out cam a bs from Mr
mora deflnlta than a thmk-lt-over prom
isa. Wnen the big Olympic warped Into tte
dock they Invariably warp In. thess
ships Mr. Logan tripped down the gang
plank and mads for telephone.
Logan's pocket. Out from the bwa oarna
two of the glitterlngwet thing) yott ewer
They were tha CI gartara,
Mies Norma Thomas Is ant naturally
skeptical, but to seo garteis with g:ttter-
Arrangemetits were soon made, and In tng windows In them and good chains that
Una afternoon a luncheon for Mies Norma reach, oh. evr no far toward the no-h
Thomas And three of her female friends well she eouMn t believe 'hem diamonds.
Mr trpn naturally wanted to know
lust 1fr he stood as a prospective nus
band. and uere had to be .some you'll
pardon us. wn't you. whispering. nof
about the Si.w. or rather the IV",
garters, but about Mr. Cupid.
It seemed to the others that Mr. Loran
was not as happy as ha might have been,
but ba was one of those good, game fel
lows who say. "Oh. that 11 ba ail right."
and the whispering was soon over.
On rainy days perhaps you may have a
chance to " Mis Noma Thomas car
rying an umbrl.a.
421 Farnam Street.
September 23, 1911.
ByTheUna Fr-d ancles, Aged V Tears. 33 ond floor had been laid out for small
East Fifth Street. Grand Island. Neb. families. So. after I had ben over there
I am a Uttle kitten aad was born in a j three months other nice young couples
barn with my brothers and slaters. My moved up.
mother was a Maltese cat and she was j Then my sister u not so lonesome
vary good to catch rats. , any more and she had gotten acquainted
The man who owned her was a very j and was not afraid. So my mam:n j.
kind man and he kept iter because she thought I bad beet come home again, as
wa so good to catch, rats and mica. He she, too, was all alone when my step
ran a livery stable and he d'dn't lltfe ras : father was away to his store. a3 he is
because they ate his corn, wheat and , a furniture dealer and undertaker,
aeta. Now, it is of my trip going down and
My mother s name was Nancy, and she I of the trip coming back I wish to tell
liked tha horses, and one of her favorite about. Well, mamma and I left here at
was named Beauty. She would go up on ' 4 In the morning and went one mile north
Beauty's neck and go to sleep there. till we came to the cross road. Then we
When I was a tew weeks old I wait given , turned west.
to a little. glrL She was a very nlca little I The roads were In fine shape, only
girl and took me In the house and gave
ns soma milk. She named me Pansy. I
am gray with a white face and In tha
oeotar of my forehead Is a Uttle mark
like a pansy.
I lived a very happy life with this little
girl, but soon she had to go away, and
aha gave ma to a friend of hers. This
Bttla girt lived In the country . I enjoyed,
playing In tha fields with her and she
taught ma some tricks.
Dorothy waa my little mistress" name
and when she called me I came. I am
now a big cat and have some kittens of
my own. I still live with Dorothy and
she thinks a lot of my tittle kittens. This
la tha end of my story.
13- Tears,
(Second Prize.)
A Letter.
By Gladys Edeimaer. Aged
Scnbner, Neb.
Dear Friends: I like to read stories, so
I think that I must help the other chil
drB too In writing stories on the Busy
Bee page.
I am in the eighth grade and study
arithmetic, reading, physiology, grammar,
geography and history at present, and
after awhile we will study agriculture
Our teacher's name Is Miss Wllklns.
Our principal Is Mr. Garret. Wa hava
eleven grades and seven teachers.
Tha school gave a cantata In February.
I was In with some other girls who rep
resented Indian girl- Wi made ourselves
some dresses, leggings and moccasins.
There were twelve of us. I had my plo
ture taken In my suit yesterday. We
gave our cantata, over last week at stock
show time. Wa Indians got first prise,
but hava not found out yet what It was.
Bcrfbner has a good high school team.
One time wa played ball with Hooper. We
won by a score of 9 to ( About 100 peo
ple went to Hooper from here.
When wa had patrons' day Hooper came
to Scrtbner and wa won again by a score
of 17 to L Arlington, also played that
day and Scribner won. 7 to L
Wa have a basket ball team. It played
with Hooper, too, and wa won by a
score of 5 to I. Bo wa won three games
that afternoon.
I lova to watch, a ball game and basket
beiL I suppose by the time I get this
written It will ba 150 words. If some of
the Busy Bees will write ma letters 9
will kindly answer them, as I Ilka to get
acquainted with them.
(Honorable Mention.)
My Trip to Morris.
By Pea the Alrea ghelton. Aged 13 Tears,
Box M. Checotan, Okl. Red Side.
Last year about this time I began
school la Morris, Okl.. twelve miles
Berth, and eighteen miles west of here.
At that time I had a dear young mar.
tied sister living there.
Her husband bad charge of the tele
phone works, and aa the place was
strange and new. and my big curly
haired brother-in-law had to ba away
sometime quit late, they asked mamma
to pleas let me come and go to school
from their home. So mamma Just got me
ready and we loaded up my belongings
aad drove our Topsy horse over the coun
try to their place.
They were doing housekeeping on
the second floor ot :ie same building
where the telephone o.i:ce was. On the
little dusty. Our Topsy horse did not
much like our loading up. She seemed
to know we were dividing our family up,
and every time she got a chance she
would try to turn to the east or south.
Arthur Lpomis Arth. 211 South Thirty-second Ave.-High 1897 i
Miriam R. Baseett. 809 South Thirty-sixth St Columbian 1901
George Bennett. 1016 South Eleventh St Pacific 1895
Helen Boeler, 4 SOS North Twenty-fourth St Saratoga ........ 1S96 I
Vivian Bovel. 3907 Wirt St Clifton Hill. ...... 1901 1
Theodore E. Burdin. 460S North Twenty-second St.. Saratoga 1904
Walter Califf. 713 South Thirty-fourth St Columbiaa 1901!
Victor Carlson. 2 22? Ohio St..:... Lake 1898 I
John Connor, 3806 North Twenty-second St Liothrop 190 4 j
Ruth De Lee, 2409 Mandrson St Lothrop 1902 j
Quito Eddy, 2206 Wirt St Central 189jj
Grace M. Fleming. 2425 Dodge St Central 1896'
Camille Furay, Fifty-ninth and Center Sta Beals 1900 j
Robert Gannon, 2610 Cuming St Webster 1903
Esther Garrard, 3211 Sherman Ave Lothrop 1893
.Marraw Gauatt. 3 419 Pine St -...Wlmdsor 1901
Ada Hillebraad. 1047 South Twenty-third St Mason 1900
Annie Horn. 621 Central Blvd Webster 1903
Milton Howland. 2329 South Eleventh St. ........ Eancroft 1S99
Irwins Johnson. 2709 Caldwell St Long ..1903
T il" W,? Can?e1!ht ?' Emma Kreyenburg, 533 South Twenty-seventh St. . High 1893
built near the beautiful mounds.
I Francis S. Lacy, 704 South Thirty-first St.
Way up on one of these mounds la
a dear, beautiful tree that you can see
for miles. On another mound are two
trees. I call them twins. And all aronnd
those mounds are hundreds of cattle, cot
ton fields and Uttle colored children with
their sacks swinging over their shoulders
. Farnam 1894
William Lundquist. 2812 Webster St. Webster . .1901
Barbara Llndmier. 2439 Ellison Ave Miller Park 1904
Frank A. Martin, Thirty-seventh and Mandersoa St. Dupont 1899
Raymond Medlin, 2623 North Twentieth St Walnut Hill 1901 1
Pearl M. Nichols, 2010 Grace St Lake 19031
Alfred Nuess, 32 4 North Twenty-fifth St Long 1896
picking the little white cotton balls, and James Nussrallak, 1122 South Thirteenth St Pacific 1899
such nice cornfields, with ears dangling Car, n 0s 618 Nonh EIgnteenta St CasB !898
from the stalk, a good foot Ions on an ' . , . . . . . . ., .
average. Odessa B. Peake. 1921 South Thirty-fifth Ave. .. .Windsor 1898
Then about noon we came into a town ' Alvin Peterson, 1320 North Thirty-second St Franklin 1895
called Hitchita. Here we fed and watered Johannes P. Peterson, 3740 South Seventeenth St. . Vinton 1896
our Topsy horse and ate or dinners. I Fauateen T. Potts.. 3034 Fowler Ave Monmouth Park.. 1905
Roswell Potts. 3034 Fowler Ave Monmouth Park.. 1900
Then - we turned north from there and
came out Into a thick wood but such
a clean, beautiful wood.
About the time we thought the trip
almost a parade, the big files began on
our dear old Topsy horse. She kept her
tall busy and we kept a brush busy, too.
Besides those big ones were the flttle
green nit Cles. This lasted for about
flv miles.
Then we came eut t a beautiful open
ing with, the oil fields In sight. Each
oil well has a large derrick built up,
running several hundred feet In the Sin
Then there are big oil tanks sitting
around which hold hundreds ot barrels
of oil. One of these big wells is at this
present time on fire and wa can see the
blase leaping tn the air from here, over
twenty miles away.
At half past 3 o'clock w arrived In
Morris to se the glad arms of my sis
ter outstretched to meet us. This being
Saturday, mamma stayed over Sunday
to let the horse rest up and also to visit
a day. Monday morning she left for her
home and reached It at high noon, and
'phoned right back to us. We were glad
to hear her voice and know she was safe.
Well, going back when she came after
ma was about the same, only our Topsy
hors got sick and were were from day
light to . t o'clock that evening on the
W met two big negroes and also a
wagon load of Indians, which gave us
quit a scar, so w felt sick, too. when
w got back. Would tell more but this
story la too long now.
That dear sister Is dead now and it
left ma lonesome aad sad. W have her
sweat little boy. He Is seven months old.
His nam la Henry.
Charles H. Redgwlck, 1206 South Twenty-seventh . .Park ....1905
Philip Retz. 4723 North Fourteenth St Sherman 1902
Leaona Richmond. 2767 South Tenth St Bancroft ......... 1903
Lorene Rosenstock, 3506 Harney St . . . .Columbian 1896
Gertrude M. Rylen, 2409 Davenport St Central 1897
Ralph Segelberg. 1918 North Twenty-seventh St. . . Long . . . 1903
Thelma Skaif. 12 North Twenty-seventh A Webster 1902
Perry L. Sommer, 2314 South Twelfth St Lincoln . . .1900
Raymond Strain, 624 South Twentieth St ........ Leavenworth .....1899
Katherlne Thatcher, 1336 South Twenty-fourth. St. ..Mason ......... .1904
James Venhauer, 2036 Elm St Castellar ..1896
Edward Volcek, 519 Hickory St Train 1900
Florence Wade. 12 4 North Twenty-fourth St. High 1896
Dorothy Wahlgren, 528 North Thirty-second St. . . . Webster 1896
Margaret Williams. 102 South Thirty-fifth Ave. . . . Columbian 1897
Stan. Wojthiewiei, 2513 South Twenty-sixth St. . . 1m. Conception. ..1902
More About Lincoln Park.
B- Mildred White. Aged 10 Tears. 22U
North Twenty-eighth Avenue, Omaha.
lUd Side.
One morning when I was visiting la
Chicago, wa went downtown shopping.
Than took a launch at tha drainage canal
to Lincoln park.
We enjoyed the ride as It was cool on
tha water After landing we went to the
children's sanitarium. This sar.irsrvm
was for poor sick children. They doctor
and nurs them. W enjoyed looking at j
the ban lea In little hammocks. ar.d some
comfortably asleep in their beds.
After a while we went to the conserva
tory building. The building Is beautifully
built of glass. It la upon a little terrace.
There were gardens of geraniums and
foliage all around It: also, there was a
beautiful fountain, throwing Its spray of
water On entering the building all we
could see from top to bottom was palms
and ferns of every Imaginable kind.
After seeing all the flowers we got some
peanuts and fed the squirrels Once In a
while we would see a squirrel burrow In
the ground and bury one or two. They
were so tame that they would eat right
out of our hands. As It was getting late
we took the path homeward.
Mamma Was Married.
By Marl Ellas. Aged 12 Tears. 150 Wil
liam Street. Omaha. Blue Side.
Little Elsia was 10 years old and pos
sessed a big number of sisters, on of
whom was Just passing through the throes
of an engagement. The word "engaged"
worried Elsie, who knew but one meaning
for the word.
On day a stranger rang the door bell
and It tell to Elsie to open the door.
"Good morning."
"Good morning, little girl: is your
mamma at home, and may I herr
"Why, I could take your message to
"Oh. vour mamma's engaged?" ex
plained the strangei.
No yjro''s married."
t'obodv ia Too Old
to learn that the sure way to cure a
cough or cold with Dr. King's New
Discovery. 50c and For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Expensive Pair of Bom Supporters
that Will Han to "Blaak
What? Tou never saw garters that
cost COCO each and were all studded or
encrusted or something with diamonds?
Well, well! Tou never looked In the
right shop window, or then, maybe you'd
rather have the money. But be that 3
It may, you shouldn't be so Impolite as
to say so.
Howsomaver. that rather-have-the-money
part has nothing at all to do
with tha fact, relates the New Tork
Telegram, that on our Broadway in the
full light of an August afternoon two
t&,000 gartara changed changed, that Is
to say. hands.
Miss Norma Thomas, of tha stage, you
know, that girt that can be unlucky and
hicky at the same time, such aa being
hart In an automobile accident and then
get C0.0O0 from the careless railroad com
pany! And then you must know that
she's pretty and that sh was In "The
Echo" and that she waa proposed to by
a rich man old enough to be her big
brother you know all about that, for it's
been In the papers.
Wall, you see. Miss Norma Tsotnaa.
who lives with her folks at 35 Schermer
hora street, in Brooklyn, wasn't quite
sure aha wanted to marry Franklin Logan
of Toledo, although Mr. Logan was held
to be a pretty Importunate wooer for a
I man of 45 years old. He was decidedly
r :K v-
; .cr J
S ,-. II
rurs wttn a reecgulaed stamp of iadivldaallty and xolnalvaneaa, far re
moved from tte ordinary factory-mad product a parmaaeas delight to tn
woman of discrimination. Thia display
Zeoaua it sets Before yow a sitive proof that we are seUing- fare with
"cbajacter" for less money tiian is usually charged for eommoa plaoa gar
maittsu The same high olaaa deaiga and workmanship la seed through
out oar o3iplr:c line and th prlo 1st regulated only by th valsa cf th chins.
1613 Far-
f' NT
"T - : I i
I ! - ' i : T
Oar unquestioned
fitness in
Style Authority
coupled until an
acknowledged reputation for character ani quxlity of
merchandise, nukes of especial interest this
of the entire co7npletion of our
Autumn and Early W inter Collection
Beginning Monday a display is planned which will give
the people of Omaha and environs an opportunity to ac
quaint themselves with the merit in style, quality and
valite which we claim for this season s showing.
Gowns, Dresses Costumes, Suits,
Coats, Hats, Waists, Furs,
for Wsjmcn, Misses, Juniors and Childran
Dress Fabrics , Garnishments and all the Accessories
required to meet fashion s most exacting demands.
Gloves and Insiery in harmony.
Neckwear and Hand Bags appropriate to all requirements
Yours for 1911 Service
& Co.
Greatest Insurance Order
the World Finds
Hailing Machinery
The best system for mailing more than 700,000 copies of
its official publication every month.
Sovereign Clerk John T. Yates, of the Woodmen declares
the Montague system saves time, money and effort, and
that it is the best method that could be employed.
The sovereign clerk gives it unqualified endorsement, and
the Woodmen employes in charge of the machinery de
clare it to be superior to all others.
It succeeds where others fail and its winninq features are
almost numberless. Read about the great system on the
. next page.
The Woodman of the World mailing equipment,
one of the largest individual orders ever placed,
waa secured by the Omaha Montague Agents
McKenzie Printing Co.
Pecord Filing Cabinets, Loase Leaf listen, Steel Filing Derices.
1407 Harney St. Phone Doug. 2044. Omaha, Neb.