B niE OMAIIA SUNDAY DEE: SEPTEMBER. 24. 1011. Y 1 1 ) M- Til 1 1 !1 V A 1 "lWhat Women Are Doing in the World r?. MARY HARRIH ARMOR .itt (;-jT-,-i.'i, nn of ths most a;rtrnt or:"! rtfte'ent whtts nh bun:r in tit country, will b tb prtn ipal speaker at the Nebraska State Woman! M Oirts'ian Ttrprm- union convention at Mi-Cork, September 2 to 3. Mn. Ar' mor in r'-mj-mbrre'l by many Omahana from having" debated rth Mayor Patil man on th li'juor question at a Bellevus i'bautaui':a Kvral years ago and from htnjr taken a prominent part In the doinira of the National Woman' a Chris tian Temperance union convention held In Omaha in 15"?. The convention will open Monday even Ir.R with a Keneial officers' meeting. The addresa of the prealdr-nt. Mn. Francis H. Ileald. will com on Wednesday and the elections of officers and delegates to tr.- national convention In Milwaukee and to the world's convention on Thursday. The club ipasnn 1 In full swine:. Mem r.rs of the women's orpanixatlnns have returned from outings at lake and moun tain resorts, flub meetings have be'in la renl earnc-t and club work Is start ing off wlrti a vim. The Mu Flpma club will start Us study M-aS'in Wednesday at the home of Mrs. H. I). Netly. The course, which this club will pursue this yp.ir, will be the Elizabethan period of Kngllfh literature. Wednesday's pioi:ram will be preliminary to the retru lr work. Mrs. C. II. Balliet will lead the meeting and will give a resume of tnKlifh literature preceding the Eilaa bethan period. Mrs. Mary D. Newton will read a paper on the "Orltrln of the English Languaire and Literature," Mrs. G. II. Payne will teil one of the stories from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Mrs. Frank Holmes will talk upon the Robin hood ballads. Mrs. James M. Patton will tell about the Song of Roland. Mrs. C. C. Bdden will report on More'a Utopia, The University Extension club with Mn. A. T. Scrviss, lender, baa prepared an elaborate program of work for the year, representing the topics being taken up by the members by home study. The work will consist of lectures, papers and short talks, touching philosophy, psychology, sociology, architecture, liter ature with particular attention to Ameri can authors, especially Poe, to the drama, especially the plays of Bha-kcspeare, and to mythology. The opening meeting will be held Tues day evening at 7:30 In the Omaha Com mercial college building. Mrs. Elizabeth Fears, the president, will give an address and there will be talks ea phases of ducatiou. and a social half-hour. Meet ings will be held throughout the year very alternate Tuesday. The annual meeting, elections of officers and an- versary dinner will be held February 13. The year win close with, a picnic June XL Tuesday will be donation day at the Old People's home, 221 Wirt street, when all friend of the old folks aro Invited to bring provisions foe the winter store of proviaiona. This wIU bo the last donation day beforv the Thanksgiving party. iWednasday, November 23. Al Jts neetSneT Thursday, the Benson Woman's club elected Mrs. Charles Tracy and lira. E. A. Searson to represent the Xlub at the biennial meeting of the state federation at Holdrega. October W to 12. Miss Ada B tiger was elected alternate. The current topics department of the Woman's club win open Its season with a social affair. October 10. from 2 to p, nv. when the members will be guests Kot the leader. Mrs. C Vincent, at the .Metropolitan duo. The guests of honor will be the offi cers of the department: Mrs. E. M. Stan field, secretary and treasurer: Mrs. J. I. Adams, chairman of the entertainment comsnittee; and Mrs. C B. Brookfleld, chairman of the courtesies committee; and the newiy appointed assistants. Mra C. H. Townaend, Mrs. Edward Phelan, Mrs, W. O. Paisley. Mrs. E. M. Byfert. Mrs. T. R. Ward. Mra. K. Oehrle, Mra C. W. Hayes, Mrs. Samuel Rees and Mr. E. B. TowL . The music department of the Woman's club will assemble for the first time this season Thursday afternoon at 2:15 at the First Congregational" church, when there will be a discussion of ths year's work, a musical program and tea. Mrs. A. K. Cault will attend ths Na tional Conservation congress In Kansas City this week as a delegate appointed by the national Daughters cf ths Amer ican Revolution. Mrs. & D. Wilson of Omaha, state rnaldent of the P. E. O. Sisterhood, will aitend the national convention of the or ier. which will be held In St. Louis iFeplemixer 'Ji to 2a. The Wyche Story Tellers' league will meet Thursday at 4:15 p. m. at the public library, when stories from American tsSa tory will be told by Miss Ida Crowell, 11 m Agnes McElroy and Miss Krebba. Ths program for the tenth annual state conference of the Nebraska Caugh teis of the American Revolution, to be held in Kearney. October 23 to 2S, with tho Fort Kearney chapter as hostess, i-as been issued. OutHue of program: Monday. October 23 P- m., reception a: d L.uM.Uft ty Fort Kearney chapter to ll-M delegates. Tueuay. October 24 Hub assembly ! i.11, morning eamon of conference. s.JO aiternoou seiutiou. I. in. Evecixig, muaicaie, t, . A. velneaday. October 25 Morning ses- on, K.mO. afternoon session, 1JU. even-i-.l;. S, tr.ird annual wtuot and dancing I any. Ihursday, October SS Morning, auto ' oiouilu ruia tt Stale Industrial school and ot..r ilak.-cs of intureai la the city before I: a.u lime. VI. e Woman s club of the railway mall v. :-vica has gotlea out an attractive book Tot of programs fur the coming year which i. ver a wide variety of Interests. The nub op-nrd its session WcduetMlay with a fr lit shower at the Old People's home M this meeting Mrs. John liltunger. I i! il.lenl I licrkman r Lunnial ii 'il.lent of the club, and Mra. W. E. nan. wore chosen delegates to the meeting of the Nebraska Feder ation of Woraen's clubs in Holdrege Octo ber 1 to 1- The 11 an on Automobile Co. Invite ths .ireful car buyer te Lnsnect the Mar ion X.' Tourmg ear sow oa Its floor. The Five-Passenger Car with TM miles per- f ci t road score. Waata t rrwws tke isa. "P eaae. nuramt," said little Jack. "1st n-.u waia ths baby. I wact to see If she can cry loud enough to drowa the Boise of my new drum." PREPARING FOR FESTIVAL (Continue-! From Tacit To.) claim In Rockland. Idiho, for two years, h returned home. ' Mrs. Harrv CurftmlTir" Is In Chlcaaro. Mrs. Elirabeth Anderson has removed to Vancouver, B. C. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Gould go to New Tork Funday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hoeford are m Chicago for a few days. Mr. Frank Felhy and Mr. Harry Car penter returned iaturday to Cornell. Mrs. Herman Kountxe has left Atlantic City and la with her sister at Dunkirk. N. T. Mrs. J. A. Mackensle. who has been 111 at Wise Memorial hospital. Is conval escing. Mrs. E. A. Henry of Chicago Is visiting her nephew, Mr. C. E. Black, and Mrs. Back. Miss Meta Buschbaum of Chicago Is the guest of ner cousin, Mrs. David Degen. Miss Mildred Merriam has left for Boston to attend the wedding of a cousin. Mrs. H. Rex Cotton returned Saturday from Lake Okobojl where she spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nott are at Lynn, Conn., and will return to Omaha the middle of October. Mrs. Arthur H. Benton has returned from a six weeks' visit to Minneapolis and Lake Minnetonka. Miss Pansy Higglns. who has been visiting her mother and sister, baa re turned to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Snens arrived Fri day from a three weeks "trip to New York and New Orleans. Mr. Frank B. Johnson and daughter, Mrs. Harry Montgomery, leave today to spend a few days in Chicago. Victor Caldwell, jr., and Kenneth Pat terson left for New Haven last evenlr.3 to reum their rtudies at Yale. Euatbeth Alderson, Henrietta MeCarrue and Isabel Shukert have left to attend Rockford collejre, liockford. 111. Mra. , Morris Strauss and son are ex pected home today from an extended vlalt In Chicago and Milwaukee. Mrs. J. E. Summers, who has been In Canada, and recently In Atlantic City and New Tork, returned Saturday. Mra Jacobs, who has been the guest of Miss Curtis for the last week, leaves Monday for Chicago to visit friends. Mrs. Clifford Weller and small son. C. F. Weller. Jr., who reside In Weller, Colo., are visiting Mrs. A. B. Jaquith. Mr. and Mrs. Perfect of New York, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pearce, leave Monday, returning home by motor. A postal from Bermuda from Miss Mary Hlgglns says that she has had a fine voyage. She will sail for Mobile in a few weeks. Mr. Byron Oberst, son of Mr. and Mrs Martin Oberst. left Friday for Chicago, where he will study law at the North western university. Mr. George Howard Rushton left Satur day for Cambridge, Mass., to resume his studies at Harvard, where ha is a member of the class of 1912. Mrs. Miles Braden and daughter of Rochelle. 111., arrived , Friday to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John A Dempster at the Wellington hotel. Miss Winifred Shepherd, who has been the guest of her aunt. Emma Petersen, left for Wellesley. Masa. where she will enter Wellesley college. Messrs. Charles Metx, Fred? Meta, J. D. 5Hhy not have it? You can have the best Cleaning and Dyeing to be had In Omaha by sending your work to the Pantorlum, and It will cost no more than the Inferior and uncer tain kind why not have It? We've been fifteen years in the business here in Omaha, fourteen under the present management, and wa think too much of our reputation to turn out anything but the very best work. Think it over. Read these Dry Cleaning prices: Opera Coats $2 to lt. Ball Dresses $2 to $3 54 Silk Scarfs 60c to 75c Silk or Kid Slippers 35c Short Gloves, pair 10c Long Gloves, pair 25c Men's full dress suits sponged and preased ..75c Dry Cleaned and pressed ..$150 If you need a dress suit for the ball come In and see us we have several nice ones for rent. Our wagons reach all parts of the city daily; caiUua up on either pnone ana we will cail promptly. THE PAtlTOniUM "Good Cleaners and Dyers." lftia-lS-lT J-oaea It, raonest Song. te3; Xnd. A-31M. OVT LJOOXTT, rres. The Hisses' and Young Women's School Shoes The misses and young women should have a ahos that com bines all the style found in a womaa's shoe with easy fitting and good wearing qualities. The real shoe this winter is the Gun rectal High Cut In button. These shoes are en tirely new this season and for appearance and style, as well as wearing qualities, they are ex cellent. MISSES' ll!i to 2 $2.50 YOCNG WOMEN'S, 2 to 0 $3.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. 1 Weaver, J. J. IVrlght and vT'.lliam Msrsh are members of a hunting party at the M ranrh near CMr, Neb. Jack Webster and Earl Furket are spending a week's vacation at Webster's ranch at Fawlet, In Deuel county. They will do some bunting while there. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cowell and Mies Mona Cowell have gone to New Tork City. Miss Cowell will remain in the east and will enter her freshman year at Vas ar. Mr. and Mr. Thomas A. Fry ''snd daughters. Misses Alice snd Daisy Fry. will leave Tuesday for Newton. Mvw., where the Misses Fry will attend school at Mount Ida seminary. Mr. and Mrs. Prim and M:es Ella Mae Brown motored with Mr. entries Brown to Colfax Tuesday. Mr. and Miss Brown returned Thursday by train. Mr. and Mrs. Print remaining until Sunday. Mrs. J. 8. White has returned after spending the summer on the Island of Manan. New Brunswick. Mrs. White went by boat to Portland. Sfe., later vis iting Bath, Bosttm and Portsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Kennard will take possession Monday nf their new home Just completed at Falracres. Miss Alice Kennard leaves Monday, to visit her sis ter. Mrs. Goodwin, at Newcastle. Ind. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hume of Sesttle. who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hern, left Saturday to visit relative In Thurman, la., and will later vl-it In Kentucky before returning to their horn. A delightful affair Friday afternoon M an Informal kenslncton el-en by Miss Zeiss at her home, 124 North Thirtv thlrd street. The afternoon w spent "Uh needle work and about twenty-four guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dempster re turned Saturday evening from a nine months trip. After spending the winter In TexaS they left for a visit in New York, after which they visited in Penn sylvan'a. Chin. Indiana and Illinois- Mrs. John N. Baldwin gave an Informal How Many Nn Kep Youthful (Fom The Social Register.) It Is well 'mown that within recent years the men have become extensive patrons of "eauty specialists and mas seurs. Not only the fastidious, but men generally who have a care for per sonal appearance. This haa also led to the employment by many of means calculated to enhance or preserve physical attractiveness, especially by those who abhor "beauty parlors." Of these, perhaps the most widely used la ordinary mercolized wax which explains the mystery of the silver haired gentlamen with the boyish face. The mercolized wax, obtainable at an.v drug store, is applied after shaving, the same as cold creeam, only not rubbed In. This gradually absorbs the dead and half-deal cuticle In tiny particles, revealing the fresher, healthier-liued skin beneath. To secure best results many apply he wax at night, washing It off in the morning. Women not only encourage husoands In this, but use the treatment themselves. Adw Stub Toe Novelties in Ladies' Footwear. The new short high toes in tan are in great demand for general wear. The Sorosis tans are $4.00 The Monogram lines are now in tangun metal, vel vet, patent colt and other leathers and fabrics at $3.00 Per Pair. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 South 15th St. FRANK WILCOX, Mgr. IDA C. STOCKWELL Announces a Complete Display ARTIST MODEL and Goodwin Corsets at her shop In the 1J1!ADEI.S THEATRE BLDG. Corsets in btock and 3 lade to Measure Mrs. Stock well gives personal service and guarantees com plete satisfaction in fit and fin ish. You may select from a stock and variety of models that insures the right corset for every woman. Phone for appointments. Duujilaa 4749. eV r:-7;- "--Tr V Jl Lit mmA li. kl. SulmiOTT kMl. Lmi kt: Sl.SSS ' Msla I. I. a h. .fcWl frmm. Josephine Le Fevre Company railadalphia. Pa. Solil by bai-n lru o . ti.a R:i Vrag Co., aaj iQe bcacstt Cuui(ny, umm birthday dinner Wednesdav evening for her daughter. Mrs. Arthur Guiou. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Guiou. Mr. and Mrs. Howsrd Baldrlce. Mr. snd Mrs. William E. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Cowaill. Miss Rebecca Smith of Biloxl. Miss, will arrive Monday to visit M'ss Kliza' beth Sweet, whose clnssmate she was at Smith. Miss Smith will remain till after the Ak-Sar-r.en bail, and In her honor Mi-sa ?weet will give a bridge party Tues day afternoon. Mrs. James Hornhrook, wife of Captain I 8fft Inl- WitSiy depend upon getting just the IL'LJ u ,i;,& I! ;E Every stone in this estab- W t'v tt H lament is of the highest qual its price is fixed by the intrinsic value of the diamond plus the actual cost of the setting. The display of diamonds here is unsurpassed in Omaha for beauty, quality and moderateness of price. It should always be remembered., too, that only one price is placed on every article in this store fall are marked in plain figures) and from. this price there is no deviation for any person. DON'T MERELY BUY-INVEST . Albert Edholm JEWELER Sixteenth and Harney Auction Auction On Tuesday, Sept. 26th, commencing at 10 A. M., we will sell at public auction the contents of the residence of Mr. Morris Levy, 2037 Dodge street. Household effects consist of fine Sohmer Piano, Par lor, Music room, Dining and Bed Room Sets, Carpets and Rugs, Pillows, Feather Beds and Down Comforters, large white enamel lined Refrigerator, Jewel Gas Range with hot water attachment, Instantaneous Water Heater, and other goods too numerous to mention. FAIE AUCTION CO. VOST-High Grade Furs i EXPERT REMODELING sUs Corner 20th and Farnam. Telephone UoukIss 304U. FACE TO FACE WITH THE FACTS Any system of personal cleanliness is incomplete that does not include a sanitary hair-dressing. Don't neglect the hair. Its proper care is far frpm being the least important part of the toilet. There is no portion of the person more liable to accumulation of germs and dirt, yet the hair is most fre-' quently neglected. People consider themselves models of bodily neatness when they bathe regularly, clean their teeth diligently, devote hours to manicuring and industriously conserving their complexions while they seldom or never pay any attention to the condition of the hair and scalp. Besides t. il . -1 e i . oemg open to me ciiarge oi nncieanuness, tnese people are still more unfortunate because by their carelessness they are really aiding time in the destruction of their beauty and youthful appearance. Mewlbro Herpicide Adds a sense ol refreshing c.sanliness that is extremely comforting. The consciousness of having the hair and scalp sweet and clean brings a feeling of pleasing self-assurance. HERPICIDE is a real scalp prophylactic and its use produces one of the most apparent evidences of personal cleanliness. Besides keeping the hair .and scalp in an absolutelv clean and highly sanitary condition all the time. XEBWROS'S HERP'lCIDE erad icates the dandruff and prevents its accumulation by destroying the germ that causes it. It is also an effectual check to falling "hair. The delightful and exquisite odor of HERPICIDE without regard for its sanitary and hair-saving qualities, appeals to" all persons of re finement and taste. Try a Sample Battle and Read the Booklet If not already acquainted with the delights of using this most pop ular of all hair-dressings, send 10 cents in postage or sijver (to pay post age and packing) for a trial size bottle and booklet on the care of the hair. Address THE HKRP1CIDE COMPANY. I-pu 1 li, Detroit, Michigao. . Applications a! the letter Birber Shopj an J &air. Dressing Parlors. The larfe s:z: Newbra's Henreifh snM miW -n .r . . l 'B Sherman & McConneU Drug Owl Drug Co., 16th and Harney Sts. I Loyal Pharmacy 207-9 Hornbrook. arrived In tmaha Thursday from the- rhKlpplnes with her daughter, Genevieve, who enters 'Brownell Hall. Captain Hornhrook Is ordered her as pay master and will arrive In Omaha the mid dle of November. The Misses Clara an 1 Msrghuerlte Schneider of Fremont. Mrs. C Wesley Turner. Jr., of Omaha, and Mlsa Betty of New York, who have spent the sum mer In Europe, will sail for home Sep tember 2. sailing from Southampton on the steamship Amerika. Buy It at Edholm's To select the ring that will be sure to please is a delicate problem, but it is easily solvel when you come to the Edholm store in quest of your solitaire. The assortment here ranges to meet every requirement, from the most moderate-to the mo.-t valuable, and the buyer who is ity for the price asked. Every setting is desirrned and made by the most skilled of workmen. Every ring has that exquisite, .distinctive Edholm beautv, and Co., 21th and Farnam Sts. and bpecial Agents. . ' K.resTsftsJ Monheit's New Millinery Display We Invite the ladies of Omaha to se oar new display of fall mUlinery. We carry a stock and variety of styles that will insure complete satisfaction at prices commensurate with your purse. Hair Goods Department The advantages of, this department have been acknowledged" by the women of Omaha throueh a most encouraging, patronage. Women who have traveled all over the country agree that this department is meet modernly equipped and that the prices are most moderate. For appointments call Douglas 2333. or lnd. A-2333. Visit Our Store Monday Convenient location for biwy women ground floor of Omaha's skyscraper City National Bank Building. (Ol M 1 M M . M t H M li t M TT J tl 5 8 a h v n r ANNOUNCEMENT a i Mtt i ! MISS KARTELL TAKES PLEASURE LV ANNOUNCING HER FALL ( )PEXI.(r OF THE MOST EXCLUSIVE. WRAPS, SUITS AND GOWNS FROM THE LEAD ING MODEL HOUSES OF PARJS, ALSO THE LATEST STYLES IN TRIMMINGS AND ACCESSORIES, MONDAY, SEPT. :! f 25, 1909 CAPITOL E HlSMI t Ut-H-Hjl1 n r n ( tt 16th and 'I ' ! ' ' ! ; Try Herpicide Aseptic Tar Soap for the hhainpuo. There la authing better. To know the real comfort of N 16th St. h dr"in . t I ill M I H 1! AVE. 5 ,,hou,,, u Herpicide cub, .o.