Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1911, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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If your Hoods are sold so
worurn you must reach tbena
in their homes, through
home puper.
1 HE
Daily Bee
iiEvjrylhing for Everybody J
A China Bargain
5ft" larae, fancy shaped, hand paint
ed. English earthen tea pots with
floral dc"iratlnns--llmtt of two to a
Up to 75c Values 25c
Candy Special
2"c box fresh salted peanuts at 10c.
inr par luftt stick candy In assnrt
ed flavor, 13o the lb. SOe Fluffeta
chocolates the kind with thei
soft, creamy center-- v
EvBryttiing for Evsrybcdy
Cut Flowers
Home grom carnations, worth
50c and 75c the dozen, Saturday,
1&C. Home grown roses, worth
$1.00 and .$1.25 the dozen, Q
Saturday only dif C
A Great Book
'The Calling of Pan Matthews" bv
Harold BI1 Wrlght--the greatest
book of the past two years now on
sal at
49c the Copy
nz lor Evsrvbody L
Cooler Weather & Fair Pricing Keeps the New Merchandise Moving Briskly Out
Extra Quality Suits for Men-and Young Men at...
READ THIS AND REMEMBER Many stores demand a high price for their suits at the beginning of the season and take wheit they can
That Is why the men who trade at the Bennett Men's Store get their Fall and Winter suits Immediately and don't wait half a aeaaon In order to save money. We absolutely
GUARANTEE you a saving of from $3.00 to $5.00 real money on these $15.00 suits and the savings will be quite evident when you compare them with other standards.
These men and young men's $15.00 su ts are a specialty with us and have been for many seasons--which is the main rea-i
son we get so much goodness into tum. They are made in the newest models of worsteds, cassimeres, cheviots an home
svuns in colors and patterns that appeal to ultra- fashionable as well as the conservative. They are all of the finest hand-
tailored stock, made by some of the most exclusive manufacturers in America, and the models are the snappiest and most attractive pos-
A complete line of
raincoats at 5.00 to
$20.00 Consisting
of rubberised v coats,
gaberdines and c rav.
sible for critical good taste.
MothersThese Boys Clothes
war scad for thoaa who appreciate, the difference in boys-clothe. They
have a really "" appearance without loams any of the boyishnass that
belongs' to youth. There Is every good style. Imaginable, arange of fabrics that
win please all concerned and valuea that cannot be duplicated in this part or
the ccuntry.
Takka our salts with an artra pair of ppanta for an
Ycu will recognize them as the standcrd $18 and $20 suits of exclusive apparel shops. Our price is
sample! bur sitperlenoe this season haa bean that
each aim solds"eUs another suit taronfh "aelf-adver-tlslng"
araongstth boya' frlenda. They're priced
atSa.OO, 84.00 and
A six months' subscription
magazine given free,
with $5.00 purchase In the
hoys' store. One years' sub
scription for $10. (Ml pur.
Russian and sailor blouse suits With military and sailor collars.' a wl
ranre of pretty shades and patterns for ages 2H to 7 years. $2 00 to ,16 the su
Nlltj N'orfolk suits for ages -five to ten years, V2 00 to $8.00 the suit.
Other Worthy Mentioning From the Boys' Store
Felt and velvet hats In browns, tans, greys and reds, for boys and chilr
dren, 50c to $2.00 each.
Overcoats in allstyles, $2.00 to $8.50.
Boys'. odd trousers at 50c, 75c and $1.00.
Blouse waists in new patterns. 25c and 50c.
Children's Indian play suits at $1.00 and $1.60.
Choose Your Sweater Coat From Our Splendid Stock $2 to $4
I i we tase special pleasure in onenng you a superior nne irorn ine iamea .ascot iviius 01 rmiauejjtLua. uuuj
V- from the finest worsted yarns in all colors and military, auto and V neck styles. Some of them are contrasting
rrrr,.. trimmed and some have pockets on each side. The quality and weijrht of the yarns govern the prices.
Men's high grade spring needle knit jersey sweaters in navy, maroon and gray, actually worth
$2.00, our special price, $150 each. These have been moving out quite rapidly on account of their
. i. a-
S fi-na nnaliiv Alcn a rrvmrV!tff lino ef hrtva' RWPfltpr rnnt.S nt. t1 .00 nnrl itl p.qr.h.
Special purchase of mens 50c pur silk half hose with double heeh-
and toes a)) sizes and colorsgoes on sale Saturday at, the pair,
Men's full ent pajamas made from the very best grades
of outirg flannel and nicely trimmed, several patterns to
choose from; $100, $1.85 and $1.50 the suit.
Wen's outlnr flannel night robes made extra large, 40o,
69o, 75o and $1.00 each.
Man's Jersey ribbed shirts and drawers for Fall wear,
choice of blue and eccru, 60o the garment.
Man's wool underwear for Fall and Winter wear six M$
lines at $1.00, $1.85, $1.50, $100 nnd $3.50 the garment
Men's new Tall bats In the popular colors and rough ef
fects, all the best shapes, $2.00 and $3.60 each.
Man's stiff hata in all of the new blocks for Fall and
Winter wear, $3.00 to $3.50 each
A complete Una of John B. Stetson bats at $3.50 to $6.50
Exceptional Corset Bar
gains for Saturday Only
Even if you have no corset needs at pres
ent, it's-no proof that you won't have in a
month or so. This is an occasion for you to
6upply future as: well as present needs.
One lot of corsets of high grade coutil,
honed with finest boning and equipped
with good hose supporters: 7
$3.00 values, to close ;. . p J. mM
The above are broken lots and odd sizes
but the styles are correct. Great bargains if.
we happen to have your. size. , ; '
Another good number, to close out, is.
made of light -weight coutil. It is a medium
bust style with extra long skirt. Also, broken
lots in all sizes and lengths, worth from $1150
to $2.50. Saturday, while they la6t, 8f?.
Sale of Real Kid Gloves at 59c
Th6 purchase we made and placed on sale last week was so
great that we can continue the 6ale this Saturday.. These gloves
are all new, fresh stock, in all sizes from 5 to 8, inclusive.
Two-clasp styles in black, white, tan. navy,
dark green, brown, dark red and cham- f
pagne; none worth less than $1.00 the( J
pair, while they last . . : )
Complete lines of Fowne'a kid and silk gloves in all of the new shades
to match street and evening gowns;. 14 and 16-button lengths at $3.00 to
$3.75 the pair.
14 and la-button length silk gloves In $11 of the new shades, accord
ing to the quality, fl.Oo to $1.75 the pair. V .
'New Ribbons
5 and 6-lnch satin taffeta and
moire ribbons, worth 25c and 35c
the yard, Saturday, 15c.
A new line of fancy ribbons for
Holiday fancy work. 25c, 85c and 50c
the yard.
5, 6 and 7-inch satin, taffeta and
moire ribbons worth up to 69c the
yard, Saturday special
21c the yard
This is Intended to give you
merely an Idea of the breadth of
our neckwear stock
Bide labota of nets and lawns
with lace trlmmlncs-. black and
white. flSo to $3.60 each
Satin coat collars with black
velvet trimmings, all the leading
shades. 75o and 98c.
I. ace and lawa fichus a host of
pretty styles
25c to $2.00
Silk Hosiery
One lot of women's silk hosiery in
all colors, have Hale soles and wide
garter tops, 50c the pair.
Women's fine silk lisle hosiery
with linen heels and toes and wide
garter tops, 3 pairs for $1.00.
Women's and children's fast black
mercerized hose,
12ic the Pair
Bennett's Contribution to the First "Ommha
Combined Style Sholv, Will Be An
nounced in Sunday's Papers
This Is an event in which all of the leading merchants
of Omaha are co-operating. It means much to you and
the entire city and it la to your interest to support those
concerned in the movement.
Yourself and" friends are. cordially Invited to every feature-'
. of this great combined style exposition, beginning Monday,
September 25th, and continuing throughout the week.
Women s Practical Coats BothNcw
and Handsome $19.50 Each
It would be a woman impossible to please who could not
find something that would meet her requirements at this prica
in the Bennett store.
Here are coats of broadcloths, car
aculs, plushes and mixtures in a great
variety of fancy and plain tailored
The linings are the best, usually
Skinner's satin; the workmanship and
fitting qualities are all that could be
desired. They are embellished with
frogs, velvets, silks and embroidery
Come in blacks, browns and grays
and sizesl6 to 46. '
A jlaannp of silk and cloth
dresses About 100 dresses of
on MerfsrJew Winter
The man who knows value will
save much money on his winter's
shoe bU by attending this sale Saturday.
The savings are possible because this is a sample line we
were fortunate in securing but it differs from the usual run of
sample lines in that there are all of the common sizes in the lot.
' THey have welted soles and other features that will com
mend ;them to discriminating men.
Just 1000 Pairs, Worth Not Less
than $3.50 Pair to Go at
Saturday Is the Last Day of Our Great Millinery
Challenge Sale Lots Added and Replenished
To say this has been the best millinery sale Omaha has ever seen would be putting it
mildly. All who have attended have been mighty enthusiastic in their praises of this event.
But what interests you the most is this: Assortments for the last
day have either been replenished or replaced so that choosing for all
who come will be as satisfactory as on the first day. Some new
&tyles are here that have come since the sal3 was started and there
is no diminution of the values.
Read all that follows" carefully and come knowing that
you will find much more than we can list in this limited space.
Imported Trimmed Hats and AD of Our Own Beautiful
Ostrich Trimmed Hats WtV Be Sold at Thee Prices
$20.00 values. $12.34 f $35.00 -values, $23.34 $50.00 values, $33.34
$20.00 values, $10.66 $40.00 values. $27.67 $60.00 values, $40.00
$30.00 values, $20.00 J $45. 00 values, $30.00 $75.00 values. $50.00
Willow Plumes With a Written Guarantee
$ 6 9S values ..$1.62 i $16.98 values. .$11.32 I $25.00 values.'. $16.67
$12 98 values .. $8.72 $18.96 values. : $12.66 $32.50 values. .$21.67
$14.58 values . .$9.98 J. $32.50 values. .$15.00 $40.00 values. .$27.67
u-r .
Also Great Reductions on Fine French Plum6s in Black, White and V'Wnrjfr
all Popular Colors, Things to remember about this sale-a written guar
antee of satisfaction goes with every willoV plume we sell; a -small depositawili reserve any of
these bargains for future delivery; and at no other time after Saturday will you be able to
secure values like these this season.
broadcloth, foulards, striped
voiles, striped measallnes and
plain serges In a good range of
styles; slses and colorings ;
f. mm
odd lots and broken siaes
priced to close out Saturday at
rwm ;
Fifty black voile dresses -elaborately
embroidered with silk in choice designs ij
fnv flf torriftnn treor- mAcfltr Vila'lre in oil
sizes; values up to $35.00 priced for quick f&$g
selling at $10.00 and $15.00.
Girl Ncu Coats at J5, $5.95, '
$6.75 and $8.50
We believe this is one of the best collections
of coats for girls from 6 to 14 years of age you
have ever seen. Elegant girlish styles made of,
caraculs and cheviots; with storm or large sailor
collars and trimmings of braids, gilt buttons and
velvets. Many styles in navies, reds, tans, browns
and cadet blue. -
These prices are for broken lots
Middy Blouses at 50c.
Middy Suits at $1.00. Wash Dresses, ages 1 to 5 years, 59a.
Infanta New Long Coats at $2.75 to $7.50
Infants long coats of cashmeres and Bedford Cords dain
tily trimmed with laces, ribbons and silk medallions; have large
cape collars-all are new styles$2.75 to $7.50. Inspect them
at your earliest opportunity.
. Choice
Some Features in Children s Shoes
We have been experimenting with children's shoes for a long time
and have finally been able to secure children's shoes to our special order
that combine style and perfect comfort-giving qualities to a marked
degree. They are such an Improvement over the usual lines of children's
shoes that we think you should make It your business to see them at the
first convenient time
Made of dull leathers, tan Russia calf and patent colt. Some have
the new red tops and there are both turned and welted soles.
Priced according to the slies. '
Women s Shoes of New Style
Two numbers are worthy of special mention One is of fin
est suede leather and is priced at $3.50 the pair; the other is of
patent colt, with a cloth top, and ill cost you $2.50 the pair.
Hair Goods
and Accessories on
Sale Saturday
A new line of cluster puffs in all
shades qualities we 'regularly
sell at $2.50 to $4.00are of
fered as a special for Satur
day's customers
only,'at':".r.v. . .
98c, lS-inch, straight hair switches,
Saturday only, 7 5c each.
20, 22 aud 24-lnch natural
switches at $2. 00. $2.50 and
each. These are mounted on
short stems.
Many will be Inter
fted In the new line
f gray switches we law :J
ave inet received If
he prlcea bexin ajj
The new -Spring Hald" turbanattes
ail shades and grey 4c each.
five eatra large auto nalr aats, Satur
day, for 10c.
Gold and silver nets for evening wear
at lc. 2 So and kOc each.
Useful Things from the
Hardware Store , at
Very Low Prices
25c, three-piece knife sets, coQ:
sisting of a bread knife, cake
knife and paring knife; Satur
day only 10c
$15.50 guaranteed gas ranger, with 18
inch oven and broiler ... . .$13.)5
$15.00 guaranteed gas ranges with IS
inch oven and broiler ...... . 811.95
75c blued steel hatcheta at 59?
25c. three-foot, folding rule for 12
25c card or ticket punches for . -10
$1.75 colanders and fruit presses, 80c
$1 razor strops about 50 to go at 39
15c lamp chimney brushea for ..ids
IJssasfai t isf,.-j)allresl
rVTft s MBAaTarTaa
'Wl22 bu.v elsewhere
'QualityjMnsideredMoteJbr& dotiar tZiazi a dollar will buy elsewhere)
If unable to, come to the store telephone your wants to our order department.
You will be as satisfactorily served as though you were shopping over the counter.
Bell phone 13 1. Independent phone A-11U1.
Eennett's Capitol Flour, per
sack $1.$0
Bennett's Best Coffee, and 20
stamps, pound for 35o
i Iba. Bennett's Best Coffee, and
60 stanps for- $1.00
Assorted Teas and 7& atampa, IK.
at 680
Tea Siftlngs and 10 stampe. lb. 15o
Pure Pepper and 5 stamps, can lOo
6 lb. can B. C. Baking Powder, and
100 stamps, for $1.00
Virginia Swls Cheese, aid 18
stamps, pound for S5o
Full Cream Cheese, snd 10 stampe.
pound for aoo
Diamond Crystal Table Salt, and
10 sta.mps, sack 10e
A Kitchen Cabinet Free
For complete particulars in
quire at our Fumhure Department.
Cut Prices on Drugs
and Toilet Goods
25e R. t G. rice powder at 20
Woodbury's 25c facial cream at . 19
50c Pebeco tooth paste at. 39C
25c Sanitol tooth paste and powder
t 16C
15c Qulnegg shampoo at 19
$1.50 jar of Oriental cream at 81.04
25c Gossamer face 'powder at. . . .isc
$1.0 R. & G. Anthea powder at..71
50c bulk perfumes, per ounce.... 25C
26c cakea 4711 toilet soap 14C
Babcock's 25c talcum, per box..., 15
15c boras, per lb.. IOC
hi lb., 20c bottle of peroxide for. ..8C
1 25 Favorite water bottles, two-ouart
alia ,.76o
$1 00 Red Cross ayringea, two-quart si.e.
at .eg
60c bottle Hind's Honey and Almond cream
Six bare Fela Naphtha Soap for
t lbs. Whole Japan Rice--7c qualityfor
35c, quart can Franco-American Soupa for
Snider a Pork and Beans, and 16 stamps,
Cocoanut Bars and Fruit Wafers, per lb
1-lb can B. C. Baking Powder S
1-lb. package B C. Coffee 30
Teas, assorted, lb 6a
Bottle B. C. Extracts 19
Bottle folder's Chile Sauce 35
Bottle Gaillard's Olive Oil 85
Total 81.80
Our Special Price 91.60 and ISO stampa free.
Tree Demonstration of
The UnlTsrsal rood Seasoning-.
Saturday's Menu Vegetable Fandwlchea
Lonk for tnla announcement every day.
It will lntereat you.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fancy Utah Elberta Peaches, crate 75
Extra fancy Early Ohio potatoes, the peck
of 15 lba , 27H
Extra fancy California Tokay grapes.
basket 25
Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, quart, K)
Fine Colorado Cabbagea, lb 2C
Baskets of Sweet Potatoes containing ls
bushel 50C
2 large heads of plain lettuce 5
3 Urge bunches white, crUp celery.. IQc
Lamb 'fcX
9lsc V '
Pot Boast,
at. .8Hc and flHc
6houlder Steak, 2
pounds for . . 15c.
Hamburger, 3 lbs.
lor 25c
Young A'eal -
Roast. . 12 He 10c
8,000 lbs. Best Lean
Bacon 10 He
Medium Lean
Bacon . . ..ll'ic
Oudahy Skinned
Hams lHc
9 lbs. Leaf Lard, $1
Lamb and
Veal Stew,
094 c