Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Correct Styles in Women's Suits and Millinery Moderately Priced Saturday
A1" f
' 1 J laVT.
Brandeis Storep not only feature the richest imported apparel for women each season, but
also makes the moH earnest efforts to supply the practical attire most in demand by women who
desire to pay a moderate price for their new appareL
The woman who selects her millinery at Brandeis has the adv.iut.isrt?
of expert style advice (if she wishes it) such as she can depend upon nt'
no other shop.
Women's Serviceable Fall Tailored Suits at S15
4 , vv;&?
5 Or j
t ''.V J
I t ",'Y
r yyfc - g
', :: -Kltr i ' " : ' ' ' : j
J'. I " : If I
C fill &
.. . . "... 3
These eults resemble very closely the best $25 values that other stores can offer. You can select from so many styles
and bo many materials In this group that any woman who wishes a practical moderate
priced suit is bound to be satisfied in every respect. The tailoring in these new suits
Is of the highest character and the suits are the most remarkable values Brandeis 'have
ever offered in midseason. Scores of models at
Brandeis is Exclusive Agent for "Fashionseal" Suits at $25
These superior suits are in a class by thfmrelves. They are fashioned aftr original foreign
models and artfully adapted to the American figure. The materials ar made specially
for Fashionseal suits and are not to be duplicated. "F ashtoiiscls" are always
New Ssrge Dresses
There's a dreiy an- about these new fill
frocks that makes thetu, extremely popular
for every purpose. The new colors and
tha new features of style for fall are here,
'lhree remarkable groups for Saturday
310 S1&85 $17.50
This includes that popular new idea,
the Quaker Maid dress. Colors
are new bliies, browns, etc., as well
as blacks. Can be found
only at Bradeis, at
Fall Tailored Skirts at $10.00
These are new fall models in plain
mixtures and voiles; panels and
side pleats: special, (5- Al
2 Muslin Underwear Specials
Choice of 15 styles
women's Night
Gowds, worth up
to 2. at. .. .08
Choice of 12 styles
Women's Corset
Covers, worth up
to 7c, at. . . -45
Extra Size Women's Skirts
Skirts that are designed for stout women
Aay woman with the waist measure as
high as 40 inches cm be correctly fitted
in a stylifih, well made skirt, at
3.98, $5.00, $6.98, 10.00
New Tailored Women's Waists
Made , with pleats and tucks all
new fall models, $1.98 & $2.50
ar r-1
Jl' T
Wm i ii.
si ; '
1 ii'
These s- will be more popular
than ever this fall; all new ideas in
serges, broadcloths and worsteds.
A special group, specially
priced, at;
Messaline Petticoats at $2.50
This group includes scores of high
class s-ilk messaline petticoats in
black and light shades; $4.00 and
$5.00 values, $2 50
Black Taffeta Waists at $3.98
These are in tailored effects with pleats
and tucks very serviceable for every
Girls' Brownell Dresses
Clever new ideas for this season. Several
varieties of extremely becoming styles
for young girls here.
Children's Wool Dresses
Many pretty girlish effects for fall and
winter school wear, at $1.50,
$2.50 and ..."
S3. 98
Children's Heavy Coats at $5.00
j These coats will be serviceable the en
tire season through. Every style for
juveniles is included in this immense
Throngs of women come to Brandeis
stores Saturday for.hats of moder
ate price, and we are better equipped
to satisfy them than any Omaha
store has ever been, before. Scores
of strictly modish hats, simply but
artistically trimmed and every one
nith that individual touch of style
that discriminating women
appreciate. A wonderful
assemblage at. .' . . . .
New ideas, trimmed with gold ears,
gold cords, marabout, d F A A
fringes and ornaments, at. . VwUw
Large and small felt shapes in all col
ors; also two-toned French felts,
at 98c
iJSVii lilt ' t
Special Sale of New Style Bags Jewelry DePt
New Velvet Bags, made with those
swagger long cords, all . styles
will go - on sale Saturday, spe
cial, at,... Sl.OO
In Brandeis China Department EasL Arcads
Gives vou the real flavor from
v0ur coffee. The bitter, injurious
principle is entirely eliminated,
uiaking the coffee always the
same always delicious, clear and
Use one-third less coffee than by
other methods.
Over 25 styles to select from.
Saturday 20 per cent discount on
entire line. . . . .
' JCtsoy ' 0rna. -.ol Nickel
plated copper frames and a genuine
Guernsey casserole apeclats tor'
baturday .
7-lnch Caeserola -98o
S-lnch CaiMerole 31.33
Lindsay Lights and Mantels
Lindsay Lights,- complete, 45S 69?. b9c
Lindsay extra mantles. 8S 13J. 15. 18
' Saturday in China' Department.
Brandeis Drug Sale Saturday
2Rc Rubifoam 16o
25c Dr Graves' Tooth
.: Powder .lao
23c Sanitol Tooth
Powder lc
25c Lilac Talcum.... 6o
25c Harmony Carnation,
Talc 15o
25c Amole Rose
Creajn 90
25c Sanitol Face
Cream 14o
60c Palmolive Creim,
at 34o
75c Pompeian Massage
Cream 49o
25c Woodbury's .
Cream 19c
!&c Satin Skin -
Cream ., ..19
(0c Java Rice Powder.,
at r.. 86o
50c LaJenne' Powder 39o
75c -Violet Louisetta
' Powder 89o
5 cakee Ivory Soap 19o
1 lb. . 20 Mule Team
Borax 9c
10c Jap Rose, 2
cakes 15e
1 pt. Thermos.
Bottle ". .$i.00
1 qt. Thermos
Bottle 53.49
Razor in
worth up to $2.50, in
eluding Wade &
Butcher and Westen-
hone, special Sat. 97c
50c Razor Strops... aso
10a Shlnola . .V .70
25c Shinola Outfit ISO
25c Dusters 19c
7 pkgs. ToilH Paper 35o
8 tubes M. Q. De
veloper .......... . 3So
H lb. Acid Hi-po...9o
1 lb. plain Hypo 6c
$14 00 5x7 - Camera,
special $9.98
$17 oo 6x7 Camera,
special 413 93
$li 00 4x5 Camera,
special $6.98
$14 00 Post Card Size
Camera . . . ". $9.89
$7.50 4x5 Camera,
special $4.49
$1 00 Hot Water
Bottle 49c
.$1.00- Fountain
: Syringe .'. .69o
Ji 60 Combination $1.69
$3.00-Douche : $3.25
75o Rubber Gloves.. 49o
Leather Shopping Bags of goat seal,
leather lined, oxidized silver, gold
plated frames, long leather hand
les, at JR1.9S
Boy Scout Belts with toy pistol and holster; , special, - at 25c
Visit our Jewelry Bargain Booth in Basement.
Special Bargains Blankets, Comforters
$3.50 Fine Sateen Covered Comforters at $1.98 Full size' French sateeu
covered comforters, filled with best grade of white cotton; winter weight
in light and dark colorings; $3.50 and $4.00 values, at, $ 98
12-4 Size Fine White Wool Single
Blankets, extra heavy quality;
bound on both ends. Made to sell
at $5.50 a pair,
at, each....
German finished and Wool tap Cot
ton Blankets, all colors, sizes 10-4,.
11-4 and 12-4, . at pair 50c, 75c.
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50
. and up to. ............ .
CUT FLOWERS First Great Sale of the Season
First Class Roses, all colors, regularly $1.00, at, dozen. . . . . . . . . . : .'49c
Carnations, at dozen, 29c; American Beauty Roses, at, each 10c; also a big
sale on Ferns and Lily Bulbs. Cut Flower-Department. '
m QQ for $22 Quality Omaha Sewing Machines'
Another shipment received In the, nick of time-for a special Satur
day sale. See them in sewing machine department in Pompeian room.
Nebraska Osteopathic Association is
in Session at the Millard.
Governor Aldrtch Will Appoint One
of tlte Doctor , XanieU by tbe
Convention Kcanmc
Work Setwrdar.
Tfc twelfth annual meeting ot the Ne
braska Osteopathic asioclatlcn was called
to order Friday morning In the new con
vention room of tn Hotel iWUUrd will)
about sixty members from alt over Ne
braska preient. and without delay " the
convention got down to business.
The 'preliminary details were cleared
up and three member of the association
were named as candidates tor tha
vacancy on the Nebrutka Osteopathic
board- Thess nominees are Dr. W. H.
Cobble ot Fremont. O. M. Hoasii.'. or
C'eiitral city and M. 41. IreRnJ c-f Uear
cey. Governor Aklrkh wj'.l a; polut o:u
ot these men to the vacancy. Fol.o.n
the selection of the three candidates the
convention adjourned until the after
noon when , papers upon the various
branches of osteopathy were read.
Freeldant' A. T. Hunt of Omaha opened
tha afternoon session with a talk, replete
with hopeful and stimulating advice to
tbe other" physicians present. ' He dwelt
at some length upon, the commercial
value of the osteopathic phyriclan li the
community and .stste and upon th
gradual elimination of the prejudice s.r.
tnisundfrstandlnv of the misEioi of t::"
osteopathic school. In cloning Pr H:t'
stated. that there v as uraaiu ned of
soma manner of to educating the publli.
that i any remslnlng mlsunderttandlns
might be eradicated.
The addre( of the president was
warmly received by the convention a:-1
was enthusiastically seconded by Dr. J.
T.- Young of Fremont, who followed with
an address along the same lkne. Dr. H.
M. Ireland of Kearney spoke highly of
the value of post graduate, work which the opinion of all present.
Dr. Frank Bates of Omaha and C. K.
St ruble of Hastings read .timely.--papers
upon subjects that are causing the mem
bers of the profession no little trouble.
and upon the close of the last paper the
meeting adjourned until 6aturday morn
ing at 9 o'clock.
Hungry, He Steals
and Goes to the Pen
Hunger drove- Edward McPherson to
commission ot the crime of breaking
and entering, according .to- the story he
told Judge Howard Kennedy in criminal
court Friday, when he withdrew his plea
of . not guilty and confessed his crime.
He was sentenced to one to ten years
In the penitentiary and told that he may
be paroled any time after the first year's
eiice. .
McPherson was sent to the Colorado
slate refarmato-y from Denver and was
paroled last July. He came to Omaha aw
once, he said, and after having searched
vainly for work and aid of 100 persons
he broke Into the home of Frank Clark,
3J0 North Twentieth street, to get food.
Somebody "soaked" his false teeth at
hi3 ' uncle's" shop at Eleventh and Far-;-.a.;i.
and the teeth are now displayed
fcr ale In a w'.ndowful of revolvers.
watches and trinkets. , U
A 1.11 Sentence
of suffering with throat and lung trouble
s quickly commuted by Dr. King's New
Discovery, c and J1.C0. For sale by
iaton Drug Co.
Signatures of Ex-Convict Compared
With That at Court House.
People Who Knew George A. Klm
mel In OmaJtn Say He ta the
Mti JTow at HU Old Homo
at Mies, Mich.
Signatures of George A. Klmmel, for
merly of Omaha, and George A. Klmmel,
the Nilea, llich., es-convlct, were com
pared by clerks In the office, .of Register
of Deeds Frank W. Bandle Friday morn
ing and showed such lmillaxity that the
clerks would not positively state whether
or not the signature, were made by the
same hand.
The general characteristics ot the sig
natures are the same, though they differ
In miuute details.
The comparison was made between four
signaturf-s written, by George A. Kimmel.
the ex-cohvlct, while In the prison at
Auburn. 'N. Y.. and the signature of a.
mortgage release, signed by George A.
Kimmel of Omaha, as secretary of the
Home Investment company, on April 23,
1S92. . .
The similarity of the signatures 6n the
letters and on the mortgage record Is
sufficient to add strength to the. claim
of the Nlles man that he is George A.
Klmmel who lived in Omaha with Andrew
J. Hunt years aso and who disappeared
in Kansas .City In J8"S. lr is not suffi
cient to sbolute!y prove that the two
K mtnels are the eame. hoyever.
Writlnv 1 Similar.
The signature on the mortgage record Is
written In a firm. free, confident hand,
as If by -a person accustomed to writing
It many times dally. The signatures on
the four letters -from the Auburn prison
are written with leas freedom' and ease.
as if by one not accustomed to writing.
The difference in time may ' explain ' the
difference. . Sixteen years elapsed between
the writing of the name on the mort
gage record and. the writing of the names
on the four Auburn prison, letters.
In all the signatures the name Is "Geo.
A. Kimmel." In all the three, parts of
tbe name are run together, the writer
having written "Geo. A. Kimmel" with
out removing pen from -paper, and then
having returned and placed periods after
"Geo." and after- "A.". In the Auburn
prison signatures the "A" is consider
ably smaller than the "A" on the mort
gage record,. being almost as small as the
email .letters of the . signature.
Dr. O. S Wood of Omaha, family physi
cian for George A. Kimmel, his sister,
and'' his mother' when they lived in
Omaha, is the owner of the four Kimmel
letters. He declared Friday that there
ts In his mind no doubt that the Kimmel
of Auburn prison is the Kimmel formerly
of Omaha. and Arkansas City, Kan.
"These Jetters refer to things, details of
Klmmel's life, that convince me they
could -not have been written by any ono
but him." said Dr. Wood. "I am as
e'rrain that the Klmmel of Auburn prisci
Is the Kimmel I. knew as 1 am certain 1 am alive. I gtl Into correspondence
with him In January, 1H0, through u
friend of his who lives here. He identi
fied photographs of me I sent to the
prison. His letters also convinced rae "
Mrs. Wyle B. Nichols. 1830 Wirt street,
knew the original George A. Kimmel for
a number of years previous to his dis
appearance and incarceration in Auburn
prison. "I do not think there is any
doubt," says she, "that the George Klm
mel now In Nlles is the original Klmmel.
I knew him well and .am familiar with
all his characteristics, by which the
Nlles man Is Identified. Some time ago
I received from Auburn .prison photo
graphs and Bertilloa measurements of
the .convict- Klmmel for verification, and
upon examining them' closely I came to
the conclusion that the prisoner was the
original Kimmel I know. Another thing
that makes me believe that be is the. only
Kimmel is that he has related so many
little occurrences of which no one else
could know."
Too Many Register
from Same Place
Charges sgainst James Wilson, who is
accused of illegal registration of voters
In the first precinct of the third ward,
have been filed by County Attorney
English on eomplaint of J..J. Mahoney,
clerk of the police court and candidate
for pollca Judge. Mahoney accuses Wil
son,, who is a member of the registra
tion board, of having entered the names
ot twenty men on the books, each man
giving , his residence u.t &01 North Six
teenth street, w here Wilson Is ' a clerk
of a rooming house, whereas but eight
men live there and but eight lived there
on September 5. the date the offense is
said to have been committed..
Operation Performed
on Injured Workman
Police Surgeons performed an operation
on Michael McDonald at St. Joseph's
hospital at 11 o'clock Friday morning to
relieve the pressure of a broken vertebrae
on the spinal cord. Whether or not Mc
Donald will survive oannot be determined
at this time. McDonald is tbe workman
who was Injured several days ago when
a heavy piece of machinery fell on his
back while, he was employed at the Allen
P. Ely company's plant.
Dr. M. J. Ford, who has been taking
a couri-e In advanced surgery in the sur
gical department of Harvard university,
has returned to Omaha.
Style Show Opens
in All Big Stores
in Omaha Monday
Omaha merchants, who In former years
were on the constant qui vive lest some
other merchants should arrange , a "fall
opening" a day. or two earlier than their
own, are resting easy this year with
the assuranoe that the display of new
styles will be opened to the public In all
the stores at the same hour. Monday is
set for the time for all.
Lack of co-oporation among the merchants-has
o6mewhat spoiled fall open
ings heretofore; this year, say the mer
chants, the co-operation of all the stores
insures- the biggest and best style show
ever seen In the west. In othpr years,
stores were forced to make their opening
before thoy were ready, bcause they
feared that someone else was ready and
might beat them by a day or two
This year everybody knows when every,
b.idy else wlM open anu everybody .vill
le r-iady- Inticad of fcarlnc- vht Mi
neighbor may do. each rn.-in will bc:d his
energies toward n.&iviii;,- his on display
the best pos&ibli. . .
It Is expected that students. Of . styles
from all over the west will be .on hind
Monday to examine all the latest Importa
tions and to learn what the styles really
will be. . . ..
facturer. The cover design is drawn by
Irving Benolken.
Following is the executive staff of the
Register for the year 1911-1!U2: Editor-!n-chlef,
George Grimes; assistant editor,
Beulah Byrd; business manager. Milton
Fettrsen:. assistant manager. James
I'nrkee. '
TGuT'S m
Start trie djy right. Drink a eiin r,f- lliis
superb LlenJ. Observe its lull-body a:iii
the richness of its aroma.
Old Golden satisfie tccaus; it -. itnoi
codec through ami through. Firest oolite
growths blended to mike the mot glorious
cup that can grace a brcikfaM tabic or top ofl
a good dinner. Be sure the seal is unbroken.
30c a pound at your grocer's.
TONS BROTHERS, Dm Motrins, Iowa
There are two kinds ol Spices,
Tone's sad "others. "
Freshmen at the High School as Cadets for the First Time
- i
The September number of trje Omaha
H:gh School Register as issued Friday
and contains iriany attractive features in
s.Mition to the fact that it has Increased
In size and Is now a forty-page magazine.
The Register contains two short stories
th s month which are exceptionally good.
"The Victory." a girl's tennis tournament
storv. and 'Weary WYson. College Hobo,"
a timely story suggested by the recent
investigation of eastern colleges made by
R. T Crane, the millionaire Iron roanu-
uiomp Btink
Hereford's Acid Phosphate
makes a healthful and, invig
orating; drink with Mrater and
-sugar only. An invaluable
tonic, a delightful beverage
and one of the best restorers
when the energies .flag and
the spirits droop.
Acid Phosphate
Son. Alcoholic.
i'lw"UJt""" V" ""'Wiyn--iBti1!P.' .i ',tmwmt'r,X,,.n,,m " .' ' H"H' Pi ujm. wu" ii' wsw m nww ,iw i i mi n ii. i ii . in i , up imii. ii iim... ni'n i ii n i ii
4 Jnii (ukiumS- , v, ,. fci. .....
-w-v v-.r, ,,V . - . 1 s ': v - .,J
n .. .. - .. i... . .. . . , , -,J
Suffered With Diarrhoea
i or two days I suffered terrible agony
with Diarrhoea and Griping pains, when
a friend recommended Wakefield's
Blackberry TlaUam to me and I Bfcr.t out
arsd got a bo!tle Tlve effect it had on
m was wonderful ft nuicWly rrlleveJ
the pain, q'ii'eted nte' Mid ' I "ifent to
s'.fc-p soon after commencing the Balsam.
Whep I wake up I nas, cured and have
net had an attack of the trouble since.
I have been subject to bowel trouble
end have tried-a-good many -otherTem
tdles with no satisfaction, but this one
1 Just what I needed and I take pleasure
In writing yo'i this letter telling of my
experience with It Very truly yours.
fcSth and Buffalo Ave.. Chicago
Hundreds of people (grown peop'e and
children) are ivlr.g today whooe their
lives' to Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam.
It has cured hundreds If not thousands
of cases of Diarrhoea and summer
bowel troubles In the past sixty-five
years after other remedies - bsve failed.
lie everywhsr.
to be closed nut nt laca idin
cost Sale beginning Saturday
morning, Sept. 23, at 9 A. M.
at S70.'i North 24th St.
Big bargains at your price.
Low One Way Rates
I ' to J
Seattle, Taooua, Portland, Spokane,
victoria Jia vaneoaver, via
Canadian Pacific
Through :he famuus scei.ery f the
Canadian Rock leu and Solktrks. Trains
for Pacific Coaiit points, cariyuig
tourist cars, leaves St. Faul 11:00 A.
M nd 10.80 P. M. dally.
Tli kets on sale September lFth to
October 16th. inclusive r'or Informa
tion and literature aee the agent of
any rnilay. or wrlte
GEO. A. WALIOI, Oea. Agent
834 So. Clark St. Chloeao. IU.
mat fteAulirfl U.e slr.
PruoMjiaa I hixuiWMt gruvtb.
Var rails to Kestora ftto
t! &i a Aim t F, , 1 v.l.w
V f ,J10 l lruf iruu